U. t 22 APARTMENTS TO txr BUS LEE _ MUSIC AND GIFT SHOP 1762* JIM 'treot Invita- yon to all Around And an our fin. (mph, af T MUIICAL INSTIUIIN‘I‘I AND ACCESSORIES CLEANING WOMAN for mo- nunauronuu u momma-r WESTON. (much-Juno, ' un- furnished moml. fully equip- ped _kftchtette, bath, pull» WESTON, prints, 2 rooms, NICE, quiethmrm room, nul- BASEMENT Iplrtment, Winon- Weston road nu, a room, "pant. entranco, bathroom shower, heavy wiring, cold Ind hot wlur, Inundry, tele- phone, TV outlet, nur shop- ping Ind bus, parking. CH 1- 6980. " ROOMS TO LEY I O FLATS 'ro un- llNI-‘URNIHHED B-ROOM flat, Unfurnished, new- ly decanted, sink, fridge Ind "ove in kitchen, bushing couple preferred. CH 1-9088. LOVELY ROOM in quiet home, suit refined business gentle» man. nbstliner, â€an. CB. 1.6640. RIVERVIEW Apartments, Scar- lett Ind Dixon road, 1 and 2- bedroom npnrtmentn. parking. CH 1-7481. JAY (and) human III. "I and I, Rebuilt Guaranteed in nod audition JANE-LAWRENCE. con ' room basement. fully equip- ped with TV, phone, washer, dryer; page, nut shopping and TTC, quit couple. Even- ingl, CH 1-2945. JANE-LAWRENCE, completely self-contained, fi r e p I u c c, teacher: or business girls preferred. CH 1-3855. FURNISHED bastment Vik'-' 20 APARTMENTS TO LET b-ROOM HOUSE, parking, adults, immediate possession. Call evenings or weekends, CH 9-0560. " HOUSES TO LET CH. 7-5438 Don Finance Co. Ltd. " you on menu you tel, 9 mm. to 4 Fm. CH 1- 8513. in. CH 1-0397. oqulpped, tGinos couple. tai 6.6496. trttriiortaiion, private "home. CH 1-6358. , ll MONEY TO LOAN \NE-LAWRENCE, I-bedroom, fully equipped, free parking, reasonable rent, decorate to suit. CR 1-6350. CHINA ment for rent. Phone afier 5 o'clock, CH 4-8392. COPY: All advertising my t. whim to tho mm! d tlrtmametontrstthusiaUe. human-wait. right to this!!! all “valuesâ€; CluhWMNtp-atgtama trretuwrmtBiUra... Il"9te"dAd.srustiaud--. Tandem ' pan. . . .deaditt- MemdarttNoo....e-tiatw Goeuqtm9t.r.grrhus-ratr--ittusoor 'r"t"thagxoNEtneuekdt-tsooGiGisaiaai'k- Tom Mathew Appliances Don Finance $50 - $5000 ARRANGED BY PHONE Call W. G. PETERS, Mgr. 1125 ISLINGTON AVE. Rexdale Plaza On your own signature No bunklplc security MONEY 1009 Jun - CH Ma' RANGES SAME DAY Classified make monthlS' pay- can get I loan " mum lxmucnon L E J. In... B.tcr. CD I“ Tttgh-tN" THISTLE baby "rAatr.Giiu" trfth Alyt 399d. 1 you old. CHILD'S able And chit uh, duh-Id " a Man Auk for In Ptttrtse'. Hali- wnn. Jam,†\ CHROME AND ARBOR!†suite. buffet able Ind 4 chum: Ilsa 01mm: atove Ind fridge and other furniture; - Inning Tomâ€. CH " 9216. FIREPLACE HARDWOOD - Dry, 12" tn 18" long. Two sinttle cordl. $19, dollnred. Eur-lame" Farms, George~ town. TR 7-4501. M I' an: , 1._ manual-Ion, STORM WINDOWS. Lil. Woodworking. Cl! 1-1681. BROADLOOM rugs. glue orien- tal colon. chuurfiold an“... dining room mite. ehester. fUld bed, all u new, except electric atore and fridge. RO. 6-0311. Two block: noun: of 401 Opposite old 17‘erqu Tnilor phat PARTY GOODS PUNCH BOWLS COFFEE URNS DINNERWARE SILVERWARE TABLES AND CHAIRS BABY CRIBS CRUTCHES FOLDING BEDS FLOOR SANDERS LINOLBUM ROLLERS PAINT SPRAYERS PLUMBERS TOOLS RUG SHAMPOOERS WALL PAPER STEAMERS WHEEL CHAIRS SLENDERIZING MACHINE Two blocks south of Lawrence 2540 WESTON ROAD votes, plans. hm FRlGl DAI RE GENERAL ELECTRIC WESTINGHOUSE piano, china] and popular, accordion, Spam rtitar, in- struments routed to begin- nerl. CH 0-8082. " Church at. 28-12 an on 1.7m. " ARTICLE POI “LI l7â€-21 " RCA ELECTROHOLME, etc REFRIGERATORS Look for the Rent-All pin Tom Mathew Appliances SKATE EXCHANGE kent-All We hIVI it by the yard At Cooper'l Furs Ltd. 1978 Weston Rand CH 1-809I NEW AND USED " and ttrr-Terms Tom Mathew Appliances FUR STRIPPING YES 2938 DUFFERIN ST. 1699 Jun. trtreet CH 7-8289 Excellent condition Fully gun-mm " and up CH 9-176! 1699 J an. Strut TV. SETS (used) All lite. unaware; cir his? (Mum) autumn. i,uetrTaGlL- gttmtieal design. month-kl WRITER. technicul puhliestiom, to prop". upon. on ourhuul at Ere _bore., Min Moon, AVERAGE 3250 hourly, part- timo; need ' nut tppenrlng men, 24-89, for rout: work, 8-10 hours weekly. Apply Box I, Weston Timon Advertiaer. TRAFFIC ENGINEER, to and)“ traffie And planning data, " lam 5 yearn ex- periotm. Min Moore, CH t- Next nix-week com-u Start! Jun. 8. 1962. You will be given tll day min- lng for 6 day I week. You will live at home And receive the um: pay an a regular moldin- plun I lepnrlte living allowance. RECRUITING OFFICE NOW OPEN Mon. on Fri. ' mm. to ' pm. Sn. ' mm. to a pm. DENISON ARMOURY DUFFERIN ST. It HWY. 401 " HELP WANTED MALE 72A UPHOLSTERING A. LYON UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield, Chairs mound l and remind _ I Chrome kitchen chain ; Only $5 per hall-hour treatment mu 31.00: w., " Hot: no CARLTON s12, WA hm an YONG: nu. nu 1-0!“ " WOMEN'S COLUMN " DRESSMAK'G. TAILOB’G ALL ROUND experienced dreor. maker and Alterationiat re- quires work It home, reason- able. CH 4-7798. Special attention given to Paper Hanging and Com- mercial Work. M. c. “comm " PAINT'BS. DECORAT'RS PAINTERS AND DECORATORS 1rL0CttS--old dark floon mule 'Yr, 1ytleas. Sid Gullifotd, PAINTER AND DECORATOR. inside Ind outside work, paper hanging, free estimates. CH 1-1407. SALES AND SERVICE REPAIRS 6 ALTERATIONS All types repaired and n newed. Workmanship quar- anteod Emergency newton. Day or night. CH. 1-6953 J. E. O'FARRELL PROPRIETOR " BUILDING my. 6 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE FOB. truck m Wu burr-- all tttalo.--tir, used, mtmilt. 1600 Walton mad. BO 3-1115. Per, “in. Iii-i loan, ch “I Will?" WESTON AUTO manna -at.W, and Ind "hum put. for all an. 1880 Watch and (mu). cu 1-3533. 0;... Thursday- Ind Friday- till I an “new. " MOTOR PM?! was: 6 cm mum FIOI Jun-Wilto- to Roam drive and Indul- bouluu'd, 9-5. CH um. Pre. istimttu Tim. payments if denim EMERGENCY SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT o, KING 8 King George Road, Weston CH 4-7716 t MEN 13.50 EARN AND LEARN NATIONAL SURVIVAL JOIN THE CANADIAN ARMY SPECIAL MILITIA TRAINING PROGRAMME TODAY "I'll '03 "I. MIL-T Roofing & Chimney Service Plumbing - Heating RO 9-6769. PBnMANRNTLy ELIOVII! u Inc-nouns We 9rcrharn Logan bummed Over a fears mz Weston mf.. Wam- UNWANTED HAIR ON RO 2-2706 1084 Wanton road tf 1 FOR WESTON 'SECONDARY SCHOOL OFFICE " IN “Mo-IA" ’3 _ BIRTH! STENOGRAPHER, Dowmview "on, 2 to a yen-I "peruneo, 857 to sun. Min Sorkett, CR 7-8Mi. PHA-To Mr. And Mrs. B. J. Pile, n bnby boy, a Humber Memorial Hospital, stillborn. MAY-h, loving mmory of Irene May who pulled any December 28, 1900. Ever n- mambcrod by friend Jack. BOOKKEEPER, complete at, Keele-uwrence ares, lame typing. $55-$60 per week. Mn. (hush, CH 7-8261. Invoicing experience desirable but not essential. Queennvny- Highway 27 nu. Required for accounting depart- ment. Varied Ind interesting duties, excellent opportunity for Advancemnnt. Please apply Permanent position for young lady having minimum of one year’l experience. Small in- nullation. June-Weston road Area. Please phone . C. R. MARCHANT CH 1-0221 WESTON BOARD OF _4_-EDU§ATJ9N_A__ T COMPETENT ’TYPIST 82HEUrWANrEDrEMAV d'2 "s"i"'ir,'ti'i'i' Wanted for full or part time duty. lBM 026 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR But spinach and potatoes have had their 19m and downs. Spinnch spiralled to fame on the basis of Popeye, the comic strip chnracter who consumed it by the ton. The whole contin- The apple-a-day adage is In oldie that leemn relaonnblu by modern health rules though an American doctor conducting I four-year applera-Oy teat died of I heart attack before it was completed. But fresh fruit daily is effective in safeguarding health. Same goes for earroU which, with their high vitamin C content. are beneficial to health generally, They guided our mothers and many of In in our food shop- ping. some hare been prover: true. Others in completely false. Yet food retailer, In aware that shoppers' earts an sometime" guided by sut"srsti- tion despite tho qugering modern homenuskera. "We In" "ert “In of nom- foods drop on the bull of I particularly din-trims medic-l or scientific theory," nid V. T. Barber, director of mereUndU- in: of Ooh-w. Whole-Ila Ltd., IGA supply depot for southern Ontario. "And I believe some shoppers are mu influenced by those old sayings about food." thi,. an, Gras Ind humor: about food Mum the pau.. Icu you at; to the chockout? An app]. i day he»: the doc, tor "my. Carrots no good for the oyu. Spinach in hunky. White on: an better. than brown. Pontoon an fattening. Milk can-in urontlum 00. Only on oyltcrl in a month with " "R." Kahuna foodl can be poisonous. Onion. u. good for colds while cucumbcn can" pneumonil. And downs mom, monly poppycock. _ Doo. lunar-ado: I“ you Ih9_ppin¢ can! George E. Shnier Co. Ltd. Apply Director of Nursing, Toronto Hospital, Weston RO. 9-1161 Local 25 JUNIOR CLERK 1320 JANE STREET Westan, Ontario Shorthand preferred For interview call Secretary Guide To Healthier Eating FUR COATS REMODELLED oumrmn RO 6-7224 N U R s ES REGISTERED GRADUATE RO 9-818] EM 3-7935 or Pita," La Yui'iiii -itsuCifa Mandarin a! on Town of Wm. In Mum to an noun. h . the' mm of and! aroma": a? Cog" for each ottoman. Every lush iiritr, Ihl“ b. Hoover-bl: “min . Inmm-ry Convtcuom Act. I. The provmom of Section G Bhn11 be In addition to my other remedy which the Corporation of the Town of \ann or I nun-ya thereof mny have to rent-In by Ewen I can‘t-mum of thin ny- to?“ Giif W. 'itiiie'tiri,Freii,i,i?. ma Nm! of The lulu Mun!- unl ard. nun tttig "ttt any of Juan. Alt. 1m. 4. Any person convicted ot I Breach of any of therfrovtltonl of thll By-law mm to m Ind ply te tte 'tPer-tton q; Iho_Convtegng MEAL? if. "Etriii'i BBB-ii '33: -GaGiiiiE the! Mgm of. 'till/lg 0151111": If time after the erection thereof in commenced. Nor Ihl" thi- By-uw operate to prevent the "Immen- ing or reltornion to I Ilia tonal-v tion or the ruconnruction or niterv (ion of an}: building or Itructure which on t I day or the pulling of thin aginw w" inwmlly ule n In nu mobile Jervice nation. in order to render it more convenient or commodioul for the purpose of, or to improve in uu II, In auto- mobile and" station. 3. Thin By-inw mall not apply to my Und. building or structure which on in. any of the Dunn; of the By-law in hwtuliy med for any 'll"g,'ll' prohibited by this By-ilw no on] u it continue: to be used for thlt purpose, nor mall thi- Br- law mpiy to hny building or 'true. ture e plans for which Ive. prior to the day of the pn"rnq of this By-lnw. been approved by the Building Inspector so long as the buildint or structure when aunt-d in used and continue: to be used for the purpose for which it Wu erected Ind provided the erection of Iuch huiidinf or structure in commend with n two year! um the any ot the mum of this By- l luv 1nd mm building or tincture is completed within I Halon-bk 1. Save " hereinafter provided tor, no person. firm or corporation shall use land or erect or we build- ings or structures in the Town of Weston for the 'lla,',','.' ot an auto- mobile service sta on. s. For the purruu of this By- law an uutomobtu service union means I building or pth Wham “saline. oil and June tor motor vehicles In More or kept for ale or where motor vehicles my be oiled, Ere-led or washed or hnve their union adjusted. the: tn- mud or tmttertes chlrlcd or where minor or running rennin Quentin to the actual operatton of motor vehiclu In nxccuhd or per- formed. A ly-hw to prohibit the um " hm! “I m. oncuon or m of "tidings or “new!" , In. Town " warm- ttrr the . Mr. of All “munch“. Ionic. In on. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL or THE CORPORATION or TH! TOWN OF WESTON. pursuant to its power: under Section 30 of The {gauging Act, ENACTS AS FOL- THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby twin“ Thursday. the Itth day of mun-y. 1962. " the hour of ten o'clock in the lore- noon, at the' Bonn“ Chambers. ". 3mm Street West, in the City of ammo. Ontario, for the harm? of all pm!“ interested in upper ing ouqvgaanvais "19115-902; L " "DXfE'JiS'It TFaartfritiii"iitts day at November. 1961. (SEAL) 3317-839. krAit1rn'l.1l'tUllt, The old oystJr IdIKI outllws oyster nun: in May, June, July and August. Why? The THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL IN THE MATTER or' Section IN THE MATTER otr an nppli- cation by The Corportstion of the Town of Wanton for ap- roval of its Restricted Aren gy-lnw 2582, passed the 28th day of June, 1961. of All "can nvohdupoh and may dinppund from some dinner table. that being the hurt of the maal--som.tfme. All chm me.l.--tor num- tianl. Actually, In sung. po- tato cont-inn fewer than 100 culoriea, yet provide' vnlunbla vitamins and mint-ll that In diet estsetttinla. Energy-giving lug-r, contain- ing only " clinic: par un- spoonful, I)†sullen unjmtly in the first flush of dining. Milk in under tire Just now u I currin- of ntrontium 90. Ae- cording to mine scientists, milk is no more susceptible to stron- tium 90 than nanny other foods. It was simply unfortunate enough to have been choun for seientifie mutiny, one tamed to _ u u can 'eralltuiiu,Nrtxrod_ Until all“ took and. look at tho leafy little phat “I doddod it could dmin dd“- ttry, the body. North American emu:- huvod I nigh a; "lid. Unlab- tumuly. they trtis.ed out on a omllent some. of Vitamin- â€A iron. When thy slim figure treams the hint]. Mu) potatoes 101: the sauna. Their high lurch content Via comidorod tho mot TOWN or WESTON Appointment For Hearing My" "a? - 'rhGr" -pjaGini Act (R.S.0. 1960, c296), TOWN or WESTON BY-LAW No. 2582 -a. le. r?f.5 --and-- 4-! than coma Into "B. VICKIRS". Acting Suntan. PIN. 11934! oyster up.“ during the. will! ad mod. not“, an during upswing - oylhn lack furor, Int Ila - no (mm. - " had-ch. to food nun-u "No doubt ch. coming months: and years will see other myths exploded Ind new sen-en trig.. gered, But with the aid of seierr. tifie research the shopper will be guided in sorting out fact from funcy Ind serve her hmily food that in both nutritional Ind attraetlve." "on a“ eaAoon on Ch lid! until lb. fiads tho color that win her. Eggs diff-r in col- hoe-nu they no hid by diHer- unt buds of hens. There in no dill-tone. in nutritional "In. hoping qualities or fueor. . "Food manuiactureu are put- ting to work all tho research facilities " their disposal to produce nutritional foods and to diacover at the “me time the truth or falsity of these myths and claims. "Food retailers In handling food In unitary, controlled Con- ditions that ensure quality right to the hmda of the consumer. Although toods that In" bo- thnwtd Bud rdroun m lib], to Ion color, furor, tutu“ 3nd nutritional value, they m not polsonoua unlul improperly 'F hizcnted, â€cording to dictio- hm. As for cnuu and cure of cold: and yucumonin, doctors point out that no food an provide im- munity to I dluue or can" the discus. Her (re-mt â€than“ list In the continuing munch of both scientisu Ind food procenon, Mr. Huber "id. Who" does the eon-um" "and in the confusing battle of food full Ind he“? Mt. C. K. HICKLING Agtrto-th.r-lafu. MIME!" a noun-m: 1m unmet "I v. Alta! “Mom-n. RA. Women, On. CM 1-1.“ Ian-nu 6 loans In! wmou â€All manor; on Hm Fraser ' Sim , lam-ton & Solicits: m4 more new Oprah. J‘- - DENTAL PRACTICE a u In: It... In. LEONARD A. IRAITHWAIT! BARRISTER & SOLICITOB Ron! York Plan 1500 Royal York M Wilt“ CH "* Evenings And Simon by Amount-t. HOWARD GLASKBOURNI, At Bull ' Ashboumc Professiiorwrl - Business "" Wâ€! Ion "I MAM VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES HEAKES and MacDONALD a ma‘m tar 44541“ IAIIISTIIS "aria""""'""-"") M mum: um... I CH. 1-1581 up h A-bt-tat WESTON ahd AREA "h-er-"'--" not I... In. rue-nun GI Richards "UVIIY "tttnat a um "I Ito uni MARSH, BONDING lk a. Wau- lam a Solidi-I 0 1680A Willa Am. CN I-Illl BO 'trr, ma WESTON ROAD BO um cm INSURANCE - NOTARY PUBLIC WM. G. BEECH. MP. M33. A. “WON. Mir. Cr-um-wo-ttood-v-c- Thou mmdth-Mnmvmhm Juan! Wt' I v.1 n the Lama-u, to Chunk â€at: Wuhan. Lat us start on in we: pod hunch-a. w. cordially mm I" Oddlollou to “and. WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT "I Mr [DWING TICKET NUMBERS I'll! ml WINNIE] or THI DRAW HELD DECIIBEI ttth - “a, 'tet, MM, 4008, 2507, 5208, (918, 4906, 877'. "os. VILyAuporgIN. mucus ennui, mtato Pub Av-ith- I. Marty-3v hu- PIANO MINING DIRECTORY Magnum"... twill†Tn"! Irma-ent- made {a Air - Shin†- I“ . Pulmon- - Tour: and Cm CARIABE-WVING Chnmnd Aecountanta I _ 1969 W ESTON ROAD CARD LUMBER CGMPHNY 'hA"du.diiiGd -"_"He V -. ACCOUNI'ANTS l HOUSING“) â€VIC! MOVING WESTON, ONT. CM. 9-651, NASHVIllt - Phone mmss 6-1123 WESTON TRAVEL SERVICE 'ueiGifni' Sic'i'nmy. PETERS You TRAVEL IttIrtfit" CAITAGI CNtyAta AND AVOID DIWPOINTMINT B E R M U D A non OCTOBER 'iu-8M.00 mum S.C.A, - B.O.A.C. 0*“de Auto Glass Sonic. GOING OVERSEAS P may! EXCURSKON TOIDIIOIW " I†lIm Cl â€In; In: II I. I†WILSON AVE. Wau- J. It. Currie, 0.0. W. J. WARD DUNN" unsound Serviceman" CH ' IE 8-1337 nu Wm- Be. I... RO. 2-6622 VENHIAN BLIND O Cleaned o Repaired MDAY The Rap-dbl. Snu- DOUGLAS CAIINI. Robin and. And Wall Chm-n 10-10 3,: ' i