NeÂ¥rs Martin â€" CH, 1â€"3389 flnuugunl meeting of the village. of Thhmn trustees place on ay even mk y. 12, in the mum‘:% Public Hall. Trustees John Farr, John h and Les Bates took the oath of office administered by Mr, K. Pennin deputy clerk Of lwhlnkmmhlp The three trustees commented brieflyâ€"on work to be underta« ken in the next two years. Mr, G. MeGa Nrnnn senting the nupï¬â€ :’.'II_OQQ_ atien, and My, Alex Q@wen, YM«YWCA exten: sign. sécretary, both expressed apprecigtion for the fine co: operatign given by the trustees to their organizations, A gift Bible was presented to Rev. H, Martin who gave the inyocation, and presentations were also made to Mr. Pennington and to Mrs. J, Albarda, the pianist for * Mours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. . # a.m. t6. noon Sat or by appointment PHONE ATias 8â€"0511 INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. WOOBBAIDGE â€" Phone ATies 8â€"1186 ALL TYPES OF IN§URANCE J, KENNETH KIDD BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 371 Bay Street PHONE;: EM. 3â€"6097 â€" ATios §â€"0423 wOODBRIDGE WILLIAM H. C. BAILEY, B.A. BARRISTER end SOLICITOR Frgser & Simms BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS Benk of Nove Scotie Chambers J Main §t. South WESTON CH. 1â€"0111 AURORA Bys. â€" Parkview 7â€"4692 Res. â€" Parkview 7â€"5589 The imporial Bank Building, Nebieten Tuesday from 4 to 6 p.m. Professional Directory s WOQODBRIDGE PROFESSIONALâ€"BUSINESS Tuesdays 7â€"9:30 Fridays 3â€"5 p.m. Thistletown Notes â€" ALASSES â€" P. E. STAITE, R.0. CH. 1â€"1 1_33 Yhe effice at 1 Main M., Weston, will remain epen with en eptemeâ€" wist in ‘attondance. EYES TESTED wW. M. MYER§ Chartered Accountant Hawman Avenye, Weedbridge Stgnley McNeil W. J. WARD For a Complete Survey of WINDER‘S TAXIT TRANSPORTATION It Pays To PUNERAL DIRECTORS CH. 1â€"2233 FUNERAL HOMES Advertise LIMITED Dependable Service ~Â¥ JOHN STREET i8TON CH. 1â€"3781 â€" Call â€" Vera Martin, CH 1â€"3329 the evening. Refreshments and a pleasant social hour cencluded the meeting, The Brownie and Guide Moâ€" thers‘ Auxili t held at the hglvn :;.e“;‘. :.'fl Patterson last Menday evening, Plans were made to have the members use their varied talents to raise funds. With a beautician and home economist in the group, they are off to a good start, Monies are to be turned in at the April meeting. We are happy to report that leadership has been found for the Wednes: day night Brownie pack, in the persen of Mrs. A. L. Taylor of Thistletewn Blvd. Mrs. Taylor is new working under Brown Ow! Lenore Boltan, However, leaderâ€" ship for the Guide company is urgently needed since the capâ€" tain, B{u, Sangster, will move D IR EC T OR Y ERNIE BROCK & SON Ltd. Kirby Brock COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE MAPLE â€" Phones â€" Bus. â€" Maple 11 Res, â€" Maple 300 \ _ REALTOR WOODBRIDGE RO. 9â€"4901â€"AT. 81148 PING SYREET R. E. McAFEE, B. Com. CHARTERED ACCQUNTANT Weston Weston Resident Partner of M. T. JAMIESON LE MAY & co. 1st AND 2nd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE BARRISTER, SOLUCITOR, Ixc. BM. 4â€"1868 Money to Leen 18 Terente Street, Toreate HERB SILLS Fraser & Simms W E S T O N Royal Bank Building, Toronte Rorristers and Solicitors Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers Evenings by Appointment Meward G. Ashbourne B.A. 43 KING ST. William D. Lyon B.A., LLB. J. Edgar Parsons Bulil & Ashbourne BARRISTER and §QLICITO® 7 MAIN STREET SOUTH ESTON â€" â€" CH. 4â€"6911 Barristers & Solicitors 29V MAIN ST. NORTH GOURLEY L. HOWELL Barrister & Soliciter Pine St. â€" Woedbridge BARRISTERS, ETC. HEAKES and MacDCNALD And by Appointment PHONE ATias 8â€"0621 RBET wOODBRIDGE PHONE EM. 6â€"6031 26 Main 51. Nerth aToA®t MOWEY To toan Fridays 4 â€" 6 p.m ATLAS 8â€"1453 CH. 1â€"0111 CH. 4â€"5314 Quednau, designer of the new building, discussed final points in the contract wt‘t:. m.v Jehn Vroom, _ represen Construction Ltd. Rev. A\b’n J. Btanfel, mw of the mission wnmul was also present at moï¬nu and signed as witness to the a:mmm of the trustees and Mr. Vroom, Mr. ‘Robert Campbell, third trustee of the congregation, was unable to attend the meeting but had affixed his signature to the decument earlier in the day, The date for the beginning of eon: struetion has not yet been deâ€" termined, Mr, Vreom stated that much depends on the weather, but set March 1 as the very latest ‘starting time, adding that \he would prefer to begin soonâ€" ‘er. Estimated building time is \five months. Funds for construction of the church have been made avail« able by the Ontario District of The Lutheran Church, Missouri \Synod, sponsors of the Mission, \te whom the membhers of Our ‘Saviour had applied for a loan |of $140,000. The new house of worship will be erected on the \ chureh property in Thistletown, ‘about 200 feet south of the about 200 feet manse. Thistletown Home and School Association will have a program of special interest on Monday evening, January 26. Mrs. Helen Hewson who‘s column ‘"Tips for Parents" appears in the Toronto Evening Telegram will be the guest speaker. This is a return visit for Mrs. Hewson, and if you happened to miss her last year this is your epportunity. Also on Monday evening, Jan, 26, the Educational Committee of the Christian School connectâ€" ed with the Second Christian Reformed Church, is spnsoring a meeting which,, it is hoped will be the sov.}n of a Parentâ€" Teachers Association in their School on Elmhurst Drive. The principal of the school, Miss J. Visser will speak, and alsq Rev. J. Tamminga, pastor of the Free Christian Reformed Church. $ The Evening Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of Thistletown United Church met in the Sunday School building on Tuesday, Jan. 13, with Mrs. W. Leavens presiding. The worship service was led by Mrs. H. Martin, with Mrs. W. Stephen at the piano. The president introduced her 114 MAIN $T. SOUTH WESTON CH. 4â€"6061 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING WM. A. RIGGS 1230 JANE $T. â€" MT. DENNIS RO. 9â€"2841 WORK GUARANTEED PHOTOGRAPHY e COMMERCIAL Qeoffrey Frazer PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT * PHOTOSTATS & PHOTOâ€"COPY C. W. LEASK T A X 1 RO. 7â€"7575 T A X 1 1338 WESTON ROAD || TX bvening, plan: day evening, plans RO. 20521 To‘ uho‘ taks will â€" kindly Chartered Accountant CANADA CAB MT. DENNIS ACCOUNTANTS PHOTOGRAPHY Ro. 2'2900 MUSIC * The main project ‘r Humber Sum-,t this week is the "Musi« val Night," in Pine Ridge Preaby terian Church temerrew evening gv“my. Jan. 2814 at 8 pM.J). programme will feature our gv“my. Jan,. adr6 Al ®. PMJ, [ mmmm will feature our local "Irish Tones," as well as the Ladies‘ Cherus of Westes the u&m C of Weston Presby Ch under the leadership ef ‘Miss Barron, also Mrs. 0..0:: :ï¬m *l Hum« ber Bummit Â¥8) Amu strong of Weedbridge "This only a partial list of what‘s in stere for those folks who wil} be at Pine Ridge Chureh on Friday. Bee the ad and other item else» where in this paper for further details, It has been announced that tickets will be procurable at the door if anyone desires to attend and has net known which ladies from whom to buy tickets, As was stated last week, the proceeds of this venture are apeâ€" cifically applied to the O;}au Fund and sponsored bï¬tho A. ladies of the chureh, The church is a fairly new one and the con= gregation is a very ambitious one and this latest venture is backed lup by the whele community. The only warning is to be early on Friday evening to be sure of a good seat and afterâ€" wards you will be treated to 2 cup of tea or coffee in the hali downstairs, ‘Two young ladies of this comâ€" munity‘s acquaintance are to be early spring brides, and are ing dutavisined hy thair fri Ey mEg ie Oeey ing entertained by their friends st showers and presentations, Miss Barbara Lynd of Woodâ€" bridge, formerly of this district, 1 1 1 n oo NSE is being married on #t. Valenâ€" tine‘s Day and Miss Gwen Doan of Humber Summit will be one of Barbara‘s attendants. Also being married soon angd also named Barbara, is Miss Barbara Love of Woodbridge Rd., here, She is also being feted these days ‘byAhor friends. 2e y ME mmR A speedy recovery is wished to Miss Lynd who hld_ her apâ€" pendix removed just a week ago Jast Monday at Peel Memorial Hospital. Her friends wish her the best of everything and sinâ€" cerely hope she will be suffiâ€" ciently recovered to enjoy all the festivities which automa» tically come aJong at the time of her approaching marriage. The Whitfield Home and School Asseciation held its Exeâ€" cutive meeting last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mcâ€" Manus and outlined the general panel of three members, who ably assisted her with the study of the evening, "Health and Welfare". The panel cansisted of Mrs, Stephen, who represented Home Missions, Mrs. Henson the Board of lvmdgelism and Soâ€" clal Service, and Mrs, Wray the Woman‘s Missionary . Society. The discussions brought out the responsibility _ the _ Christian Church in our western hemisâ€" phere continues to have for helpâ€" ing to meet human needs. It still has an obligation to arouse peoâ€" ple‘s concern .to the point where there is a demand for more phb]ic services needs. * L ® C in . stpt s The guest speaker was Mr. W. "Today I am a Man" was the |Renaberry, Elg:linh master fremJ subject of an address by the|the Toronto Teachers‘ College. Rey. Horace Buprkholder, Se¢â€"|My, Ransberry kept his theme retary of the Ontarie Council of|light and amusing and it was Religious Education, who spoke| delightfully entitled "Literature to a gathering of young PeOP!®|can be fun". Reading some of and their parents Sunday evenâ€"|stephen Leacock‘s works and ing in _ Thistletown _ United|using Canadian poetry he capâ€" Church. The service, sponsored |tured the attention of the audiâ€" by the Teen Bible Class, W2S|ence and revived many pleasant condueted by Roy Brand, with|ang nostaigie memories of years ‘Hn_nlsh Robertson reading the|gone by. &r_ W. Bruee moved scripture lesson. Anne Leaven#|a yote of thanks to the directors led in prayer, and Margaret|and the guest speaker. Refreshâ€" Thomson_ sang "Fairest LOrd|ments were served by the Jesus". Other members of the|grade mothers of Miss Cramps class served as ushers and in|room under the direction of the the choir. Mr. Burkholder h4 |social committee. |Wi(sf counsel for both p;rlents . and teenâ€"agers on the problems| whe first homestead in the of growing UP. ,, Today‘s te°nâ€"|t; g, was granted to Daniel Freeâ€" agers", he said, f“ tomorrOW‘$| man in January, 1868. According world, :l‘mnorrowl churcdh, hto- to The World Book Encycloâ€" ‘:_m:' :ln:::ncmr:;iz' t::n acgez %edia. the site, near Beatrice,l n 2 braska, was made a nationa yet". To the young people he * Y said, "Your parents are your rfxofxument is 1939.‘)_ g::ta;{t ;‘ueti" The m;:imr. . h. artin, express apâ€" preciation to Mr. Burkholder, to AT T“E Mrs. N. Glaves, the class leader, and to the church organist, Mrs. woon'nlnsi J. Booth who was at the organ Tor me mnortime marl iss bor. . m DISTRICT lowing the service a very pleasâ€" ant social hour was held in the "E"onlAl Sundly School B\uldm en mmanane Officers of the Thistletown United Church Woman‘s Assoâ€" ciation, and of the Annie Kitchâ€" ing Evening Auxiliary were inâ€" stalled in office at the second ;n';};rmnrvice on Sunday. In his sermon, "Service with a Song‘, the minister ‘i-id tribute to the great centributions which women‘s r!uu have made to the churches, both in practical service and spiritual leadership. Mrs. John Craig is president of the Woman‘s Assoe,, and Mrs. W, T. Leavens of the Evening Auxiâ€" liary of the Woman‘s Missionary At the Cub and Scout Group Committee meeting held Thursâ€" day evening, plans were made papers etc. until the collection date is announced they can be eenverted to _ much _ needed funds for the Scouts. More de« tails after the next meeting, Feb. 10, in the United Chureh, to meet obvious Drive. If you form of a socia! nmm with ames, cantests, and a Uttle akat« ru. by these whe would like to have people think they are not quite as old as they seem at times) and the ovuhe’wu ie o dn Aimathae serving re by the mothers of Misa Babb‘s and Miss Barber‘s reoms. Mrs ‘T, Woodley and Mrs. A! Bnider were in charge of the kitchen and did a very good job of it tee. Miss lt:cmry Campbell has returned to school after a week‘s bout with a severe cold. Young Michae! Schultz has recovered from a nasty bout with the red measles suffered just as he was recuperating from his recent a ppendectomy, Rest \wilhu fer a quick return to good health, Michael, 8 Watch this paper for further development ‘in the Well Baby Conference project, Getâ€"well wishes are extended to Mrs. John Gibson after her recent stay at the hospital (Humber Memerial), Billy George had the misforâ€" tune to fall while skating at the rink and suffered a nasty cut when his teeth jabbed his lips. Hope you are feeling better, School Choir "Entertains Guests â€" Parents Bill. An attendance of over 400\ parents at the Westway Home and School Association was on hand to raise the curtain at the festive December meeting. The audience was rewarded with an evening of varied talents and a noted guest speaker. The perâ€" formance commenced with the principal, Mr. H, L. Smith, introâ€" ducing the school choir of Grades 5â€"6â€"7 and 8. The young choralists under the direction of Mrs. P. McClary delighted the parents with several ;Iell-knewn Xmas carols. Grades 7 and 8 sang two separate numbers and the youngsters sang the charmâ€" ing earolâ€""The Little Angels". Directed by Mrs. D. Richardson and Mrs. S. Dows. The young mistress of ceremonies for the evening Anita Dulin introduced the selections with a piano solo by Wayne Warner and clarinet sole by Garry Anderson. Preâ€" sentation of bouquets were made to the three teachers in appreâ€" ciation of their diligent work with the programmingâ€"Mrs. G. Dulin with Miss Mason as pianâ€" ist conducted a friendly period of audience participation in a "Holiday" singâ€"song which apâ€" pealed to the audience. The chairman, Mr, W, Fraser, anâ€" nounced a coffee urn had been purchased for the school kitchen. ; vote of thanks to the directors and the guest speaker, Refreshâ€" ments were served by the grade mothers of Miss Cramps room under the direction of the social committee. The first homestead in the U.S. was granted to Daniel Freeâ€" man in January, 1868. Acceording to The World Book Encycloâ€" pedia, the site, near Beatrice, Nabraska, was made a national AT THE WOODBRIDGE and DISTRICT MEMORIAL WOODBRIDGE COMMUNITY SKATING CLUB Tickets on sale af Henderson‘s Drug Store, Woedbri Public Skating kets on sale of Henderson‘s Urug ST0re, MOTSRITTW® + Dairy Bar, Humberweed Dairy Bar and at the Arena Visit The "WESTERN STREET" in Our Lobby . Second half of the season: CHILDREN $1; Surprises and Fun Students $1.50; ADVLTS $2 nave your meturs TAKEN i "1An* o6 C Community Skating "COME EARLY EVERY SUNDAY AT 3:30 pn. l ie pagase<3 OHILDREN â€" 8 to 9130 p.m. ADULTS â€" â€"8 to 10:30 p.m. ADULTS: 50c â€" CHILDREN: 25¢ EVERY SATURDAY ARENA | * P NC se\ e ie h e it in n ol groips t ReWs ‘ onc:a’um‘n.‘l typed u:'d uunm %'flâ€",m. Gail oat twe newB 4 m. f :h':h wasn‘t a “M &umd. TR | Johnsten, Anne % jan‘t the first time this has hap» te and Care! Shaw. The pened and if the Nashville news m agcempanied by \hlz is considered so unimportant 1| feqger Mr. J Rlenkinsop‘ and feel I am ‘wasting my time M# | Mys, Bienkinsop and Mr. and foch s ie Te of ind Apamers | fpt: ‘plantmzen ® Ti wb 22 0 hiA 3| n wrest soany In U w W my in« your, reporter n 1 woutt like t | i ilive" Bad motere: solds and thank all who have so faithfully & OFG t and have nelped me every week through: | o ,i;p ° de‘kmm No hy ‘.:‘F' dake ppmsopo onl (ays Soop oo | bavier Nes . Ruth Tenteraty hope semeane will take @Vver ABO | priong, are glad to see her out write in my place, The euchre club met last week at the home of Mr. and Mres. Ken Benson and the prize winner» were Anne Maw, Bessie Agar, Joy Lostchuek, Ren Agar, Kenry Paul and Paul Clarke. Mr, R. A. Card of Fort Lauâ€" Gerdale, Florida was a dinner guest with us on Tuesday while up on a business trip. up on a business trip. Mrs. E. Shaw, Mrs. C. Burkitt, * _ * * Mrs. W. Peterman and Mrs. F Birthday greetings this week |Shaw and family attended a surâ€" to Marie Gailitis, Bruce Agar,|prise Birthday Party for Mrs. Mrs. J. Morrison, Dianne Maw,|E. Churchill, at her heme in Herb Wardlaw, Joe !‘olc‘ and |Thistletewn on Tuesday evening, to all who were wished a lDBi January 13. birthday in my column last weel * 0 ® * I offer my belated greetings. Chuek Ellis was able to reâ€" * * * turn home from Peel Memorial The January meeting of Nashâ€" | Hespital, Brampton, en FTuesday, ville Evening Auxiliary W.M.8, |His friends_hope that he will met at the home of Bessie Agar|continue to improve. The January meeting of Nashâ€" ville Evening Auxiliary W.M.8, met at the home of Bessie Agar with the president, Florence Cain epen-i,n‘; with the call to worâ€" \nhip. ymn 81, All People That On Earth Do Dwell, was sun follewed by the "Lord‘s }’nyey5 in unison. Psaim 67 was read by Wilma Robinson, and John 10, 1â€"16 hy Jean Whetstone. The study "Work Among tha Indians," â€" was. introduced by Florence Cain, This is a part of the study program for the year "Missions Are Changing": Slides were then shown in colorful desâ€" eriptien of this part of missionâ€" ary work among the Indians in Canada. Commentary was by Bessie Agar, Hymn "Lord of the lands beneath Thy bending skies," was sung. The business was brought up and discussed after which Mrs. W. J. Agtr inâ€" stalled the officers for 1989. They are as follows: President, Mrs, Florence Cain; Viceâ€"president, Jean Whetstone; Treasurer, The}â€" ma Robinson; Seeretary, Bessie Agar; Home Helpers, Margaret Cransten; Supply, Molly Burnâ€" tield; Welcome and Welfare, Florence Weber; Pianist, Jean Whetstone; Press, Shirley Burâ€" bidge; Literature, Mabel Blair; Nominating Committee; Florâ€" ence Weber, Dorothy Goldthorpe, Shirley Burbidge. NASHVILLE NEWS Friends were sorry to hear Of | mately the sudden death of Mr. Herb| pursuit Hilliard on Monday morningâ€"| present Mr. Hilliard died in the nurse‘s | bourhes office after taking ill at work. |Canada, Sympathy is extended tao . Mrs. |â€"â€"â€"â€" Hilliard, Roy, Don, Murray and|_,; _ ; their families. On Friday evening about 100 |gacial Committee: Mrs. A. Irwin. members and adherents of the :"’::'1DC°}’;‘1’:““9:~ :?‘l % Irwin, local Presbyterian Chureh s8t Mrs. G !pl:agw ;lm“.Cl'\ Anx;; down at the annual congrega: ehool: N. J. Blagh, S _‘t‘“’w ‘tlonal dinner prepared by the o. A ;r .A"t A "t uP C, We social committee. Following th? |Wayn gar, Ass‘t. syp‘t, Mra. J. presentation of seals and diple» na, see.treas, â€" mas to the Sunday School chil» » oâ€" Cren the business meeting WAS$ held with financial reports given * * °e by the treasurers of the vlrioull I urganizatiogs. The officers elect-l ed for 1959 are â€" members of session; Rev. Marshall Jess, Ma-l ; FREE derator, J. A. Agar, Clerk, N.| J. Black, W. J. Agar, Alvin uc-l c â€" Cluskie, â€" treasurer, Board â€" of * * * * C Managers: T. Cranston, G. ‘ Brownlee, H. Burnfield, G. Agar, kh P W. J. Agar, J. W. Maw, W. The Blg Weber, R. T. Fartr, Jas. Maw, Mrs. Whetstone,. Miss Bernath and Mrs. Niepage. Church Seâ€" cretary, Lorne Whetsteone. Church treasurer, Jas. and Doroâ€" thy Maw. Auditors, L. Robinson, R. F. Cain. Church Trustees: A. McCluskie, G. Brownlee, W. J. K Music by . Agar, Financial Secretaries: H. Burnfield, J. W. Maw, L. Whet« * AA A A MR§. J. MAW . A" P members CÂ¥press 61279 ‘ï¬. m:i.wdun: . jlaing dinner at the Town and s discussed \Boat Builders *B°|Mrs. D. Niepage, Mrs. R, Agar, .::‘ Mrs. G._ Brownlee cmtmw * 1 N. 4. , Supt., â€" Te @onco!; N. J, Black, Supt, W. ‘139 Iloci'ul Committee: Mrs. .5 Irwin, A great many in the URe ity have had severe w and a sore throat and have been auite ‘gick but are now lnuuq better, Mrs, Ruth Denneral friends are glad to see her out and around q‘:t.n and it is b-:; ed that Mrs, Kerr will soon able to be out again too, Mrs. 8. Keown was able to be back in the store and Post Office last week after‘a week‘s illness. Hey friends are glad to see her again when they go into the store and hope that she will have no further trouble. Some of the small children in the village have measles and a number of mother‘s expect their little anes to have measles beâ€" fore long. â€" Mrs. E. Dook‘s neighbours and friends are setry to learn that she is still not able to be out of bed. They hope that she will soon feel better and be able to be up and ‘a_aroux:d lguia. Plans are being made to hald the Annual Congregational meet= ing and supper of Kleinburg United Chureh on the evening Te Hold Show All of the newest types and styles of boats, engines, marine equipment and accessories will be &myad at the first annual Canadian Boat Show which will be held in the Queen Elizabeth Building, Toronto, from Februâ€" ary 6 to 14. | Inth-&-:tdocedchutiuhu become fastestâ€"growing reâ€" icreation in Canada. At present one in every 20 Canadians owns a boat of some kind or other, In a single year over one million Canadian families spend qlpprq;j. mately 250 million dollars in pursuit of boating pleasures. At present there are in the neighâ€" bourheed of 225 heat builders in stone. Plate Collectors and Ushers: L. Robinson, T. Cranâ€" ston, H. Burnfield, W. Weber. * * * »c #c »o we #o#k FREE DANCE xX xXXX xxx OLD TYME DANCE DANCING 9 TO 12 SAT. NIGHT JAN. 24 . at the PINE GROVE MEMORIAL HALL FREE ADMISSION "THE BIQ COUNTRY‘ COME ONEâ€"â€"â€"COME ALL â€"â€"â€" ROSS ALLEN "The Big Country Music by . . . RAMBLIN‘ HOMESTEADERS of January 30. The supper. teeling miserable all w a severe dose of sinus i,'{'ï¬i misfortune to . baoil on her fage as well new feeling‘much better “"ho&cd'v' _ that she will soon l.l» be out and around ag Ray and Earl Shaw, sons Mr, and Mrs. Frank Shaw, C€ brated their birthdays togetl en Thursday afternoon, January 1§ by having a Birthday w and inviting a number of ‘ little friends. Ray was w old an January 15 and '& fouy years o'l" on January A good time was had by all as they enjoyed the party, the birthday cake and everything that makes a party worthwhile. Many happy returns of the day. Misg Merle I Married A Monster From Quter Space ALLAN LADD â€" ERNEST BORGNINE Alcmw-ndt:obw“'- MT. DENNIS FIEND WHO WALKED THE WEST MON, » TUES. â€" WED. All Cinemageope Show in Colour THURS, â€" FRI. â€" SAT. JAN. 22 â€" 23 â€" 24 Damn Yankees A Great Musical With TAQ HUNTER STEWART GRANGER â€" B. RUSH Also ~ with DAN DURYEA â€" JAN STERLING Back To God‘s Country JAN. 26 â€" 27 â€" 28 The Naked and The Dead "BADLANDERS‘" HUGH O‘BRIEN â€" DOLORES MICHEALS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT HARRY BLACK & THE TIGER STAY LATE THEATRE RO. 9.1960 CH. 1â€"1821 Sl ROCK HUDSON KATHY ‘D‘ ALDO RAY Also with