'jig"'g and Building Materials LUMBER LUMBER DEPT. Mt MONEY DOWN ur 13.3.37. nv YORK LUMBEIU,t, NASTY WEATHER AHEAD.' ml, par and 'r" Yuk hie .. I' , " tit-dear. 52-; PM?!» 2W!!! SAVE " T0 50% muons. but, " tt $", "2'Mgr pin. In? 35:. ... 'IT " !"NGB. M" Mhat, I"P" terd,_U h " I a. - Till W' PLYWOOD NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD YOUR POWER TOOLS w .43: rtwoop . lunacy " " FOR can 'tet, cg,lit,,siit,9,i,ciF AND can! * Str'.'". “you, In: PING tt8yCCtV.,9, srr fAlk51trpt.l' ,IA , f"rftt "â€f19-95 GARAGE ALL MATERIALS AVAILABLE AT GREAT SAVINGS! STIR! WINDOWS MIMI SIS" Clark. Inn-hey JAN! STIIIT, ONLY BOO. LATCH SIT l'l'TEITIOI "" “I“: IWINchoou In. CAI 70' “I"!!! CAttutmq “I! 5129;“ I“!!! 2 Ilackthom Ito. 7419! I M M MO p... tsehr “I 12 Noon no tt.%iiaii%e. iaacfu' _. -. "WW" 2:: um- " 14rrr IISULITIOI aa7iViaoaGi, Eli-ROOFING TIME! FREE METRO DELIVERY ' l‘."wv $1.95. 'r " SS' than) "719’? m it i259 siGit likabl- for “up“, bum, all types Mm- Ite,'f cw, _ nail Me., "my Chain of in- MI, Mi... (WHO‘N ORV) mm 210.». {mi-n INSUL BRIC INSUL STONE-INV SHAKE dividers, ac. -irG, 'tgf,'? 'SLAI DOORS, new“ ire ' ir, WY. etc. 's â€slug-99"»! tram, mung"?! 1" him. Solid " cutouts. Many styles - with: defects, villus to $25 4' x 8' Shun. Tempered surface h" CC. Rag. price 20c ft. OvauockApfjn, per ft. FRO" DOORS ' . IW' 535“» 31'2" 'Cgg"N'hs cu. Ciijj" 2.6.7334: . OPEN m. EVNG. o my: = W' FE! Mlm, WINDOW FHIIES SAVE " To 40% Many diff-um in: and in“, "rt "(nylon with - a!!! ROLL ROOFING .'i.it'i?i, ff,'?.'.. -.e_P_. ..-- 'PVT.... 99‘s; 7163f. waif-SWIM," T!9WF‘§°"! -.- N€270: * mama? " . . m ic. n. . SY'a' * INOm "NI â€In!“ M 2t'. 'get, look, rim; " ' I g,1',"fa'hteMty'" * y.e."er MW“: 'A" 20209ne Street HE.“ “P m (ILACKTNOIN ON LY) "ae ’m' ii.uieid"iiir-itTi'. Rad .. Td " w '6.rs â€infri- "a mum!" "no“. V" r I r an»: m .a. ma, vial and hogan-n1. 1...": - 0.. ". see but". '0: a. II. ILACKTHOIN ONLY SHINGLES SHINGLES Amman mums mmmons (' OAK um mi .6. " In- ttrl u2a,'t2dt'd,'t may' " can». I nâ€. Cloning 'ia'aT In 50015727! - n IM- In I. n. ha ha. . GARAGE DOORS '" IOAT KITS â€may n twig; 3123's t. he. pric- 't Ars 'tttit shot“. 9Vi¢ 34.95 'SSS f1lr to, 19titt '" If shoes could suggest I costume for Milndy then the most colorful costumes would begin " Beck's Shoe Store at 1915 Weston Road. A peek at their window display will convince you. All the Fall colors are represented . . . . the golds, greys, browns, greens (Loden - seems the Nvorite this, year), and the vintage reds Even in the men's department, color is creeping in. Desert boots Ire introducing men to a bit of color and these comfortable looking items that belong in an active man’s 'wudrobe are in beige, as well as the aforesaid Loden been elude. Bluk end brown are anil- nble too, of course. They Ire laced in front. udua'uieaert boots are in somewhat different style, " though made of the ume revers- ible calf, sheepskin lined. Hers are zippered at the front and have I heavier rubber sole. Surprising- ly, Miladys come only in black and brown! . . T Jail the colors of the" leaves that In slowly but inevitably falling. Jack Leslie'; 25 years' experi- ence in the automobile business mad patient rerpottaibility u un- ice mung“ contribute to the But then, desert boots aren’t "the living end" in a lady's shoe wardrobe. She can go "all out", colorwise, in just Ibout any other type of shoe you could mention. Dressy shoes are soft as soft, in suede: and kids in texture com- binations and color mixtures of indescribable beauty. Tall gals needn't pivot among the clouds on needle point heels any more, for "The home ot manual nerv- ire", In th. slocuhol the lax-vice d-tment a! Wenonah Invent Dodtrs Chrysler dealer. Formerly Limit, Motors, the n": firm in known " Weston Dodge, Chrysler Limibad, and i. locuEd n '2075 Lawrence Avenue West. thAxrtt-shsrigi" British Cars As Well As Canadian . Fall Footwear Fashions Range All Through Spectrum For Milady 12,000 Mile Warranty Now Extended 10 PAINTS - WALLPAPER 1972 WESTON RD. CH. 1-7681 . C. BROOKBANKS Tslking to Irving Beck we found that shoes have been his life, almost literally for his father before him was also in the shoe business. Montreal-born, he has a wife and three sons and has been in business in Weston for 12 years. A Mason, Mr. Beck also belongs to the Weston Business men's Club. Another, store has been opened in Willowdale in the Sheppard Plaza. Both stores, he says, cater to those people who cannot be satisfied with just the cheapest footwean but rather to those who feel the need for higher style and better quality, without the disadvantage of high prices. shoe manufacturers have come to their rescue with adorable dressy heels i la Queen Anne or Louis, de France that keep her feet closer to the ground-and in style! timN pride in " union work. An I matter of fact they chin In! tobethrbi-t...Hatt" but! Service mun-(u- Jack Indie points out that they offer Nil union facilities including from and Allah ment, complete motor Mull. etc. Motor tune-up work in u up.- inlty. and all Denice work is [w- unwed. Cetinued from page 5-- Min Harriwia usually present and ready to demonstrate any of the machines or to serve the cus- tomer's needs in accessories such as thread, needles, bias tapes and seam bindings, etc. Push Button Revolution The local Necchi store, managed by Robert Kahn, is one of three stores in the Metropolitan Toronto area. A comparative newcomer to the Weston area, the store has been established here for the past two years. They claim to employ only the WESTON Miss Isobel Menzies, Mr. Beck's popular ulcslldy, plum to spend Hogmanay (New Years to you) in Pollokshaws, near Glasgow, Scot- land, which is her home town. After her well earned vacation she will be back (we hope.') helping us mortals to greater comfort and style in our selection of fashionable footwear It Beck's Shoes. - We end that the cue- toner In: be “we. . They expect no trouble from the 12-month [wane or 12,000 and warranty on Dodge and Clary-let peoducte. So are a: they, too, of the excellence of the other am they tell that they have extended this tune [manta to alt new car- sold by Weaton Dodge, Clue let Ltd. Currently on diaplay In IMt INCH'S DRUG STORE It's Fivn-h-On. Bath Cuba. Blue Gross, Jun. Go'cnivm. $1.004 Ila Gum Puff-Puff Inâ€: Stand-Or. Gran Flo-or Mist, nvffy Milk lack and an Monkey. $5.15 Feud". 1937 WESTON ROAD TELEPHONE CH. 1-1153 his, {a} AVAILAILI AT , As B public service project, Wel- ton Dodge Chrysler Limited pro- vides the local branch of the Wel- come anon with . Valiant Subur- ban automobile for their voluntary work of welcoming new people who have moved into the area. This or- ganization acts as a distributing agency for iotal merchants die tributing gifts and merchandise to new maiden“. The ortrtuu%stion also ndviaea u to the proximity of schooll, doctors, shopping plans, ind so on. duo handle. I complete line of an mnuhcturod by the British Motor Corporation. These include the Morris Minor, Martin Oxford, Riley, Woluley. and the [port- ear, the Morris MG. yogic]! od Ito pop_ulu- Dog: line 8-1" Manager Gerry Kram- uyl than has been a territie n- Iponu to the IDAHO? can, includ- hgg gin guy-len- Valiant. The firm ma Piunix‘modenf In the Cinder line In the Wind-or. Scum: Ind New Yorker. I!" Gran "sho"-i.r Mm and Tile Hand Sperry Sunk! Cop with Ilun Gran Pod-[molt for the Mugabe}: law, In": Soup. Nu. Gun; 1000 Gum $2.Mt both se-tu" rand fodr Welcome Winn ".iio $5.33 OUR PLEDGE-A Fair Deal at Honest Prices. Authorized: FORD - FALCON - MONARCH - TAUNUS SALE - SERVICI "Ford Dealers For Over " Your!" OUR MOTT0-No Gimmick Ads; No Phoney Payment Plans; No Hidden Finance Charges: This cor will give you a winter of trouble-free driving. Shopper's Special only VV_T_qrTTr__qFq W“ _ N .$995.00 Really Inexpensive Transportation. Shapper's Special only. _ . . . V_e_____ . $795.00 With Sun Roof. Special interior trim. Shoppee1k?teta) only Automatic, Radio. W/W Tires, Two-Tone Finish, Win- dow Washers, etc. Shopper's Special for this week-end, only. Vary low mileage. New car condition. Shopper's Special for this week-end only. An outstanding car. Shopper's Special only _ “$1695.00 Radio, Windshield Washers. A very nice family car. Shopper/s Special .. qrrr» V. . T .. P_F_F_e_____ $995.00 This car is in beautiful condition. Shopper's Special only ,. $1195.00 Radio, Signals, Window Washers, Power Brakes, etc. Shopper’sSpeciolonly qeV ___ ___r_____-__ $ll95.00 Automatic, Two-Tone Finish, Windshield. Washers. Shop- per's Special only VrVVVq T i . _ $1295.00 Automatic, All Winterized. In First-Class Condition. Shopper's Special only . q-' Ter, $1595.00 2-58 Fords 2--56 Fords I--" Meteor I 1-56 Meteor 1-57 Dodge Suburban I-56 Mercury The. above Wagon: have been reconditioned and carry our A-I warranty. All are greatly reduced in price for our Shopper's Special Sale. '49 Chev.-.........,, '52 Chev. .. _...................... '54 Meteor _r_______ Ter-rr' T2 Dodge Suburban '54 DeSoto '_"."-..'.-'..'." '52 Chev. ,. _ee_r..reeee...ww_w..fr '52 Buick _.e...e..FeF___VrV.w.t '52 Pontiac __V.V...F.._____._.. '53 Pontiac ........e___.V.._.._ '53 Buick VF__FF___V.___ '53 Studebaker Trrr_FFF_ LITTLE BROS. All can are fully winterized and ready to drive qwoy. We've many mo" fine can " choose In on. of Him o-ding A-l "conditioned nhoppor'l Incl-II. The can "and below an iot a for M the outstanding value. we on offerhtg for this SPECIAL SALE: RANCH WAGONS i1ri'i'i'.'_"d. iiiiiiiCE1 I ', ENJOY A WINTER or TROUBLE-FREE DRIVING C H 1 - 3 5 21 1995 WESTON ROAD C H 6 - 6 6 4 7 2209 WESTON ROAD WESTON . I958 roii'b roman AUTOMATIC I959 CHEV. FORDOR HARDTOP I957 NASH RAMBLER FORDOR 1956 FORD TUDOR HARDTOP 1958 FORD TUDOR CUSTOM 0 LOW DOWN PAYMENT o EASY TERMS I959 RENAULT FORDOR I956 METEOR FORDOR I958 MORRIS TUDOR I956 FORD TUDOR I959 VOLKSWAGEN I959 CHEV. TUDOR LIMITED $ 75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $195.00 $250.00 $195.00 $150.00 ' 75.00 $195.00 $195.00 ' 75.00 $1195.00