orttitaiiar4i-tst4t4tntr _ Weston And District Church News 1 Nanny " Tractor , New Plough; 24urrow 1 Cano 400 Tractor. like Itoed 860 Tractor Sovoml Odin Good Uud Our service um! (“whaling John are fully guaranteed. We will pick up and deliver your machinery. PIX Bible Clan is headed for another your of enter- hin-um for every member concerned. MACHINERY FOR SALE The 88 members who pur- ticlpntod in the annuul trip to Midland were warmly welcomed by the Midland Bible Class to I well planned ' Miles South of Bolton on Hwy. " KR. 3. BOLTON Phone IM WILLIAMS Sana & SUPPLY AkaFaFoFoFaFoFoFaFoF4oFaF4 2112 ISLXNGTON AVENUE NORTH limbo: Summit Phone A', BETTER SERVICE TO SATISFY FURNITURE DISPLAY PAX BIBLE CLASS MASSEY-FERGUSON Sale: & Service [3333 William il. Evans k Sons Ltd. SHOWROOMS ABE LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 7 AT DUFFERIN 1l961ll Lark sununm conceal) FURNITURE li mm SEE! DRIVE! QUALITY - DEPENDABILITY - SERVICE Come See ! Come Save ! At The Biggest GIANT HIE-OPENING HEATER AND DEFROSTER C ELECTRIC WINDSHIELD WIPERS PADDED DASH AUTOMATIC DOME LIGHT OIL FILTER ARM RESTS FRONT DOORS CHROME MOULDINGS ON WINDSHIELD 1961 LICENCE mlovJJN- MW‘M‘ 780 ROYAL YORK ROAD NORTH ROYAL YORK PLAZA Foch-Inc: " Ina-wk! "Golda: Crown" Luna Equipped with Brunswick Animate "tn Mon and Subway Ball Rum: NOTE: No non than and coupon pot bowlor on any on. day. (This offer ehpires December 3Itrt, 1960) ONE FREE GAME OF OPEN BOWLING SALE ROYAL YORK BOWLING MISS North of Toronto THIS COUPON GOOD SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS ONLY Established‘Over 25 Years $2389.00 CHRISTMAS TURKEY with purchase of $59.00 and our PHONE AV b4460 BY STUDEBAKER (including) The first B.C. dinner, church service and fireside of the season will be held on November 6. Dave Black, heading the progrlm, has promised a pleasurable even- ing of interest to everyone. progrnm " worship And will netivitims. A - Another activity for the near future is the annual Fax Minstrel Show. This year been)“ of the keen interest in regular Tuesday Harmon bowling the clans plans to begin n Saturday night bowling league. This night will run alternately to the Westeon dances held at the Weston hitth school. Whether or not he is a top bowler every member is invited to come along for an evening of thorough enjoyment. Chairmen of this week's meeting were Rosemarie Kelly and Tom Sainsbury. The scriptures were rend by Gail Shakespeare and Michael Boggs. Marlene Me, Lead and were ushers WESTON BAPTIST On Sunday, November 6, at 8.15 p.m. at a special fireside at the church Mr. and Mrs. V, Plunkett will show the Bolivian pictures taken during their recent trip to the Baptist World Congress at Rio de Janeiro. The church is preparing to observe its 53rd anniversary on Sunday, November 13. On that date Mr. Homer James, Phone ATlal 8.0242 Dave Mortimer AT The roots of the church date from 1907 when tent meetings were held on Main street. The present beautiful church was erected in 1947. Plans for further extension ire being considered. The church is Alisa looking forward to I visit from the Master Evangelistic Quar- tette. This is a group of four divinity school students who visit the churches every Sun- day, conducting church ser- vices and singing gospel wuss and hymns. xospel singer. will be truest soloist und . laymen'i Ber- vice will be held in the even- ing, At the morning service on Sunday, October 16, baptized were: Mary Elizabeth Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ashbourne, " King street; Susan Pearl, Baugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Rook- (yard, 5 Flemington road; Kathy Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Goddard, 4 Alladine avenue: Terry Cecil, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Ray, RR l, Rexdale; Carol Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox Lati- mer, 45 Lamount avenue; Hunyel, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Honeywell, 1827 Jane street. On Friday, November 4, at 8 pun, the Woman's As- soeiation will present a color film pageant of Switzerland with a narration by Mr. A. Lendi. The Rev. J. S. Mackenzie will review "Naught for Your Comfort," Canon Hud- dlrvston's account of his de- fence of the native South Africans, a defence which led to his banishment. The regular monthly meet- ing of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society took place in the church parlor on 0c- tuber. 25 at 2.30 p.m. with Mrs. L. S. Harrou presiding in place of the absent presi- dent, Mrs. J. Aitcheson. The devotional was con- ducted by Mrs. D. Davidge. whose topic was "On Trial." Mrs. Hunnisctt and Mrs. Wynn sang a duet to the ac - compamment of Mrs. M. Addy. ST. PHILIPS ANGLICAN WESTMINSTER UNITED Last Sunday morning the church was filled to capacity by those attending the monthly family service. In the absence of Rev. Howard Manson, who was in charge of the service at Rich Hill United Church, the service was conducted by Ian Nichols. Mr. Nichols. a young uni- versity student from this parish, plans entering Wy- cliffe College next fall. The Young People of the con- gregation conducted the even- ing service. They were as- sisted by Miss Margaret Col- linson, who is in training at A.W.T.C The Toronto Bible College began a week's mission in Etobicoke on Tuesday, No- vember 1, with a prayer meeting. St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Westmount, Gospel Church and Riehview- Westway Baptist Church are participating in the mission along with St. Philip's. Special services will be held in these churches every night of the week November 6 to 13. Guest speakers from the Bible College are'. Rev. E. L. Simmonds, principal; Rev- T. R, Maxwell, dean of stu- dents; Rev. W. H. Crump, director of music, and Rev. D. C. Percy, director of mis- sions. Students from the Bible College will also con- duct a religious census in the area. On Saturday at 8.45 a.m. the elders and demons of the Second Church will meet on the church premises to make arrangcments to attend an elders†and deacons' confvr- ence for the Christian Re- formed churches in this area to be held at the Christian Reformed Church in Bar- rie. Elder C. Van der Veen, of the Second Church will introduce the morning topic on "Church Discipline," based on the rule of elders adhering to the principle that only those ht‘licvrrs who lead SECOND CHRISTIAN REFORMEI) Next Sunday morning at both the Holland Ind Eng- lish service Rev. Mr. Venom- will preach on Revolution 20: 4-6, "The Flithful Church in the Glory of the Fiat Resurrection." At 6 o'clock, in'the second English ser- vice, the sermon wilt be based on the word of God as it comes to expression in Lord's Day 10 of the Heidel- berg Catechism entitled "Faith in God Who Always Provides." On Monday eevning at 8 o'clock the elders of the Second Church will meet to diieuss their visits to the homes of members to 'itteer- tain the spiritual situation in the community and to pro- pose the manner of shepherd- ing to the needs of those visited. I life ot him and ()an may partake ot holy calm munion. The sturnoon ul- uion will u-olve around I discussion of "Diauetieal Theology," pertaining to pro- ject modernism into the church according to theo- logical teaching: of Barth and Brunner. On Tuesday evening, after hearing the young people prove their memory of the Lord's Day, Mr. Venema will catechise those between the ages of 12 to 19 otLLord's Day 8 of the Heidelberg Catechism. The boys' and girls’ clubs will also meet. On Wednesday evening et 7.45 the young people who are to confess their faith publicly in the Second Church late next spring will gather under the leadership of the pastor to study "Man and the Kingdom of God." At 9 o'cloek a large propor- tion of members by confes- sion will be instructed in the third and fourth head of doc- trine in the Canons of Dort, one of the Christian Re- formed confessions. entitled "The Corruption of Man, His Conversion to God and the Manner Thereof.", _ On Thursday evening the public is invited to attend a promotional meeting in the Second Church which is in- tended to inspire, activate and acquire members for a Christian second church which with the co-operation of reformed people through- out Toronto, Newmarket, Holland Marsh, Brampton and Clarkson is to begin op- eration in the near future in north-central Toronto. Rev. P. M. Junker of Brampton will-be the main speaker. On Tuesday, October 11, St. Bernard's Catholic Wom- en's League held its monthly meeting with Mrs. J. Fazack- erly presiding. Spiritual con- vener Mrs. J. Donovan an- nounced communion break.. fast will be .held. on Sunday,, November 20. The amount collected for World Refugee Year was $41.50. Talent Dollar fund was approved and will begin in November, In the absence of the spiritual director an article on Christian Family was read. Special guest Sam Caruso, hair stylist, gave a demonstration on plain and fancy hair fashions. He was thanked by Mrs. Pat Arm- strong. The tea hostess was Mrs. Fran Cooling. The congregation dinner is set for Wednesday, No- vember 9, at 6.30 p.m. All members of the parish are urged to be present. The primary department of the Sunday school is faced with a pressing need for two teachers--a man for eight- yearwld boys and a lady for seven-year-old girls. Group Four will hold a meet- ing this evening at the home of Mrs. K. A. Lanncr, 3 Circle Ridge. The regular monthly meet- ing of the W.M.S. will be held in the church parlor this afternoon at 2.30. A play il- lustrating benefits derived from reading the Missionary Monthly magazine will be staged by the W.M.S. Ahishioners are reminded that Fun Fair 60 is slated for November ti. CATERING . .. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE OF CANADA Phone us at AT 8-0029 whoa you plan a Wedding Rocopuon, Club Meeting, Bridge Party'or Woman} Club function . . . cu Banquet Boom accommodate- 80 potions and our "rvittt II the is†ttnestl Thou In no mo charge for the up ot our Banquol Booms] Cher-Ed-Dale 1fs',"Afd'l CENTRAL UNITED HIGHWAY NO. 7 - Va Mlle West of WoodbHdqe TELEPHONE AT F0029 . . . is our specialty! Mricun Violet Club Meeting, Draws 30 Thirty members attended the October meeting of the African Violet‘Lovers' Club at the home of Mrs. M. Hutchins on St. Clair avenue west. Guesg speaker was E. A. Fisher of Doivnsview, who discussed the organization and fuction of. the African Violet Society of Ontario. Auction of a planting of African violet seeds of a specal crossing by Mr. Fisher produced a sizeable sum for the club tréasury. Questions from the au- dience dealt mostly with cross pollenization of African violets. . The next meeting of the club is scheduled for November 24. HUNTING SAFETY INSTRUCTION at tho Woodbddqe clues arranged by police chief Hubert Weathemll. Is given by Howard Sales. shown explaining the various park ot a an. to Wendy and Ronald Orange of Pine Grove. The Wodbrldqe clue-en are held in the Arena. DOROTHY PEARSON AUXILIARY The October meeting of Dorothy Pearson Auxiliary of Central United Church was held on October 27 in the church parlor. The even- ing, under the direction of Mrs. W. Dean, featured a colored film entitled "House- hold of Faith," showing in an interesting manner the work of doctors and teachers in India and the east. Mrs. Theme speaker on the sub- Jeet, “The Church in Today's Affluent Society," will be Rev. Martin E. Marty, A.B., D.D., S.T.M., Ph.D., associate editor of "The Christian Century" and pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Ill. Dr. Marty will give one-hour addresses at the morning and afternoon sessions. Each address will lie followed by a period of discussion. ft.' épencer played two piano selections. Sponsored by the Board, of Evangelism and Social Ser- vice of the United Church of Canada, the 14th annual con- ference on evangelism will be held in Melrose United Church, Hamilton, on Mon- day, November 7. For All PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 6 DEVELOPING Rev. George P. Forty, minister of St. Paul Street United Church, St. Catha- rines, will be chairman of the conference and Rev. Shaun Herron, minister of St. Columlm United Church, Toronto, will be the luncheon speaker. CAMERA CENTRE H. I. CADWALLADER, Mgr. All ministers in the Toron- to, Hamilton, London and Bay of Quinte conferences of the United Church have been asked to register. INCH'S tali UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA $33? 1937 Weston Road George P. Forsoy, CH 4-5991 7E3 Ceremonial Opening For Four Elobicoke Schools Four new public schools in dif- ferent parts of Etobicoke have been officially opened by mem- bers of the board of education. Two are senior public schools. Bloordale, on Toledo road, is the, first senior school to be built by the Etobicoke board west of Highway 27. Dixon Grove, at the corner of Kipling avenue and the Westway, enrols grade 7 and 8 pupils west of Islington avenue as well as from the Kingsview Village area. The Elms com- posite public school on Golf- down drive has a senior division of 206 grade 7 and 8 pupils, a junior wing of 331 and 101 pupils in special classes, for a total enrolment of 638 students. Green Meadows, a kindergarten to grade 6 school, is on Sunrow drive. It serves the area south of Westway and Trehorne drive be- tween Royal York road and Islington avenue. T. H. Goudge, chairman of the Etobicoke board, officiated at the opening of Dixon Grove school. Dr. William Graydon also represented the board at this school. Gordon Kidd, principal of Dixon Grave, was chairman and C. Potts, area superintendent, addressed the parents and quests. The Elms public school was declared officially open by Mrs. Charlotte Shaw, vice-chairman of the board. Alex Turner spoke on "The Purpose of Education, Quality and Opportunity." The principal of the Elms, J. Bice, presided and Mrs. Helen Spence was present as the second repre- ‘sentative of the board. Mrs. Sarah Ziegler and George Kirk represented the board at the Bloordale school opening. Mr. Kirk declared the school official- ly open. The address was given by Hugh McCorkindale, who . Commercial Printing . Typewriter. . Wedding Stationery . Counter Sales Books . Adding Machine . Cash Register- . Office rumiture . Rubber Stamps . Advertising Specialties . Mimeoqraphinq q Printed Cellulose Tape PRINTING Phone AT. 8-1032 Woodbridge OFFICE - 3 Wallace St. SHOP - (not) " 8th Ave. N. Ingst Dcar Mothcrs: Herd: an open letter to you to tell you that my CHILDREN'S FURNITURE and INFANTS' WEAR SHOP will be open on or about November mm. with all the latest styles. sales. 1054 Albion Road Reasonable prices and budget tom: available. Please see next week's edition of the TIMES G GUIDE for opening day The com» is comyuhory for all that who had not provinully hold a hunting “concm Th. elma an upon to than 15 - of do. and older, who are inter utod in hunting and who contemplate applying tor a liconco. (Ball of Islington Ave. N. - Opposite The HP. Station) Yours Sincerely Romper Room N spoke on the topic, "Our Educt- tional Outlook." The principal, L. Bissell, was chairman. At Green Meadows school Dalton J. Little and J. D, Parker represented the board with Mr. Little. officiating. Ceremonies were in charge of the principal, A. Kozakavich. J. Stinson spoke on "The Formative Years in Education." TAKE NOTICE THAT, pursuant towthc provisions of the Voters' Lists Act. 1951. the Voters' List for the Township of Norh York for the year 1960 was posted up in my office on the 5th day of October. 1960, and that the last day for receiving appeals to have omissions or errors corrected ac- cording to law was the 19th diy of October. 1960. AND FURTHER. take notice that a Judge of the County Court of, the County: of York will hold a Court art e Municipal Build- ing. 5000 Yonge Street, Willow- dare, on Monday. November nth, 1900, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the,afternorm to hear and deter- mine all complaints as to errors or omissions from the Township of North York Voters' List as pre- pared for the year 1960. DATED at the Township of North York this Inst day of Octo- ber, 1960, THISTLETOWN - ONTARIO TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK REVISION OF 1960 VOTERS' LIST' A. G. STANWNG. _Clqrl 'rd%GG/f a; NEH}? ' Ydri 'That Wonderful World llf Warmth†ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST W"; BUDGET TERMS - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. R. REILLY . ESSO FURNACE OIL for Automatic Burners . ESSO STOVE OIL _ ior Gravity Fed Heaters PHONE.. CH 4-3231 At TheTolden Rule was coined by Confucius 600 years before the birth of Christ, says October Reader's Digest. Asked to sum up his teachings in a single word he said: "Would not that word be reciprocity? Du not unto others what you would nut have J them do to you." CH 1-6584 - EM 4-5141 2873 Weston Rd. Weston "I! "ralymtt were“! Wm MIWTAG mm on AU, Fortunately men and women, unlike the lion, can have a happy old age- if they prepare for it. The best way to prepare tor it, Mancially, is through a Sun Lite retirement income policy. Let me tell you how. _ SON LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA GORDON W. Iran THE LION is the King of Beasts and stalks his prey with littie fear of attack irom other animals But when old age comes the lion falters. He is King of Beasts no longer. The other . animals lose their fear oi him and he is attacked and destroyed. MAYTAG APPLIANCIS " 3-1442 CH 9..4001 E550 HEATING FUELS