[ i M. Hilliard - ' y, will min court- mrvgnm your confidence arm be respected. BEF GE Gaiiik “(iii-ad _ human thd dim! and oak. and rm than Pt " tho eortfidene. of the charm. “the: your trip in business or Mi-ttrm 3"?1'995'33 "I fl" " M10†,lNSNt4 got. him q AT. use: 'Mhl-vla “WWW†CHI-ISO] York In"! Duran I043 Weston Road RC. 6417'] wow & WELLS BUYERS ".tii,ieiiiiiit iii-Esau. I. Yo, has! In.“ con: THINKING SPYS 49C "inllidm SELLING ? WE NEED HOUSES FARMS -otf.erthert%., IMIOWCIHMM. FIRMI'GIIIN lull-I WAITING! ti,tee-o-8 "mum 11c To the background music of electric awn, hammers Ind tink- ling coffee cupl, the mother: in- Ipect material. and weigh the merits of allude: of blues, purple- nnd red, and ponder on how to make a ua-hom's head dress that will my on while the - exe- cute. intricate step: on the ice. ' ita a. in one comer, and " ‘nconery not. In bin; covoud with blue toil to uimulau the buck- ground of the Ar Iceberg: its vari- ou- mm of construction provide I formidable traffic hand, but the various members of the Prop- ortiu Committee manage to nego- tilte them without difficulty. All thin "organised confusion" is a prelude to the high spot of the club'. yen, the carnival. The plans hue all been made, the costumes designed and training is well under way. A m: random into a. We“ Shun; Club Boom a th- Anu than any: night " for- given tor thinking that ha wu in another world. A huge sun in {yin}; ‘Rip Van Winkle' Theme 0f Skating Club Show "thm The choreography mi training is Spring ain't sprung and the grass But We're' Open Again . . . AndHereWeIs..... FDWlfEfE s,',,,, tMN BIC FRESH PRODUCE FEATURES “SIMON!“- OPTICAI. Sill-l: Lama In made to your in- dividual mods, plus the frame, at this â€national low price. . lunblishd Over a Onrm Century , ADELAIDE EAST EM. on: or THE MOST au. m OUTSTANDING arms IN mm and “use OPTICAL HISTORY 00 n... Sink Vision and 3 . SWEET JUICY CALIFORNIA iEir%iED%iTEE3 Daily 9 N 5. No I'DOiMIOIQ -rr M... at! Wed. IV... to I pm: " anoint-an hulk Ludo, l.0., 0mm in chm So, Drive Out e Save on These FRI!†(k GARDEN me: , mum-n - nun 5mm th.,heiaqdttetrbrtHthm.eltahrrxr. m!m..¢m..mu. Jun tor- Ielood all In“ "rue. All rinlthms-inthrirtimtrearwith in; tty Wanton Shy“ Club. Cal “10"." With such an array of talent, uni I out of 250 skaters, this year's lee Carnival promises to be both Ipecuculnr Ind colorful. The theme is "The Dream of Rip Van Winkle", In original presentation, lending imlf to I variety of un- Guut than include Elinor Me. Leod. who recently won the covet- ed title of Canadian Junior UdiW Chempion; Huel Pike and Leslie Black, twice munch-up in the Junior Deuce Sections, losing out by only one point; and Murray Burbidge, the talented comedian enter. Men’n melamine in 1958, and Curl and Jon McLeod were Canadian Pair Chempiom in 1967. They were both with the "lee Folliel" touring North America. Maureen Taylor is also I very experienced skater, hum; skated and taught dating for may yearn. She come: to the club from Edmonton. _ _ POTATOES ', $1.89 ii, CriGi1=l BANANAS IXAMINATION "I ONLY IF DESIRED LARGE SILIC'HON or MODIKN FRAMES NW IlUNSWICK 10c HIAPING FULL IUSHEL HIIN SPYS $1.99 EM. 8-7382 The Cu'nivel in under the direc- tion of Irene Martin, who is well known locelly for her direction of plays end pegeants, ind who in a member of the Little Theatre Group-aa well u A contrnlto solo- ist. Mrs, Mutin he: had meny yen-s of concert Ind theatrical ex- perience and this is the third CBr- nivnl to be produced by the Weston Skating Club under her direction. The Cnrnivnl will be-produced on Ftiday and Saturday, Much 11th md'mh at 8 p.m. " the Weston Arena. Tickets may be ob- tained from any member of the club, or by calling CH. 4-6934. mull costumes Ind attach. Mrs. W. E. Gerry The many friends of North Park Presbyterian Church will be glad to hear the congregation plan to worship, for the first time, in their new church home next Sunday. Service will be held at 11.16. Miss Betty Satchel of Montana Ave. will be seen on Uncle Jerry's program from WHEN-TV next Sunday, Feb. 28. Come on folks, let/l get behind our neighbor and give her I vote. A post card in all that is needed. First Maple Leaf Ladies' Aux- iliary will hold their regular euchre in the school March 2. Ladies of the Elverston Park United WA embarked upon a new form of community service last Monday at their regular meeting. Undér the direction of Meir. Spencer, dressings for cancer treatment were prepared. nix. Wonderful nutty puck-a that you made roumelft Try It. Tho mix on be mad tor nev- on! - on your III-11 in the kitchnn. It connin- the hide in- gredient: fer making my dishes which cm be Whipped up in I hurry . . . pancakes, bis- cuiu, muffins, dumplings. Will you share your favorite recipe? We feel there must be many renowned host- esses in our area who have favorite recipes that never fail to'please. If you have, and would like to share them with others, send them along to: With Pun-uh Day (Sin-ov- Tuodny) in the oHitt-aumh ut. ?g'tftaur' found a vandal!“ Allen for van [WWII-Nook Ever-Ready Mix For Pancakes Maple Leaf cum-4 Nth-hand arrrt r ts' Mk... Olive Aldous Garrett, Women's Editor. "$6,627.00 of the total amount of approximately 816,000.00 was spent by this agency for assistance to families in need who could not manage on the low sundard set down by the provincial Govern- ment in their programmes of pub- lie welfare assistance, mother', allowance and unemployment insur- once.†Miss Oliver asked citizens gen- erally to share with the agency the burden of responsibility in helping those in need to maintain a decent standard of living and help provide an expanded counselling service to meet the rapidly increas- ing needs of the community. At the annual meeting oCthe North York and Weston Family Service Centre held at the North York Public Library, Mile Gwen Oliver, executive director, said in her report: Miss Oliver also stated, "man in our modern society suffers many indignities-indiirnities caused by inadequate treatment of the men- tally ill - of those in our prisons During the business session plans for the annual Fall Bazair were discussed. Mrs. S. Walton and Mrs. John Van Pee acted as hostesses. Mm. E. Greenwood, mother of Mrs. Norman Laver of Beckett, was admitted to hospital this weekend. Human. Dignity h Theme Of Family ferrite Unit madman allod to: an: t C can ef gitted - M ' teaspoons dtnahl-aettttg Mb. in‘ with: , 8 coupon- of "lt 1 cup at half . pound of mort- enirtg The method follows 1.Momn3eupoottheli1tod flour into Bitter. Add , tea- lpoom of baking powder and 1% tea-poo“ of all. Sift dry ingredient“ into n lugs bowl. 2. Repeat (1) with remaining dry ingredients. "I ALIION RD. CHICKENS " CHICKEN CUTS so: Harm's - .. was on “any ctList26 at “In!†Ave. BE RIGHT WHEN vou WRITE um. m Ieitte out: In Van-w. Vim T'titt-,thatm'imdtttqiWtt'todtiqt'th"' mumhmummm. -sumtttgttttea-s-Mt'rsaad-otit* Mil-Ins: B A? ist.! N . PORK mops PORK ROAST 49: lb. Me lb. . 39: lb. Fun "rtteofpemtntostttmtyrnrrmid is addrmod. Correct street address, Md “number or post tWea box rumba. City, town or village. Province, auto (or Mon!) and bouMy. Your Mme and m atttie- in upper left R‘OASTING and jails, of the older persons vegetating in nursing homes, in- dignities of unemployment which reduces s futher’s sense of self worth to cm of failure and frus- tration, the indignities of low wages which do not enable a parent to provide even the basic necessities for himself or -hit; family. That we in the community do not' bestir ourselves to treknowl- edge the needs can hardly be thought of as enhancing the dignity of those whose needs must be met." said Miss Oliver. VAX barer, hold in - with the metal screw-top. Hoop in I will plug. _ ' ' Ta. biscuit: remain two cup! ofthemixamioneulfeupof milk. 8.mtinatnrititr_. oitw.utiwrttlarist-g- "Nauru-0d. 4. Moe. in two ens-mun Jan. Cover with two thickuuu _tf To" make punk“: no two cups of th. mix, two ublupoom lazuli-lone on and about a cup As an event of particular in.. terest during World Refugee Year, the film "Four Families" which depicts family influences and de- velopment of children in rural homes in India, Japan, Pranee and Canada, was included in the pro- gramme. ' The following were elected to the board of directors of the North York and Weston Family Service Centre for the year 1960: W. W. Alton, J.G Griffin, Mrs. G. Pearl. Mrs. R. B. Atkins. R. Hitch, J. G. Quinnell, P. Boyden, H. Homrberger, Mrs. E. M. Raynor, F. Brand, V. C. Jackson, Mrs. R, Robinson, 'Mrs. A. W. Coles, F. Murray, Mrs. C. Singer, K. Crouch, Mrs. G. MacKendrick, E. Scaiff, Mrs. W. Elliot, H. Mercier, J. D. Service (Council), B. Etkin, Dr. A. Peart, I. H. L. Wilson, Rev. H. E. Young, P. Wilson. OW Rev. H. Martin presided It the inatallation of officers for the new term, and Mrs. Pantry spoke brief- ly, thlnking the 1959 executive for their splendid work. The treas~ urer's report was given by Mrs. H Fieldhouse. It was announced that the World Day of Pruyer for 1960 will be held March 4; the theme will be "For we are laborers to- gether with God." - Mrs. c. Keyes, Miss Sleightholm and Mrs. F. D. Julian told of their visit to the Annual Meeting of the u'vm "nun, - - I'Il I though. being on “Gm; In Spiritual lmlodgc And Aware- ueu." . Mrs. P. D. Julia? rend the, m_in- uh: Ind correspondence ooh-Ming of Thank You note- from Mm. J. Clark und Mrs. H. Martin. Th 'tmt We! the you m“bylholhnuurW.A.,nz th. but ot In. li., Ifâ€! with the "hum. In. W. H. Putty. hl tho cut. has won 18 Mu plant. In. Gum Geno" (an the Devotions] Puiod, the New You’- Members of the congregation of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic church at King City attended masses Sunday in a school audito- rium lifter the weight of ice and snow caused the roof of the church to collapse on Saturday. gaw Collapses Roof King Church Ruined The' _ 110damily iarish has pledged $36,000 toward the build- ing of a new church in the spring. The roof of the frame structure started to give way late Friday night shortly after 50 people had attended mass. The roof caved in early Saturday morning with tim- bers touching the floors and wzlla buckled out of alignment. . Cracking sounds heard in the building on Friday did not cause alarm, even when heard while 100 children crowded the building for confession. One boy, Menard Cor- mier, 12, said he heard the roof (lilnmsty WA. Group ' I960 EXecutive installed C Savings, too, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE And just like her Junior Depositor’s Account, your Savings Account will grow with regular deposits. MOM "MN no BRANCH" ‘1wa CANADA have a way of growing 37 l 531 Toronto Wu: Pruitt" pram WA. of the United “It!!! " Cu- ad. which wu hold u Cum! Unlud Church. Wooten. oh In- my 22. j _ Z Mm. A. Robinson uni)“; B, Mrs. J. J. Julian introduced Gor- don Parr who entertained the members with Scotch music on his violin. Pun were cloned to be" Caitlin- of the two groups in 1960. Thu) roll eall' Wu III-wand by statttie an event of 1969, and the payment ot fees. It wu decided to write to the usual sources for contribution) for 'lr Enter Blun- to be held April 3. Mrs. Julian, u atewatdtship con- vener, gave I fine paper on Stew. ardship, using as illuatruiona “chob Mnrley from Diekens' A Christmas Carol"; the “Fumble of the Talents" and stressed player and brotherly love. The business portion of the meet- ing was closed with the singing of the W.A. Player. creaking , lot, Rev. John Brennan, parish priest described the church as a total loss. The damage was discovered by the assistant priest, Rev. John O’Neil who found the Ihamblea while he was on his way to say the 8 mm. mass. Father O'Neill made his way through the wreckage and recover- ed the Blessed Sacrament and other vessels Ind vestments. He said the sanctuary lamp with the candle. kept perpetually burning, C was down on the floor but still lit. Father Brennan remarked: "If it had spilled over, the church would kpve gone up in fumes." wr a.. .. ___ ,.,,,,,. s, ____c_a 'Until the new church is erected in the spring, masses will be held in the auditorium of Sacred Heart School, converted into a temporary chapel.