Times & Guide (1909), 29 Sep 1960, p. 12

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31407 164 RP 2233 155 RP 2233 156 RP 2233 157 RP 2233 " RP 2386 " " 23M .1 RP 2886 e,', RP 2824 187 t 168 t N 54.06 of IM " MM " lots) M 154 RP 1766 of Lot 74 RP 2057 Horsham E 80 of 266 RP " lots) W 66 of P129 RP 1764 W 60 of 228 RP 1764 W N of E 96"2 n In! " RP 9057 .. Lil "ifitiiu'i7t 19 RP 3498 " & 64 RP 1761 CH 1-6584 EM 4-5141 2873 WESTON ROAD WESTON SUN “FE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 2277 w 50.3 Lot 52 RP 2277 E 60.3 of w mm; of but 52 RP 2277 W 60 of E 75 of . The T%wrvihip rL'MPI'VPS or any Lender. Willowdulo. 19th Svptt-mbcr A. G. STANDING, Clerk. Lot & Plan Street E 45'4 of W 55'4 of Lot 136 RP 2399 Holme 369 RP 1880 (anm 500 RP 1880 Conna; 61 RP 2360; Homey 62 RP 2366 Humov 63 RP 2366 Humvv 64 RP 23fV', Humm' 107 RP 2366 Homvv 111 RP 2366 Hnmnv 370 RP 2366 l’lvaxal 533 RP 2366 Moore 566 RP 2366 Munit- 78 & 79 RP 1945 ('anlvll E 50.3 Lot 52 HP ii,":,:)"),')))';':::-?:,': "rvry p%u'qa-R / a, -a lesson 1n sportsmanship “$.Eâ€"(1r- \ J: _rf,'; and a lesson in just , . _ I, plain fun. 21. i. r 7-2.. " (vi" He wants the boy to have all 43} Q ,. ciQ the good things in life. an Ciara) Although as breadwinner he is got? I / able to provide these now, 35%, ' he knows that some time flax dt / in the future they may 92’: (£31 tf, I' - y" I have to be provided by life ‘mfx// fo" insurance. That's why he's a ”A "", g" - Sun Life policyholder. ':'ii .z7"7 I Areyou? 'tiii,iffjji'j' tT, I J" t . _ k i)! (ks,: T v': _ / i M. a' h' h' Tender frrrms, envelopes, conditions of sale and all infur mation aru- available from Mr. qu-r, ftval Ertate Appraiser 5000 Ynan Street, Willowdalc, Telephone BAldwin 5-4611 Local 317. Tendvrs are invited for the sale of any or all of a list, com- prising 38 building lots in the Township of North York in- cluding lots prvviourly advertised and not sold together with an additional 14 residential and one commercial lot. Tenders properly completed and svalml in tomlm' cnvvluipvs provided will be accepted up to 4 pm” Thursdav. 29th 'septum- her, 1960. in the Clerk's Office, Municipal Building, 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. Mrs. J. Reid mm: to the accompaniment of Mrs. J. Walton. WESTON I'RESBYTERIAN The meetiru: was under the leadership of Mrs. C. Leask and her committee. Mrs. J. Draper, literature secretary of West Presiry- terial, was guest spvaliev. She imruduced the minim“ study for the year with the theme “Into All the World Together." DOROTHY PEARSON AUXILIARY The Dorothy Pearson Aux. iliary meeting of Central United Church was held on Sept. 2:.'. in the church par- Iours. day. October 4th, at 8 pm. Mrs. H. J. Leach, President of Toronto West Pvésbyterial, will be the speaker. The regular Woman's Mis- sionary Society meeting took place on Tuuduy. 27 Septem- her, at 2.30 p.1n. in the Ladies' Parlour. Mrs. P. E. Robbins Wths in charge of the meeting and Mrs. Rapsey introduced the new study, "The Turning World," The Fall Thank-Offering meeting will be held jointly with the Jean Gordon Ftrrbes evening Auxiliary un Tues, day. October 4th, ut 8 jun. At the morning service on Sunday, September 18, there were baptised Glenda Jane, dauxhter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hurd, 37 Farnsworth Dr.; Sam Vicky, sun of Mr. and Mrs. K. Sam Andersen, 1770 Jane Street; Lorna Elinbelh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLaugh< lin, 185 John Street. "th-dtrr,ihrt8tt00e "MS‘CUIDI 'ESTON PREtiBYTERIAN In Weston Pivtsbytcviun WESTMINSTER UNITED TOWNSHIP or NORTH YORK BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE BY TENDER BUILDERS' TERMS Weston And District Church News GORDON W. ALCOTT Willnwdule Hillmount Elmhu rst Bishop Bishop Bishop Bis-hop Nipignn Nipimm Nipigon Newton Dr, Pemrrvrton DownsVicw Bishop Bishop Mnniza Flown Rt'gvnt Homowrmd Hnmvwmni Hommvmnl PIN: #1711. Mooot Park Mum 1' pa, k Cardell Bishop Holmes Connaught. Connaueht. Homewood Humkuml the right not to accept the highest 1960 He's getting a bit rusty, but Last Sunday. the evening congregation had the pleas- ure of hearing Mr. Tom Rves, a prominent Anglican layman in England, who Mrs. J. Draper acted as set-rotary in the uhsence of Mrs. W. J. lluinL The min- utes of the June meeting were read by Mrs. J. Draper. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. W, J. Wade, and Mrs. H. F. Price, Christian Steward Secretary, gave a soul-searching report. Mrs. T. G. Head of Bloordule United Church conducted the worship, and Mrs. J. Draper, Literature Set-retarr gave her report. Reports were also given by Serra- taries. and a very interesting skit on the new Federation was given by eleven ladies under the direction of Mrs. W. T. Leavens, Missionary Monthly and World Friends Secretary. ST. PHILIPS ANGLICAN he can still tell his son a thing or two about football -a lesson in sportsmanship and a lesson in just GETS A KICK OUT OF LIFE The September meeeling of the Toronto West Presby- terial, Wumun's Mi>siunary Society of the United Church of Canada. was held in Run- nymede United Church with the president, Mrs. H. J. Leuch, in the chair, and Mrs. Gm). Freshwater at the piano. Church the Various organi- zations are in full swing for the winter session. The Men's Club are holding their tint dinner meeting of the season on Tuesday, October 4th, at 6.30 p.m. in Cveelman Hall. They are assured of a fine dinner and interesting enter- taininent. TORONTO WEST PRES. BYTERI A L N. C. GOODHEAD. Reeve Pommwcial yoning 42.48 x HU so x 140 30 5” no no 50 40 40 40 40 50.3 60 x 127.5 511.3 52.8 65 x 60 x 50"2 55 511.3 Size MM 50 , PICTURE x I 50 each 1:12 132 x 160 1323 132 ll? H7 147 M7 147 122'h 122'6 I22'6 122'5 120 147 M7 H7 l32 ouch spoke during the service and at Fireside meeting. Mr. Rees has been actively cun- neeted with evangelism for the past 25 years. On sev- eral Delusions he has spoken to capacity-filled Albert Hall, London. He has also eun- ducted missions in many parts of the world. Mr. Rees is presently in Canada making plans for the mis- sion to come to Canada, which will take place from Febru- ary to June, 1961. The mis- sion is inter-church for Pro- testant denominations and Mill be conducted in 80 dif- ferent centres acr0s5 Canada. The W. A. met last Mun, day for their first full meet- ing. This year the ladies are >llld)'lll;l enureh union. St. Philip's Church will unee again take part in the sector plan. The chairmen are: Vie Munnings, Don Gillies, Stan Hogarth, Robert Legge and C. D. Conway. The Men's Club will resume their fall activities on Wed, t:esday, October 5. Supper will be served at 6.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. All the men of the parish are wel- cumc to attend. sfCi, i,stss" I r I lb. go” day, ()ctuher 2, at 11 3.111. The reception of new mem- lwrs will take place at the same sorviw. Those desir- ing In unite with the ('hurrh at that time are invited to a brief preparatory service this Thursday, September. 29 at 8 p.m. in the Chapel. Members of Sector Executive in support of Every PL-rson Canvass" are: Mr. K. L. Thompson, vhairman: Mr. C. W. Leask. vice chairman; Mr. E. G. H. Worden, re- F1lul'C'Ci," Mr. J. R. H. Mor- gan, program; Mr. R. E. Nelson, materials: Mr. W. ll. Dean. visitation. The first met-ting of the Ynung People's Union was held last Sunday cvcnim,r at 7.45. The Cubs brwan'th.eir soa- son of activity on Monday evening in the Church Hall. The Cub-master, Mr. W. Gowland, is anxious to see all The guest minister at last Sunday's service at Central United Church was Rev. ilanns R. Skuutajun, B.A., B.D. Mr. Skoutajan is na- tional director of the World Refugee Committee of the United Church. The Sacrament of the Lord's will be observed in connection with World Communion Sun- Turner's Steak can't be beat It's Steak you love to eat CENTRA L UNITED Sirloin Porterhouse Wing Round Rump or 5““ gt, The teenage group of this thurrh participated in a hay- ride and a corn roast on Fri- day at the farm of Mr. W. Brooks. Bolton. Approximae, ly 40 young people were in attendance. At the conclu- sion " the evening, Mr. Keith Murlvy talked briefly to the group about "The Acid Test of Christianity." He sug- gestml the six points by which all young people should test their lives. He stressed the lva that Christians should give their whole-hearted de- vution to the Saviour, at every moment Hf their daily lives. Jark Peckitt, the pres- The fall and winter pro- gram of Pelnm Park Baptist Church commenced on Sun- every moment of lives. Javk Peckit Mun of the You thuukvd everyone H'ntrilmtod to the the evunirsg. day, September 25. More than 200 children and adults watched in admiration Mr. Cliff Taylov's performance of magic tricks. Mr. Taylor is also an accomplished ventril- oquist. His use of the dummy The flowers in church last Sunday “111‘ placed by Mrs? J. W. Milner. in memory of hey husband. The Sacrament of Bap- tism will he administL-red on Thunlisviivinsr Sunday, at the morning' service. Any par- crits dwiring‘ to have their child or children baptised, are asked in make arrangements through the office. The Literature Conference of Toronto West Presbyterian of the WALS. was held in Central Churuh Parlour on Monday afternoon. Guest speaker for the occasion was Mrs. Garbo, literature sec- retary of the Toronto Con- ferenrc. Past president of Toronto West. Mrs. Mac- Kenzie, led the worship ser- vice. Also featured on the pmgrum were selections of music and an attractive book display. Group Number 5 of the W. A. held their monthly meeting on Monday evening at the hump ot' Mrs. G. Kir.. patrick, 263 Gury Drive. the old cubs as well as new recruits attend these meet- ing. The Scout Group will be organized in a few weeks. Those planning to enter Scout, at. that time are ask- ed to continue with their Cub program in prepara- tions fur scouting. I’ELMO PARK BAPTIST Youth who I success r daily e pres- Group, had 4 of Friday night will be Youth Night with the Youth for Christ group will be in " tendance. Mr. Duane Ban. pamm, their leader, will ad- dress the young people. The Larry delighted our-you. Members of the Sunday School were highly appre- ciative ut the manner in which Mr. Taylor cuught his audience'sottention Ind the puma time presented gospel truths. fiL, 'tl HI BEAVER LUI'IDEK 'ry,-",,', f 1731 WESTON ROAD 55 ad] _, FREE. EVERYONE WELCOME ', _':" J; THURSDAY _ FRIDAY l SATURDAY l 111f SEPT. 29 SEPT. so t, pct I 1 ," Nair . 9A.M.to9P.M. 9A.M.to9P.M. 9A.M.to4P.M. } Sil IE, 1liiil, . .STEP-Bv-STEP cg, (j/u,,':,', III-n null n "fhRItFt nl-n nann- t?;iri:;)r?a,t.:tsrt '1'rj:ii1s.':.i'ii'.iiii';iii,'t rar:sTr':f:fii'r':iir,'ii:':j': 'i'i:ji:':jjiii'iiisji' 'ii.ifijji)':'ii':.'.:?:' "iij,i:C:i;:'ii::'ijiiiiii':ji" t.i:iiicii" 'iiii?it? 1'eiiiiiii:.i)"' Sys' 'i:f.:iiir . 2553322? Sannuto 's BEAUTY SALON "on“: Hudson, humus Interior Decorator of Cana. dinn Pittsburgh Paints will be " our thew to discuss and “Vin on any daunting quealionl you may have on your home or we. room. " “now our uprozmion V: have a buuMul you by the Mm 500 ladies cuh day anal-ding our show. PLUS A SPECIAL SERVICE FREE ROSES FOR YOU PHONE " 9-431! u no. 1-75” loam a! warm" 601, Just an LAWIINCI AVE, Dependable Quality And Service 2185 WESTON ROAD Corner ot Church Street. Weston Operated by SILHOUETTE BEAUTY SALON tfi,S5,llijf"llillfP1', 5f1f.1l)1 ty w a (li/fr/i,),,!],)),),),,),,,},.)?]),, 5‘“ BTW Telephone CH 9-0431 For Appointment is INTERIOR DECORATING 2 O % O F F COLD WAVES LADIES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Opening Special 1731 WESTON RD. f" hi' IE: IE; . ,STEP-BY-STEP: HOW TO BUILD YOUR REC ROOM. FCANADA'S LARGEST SELF-SERVE LUMBER STOREl The week's program con- cluded on Saturday evening with a showing of a film pro- duced by Moody Institute of Science. The film, entitled "Windows of the Soul" ex- plains the scientific mysteries of the five senses-touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. Baptist High Fellowship group will serve refresh menu It the close of this meeting. AT BEAVER LUMBER rs}: 'ijrii) HMEQW MAI/R "i,:r"i"i' Here is your chance to start right'. Home improvement and factory specialists will be specially set up throughout our store to answer all and any questions you may have on any product or building methods for your rec. room. See how to build your rec. room at a construct- ed cut-away display. MI. Tllllll QUESTIONS MSlllWll . . . EVERY STEP DEMONSTRATED Measure your basement an: and bring the dimension to the show for a free estimate. SEE OVER " DIFFERENT WALL PANELLING MA- TERIALS ON DISPLAY plus everything you need to build In "tractire well built rec. loom. " Low As 59 A MONTH, NOTHING DOWN On the populu and :onvenienf Beaver Budget Han you an Mai” and tnioy your we. took! new with up to , years to repay. Ask about it. he. estimates and planning help when you plan " Build it your- se". Every unislanu given " a leavlv in. Room Sputulln. BRING MEASUREMENTS FOR FREE ESTIMATE BE 9-4321 CONSTRUCTION Beaver Can Build the, Type of Building Which But Suits Your Individual Needs FINANCING MATERIAL PLAN I Beaver builders are erecting hundreds of farm buildings every year across Ontario. Their experience makes the difference. Ask the Beaver "Farm Rep" to show you "eaver-ttuilt buildings. If ynu prefer your Beaver "Rep" w.ill give you planning help and a material-only estimate if you plan to build, it-yourself. The beaver ”Farm Rep" can assist you 4 ways in obtaining a bank loan: (I) planning assistance; (2) pro. vide material only on erected estimates; (3) accompgny you to the bank to assist in the explanation and details; l make direct application through Beaver Lumber for a can. BEAVER o FARM ELANNlNG. I Call lull! W' no. "on rm. wand" ul nap-5740" “of. Peter Vim-ll lulu". "In mum-om product "mpttrets, HOW-TO-DO-IT REC. ROOM KITS WHICH INCLUDE PETER WHITTALL 1731 WESTON ROAD RECREATION ROOM .MANUAL H luv" will build it [or you ton-plan "a" to "am: lncludln. wiring. heating, .tt. Free .stimeres, planning and mu!- Halon by , have! Ree. loom ”quail". SERVICE FREE! mm in. vm. " m. “on and “pl-"Olen PJIIVIanny Mlphi In! PLAN 2 Today RO 2-7518

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