WOWN PLAZA Last speaker, I. Thomson, di- rector of the recreation commis- sion of Etobicoke, outlined the program of recreation in the area. Mr. Thomson indicated the number of outdcm rinks, the Scouts and Cubs, D. Hartwell told about the background his- tory of Scouting and its advant- ages for teenagers. Shg_r:89ck Restaurant ol, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts of " College street, Thistletown, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home on Saturday, December IO. The couple, married 50 years ago at St. Paul’s Anglican Chuvcl Wimbledon. England, by Rev. Mr. Bran, have lived in their present home fur the past re )t'ul'b'. Their son Alfred and daughter Ellen as well tts four grandchil- dren and tnn 'cveut-ururulvhil- dren are l'e>idents or" Quebec. Among the letter, of eony'rntnla- tion received new [lime (rum Prime Minister lliefeizbaker and Premier of ()nturiu Leslie Find as well us a serull from the pru- vinviul secretory. tell-grunts from J. B. lliuiiiltnn and ll. l. ' Rowntree. “its for Yuri» West: and Reeve ll. ll. Wuffle and} flowers from the vrlluue or. Thistletoun and {mm the Ettli coke Red Civ,r, executive and staff. Mvs. Watts i, the past president of the Women's lr:. stitute and rhziirmnn of the Thistletoun unit of the Red Cross. On 11onduy. December ld, the Elms Home and Srhuol Assurin- tion held its first guucrul meet- ing in the school un Golnlown drive. The president, R. Munro. was in the chair. After the mil:- utes of the hut meeting were) read and geuevul bu,irwss uus. disposed of Mr. Munro turned. the meeting over to Rev. H. Len- nox of St. Paul's Armin-an I' Church who iii-ted its chairman I for the remniner oi' the meeting. The theme of the evening was I youth work in Etolivke, Police Officer Quackerlush of the l Etobicoke police forre spoke l about teaching safety to ehil- k dren in schools and pointed out i safety provided by erosswulksi when properly used. He illustrat- / ed his subject with a short film, I "It Takes Two to Cross Walk," k, which portrayed the right and; wrong usage of crosswalks. i Mr. Low, secretary of Noithern WALTEB’S GARAGE LION SERVICE STATION Season's Greetings To All Our Customers, Frie Arharmdtrr. Doc. tt, mo _ TH! mm & GUIDI r359.“ " - . lot?,? to tll men us our heartfelt prayer at this holy Christmas season. Elmlea r to RM. H. Lon- Puui's Anglimn 'ted as chaurmun r oi' the meeting. the Honing was Etolivke, Policy Mum and H. I. for York West ll. Wuffle an be villuure ol {nun the Etli Tolophono CH 7-4201 CLOSED CHRISTMASDAY OPEN m YEAR'S DAY let the spirit of Mile, inq. _ s'... peace and love ':.".ci._vs.'_;1..i.':.i'_.'.iijr.i.i._iii, prevail in our hearts ."".f.s.'.. (y.?, "'".. and homes Is'... _ '..\ _ibi to givethis /,.i.i's,.1 's Holy Day its fullest iLPig. I would like to take thi< (m- portunity to wish my friend: and readers a Merry Christrcus. May God Blvss you and IN ssith you jn the, new year. ustomers, Friends & Neighbors Get well wishes are 1sxtenrled to Mrs. R. Hines, of Irwin went Mrs. Alice Luidler, of Islinutml avenue. and Cherie Luidler. A31 three are on the sirk. list. Next Sunday. ll 1's. Lorne Thomas, of Toronto, will he the guest speaker at the church ll 21,111. service. as Josies: Lonniv ('mwtlwr as Lannie]; George Smith as the innkeeper; Donnie Hurley as Joseph; Linda Smith as Mary; Dwayne Billings as the {int Un-phvrd: Scott Putt-on HS [luv second shepherd; and Ros, Duv- is as the third >lwpln-rd. Thy play mus unmlndml \til'n the (-rtirv ca“. gathering unnn'l the kneeling: forms ol' Josor-h and Mary in hunt ul‘ the vradlv singing: "Away in the Munzvr". Fullmving Ijscurrie Billing"; lcCltlltlUD of “(hind by» Wiuhm". euch child revvivod il 13th l‘l'UIIl the Christmus ttie. The WNW"- in,ur children Wore ni'vsvntvd wit) Bibles from the Sunday sulmnl for Ieurnim: 10 Tet'seyi frwm tin- Bible: Cathy McEwen, Scott Put- terson: Dorinv and Anita Burley, and Mary Mills. as Judas .lt-sm"; Anita Burhly witn ".%mvlurlv's Birthdav"; Linda Smith with "I wish i had been New"; Linda Smith and Anita Ruth-y with a duet 01' “Silent Niuist'h und with Mary Mill, ioudi'n: “Remix Cu. Christmas". A May, “Christmas at thn Inn". narrated hy Anita Burley, Wits one-Mud by: Torry (‘I'Owlht't' Latoniu drive my tyvtvurvotw LH. ' Sumlu) morning ser-sive ut 1l‘tlmh-u Baptist (lruvh Wily (“lll' ilimtw! by Mr, ft. Davis. who vhum- mutwlul for his serum". "Wise Ilcn Stu-k Him," {rum Matthr“ :5. The :iiimiul Chvi,turas tuna-rt was held on Sunday evening with u selection ot' run-01>; living sung: by bisys and girls of the Sunday srlrrol. Mr. l)ucis road the 1'lrristmu, Story from Luke 11- L'0. I’urtiriputing mi the pl‘UL'I'CLH werv: Susan (‘rmvthm' with "A Christmas “Th-“mu": Allen Hur, lay with "A message From Out- et' Space"; Kenny Jurdan and (Kathy Mckwen with "Gifts to! A period of questions dimmed In the speakers was actively rmnluctcll b) the audience. Mrs. A. Wiley, chairman of the pro» gram committee, thanked Mr. Lenuox and the guest speakers. The meeting closed with ru- freshments. Birthday wrvetivts are vxlvml- ed to l'unu-hl Allrhizc who vale» Math! m: haw-miner 12; Mrs. Ethel Fry trll lh-cvmhol‘ '12: lhrri, Palmer. un “Number 26; llm'ix Palmer nu Watson an number of children participating, in the summer day camps and the swim program us well as the; nork done fur the senior citizens' in the coruiuuuity. Jottings ALBION ROAD Mrs. Fhxinv: on Gs, ‘ul lh, J. Ward of my lk'k‘vmhl'r 21. _ r-lmlml \tilh n-iuu: arm†" hf Jnsor-h f the vrzullv It: Munm'r", e Billing"s we Wishes"'. " £th From TIm follow. Th was ('ullv Davis, who his sermon. Him," from ; Linda Hui been d Anita “Silm‘t WE ALSO HAVE MIXED FANS, CYCLAMEN, HYACINTHS AND MANY OTHER VARIETIES. WE ALSO HAVE MlsTbETOE. POI NSETTIAS (HRYSANIHEMUMS AZALEAS Good L‘rgn L' Potted .r.- BE SURE TO SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF FRESH FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS . STRAWBERRIES ALL Aap PEAS Farwy Sliced A&P :ancy Quality 1.39 “We Blrsorr4, 6" Pots JANE PARKER COD PORTIONS "lit SHRIMP UNCOOKED 2.1bb0x‘l,59 SHRIMP Cook, d and Breaded COD FILLETS Ccakcd and Breaded Sea Seald (Canada Inspected) OPEN IUESDAY and SMURDAY Will 6 PM. WEDNESDAY Will 9 PM. THURSDAY and FRIDI UNTIL IO Mit. PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH .ATURDAV, DECEMBER 24th, 1900 An Ideal Christmas Gift Frozen Food F eafures 1'/a-LB AVAILABLE AT MOST A&P FOOD STORES Mel'rimood Nylons 30: Off A Variety of Colors. 6" Pot CLOSED All. BAY MONDAY and TUESDAY DECEMBER 26th, 27th (we Plant: in 6" Pan Fish Features Each Package of 2 Pair SPECIAL THIS WEEK QUIT CAKE 2.69 31i) CLEANED Reg. 49c--SAVE EC TIb poly bag are Reg. 39tr-SAVE 9c 215-01 pkg: 6th Mb pkg 3.99 each3.25 on 3.00 eachl.99 sl.19 518 29e TWIN ROLLS PEANUT COOKIES Jane Parker Jane Parker, Brown 'N Serve BREAKFAST ROLLS Jane Parker Cinnamon MINCE PIE Jane Parker, Irish RAISIN BREAD SAUSAGE RINGS SALAMI CANNED HAMS Swift's Premium SAUSAGE MEAT GROUND CHUCK lb " SX Brand Burns Vac Pan. Polish Para Pork, Tray Pack Lean Shoulder Cut: Weekend Super-Right Qualify Meat Features Cooked Ready to Serve, Smoked No Centre Slices Removed CENTRE SHANK SHANK 57 curs or PORTION M9 "A†'l t STEAKS sun 9 sun 79 PORIION h t HALF h t Ib t can" HEARTS CELERY stAitts TOMATOES GRAPES Calllnrnil. Jumbo Size lmpnrted. No. 1 Ouch. Pucll TANGERINES' GRAPES RED EMPEROR 2s29e tl"L'ort New Crap, No, 1 Grid. Florida. No. 1 APPLES or' Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, California, Fancy Grade, ORANGES iii) 8 5 fornia, Fancy Grade, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Specials at Ati' Grade, Large Sin IM', SLICED Put-l Reg. pkg 39e-SAVE 10c I pkg of 8 " Reg. pkg 29c--SAVE 9e 210-oz pkgs 49¢ Reg. pkg 33c-SAv'E " pkg " Reg. loaf 2tk--6AVE 4c I, Navel Woz loaf eacs59t V Cold Storage Stock, I Va cello lube " 6-02 pkg 3 Se Ibun1.59 21c dozen a Se "csMte bd|15¢ lb " sdi3t Mutlogs MdNTOSII " mm m A&P PEACHES 42o»oznns99c CHILI SAUCE 2nozws47< Choice Quality Halves PEAS GREEN GIANT 315.0m49c FOIL WRAP Ann Page Fancy Quality, Large Wt BEVERAGES 34roztinstMih Reynold’s Heavy Duty FRESH DATES" SWEET POIAIOES YELLOW "Kiitiiips we: Culilnrnin. New Crop, No.‘170radc. Ontario Grown, N.o. 1 Grldn.__8wout BROCCOLI California. LII-no. m Kuln Drued. No. l Grad- Caldornin, No. 1 Grade, Fresh BRUSSELS SPROUTS 2 lbs 3 Se We also have a fine selection of tender, plump Grade "A" Oven Ready Geese, Ducks, Roasting Chicken, Broiler Typo Turkeys, Buffet Style Fruited Hams Ind Butts, Ind Banal!“ Smoked Cooked Hams, all attrntrtively priced. SIDE BACON BACK BACON PRIME RIB ROAST lb Tth Allgood, Smoked, Sliced Super Right, Smoked, Sliced Short Cut rah Heads, Green No. 1 Grade "ch " l, Rindleu SIZE 88's MI 69: " Reg. 2 tins 39c-8AVE Ith; 24-01 bug " Reg. roll 63e--6AVE 4c 18" roll 5 . Reg. btl 25s--SAVE 3c 3 "â€29: CENTRE CUTS or STEAKS lb " ' pkg 5 th Mb pkg 5 .