Christmas Dinné"? W“- . "V- . " ms swusnmo jagd #335; gamma sum swusnmo womvud 110.9111 Jaws-smug. m'i""6n iih6i '61} â€access-an aorta n33: mm highway“ sun. 330.15 JO trtcw LY DWCI 333.1 - 1tWHt HD “not“ â€on" an m3 may CVO. N015“ "ttl Featuring: IMPORTED TtHtACC03. cr LARS. CVutrrrTEs WESTON‘S FINEST DISKY TOY DISPLAY OPEN EVENINGS FREE (‘l'STOMJER PARKING 1830 wismw new, WESTON Sé'Sl' . .. Announcing The Opening Of.. NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR SERVING: . Roast Yurkcy - Baked Ham - Roast he! .. PM Chicky Steamed English Pudding With Wine Sauce -' Home Made Mince Pies - her Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream - Delicious Colin BERT’S CIGAR STORE QUALITY MERCHANDISE RELIABLE SERVICES -tr-tet-tueets-t-rou-dt . 1tMNSaWulurtattgPdu" . won! enemas AND SPORTS 13me . AhnteetntteDeNNERettACerhE 0 mesa. STATIONERY AND TOYS . A name on A rmsxon ser rnsz puma Ar REAR or swans "AlhlY-SEllNRt' cum", couvu’ggmc: AND am 7 mu coon: AND "ttftttits c/{r/H/i'mz Rcstaurant We Sell: . nouns . arms " STORM. q FuNMMAtt05NANCEABPECut . WINDOWS CLEANED . WA} . 1MMNuKButtmg LAW. 0 11.00“ uarmt mum General Maintenance (7 Cleaning or "INS SLIOdS SCIUVNOI'I Mrg'ni HUMIDOI-‘IESH TOIACCOS FLOOR MAINTENANCE A SPECIALTY. WINDOWS CLEANED . Waua WAREZ} mu BUtWN5 um. â€.00“ LIGHT. mm. Electric Appliance Repairs 105511.118 . VACUUM - POLISHEBS mas . IRONS " PERCOLATOBS .M ".“8 q tqtr.ra mn ll I . 'r/ii" Hanan "dll DNILNnH GaNIa ama NO'HIO ENE†Telepho, H 7-4571 OPEN 'rtg'ric,1iit, TODAY! {ll " XOO'I'IIOA AYM HOIHM BELLY!!! ON IHDN mnr SEDIHd uno 961m Oatl sr-te Bugs 1832 WESTON ROAD FOR ’PRS gaosa “HM adv; “u â€DU-5' “)1:be 56'! SHEA -ouovtTiirk - " fb" I """'s.;oo;) 103 JtthYWNBetrGet8$t"0rrtaltg (0min Tho Immor- Thanh) "u-g sags 'Jaua "1535 â€dam mm $100!!3A0 . “Inna Pau.rt SVWVfAd launch] s‘uaw 6L' 'Poa SZAUVDS [00M usual ayrd 6L'Z d.eod 56‘s WUVJ )I‘IOM OUCIAH 'snwx aor patients “311d "uoIIoP ems pun smug 3m s,p.muoo1 no; m9 [panama D out; n3.) S601 222:: am] pour, Pom "0 0i dn pub, 66T smog )poM 6' l-‘TW'S slogan put SUNS UVSMIIGND "IVNIIHL CHRISTMAS DINNER WILL BE SERVED 112 NOON TILL 9.00 P.M. FOR REBMVATIONS CALL CR 9-6651 i5ifir An estimated 8,000 curlers are new competing at branch level for the right to represent their lbranch in the finals. Competi- ltioné move from zone ttl"district ‘to provincial levels. Provincial finalists will be declared early in March. 'l Last year's national finals Anne held In Charlottetown, 6P.E.l. and Gordon Taylor's rink 'ifrnm Rivers, Manitoba, kept the itrophy in the west for the fourth iyear in a row. In 1959 Mac lScales of Winnipeg skipped the "winning rink. John Dipple's Sas- ikutnnn rink won in 1958 and Joe IMcKinnon's Kamloops I, e g i 0 n [rink won the first national event. There wu ulso n euchre held " $',lttireville, and it wns an- nounced that Clnireville will hold their Annual, Christmu Euchm on Deeember't9. EUCHRE RESULTS Winnrrs at the Edgeley Euchre were Mrs. J. Fostér, Mrs. P. Foster, and Mrs. A. Jackson. In the men's division the winners were Mr. E. Lund, Mr. K. Allan, mu! Mr. n. Minn. FreezeouU were Mr. D. Minn and Mr. K Allan, and Mr. G. Foster and Tr, K. Fry. Offivially known as the Good- wham & Wortstanadian Legion curling ohémninnships, the na- tional t'vent grew out of mm- pmi'ions in the prairie provinces which began ten year: ago. LEGION NEWS The Canadian Legion's fifth national curling championship will be held in Trail, B.C. from March 14-18. A Legion team from each province will compete for the G. & W. Trophy which was won last year by Manitoba. Last season Bennett was a hard working hockey player but his total output for the entire 59450 schedule was an unimpres- sive four goals. "li" On Sweater (It Brian Bennett Gives Woodbridge Dodgers A Scoring Threat Being saddled with responsi- bility seems to have produced some happy results for Brian Bennett of the Woodbridge Dod- gers. FAMILY NIGHT ON ICE for the layers of tho Northern Elohicoke Church Richly Ase HURWICK INSTITUTE The monthly mating of the rAMJL! NIGHT UN ICE tor the layers of the Northern Elohicoke Church Rich? Ase sociation and their parents and relatives was held at Weston Arena last weak. Pic- tured above is part at the crowd which turned out for the evening on that“. . The Northern Etobicoke Church Hockey Also- ciation operates a group of junior and senior boys' hockey teams which provide mm. WWF V"' . .,_,..V FrTrFas" lugs“:- 'i1i'i'i'tt?tu',l,',?'ia'i'i',a1,ti'i,t ataasdg , I bt' I! le, ' ',,.,,lttt1'ls,tt b; 'lltllNfirllt TTUVN, Ill-{JP moi up We» -C1rWesr4tieidtiotru-rirtesaolti'ribo "tttdurrArtbrltytttpqtiAs8tttrhsyysrllr Up untjt now, By ROSS KILPATRICK Woodbridge And Area Notes with eight One of the h'urhliehtg of the evening was the derrtFMort of candle making given by In. V. Minn, of Woodbridge. TM de- monstrntion candlu MM, by Mrs. Ninns were trrrst,ty wired During the Christmas program the roll call of a Christmas Gem way given. The prnzrlm ge un- der the direction of the c nvenor Miss Agnes NioCallum. Follow- ine the roll trall two songs were sun: by Margaret Ann Graham, and Anne Elizabeth Garriork. Roger (Inrriock presented his speech which won him third place in the recent public speaking con- test. Mrs. Dorothy Mitchell gave an inspiring report on the annual meeting held in Toronto. Mrs. Ellen Carr gave the motto, “The Heart of Christmas In the Joy of hping Remembered." This was followed by Miss Agnes McCal- lum'n talk. Mr. Sunk. Millet talk she mentioned the ",'ttt per- son-hie. â€mental w, Sant- in other countries, at the recently held yuhmtion cvromonies at Woodbridge Dis- trict High School. The Indian dur- ing the meeting thanked the Woodbridge Institute for the do- nation towards the Burwick In- stitute Hospital Memorial Fund. It was announced that the Janu- my meeting will be held at the Cher-Ed-Dale Motel. Burwick Women's Institute took the form of a gala Christmas party last week at the home of Mrs. Norn Garrioek. Mrs. Mamie Farr was the hostess for the party. A short business session was held with the president Mrs. Leo Watson presiding. It was an- mum-0d that Anne Miller was the winner at the Burwick In- stitute award for home canomics Commentators are pointing to the big "A" on BenheWis uni, form, which indicates hit status as alternate captain of the team. Tidy Rally Mr. Bennett justified the de- cision of the "brass" to hang some responsibility ’on trim-a full three inches of embroidery games played for the current season, the 18-yearaold centre har scored 11 goals. nation in: more than 200 youngsters iron: the netthrm reaches of Eblicoko town- ship.- A: with other such groups. the con- tinuing need is tor more and more partici- palm bribe parents of he players in the work a! the group. The idea of a "lamily niqtit, on ice" via: iritoudod to stimuiG, palatal Interest in their hockey-playing V . I h! N a: (i; V I It. c, Ci,' .H,ftArut'as Bumdn, byI thro'o sGttite in 'tttde him "pl or of tho woek" and _ ' * tbo shirt glanced by a Thistle men's Ibop.. Tho Dodqon'aro tittls plug. with thin wins. four . f_ a " to they in that “men'- >. Thor V _ - place ' Buzzer-â€:3 'i2"rt'tti:1' I. , t An interesting a c I' o u n t of Christmas around the world was given hy Mrs. Norma Smith, The McCallum sisters entertained by singing a duet. The ladies also ojoyed a play presented by Mrs. Evnlene Kersey, Mae Balm. A - DPS Foster, Norma Smith. AnnL Armstrong, and Irene Madditt. After the play Heather Hurt-hon. Adrinmw MCKIDB. and Helm Armstrong sang. The m'xt moot- ing of the Institute will be but] It the home of Mrs. Flora Sim - con. and topic for discussion 'lt, in Historical Research and Cur- rent Events. Christmas was the theme of the Bet-ember meeting of Rider’s Mills W.I. at the home of Mrs. Margaret McClure. The Roll Call was a white gift for the Child.. ren‘s Aid. Plans were made to in v i t e Castlemore, Kleinhurg, Nashville, and Burwick W.1.'s to attend the short course on “Medi- cine Yesterday and Today" which will be presented on January 6 in Knox Presbyterian Church. Christmas cheer and cards are brim: sent to the shut-ins in Elder's. It was decided that the Institute will hold a "Variety Concert" again this coming year and a committee was chosen to look after it. The (-nnvenor for the Christmas program was Mrs. Evnlene Kelsey. The motto, "if everybody cares enough," was given by Mrs. Annie Colton. Ed.. die Armstrong played two vio- lin solos, and his sister, Annie, accompanied him on the piano. Just before the lunch was serv- ed the members of Institute ex- changed gifts, and Mrs. Kearney played the piano while the other members sang carols. Leading the Woodbridge squad in the scoring column was Brian Bennett's four-goal effort. Bob Ptashnik and Don Graham not- ted singles when the Dodgers came from two goals behind to by: the ladies present on sweater No. 18--with a mast- erly performance in last week's game against Lakeshore Bruin?. The big centre scored four goals in the game which ended in a 6-6 tie. ELDER'S MILLS W.I.L In trying to arrive at a solu- tion leading to étandardization of township textbooks North York school board went a step further by deciding to investi- gate a plan of rent and sale of school books. Tonight, we high-flying Wes- ton Dukes come into Woodbridge Arena with game time at 8.30. Trustee Ray Hoag proposed that the board rent some text, books to students at a $2.50 charge per year, the maximum allowed by the Ontario govern- ment. The remainder of books would be sold to students at cut prices. He suggested that the program should be started with grade nine in junior high schools. Parents' eamplaiats of the high cost of books which are used only one year were supported by Trustee Isobel Walker. "I'm sure there must be 150 books around my house, which seem to he'of no value after one year," Mrs. Walker observed. Brian Bennett is the winner of a shirt from Saxon Men's Wear Shop of Thisuetown Plaza for his fine performance in the Lakeshore game. For the enterprising Bruins, Julian Kowalski scored three times, with Larry Yunnan, Terry Huff and Bill Whitaker each contributing a goal. In The Dressing Room Gary Archer had a visitor at his home.last week. Father Con- way of the St. Miehael's Bum. zers squad dropped in to talk and present a cheque on behalf of his team to Gary. Charlie Fowler h; rumored be about ready to take over the_ gets from Dave Kelly. 'The Wonder Walking Stick" is I delightful fairy tale pre- seated in: gnimaped pictures. "Blue Mountain Magic†wan made near Grllitutwtsird. One generally severe English critic commented: "This is a very per- sonal film and a model for everyone who wants to mike e film about a child. You ean't describe it: you can only ex- perience its quiet, fresh beauty." This film woo for J. P. Fitz- gerald of Toronto the Harris B. Tuttle trophy awarded annually by the Photographic Society of America tor the best family film. The film also received a gold star award in the English Ten Best competition and placed second in the Australian Gold Cup festival. Free tickets for the program may be obtained at the desk in the children‘s division. Rental Service Proposed knot the count at a half dozen apiece. F A film program which has been planed "pseially for chil- dnn will be held in the audi- torium of the North York Public Library on Siturduy, December 17, It 2 pm. Pi; Children ll library “It. "My My po- , " M It.“ by 6. link! Vulloy um. Thur. In“ tho 0:10 “The Enchanted tummy" In a-ttro-night land Midi-WI Every Sunday " 3.80 pm. Tit-lieu on sale " 1leyteftt't Dru-1&9". Woodbridn Dairy and DISTRICT MEMORIAL NEWMARKET “omen vs. woooampa: pecans ATTHE ARENA JUNIOR B. HOCKEY Thursday, December 22 WOODBRIDGE n.."'..;a";. mum}? """"" Flu! mu a the man: CHILDBEI ".00; STUDENTS. $1.50; ADULTS, 02.00 PUBLIC SKATING CHILDREN - a to no PM. ADULTS - s to 10.30 PM. ADULTS: so: - CHILDREN: Me COMMUNITY SKATING EVERY SATURDAY ARENA to which gives talented younptqsl ' chance to demonstrate tttMr skill in ainging, instrument] music And dancing. Jenn gall- meyer directed "The Euchnnud Birthday." . luring but». H â€at In: W Hum "m. "q, insist. that thin 'tl-hi-i ine with be an In: oppeté%ttttr IT, local plum to mu. i aw. _ b the Emma}: V 'ijiiiriiiii of. the . Knigh‘tl . ll" 'elltttl The out w" my and. of partieipanU ", [an " human but RICH-mink mu on Jun. mod "iittuir night, sumac a I p... _ Sale to be held in a tent. Lunch available. Catalogs available at Sale milk without doing a lot-of travelling. This lot of cattle was selected in the States by John Mommam of the Merryman Co. They are young cows, many from dams with records. FRIDAY, DEC. 16 . 1 pan. at Emu! Crossland'. South Farm, Nowmarkol. Ont. Farm on Highway ll jug! north of Newmarket Traffic lights. GUERNSEYS; AT Aucnon‘ TRUCK RENTAL Vaccinated All swingers or close to fresheninq. Here is a chance to get tYaour-Dinir- )iti"?ll'fii,i,isaii.', 50 REGISTERED GUERNSEYS