" a The second annual commence- ment of Thistletown Collegiate wu held last Friday in the uhool auditorium with " gradu- ates of the school's first grade " class receiving the secondary uhool honor, graduating diploma. The secondary school graduat- lng diploma was awarded to 74 Wildcats of grade 12. . Three students of the grade 13 that obtained marks of over 80 per cent in at least eight upper school papers to win the On- tario scholarships granted by the provincial department of edu- cation. Four students received _ six university scholarships with ". value of approximately $7,000. Students awarded scholarships in grades 9 to 12 were: general proficiency award, the general course, grade 9, Peter Carring- ton, who received the Kinsmen Club of Plumber Valley prize; Penny Mums, Alan Whiteley, Dorothy Black, Douglas Tennant, Lorretta Chiovitti and Ken Ram- say. each of whom received the Etobicoke Board of Education award; the Kinsmen Club prize for grade 9 commercial course went to Maureen Clegg. _ Thistletown Commencement Honors First Grade " GriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTr""" Receiving awards in grade 13 were: Fred Bobus, the proficiency in English prize and the pro- ficiency in physics scholarship. Brian Brady was a three-award winner, receiving an Ontario scholarship, the Irwin Hilliard scholarship in English and his- tory from Victoria College and 'The award for general pro- ficiency in the general course, grade 12, was Terry Pieton, who was also awarded the Thistle Stick, emblematic. of outstand- ing scholarship, leadership and character, as well as the Char- lotte and Ken Smith award do. nated by Mogens Rand. General proficiency scholarship winner in the grade 12 commercial course was Judy Stephenson. Etobicoke Board of Education awards for general proficiency in grade 10, general course, went to Jacoba Oates, Ina Mein and Larry Peters. Winner in the com- mercial course was Sue Mollison. Grade It scholarship winners were, in the general course, Stephen Marion and Saxon Hard- ing; in the commercial course, Lillian Taylor. THISTLE STICK: THISTLE BOWL, two of the special awards for the outstanding boy and girl at Thistletown Collegiate on the basis of scholarship, leadership and character were presented by G. M. Hull, principal of Thistletown Collegiate, at the recent second annual commencement exercises at the school. Terry Picton, at left. holds the Thistle Stick and Linda Sweetinq. at right. the Thistle Bowl, the traditional emblems of achievement at Thistleiown Collegiate. In addi- tion to the Stick, Terry Picton received the Charlotte and Ken Smith Award as well as the General Proficiency scholar- ship for the general course. grade 12. Linda Sweeting also received the Ontario Scholarship for Grade 13, the Class of 1929 Scholarship horn Victoria College, the proficiency in science award and the proficiency in physics prize. North York Branch No. M, Canadian Legion ALL CITIZENS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTENDI The Parade will form at Yongr Street and Sheppard Avenue East at 2:15 pm. and proceed northerly on Yonge Street to Pm-kvipw Avenue, thence southerly past the Saluting Blue in front of the North York Memorial Community Hall to the Municipal Building where a Service of llvmmnbrnhcc will be conducted " 3.:00 p.m. A Remembrance Day Parade and Service WILL BE HELD Sunday, November 6th, 1960 AT 3:00 P.M. Township Of North York IN FRONT OF THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. 5000 YONGE STREET, WILLOWDALE N. C. GOODHEAD, Reeve, Township of North York. The Coronation Branch No. 286 Canadian Legion scholarship was won by Jeanne Langley., David Hobbs was honored with the regional entrance scholar- ship from Carleton College and the Etobicoke board's award for profieieney lit mathematics. the proficiency in history award from the Etobicoke Board of Education. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS to the first grade 13 graduates of Thistletown Collegiate was delivered by Linda Sweating at the second annual commencement held at the School last Friday. Thirty-one grade 13 graduates received the secon- dary school honour graduation diploma and 74 students of the grade 12 graduating class were awarded secondary Mary Mosser was the winner of six scholarships, the Leonard Foundation scholarship; an On- tario scholarship; the Joseph Henderson Memorial scholar- ship in English and history from the University of Toronto; the Reuben Wells Leonard scholar- ship from University College; the tTirhri' .l. Ify, - FUR ï¬g '.,ii,tii J '. il, M33313 "ij) _ “flag ll Fl ' " r-j' AT YOUR BANK, AUTHORIZED INVESTMENT DEALER, STOCK BROKER, TRUST OR LOAN COMPANY. OR THROUGH YOUR COMPANY'S PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN. 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Linda Sweeting, who was class valedictorian, received an 0n- tario scholarship, the class of 1929 scholarship from Victoria school graduation diplomas. Grouped on the stage behind Miss Sweating are this year's graduates and members ot the teaching staff ot Thistletown Collegiate. Miss Sweeting was also the recipient ot the Thistle Bowl award for out- standing achievement. C fy, . ..~. ., e? I'I Inn-k l iliiiii1iiiitit eee.ik1 - ' ----- “m " College, the Etobicoke Board of Education award for proficiency in science and a scholarship for proficiency in physics. Miss Sweeting was also the recipient of the Thistle Bowl award from the staff of Thistletown Col- legiate as well as the Student Council award. NOW I , .re-'N f ' a} .% / A ' ONLY STUDENTS NOT TAKING LESSONS AT PRESENT _ ELIGIBLE We will loan a guitar outfit for home practice if needed with-- DURING REWARD SHOE "STORE: REWARD JI) THURS. FRI. & SAT. 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