“(he space consisting of a largo â€an, wnlk-in wall safe. wash Iâ€. “25.00. Call Mrs. Sputum, Mm a Well. Ltd.. CH 1-1164. n arr-lens &_nusm:ss m. BALE, RENT, W'TD. , FARM-SALES. RENT. W'TD. 3 BUILDING SUPPLIES DORVAL COPITHORN SAND & GRAVEL CRUSHED gravel and stone. "All grades." Cinders, prt run, loam and sand rill. Excavating and grading, float service. Phone ATlas 8-1321, Willis Road, Pine Grove. o-tf I Classified- BRIGGS CiNDER, SLAG. TOP SOIL, LOAM. MANURK, HAULAtiF', ME 3-4932 I PROPERTIES W'TD. TO BUY AND SELL LORNE A. RITCHIE. represent- ative Buddington, Finmzan & Co. Entrust your Real Estate af- fairs to a man you know. Call LORNE A. RITCHIE. Bus.: CH 1-5268, or CH 1-5567; Residence: CH 1-1370. 3 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES & OUT or TOWN PROPERTIES Modern Bungalow on 60 ft. front- age, private drive and double garage, Royal York & Lawrence area. If you are Making for accrage Lots, “L have them. Call TOM SCOTT 662 Scarlett Rd. CH 1-9781 STUART MERCER, Realtor 8th Avenue---? room solid brick home, close to transportation. In beautiful condition. Large gar- age. private drive. Well land- scaped. Owner has bought. Early occupancy. $5,000 down, balance on one mortgage. This home must be seen to be appreciated. John Van Hacrstrecht Phone AT 8-2154 Prudential Trust Co. Ltd. $3,000 Down-Store with 2 small apartments. 1 open mortgage for balance. $17,900 or best offer. Situated Weston Road near Eglinton. JOHN VAN HMSTRECHT Kkinhurx AT 8-2154 Prudential Trust Co. Ltd. $2,500 Down-Duplex plus finish, ed, recreation mum. Private drive, 2-car garage, A-l con- dition. $17,900 or best offer. 6 room, modern bungalow. 50 x 207 foot lot. $12,900 full price. $1,700 down. These homes all reduced. Owners must sell. Gerald A. Black 31330075 Woodbridge Area SELLING YOUR HOME? low. One 150 foot QUICK ACTION DEPENDABLE SERVICE FARMS - ACREAGE LOTS ma SALE If you want EMU-LT! . . . Use Chum-d Ad: publlllud ova-y “My. Tun-day ' on. . . . doodiino--. Nonday 12 Noon . . . caneoliatioa. CORRECTIONS: Th1: papa will ho mpoaublo lot NOT non than ONE Incorroct inaction ol an ad-mont. COPY: All advertising copy I. Inhioct to tho approval ot tho manaqomont ot this paw. This papa - tho right to classify all Advonlumonb. PROPERTIES FOR SALE Farms _ Lots - Acreage Urgently required. We have buyers waiting, CALL KEN GIBB LTD, CH 4-5305 i. E. Longhouse KENNY & MITCHELL WESTON Realtors -- Rd 2-7548 BRIGGS HAULAGE CALL OUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE HUMBER SUMMIT LAND WANTED REAL ESTATE annual-L unmet“ In are, PINE GROVE REAL BUY CH 4-6407 WESTON room, modern bunga- year old. Large 100 x lot. $1,800 down. W185 JANE-WILSON-I or 2 men to sharp 2-h0drnnm apt. with lmtyholm'; parking. ('11 4-1487 aflnr 9,110 p.m. JANE-LAWRENCE 3 - roam baseman Int, "If-contained, npntlessly clean. CH 6-6ttt7. w PISTON 22 APARTMENTS TO LET UNFURNISHED wit.soN-wALirT= m-umm bluement, fridge. stove, self- eontained. CH 4-4578. 20 APARTMENTS TO LET FURNISHED WESTON - South. Large, dry furnished basement apt. Ap- pliances. Adults. ftvasunablv. CH 1-5154. ADULT couple will enjoy our basement apartment and gar. don; separate telephone, laun. dry, entrance, etc.; rent rea- sonable; Jane and Wilson. CH 1-9093. tfw 17A AUCTIONS, BUSINESS AND PRIVATE SATURDAY, October 15-- ex SMALL 2-room winterized cot- tage near Thistlecown; no in- side cunvenirnces; $7 weekly; no pets please. AT 8-1635. 4-BEDROOM house in Kleinburg, modern conveniences. Phone CY 6-1284. . . . . w (s'Eiiiijjdiiorig?s'iAhi. YARFLK 19 HOUSES W'TD. TO RENT RESPONSIBLE couple with two children, Woorlbridwe-Thircle- Lawn. AT 8-0525. . . . . w 32 ST, JOHNS ROAD W-i-bed. mom apartment, equipped. new, hrnadlnnm corridors, free parking: 587,50. CH 9-3095. " BASEMENT rooms, sult CH l-5957. Farms, Homes, Motels, Stores, Business, Chattels, Accounts Re- ceivable, Inventory or any Security. Fast Service Anywhere in Canada 18 DON FINANCE $50 - $5000 On Your Own No Bankable If You Can Make ments You Can Lorrie, new, luxurious, one- bedroom apartments, some with balconies. Available immediately. Fireproof. Free parking facilities. CH 6-2305. If no answer, HU 36012. CH. 7-5438 -t=Trl=t--:.t'-.=:t= . 27 ROOMS W'TD To LET Don Finance Co. Ltd. UNFURNISHED 1125 ISLINGTON AVE. N. EAST REXDALEQ dd/m run Keele Near Highway 401 'ICSTUN m 2-ronm furnished hnsvmvnt, suit 2 men, CII 9- 5559. I- tensive auction sale of house.' hold furniture, dishes, glass- ware, cooking utensils, an- tiques, etc. at 223.Yonsre street south. Aurora; also the house and lot, property of the estate of the late Mary E. Seaton; terms on furniture cash; no reserve; real estate sold sub- ject to reserve bid. Terms, 10 per cent on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Ross Seaton, executor. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneers. . . . . w -Lower duplex. 4 large attrac- tive rooms, new fridge and range, separate laundry, gar- age. verandah, T.V. outlet, open hearth. Suit quiet couple. RO 9-7775. --CH 1. 5311-2 - " 1-0.3! DELRAY INVESTMENTS DOUBLE room, 2 sentlerlieT1 pre- 450A Wilson Ave. ferred, . meals optional, in DOWNQVIPMI mm Woodbridge. Phone AT 8-0530 ARRANGED BY PHONE lJrsTgEgWvitifsidi?. DOWNSVIEW, ONT. ME 3-2353 Rexdale Plaza MONEY CALL W. G. PETERS, Mgr, HOUSES TO LET SAME DAY LOANS AT Signature " FLATS TO LET Security ___-IPP!"?']?'-, Monthly Pay- WKST0N-central, 2 rooms. Get 8 Lran fully equipped, TV outlet, park- ing, business couple. CH l- I A s unl- 6656. couple WOODBRIDGE HARDWARE AND GIFT SHOP Woodbridge Phone AT 8-1221 Wr, [)nlivrr BANNF.RMAN HARD W A R F, STORE. 1936 Wrstnn road-- pnints, nulking roment. glass, antifreeze. galvnnized iron, etc. Quah‘y, service, economy. CH 1-234t., SUMP PUMP for sale, $49.50 Contact Wm. Juryn, Wood. bridge. Phone AT 8-1291. Instant Radiant F'art-.Forxwd Special 30 31 33 DAY CARE FOR CHILDREN 43 ARTICLES FOR SALE MUSICAL instruction, Plano clas- sical and popular, accordian, Spanish guitar, instruments rented to beginners. CH 1-0781. 2168 Weston road. ELECTRIC range, Hotpoint, 4- burner, apt. size, excellent con- dition, modern style; guaran- teed; $59. 1699 Jane street. CH 7-8289. ROOM and buavd, 2 gentlemen, good meals. CH 4-4773. WORKING MAN, English speak- ing, over 25, to share mom with same; twin beds, home privileges, TV, parking, full board. CH 1-3393. HOUSEKEEPING with grill, near Weston marl bus stop. Apply IO Church street. MOUNT DENNIS fl 3 rooms, FOR west end, day care for in- fants or older children given by experienced children's nurse, private home. CH 9-0272., KEELE and Maple Leaf district, day care for one child, fenced yard; also would balry-sit even- ings, CH 4-0550. 29 ROOMS TO LET & BOARD ROOM, twin beds,â€â€™in Wood. bridge. Phone AT 8-1200. FURNISHED Room. Suit gentle-' man. CH 4-0509. 13 Cross St. JOHN AND WESTO'E: road-- large front room, parking, breakfast optional. CH 1-1273. BEDROOM, centrally located, parking. CH 1-5346. VERY comfortable 'ru'rn'iéliéi room, parking facilities. CH 7- 0070 after 6 o'elock. WESTON-furnished bed-sitting mum and kitchen, suit 2 adults. CH 4-6291. . b' UNF'URNISHED rooms includ- ing kitchen, close to transporta- tion, suit couple. CH 1-8363. 26 Kra'ELE-WILsoN-rroom self. contained apartment, lower, M E 3-6567. THiSTLETOWN- 2 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, private entrance, close to shopping plaza. CH 9- 6341 after 6 pan. Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings SELF-CONTAINED 3-room mod- ern lpt.. 4-pieee bath, garage. close to No. T and 400 High- way. AT 8-0998 after 6. KEELE-Wu.soN-rroom base- ment, tel., electric appliances, private entrance, TV outlet. ME 3-7063. " Tompm'vd Tool 8'00] Blades Slot Cross 0r Square Only $1.49 JANE-401 - 3 room blamed!" parking, washing faeilities. Child welcome. CH 4-4601. WESTON-FELIO PARK - a man uu-eonulnod buoyant. private entrance, parking. heavy wiring, TN. outlet. CH 6-5137. stove, fridge, private bath; $75. Ito 7-0704. FALL ROUND-UP OF BARGAINS AUTOMATIC "MARKEL" HEATER furnished or party furnished rooms, suit 1, reasonable. CH 1-4747. on bathroom floor, modern kitchen, newly decorated; British couple. CH 4.3076. BARGAINS GALORE! Sale-Sale-Sale Special $39.95 GINA] SCREWDRIVER ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET UNFURNISH El) FLATS TO LET UNFURNISHED Warmth. Plus 9pyry_tiott ',-3-room flat --xs19 TITANO avcrriulirut, pravlirnlly m-w. For information CH 1- Bus.: AT 8-2071; Rosa AT 8-0245 Sale-Solid Foam Rubber, 12x14 Throw Cushions~99c Sign Painting - Truck Loitering PIANO, 2 yt-:Irr< old. \Vvhlwr from Ilvintr.muu, vxrvllvnl mn- dition, 57-in. model. walnut, finish, rt'asondhlc puma Ro 2- 3283. We are now your newly appointed Local Moffatt Dealer REFRIGERATURS, apt, Completely Reconditioned From $49.95 Up - Easy Terms WEDDING DRESS, gltrvos and headdress, fit size 12-11. full length. nut nvvr law. CII 9. 1873 after 5. ATTRACTIVE warm lndy's “in- ter crust, black, zl-nnrnm MI.. ver fox trim, size I2-l4, ox- rellvnt condition. CII 1-7567. SMALL ths'iNd0tobM TABLE and 4 chairs, small buffet; sewing machine. CH 1-7514. LARGE SPACE HEATER, pro TV, all makes, all sizes, $29 to $99; guaranteed; terms. 1699 Jane street. CH 7-8289. 47 Pine St. Woodbridge (Next to Bowling Alley) i-BURNER ELECTRIC range, Hot Point, 4- burner, apt. size, excellent con- dition, modern style; guaran- teed; $59. 1699 Jane street. CH B. F. GOODRICH 1716 Weston Rd. CH 185% 17" HARDWARE s FURNITURE PINE ST., WOODBRIDGE NEW BUDGET PLAN THE DRYER SEASON 4 Makes to Choose From WE CARRY . . . l " . t Kroehler Furniture FOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS EMPELINI AccoriiiikiV - us momma bum, mu eie ikar, silk org-nu with ' cc. Size 12-14. Like new. CH 6- 6187. a “1161.“ POI “LI 9634 BURNER LUIS Mow, Fmdlay, excellent, comlitirm, $20. cu 4, 4714. Westinghouse, $40; te/ms. 1609 Jane St. CH 7-8289. pane gas, 40,000 BTU's, ’Iike new. Reasonable. 79 Whit- field Ave., Humber Summit. 7-8289 " R.C.A. T.V., floor model, ex- cellent. condition; brand new No. 40-32 gallon, glass-lined, electric hot water tank. CH 1-2257 after 5 pm. INTERIOR s EXTERIOR DECORATING SUPPLIES base cue. $t00, q LIVING ROOM . BEDROOM . DINING ROOM Draperies _ Carpeting Appliances q REFRIGERATORS q STOVES . WASHER t; DRYER q T.V., HI-FI, ETC. q Good Assortment of Quality, Used, Arr plianecs. MANY MANY DOLLARS! SPECIAL THIS WEEK !! No Down Payment Up To 36 Months Tu Pay Alf Bullen's Draperies - Carpeting Wallpaper Pittsburgh Paints Picture Framing Free Home Service Painting Estimates New, 90% Dust Free FOR RENT Floor Sanders and Edgers Gifts For All Occasions CRANE All Makes and Models Phone ATlas 8-0611 Watch This Space' For Our New Addition USED T.V. SETS keyboard complete wili, Used tor 6 month. CH 1-2164. SAVE 517.9, SOA TRANSPORTATION Chimney Antenna 20' Roof Antenna 30' Roof Antenna Special 40' Tower so POODIJ') PU PPY, registered " MOTOR CARS FOR BALE ---plANO LADY REQUIRES ride from Juno-King to I)ixnn»MHrvin Grove and hack. 8.30 tt.m. and 6 p.m. cu 1-3924. _ 1963 NASH hardtop. Radio. Now paint. Full Price $1195 Wood, bride" Motors, Worrrllrvidgv. AT. 84ml. LESSONS on Piano and all in " RADIO, TELEVISION, APPLIANCES, REPAIRS FRESH KILLED young ducks and geese for Thanksgiving. Phone Iteve Castator, AT 8- 0378. . . . w GIRLS' bicycle baluon tires, $17; boy's bicycle. $15; gasoline en- ttine, $15 man's rocking chair, high back, $10; washing ma- chine, Simplicity, $20; new Propanv heater with pipe, $35; good steel leg vice, 16 jaws, $15; wall clock, 8-day, $8. ME 6-2811. HUDSON SEAL coat, size 16, in p,rtrod condition, reasonably priced for cash. CH 4-3290. 46 PIANO TUNING & MUSICAL INSTRUCTION RUTH FArtriiIi,rd,j.rjic.-M PIANO INSTRUCTION. Call Miss Tobin, CH 7-8256 after 8 1960 (TIN-IV†must svll, for. CH 4 DEPENDABLE BOTTLED GAS -cooks, heats, makes ice. I‘yrofax Gas Service. The com- plete gas service beyond the mains. Gas appliances at special rates. Myers Water Conditioning Ltd., 90 Pine street, Wuodbridgc. AT 8-0511. HAVE you sven our line of sports equipment -- rugby, skates, hockey sticks, etc. Woodbridge Hardware and Gift Shop, Woodbridge. Phone AT 8-1231. We deliver. Open Thursday and Friday even- ings. . ' . . . w CALL LE. 6-7201 WE SPECIALIZE in good used appliances. Special this week --?. frigs., electric stove, 3 washers. Boy's hockey equip- ment including' sticks, 10 per cont off. Crane Hardware and Furniture, Pine street, Wood- bridge. Phone AT 8-0611. APPLIANCES WE CARRY a complete line of CCM bikes and Thistle wheel goods. Gilbert's Auto Supply, Pine street, Woodbridge. Phone AT 8-0231. . . . . w MAYTAG WASHERS ULTRA SMART "ll maternity suit, English suiting, Ii]. " to 16, as new; can 885, accept $20. CH 1-4110 after 6. WASHING MACHINE: AT ii] 1760. . . . . w GURL'S iii-:63». an 12. al- mau haw. CH 6-8841 "ter E itoLic9tAl.bF;. _exup_qin; " ARTICLE. Port "" strumonts - Beginners and ad vanccd pupils accepted. CH. 4 G028. Black miniature Itousnnnblv AT 8-1283 after 5, Piano, theory, vocal. Informa: tion: R0 6-9593. Teacher Of Piano And Theory Studio: 3 Rnyaloigh Avc., Humlzcr Heights District Kindergarten to Graduation Kathleen Carney L.M.U.S., A.R.C.T.. A.T.C.M Rogistored Music Teacher PPLIANCES AT 8-1881 'i. Mile West of Wuodbridg‘e On Number 7 Highway 0pm Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday Till " p.m. USED WASHERS card table and 4 shin. ciiH: 9314. ISABEL GOULD TV ANTENNAS - $15 MAY-MA RT All Trades Accepted As Down Payment Phone AT 8-1933 33 Eighth Ave. South Reconditioned Ringers -_- Automatics NEW -THEORY PET STOCK good running order, prlvu‘u', 'loo ur of- 2tmi. Installed Installed Installed Installed ANY TIME! --SINGlNG $18, $22, $30. $50, 55 Ruckviqv Gardens (First Sin-ct Shuth of No. 7, East nf Stovles) Concord Phone AV 5-4217 Guns Bought. 80M. Euhanged and Bluvimz. Kunming To, Ally Mgkos 57 MOTOR PARTS ACCESSORIES & GARAGE EQUIPMENT 63 BUILDING TRADES & HOUSEHOLD SERVICES SNOW PLOWING, trenchin, 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE THE FINEST IN CHESTERFIELD RECOVERING COSTS NO MORE. WHY BE SATISFIED WITH LESS? 5 YEARS' GUARANTEE For Fttrp Estimates Call FLOOR SANDERS, Edgers, Ptrlishers for rent, day or even- ing. Alpha Engineering Co., 1852 June north of Lawrence. CH 1-5375. MODERN floor service. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Painted walls washed. A. Cor- ras, CH 1-0282. GUN SMITHING MATTRESSES expertly rebuilt. Returned like new. Two-day service. Eidorduwnl recovered. KM 672363. - _ 1953 BUICK sedan, raidio, in good condition, $295. Woodbridge _Motors, Woodbridge. Phone AT Two-Door, Blue, Torpedo back. Just had a brake and valve job. Has whule ttPW exhaust system. New tires, Battery and Automatic Windshield Washers. Best offer. CH 4-1,575 Evenings MOTOR PARTS, everything for the automobile, new, used and rebuilt. Weston Auto Supply, 1839 Weston road. CH 1-3538. We deliver. x-4l-t1 1955 DE SOTO Firedume 4-door sedan, automatic transmission, radio, pow'er brakes and steer- ing; full price $995. Wood- bridge Motors, Woodbridge. AT 8-1191. ' ....w FOR truck parts, it's Levy's __ All makes - new, used, rebuilt, 1400 Weston Rd. R0 9-1115. x-25-lt 1955 PLYMOUTH Savoy, me- chanically excellent, good tires, battery, new exhaust system, radio. Kleinburg CY 6-1148. {Di HUN! mum rum. ulna-rd gnu-tuba, 6 cylin- ggr, use. Woodbridge Motors, " MOTOI cm POI [ALI 1960 MORRIS OXFORD. good running car, full price 8176. Woodbridge Motors, Wood. bridge. AT 8-1191. . . . w Expert Work In The Home or At Plant At Reasonable Ram; Toronto Upholuovy Ciao-non And Uphohuron PHONE RU 3-7890 septic tanks and waterline; Gordon Bullock, Woodbridge. Phone ATlas 8-1424. otf Buys a 1961. Car 8-1191 Ch1ltyrl_lJprppstery Ltd Lorne Snider RENAULT 1961 Woodbridge, AT 3-3191. BRAND NEW MODELS Cash - Trade - Terms 1858 WESTON ROAD (South of Lawrence) UPHOLSTERING & RUG CLEANING RE-UPHOLSTERING 24-HOUR SERVICE . FOR SALE 1950 CHEVROLET Choice of Colours 380 OAKWOOD AVE $195.00 CH 7-715] $1398 'RAY BRibG'E'é' $39.00 MOTORS LTD TOWERS ANTENNAS INSTALLED AT 8-0252 RU 5-7644 MONTH DOWN FROM Fast Delivery - CH T4383 GRUBS, bugs, roaches, termites, rats, etc.; control pidgeons and squirrels. Service and insecticide for all needs. Vault fumigation, no publicity. 1-year warranty. Free consultation. Reliable Exter- minators Ltd., 464 Dawes Rd., OX 4-1946. AFRICAN VIOLETS s00 our most recent varieties: J'ishr'rs, 32 annsVicw avenue',"kouth of Wilson, one black cast off June. " FUMIGATORS a ExTERMrNAToRS Mahogany Plywood " " Black Peat - Sandy Loam - Com- post Manure - Sod - Patio, Rock- ery and Ashlor Stones - Curbs - Steps - Complete Line of Potted Nursery Stock Roses - Annuals - Perennials, Etc. Visit Royal Palm Nurseries 2616 Weston Rd. at 401 Hwy. Rototillers and Complete Line of Tool Rentals Available WE CUT KEYS SHARPEN SAWS REPAIR BICYCLES GILBERT’S AUTO SUPPLY AT 8-0231 AT 84991 All types repaired and renew- ed. Workmanship guaranteed. Emergency service. Day or night. SALES AND SERVICE REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS u Jammie m a nonunion: mucus ATIII 8-0231 a ATIII 8-0342 PAINTING, DECORATING AND PAPER HANGING FIRST CLASS WORK CH 7-0401 CH 4-024 Nursery and Mer For the convenience at our cl-tttod advertisers Cash ads wt]! be accepted at: Building Materials 2572 Weston Rd. CH 1-4885 GEORGE H. GILES CO Roofing & Chimney Service GARDENING SUPPLIES! 8 King George Road, Welton CH 4-7718 Holland Sodding Co. Plumbing .. Heating Open Daily CH 7-3866 - RO Peat Loam, Compost and CH. 1-6953 J. E. O'FARRELL C & M Confectionery & Gift Shop 1917 Weston Road EMERGENCY SERVICE Richvale Septic Tank Service WE KILL AND CURE For Recreation Rooms 4' x 7' V Grooved 4' x 8' V Grooved GD 12%c per foot 59 Curville Road West AY 5-4563 all Water Um J. C. GILBERT WOODBRIDGE STAN BAKER, Prop. Septic Tanks Pumpod 6 Cloanod GARDEN SUPPLIES payment! if desired. Free Estimate, Time New Classified Service PAINTERS & DECORATORS Fall Special on 24-Hour Service PROPRIETOR GARDENING Rockcry Stone Day or Night o. KING ion RO 3-8933 CH 4-0246 Blue Sod " WOMEN'S comm CENTRALLY located hair.; or meeting room, 891 Wilson Ave., Keele and Dufferin. Call ME 5-5988 till 5 p.m., from 6 p.m. CH 4-6396. " Gm be removed without trace by modern Elrctrolysis Chesterfields, Chairs, Recovered and Repaired Chrome Kitchen Chairs RECEPTION HALL, weddings, dances, meetings and concerts. Equipped kitchen and RA Sys- tem. CH 1-0723. _ EXPERIENCED ladies' and men's altering and repairing, cuffs, waists, etc. 39 South Station St., Weston. OCTOBER 3rd Virgin Hair Tinted FREE By Colour Experts Miss Marie and Miss Laura CHAMPS D'ELYSEES 1812 Weston Road 73 LODGE lk ASSEMBLY HALLS TO LET & W'TD. 73A REST HOMES. NURSING 68 DRESSMAKING & TAILORING A. LYON 14". m3, $3.10; rough, $2.80 %" 4x8 “.30; rough $2.95 ra", 4x8. â€.50; rough, .65 5/8", 4x8. $6.50; rough, .50 a/e". 4x8, 3710; rough, .00 li" Underlay, 81.15: Masonite. Iii" Random groove mahogany. " 2". 3" Insulation, 83.25: loose. 90c Doors, $4.00 up; Berry Doors, $52.00 Gyproc Lam. $1.20; Sheets, 81.55 Ten Test, $2.15: Arborlte, ABC ft. 2x4's. $57.50; Boards. 2x6. 2x8. $85.00 No. l 210 Shingles, $7.85 These pnces are on pick-up only. Suppliers of Ruthven Merion Blue Sod Small orders welcome and deliv- ered or can be picked up at 1577 Jane St. ALL round experienced dress- maker and alterationist re- quires work at home, reason- able. CH 4-7798. ADVANCE BUILDING SUPPLIES, LTD. 6581/2 Old West Rd. RO 23151 NA UPHOLSTERING 1577 JANE ST. CH 7-1381 UNWANTED HAIR Humber Summit-AT 8-1286 MERION numry and “old nod grown on Inn-lat simian land 5 miles from Metro Toronto. Rototiller work; free "tiataum. Small orders can be picked up in the field. Kleinburg phone Cypress 6-1251. . . . . w G A R D ii N I N G S U P P L I E S . GRADING o ROTOTILLING . TOP SOIL, MANURE . CRUSHED STONE s mu. FOR SALE WE DELIVER Gary Evans & Sons H. DUFFETT GARDEN SUPPLIES 140 CARLTON 6T., WA 1-2“ 2279 YONGE ST., EU 7-0901 2989A BLOOR W.. BE 3-4661 WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET NEW PLYWOOD SPECIALS UPHOl.STEltlNG PERMANENTLY REMOVED Unsightly Hair Evening Appointment 'CH 4-9734 AILEEN M. DICKENS 1892 Weston Road (at Lawrence) av ELECTROLYSIS Anne Graham Logan Established Over an in" IDEAL LOCATION N no 2-2706 g 1034 Weston Road Monday Special PERSONAL WESTON