Times & Guide (1909), 3 Nov 1960, p. 11

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For complete details without soeeue Ji, wjl'ml and mild; . . ' . e . ' alslitrtstion, write, wire or phone: 'plllt toev"'cll'r0ylrt. "ttttTet KOIN LAUNDRY SALES LTD. fully e.xpetletd on wirlng and 20 College Street 'oithrring of TN. Ot' radio. Rex- Toronto Ontario ‘ dale. area. For further inlor- ' mation contact Miss Moore at Telephone: WA 5-4515 CH 7-8261. TO $ 8 000 TO YOUR INCOME We have been licensed to remove your dad Ind crippled farm animals under the above Act. FREE REMOVAL PHONE COLLECT: GORDOtYR5ijiWiMITED, TORONTO " HELP WANTED MALE KEN KENNEDY'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR WOODBRIDGE AT 8-0591 STUDENT WANTED week-ends for restaurant work. Must be neat in appearance. Experience not necessary. The Two Ts Drive In. Details AT 8-0098. COMPREHENSIVE ARTIST - METALLURGICAL ENGINEER PRODUCTION PLANNER - To work in electrical division of Iircraft engineering depart- ment. Multan you. Itfrttr- thar information contact Mrs. Gi-ibbon at CH 7-8261. 37131le DRAFTSMAN - Some {mix GENERAL - To loam 2 MEN to call on customers be- tween the hours of 5 to 9 pan. daily; $50 per week. Reply to Box 260. " SALES HELP & AGENT? WANTED MALE " HELP WANTED FEMALE To start at once, until Xmas. Possible steaay employment if desired. Knowledge of Shorthand and/or teletype. Ladies, if you need extra money --if you want to sell I product that is well known and well ad- vertised, invostiglte the oppor- tunit¥ offered by AVON COS- MET CS. Write.. MRS. F. WALKER Box 160,'Collinqwood, Ont. or Phone 1712 Phone CH 7-5384, MRS. TAYLOR game young wpman required r ot','."':',",',',',) position of respon- libiity, experienced in typing. Bookkeeping and chair-side work essential. Good salary office in Keele-Wilson urea. Apply in hndwrmng to Box 161. EXPERIENCED relinble restau- rant help wand. Full time, 6 pm. to 2 a.m., and part time week-ends. The Two Th, Drive In. Details AT 8-0098. CLERICAL uni-um. J." Rest.) an. lunch lilur . High School graduate with some G'.') in; Ability. Apply " 3-2106 for interview or write Chief) Librarian, M Brent”! “andi Nora. Talent» u. I WITH A _iii1,1tll's'i'i, TIT/ m" “m" 8TEN0GttAPMStt - '66-$60 PHltCO-BENDIX EQUIPPE) as: {Bud-Jo "a. For an“ . . ti t t ' K I N G K O I N Socks: 'lr'llllTii1'f." "3 CLERK TYPIST - . d LA U MD E R ETT E trtitst M imqicmwslezzz- 9-5 Mon - Fri; 9 to Noon Sat. KEELE I LAWRENCE Tonia); EMMY; 3-3636 or __ __ _fhytypAtrgry._8l8r, ---- Design high quality compre- hensives for sum Machines, advertising material - must have good colour sense. For further information contact Mrs, Gribbon at CH 7-8261. --Forging, costing and heat treatment. Malton area. For further information contact Mus. Gribbon It CH 7-8261. experience in general drafting. Keele and 401 area. For fur- ther information contact Mrs. Gribbon at, CH 7-8261. Custom Brokers business. Mal- ton area. For further interma- tion contact Mrs. Gribbon at CH 7-8261. Featuring Double-Load Double-Profit Washers DENTAL RECEPTIONIST "Christmas Is Coming" Dead Animal Diqusal Act 46 to 60 Years Old Part Time TEMPORARY TYPIST WITH DICTAPHONE EXPERIENCE License 1-C-60 $4000 AUD ('i'l?.A'htttti'liivet CLERK TWvlut but _ gr I "rt-ure. to; ACCOUNT‘NG can - Into:- LCLIRK TYPIST - BreeriensNrd I “pint Ne invoicinl wd cenw , on! “the dtuiu. Dwnaviow ) an. For hither iabrmntion I contact Mrs. Gribb- " CH T. '; 8261. STENOGRAPHEB -- Must have 3 or 4 years' oxporienco And like figure work. Caledonia . Lawrence area. For further information contact Miss Soc- kett at CH 7-8261. STENOGRAPHER - Dieta.. phone, shorthand and some bookkeeping. Keele and Law- rence Brea., For further inf- formation contact Miss Socket! _ " CH 7-8261. INVOICE TYPIST#2 or 3 years' experience. Dufferin and Law- rence area. For further infor- mation contact Miss Sockett at CH 7-8261. " EMPLOM’I' WANTED FEMALE SECRETARY, 14 years' exper- ' ience, desires position imme- diately. CH 4-1019. Anne. BOOKKEEPER - SECRETARY requires full or part time em- ployment. Box 132. 38 DOMESTIC POSITIONS CLEANING WOMEN - Tues- day and Friday, 9.30-3.30. CH 4-2834. " DOMESTIC POSITIONS WANTED DUTCH lady wants day work, 9-4, $7 And car fare, Weston area. CH 4-6355 after 6. " STENOGRAPHIC It BOOKING SERVICE . Gone"! bookkeeping including q gm 5:18.99. i lyre ported. .0 Invoicing, tting, etc. _ A most efficient. service for small; and medium sized businesses. Over 25 years' experience. Work picked up and delivered. E. M. Felker, CH 4-8280. IN D U S T R I A L C O M M E R CIA L C A T E R I N G Day s Night Service iRO 9-1595 RO 6-0059 1385 WESTON ROAD ath RESTAURANTS CrpirrRGToN--stan and Muriel Peru} iUi _ Firma Gala “Z i...‘ -e not. " Minor blade- 9999c: ttia Soekott at " I. nun-1. mi. in 5mm} fermion. contact In. Grib- be: u gs 7-881. wish to announce the arrival of their daughter, Joanne Elisabeth, on Tuesday, Octo- ber 25, 1960, a sister for Robert and Sandra. "Y Thursday . Saturday Doris Day .- DIVid Niven In the highly amusing comody "PLEASE DON'T EAT THE in ci'"""'":,',',"' and Color a so Thrills, Suspense. Adventure in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle" Colorful Tile "THE LOST WORLD” in 'so--- And Paine 1290 WESTON ROAD .. in Cineralnopo And Color Marrintt ten-cl Ronni. a 7 All M. .1th PAY ROLL ACCOUNTING SERVICE Our Saviour Lutheran Church rmsru‘rowu ' NOVEMBER “h - 7:30 PM Coffee and cmasu. After the Show EVERYONE WELCOME l may at I p... I John Lupton - Bet -. MT. DINNIS THIATII "I‘ll m 0' “on MAM“ "" Noun II. m HELEN'S CATERING Mt. Dennis Theatre In this district the BEST pictures are shown FIRST at KiCtrtftf A TRULY- dREAT FILM - SEE IT Ar' PROGRAM I ”GLOW W "i'ih_eiig.-tiNi" " HENRY BEBLEY ”no.” " MARRIAGE. MR. ' MRS. GEORGI ADOLPH wish to announce thn Hal-Ii... of their daughter, Dianne . Adolph, to Murray E. Whynot, son of Mr. Harris Why'not, Ind the Ins Mrs. Whynot, d 'iii? Scam. The murriaqo will who place at Riven“ UM‘ Church at 4 pan., Satunhy, Nov. 55h. i McktBBON - Trusured mem.. arios at our deu' daughter and sister, Doris, who passied away Nov. 4th, 1956. 1 Within our hearts we'll always keep A special place for you; And try our best to live As you would want us to. Often to your grave we wander, There to you we feel so near, As we place the flowers we bring And whisper "Doris, we're here." -Mr. and Mrs. Hubble, sister l and brother. " CARD OF THANKS THE PASTOR and parishioners of St. Margaret Mary's Parish, Woodbridge, wish to thank all those whose co-operation made their bazaar so successful. IN THE MIDST of our sorrow we wish to express our heart- felt thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neigh- bours foe the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our beloved children, Debbie and Wayne. We especially wish to thank the Rev. R. Beat- tie for his consoling words and help in our sad bereavement.-- Grace and Bob Bracken. STtlTT-1 would like to thank all our friends and neighbours who were so kind during our recent loss. No words on ex- press my gratitude to those persons who have been so can- I" commons!” EXCELLENT film night. "A Man Called Peter". Weston High School, William St., Wed., Nov. 16th, 8 pm. Proceeds to Pelmo Park Scouts and Cubs. Everyone welcome. Tickets at THE SMITHFIELD GOODFEL- LOWSHIP CLUB annual ba.. zaar in Thistletown United Church, on Saturday, Novem- ber 12, at 2.30 pm. ORGANIZED deer hunt accom- modation still available for weeks of November 6-12, 13-19. Complete 315. Pious Maple AL 7-1574. BINGO and Euchre to be held every Friday night at Leisuro Hour Recrutian Centre, Tot, tenham, at 8.30 pan, Cash prizes for both. Special prize for highest score in euehre at the end of the series. Shun the Wealth Game. Admission Me. hwy. Oct. 8. "" " the Toronto You": lie-duh Pri- nt. Patina’ Pavilion. A uh- m tor Inad- ud In“. lath doing wall. the trrstmtttsttrertt of their land- ter, Minion Reborn. to tb. Daniel John Look. son a! h. and Mrs. John lack. 131m The marriage will uh. M in Westminster United Church, Weston, on Fridag, Novembe- H 1960, at 7.80 Fm. _ Mon. , Wod. (3 Darn Only) "THE STORY OF RUTH" John Lupton _ Betty Hnlsey 5mm. and thoughtful.---Nan Stun. um children. in CinemuScope Bnd Color Starring: Elena Eden and Stuart Whitman ALSO "BLOOD AND STEEL" Starring mt. .4900 no 9-1980 UNICEF Christmas greeting cards are available :inn this year from any of the 26 feder- ated gl’oupa of the Weston Council of Women. Miss Gladys Miller CH 1-1856, and Miss Mar- jorie Campbell, CH 1-3855 can be contacted by those innovated in helping this worthy cause. " COMING EVENTS BAKE SALE and Afternoon Tea in Kleinburg United Church Sunday School Room, Satur- day,, November 5, at 3 o'eloek under the auspices of the Wo- men's Association. RUMMAGE and Bake Sale; also Tea Corner. Nov. 12th, 10 a.m., at Sea Cadet Building, next Weston arena. Under auspices of the Weston Sea Cadets " men's Auxiliary. ANNUAL BAZAAR, Tea and Bake Sale, on Saturday, No- vember 12, at 3 p.m. in Vellore Memorial Hall. Sponsored by the Vellove Women's Institute. THE OPENING NIGHT of the Woodbridge Badminton Club is postponed until Thuvsduy, Nu.. vember 10, at 7 p.m., in th the Woodhridge High School. Anyone wishing further infor- mation or to arrange member- ship may contact Carl David- son, AT 8-2489. Cordially invites the General Public to enjoy their refreshingly madam GROUND-IMO tor a thHYd'Iward7found bud-choke! WWI its controls ot an Quill-moving will" at!» Sunday Road Sch-duh Thur m1w111urvean picnic facilities - Supervised swidimine in a beautiful pool - High fidelity music throughout grounds - Dancing - Games - Sporting Events - Ample free Civikh b Gin. In“)! developed. Children aw Idnq is the dlulct an be- Admission for complete facilities Fine food and refreshments available on grounds. Swimming Lessons " special low rates. Clubs and Groups Special Picnic Bates Monday to Satuday: Adults-Me; Children-Me Sunday.. Adults: Men-t1.00; Lidies-50e Children Under 14--26e $013M 8: IEieithlM ITALIAN GARDENS Directors of Kleinburg Golf NEW. Recreation Grounds FINCH AVE. & ISLINGTON AVE. Cor.SLCl¢h&adWOIhlld. M View”! 30087“! S. FREEDMAN in SON LTD. CARI! UMBER COMPANY NASHVIllE - Phone ttpress 6-1123 wEruiimatRm-uerrttmarottANDtx 1rgtM.nNDtgtltrMEErMEtAt, thmsAliDartiaturdar - CAST TIN parking, Lumber ‘Dcalers' Association Member WANTED i HIGHEST PRICES PAID and Country Club are planning an evening of dinner and dancing for members and their friends 9n November 26th. They are calling it "Gray Cup Night" and their will be two large TV screens in the lounge, tuned in, oreourse to the Grey Cup game in Van, couver. The Ili-C Teenagers of West- way United church are having a Technicolor Movie Tour of Swit- zerland on Tuesday evening, November 8th at 8 p.m. Pro- ceeds will be used to buy a pro- jector for the church. Women's Federation group at Westway will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 19th, from 2 o'elock. - ttha. TRUCK RENTAL G. OLSEN was RO 9-2384 Ito 0-7970 IN Mack Creek Blvd. Hulliduy Fuels By Hour - Day - Week Stakes . Tractor "T" '1 - ' a ' can msous a, you’ll like u! I 4 'saret,etstamrtotutheeh. MW.“ t 1. ELLIOTT "BUCK lEASING Co., Ltd. 1450 WESTON now no 2-3681 480 University Ave. BM 6-2731 Gmmmtordtetrqtrts6trRM o1,rrttoswretrtrott"trtrrbm emrrgrtmettittsred.od' blah-did. . ChrrA-ttetttett+ l ”gab-pom“ , Wul hind. m teteltL: lug wan-pond by bus to Ihtrrrte School. Although construction of my Stinky Road School had not but planned in! m - according to "population march" stab- tics of "gunmen “I. Walks: wooed an madam war with the bchnklanl until approval dt the School was given. Celebrations of the 90th anni- versary recently conducted by the Downsview United Church, has prompted members of the Women's Federation to prepare the following account of the church historical background. BoohkimeAeeotmtirm 1891 WESTON RD., WESTON 1730 WESTON ROAD Walton CH “001 Sonic. to Small Main.“ ""'" _"- W" --_e----eV GEO. W. sum. B.Comm. ""‘i;i_qm"...¢' Ne w. Griffin HOWARD h, tampon“, ------_----- 199 '"ty.'t. - CM 1-0002 " qi' iirr- . MNUN8qt' was! Wain} -'"w-" 'Cl 0-3208 Evenings and smut- h Appointment. BAttttttmat' a summon 1415 LAWRENCE AVI. w. sum not he!" II at “as LEONARD A MtAlTHWAITE mu m,- Am. a "I. BARRISTER & somcrron a“. m R I Y k Plan _ A, ""t"rloU/"v'u"lildc, "'"'tettye.ef"'. C W. LEASK cannula Accomm W. J. WARD Nf you want to be a self.. made man, don't leave out the working parts." What is a bargain? We believe it is the selling of name-brand appliances at the lowest prices with the maximum of guaran- tee and service. FRED L. MERTENS J. I. CURIIE, oo. OPTOMFI'RISTS FUNERAL HOMES IAIIISTIIS, ETC. Professional - Business For Appointment Call CH 1-0701 ACCOUNTANTS William p, you Janna] @lrectdn D l R E C T O R Y OPTOMETIIC j BARIISTERS. ETC. 1 msuuncs Thistletown WESTON and AREA Tho Indiu’ “can ot th. Woo- ton Gall Ind Country Club bald that owing curling? math: Curling SeasOn Opens Here INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. “mind” PM Nun I-uu J. Kenneth Kidd, QC. WOODIRIDGI The“ 7.30-9.30 a " Amman“ WILLIAM H. C. IN. IA “III".- ' SOLICIT“ BM 3-6091 - ATUs 8-0428 WESTON than.“ Accountant PINE STREET WOODBEIDQI EM 2-1684 or AT 1-2030 Bella-n: rumor of B. T. SAMSON Ll - I CO. Roy“ Bank Building, Toronto R. E M. B.Coln. Weston. Ont. CH 1-1311 Mind ll. than. B.A. 1923 WESTON ROAD WESTON CR 4-5 HIGHWAY NO. , East of Hwy. In 27 W. A. MY'IIS ammo ACCMmXnNX luv-an Ave/mu, Wanting. Perb,'iitit, it? 2"t, uppo tile-l no any; gun} sum-g, Fraser & Sin-rm Barristers. Solicitors For n Cnmpleu Survey of ALL TYPII or [HID-ARC! Fraset lk Simms Barrister, & Solicitors 1944 WESTON ROAD Opposite ’Jolm Street Bum-t- . 8.in- mu MB- Am. Cl 0-8191 - but 6 u I I... BARRIS'IBBB, SOLICITOII 1344 Weston Road (Opposite John St.) BARRme . SOLICITOB 1938 WESTON ROAD Mortgage Money To Lon Bull ' Ashboume I-ttten B: Appoint-cu Batista, Solicitor, We. " IICIDAIQND BX. W. Manet-Cum. Irv-- . A"... m WBDDBRIDGE MWHE PRODUCTS lTD. Professional Directory WOODEN”! Stanley Mall.“ Phone A?!” 8-0511 HEAKES and MacDONALD oMtl"3f,,R, CONCRETE 6 CINDER BLOCKS - BRICK PATIO s SUPERSTONE cl an» , CH 1-0111 CR 4-5314 lead-u W tdi I Rink. won in“ (a “I he] Armstrong 'In.'., I play count-nu on . r, for tho W'O’tuh a Ao Do played " “in. ” Who Toronto district w In. I. t week at Nova-bu 2L GOUILIY L WWII-L Toronto .. Kid-burg 'roieBrodrSSoatLtd.r JOHN T. FARR '" ml.- lt, “humi- tar 7-1051 - AX - Mon. to In. -'9 mm. to 5 p... 2060 WILSON AVE., Wau- . I. new uni-u- l but. " your; Br. BO b4901 - AT 8-1143 DUNN? MARC! New Warinlm MMNID..M 3 4-94M CR 1-79“ N (Bum) (Rm) "" Inlington Ave. N. THISTLETOW N Bat. - " ml. to " “ennui By Appointment I. IR. S. ll. WEBSIER 20.) Mutant. Avian. W Ymir [mm-Inca Prob]:- Solved By HERB SILLS Kirby Brock vCOMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE MAPLE, ONT. Telephonu: Bus. - ALpine 7-2621 Res. - ALpine 1-1224 Plkhl0 TUNING And [uniting Wank” ",lel,UME 1'3PA. Inf-mg Inlays. '" I... All. By Appoint-ant - ”I m WOODBNDGE, ONT. am. 8-1181 REALTORS OI 9-31.! MUSIC

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