Times & Guide (1909), 2 Jun 1960, p. 7

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T benztiful new of Mic-pad groun . A tPt,' itathrri in extended to II to vi t us Ind chat with our ”an. " PM!“ TEA CUPS and card reading by expert in home, 9 a.m.-10.30 p.m.; no appointment neces- sary. 82 Highbury. CH 74923, Can be removed without Race by modern electroly. MAN to help share costs, etc. furnished apartment, Weston area. Gord CH 1-7363. " BUSINESS PERSONALS Dead or crippled cows, horses, and other farm animals REMOVED FREE Phone: COLLECT GORDON YOUNG LIMITED TORONTO We guarantee that no animal or portion of any animal collected by our Company will be re-sold for human consumption. Highest Cash Allowance foe Good Used Furniture. $$CASH$$ Age 30 Age 35 BU 6-3551 78 HELP WANTED MALE FURNITURE FINlSHER--Fully JIG BORING machine operator, must be able to set,up and op- erate jig boring machine in the manufacture of tools and dies. For information contact Mr. Pocius at CH 7-8261. DRAFTSMAN, with some ex- perience in ornamental iron or related experience; salary ac- rording to experience; $60 to too week. For information con- tact Miss Moore at CH 7-8261. SCHOOL boy, experienced, to serve Was; No. 7 Highway mile east of Woodbridge. Call AT 8-0051. . . . . w AUTO MFaCHANIC-"A" li, 0an and tools of trade; flat rate or hourly rate. For in. formation contact Mr. Steven- ton at CH 7-8261. BOYS for program-selling at Pinecrest Speedway, No. 7 highway. Novelties stand, ask for Mr. Back. CARETAKER, married, required in fall for Central United Church, Weston. Apply in writing. PART-TIME delivery boy for after school and Saturdays. Apply in person. Plester's Grucvry Store. 2168 Weston road. IO SALES HELP l AGENT? WANTED MALE TWO-men to work 9 hours per day for $100.00 per week, deal- ership to qualified applicants. Box No. 128, "WELL-BUILT RUNS STILL AVAILABLE. Sell on full or part-time basis our 226 guaran- teod products; any reput- t2r,y"tr'd in an” Cum-dim ho e. Write for our 30~duy Plum "To, Dept. 5 5180 St. Hubert a, neutral. REUBEN SCHAFER CONVALESCENT HOME 269 FALSTAFF, TORONTO We Trade and Exchange Prompt Appraisal BRAMPTON COMMUNITY FURNITURE Hwy. 7 at 5th Line East of Brampton N o appointment actuary experienced on wood finishing, $1.50 to $1.75 hour. depending on experience. For information contact Mr. Poeius at CH 7- 8261. Jacuzzi Universal (CANADA) LTD. REXDALE Mr. Thompson . CH. 7-8204 SANITARY DISPOSAL Unsightly Hair 1892 Weston Road (at Lawrence) Evening Appointment CH 4-9734 AILEEN M. DICKENS Toronus--EMpire 3-3636 or Schomberg 359 tial benefits 17 to 25. For Permanent Dept. Some typing essen- $50,000 Position in Purchasing iful new of Mae-pad A tPt,' mum. in itotmtoviMtuaand th our.eau. 8696 Wld " . M 8-8681 CLERK Top salary and NURSING GL 1-0530 ANNUAL 119.90 158.20 It In I '0)" wmymmm Experienced secretary with shorthand Man or Woman for grill. Part-time Waitresses. Locker room Attendants, male or female. Apply afternoons, Monday to Thursday - The manager HUNTINGTON GOLF s COUNTRY CLUB , 82 HELP WANTED FEMALE BOARDERS (hosiery), Mount Dennis area; hourly rate plus piecework; hours 7 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. to mid- night, change every two weeks. For information contact Miss Moore at CH 7-8261. HAIRDREsSERS-Full time or part-time basis; hours and wages to' be arranged. For in- formation contact Miss King at. CH 7-8261. DAY WORKERS-Register for casual day work; usual hours and rates. For information con- tact Miss King at CH 7-8261. HAIRDRESSER, experienced, part-time. 720 Scarlett road. Age 40 Age 45 " HELP WANTED FEMALE PREMIUMS RELIABLE housekeeper wanted, -Scarlett-Lawrence area, live _ out, hours: 9 to 5 Fm., no week-ends, references. CH 1- l 0123. EXPERIENCED office lady, bookkeeper, cashier. Company benefits, good salary. Apply Manager, Fairweather Co. Ltd., York Plaza. CH 4-5626. BOOKKEEPER for busy office, must he alert and able to help with office such as answering phone,.ete.; good hours and pleasant working conditions. Phone Mrs. Freeman, CH I. 5211. BOOKKEEPER - Complete set, trial balance; Dufferin and Wilson area; $60 to $70 per week to start. For information contact Mrs. Grassie at CH 7- 8201, ' CLERK-TYPIST - For Dufferin and Lawrence area; to do cor- respondence, orders and telex; $50 to $66 per week. For in- formation contact Miss Sockett at CH 7-8261. INVOICE TYPIST--For Jane ONE part-time and one full time waitresses wanted. Apply Frank's Restaurant, No. 7 Highway. Woodbridge. Phone AT 8-0051. . . . w LAW OFFICE xequires capable stenographer for secretarial position in Thistletown, experience es- sential, good salary and work- ing conditions. Phone CH 1- 4479. ' . . . w Stanley Rd. Bnycrest Ave. Cameron Ave. Harrison Rd, Hollywood Ave. Summit ttriots Requires for September lat, 1960, weekly basis in the following Brookhaven Dr, Gulfstrenm Yvonne Ave. Applietttiomt for these positions (201Year Reducing Convertible Term Insurance and Wilson area; IBM electro- matic; $50 to start. For infor- mation contact Miss Sockett at CH 7-8261. R.R. 1 Nashville On No. 50 Hwy. north of No. 7 Hwy. Evening work for In and Women. Training and ample: supplied. Ages no barrier. No elu- Villinl. collection or deliveries. Cu nocuury. Your choico, uth " eortunission. Mr. Ile- Meekin, WA 24584. PART TIME INSURANCE SERVICE Rep. OCCIDENTAL LIFE CH 4-3123 Summer Help Wanted LIFE INSURANCE FULL or WAITRESSES THE BOARD OF THE TOWNSHIP Superintendent of " oaktmrn wruoalrura, Rate of ply 8 half days 6 half days 8 Pull! days 3 half 'less 3 half days 0 half days 4 MI! day: 4 in]! days 4 half days 222.45 346.45 tiANiEfrr-iiFaiu" cool-017 . [on for July. Call Weston YWCA. CH 445“. crLE1tE-TY?'ii" - hr Emmo- 8TENOGRAPRER - For Jane and Wilson not; some ex- perience in autom- painted; $66 week. For intonation con- tact Miss Bockett " CH T. 8261. DRAFTSWOMAN--8ome exper- ience with LeRay drafting; sallry approx. F200 month; C gingle Mucus, junior matricula- tion. For information contact Miss Moore at CH 7-8261. as EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE CABINET MAKER for spare time work. Phone AL 7-1111. " -trrEktt6ttAPHtc a: nooxmc sanwcr. Public Stenography, Duplicating, Mailing, done by experienced pen sonnel. Pick-up and delivery available. Reasonable rates. SHERIDAN OFFICE SERVICE "OVERWORKED?" tHA RESTAURANTS Special . . . Special_.__.__. 92 LOST AND FOUND WOODBRIDGE - AT 8-0752 Large, long-haired German Shep- herd lost about September, 1959, in vicinity of Thornhill. Answers to name of King. Very friendly. Has tatoo mark under right flank, number H.J.K.8L. WA 4-3736. " " BASEBALL glove, lost in vaein. ity of No. 7 Highway and Pine Grove school SS 12. AT 8-1971. LOST-Blue-gray cat, cream col- ored stomach, female. Thursday night, May 26th. 149 King St. area. Reward. CH 1-1794. ROBINSON-Elwood and Jean (nee books) are happy to an- nounce the arrival of a son, George Allan, a brother for Debbra Ann, on Friday, May 27, 1960, at Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton. Both doing fine. . . . . w MR. AND MRS. ROY SPROAT announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Marion, to Andrew N. Watson, son of Mrs. Robert Watson of Woodbridge and the Mr. Robert Watson. The marriage will take place June 18 at 3 o'cloek in Tweedsmuir Presbyterian Church, Orangeville. . . . . w mMMERMAW Laire-At St, EDUCATION FOR OF NORTH YORK part-time secretarial help on I schools: Elkhorn V qrrT Fenside Rippleton Rd. Sloane Are. Cummer Ave, Kenton Dr. Lilli-n St. and Caledonia “no; none ox- pu-ionco on payroll helpful; $60 to Mart. For information comm Mitm Boekett It CH 1- M0.60 per day should be tnttrmitted Im'medhtaly the Public School: Cnncent. ONTARIO TERRACE R. AND MRS. ARTHUR BATES, RR 3, Woodbridge, wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Doro- thy Elizabeth, to Ronald D. Sainsbury of Nobletom son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Sainsbury of Weston. The marriage will take place on Saturday afternoon, June 25, at 4 o'elock in-Pine Grove Baptist Church. . . . w Bernard's Convalescent hos- pital, Toronto, on Thursday, May 26, 1960, Louise Muench, in her 44th year, beloved wife of Henry C. Zimmerman, 27 Davidson drive, Woodbridge, and dear mother of Inga. Michael and Sylvia. Rested at W. R. Scott Funeral Home, Woodbridge, until 10.30 a.m. Saturday. May 28.- Interment Hillcrest cemetery, Wood- bridg‘e. ' RESTAURANT DAILY FULL COURSE MEALS O DINNERS I STEAKS . CHOPS "Save On Stuff" 23 IODPHUR AVE. CH 1-8764 Kai ioi School Children FISH and CHIPS Take Out Orders ENGAGEMENTS REWARD mix-ms BIRTHS THE a half day: ll half days 5 half days 4 half Mrs 3 half days 4 half dlys 4 half days iTITANLF Gt)U WW1 of " CARD or THANKS MRS. SADIE BENNETT and family wish to convey their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who have been so kind during their recent 'bereave- ment of their loving husband and father. _ . . . . w ANNIE KERR would like to thank all her friends, neigh- bors and relatives for their kindness while she was sick. Their help, flowers and cards were very much appreciated. Many thanks. . . . . w " COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE sale of clothing and household articles on Satur- day, June 4, at g pm. at St. Margaret Mary Church, Pine street, Woodbridge. . . . .w l.O.D.E. RUMMAGE SALE and I dear wife And merttser, Ptttr, - New. who passed may June a, 1964. Thou whom we low go out of sight, But new!" out of mind; They no chariuhod in the Of those they have behind. --Ever remembered by hul- band, John, and family, (Cor. Thistletown and Albion Road) Scott Outboard Motors, Lake- field Boats, Fibreglass Boats, Tee-Nee Trailers, Marine Accessories home baking, June 3rd at 14 John St., 2 p.m. to c, p.m. hed's Murine J. Kenneth Kidd, QC. Stanley McNeil INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. Woodhull” Phone ATlas 8-1186 EM 3-5097 - ATlns 8-0423 WOODBRIDGE Tuesdays 74.30; FrMtrys--8" gun. WESTON WILLIAM M. c. BAILEY, I.A. BARRISTEI & SOLICITOR AURORA Bus. - Parkvlew 1-4692 Res. - Parkview 7-5589 The Imperial Bank Building, Nobleton Charm Aces-Mom PINE STREET woonmunon TreNettt Puma! " N. T. JAMIBION LE MAY & co, My“ Bull lullllnl. Tommi! PHONE SSH-W I. I. McAFEl, B.Com. HIGHWAY NO. , Id d In. no. If THISTLETOWN CH. 4-7981 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Hawman Avenue, Woodbrldge Hours: 9 aan. to 5 Fm. 9 mm. to noon Sat. or " appointment Fraser & Slmrns Barristers, Solicitors For a Complete survey ot ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE - Call -- BARRISTEIS. SOLICITORS 1964 Weston Road (Opposite John st.) Tuesday trom q to 6 mm Barrister, Solicitor. Etc. " RICHMOND BT. w. - Phone - LUMBER and WOODWOIIK Professional Directory WOODBRIDGE W. M. MYERS Phone ATIas 8-0511 COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES HARDWARE, PAINTS, PLYWOOD, ETC. WOODEN: Concrete Products Ltd. 1 Mile South at Bolton on Highway 50 CENTRAL CH 1-0111 CALL Ana. btitl for a 1960. at 2.00 pan. Machinery and Equipment Sale at 10.00 mm. Danalma Farm O. D. CAMERON ,OWNER STROUD. ONTARIO at the lam: BUEHNSEYS AT AUCTION Herd will be TB. and Blood Tested within 30 days of sale. Hard established in 1944 Built on Good Cow Families Ontario Guernsey Breeders' Association Box 39 Guelph, Ontario Toronto T Kleinburg GOURLEY L. HOWELL lull. Brock G Son Ltd. BARRISTER h SOLICITOR PINE ST. WOODBRIDGE 34 Registered Guernseys 20 Cows _ 3 Bred Heifers ll Open Heifers 2 Grade Cows 2 Grade Heifers Wed., June 8 Barristers & Solicitors 3ttt Albion Rd., Thistletown CH 7-1051 - AT 8-0453 Mon. to Fri. _ 9 am. to s p.m, an. - " LII]. to " Evening: By Appointment In Thistletmvn or Woodbridle Vaccinated - Accredited Area RO b4001 - " HMO R. E. MACKERROW R. J. WATSON R. A. EAGLESTON HERB SILLS For Catalogs Write 38 HEN! COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE MAPLE, ONT. Telephones: Bun. - ALphIe’7-2621 Res. - Marine 7-1224 Dispersal Barrister & Solicitor 67 YONGE ST. Fridays, (-6 Inn. And By Appointment PHONE ATlas 8-0621 R.O.P. Records BOLTON, ONTARIO REALTORS Kirby Brock EM 4-4264 AT 8-0433 WRECK-'EM RACE In the but. of RALPH ERNEST WAKELIN, decent ed. late of the Township ot Vaughan, in the County of York, Checker. All persons having claims uninst the Eatate of Ple, Ernest Wakelin, lute of t e Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of March, 1960, are hereby notified to send particulars of the name to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executrix, duly verified, on or befpre the 2nd day of July, 1960. After that date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the un- densitrned shall then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 6th day of May, 1960. J. KENNETH KIDD, Q.C., 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario, Suli'citor for the Executrix, Kathleen Marie Wakelin "060.10%: 1891 WESTON Rn., w-TON ADDED - KING SIZE W. J. WARD EV”; 2ivss s. Jhuit't, AA CES TRANSPORTATION FRED L. MII'I'INS J. I. CUIIII, 0.0. OPTOMETRISTS NNIIAI. HOMES . “a I... madame “an": a Distal!!! and Com-noun "" um AV]. W. ImNERALA Slitijlu“ _ . - A “0* ' " ___‘ Professional - Business Jinn; a, TAXI CH. 1-1133 Dependable Service For Appointment Call CR 1-0701 Juana! given»: a. 1m OPTOMETRIC WINDER'S ann s LIMITED WESTON and AREA STEEL "'""t CAST Cor. St. Clair & Old Wanton Rd. wostiis, Ont. CH Hen BRUCE [iflll]EfiiJ0ijCj" Ban-Mm & Solicitor! 1923 WESTON ROAD WESTON CH 4-53“ lat and 2nd Mortgage Moiey Avnilnble. Alfred Eliot-man, BA. BARRBTER . SOLICITOR 1988 WESTON ROAD Mortgage Money To [an Evenings By ‘Appolntnent WESTON 27 Highway - One Mile Above highway 7 AT. 8-0641 on ”a. " I Roll & Ashboume (3..) an “mm - we" v us: I” My. I. GEO. W. BULL. B.Comm. Tqqtmamrqrtt' HOWARD I, (museum; """T""'"""""""'"""'T'""'"'"" " mo m , 'ther,, ‘ Cl ”547-” I - A A - “Aggy Fraser & Simms Barristers & Solicitors S. FREEDMAN & SON LTD. '59 AUSTIN HEALY 100-6 Roadster; extra seats; overdrive; wire wheels. '59 AUSTIN HEALY 100-6 Roadster; 2-seater'. special camshaft and ex- haust; engine balanced. matched, polished and ported. drive; extras, '59 TRIUMPH Til-3. over- IIYDIO'S I“! 1101r WATER SERVICE BARIISTERS, ETC. j BARRISTEIS, ETC. Opinjviegings Till . pm. Except Saturday Chambers 1944 WESTON ROAD DIRECTORY Bank of Nova Scotia " NEARLY NEW AND LATE MODELS WE HAVE A SUPER-GIANT FEES TO HANDLE AU. KINDS or SHEET METAL Open All Day Saturday HEAKES and MacDONALD Opposite Uohn Ittyert, 1.2-" SPORTS CARS WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID plenty of hot when: tor-an you! household needs *installatién of a modem auto- matic electric warn- heater. *aii serving and mairttasetaBtA including eplacemgnt. it * cost of electricity. Out tstaff will be glad, to all. all about this all-inclun'vo E WATER SERVICE. A low monthly'chnrgo can STAN AL Phone A“. Hm '56 VANGUARD up“; overdrive-. Cuihi, well-kept, ca r, good tires. 15t WOLSELEY SEDAN, radio; engine overhauled; good tires. '53 JAGUAR MK yn gi’DiN: 'carrefully main. tained; original green finish. WESTNIO” . , wa,', “wind 1630A Wilson Are. CR 6-219] Crane Plus Fatah Funds Ann-Me it! In; Cl 1-un In: I "" WIWN AVE. Mortgage Lou-I Evenings by Appoint-t Plhti0 7 Blrrixteru & Solicitat- ACCOUNTANTS rst

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