,' WOODBRIDGE '; ;PUBUC LIBRARYl 'i, OFFICIAL OPENING ( Marion Eleanor Ault, daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. Vercy Edwin Ault was married on October 25th to John William Smith in t6stmirgaterr United Church in Weston. WOODBRIDGE LIBRARY BOARD I 1l,8!,,llt!!!li,,!,t,yo'rm H2; TOP VALUES m . . . I957 PONTIAC 2-doer sedan (2) _ I956 MONARCH 2-door hardtop . 1956 BUICK 2-daor hardtop Roadmaster I954 BUICK 4-door sedan 1953 BUICK 4-door sedan "" NASH 4-door Statesman 1954 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan _ T953 METEOR 4-door sedan I953 MONARCH 4-door sedan 1952 CHRYSLER Hoar sedan 1951 PONTIAC 4-door sedan [ '0rmAC-a.M.e.-auiot our VAUXHALL USEDCARS I LAWRENCE AVE. W. (at Main) Stk For Xmas Or 1959 t,tltit? Book now * " And Avoid Disappointment l, IIGULAI [DIARY HODâ€: Tuesday: 1.30 yum-5.30 pan.) Thursday: 7.00 [um-9.00 p.m. l “Ways 10.00 a.m.~‘l.00 pm. it when“. "oem" n stR tht wort tMAAti.ng Nada}. ii _ “as 2tat,t L†nonAMt wan- to tho Executive Cour “recently. 'b"',iri'te'i,llltli,1ttit. ', cm with; m I‘m-u gextteote6 that to! WESTON TRAVEL SERVICE i000 "iiiiiitia'ty-natitm 1m: k '.tlhi0thaIttttttl tht number River "tAtt" Tftrt . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER N, 1958 SEE YOUR ENLARGE LIRRARY BRING YOUR rams HAVE A CUP OF com um: ROM A BOOK ' mm? . _ 'iWstk?, ttr, tho mogul-men at additional " which would “that M W o: In. to trfxtrrt cl In an; and. on "e,1d,','Nlu'll “nouns“! (In â€anâ€: mile region; tUh and ,ipqimrhthttrietrirt- quatiortagtdiatrduoAatsdits. Wad-dun“... ii-et-tat-- at 8.00 p.m. CH. 6-3031 L Drive Safely ! The Executive Committee to. day also approved construction ‘of a $2,000 recording stream gauge at Woodbridge. Two such ‘gauges have already been built _ one " Weston on the Hum- ‘ber and the other at Summer- (ville on the Etobicoke river. Ii It was indicated that the final iidraft of the comprehensive "vaterveontrol brief for the en- ‘tire region will be made avail- able for approval by the Execu- itive Committee the full Author. iity early in Oct. At the same “time, it was pointed out in the report that the Black Creek flood control plan is being in- (eluded in the overall brief. The [brief is to be submitted to the ‘Federll Government to seek fed- eral aid in carrying out the mam- 'moth project. i iand soon to be completed; con- struction work on _ channel im. ororement I c h e m e involving [building of welrs on the number In Weston is expected to begin iext summer; and two schemes 1rtitt in the embryo stage for the [non River ht York Mitts m! in West York Township. Other when†reported in- cluded: the chum-l improve- ments to the lumber liver now two-third- eomplote; work be in: curried out on the Etobicoke Creek nt Brampton, and on the Lower Highland Creek; the Bllck Creek chlnnei from Scar- lett Bond to the Humber- River where work is expected to " gin next month and be completed by next May: reconstruction oi the Hurricane Btizel-damared iter " the mouth of the Itchi- eoke Creek which should be com- pleted by the end of Oct: fittod line mapping of the Don and Duiierin Creek now underwny Designed for use in flood- vulnerable areas, the gauge: .1- ong with flood-line mapping, are expected to aid greatly in the operation of the flood warning system, _Ttti-trte,tmttttttrtrttm- 'teted by the Authority, in do- Ilnud to all-via“ the flood con- dition: caused in th. vim-u by lack of mm] drainage. The scheme provides tor the pump. in: of on“: water over the height at land into a tributary ot Duluth: Creek. no Authority in 'tudyittg the mung at operating I Cou- "nation Camp School Alain; rumble month: ot the you n a "an" ot the moon. ot the an annual tNtttaervttutt can; school Mid tor mm on in [In In. and. ' Menu m York mu Celina“. You - thlp. took put in the 9:0ij ', It VII mum-d that the ttted and polutlon control Mr at deadwood. in Ira. ki t Town-hip hu been com- puted and the ottleittt opening ‘0! ttd what in :11th tor Oct. I with con-cumin and low mankind oitlclnll attending. In. the aeeing Ind mm tttttgttuAatudmttttatttmltetett. Mt",,".','.',",,,'.",',,','?,",',,', mwumwuoa qrttetduttudttatumhiUs. in“. Pe,, Pm who! tin mn- wm W at the lord. Hus-thumvuwood “Mun-.8111: conservation -t_arpdttoaetrtMtt0_prqtta' tgamlledee.rtt-tmliidur. dim; a?“ I. to In; lk 3.." ""t'" tiretr bymiuUbdu-gngth‘n Batterbury‘- BrayShaw , Wedding Ignde hunky. The M Linen wine roman. all the burden or vuhln: and Irwin: from women who either go to human or have buy "augment books and do an have “In. to plan tor or worry about keeping an Ide- qunu eupply ot liner! or looking steer laundry ductile. They need not give such nature . tted I The unitormed, respond 1e driver comes regularly " the ume hour. pick: up and dellven on a Ilmple contract bum. Thi, urvlce is the nude!!! unwel- to today's wooded-up tempo at modern living. 1 Peggy Falvey was matron ot 'honor, with bridesmaids Joyce Spenceley, Pug-loll DeVille and Jacqueline K n l 1 h t assisting, wearing pole green and orange sheath dresses with white tulle overlkiru. They wore matching feather hats and carried baskets of assorted Fall flowers. 'lowe- girls were Dianne Brayshaw and Wilma Batterbury. Junior flower ‘girl we! Ellen Brayahaw. They wore pale yellow and green dresses with white embroidered nylon pinaforel and also carried baskets of assorted Fall flowers. Ray Uhrig wan best man, with ushers being Doug DeVille, Dan Falvey and Bill Brass. Ring bearer was Bobby' Brayshaw. Receiving at Casa Loma the. bride's mother wore I pink chlmpngne lace dress with blue quality â€06ou by mam Canaan Tonâ€. concern! mounts to var little no" this tttttat when p?‘ te hut their own um: Mutt“; trr, B, 11m In Weston Baptist Church, Rev. R. E. Freeland officiated " the marriage of Doreen Eve- lyn May Brayihlw to John Arthur Batterbury. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Brayshlw, Weston, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Batterbury, Toronto. LNrr.rvio.,-NteOrt.ttt Ind: an» comm. ll hand In I now. mod-l. my - ry at! M "may "um u 00 be!» loud. but“. In the uocth-wm'luburbu pm at "t't2','1tt tat m. .. ' an a “my 'flN'lh'll a! tht ttttrt The bride chose a Chantilly lace gown with a round neck- line trimmed with tiny seed pearls. The skirt tell in tiers to form I chapel train. Her fingertip veil was held by a pearl headpiece. She Carried a white orchid with ivy, and stephanotis. ' 1 A new m which W tertelf, 11:- to wanna-u and Mm b now "until. to haunwivu. 0:;on hamlet: um in woman. ttt tro- re,',", but... In. W an: " bod-boon. pub. In". with. wool bltgtteth bath; with. ttand birch. tee towelu face cloth. “no tuuetoths mi f'du'tti't'iu'r,'d'f ttlt litwtp about». 1- M u, to be In“ M a M supply Wt hm the NW an. Anything shown; all! at up: I: - with my. m Novel. linen . Mice fit ' t,r' Ibis (himptiti ocooooooooooooo.ooooo; Launch Water Safety Program For (th Year During the school year ap- proximately 8700 pupils from 64 North York Public School will receive intsruction. Lessons Will be given at the Downsview ann" Avenue Road R.C.A.F. Pools, the I‘ North York Municipal Pool, nndg the Downsview, Bathurst and} York Mills Collegiate pools. Each Grade V pupil will receive eight, lessons. i accessories. The groom's mother assisted in turquoise dress wich white lace trim and navy accer- series. a, The couple left for tl Honey- moon travelling the northern States and settled ‘to live in Weston on their return. Out of town guests were Mrs A. MacDonald from 2,'il Dove.. Ont., and Mr. Leslie ullas from Denver, Colorado. For teaching purposes the class is divided into two groups. Dornn Evelyn Irayshaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. Dray-how was married to John Afthur lamrbury, ton of Mr. and Mrs. W. Btrtterbury of Toronto at the Walton lupus! Church Walton. The couplo will "V. In Woman after Oourlng the Nunhorn "an: on their honeymoon. The Grade V Water Safety Swim Programme has commenc- ed its fourth year of operation. This programme is conducted by the North York Board of Edu- cation with the eo-operation of "the North York Branch of the Red Cross, the Willowdale, Downsview and Don Mills Branches of the Y.M.C.A. and the Downsview and Avenue Rd Air Force Stations. ' um" "e___e_ 9.-., w...†m... to enjoy exeriences in, on, or 'near the water with safety and confidence. At the conclusion ot a session, each pupil receives a card indi- cating personal achievement Other cards or pamphlets that stress water safety knowledge, habits, and techniques, are also presented. The main purpose of this pro- gramme Is to help pupils to be- come water safety conscious, to |acquire water_suety skills and One group in for non-swimmerl nudge tor thou able to swim 50 t with confidence. Each group receive. instruction trom a competent instructor Note swimmers receive instruction in the basic skills and as the skills, improve the individual may then graduate into the Iwimmer close All swimmers ore provided "with an opportunity to improve al- ready existing skills Mltliillillt lull Milli my Gi% construct/u CAMERA CENTRE H. J. CADWAbbADEtt, Mgr Cor. Main and John M. For All PHOTOGRAPH“: SUPPLIES and DEVELOPING TEIE On Iieht-but-toueh Alloy mun. from bar mounting to nu bandit! H-u‘l your man“. of the lance“ “I. under the toughest cutting condltlm - only with New RA! Look It thou other RA "itmtr", too . . . mm hood for Iniunt servicing use . . . big, plumb“ power . . . you ain't buy non chin at for your money! Tut Home" tomorrow! In Oh. humus Pioneer Model " as low as ‘1...†- 20% down iii-nu on - hum ROWAN AUTO ELECTRIC. CH. 4-5991 BUYING oi SELLING , Ha WINS BUIIYMEDE JEWELLEIS 3m DUNDAS " w. CH. 6-7657 ‘roo pick-up and dollvory on all typos of Watch“, Jewell." and Clocks ' WRITYIN GUARANYIE - ll-HOUI IRVICI iii/3.21.51. may. qteatei, _Our' twat“! John Van Haastreclut HU- M“ - CY. 6-1220 NUDENTIAL nus! co. no. C V MAI INA" DIVISION liartattt CLEANED $3.50 In the winter men Ind mnurinll no more readily svailable, and small jobs get better attention and can be more economical dur- ing the cold weather lull. Thin nppliu particularly to building Ind renovation john. HOME IMPROVEMINTS CAN " FINANCID- FNthMRS- quu to help yourself and at the sum time help your community to increasc employment this IS mum ' THE BEST TIME- (All YOUR NATIONAL EMPlOYMENT oma FOR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE -lor repairs, main-nanâ€. renovation and general clocn-up work around your homo or plush or basin-u? --by Home Improvement Loun- under the National Housing Act, tunabl- through your bank . . . up to $4,000 and up to 10 yen: to repay. -inquire about Fnrm Improvement Loans backed by the government and available through your bank . . . up to $5,000 and up to 10 year' to "ply. 'tiss, issued by autltorrty of . ths3firttatererfLabottr,_ jf ts R0 8-2443 MARIO , WHERE PRICE AND QUALITY MEET " . ' L ted tly I] 11, a I lins ary, 1 buss" T bss ph to I tit,: (story p Dir homie 5m thl immit nronto Fhere , abse 1d the yeting. Heme: exchl Ire tlr Ers. t' th the the .al tri rtesr [e tlr 11tl the 1 endit' ite is :25 yt 2 con wr' o (iii; mete; , sax :11 tl ‘urre: ming 'Pe 'he by: i id: lithe] [eh i Ca; lord {pan rs, gun [luv .rn rel: bet