f no. - neurons 3 m LAKESHOIE no. 7 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 1311 Lakeshore Rd. mu Crescent. Port Credit. 4 bedroom split-level hm. study, recreation roam ' hula. Dill CR. 8-7651. (Place lot We shelter). Brick I room bungalow; dec- orated throughout; lovely large kitchen and living room; mint. drive; huge lot with fruit trees: patio; low taxes; um whack, shopping plaza, mm! - LOT Mn - Qua lib-bah Beautiful home in Xmas set- ting; two of largest bedrooms you have ever seen; walk-m clown; suburban living at its than; enjoy I visit over the holiday uuon. Mr. Dyer, CL. m TOIONTO SOUTH [July Brick Btmgatow 811.â€. - $1,000 down will handle this attractive home Nat one block to Lakeshore; good wide drive; exceptional- ly chm basement; will curry $100 month including taxes; a real good buy. Mr. Dyer, IOVI n-Lms - “WI: vacant: heat, lites and wntar on; two bed- room Jolid brick bungalow; new oil furnace; decorated; double drive; must sell, trans- ferred; low monthly payment; Etobicoke. Mr. Gunn, CL 9- “MW â€Haw-:1qortgalg38? monthly: two bedroom buck bungalow: t1replttes in living- dining room: automatic heat; Inna-pod yard. Mr. Now", . CL. 5-9123 sou-m LIB XIII:- Special $15.00. - I moms, nolid buck, " ft. lot, lug: garden, pri- an drive, mac, n rm set- living. Will take tow down must for quick uh. Im- mam. nonunion. 3“ low- - 6 room 2 storey solid brick, only 1 year old. One mortgage with any pay- ment- to use your worries. - Ion - one open mort- ‘ge tor balance, buys a 8 mm home with , kitchens, two wanhrooms. private drive. Asking only $11,900. 33,000 down - run price 'il,000. 1 morttrt_,000. Carrie. $75 monthly. Excel- llnt condition. BA. 5-4087 - d tor Mr. Thaler. 4 Moon“. new detached lolid brick bungalow, attached page, storms and screens. Cmiel like rent. Close to Public and High Schools. also TIC. Genuine builder', sacri- $60t) dttwat. Private sale. 29 Aim Street, Mimico. 4 House For Sale 814,â€. - lt.E.-rt HWY. [Anvil g-AOC' - In Mr. or Mrs. Timer I. PNSTUPA BROKER LE. 2460! , " LTD. - REALTORS 4 892 LAKESHORE RD, NEW TORONTO am lk Martel Ltd. and the Staff wish to extend all our Clients/and Friends 0 Very Merry Xmas d Prosperous 1962, signed: PARKVIEW PRIVATE SALE $1,950 DOWN R. KING E HARRIS Clty Bargain MANN (l MARTEL MANN t MARTEL a»: vV T', “511? T l f' xv ' In: . c', CUSTOM 6 room executive bun. galow overlooking Lake On- tario. Modern kitchen with hood tan, stove. oven. Fm- ished recreation room mth hrepiaee, laundry room. Mu- hogany trim throughout. Bar- b-q, large lot. Water's edge of Meadow Road on No. 2 ngh- way, Clarkson. Will trade or sell. M2,750. CL. 1-8580. 4 BEDROOMS, Alderwood' 8000 FULL DOWN PAYMENT 6 room solid brick bungalow; “£600 full price; split-level; newly deconted: 24 year: open mortgage; extra large rooms; 11 block basement; home 1 year old; many extras. Mr. Gunn, cu 9-8445. MaaNGTON - SPLIT-LEVEL Ravine Lot; 5%% NHA mort- gage 389 month; $17,900; 6 spacious rooms on 2 levels; separate dining room takes tull suite; panelled recreation room with built-in bar and wnlk-out to patio; fluorescent lighting; attached garage. Mrs. Noakes, CL. 9-8445. IOWA]. 103K 30m Iroom bungalow: ' bedrooms; 81,000 down; baiance on on. open mortgage only 885 monthly; lean than rent; no yelr mortgue: immediate possession. Mr. Giannini, CL Private dock, 2 boathouses; beautiful brick home; 7 family sized rooms; picture wfndow overlooking lake; 2 bath- rooms: hot water heat; games room; gorgeous lot; patio, bar- beque. sundeck, trees; $6,000 down will handle, 1 mortgage for balance. Mr. Sproat CL. 9-8445. NEW TORONTO SOUTH Immediate Possession $99 monthly carries this 3 bed, room solid brick bungalow; tastefully decorated thru-out; large kitchen; steps to every- thing: asking $1,500 down with safe long term financing. Mr. Birch, CL. 9-8445. New Toronto. 6 room bunga- low, overlooking lake. Private drive, garage. rec. room with bar, oil heating. Open mort- gage. Vacant. immediate pos- session. $150 DOWN ’ 8350 when you move in Solid brick, 8 bedroom home with storms, screens, etc. Car- ries low on one open mort- gage. Vacant. 1 week posses- sion. N T Willi ( . . I Iamson I REAL ESTATE 1044 LAKESHOBE RD. CL. 9-9681 82,800 down. Brand new. Easily converted to 2-{amiuy home. Call CL. 5-2367. G. L. Boland Benton B. G. PORK!†Real Estate 1340A Lakeshore Road CL. 9-9639 MIMICO - LAKBFBON T Compliments of the Season to _ BILL "ea" $1,000 DOWN NEW TORONTO G. HERSTAD W. McCANN S. MORAWSKI R FORD K, FUJARCZUK F. GLIVAR L. GREENHAM F. GIANNINI G. Wilson ’MaDERN bachelor apt. Equip- ( ped. CL. 9-6167. ETOBICOKE. 3 room apartment for rent. Unfurnished. Private bathroom. Private entrance. CL. 9-5900. LAKESHORE Road. Bachelor apartment. Fridge, stove, free washer, dryer and parking. $65 monthly. CL. 1-7785. COMPLETELY furnished fl a t. 6tiititr7gii7Ei5 Suitable for 3 gentlemen or for rent, pri couple. CL 1-8877. rage preterm THREE rodin 1w... unfurnisned. Private bun. Own entrance. Reasonable rent. Phone after 6.30 p.m. TAylor 2-8463. SOUTH Kingsway district. Spa-i cious. clean and quiet. t bed- room corner apt. in 14 sung.‘ fireproof building. Pleasant; surroundings. Steps to every- thing. Reasonable to right tend ants. Adults only. Phone 2771 1651. . KINGSWAY - Bus stops at door, 3 rooms Unfurnished, completely redecorated. BE. l. 0702. 2 BEDROOM apartment. Fridge and stove. Close to shopping and transportation. No chil- dren. Call after 6, CL. 5-0035. LOW reduced rent '-- 164 Berry Road. 1 or 2 bedroom furn- ished or unfurnished. tele- meter. Balcony. Free parking. BE. 9-7426 or 483-2353. MIMrC0-Modern J-room base- ment apartment, triplex. Com- plete new decorated, warm, quiet, electric stove. fridge, automatic dryer. TV outlet, parking. 1-2 babies $85 month- ly. 95A Hay Ave., off Royal York Rd. Ruttig. imrri5ii6Ri6, FIJINISIIID AND UNI‘UINISIIED I & 2 bedroom opts. from $75. Playground and parking, shopping and transportauon. Apply Supt, Apt. 10 5 Birch Ave., Long Branch Long Branch 2 bedroom apart- ment in duplex. Fridge and stove, Broadloom throughout. Parking. Newly decorated. Close to everything. wuhroomst law "an. Low monthly payments. Clone to .verything. I. PUSTUPA - Furnished and Unfurnished. IIICHL to". l'lEe parking. \(h 3' Bachelor and one bedroom ‘w.â€" suites, parking. 51 Stamey BIRMINGHAM - 17tlt Street-- Avenue, Mimico, Apt. 5. 1-bedroom apt. Available Nov ‘ 1. Nice living room, wall-to- MI-Mal wall broadloom. For details fmrM75Rhf hnrhnlnr arnt Enuin.‘ call CL. 5-3346. 35 Dominion Rd. - EM. 4-1620 Modern one a n d two bed- rooms. Quiet, clean. near school. Close transportation and shopping. Free parking. Good terms to suitable ten- ants. RU. l-1i41. Eggs. CL. 9-4779. ' ONE MONTH FREE RENT $95 at Berry Road. Spacious I-bedroom apartments on main floor with balcony. Child welcome. “I'd St.. Lone Franâ€! tjiyiiiiVigitii5ioii'hTeirrTGG Modern one bedroom ram apartment, quiet home. Stove $75 Two oedroom from $95 and fridge. Suit business Decorated. opposite Dark. tree couple. Reasonable rent. Park- parking, TV outlet, eqmpmem ing. 8th Street. CL. 1-4920. opuonal. Children welcome. Mririe6crLGilraae-Rdiu7 near schools, transportanon furnished rooms. Private en- and shopping. F trance. Grbund floor. Newly LONG BRANCH SOUTH 1 Befroom APARTMENT.'?" 2 Bedroom APARTMENT. $95 Fridge and Stove $5 extr- Free tmrking, TV outlet. " . 2m STREET CL. 9-70“ LONG BRANCH ECONOMY Neu- IAn. Mm. Curtis Park Ind shopping comm, 1-bed- room. $00. have, rru., TV mm 255-5022 - CL. 1-6388 CL. 9-4852 Callus. mcn bachelor, unfurn- Mid. equi-tL RU. 0-8873; BEDROOM. Lakeshore. TV. aerial, large grounds, tree parking. $95. up. Apply 528 Lnkeshore Rd.. CL. 9-7314. - 13TH STREET - Unfumioh- ed 1-bedroom suite. 875. A, ' â€no tad. RU. 7-4051. 22 BROWN'S LINE as)»: and MODERN [OW RENT $1,723 DOWN CL Mil? IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY BRAND NEW N EW LOW RENTS an. - " . "th Street I 239-8870 L MIT -tuet-,ee. sr9C10Urttoche1ttr, rm. and r, unfurn- stove. Tree laundry ml park- . 0-387), l in. facilitieu. Available now u ===" " Filth Street, or CL. 5-3800. {B A C H E L o R apartment, top ' floor. electrically equipped, overlooking Lake Ontario. Ap- I ply 2 Long Branch Ave. lLONG BRANCH--2 room bache- l lor apt. in modern sixplex. Free electric s t o v e, refrigerator, _ washer, dryer, T.V. outlet. Close to shopping and transpor- _ tation. $68. Will furnish fur reliable tenant $78. CL 1-9424, ’ evgs. only. LONG BRANCH, Lakeshore Rd. NEW TORONTO South-3 up- QUEENSWAY--bedrxrom. kitch- en, fully furnished. Dishes, tele- vision, parking. Gentleman only. CL. 5-4080. _ MXMICO South. Private home. 3 room unfurnished apartment. Kitchen with fridge and oven. T.V. aerial. Nicely decorated. $16.50 weekly. CL 5-0643 after 5:30 pm. 1201667 trrihiveir, 5 room 53a? QUEENSWAY. sécohd' nlkrrTii M1M1Co-Lakeshore Rd. 3 un- furnished rooms. Private en- trance. Ground floor. Newly decorated. Close to all conven- iences, $75. monthly. Immedi, ate possession. CL. 5-7494. NEW 'Nyrtdttro-Basement apt 3 ROOMS "a'nitGtCtreit-drntairt- ed.. Stove. trig and parking. MfMICOLLakesh ore-5 room up- EONé’b’RANc’H __ Mth, 975, BASEMENT - Nideiy"turnished bed-sitting room and kitchen. T.V. outlet. Suit business party. CL. 9-1540, UhithiiesitE-D tlin. Mimico. 1- bedroom, equipped. Centrally located. 277-4454. _ LAKEVIEW - Unfurnished 4 room flat. 4 pee. bathroom. TV outlet. Garage. Available Jan. 1, CR. 8-3535. ‘ 'fiiinrYtik6thtr-jear Good- iii/flea Furnished kitchen and bed"ittingrootn. Phone, hi... stove, sink. CL. 9-5715. Titian iririirGiGa 1m 375v: trig. my. am. on “an. MIMICO " Ilium“! Street Luxury one bedroom only, in- tercom and music in every apartment. Playroom, balcon- ies, French Provincial kitch- ens. Parking, hot water. TV connections _ free. Equipped optional, close to schools, shopping and transportation. MIMtCth--6tuth on lake. iraifl mm. Freshly decorated. Freel parking. Laundnyv facilities. $80.1 - CL. 5-“. h UWmiHmT'a moani gum augment. Prirttytty 'miRtttmtCCeiGiiutCriktiii _ and mum in Alderwood. CL 9.2m. PRICED "OH “I.“ Near like. traruportation I Bad shopping Apply Supt. - Art. 1 15A - an Bt., Long Branch Immediate Occupancy, Lovely. large. 1-bedroom base- ment apt. Free parking. CL 5- 2251 or CL. 5-4000. stair rooms. Living room, bed- room, kitchen. Heavy wiring. Business couple. Abstainers. CL. 1-2191. After 6 p.m. BE. 1- 6784. . ment, unfurnished. CL. 1-9885. rooms, private bath, electrical- lv equipped kitchen. verandah. Adults. Available Dec. 23rd. CL. 1-0723. UEENSWAY and Royal. Fiat for rent, private, parking, ga- rage preferred. Close to every convenience. CL. 1-3521. year. Modern 3 room unfurnish- ed, $80. CL. 1-2308, BEDROOM apt. in fiveplex-- fridge, stove. balcony, garage, new-will decorate it desired. CL. 1-8106. ROOM basement apartment, unfurnished. " r i v a te on- trance--on Algoma St. Call after 4. CL. 1-0598. per duplex. Very convenient, 4t Dartmouth Cr. BE. 3-9862. in triplex. $70. 20 Third Street. LE. 2-4246. V Equipped. Cosy 3 room unfur- nished. Private entrance. Park- ing. CL. 1-2308. Close to Trc.Udults." CL. 5- 0635. ROOMS Ind bath, furnished, washing mimics, TN. outlet, $95 monthly, hydro included. Long Branch urea. CL. 5-7632. 1 “no. only nulls“. ammun‘ UnfurniShEd evenings ME. 3-9108 EM. 8-5832 Furnished CL. 9-7562 I am to at "iliii tunnel l not. , F ALDERWOOD. 4 room human! apartment for rent. $66 I month. Adults only. Call before 5 p.m., anytime on week-end. 3 Bedroom apt. Luge tiving room and dinette. Stove. Garage. First floor. Adults. Long Branch. 9-35th St. CL. 9-8093 LONG Bmnelb-t bedroom not. ALDIRWOOD-Illn noor. 5 room up!†New duplex. t bed- room:. Near school. the park- ing. Children over 10. 513 Hor- nor. cu 0-8?“ after Q. NEW Toronto. 2 room unfurn- ished apartment opposite Goodyear. Private entrance. $76 monthly. CL. 9-8106. WANTED , room flat, furnished or shure house, man and wife, no children. Must be near Cloverdale Mall. Particulars and prices. 447-6996. WOMAN and son, 8, would like girl to share modern apt. Home away from home. All eonveni- ences. Phone CL. 5-3322 after CLEANING wall to wall broadm loom is our specialty. call us for free estimates. Lakeshore'ij Carpet Cleaners. CR. 8-8123 CHRISTMAS flair. protessionaiii gift wrapping, door or window" display, decorating, holiday hints and ideas. CL. 5-4516 , utter 5 p.m. 1 FUR JAE-(ET, Muskrat. New Izyle. Size 14-16. Sacrifice. RU, 1-1388. MAN'S charcoal gray suit, size 38. $25. BE. 3-5742, DO you want to rent - party and banquet needs? Chairs, silverwear. dishes, etc. 5243 Dundas West. Complete Rent- Alls. BE. 9-7731. Six Pomts, Islington. Hundreds at other items! BLUE crepe navy blue dress, Iize 20 - ts. BE. 3-5742. HAVE your my cleaned now for CHRISTMAS. For free estimate: on†Lakeshore Car. pet Cleaners, 137 Queen St., Port Credit. CR. 8-6128. -fffrfirf dunk, walnut finish, Il- mon new; T.V. â€rival chair, brown. lxcellom condluon. Pttetoe CL. mm. f with needlepomt "Ma. BE. H 1347 after no. V HEAVY duty table saw with' motor. 16 Betd V. H.P. mom. Grinder, Sunder. Power luvn mower. Electric no" and truge.9emrtreutt1e. cu 1-00581 MIN! cow. - “an Ave., Illn- ico. In: "I without an and “on; an with trig and Move. thae month the not tor on. CL mm. tor: atter 4. GAS RANGE - 24", clock controlled, fully recondition- ed. Only _..........,.,.-.)?." Buy direct from the factory and save. 5 :30 or week-ends. llttppiliiiimeil Appliances nttir $, DININGROOM chain. walnut I Any size, shape or form. co. LIMITED 1266 Lakeshore Rd. LONG BRANCH APPLIANCES LTD. Tom Mathew ' ARTICLES FOB SALE WHOLESALE PRICES SHARED ACCOMMODATION Continental Glass MT Brown‘s Line Alderwood Plaza CL. 5-019l MIRRORS that“. my 0. excellent .87 9.88 M PIECE socket wrench set with two ratchet and one spiral wrench in metal box $20. 4 wheel baby stroller $5. Child's jeep) $5. Stainless steel cock- tail set. New coffee percolator, fully automatic. New set 8 or. boxing gloves. 2 curling stones, 5 piece chrome kitchen set $18. Also new metal tool box with hack saw, small socket wrench set, 2 sets Allen wrenches, small s p a n n e r set, screw driver set, etc., all for $10. 255- 7144. . TYPEWRITER, U n d e r w o o d, table model, $45; 2 guitar-with- cases - Gibson flat top. New condition: Harmony $30. Ask for Ron. CL. 5-2997. tNC. blKe new, reasonable. UL. Win): for baby or -,,lil/"'-11-,--,---,-,---_-,--,-,; small child. 24th St, CL 5- SKIs--adult size, $8. CL. 9-4838.: 7925. WA, BOYS' 3 speed bicycle. J. C. Hig- gins racer. Like new. All acces- sories. $30. Morris Minor car, Needs clutch job. $50. CL. 5- 4312. PIANO Accordion, "fik-erTeare," 'iii; 1 case, 48 bass. Bargain: stainless: steel sink $6: chrome kitchen WHITE Bunny Cate Stale 3-5526. SKATES, Alpine Club, ladies, size 6; Mary Maxim Sweater, reindeer design, girls', size 12- 14. Both in new condition. CL. 9-0946 evenings. 15lh YDS. English wiitoCistdrr HI-FI ttap-er-vc-Ord-youu-river-- tect condition, $85: child's large spring horse " CL. 5-6449. DEEP Freeze. Gilson 15 cu. ft. As New. Call evenings 255-7030. GrriCiy-firulskatG/, iiargiiss% make, size 2. Barely worn, $15 CL, 1-2309. ELECTRIC train. Lionel 027 and accessories CL. 1-1894. PLATE glass mirror. 32"x44";F9t chest of drawers; 36" contin- I ental bed, bookcase headboard. C CL. 9-6217. ( POLAROIb Land Camera. Leav- 52 ing the country. Price $75 or c best offer. CL. 5-5038. 5 -T-rf6it" GladirimLexeeuent con- dition. CL. 1-2896. manhood“ - eéri'dman CL. Hm. 16 iaift boirriai%irif Jitil barn: 3167117 -druGrGFiikjeii. Like new. Fun for the whole fam- ily. Sucrifice. $60. CL. 9-3310. CHROME kitchen suite, new, w0rbey IT '"“ $86; office typewriter disk, 515:1 1'rl white. Ver TV tM; dresser Ind mirror $10; 3 _ 1tPcPEAfl10 vanity table and stool, sumo tyiTrygiidgity curd filo $2; chrome chain»? tireg. Good body $830; McClary refrig. 855;; Ron. CL. 5-2997 kitchen table tr. high ctuir/ireWitttoLrrt new, $9.50; electric nave, {35:1 old. CL, 1-9404 t5dhng," "riiisi -hiiii.GEiA4, $9: black sell. size 12. " Good condition. CL. 1-0233. ECEeYEie train, aria;, Tr. ti, [agony tyur equipped. $175. Choose a second tet now for Christmas for your bed- room, den or recreation Long Branch Fire Dept. 3lst St. and Lakeshore Road TY. TRADE-INS carpet and hall runner. CL, 8178. carriage $9; Everything new. CL. 1-6947. double taps $6: large size ing bag. Practically new. $25 CR. 8-9185. Firth - trirlsTirifiie s-skate-s-Luiz. 12-$2, Size 2, tigure--$4. Good condition. CL, 9-2418. From As Low As Coen Coln automatic vendor, 8100. Apply 1277 leuhore Rood. Toronto 14 (rear). cu 5-0013. E! a! â€you a- ‘m can. RADIO ELECTRIC LTD. 763 LAKESIIOBE RD. NEW TORONTO. AN IDEAL GIFT! A SECOND , QUALITY XMAS TREES Scotch Pine - Spruce FAULKNER r0: "", sou: Re-Conditioned Up To CL ME TY. ill FfrOTtiiT/i speed mi) $99.00 doll like BE, near, $30, 'LONG BRANCH area. Reliable day care-infants welcome 259- 9430. 5TH ST. Day or evening care. i Will mind up to 4 children. Large fenced-in yard. Hot meals. Best care. CL. 5-0324. CHINA cabinet, walnut finish corner style, $35. 239-7093. TWIN Continental beds, grey lea. therette headboards. Good con- dition, $15 pair. CL. 5-5205. ELL canine, good condition. Lloyd make, tlo. BE. 3-5978, tTnFLrzn Encyclopedia and Books of Knowledge gs good LIONEL electric train, complete with cars, switches, mounted on plywood. Good condition, tlo. BE. 1-9523. DOLLS crib _ carriage, boy's hockey or football shoulder pads, age 10-14 years. As new. Also student's desk. CL. 5-1004. SCRAP Copper, GiaTd,-be-si prices paid. Dakroe Limited. 94-26th Street, RO 9-50i9 WANTED - Old cars for scrap. Pay cash, haul away. CR. 8- ErieFiirtrhetjvy" duty range, 4 burner wanted - reasonable price-Em-NN. WILL give day care to small child. Large yard, indoor play- room. Television, hot lunches. 8 Points area. BE. 1-0792. LADY w-oujtridind child any age. Day care. BE. 3-3312. FLriRi-CAVy one care to donate one to a church? BE. 3-7622. '58 VOLKSWAGEN Standard. Best cash offer, or older car considered as part payment. CL. 9-174]. 52 CHEVROLET. excellent con- dition, fully equipped. CL 1- 5585. 1961 OLDSMOBILE FM Sedan. automatic and custom radio Less than 4,000 miles. Private- ly owned. Save $1,100. BE. 9- 5085. 60 Old Oak Rd., Islington. 1949 AND 1950 Austin A40's. One in running condition. Sacrifice for quick sale. CL. 9-0492 eve- Bruce W. Ritchie iiiCotTNiiitfiiiLE 4 doirr. New tires. Good body. 8135. Ask for Rem, CL. 5-2997, 'él -eitiimoLET Belair, 3 momhs 1957 FORD Flirhne 4-door Wil Standard transmission, Radio white side walls. g-tone hive and white. Very good condi- tlon..BE. 3-4270. 'M DODGE automatic a cylinder Tudor hardtop, Tinted (Inc. ' new whitewun tires. 1 men 81,100. Privntq. EM. 4-5974. DEVINE USED FURNITURE t. " bald not “with: man. on my model. of In Ind and towing mubinu. Phtete poll-hen Ind vacuum clear-on. "Buy now and save. Singer Sewing Center, I'll le'uhore Road, New Toronto, CL. 9-1189. For I‘home demon- "ration open Thursdays and Fridays until ir. Open Ill dly Wednesday. , l To All Our New Customers and Friends from Any condition, any make or size. Pay Cash. PETER'S FURNITURE 1515 LAKESHORE ROAD Long Brunch CL. 5-865] Furniture & Api?liapces 1817 leuhore Road Long Branch CL. [-8543 We buy everything in used household furniture Free estimates. Call us, we work day or night. Phone or drop In to see us. No obligations Store hours 9 to 9, Is new. BE. 3-2762 in What Have' You? Fast Service after 4.30, evenings. 2829 after 5. nings gum. Anoin- con-m up. LIFE AUTO' & FIRE INSURANCE 6 months to pay SERVICE AT YOUR HOME BEST WlSHES CARE FOR CHILDREN USED CAR SALES 1261 LAKESHORE RD. LONG BRANCH ARTICLES WANTED "THE SEASON'S CARS FOR SALE PIANO WANTED LE. 4-9419 VOLK'S Cultâ€!!! CL 9-2010 rriaTmuirma, Alt-radon. 1048A Luann" Nr at ttttt St CL 5-0453. TYPiNG done at home tam electric machine. could met-up and deliver, Rudd. an. CH. 6-5019. DREssMAKING done IKE-Tn? children's. Alterations. Reason. able. BE. 1-15“. RECEPTIONIST - experienced lady would like part-time job in office, preferably Doctor’l or Dentist's. BE. 9-7432. CRUSHED STONE, cam-at, sand, loam. till, by bag, yard or load. o " n Saturdays Bray's, 92 - 29th Street. CL I- 2281. 'i'rriEiTiiittm at m a noun "td-ttroast) Md Brown " t-t8TI Establish“ WILL do hardwood floors and general eleaning. cu 5-4018. FRENCH lady would like work in I French home. 278-883.. ' CL. 9-23†A C. WICKMAN Limited THE qualmswu gTENOGRAPHER SENIOR ACCOUNTING DEPT. CLERK No Churn to Applicant. Queensway Office-phone CAPABLE girl for mother', no], in Catholic home. Two null children. Own mom. BE. F 8213. with dictaphone and thon- hand experience for sales ot- tice. Cafeteria facilities, om- ployee benefits. HAIR Styli“. Fully quelifUd hair nylm required for man shop in Islington are]. Con- enlem bun service from Jun & Elect. 5-day week. Good usury. Comm Mrs. B, Mn. Mm, ""19me I“ for Accounting department. Must have a good knowledge of bookkeeping and some bookKeeping machine experiu ence - N.C.R. 32 & 34, also Good wages, Westown Res- taurant. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Bookkeeping and general " fice experience required. Must be intelligent and capable of working with very little supervision. Apply - Person- nel Department. mum van Immediate openings in all West Metro Toronto, Suburb- an and Lakeshore are" tor qualified office personnel. An experienced payroll clerk who can compute both factory and office payrolls. Must be familiar with rate progression, deductions' and balancing. Payroll machine experience preferred. . INVOICE TYPIST An efficient young lady to do invoicing and customer corre- spondence work m our sales office. Minimum of , year: high school and 3 years bus- iness experience is preferred. Must be accurate at typing figures. . JUNIOR COST CLERK Position involves extending, summarizing and the balanc- ing of factory cost cant. Som. switchboard relief required. Mimmum grade 10 education. Excellent working condition: with l full Hinge of benefits mummy" WAN-run tMjakeshore Rd., Tor. " HELP WANTED "MALE Eastern Power Devlces' Division. Personnel om“. kR)/MNf PLACEMENTS GARDEN SUPPLIES PAYROLL CLERK J. A. WILSON LIGHTING LTD. |.T.E. Circuit Breaker PEAK-TIME SERVICES ANNOUNCES The Formation of tn Amiiated Company 136 ISLINGTON s. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES DIIBUMAKING (CANAD) LTD CL. 1-331] BE. 3-0006 925-4549 277 - 0333