Times & Guide (1909), 7 Jul 1960, p. 5

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H BOARDERS and pairers-Botsrd- era; hosiery, Weston area. 6-12 p.m., piecework. Pairers--ex- perience on hosiery, Weston area, piecework hula. For fur- ther informatioon contact Miss King at CH 7-8261. KITCHEN HELP, Rezdale area; keef (notary kitchen clan, pre- pare beverages and sandwich es, " cents hour. For further information contact Miss King ' at CH 7-8261. D1fi?,,.t,teut.2, typist donia, .nwrom-p Mr COST CLERK--Rexale I'm, senor-l dutiu of cost clerk. 2 yen: minimum an; Ville! ' to be hanged. For further in.. formation contact Mrs. Gibbon at CH 7-8261. CLERETYPIST - commercial gr: ate to train in general office duties, must be good typiat, Dufferin - L-wunca area. For further information contact Miss Moore at CH 7- c-raTitFE'itiirriri, hotel exper- Inte ”parity, dly work, SA sa-tNair-Misc ShortEand Ind typing mr ' persons in eomptIo1rer's otfitee,H-li years (Dundas s No. 27 Highway) FOR: HENRY MORGAN & Co. Limited CLC)VERDNE MAC), DECK mum-um. Hwy-l7) mm doniaTaUriGce area, hours 8.30 to Enaxi service supplied from Gilbert loop. For further information contact Miss Moore at CH 7-8261. HENRY MORGAN & Co, Limited 1ttltt, preferred, niuit be Aca ities person; For futtMr in- formation contact Miss Moore 8161. 1eteetsirtt, have ex- pe i re in bike shop, $35 up depending 'yvasxpttriemm. For fun-(hay information contact at OH $8261. " had 33 F, [ton and Ruthie att',', Tdeg', in, fomtinn man Wists King at on 7-8261. Mu. (many at CH 7-820; Sales Ladies Phil's t ARE REQUIRED BY 0 Linens 0 Notions . Gloves . q Corsets q Hosiery . Lingerie q Shoes q Dresses . Sportswear q Iewellery . Silverware . China q Housewares q Luggage . Stationery 3 Handbags ' ' Millinery'“ , . Records F . Lamps q Toys . Children's Boys' and Men's Wear q Candy Previous retail selling experience is prefer- red, but not essen- tial. Full-time, part- time and week-ends. Positions are made available through Morgan's program of expansion. Appli- cants should possess a pleasant person- ality, capabity and good grooming. T Extensive employee benefits at Morgan's include: Discount on Purchases, Staff Cafe- teria, Medical and Life Insurance, Pen- sion Plan and a Five- Day Week with plea- sant surroundings. Apply in person, 5.00 pm. to 9.00 pm. -- July 11th to 15th. Roughlg 7% Q! “I Fi Our Cit-Mun myACAM qua-m We for Cale- ' It: May 24 to Thanksgiving! Fun for all the Family 9. COMM G EVENTS WE wish to thank all our kind friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy and» condolences during our recent ber-ernent.-Mrs. Ed. Mullen and family. I “Visit The Real Living SANTA" Special . . . 7 . Dinner for School Children Special . . . V FISH and CHIPS Take Out 0mm? WOODBBIDGE - " 3-0752 PARTIES who were seen re- moving 2 bicycles, 1 maroon, 1 red with white trim, on July 2, Humberview crescent and Wes.. ton road, phone CH 1-6226. " AMY? or THANFS a: my (in) rough " t0'EN0GRAPRrC & peanut; SERVICE m nawvgwrs 82A Public Stenography, Duplicating, Mailing, done by experienced per- sonnel. Pick-up and delivery available. “Reasonable rates,, The way is paved for you. You will find 1 study demand for Avon, Let us mainvhow others are earning $6 $10 daily in spare time. Territories {walk able in the vicinities of "Pine REFINED lady wanted with knowledge of decorating and furniture arranging. Write Box W. Woodbridge News, Woodbridge. . . . . w SHERIDAN OFFICE SERVICE "OVERWORKED?" drove, Vaughan and King Town- ships. Porn personal interview in your home write: EXPERIENCED waitresses re- quired for smart new restaur, ant" in Thistletown Plaza. Call CH 7-4201; Ask for Mrs. Sea; get. Salary plus good tips. UNIVERSITY student or teacher to tutor in first and second year high school math. CH 4- 5725. BOOKKEEPING mchine ope?» tor, to operate Burroughs Sen- SALES CLERK for delicatessen, ' an. ulcs-npon'once mum. 85 eentb an hour. For turther information contact Mrs. Ge- sie at CH 7-8261. EXPERIENCED wanton“, "all wagon, tips, pleasant condi- tions. El Pun Restaurant, Thistletown. CH 4-0714. 9.30 AM. to 8.00 P.M. Sunday foo RM. to 6.00 P.M. SQNTg'g _vrrrescE Box 160, Collingwood, Ont Or Phone 1712 up; TERRACE main tig rec., “i 10 Ian. For In her infatuation con- tact “it Noon at CB 7-7261. RESTAURANT DAILY FULL COURSE MEALS q DINNIRS . STEAgS ., . one? /,"etir/ir6rriiiiki'r 23 IQQPHUR AVE. 14 Years Ind Under Accompanied by Parent SELL TV ADVERTISED AVON MRS. F. WALKER Bracébhdge," om. SERVICE s'tA'rIpN CHILDREN TEACHERS of: _1-tmrt,' Mr. Baker was charged with committing perjury during his testimony " Jutjce Sweet's in- quiry. ', Téchur- who Mm nude in an out?" displny ot pool equip- ment c may? extensive dim-1a to I fence Ind smuhed lights. street tuition” were 8eth by I not" m gumboltng In pool m up by Haugh‘l froducu Ltd. Pt with of Lumnce T onus. ipecific charges against Magis- tra e glen and Mr. Listed Were the eich arm-em and” mom] to old Neil 4. Pg in procurilzz I building perm lit 1966. Mr. in- den is also Alleged to live at- cepted money for this purpose. Pat Hunt Inmates; on helm]! of Mr. Baker nnd ergintrate Hall. Hugh Sedzwick appeared on behalf of w. Linden. Police said the swimmer-I neat. and with a mud on VII nut to the dispVr. I}. nmm word ._.1. I PV Ehe charges nose out of Judge Joseph Sweet's York town- ship inquiry into township " fairs. Magistrate Hall and Mr. Lin- deff were both chlrged with mu- nicipal corruption while Mr. paker was charged with perjury. Magistrate Donald Graham set bail at $1,000 for each after all elected trial by judge and jury. When asked, none of the three had anything to any. Magistrate Fred Hall, former York townghip councillor, Harold Linden and builder Mannie Baker were all committed for trial by judge and jury last week after electing to waive preliminary hearing evidence. Hall And Linden Seek Trial By Judge And Jury The games will be held in Varsity stadium July 23 for the first time. Top' attraction will be the Miss Toronto contest. Ffr,t,ri,iit _ an: now being taee'n'a't a l 'iksttee stir. tions from girls wanting ttCenter the preliminaries of the beauty contest which Trill be held at that tstock car mces'July ll, 1211-41 IC Proceeds of the games go to the Widows' and Orphans' fund which paid out *60399 last year to bereaved families of police- men. The show will also include a rapid fire shooting display, and the march past of the force and numerous other acts, Sgt. John- son said. Metro police field day enter- taittment this year will feature high wire and other circus-type acts, it was announced by Sgt. Alex Johnson, president of the police athletic association. Adults: Men--81.00; Ladies-50c Children Under 14--25e Cirpy Agts At Relics: @0135: Cordlally invites the General Public to enjoy their refreshingly picnic facilities - 'Supervised' swimming in a beautiful pool - High fidelity music thropghout grounds - Dancing - Gaines - Sporting Eventis - AmpIé free Fine food and refreshments available on grounds. Swimming Lessons at special low rates. Clubs and Groups Special Picnic Rates parking. Admission for complete facilities Monday to Satudayi Adults---li0e; Children-Me Hinton "u, am 19 “a; HALMN GARDEN$ Pohée Gre and Ain' Keel. NEW. Recreation Grounds mt-ri AV ' ISpNGTONng; ; ttdrill H 3% Sunday: After a lively session of races and games for the youngsters, awards were ma.de to the oldest lady and gentleman present. Prize for the oldest lady in at- tendance went to Mrs. T. Laugh- lin of Toronto. The oldest gentle- man award went to Norman Robb of N0bleton..Youngest child at the reunion was Lester Keaehie of'Tornnto. The honor of being the person who came the greatest distance to attend the event was accorded to Miss Maxinnna Nanak; missionary to India, MV on fur- laugh, Miss Nattress easily out- distanced all others in miles unvelled. A special prize'wertt to The 12th reunion and picnic of the Nattress family was held at Mar-Lin Park, Palgrave, with members of the family in st- tendance from India, Hull, Que- bec, Ottawa, Stoney Creek, Paris, Erindale, Toronto, Weston, Mar. ton, Woodbridge, Brampton, Bol- ton, Nashville, Tottenham ind Caledon East. and twelve o'clock any day, 9r Comes From India For 12th Namegs Reunion Tickets may be purchased at Tickets may still be purchas (cost includes transportation to ",iriiGT G/Cir/iris,," ntr"th. or " 0-“ J. Kenneth Kidd. lt.C. Barfirster, Solicitor, lite. (“with Jon-Inf wns'ron cu n. T. 1mm: " In a co. Stanley McNeil I. A. Emu" INSMNCE Aether-mo. Barristers I Menor- Woodlmtn Phone mm mm m Albion at, Mum --.------_ cu 7-1051 _ " you. - ( Mon. to Fri. - 9 mm. to 5 Pan. ---"""""-""'"""-"-n an. - " mm. to " gag 3-3091 UFam. 3-0423 hug, 'ol2,"r"h',"lrhGfpoimment Ernie td b,,trt t“, . " ti l I ---------e 'COMPLETE From & Sims ll INSURANCE ssnvxcu WILLIAM H. c. IAILEY. B.A. BAnruftrwt & SOLICITOR AURORA Bus. - Pukview 1-4392 Des. - Parkvlew 7.558! The lmperhl Bank Building, Nubian» LEARN~TQ-§ July 4 - My 22 July M - Jyuqutt " August 14 - Septémber 2 July 4 -.... July 22 q July 24 - August 12 August 14 - September 2 For I Complete survey at ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE - Call - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT alumni ’Avenue, Woogprlan Hours: 9 Ban. to 5 .m. I mm. to noon Bat. or by appointment Tuesday from I to 6 Etobicoke Ald nearest school pick-up point Inrnlwr, annular. one. " RICHMOND ST. W. _ angrete Eye ' "ah in. Professional Directory WOODBIIDGE I'aht; 22555;," Phone ATUs 8-0511 £1.9ka M L‘FIEdpi I Tickets: $4.00 per For Boys and: ca 1.9111 7iaiii1llLttttpt, - ml}? Office e ct . ‘Leggré Rd Named to executive posts were: i B, Gray acted for a private com- honorary president, Herbert Nat-ipuV, Dimensional Investments tress, Woodbridge; past pvesi-lLtdo in acquiring Indian lands, dent, William G. Egan, Bolton;lpa‘l't of which was resold to On- president, John A. Nattrevs,ltario Hydro at a substantial (Keep first vice-president, profit. .rdord Nix, Torpnto; second -.-.---_.-_-__-.-.------ vice-president, William C. Nat- Thomas, Bolton; social commit- tress, Stoney Creek; secretary, tee, Mrs. William Agar, Mrs. Miss Reva Nattress, Woo'd- Graham Ward, Mrs. C. Robinson, bridge; treasurer, Miss Evelyn Mrs. Glen Nix, Miss Dorothy v---'-----,------------ Thomas; sports gommittee, Paul 'r=riT777frr===n Egan, Bolton, and George Agar, I n , -- _ -= A -- __ l Nashville. Following the picnic supper election of officers to plan and organize the next reunion--- scheduled for 1962-was carried out. Letters of regret for inability to attend the reunion were read from Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Nat- tress of Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Lawson of Indian Head, Saskatchewan. Lynda Nattress of Nobleton whose birthday was on the same day as the reunion. Prize for an almost uncanny estimate in the "bean-guessing contest" went to Mrs. W. Nix of Brampton. Orwodd PQQI child for each period either pool between nine o'clock at the Etobicoke Recreation ed for the iollowinq periodn: smorial 99d WIN macs (BE 1-4161) GO " L. O 335:1“ in 18glll+ PINE ST. Toronto ,. Kleinburg and from the pool from the Girls bl4 M if depending on the period) new“ By Autumn” In mmmwn or WOmI'MIO a. E. MCKEQBQ!’ Barrister & Solicitor FiefWfillls, 180 290 218 13 Tickets Available 177 Tickets Available Sold Out a, J. “my. Fridays. 4-. Inn. And By Appointment PHONE AThl 8-0521 67 YONGE ST. ';c'c'2'c-Tiic"c"-"uccFil ",',ettiiif. tyntrtmm ii'y'i'i'i'ii".i,; ll "Ami? 915T 'ailidii.. I Tickets Tickets Tickets WOODBBIDGE Available Available Available 'tr,'."" li,'Gii'rr'lrlrrt'ktrri',', EM 4-4264 Ar 8-043‘3 It follows the revelation in the Sarnia land probe that Metro Assessment Commissioner A. J. B, Gray acted for a private com- pany. Dimensional Investments Ltd., in acquiring Indian lands, part of which was resold to On- tario Hydro at a substantial profit. Thomas, Bolton; social commit- tee, Mrs. William Agar, Mrs. Graham Ward, Mrs. C. Robinson, The move was approved by the Metro executive committee but must be ratified by Metro coun- eil. FV T T 'r"""..' 17}. - . M355 enzI'ployes will be {Elia from any outside woik that could conflict Iwith the interests of the metropolitan corporation" under legislation introduced last week. Rev. and' Mrs. R. Davis are on their vacation now. Mr. Bill Wylie will be taking over the Sunday'. services at the Elmlea Baptist Church during their ab- sence. _ Also to be eontrrtstu1ated us Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans, of Humber Summit, on the arrival of a son. brother for Bruce, Ind grandson to Mr. Ind Mrs. A, Jackson, of Muney avenue. Birthday greetings go to Wendy Whitney, who was six years old on July 1; Doug Cullen, of Ken- nebec avenue, for July 8; Mrs. Alice Lnidler, of Islington Ave. north, for July 8; Donny Burley, of Redwater drive, for July T; Mrs. Ann Sonoski, of 2281 Law- rence avenue, for July 12; and Marc Kitchener for July 13. Congratulations to Frances Laird, of Golfdown drive, the winner of the second prize in the Etobicoke Horticulaural So- ciety essay contest. Mr. and Mrs. J. Staples, Is- lington avenue north, are enter- taining visitors from California. group not on Vida-shy unn- iptr in the Radon United cinch for I short ttmint," My. but In the o.satrn., nimb- matl were and " the halo c! lumen and Rot" May, of Condom drive. This was the last meeting More September. Congratulations to Donny Ind Nnncy Smith on the safe Irrivul of I baby dtsutrhter. The proud grandparents are Mr. Ind Mrs, H. Smith. Mr. and In. Smith nu, no the baby's “at grand- yuan". OPTOMETRISTS um WESTON an, WESTON W. J. WARD runsronn'nou I “alums, ETC. s Ill. q , if.). JatftW. c'1ir,ltftAk 'tio1Ms Retro Emilia S p 'iiii',e!tii'r!,ii,i,_riiii, 'ji)'inir' Clubs; lf [331% (ST/gun; a, For Appointment Call CH. 1-1133 $hrofessiim,niil I Jrvsiirtesis,i, Dependable Service TAXI amoral minclon OPTOMETRIC ygnn; Jami“! 2rthe, n1 - mim- WINDER'S CR 1-0701 LIMITED WESTON and AREA 'it, 1380A Vb. Are, a Ml" Alfred "Mar-nan, IA. GEO. w.’ sum. monk. HOWARD h, taxman“; a m trmEr an Hun-9 oprsoiite%3Gt Street Wench, Ont. CH 1-1911 102. WESTON ROAD WESTON: CH 4-5814 In and hid Mortgage Money Avlihble. g'j"ie mag”; "'j)"k'd"l,i',i,'i ofstttltl,ttt. ' SPORTSME Press" & Sims Barring“ & Somme" _ Bank at Nava'séotia’ BARRETER . SOLICITOI 1988 WESTON ROAD Bull & Ashbourne Mortgage Money To Lon Evenings Br Appointment In the photograph below, taken just over a rat ago, the donation of the Toronto Modified Tar K1 is presented to Gary Archer at Humber Membrigl Hospital by Ed Winter, deputized by the members of the Klub to hand over the cheque which represented their joint donation. Out of Humber Memorial now, after surgery, Gary Archer is now on a seheduVof daily visits to Princess Margaret Hospital. Chambers 1954 W8,T9N you There's time yet - though there's no real reason to put it off - for you and you and you to lend I hand in as worthy a cause us any that ever came oat 1y3y. . 99.99629 - EVERY ONE or WHICH “7M: BE ACKNOWLEDGED IN 1i'ig - mm“ Jii brought, sent or mailed to the T S AND GUI , office, 2160 Weston Road, Weston, or to the WOOD- BRIDGE NEWS on Pine Street, Woodbridge. Eva-97* - DIRECTORY As of press time this week the following don- tiona have been received: The players of the Wood- bridge Dodgers hockey team, $100 Ken Averill, "e, R. It Inch, $15; Ralph Collins, 8t6; Ron Marriott. $10; Lil Marriott, $5; Bob Marriott, $5: Frail-Ed I $2;John O'Hagan, $6. Adding that up/plus t ti' , presentation made earlier by the members of , Mfodizfilgd Kar Klub, and you get the neat, round suit 0 ' . a .word of two in 'this column. So what baby-£1}; What always happens when you’re dealing‘witb a sporty peqple - the thing moves, goes.pomes div... Je' It is a wonderful world, indeed; the wall" has such sportsmen and sportswomen in it, W last wyk, the qary_A.rehtT Fund wu launched , siilDorou.o HEAKES and [ce.i7iii; kat Hm Nr, ftl8i2a,!'i 2m wusom AVE., Wat- mm ca 143»: int! n Hun (Bum) PIAN Ill " ALEXANDER' A. LASKO and.” M.tt.A.t.C'. ARCHIE? Ill.) 7 (Re-J 1632 lslington Ah. N. THUNLeToWN MUSIC

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