I. All Through The Town, Spirit Of Joy Reigns As Time To Celebrate Christmas Arrives The whirlwind uf pre-Christ- mu pupa-“om will ruck the peak this weekend for in " - Christmas ova. All through the town “Intuition- have be“ hoping club mambo" happily "tq-d-there have bun pot luck luppcn, turkey dinners, Mttritttt of enroll u wall " in- "resting “tonic." project: go- ing on. At Walton "Y" the member- council had I “Engine of the Guam†pen/ice on Deeember T. Member: decor-ted the hull to the tune of Christmas enroll and liter " I lm-ll nervice mun urgi- wore lung. The evening Inded with coffee and refresh- menu. The Thursday Evening Var- iety group will hold their Chrint- mu dinner tonight " the "Y." A Chriatrmus program will be the highlight. The Juniors use 8-11) who, by the way, were I tremendous help in deeorntintr the hall at tho “Hanging of the Greens" ser- Vice, had their own Christmas pron-m lust "turay. Tuesday, the 19th, was the date of the pot luck luncheon for the board staff Ind commit- tee members. They also hld I program with n Christmas theme. Weston Presbyterian The WA. and W.M.S. of Wea- ton Presbyterian Church are sending donations to Evangel Hall on Queen street, Toronto. They have also been making cookies and packing them in fancy tins for shut-ins. Their Christmas party took the form of a pot luck supper with en- tertainment too. H , St. John's Catholic Women'. League This group at their Decem- ber meeting brought individual gifts to make up Christmas stockings for the elderly people at the House of Providence. a community house in downtown Toronto. Families of the Wom- en's League made up parties and went down to the House of 1948 Weston Rd. CH 1-5781 PRACTICE BOWLING fork Iravel Bureau Aeareanttnlrbotho-hlrelmm.dwtthrt.arrrtmd ourautomatkeur-h.qtrtr- Holly berries and leaves say "Merry Christmas", and so do we . . . wishing you all the )oys that make this the happiest day. BOWL Aid. DAY LONG 5-Pin - $1.00 IO-Pin - $2.00 During Opon Bowling W E S T' O N Car Wash & Instalube 1865 WESTON ROAD DISCOUNT PRICES Madam Timon only at NoKtTTtACtuutGErtxtWMtrEWAug, Avoid Those Rust Spots . OIL CHANGES . LUIIICATIOII . MOTORS STEAM CLEANED $1 .50 AT SPECIALISTS IN CH 6-7032 Ptovid- Chin-nu ludvb tin. On Sunday many vat down to ulna can]: with the old tom and take the suckinu tor Santa to dintribuu. Dorothy Punon Anni"! A demn End coffu moth; wu hold on Dumber " by ch; Dorothy PIII'IOII Auxilinry of Cantu] Uliud Church. A Inc: ial invitation w“ extended to All their old numb." to " tend. Min Loin Thompson an I rennin. af the group'n history, of npocinl interest to old and new members dike. Mrs. Jan H. Aibnrdn and Mn. R. E. Whiting performed on mulicnl inltru- menu culled "meorderl (rad irurtrumenU), lilo BeeomPBnr- ine for the enrol tinting. Min Aimn Chnpmnn wu " the pinto. A trio from the church choir, Min Mule Allen, Mrs. Eldon Flirien and Mrs. Owen Bridgman, also added to the Christmas festivities by sing ing several numbers. The W.A. of Central United had their turkey buffet lupper last Thursday. Each group in the auxiliary supplied put of the smorgasbord Ind the result we: I most colorful " well u delicious repost. Central United Young People are collecting canned goodl, canvassing the church members this yen only and Iccepting other items of food Ind clothing too of course. Needy persons in downtown Toronto will be the recipients of these provisions and clothing. Lions Club Lndles' Au iliary Proceeds of this gron'l un- nunl bridge party were present- ed to the Lions Club in the form of I cheque for $100 when the Lions Club entertained their wives at a turkey dinner in Wes, minster Church. The money will be used for the Lions in their service work. On December 4 the ladies en- tertained their husbands (the Lions) at a whist and pot luck party in the banquet room of the arena. University Women'. Club of Weston A wonderful air of informal- ity permeated the party at Mrs. D. K. A. Gillies on Albion road when the University Women's Club of Weston gathered to celebrate Christmas. There were gifts under the tree, which were exchanged later in the evening, and a nice touch was the roast- ing of chestnut! in the open fire- place. (Only one exploded-mo ldamage). _ Christmas cuols Ind hymns were sung, accompanied by Mrs. A. S. Mehi " the piano. Three interesting demonstrations by members Ilsa took place. Miss question tossed to us last week. Many of the district residents feel I traffic light would help them over the corner, especially the drivers seeking to cross Jane St. to Weston. With this in mind we called the traffir: office of North York and got some very interesting informa- tion on the future of the urn. "What are the future plans for Jane St. and Maple Leaf Dr. intersection?" This is I First let us not forget that Rustic Rd. has been closed at Jane St. This puts an increased amount of traffic onto Maple Leaf Dr., especially since a traf- fie signal is in operation " Keele St; and Maple Leaf Dr. The reasons advanced for de- laying the traffic light at Jane and Maple Leaf in two-fold- it would cause Increased traffic across from Keele St. and lack of sidewalks on Maple Leaf Dr. would create a traffie hazard. Getting back to the unfinish- ed part of June St. widening-- it was delayed for the time be- ing when the Ind for the new creek ch-nnel It Rustic Rd. w“ not yet "quired-this has been done now and the widening to Wilson Ave. completed. So it nuw nouns, from this inform... tion that the mutter of a traffic Maple Leaf _ News MRS. W. GERRY $1 .75 'Inude You with glittering; "Ill, pew. ribbon. ete., show- ed e In myâ€. trick. Chi-tutu ornament: hr the house and tree " well n Chilt- mu wreath. were the product: of another demon-union by In. M. D. Hope. She also and. tree- out of heavy gift wreppin‘ â€per topped with e (maria; ball. "They mey elm be used In Christine: putty hue," "id lhe. Mrs. Mehl'l offering wee how to mi. pretty ornament: out of all mm of things Her po- mender belle had e different air about them, nor; of brought up to date you mitt t Ily, for theme cringe-stuck-with-clovel belll were contained in copper pot cle-nen. The pot clutter: were mede into bag- with which to hang up the fratrrant bell- in- nmd of the usual ribbon. Westminster Church A communion service will take place at Westminster on Christmas eve at midnight. Dr. George Bant, organist, will give _ a half-hour recital proceeding‘ the service. Everyone welcome. Rotary Anna of Weston and Mount Dennis The Rotary Anna' regular meeting on November 21 took the form of a Christmas pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. M. Brady, Princess Ann Manor. Their year 'round project is sewing hospital nighties. Business and Professional Women's Club of Weston Miss Mattie Clark, popular speaker of the B & P women's clubs, spoke on "Food For Thought" last Thursday. the 14th, when the Weston club had their annual Christmas dinner at the Westwood restaurant, ‘Jane and Bloor. Another high- light of the evening was what they call their "Chinese auction" conducted by Miss Ruth Roth- ery. Item auctioned was one dozen silver teaspoons. Pro- ;ceeds go to the club funds. Each member took I ttttily wrapped gift for jncluslon in their collection of food tef clothing for the Scott Mission.l Other "service" plans ineluder the ndoption of I child in Europe. Jean Gordon Forhen Evening Auxiliary This auxiliary of the W.M.S. at Westminster Church, Wes- ton, held a "looking back" even- ing when three charter mem- bers, Miss Kathleen Fido, Mrs. Carl Caskey and Mrs. John Robertson, took the old minute books of the group and divided up the interesting and humorous bits between them, presenting them It their Christmas pot Puck supper. This was especial- ly appropriate " this time be- light has not been overlooked but only delayed. Maple Lent Dr. likewise is in for a face- lifting in the not distant future. It will be necessary to widen the present road in some trees In it is below the recognized width of 66 feet. Then will come the sidewalks. To our render: may we draw their attention to the fact Metro Toronto, the Provincial department of High- ways and North York township all figure in the street situa- tions of this particular section, becluse of the plan for the ex- tension of Highway 400 towards the city. Christmas, with the usual Sunday school page-nt- of the season is the topic of the season in the land. Sunday niemben of North Park Presbyterian and Elverston Park United church" presented their ennui] pro- grlmmen. In the later church the members of the Junior de- purtment Ind junior choir pre- sented "Home for Christmas" (musicale). In North Park the Sunday (junior Ind interme- dinte) departments presented the "Christmas Story". Six " members were wel- come at the morning service of Elva-ton Park United church Int Sunday - Mr, Ind Mrs. D. G. Trumpess; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hymn; Mrs. J. E. Dubie and Mr. Pieter do Groot. Comrratuhttions to Mr. Ind Mri. Cal Walters of Rustic Rd. in the birth ot a son. Weston Snort Shop "" - Rd. Mt. I)“ May the happiness of the Holiday b0 truly You", both now and"; um. to come. CH 1-9653 The W.M.S. ennuel love gift to. will take place on December " in the Weltminluz Church parlor. The time in 2.30 pan. end everyone is welcome. Mrs. Jamel AitehUon is president of this group‘ All the circlu of the WA. of Westminster hue Ind their own Chriumu partial and their his joint project this your in the collection of cannod good: for the Fred Victor Minion in downtown Toronto. Cans will be accepted for the next two Sundnyl. Conn-l United Christmas services will be ob- served morning Ind evening this Sundny It Central. In the morning the minister will preach on "Tidings of Great Joy." The coir under the leader- ship of Mr. Bruce Metcalfe will provide three selections of Christmas music. The Christmas eve service will begin at 11.30 with holy communion being observed. The offering " this service will be for church extension, which in- eludes the Fred Victor Mission. Weistminater United On Sunday evening, Decem- ber 10, the Explorer group un- der the direction of Mrs. K. P. Wadge rendered the Christmas pageant, "The Christ Child." The children were dressed in appropriate costumes and the acting, singing and general production were beyond praise. Among those taking part were Arlene Connell, Laura Gibson, Vicky Lindsay, Cathy F'orgie, Janet Campbell, Libby Barlow, Judy Bierl, Helen Bull. Cath- erine Grose, Brenda Harris, Brenda Seagrave, Barbara Dun- can, Janet Pollock, Joan Jie- Guire, Janice Blanch. Pat Mcs iCaulay, Susan Cooper. The inaugural service of the United Church Women will be held in the church on the morn- ing of January 14. The special inaugunl service will be used nnd A number of ladies of the congregation will take while the new executive will be dedi- cated to their offices. Fuladl Club A table centre of fruit banked on either side with angel figurines holding lighted candles. set on n beautiful cutwork cloth made the setting for the poi luck luncheon on Monday II the home of Mrs. Samuel Vere- shak, Kensington Towers, whep members of the Falada Club held their annual Christmas party. Assisting Mrs. Vereshak were Lady Robinson and Mrs. J. H. C. Massie. Following the luncheon the members took part in I Christ- mas gift exchange. The singing of carols followed, with Mrs. Music It the piano. The party brought out mlny inactive memebrs: Mrs. H. B. Hall, Mrs. J. H. Pileher, Mrs. F. G. Puddicombe and Mrs. D. E. Sommerville. Others present were Mrs. W. H. Bur-nos, Mrs. E. J. Barbenu, Mrs. W. H. Bonus, Mrs. N. L. Birrell, Mrs. J. D. Conover, Mrs. Sydney W. D-y, Mrs. R. I. Ferguson, Mrs. A. B. Freer, Mrs. D. v. Hos- kins, Mrs. D. W. Hislop, Mrs. Hurry G. Johnston, Mrs. P. T. Lewis. Mrs. L. R. McFadden, Mrs. Pecy Lomu. Mrs. P. C. Moorhouse, Mrs. Kenneth Pal- mntier, Mrs. Harry Peteran Ind Mrs. Karel Rybkn. yronrygrt?y!.t9ye?yetet."trerterrr, utberndW.P.tM0Gurr,N.ghu',-sttr-Fda tth-tte-trx-eo-tthoc-sd-Guard"- #190le -4- _ - _ 'mssetéMr.andMr..tLt$ahtntturriti7ttet-tgtt Avo..andW.aumit48hmqt$troqt.thetworetvut_ tta-n-dt-tttso-a-liao-Parc-st. aeherot,nrt-thtutrndthoCemotBtmremVdetrl Mauritian Calumet-13pm“ Ont.. Wok. - The net is looking very guy with the homes decanted with string: of colored lights. Every- where there Ire sign: of Christ- mu and we know the young- sters Ire eagerly uniting I vilit from Santa. We would like to extend season', greetings to all of you. May the spirit of Christmas shine in your eyes, the love of Christmas dwell in your hurts and the peace of Christmas be put of your live: ail the year through. Mr. Bill Cummins bu had his operation and his eonditidn is satisfactory. However it will be quite some time before he in off the sick list. Mr. 1nd Mrs. D. Moodie of Monarchdale Ave. have received the perfect Christmas gift -- I baby girl. Comrrtrtulationts to Miss Judy Rnhn who was one of the win- ners in n recent CHUM con- teat. Sunday is Christmas Eve Ind Ill the churches will be having special services. At Trethewey Park United Church the boys and girls of the Junior and In- termediate Choirs In present- ine I Christmas page-ht at the NORTH YORK HYDRD NOTES FROM: Hardington & District MM. E WILSON CH. 1.663t , RICIUI‘I‘S GRADUATE I A v" T,ddCr7?.'-Cfii.r, - ';?.?C. ---" W" “X ' trate, , _ a. Ce"-----"""-- .. w 25% .qiisii,it] 'iiii3, ï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬?’b§\§x&%an§§§x/ ',i'.i.(i't."I r".. r' 33“ F, ly iig2N , b', {at} .- P. --.: _ A"; Tis ri'i?la.3h)y2.t ' _ ' mi. ' _. 'iiyc'siriYii'i'i' b't 'tliif.',)rii's,til " i;§*m§>};â€".aé~ _i?ii;'s "'rt'T ' m“*//&Mr/%«W§’7~JXWS* we send you these greetings with the sincere hope that they find you together with all your loved ones, enjoying the peace and happiness of Christmas May all the Joys ot the season remam with you throughout the year ahead. Wish everyone .4 M erry Christmas and , 14 Happy New Near The Commission M anagemeu and S ht/ f lIPPAY MOTORS LTO. " ch' , ' titagrtWi"t! ,'iitS'ii"1i?,i'i?ji.i1 The Intermediate and Senior Departments of Trethewey Park held their annual Christmas lparty last Friday evening. Forty-six boys and girls enjoy- Qd an evening of games and carol singing. The teachers were on hand to serve hot dogs and soft drinks to finish the even- ing off right. Pattie: for the other departments were held on Snturdny. evening service. A wnrm invi: tation in extended to all. We were happy to receive I card from Miss Hirst lust week. Miss Hirst, s resident of IUrd- ing Ave. for many ye-rs, says she keeps in touch with her for mer neighbors by reading our column. Merry Chirstmas from all of us. Miss Hirst. Happy Birthday to Marjory Pettipu, Nancy Scott, Dec. 21; Carol Jamieson, Gary Wilcox, Dee. 23; Nils Johanson, Bobby Miller, Dee. 24; Valerie Ives, Dec. 26 and Peter Mitchell, Dec. 27. Judging by the way some stores keep up their stock they need to erect . sign- reading: "if it's to be hid, we had it." " -e-qqqt-q-oooqteto0oC-ooCt+ooo. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I I VOLKSWAGEN DEALER AV 5-5501 Micah-hm moan-uni. HUMBERIOWN RESIAIJRANI WOW“ SHOPPING CENTRE I all That“; I record matched by no other auto imam, And-State Farm has been the world loader for 18 straight years! How, you ask? By always offering “low rates for caroful driven" .-and by providing “Hometown Service wherever you drive." In In unboatable combination, " those 6,000,000 Sula Farm policy- holder; will tell you. State Farm has 7,500 agents coast to coast. In fact, you'll find on: near you listed below. So for the good doll that6,000,000 pooplc "" found, call your State Farm "Family Insurance Mon" today! Frank Young Robert Simpson Residence: 249-9984 CH 1-3695 OUR orrTCE-112s ISLINGTON JWEr--ttEXDAtE. ONT. Season's Best STATE FARM Down the chimney you Jolly It. Met, with l uni]. and n 'IVO and I merry wUh. And with Santa’s "rival, it's tin. to BBS, "The unon'n but" to you. our good friends. line . happy holiday! , The Careful Drrer's (and caulul buycr‘s) Car, Inset-nu Sm. For. Mutual new“ "qu WU Management and Stud Yes, 6 million people now insure their cars with STATE FARM! CH. 1-3581-2 TN "A" In: