"l _eeiit1:'eer, vuueyevvravisw, OAKDALE ACRES CH 1-3602. city'; 299th tividestaownies Elect New Executive The following girls were re- cently enrolled in the 332 "A" Pack of St. Philips Brownies: Monday, November 3rd was a big night for the Guides of the 255th Company Tumpane; School. Special guests includ-; ing Division Commissioners Mrs. D. Gioin, District Commissioner Mrs. F. Campbell, and Air Ca-, dots Judy Campbell and Lem mine Hatcher attended. The} meeting was opened, by the', Guide Captain Mrs. B. ‘Lappp the enrollment of new Guides, followed, and Linda Ctsishoime,l Penny Cook, Bonnie Homer," Annie Siakkonen, Susan Town-; send and Jamar: Woodcock then took their places in theirl patrols. Mrs. Campbell then ledl Diana Bell, Linda Brink, Les-i lie Hughes, Judy Jones, Susan Cole, Kathy Lynsky. Donna Flett, Pat Glddings, Linda Hal- let, Gail Mitchell, Gabriele Ba- umgaertner, up the tour rungs of the ladder, that led to Sec- ond Class Badges. Mrs. Camp- bell also presented a Little House emblem to Diane Lapp, this was iollowed by a presen- tation of Proficiency Badges as follows: l Mrs. Bridges, Guide Captain ot 299th Group and Mrs. Sween- ey, Guide Captain ot 278th Group attended a Guiders Camp at Doe Lake, North of Hunts- ville the weekend of October 25th. It was both educational and enjoyable, and though cold they kept warm learning new Songs and dances. Helen Benninger, Judy Burg- ess, Elizabeth Forbes, Susan Hubbard, Ina Roper, Eileen Murphy. Mary Jane Paterson, Mary Katherine Roche, Lydia Rogers and Linda Vance. Diane Sprayson received her Sixer stripes. Prom convene", Mm. t' gteDoiUau, May-ll Ave. end ') Mrs MacDonald. Haymarket Rd. It Socill convene", Mrs. B. Beck- er, Laney Ave., and Mrs Lin. ' dop, Mani] Ave. hedge were. , tary, Mm. Swenek, Laney Ave t Telephone committee, Mrs. Chris I Geddes, Mm. McDougall, Mrs. ' MacDonald, Mrs. Moss, Mrs. , Mair, Mrs, MacNicol, Mrs. Ing. I ham. "B" Pack of the Brownies won 81.00 for the mast Mothers I attending with the Guide Com- 0 puny winning 50c second prize. ' After the business meeting the ladies took part in a "Photo. C graph Game" with Mrs. Ingham C winning first prize and Mrs "' MacDonald winning the "Booby". J A "Utter Game" followed and C Mrs. Bevens won first prize and 1 Mrs. Bolton the "Booby" prize D Refreshments, served by the new conveners, closed an enjoy- s able meeting. 3 Laundress: Heather Proudfoot, Ricki Lapp and Pa. Glockling. Needlewoman: Jo-Anna Skuce and Diane Lapp. Swimming: Wendy Gordon. Hostess and Child Nurse: Heather Proud- foot. Athlete: Helen Hall and Candy McMullen. Thrift: Helen Hall, Candy McMullen, Ricki Lapp, Diane Lapp. Before Mrs. Campbell present- ed the Emergency Helpers Badge, Mrs. Lapp thanked Mrs. Ross for her co-éperation in giving instruction and help. Badges were earned by: Diane Lapp; Ricki Lapp, Jo-Anne Skuce, Helen Hall, dandy Mc- Mullen, Heather Proudioot Pam Glockling,'L0rna Black, Norma Fizzarch, Nora Hurst, Wendy Gordon, Gail Pullen and Wendy Rawes. The highlight Of the evening was the presentation of the Blue and White Cord to Anita Alopaeus. We are pleased to report that Anita will be stay- he We: Acumen at the t80ttt Guide: t prov-b held their November min; u Yvoani School omwwev. No- â€lube: 'th. Thirteen 'lediee attending end though the tum-out we: the new mull one en enjoyable evening we: had by then -nt. Nomineuou took place u this meeting end the renow- ing omens were elected: President, Mrs. Bolton, 2M2 Shaped Ave. Vice-President, Mm. L. Bevem. " Laney Ave. Trauma. Mn. Ann Wham, Laney Avenue. Bee-trecrettrry, Mu. Lawrence, t Laney Ave. Cyan". Secretary. Mrs, M. Glover,,Yvonne Ave. on the occasion of Chime of residence Arrival: of Newcomers to City Welcome Wagon Hostess Will Knock on Your Door With Gitta a. Greetings from Friendly Bunlnesa Neighbors and Your Civic and Social Welfare Leaders PM†" 1-18“ (No eort or obtorttor) l ..The following girls and boys (won prizes for the best cos- tumes: Grade T: Allan Harni1- Mon and Elaine Tepllnsky. Grade HP. Wendy Rose and Allan and (Ronald Young as a team. Grade (sr: Christiane Fischer and Stev- len Kelman. l Refreshments were served, {and a very good Hallowe'en ‘was had by all who attended. Please keep in mind the next Group Meeting ot the 255th Company will be November 19th with Mrs. Bob Niven ot the St. Johns Ambulanc being the spe- cial guest speakir. Remember Tumpane School at 8 p.m., Nov. 19th. The Yvonne Avenue School Soccer team lost out in the semi-finals of the North York Junior Division Soccer champ- ionship. They were beaten'by Dublin Public School 2-1. Dub- lin went on to win the cham- pionship by beating Cameron Avenue 4-o at Pelmo Park No- vember 5th. Thirty-one schools took part in the Junior Division The Girl Guide Company ot St. Philips Church has now re- opened under the leadership of Miss Mary Lou Noble. Nineteen girls enrolled in the Company. so well played Yvonne, better luck next year. Dr. Partlow, superintendent of schools, pre- sented the trophy, crests and pennants. It is estimated 5.000 youngsters played combetetive soccer in Metro this tall. SPORTS The Beverley Heights Junior High School held a most suc- cessful Hallowe’en party at the school on Friday, October Slst. The party wits very well attend- ed and the "juniors" enjoyed Rock & Roll, square dancing. games and films. ._____ _.____ V. ing with the Company an I Jun. ior Lieutenant. The evening wu brought to I along with I 'treaide Stu Song. "Radiant: were served try Mother: of the Group Con- mittee, and much credit tor this evening I: an to the “tort: of Mrs. up, and Lieutenant Mn. B. Jana. _ Ciinrratuuttons to " the guides mentioned above, I lot of hard work went into the winning of their badges. The streets "Vere certainly brightened, and took on a very cheerful air on Friday as all the children went to school in their Hallowe'en costumes. Yvonne Avenue school had a parade through all the grades, then parties in the separate class- rooms with Grades 5 and 6 dancing in the auditorium. Oh to be young again SCHOOL NEWS The ..Yvonne .Avenue .Home and School Associition will be HOME AND SCHOOL " Buy right " . . . . at the “TOWER or lIGII'I'" WESTON MOTORS LTO. I useo cad GLG" " MAIN ST. noun cu. 1-5231 NEW CAI SHOWROOM so MAIN " scum CH. 1-5118 _ ,cr'rvltour-oot. uslo CARS-CH". nucxs usso cu msruv " MAIN g. [49eg a IMMEDIATE DELIVERY [MEI] holding a Bake Sale in the Grantx Union in the Crang Plaza on December 6th, 1958 at 9 am. Mrs. Clift, Kirby Rd.; Mrs. Smith, 20 Loney Ave. and Mrs. Stratuon of Meadowlane Ave., ave tonveners and v'vill ap- preciate all donations. Catholic Woinen's League The St. Philip Neri's c.w7. has am excellent turn-out at their meeting on November 3rd. The Falrlegiona1 Meeting of November 11th Was held at St. Edwards parish and all mem- bers of the C.W.L. were invited. Mrs. N. Hamish, treasurer, re- ported a very low bank Balance, but it is hoped this will be boosted by the November let bazaar. Three new ladies, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Lebarr and Mrs. Vienne were introduced by Mrs. Dr. A. Salkus, intern at the Humber Memorial Hospital is giving a Salk inieclion to a member of the Hospital office staff Mrs. Maureen Mott.. hews. Salk Vaccine is now available to all VICTORIAN ORDER NURSES CH. 1-1531 , AT YOUR SERVICE ii Van Dusen. Mrs. L. M. Sin- clair, Immigration convener, told of the dire need tor used clothing. particularly has, by .the Immigration Clothing Depot which she recently visited. The library was under discusion and it was declded to combine the C.W.L. Library with that of the Third Order to make a larg- er, more varied Parish Library. Mrs. Alvey took the, names of ladies wishing to become mem- bers of the Canadian Associa- tion of Consumers and received their interesting mbnthly bulle- tins on Consumer Buying. Final preparations are being made for the Communion Breakfast under the convenorship ot Mrs. J. Galt to be held December 7th at the Skyline Hotel in Melton. There will be no C.W.L. adult: through the rervlces of the Provincial Department of Health. There is no charge for the vaccine. meeting in December because of this affair. Mrs. Guy Brennan once again spoke on the progress of the bazaar plans for the yearly ba- zaar Which is just one week away. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Roche, Paul and Mary Catherine of 247 Epsom Downs Dr., will be leaving the district on Novem- ber 21st to reside in Scarboro. This family will be missed as they are active in the Commun- SOCIAL CALL noon "Icu WITH nu Ixclnlou or olvmlun cunln "nay! NOV. Th u. u. noun on ovum ‘nAbv wrm nuance m,» a u. Avnnl. SPECIAL COMIINATION 9FFEft-sAVE Me TAILIIITI run PORK Au FOR “we: at: TAIlrlIITI ILICID SID! noon 'tht: $1.00 TAILIIITI SLICID some“ WM.. 600KB) HAM I VIII DIVIDIND CIIDI‘I’I WITH ity TAILIIITI ILICID Pork Shoulder Boasts LB. 43: IONILIII OVIN RIADY WITH DIIISIN. OIADI "A" IOAITINO on IRVING [HEELS m in "st. tt.,t'llrrg,%'ladf,'r, "mun-WM . Lion†99'!- "aismt IN YOUR IGA MARK" TODAY & IICINI YO"! . A _' I!!! lib-PM! FAMILY Mtnttqat run 3 SUN-RIPE - SAVE 40: "jiiihiniiitx 9 'ff/d. " .00 [GA EVAP0RATED-SAVE 16e [CHE] IACN ITIM WITH I VIII DIVIDIND CIIDITI IFFICTIVI NOV. 13. M, ll, tr. II. Thurs. hr. You. DIVIDEND CREDIT BOOSTERS Tablerin taimiity Meats 29t w. run! to we“ the pau- ha od WW: olden red.- Ar" In. Hana-h Elizabeth In; th My? October 27th, A number of Oakdale Acres District students received their Graduation Diplomas at Weston Collegiate and Vocational School on Friday, November 8th, Mar- garet Burt, Keith Hansen, Fred Preston, Wendy Lindop, Mar, lene Capping, Barbara Sawyer, Lois Shallhorn and Joyce Smith. Three of the students are fur- thering their education-Keith Hansen is attending the Ontario Agricultural College, Lois Shall, horn is in training at the Tor- onto General Hospital and Joyce Smith is attending Toronto Teachers College. _ LI In: St you. Mm. C Ind lim ‘in Thktletown it.trtmet0em, and at the “In of we 86th Anniversary ot the formation“ the Police Vil- trt In June, like - present- . (in About!†with a medal II “I. village’l oldest resident. 3h: In: predeceased by her husband. John, and by n son, William. She leaves I daughter, Mm. B. A. Jones, of Woodbridge, and I Ion Victor. ot College St., Keith, Fred, Barbara, Mar- garet, Marlene and Joyce 'are all graduates of Yvonne Ave. Public School. F Mr. and Mrs. Paul Todkill, Michael and Patrick of 18 June Avenue, m moving shortly to reside in Kipling Heights. Congratulations to Mr. and Mn. Leonard Hanan of 283 Epsom Downs Dr., on the birth of their baby daughter, a sister tttCarol and Raymond. Sympathy is Extended to Mr. and Mrs. Motfat of Dallner Ed, on the death of Mr. Moffat's sister who resided in Tweed. Mr. Maria is prarmacist at Farrell's Drug Store in the Crang Plaza. ity and were one of the original lamina of Beverley Hills. Mrs. McCondichie of 22 Mea- dowlane Avenue, spent the last week in bed suffering from the flu bug. Glad to hear you are feeling better. . FEE - “cu no. tiT: 49c 8 m: 'l Jtt) Shop at Your WM Illa-on! in" " histlétown Reports In MutAha - cu. 1-7023 WaNF air, in in“? CUTII‘I’I Wax Paper 4:23.- 31 can T's,t,7s " IOA IONILIII GHIGKEI 3 ,'f,'d. 31 SALMON 3,tt, 31 OATS"? 7 one roan 12 'rt'd'i " "UNIâ€! TOMATO Apple Sauce 8 TM. 31 ITOKILY FANCY CREAM [TYLI [In IIAL COHOI IDA DO. Noun COLIIIOHT FANCY m2 THURSDAY, NOVIMH. II, "" I ' w-.,' t a "t k . ll “EDD"! 'd'a"eltil',r," 3 . - cup-7m aett?thttyiiitf': "iiiiTu%7irc"i7lrt'rrrl'lrhTGelrCt'1eef. ,e dren, twenty-six great grand- m m -'rclrt', children, ma three Myâ€: Luna: and: i'qWtdi9ttt grandehiHren. At her tum-l, to the when - “I? , conducted " Wllerert cemetery. ' ' . . ' Woodbridge, on October ttttts by " . q . '. ' t Rev. H. Martin and Rev.wDul- Remembrance when}! son, six of Mrs Hou’l great held in the while "ttet. grandchildren acted u pall- loudly, " M. m , bearers. They were Jim Coul- in I whoa] holiday. y ter of Weston, and Alan Bagg, . . ", T , Clifford Bagg, Douglas Evan. WM": I,it,iittrd Ron Evans, and Ken Kelsey, all the date, set tof one 't, of Woodbridge. or events in “Ilium Mri. Hogg had been an active Cube and Sewn. C . ' member of Thistletown United Fon. banquet, to be,†Church tor I long time, but we: Levon .Hall on Irvin . confined to her home for tome is I highlight dual, years prior to her death. year, no we he†.11! . . . . 'atttemwiilttepeett, Coronation Branch No. as, P . a ". ' _ the Thistletown branch of the Next week at!“ I†Canadian Legion (B.E.S.L.) held dule to resident: at its annual Remembrance Serv- Monday, Nov. 17th In “a ice on Sunday, Nov. 9th " the meeting od Albion Legion Hall, Irvin Road. The Home and School service commenced with the The guest. spake! will ' striking of the colours by a col- Emerson Tye". _ , _ t in our party, followed by the call Hilltop public Ichool, do _ to worship and invocation by newer school: in the Rev. P. P. Davison, the branch who will speak on tbs chaplain. Next the Last Post between the educational; was sounded, followed by two in Great Britain and ln _ 'minutes silence in memory of (Mr. Tyera travelled ter' fallen comrady. The hymn "O and Britain thll summit . God our help in ages past" was Mr. Z. Phinister, TtrrittptR sung, after which Roy Richards, rector of education.†his the branch president, read the ledge of the [object .v lesson. Mr. John Boothe sang a considerable.) Don’t target! moving solo, accompanied by date. Monday, Nov. 1hlVrlf,' Mrs. Rosemary Boothe, and the pan. Ihlrp._ ,1 iiiiiiiiE ms 10:91.00 IGA SAVE Me IGA RIPE AND “WED [HEIRS 1.33,. We an propund lo invuf maddenâ€. mom midâ€) can 25-45, who wants to comic!" a lamina: 0mm whieh Is very wonhwhilo. » , Tr', This man should have a nascnubly good “My? teaching "potion“, If mild. â€no qarqetttN. -u'tubi We are proper“! ht Invest eortrhurerbU may In it!) right man, so if you an int-mud In earning tsgrotb' $10,000 to nun doponding on qualifications write in IQ. TOO, Times & Guido. y '5: ExcEPTIOIAI. tttTtrttT'gtti'titli' JW. " CANADA I0. t -- "I "tttM 0' PM. "FINES 'ttt " “all!“ Luau†, HIST " 110' "A... - " IQ ' Fltrrhip, t)rpltgprp'r,r_qi mu 1 nn'mm mm" In. no. , - cum:- or an" FLA" A consignm- m mun A .. n.c. IX'I’IA PMCV at! gi ac. IX‘I’IA - I!" I 5 won runs 5 iiii'iih"r'"i'ith" " 5 WE? KC. FANCY "LOCI“! III! I ham a VEGETABLES manhunt-Nu 6 ','fd. n .00 " m