I' l and MAPLE Ittitt [Inm- rut United Church. Mother‘s Day wu observed this glut Sunday by RiiGG the other: to attend the Sundly SChool clauel. The children in the primary/ department, present- ed their mothers with I hunky and I card which they had mlde. The ladies of the church, under the leadership of Mrs. Geo. James, took charge of the morn- in: service. Mrs. MacAulay read the scripture and Mrs. Legge led in prayer. Mrs. G. Mowat and Mrs. Jack Reid sung a duet. The guest speaker at the evening service was Mrs. Jean Downes, principal for the School for re- tarded children in York Town- ship. Sealed Tenders will be received; for ten one ton panel trucks and; w one three ton curb-side truck/in Detailed specifications may be:L, obtained upon application ttrot the purchasing department. (r Tenders close 3.00 p.m., May fit 22, 1959. I“ F The lowest or any tender willlC‘ not necessarily be accepted. Communicant Classes are be, ing held in preparation for the June Communion Ceremony. The W.A. had as their speaker at their last meeting, a member of the North York Family. Ser- vice Bureau. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION' FOR THE TOWNSHIP _ OF NORTH YORK Downsview Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Harper re- turned missionaries from Africa. were in charge of the services this past Sunday. Mrs. Harper ,wavrr,'stmoiorl,,.ra, I out Â¥>ém>WXWWWWWZQW TENDERSIOR TMOM Dry cleaned with c4 Perluu 'or brighter colours and compieteby odorless cleaning. Hand finished; Pleat MM. Returned ready ttt hang. 945 MAIN ST. N. Telephone Ehtuf5J41 with 1raker Carpet in Toronto. ‘Luecke Drapery PI"! Folder Pritress exclusive 'ssarlly De accepreo. As a slightly different touch, ‘try baking a meat loaf in a ring H. M. Brownlee, ‘mold. Fill the centre with small Business Administrator, lbuttered onions, topped with a 15 Oak-burn Crescent, Esauce of processed cheese spread, . . iand place glazed carrots, or an- Willowdale, Ontario. {other Colorful vegetable, around BA. 1-3451 the outside. At age 21 the insurance automatically conti- inucs as whole life insurance, increased to fire times its original amount, with no increase in premium; or the policy can be continued for a lesser amount as paid-up life or as endowment insurance. Let me tell (mu about this uorth \vliile policy. Make sure your boy gets a good start towards success by protecting his future security now. Small annual payments on a Sun Life Junior Adjustable insurance policy will give him a saluable nest egg when he reaches manhood. Sun Life Assurance of (Sand: GORDON lit.' ALCOTT Your local lopruoqvulivo a a. mull-l and. an! tg showed and†ot their work 1 are. 23m WW Gum - " the Women': niacin. on Thursday night in go I). Mrs. Robinson, “to I return- ed missionary trom Africa, and unable lo return beam. ot her health. Cubs, Scouts. A group ot Scout: from 6th Dowruvlew Troop (Highview) participated in I Ctmp-I-Ree at Hart Lake this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bracken and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nolan " Gravenhurst this past. Sunday. The exvcutive for 1959-60 are as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. W. Hunter; president, Mrs L. Fmes; lst vice-president, Mrs. J. J. Julian; 2nd vice- president; Mrs. L. Maw; secre- tary-treasurer. Mrs. W. McCabe; district director, Mrs. W. Hun- ter; directors, Mrs. W. Kersey, Mrs. J. Parr, Mrs, L. Westlake. Mrs. A. Fieldhouse; convene: of agriculture and Canadian 1n- dustries, Mrs. Marshall; convert: er of citizenship and education. Mrs. Belcher; convener of his- torical research, Mrs. Black and Mrs. Brock: convener of home economics, Mrs. Westlake; con- veners or resolution and Junior institute, Mrs. C. Fines and Mrs. L. Kersey; public relations and Dress reporter. Mrs Brooks; floral committee. Mrs. H. Cod.. lin and Mrs. A. Wiley; pianists, Mrs. S Shaw and Mrs. A, Fieldhouse; auditors, Mrs. H. Codlin and Mrs. H. Paul. A new slate of officers were installed at a recent meeting of the Castlemore Women's Insu- tute. New Executive Elected By The Institute 7% "cg-ll! ARIA: no!" I‘m In --A I, mat? cr, yd“ 'qtttt his? - Evenings CH WESTON . 1.6584 MF Seeks Lower Bank Interest Rates MAXINE CHERIDAN TURNER became the bride of Robert Edward {Raffan in a ceremony in Saint David's Anglican Church last :Saturday. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Roy ETurner of Jane street, Weston. ’ A med-up in eorutruetlott a: rapid "and! subway lines to em Metro's growing trumpet- tation crisil would be possible _ '. i'-" ?tr. X _t", Tt '___'.,] k if the federal government would create low interest cre- dit. It would permit at only Mart on an extension of the I),llaliif,i'i'i'a"1r'h' ':'ii/livfi:'ir'.,'ifll?t SP Jll?,llr)fllifil FT", I “m "Big Daddy Fred Gardiner amt Great White Father Leslie Frost should be knocking on prime minister Dietenbaker's door asking the Bank of Cana- da to provide money for two per cent interest," said Mr. Young. Yin" Sk tum-y to Ron's Hollow, and “nu up Sputum: Rd. amrDoet Mills Rd Highway ttri. This ir" gtated Tuesday required land " occupied Ind night to . condidatea' meeting exorbitant prices have to be of Diana Elwyn" Ann. at paid " in the cl" of the Yonge Shedpard Ave. W. wheel. byhna Bloor lubwnyn.†Ffâ€: Young. '.N,ftttp mes/g! Mr. Young pointed out how an: 0:3; Yvtrrl .Centre Ji"ntu2lsueh "forward thinking" algo forthcoming provincial election.‘w°"ld go ‘ long way now to The addreu wn Mr. Young‘slregnin full employment for Ca- first of dozens he has been in-‘nndianx. , vited. to trive.throu.ghout ii) Mr. Young charged the Frost 'Pntt.ituttncy In advance of government having “allowed election titty, June U. lnur nunurmu m be milkpd for "It's time they started think- ing in terms of the 20th cen- tury, and quit worshipping at the golden cart of 19th century wishes to thank all those who so generously contri- buted in the recent financial campaign for this worthy cause. We have been unable to reach all who would like to contribute. We will be pleased to accept further contributions which may be sent to CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY WESTON um SALE STARTS Thursday May 14th at 10 AM y, . 0N1: wan: ONLY . Full Range of Sizes far Your Selectioz CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN 76 King Street, Weston W. G. GODDARD, Our $ist Annual SPRING Clearance of our regular high quality SPRING Merchandise\ including . . . arrrl9'"'t _ i 4 Junior 11 lo 17 - Misses 10 to 20 - Half Sizes 16V: to M% 25 ')(, 0FF 25% Mr. Young cited figures to show that a CCF government in Saskatchewan is collecting ten times the revenue in roy- alties, proportionately, on min- eral production than is the on, Mr. Young charged the Frost government having “allowed our resources to be milked for the benefit ot I few at the ex- pense ot the many. And the few are an Ibsentee few, by Ind large, such " International Nickel Co. at Sudbury, which is controlled in New York. “my panda." declared" M53 MD m Mr. Your)... Gun: interest "I†GT; -iaGGraiia'a" In limiting mo weed and rm nope ot the development of Our . a. ma Ontario “,1. trtuuportation system. expan- pittance ot but $11,“. sion of which mould be pro- toy yll u .froml 0100 'rmrinalidireeti w0rtttotmtnera pro: "edi.ntr m all '.iireetiont before With only Ona-fifth m†required [and ll occupied Ind tion or “ammo Sn exorbitant prices have to 'ce,','; earned 'ii,i'L" the , Mr. Young pointed out how such "forward thinking" the would go a long way now to regain full employment for Ca. nadiaru. , " mun ST. N. WEST“ r, Ho an Ontario eolhclod "e pittance ot but $11M.“ u: royalties from 0100,0NM worth of mineral production. With only one-fifth thin prod-ae- tion, or $tM,006,000, Sammie. wan earned twice the revenue trom in mineral production. The royalty tom in the grain province in 825,000,000." Mr. Young charged "it in this kind of milking ot Ontario re- source: under the auspice: ot Mr. Frost Ind his government which permitted . single com- pany - Ineo - to earn $91.- 000,000 after taxes in 1956, and to place an additional $3,000,- 000 into reserve Account. "The "tounding fact is that I single company put into re- serves, in I single year, almost three time: as much mopey u uric government but“ h It hoot. "gistrations for the 1959-60 kindergarten clones in all other schools n6: listed have taken place during the wait of May llth to 15th. Any parents who missed the reginra- tion sohedulod during this period should roman the princi- pol of the school concerned. Tues., May 19th. Wed., May 20th. Thurs, May 21st Fri., May 22nd. THE BOARD OF EOOOATIOH FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK North Wilmington Whitfield kimocdow Mallow Id. Glon Pa rk I Humbervicw Edi'hvalo May 20-21 morning only Elkhorn Dr. Faywood May 21-22 Yorkviow Mr. Young argued that . gov- ernment Much has demonnnl- ed "nut favoritism to a few " the expense trt the my doesn't deserve the confidence of Ontario voters and should be sent down to defeat June n." have. of when! MI the province." _ I Mr. Young Add "tnotttee - mph 01 on trampling on H many for the benefit of I In. in the (amt Matty. Out at . total output from mum of this province valued at ION.- 000,000, the Front mammals: pocketed I mere $20,000..“ in stumpue duel. Then it hand around and spend 821,000,000 in providing the fore" industry with forest fire protection and other services." 20-21 morning only morning only