Times & Guide (1909), 12 May 1960, p. 6

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”00.00 FULL DOWN And you own 2 scenic adjoinin lots, Itft,f fa, by“ an, In . , , 'otn? m- 'ters, new!» at. , " $2e mu. m teggna. CH 4469‘]. I LON, RESIDENTIAL BALE WANTED i-m,"or CH 1-5567; kesidenid. “OH 1-1370. LORNE A. RITCHIE. represent- ative Boddintrton, Finmgnn & Co. Entrust your Real Finite " 9111.9 , myt._ytttt_krtew. Call wuss A. RITT'HIE. Bus... eg 4 PROPERTIES W'TD. TO BUY AND BELL Weston--; mom ,sfonr front and brick home. 4 lwvlrnnms. l'nlnrml ,blth plus washroom, 2 In}: burn- ine fireplaces, finished recreation room. built in washer, garage, many extras. Mortgage t1trrartR- mt. Private. CH 1-3837 662 Scarlett Rd of Residential, (hrmmmrial, Farm Acreagv and Building Lots. For Sale or Rent BRICK bungalow, 3 bedrooms, storms and screens. 75 ft. front, age, decorated and landscaped. carport, and patio. Move in to- day. Private. In Bolton. Phone No ,subilivirion feeling here P. . spacious Roman brick bungalow overlooks picturesque Weston golf cours's. ii.well-planned mums; family size kitchen, vxceptionally high basement, finished play- room; attached garage. 2 blocks to shopping. bus, and school. Sidewalks in and paid for. N.H.A. mortgage carries for $93 per month including taxes. Miss Chllord - HU 1-2211 Overlooks Weston Golf Course $1,500 Down-Solid brick 1% storey, 6 nice rooms. private drive and garage, oil heat, immediate possessiun,4se to transporta- tion and shopping. Call R0 2- 8108. C. W. Marsden, Broker. $15,600 - 3 bedrooms, natural wood kitchens, aluminum storms and screens. walk-out basement. Carries $91.00 monthly, includ- ing taxes. 2 blocks east on Church, off Weston Rd., north on Rosemount Ave., to our Model Home 202 or call Builder: ME 3-6185. SELLING YOUR HOME? $500 down--6 room solid brick bungalow. 62; N.H.A. Immediate possession. THISTLETOWN $14,500 -__e Private, one 5°o N.H.A. mortgage, attractive 11/2 storey home, tastefully decorated, large garden, with trees, shrubs, etc. Enclosed rear porch. Near schools, bus. CH 4-0004. 10 acres. large brick bungalow, stone front, two bathrooms, tin, ished maid's quarters in base- ment. Two car attached garage. 3000 square feet suitable fur dry storage or light industry. Northwest Suburbs 'dt Scarlett Rd. CH 1-9781 STUART MFDRCER, Realtor Gerald A. Black 51/296 N.H.A. 20 Year Mtge CH 7-4127, 1 PROPERTIES FOR SALE Weston Road at Church LOVEYS s MITCHELL REALTORS l'4, N.H.A. New Bungalows Classified- Use Ola-oiled Ad: publhhod oven Thursday. Tun-dayslun. .. . dqadtino-. Monday " Noon . . . cancellation. CORRECTIONS: This paper will be reeponnlble tor NOT more than ONE Incorrect Insertion at an adveetinomont. COPY: All advertising copy ll unblect to the approval at the management ot this paper. This paper reserve- the right to classify all Atirrqtisomoau. _ Etgtrhttahrd II” CALI. . . . CH ta2iia WOODBRIDGE-AY 3-0021 Ir you want “so-um . . . - Chang!!!“ Ads pubnlhgd - Thursday. L E. Longhouse SEE OUR LISTINGS WOODBRIDGE AREA CALL OUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE CALL TOM SCOTT REAL ESTATE CH 4-6407 BOLTON will” “THIS‘GUDI 'th TWO or three brdroom homo nr lower duplex, mum-hie rent, Wanton or surrounding area. ll 5-1131. " HOUSE! W'TD. TO RENT PURVI'JS. Robert Thomas, Mero words an» inadequate to (mm-Ms our gratitude, tc trtateh and ('vprymw who has helped us throutrh thou- 'lriys of surrnw with beautiful flnwvrs, word, of sympathy and deeds of in, finite kimlnosrwe can only any "Thank You So Much", PH"'- cinlly thanking the w. R. Scott Funnnl Home and Ram A. H. Cttthrart. Mrs. Edith Purvw Ind family. ll HOUSES AND DUPLEXBS TO LET Monte Carlo Investments Ltd. lst and 2nd mortgage loans, mort- gages bought and Hold, arranged. exchanged. Loans for builders and private individuals. Same Day Service 16 MORTGAGE LOANS AT DON FINANCE $50 - $5000 Don Finance Co. Ltd. 1125 ISLINGTON AVE. N. On Your Own Signature No Bankable Security If You Can Make Monthly Pay- ments You Can Get a Loan ACKROW s WELLS LTD. REALTORS 1980 WESTON RD. WESTON CH 1-1164 AT 8-1303 CALL-, 15 MONEY TO LOAN 7 FARM-SALES. RENT. W'TD. Briggs Haulage BRIGGS CINDER. SLAG. TOP SOIL, LOAM. MANURE, HAULAGE ME 3-4962 DORVAL COPITHORN SAND & GRAVEL CRUSHED gravel and stone. "All grades." Cinders, pit run, loam and sand fill. Excavating and grading, float service. Phone ATlas 8-1321, Willis Road, Pine Grove. o-tf Thinking of Selling? 6 BUILDING SUPPLIES JOHN VAN HAASTBECHT Call MR. ARMSTRONG CH 4-6652 ARRANGED BY PHONE CALL W. G. PETERS, Mgr. WE NEED Farms and Houses BUYERS WAITING! Prudential Trust Co. Ltd. QUICK ACTION DEPENDABLE SERVICE Rexdale Plaza --Try - BREUKER & KLAPPER BRICK, BLOCK, STONE CEMENT WORK Free Estimates Phone Bolton 686 MONEY FARMS - ACREAGE LOTS FOR SALE Kleinburg AT 8-2154 H. HILLIARD CH. 7-5438 Representative for SAME DAY for BRIGHT FRONT ROOM-tsew. rence Ave. W., close to bus And nuuurlnu. CH 1-3114. REDSITTING ROOM wrth mlull funuly. ventrally Inn-Mod. park- mg. Of I-0487 rvnnivws. HEDSITTING INN)“ with adult family. Home priwlvgrx. 1N'tt. Wally lornlmi. parking. ('H l- 0487 owning”. 30 ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED r'l'nNIsmzn it?ki.it '.-l»hT‘rri‘£- ROOM AND ROUM AND lu)Arilr, Jane FURNISHED hedsitting mom, wanted for lady, grill or kitchen privilviws. Adult home, CH 4-0464. TWO OR THREE ROOM apart- mvnt wanted in Central Weston for quiet lady. CH 7-4167. Call after " p.m. 29 ROOMS TO LET & BOARD ROOM and Immd. your! mulls Thisllvlnwn. CII 4-4773. LARGE front bod-sitting room, (4050 to transportation: part board optional; gentleman. CH 4-2850. 28 ROOMS W'TD TO LET FURNISHED 27 ROOMS W'TD TO LET _ _Ptrru.rrr11!TrD BANK ACCOUNTANT and wife WESTON AREA _. 4 room; in farm house, all conveniences, modern kitchen' and bath. 2 acres of Land, self-contained, private entrance. $15 weekly. CH 7-1606. SECOND FLOOR __, " moms, toilet and shower, “in. and stove, own private entrance. parking, suit adults. cu 4- 8355 after 4 Fm. or week-ends. 28 ”FLATS To LET UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHEU flat, fully equipped kitchen, parking, Jane and Church. cn 1-3757. 22 APARTMENTS TO LET UNFUHNISHED " FLATS TO LET FURNISHED FURNISHED Flat three rooms, built in kitchen with appliances. Attractive living mom and bed- room. Business couple. R0 2- 0107. APARTMENTS -- One bedroom and bath bachelor equipped. Close to transportation and shopping. Free parking, child welcome. CH 7-1856. h Robniismv' - - ---e EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE SUITES AT MODERATE RENTALS, NEAR SCHOOLS, SHOPPING AND TRANSPORTATION. FURNISHED MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY 9 NM. TO 10 P.MI 230 Main St. N., Weston BEAUTIFUL RAVINE LOCATION OVERLOOKING HUMBER & PARK ?R'iiCvfst,'f"fAhHeti,sp3rd,'TF?h%g' 3 ROOM self-contained basement apartment, 4-piece bath; adults. RO 7-2315 after 5.30 p.m. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT reasonable, sepa.rate entrance, quiet tenants preferred. CH 4-5034 between 9 and 10 run. only. Apply 32 Whinev ,.ut. Wmulhridge. Phone AT 8-1080, Lawience district. transportation. CH require unfurnished l-bedroom flat or ba.C,ement apartment. Jane-Church mva (Humber Memorial Hospital). RU 3-0i13, Mr. Fleming. ADULT couple will enjoy our. basement apartment and mu- den; separate telephone, lawn. dry, entrance, etc.; rent rea- sonable; Jane and Wilson. CH 1-9093. tfw " APARTMENTS TO LET UNFURNISHED FURNISHED S-room basement apartment, self-containod. truit bulimia lady or working couple; non-smokers, abomin- , on; rulonlble rent. 2'! Boyd avenue. CH 1-6746. Large, new, luxurious, one- bedroom apartments, some with balconies. Available immediately. Fireproof. Free parking facilities. CH 6-2305. If no answer, HU 5-6012. Keele Near Highway 401 BRAND NEW ROOM basement apartment, attractively furnished, private entrance, private bath, open fireplace. TV, parking; buliness t'oilple. 100 King street, Wes- ton. CH 7-4402 BOARD, m-nllvmvn f'ltrse l~3795 and to USED TN. Hots. all makes and models, complvtoly rtsconditiort, ed from $49.95 up. Easy term: B. F. Grrmirieh, CH 1-8558. TIF Main St. South. t.f.n WF', CARRY u mnmioiv linr of CCM bikes and This”? wheel goods. Gilbert's Auto Supply, Pine th., Wodbridge. Phone AT 8-0281. , . . . I MUSICAL instruvtiun, piano clu- sicnl and popular, nocordiln. Spanish guitar, instrument: rented to beginners. CH 1-0781. 202 Main St, north, Weston. 2 DC. Foam Rubber Chvsterfield Suite - Only $149.95. 30" klrttrir, Rance - $189.95 9.2 cu. ft. Kclvinutnr Rt‘fruzv-rutm No Trade _ Only $219.92 THINKING of now drapes and broadloom. Let our (-nnsulmnt come to your home and select from our tremendous range of fabrics. Crane Hardware. Woodbridge. Phone AT 8-0611. 43 ARTICLES FOR SALE Summer Cottage, insulated, fully equipped, 3 bedrooms, inside toilet. 17' fibreglassed Cabin Cruiser, sleeps 2. Elect. start. 30 hp. motor, fully equipped. 50 Miles Toronto at, Lukv Simcoe Boys 5-12. Full activities. Minia. ture Indian village, movies, sup' vrvisiun. home cooked meals, Folders. BA 5-2066. CRANE HARDWARE AND ELE<1ZTRI< 7 PHONE AT 8mm " CAMP R0LLIN-Acrcs for boys and girls 5-16 years, qualified supervision, dormitory accum- morlatinn. Kawartha district. HI 7-7513. Lin. 37 CAMPS FOR BOYS & GIRLS " VACATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE & W'TD. REDDI-BUILT homes and cot- tages, prefab and crvclwl. Free literature. Easy terms. See our samples. (lance Lumber, Orangeville, Ont. . . . w 15 ft. fiberglass sports runabout. This Cap Streak beauty is the queen where ever she's soon. Arkansas Travler's oxclllsivc Cap Streak design gives a soft-vide, with the speed of a smooth bot- tom hull. This is a spacious de- luxe craft, with fine workman- ship on it's mirror smooth filter- glass hull, deck and gunwalos, upholstered seats back and front.: This beauty is fully equippedi with safety floatation, lifting handles and rated for motors up‘ to 50 h.p. Low Down Payment 34 BOATS lk MARINE SUPPLIES EXPERIENCED mature woman will do baby; sitting any time, references upon request. CH 4-1984. JANE-WILSON - 2 room; £351} decorated, sink in kitchen, gar- age. Adults. CH T-1284. EXCELLENT day care, licenced home, big yard. Woodview Park and Weston Road North district. CH 7-0470. " DAYCARE FOR CHILDREN DEEGAN'S ON DUFFERIN 31 ROOMS TO LET UNFURNISHED WE8T0N---Bedroom, living room, kitchen, heuvy wiring, close to transportation; business couple or girls. CH 1-8363. LATE. bright front room, -pri. at 1199-0701.“ LARGE, nicely tutatiudii we; in quiet home, puking. Gentle- man Bbstriner. CH 1-7418. tfn 2 blocks south of Lawrence BROOKS HAVEN CAMP Trent Canal System KIRKFIELD DISTRICT CH 1-7076 "to home: no" trasrueiGktiii, CH 1-2732. SUMMER COTTAGES FOR SALE Package Deal 3011 Dutterin Street RU 2-8864 Open evenings 9 Fm. SPECIALS $48 Month FEATURING THE ARKANSAS TRAVLER PET FUN SALE (Rollie. minia 3ARY BUDHH‘IS Plantar Hymn inls. $2.75 third and can $8 M), varium colors; pawn! (1421'. 1” Spu'r uvt'nm'. WI'MmI. REPAIRS iovhttrival upplianu'w. tva kutllvs. Mom's, witshing machines. Vic,, ulsollawn mink N's. \Vumlhrlduv Hardware, Wrrtulhridcrv. Phmw AT 8-l231 RICHARDSON'S FURNITURE & ELECTRH' co. LTD. 1919 WESTON ItoAlt , CH 1-9105 " RADIO, TELEVISION. APPLIANCES. REPAIRS " RADIO, TN., HI-FI tw. TOWER ANTENNA PRIVATE salv of Imusvhold furniture, grout sm-rifirv; Rust- pan orgilmlx, very reasonable. CH L982? LIGHT WALNI'T ILpiwo hm!- to' STEEL town-rs completely itr stalk-d. Specialists in thwcrs and avrials, hm- survey. 2 yl'ti. warranty. 24 hours' service. ME 3-8686. LARGE rrih. five draw chest. in good deitiun; jr. hm! and play poll, rwusrrrrahlv. Cll l- 1820. COMBINATION radial-(larder player, Spartan ('lmsulo with collection of 78 rpm records, rvusunuhlv. CH 4-7ll7. USED washirocr lmu'hinv clear- WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator. in good condition. suitable for cottage. Cll 144748 vvunings. COLUMBIA portable 3-spued record player; this model has to be attached to 1'adio, "'a- sunulilv. CH 1-3333. HAND MADE lindsizc- colorful prnwlmm'k quill, reasonable. CH 1-3333. PROPANE gas range, modern Gurney, 40 in., white porcelain, auto pilot, minute mindvr, mind condition. ideal for cottage, IT'U- sonalde. CH 4-7117. Lure Lassie. Registered, $80. CH 4-6273. TV TOWER, 40 ft., unused, with 20 ft. mast, $60. CH 6-3444. USED TV clearance. large se- lection of reconditioned trade- ins. Richardson's Furniture & Elorlric Co. Ltd., 19t0 Weston road. CH 1-9105. CEMENT MIXER, Wisconsin motor. AT 8-2r',9. 1iIkiNGl,om suite, light oak, buffet, table and H chairs, for HALF PRICE sale! Super Health Aluminum. Woudhridgo Ilardwaiv, Woodbridge. Phone AT 8-1231. . . . . w Sw-vializvd 'l‘whnivumx In I‘vl'wnmlly “rpm: Your T.V Expert TV Service EXTENDING card table and 4 chairs, $15; 9x12 sand beige viscou hard twist rug. 2 months old, $75. CH '7-0344 after 5.30 p.ln. PICNIC table with attached benches, 8 ft. x 39 in, perfect condition; also living room talrles, reasonable. Phone AT 8-1177. . . . w DINING mum suite. light oak, buffet, table and 6 chairs, for quick sale. Phone CH 1-0095. DAVENPORT couch and chroml' table; hostess CH 741848 mum suite. inn-Indium sprinn and rvv'rtttvss, used only " months; lmukrusu hcurihrrard CH T WU LARGE muhugany bookcase. Hupplewhire design; 3-pc. rock maple bedroom suite, as new; box spring and foam mattress. CH 44317. LARGE dining room suite, 1 full bedroom suite, double bed, cumode, double bed, chest. of drawers, love seat, 2 tables, drop leaf table, lamps, electric stove and frig., breakfast set, seat 8. RU 2-1823. USED shallow well pump, tank, motor and controls, reasonable. CH 1-9965. unto, wringvr and uutomatic, largo selection of rtcrrnditioued tradetim. Richardson's Furni- ture & Electric Co. Ltd.. 1919 Weston road. (101-9105. a “new Port "" supp rung for sale, "i).80. KRAFT cooler, " can; milking machine, piping and pump; " bushel manure spreader; l 16- sprout drill, fertilizer and grass seed combination; wagon, come plete, on rubber; set of double discs, cultivtstor, all good as new; 4 good milking Holstein cows; must sell due to sickness. Phone Shelburne 2284-12. INING room suite, light oak, buffet, table and c, chairs, for quick sale. CH 1-0695. SAME DAY SERVICE CH 6-5374. CAMP l:oi'i,,-tTiiiJtriidi with ball; (i-gullun truck bottle rapper. hose. and nul; hand lawn mower; offer. CH 1-9770. wo gum! used electric. stoves, 24 in. and 30 in., recondition; aim two good used washers. Crane Hurdwaro and Electric, Woodirridsre. Phone AT 8-0611. Contact. Wu. Juryn,' Wood, bridge. Phone AT 84291. PET STOCK l'T ILpim'o hod- im-ludim: spring chair; chair. "x119 with fun- best " WE CUT KEYS SHARPEN SAWS REPAIR nxcvcuzs GILBERT’S AUTO SUPPLY AT 8-0231 AT 8-10,] All types ‘repaired and renew- ed. Workmanship guaranteed. Emnrqency service. Day or night. 63 BUILDING TRADES & HOUSEHOLD SERVICES Plumbing-Heating SALES AND SERVICE REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS M BUILDING TRADES lk HOUSEHOLD SERVICES GARDEN TRACTOR 5 ILP., plough, cultivator and disks; aim a number cf gum and nut Wilding machines. Apply V. Nickle, Ellcrby Sq., Wood. bridgc. . GARAGE for rent néairivaston Town Hall. BE 3-0988. ' SEVERAL good used traetors: balms: all types of new and used farm machines. Nobleton Farm Service, 1 mile west of Nubletun. Phone Bolton 416. 60 GARAGES TO RENT 61A FARM MACHINERY MOTOR PARTS, everything for the automobile, new, used and rebuilt. Weston Auto Supply, 41 Main St. South. CH 1-3538. We deliver. x-41-tl FOR trulck parts, ii'rE.eTjr'jo, ' 57 MOTOR PARTS ACCESSORIES & GARAGE EQUIPMENT Roofing & Chimney Service 1959 CHEVROLET tWu-door, ir. cylinder Bel Aire; automatic. transmission. radio; one-owner car in excellent condition; full price $2,275. Call Jim Brillin- rm: Woodbridge Motors. AT 8- 1101. 8 King George Road, Weston CH 4-77I6 THOMSON 1957 DODGE half-ton truck with stock racks, in excellent con- dition. Call Stan Heather at Woodbridge Motors, AT 8-1191. SALES and INSTALLATION "IF IT'S PLUMBING WE HAVE IT" Show Rooms & Stock Room 320 Albion Road 1953 METEOR, 4-door sedan. Full 1958 RENAULT 4-door sedan, in very mind condition. Makes an excellent second car. Full price $1,095. Woodbridge Mo- tors. AT 8-1191. 1955 TWO-DOOR PLYMOUTH, 6 crlinder, gear shift, original owner, custom radio, white wall tires, muny extras, mechani- cally perfect, body excellent. 8725. CH 6-5922. CH. 1-6953 . J. E. O'FARRELL " MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 1952 CHEVROLET, power glide, .{ully equipped. Beirut scraped. Parts for sale. Phone CH 4- 5887. . . . . w 50A - TRANSPORTATION TiiuiirowiATiog WANTED PUPPIEB, 6 weal“ old, reef-tout! Lnbrldor, black. Phone AT . THOROUGHBRED Sumoid "do: WANTED-Ride daily, Mondly- Friday from Leuside-Bayview- Millwood area to Weston. ur- riving in Weston 9.00 am. After 8 pun. HA 1-2683. EMERGENCY SERVICE All makes l, nliwHseTf, aut, 1400 Weston Rd. R0 9-1115. x-M-lt price $350. Woodbridge Motors, AT 8-1191. from Thistletown to vicinity of Bloor and Jarvis, arriving 9 a.m., leaving 4.80 pan. Phone CH 1-5591 Max:530 p.m. arid dog house for sale. CH i. 8768. PLUMBING & HEATING CH. 1-1701 payments if desired. Free Estimate, Time PROPR IETOR TmsrrmToii3; Day or Night 0. KING PET ITQCK FRANK & SON PAINTER and Decorator, inside or outside work, paper hanging. free estimates. CH 1-1407. GRUBS, bugs, roaches, termites; rats, etc.; control pidgeons and squirrels. Service and insccticide‘ for all needs. Vault fumigation. no publicity. 1-year warranty. Free consultation. Reliable Exter. minators Ltd., 464 Dawes Rd., ox 4-1946. 65 " FUMIGATORS lk EXTERMINATORS PI‘OVOIILS moisture an (inlet tanks, bowls and pipes. Eliminates the} use of trays and towels! Nu more! wet and rotted floors! Phone us 0. KING. rllyyu)iryrtytd Heating Lyles Woodworking CH 1-1431 Heating Service and Appliance Repairs Oil Burners; Furnaces; Washing Machines; Dryers (Vunlcd); Va- cuum Cleaners, Floor Polishers, Kitchen cabinet all assembled with arborite top, pressure pump, stainless steel sink, tbps, hot water tank $196.00 complete. Latimer Plumbing tr Heating 2386 Weston Road ( I Beautiful Broadloom Rugs For Your Old Carpets And Clothing At Savings Up To 50% Custom Made In Any Size Or Wall To Wall 1 40 Solid Colors & Tweeds Cut Your Rug Costs In Half CARPET TRADING LTD. l HU 7-1148 MATTRESSES expertly rebuilt. Returned like new. Two-day service. Eiderdowns recovered. EM 6-2363. 1 Black Peat, Sandy loam, Manure. Pent. Moss, Rock- Pry, Patio and Flagumfc: Evergreens, Ornamental Shade and Dwarf Fruit Trees, Annuals, Perennials, Sod. Seed, Bulbs, Sprays, Insecticides, Garden Aeeea. sories, Pet Supplies. Fish Ponds, Swimming Pools. Underground Sprinkler Sys- tems. Complete. range Gur- den Tools Ind Rentals. Com- More line of Ind r Phtntrs and Hunters. ftLlilll'lr, Export lmndscauing. Vin-i1 or “I" ROYAL PALM NURSERIES 20M Wanton Road CH PII', BU LB”. (1 t It!“ a! “I Hwy.) New Rugs For Old ll UODBRIDGE Phones: l ATlns 8-0131 or AT'tats 8-0342 SNOW PLOWING, TRENCHING SEPTIC TANKS and WATER. " IUILDIIG “AD- I HOUIZROLD “RVICEI lnstal A Low Cost TEMPERATOR Downsview Paving Co. Ltd. We Specialize In FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Expert Work In The Home at At Plant At Reasonable Rates Toronto Upholsury clean-rs And Upholshrovs PHONE RU 3-7890 LINES.' Gordon buuijek/iGa. bridge. Phone ATlas 8-1968. - GA RDENING SUPPLIES CENTRE WE KILL AND CURE CH 4-2162 Specialist in Asphalt Driveways Commercial Parking Areas Concrete and Drain Work Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Trenching . Septic Tlnkl and Water Lines Richvale Septic Tank Service ADAM GOLL Windows _ Screens Shutters - Sashes Balances Installed Sto’rms - Doors Drawers PHONE AT 8-0750 COTTAGERS STAN BAKER, Prop. " Currville Road Welt AY 5-4563 J. C. GILBERT Soul: Tanks Punpod 6 Cloud PAINTERS ik DECORATOHS UPHOLSTERING & RUG CLEANING RE-UPHOLSTERING 24-HOUR SERVICE GARDENING 24-Hour Servico CH 4-7'71C, CH. 1-3721 otf rim Puhlishml May tith, m. Dated at Willowdalv, this 2tiit, day of April, A.D. 1960. All documents in relation "90 the said road allowancns may be examined at the office of the' Clerk of the Muniei ality. Munk cipal Building. 6000 {:0ch Strut, Willowdnle. '0 be hold for the purpose of considering the said hy-lnw Un Monday, Juno 6th, 1960, at 3.05 p.m. at the Municipal Building, 5000 Yomre Street, Willowdale. TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Township of North York pro- poses to pass a By-law to ta and stop up all of a lanew y lying north and west of Block "C", Plan 4044, between Keele Street and Lawrence Avenue West, within the Triwnship of North York. The said by-lnw will be dealt with tat.a.r.tttttittof the Council l, NOTICE OF CLOSING of,” Janeway lying north and west of Block "C", Plan 4044, between Keele street and Lawrence Av- enue West, within the Township of North York. Dated at Willnwdalo, this 29th day of April, A.D. 1960. First Published May 5th, IMO, All documents in relation.to the said road allowances may he :xamined at the office of the Clerk of the Municipality, Muni- cipal Building, 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdalc. The said by-law will be dealt with at a meeting of the Council 0 hts held for the purpose of considering the said by-law on Monday, J.une, 6th, 1950. at 3.00 TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- eil of the Corporation of the Township of North York pro- poses to pass a By-law to close and stop up the two hundred and' twenty feet (220') of Dalbeaaie Avenue lying immediately north of Highway 40t and one hundred and forty feet (140') of Wardtlfw Avenue lying immediately eas of Highway 400, within the Town- ship of North York. ”mm-u, um". uul, 1am], at 04111 p.m. at the Municipal Building, 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdalt. NOTICE OF CLOSING of the two hundred and twenty feet (220') of Dalbeattie Avenue ly- ‘ing immediately north of High- way 401 and one hundred and forty feet (140') of Wardiaw Avenue lying immediately east of Highway 400, within the Town- ship of North York. 70 TUESDAY 5 PM. Ladies' and gentleman's suits and coats, alterations, repairs. " DRESSMAKING lk TAILORING ALL round experienced dress- maker and alterationist re- quires work nt home, reason- able. CH 4-7798. DEADLINE Concrete Freeform Swimaiing Pools installed. _ Nursery and Field Sod, delivered or laid; Loam, Topsoil, Sand Frl, Driveway Stone, Power Rolling, Rototilling. Grading. _ 67 Humber Summit-AT 8-1286 ED'S GARDEN SUPPLIES, loam for sale. CH 1-2190. T FOR SALE - WE 13me my Gary'Evans ' Sons u PICK'S LANDSCAPE CO. 236 RUSTIC ROAD, TORONTO 15 ' CH. 1-7014 Township Of NORTH YORK , GARDENING GRADING ROTOTIIJJNG TOP SOIL, MANURE _, CRUSHED STONE & BILL TRUCKS FOR HIRE ' M-Hour Service .> I Township Of NORTH YORK RICHTXE'R TAILORING CLASSIFIED ADS CUSTOM TAILORING All Work Guaranteed. FREE ESTIMATES d SUPPLIES 337 Queen's Dr. LANDSCAPE" TORONTO 15 N. mommy). A. G. STANDING, Township Clelk. N. G0ODHCAD, LEGAL for G PICK'S . STANDINGg. Township Clerk. b Redve.' Reeve.

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