Times & Guide (1909), 29 Dec 1961, p. 2

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R 'q.'t'i h 'le. it,» all " "ui, In. 'Ga ___ "i,""de. a ir, _ nu. M up crushed ping-”Ia “I ”II." M COM: In in M of Panhlulu hr Ltrht, Ig cup - In,“ - all hli cut-pin. If Maud-Ina" such Mored Ig op flruuhlno cherries. - - ther In" lo fir- no for, "'4 be ttrntaNl. New ebtpped an. "PP'" any! f" 1Hf, . ttteq gm fer . 'tair " the 1 up man marsttata0.n" CM.“ III In": Furollln' On land!!! of Docent!" 19th, member: of the (Men, It. Pouch Maple Lu! Rover Crew. Ind tst annnww Rover C?" and I Chrutmo buffet, followed by "rolling It the Venom lanky-rhu- Ind Queen Mary Hospital. The Rovers that m d to” for the childm. Area Rumor Advisor, Min Dorn Plrthing. met with him mnnnutivu of the Rang-1 Ind Cndeu Companies on the Inning of Dumber 27, in the eraft rpnm of the Weston Mumm- pal Building. An Ann Council wu nrganiud to envordin-te the sittvitu, o! lunar- nd Cndeu of the urn. Mara new: ahout MI lam. ' Busy It MA-KEFYWA Cadets and Ringers of North-Wert Area spent I wry bury test weak-end at MA-REE-WA December 8 and earned twenty- Ieven badge! with leventeen more partinlly mmpleted. Guiders. In. D. Chin, Mrs. M. Rex and Miss Dora Farthing: were kept very busy testing. Conemtuutioru to the follrrwimr: Ctsdete, Heath" Newlands (Woodman, Wk"): Silvia; Albert (Woodman); Marilyn Gummy (Woodhull, Hiker, Stalker, Camper, Handywornant; Jeanne?“ Jones (Woodman; Hiker); Anna kiss (Woodman, Hiker, Pioneer, Camper). Bu Iutteer.---Jad.sr Spenst (Astronomers, Woodman, Stalk"); (no! Whittle": (Woodmln. Hiker). Alr Rarer-- Kira" Pitch (Woodman, Hiker). Wilma Land Ringer Judo NeGiHv-ry (Woodmnn. Hiker). Guide. of the 57 annnm C Pamela Bethal (Woodmnn. Hiker. Trucker) and Marilyn Hook (Woodman, Hiker). Sn Ranger Crew The North-West Area Sen Range“ have ”dented the [hip for their name. Frpm now on they will be rerirtered an S.R.S. Cor-morn“, Sea Ranger Crew with the Skippsr. Mrs. R. Pittis And First Maul Mrs. J. Coomber. Plans are being made for the launching. . “any New Year 1962 Ever thought of ushering in the New Year at MA-KEE-WA , Members of the Woodmount Ranger Company tank over the Upper Lodge with the member: of the First Humber West Rover Crew taking over the Lower Lodge. Hats off to those courage-rm laden, Mrs. L. Husk-n: and Dora Farthing of the Ranger Co and Rover Skipper Mr. R, B. Templeton. It was a memorable mansion, with fun {or I”. 3 huh-u.“ Inna-unaw- Congratulations to Air Ranger Joanne Skuce who was pre- sented with the Gold Cord by her former Guide Captain, Mm. B. Lapp, on Monday, December 11th, 1961. Joanne's good friend and Shh-kick. Lieutenant Anita Ramuge wrote a poem for the mansion, including the highlights of Joanne's activities in Guid- ing. We're tucking down I picture of Joanne, also a copy of said poem which we'll publish as soon as we receive it. For now. I'm sure all your friends m blue and brown are happy for you, Joanne. CONSTABLE AND MRS. JOHN ROBERT FERBIS nuke " up" pictuu as they cut their wedding cake after their recent luring. in Central United Church, Weston. The former Mary Pntticin iinclnir. Mrs. Ferris in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Iliulnir of Weston tad the (mom. Constable John Robert Fer. ris. R.C.M.P. of Ottawa, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ferris of Ferric Lane, BIrric, Ont-rim Reverend R. E. Spencer In oftuiati" clergy-In. Wed at Central United Hui m Frm.. Bdttariat 0ttuee . Moo Watc- Iud. W-tmb-CN l-Illl Principal Publishing Ltd. WMuchmmmmmmm-gmn mummwnwmm NEWS GUIDES BROWNIES '.g.eueell1"-rt-id-taqdPtrbti.hrr Wood-Ont lug-u Enrolled ”hub! Rumor-FM“ (‘nuncil Gold Cord Aulrdetl -APttout: Mam": studios, R. Fielding B. Rich!“ o. A. Garrett (MI-Mu It”. hm I“ an: in MM“; this... “I!” " Cook anthem according M mnnuhrturer'x instruptiorv. Slut; lifhtly ("on pepper Ind onions in butter. Combine with flour and "it until smooth. Mix rhickln broth Ind milk and Add It ortee to' flour and but!" mixture. Mir rorotantly until thirt- uml. Add all. mono-Minn (Inc-man. (mud rheete. Funk until I" (“if of raw "arch in M. Mud - in smooth. Add "mining lngndionu. Alumna Inna of Inn-mi Ind rhlrken an“ in anionic. Top with a mixwrl " Mud crumb- and M mp mud than. loll- It ”0W. (or 16-.) minum. new” " people. broth 4 cup. milk At cup flour ‘m cup butter , up. "It I up. monomdium than“. It cup ehopped onlonl 8 tum turkey. rocked and diced , tupl lurk” or thick“ We are taking for granted you still have Christmas cake and special cookies, Ind these are the perfect accompaniment to to- day's dessert. This is one that in delightful as it is, but which you can spike with your favourite Christmas flavouring. One of the nicest things about Christmas is the opportunity it affords us to greet old friends and welcoma new ones. The week between Christmas and New Year's is the ideal time for entertaining. Perhaps yours is a large family that includes many grandchildren and so the old tradition of Christmas Day " Mother's must be foregone. lnstead, why not start a new tradition for your gathering? A family buffet is a joy to all, even the young fry, who can take their plates to their own Sue spot, and still possesses the glamour of a dress-up party. B tar still, it is a temper-saver for the harried hostess who wants to spend her time visiting with her kin. Keep your. menu simple, but use your imagination in garnishing. We know your Christ- mas centerpiece will be most appropriate, but don't forget a beautiful relish tray, either vegetable or fruit, can he festive where space is " a premium. Of course, your main course could he cold sliced turkey and ham, garnished with orange cranberry relish, and heaping bowls of potato lad and a shimmering jelly. but if the weather is nippy, wougn’t you prefer a steaming casserole? Our recipe for Turkey Tetrazzini is a natural for using up left-over turkey, or you may cook turkey or chicken especially for it. I Food " Fact and Fancy Tho meeting began " 7.30 pm. with dessert Ind cuff“ Ind the informal limo-phat was maintained throughout the evening. The inaugural urvicc of the Unltod Church Women will take plan. January 7 when newly- elected officers will be installed. DOROTHY PEARSON The Inst meeting of the Doro. thy Pearson Auxiliary of Central United Church was held on December 12 in tin church parlor. The 'rrttaltrartution of the miaainnsry .uxilinriel und the women's "loci-Hon groups takes place in January under United Chureh Women and this was therefore I specill meeting in many ways. The following childm Inn mud foe bath- a the min: uni“: but“ Jun. humor of Mr. and In. Y. Gamble; In, Cnthorino. daugh- a: " Mr. and In. Orion Bail; um. Human, dmttmtar ot Mr. and In. W. B. Mimt' Funk Elliott, Ion of Mr. tad Mrs. Roy E. Milne; Daugh- John Roderick. Ion of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Rieurdson. Please note the church books rlou this year on December " Reports of the organization on the year's work should be in the church allies for the compila- tion of the Innual statement by January 12. The committee of stewards, women's "soeititions, Sunday school. missionary and maintenance committee and trustee board should present their books to the church audi- tors. Mr. J. N, Smeaton (CH L 9435) and Mr. H. J. Dyke (CH 1-3336). Other organizations Ihould arrange for their own auditors. It is necessary to avoid inconvenience for those prepar- ing the annual statement that all reports be audited before Presentation at the church of.. lice on the nth The Rev.‘Enos W. Hart, pas- toral assistant, will he in charge of the service next Sunday morning. The minister will visit the departments of the Sunday school and give I New Year’s talk in the primnty dlpunmmt. The official board and cow negation of Central United Church extend best Wilhll for 1062 to the editor and on” of the Tim" and Adveniur. Mrs. Fnirlu lad In singing CENTRAL UNITID Weston And District Church News YULITID! DELIGHT TURKEY TE'I‘RAZZINI On Tuesday evening, again fur the New Year, there will he catechizm chases conducted by Mr Veneml for I” baptized members of Second Church of 12 and shove. While they will have memorized the questions and answer: of Lord's Day 36» " Mr. Venemn will explain On Monti-y morning. being New Year's Day, there will he I Ipecill urviu It 10.80 oVloek. The sermon will be based on Revelation 5: 5 and entitled, "The Victory of JeaLII Christ, Our Saviout." The congregatum will be called to note the right, lousneu which Christ has wrought and the significance of His work for the future. On Sunday at the 5 pm. Enm lish service Second Church will remember Old Year's Night. Mr. Venemn will preach a ser: mon based on Hebrews 12: 27- 28a, entitled, "Things that are shaken and which cannot be lhlken." This sermon will look into the put, the present and the future. On Sunday morning " both the it o'clock and 11 o'cloek Eng. liah Ian/ice the Rev. Anthony De Jug-3r will nerve in Second Church. Mr. De Jager is co- pastor of the large First Christ- ian Reformed Church of Toron~ to. In view of the busy schedule of services recently this will be I pulpit exchange with Rev. Mr. Veneml eerving at the morning services at First Church near the corner of Eglinton and Mount Pleasant streets in To- route. Christmas _ An imam-ting history of the beginning and - by- " the auxiliuy wu (in. by Ilia L. Thompson. who to? For it Md hogan u . null Min Yeo and Mn. Christie Ibo-v.6 um. aotartainintr auda- nnd noviu of mph and cunts connected with the quiliuy. t pint "try now (rum le an, hm not" ' than. touted chopped almond. nil-h. eirclo Gd VII -intrr mod for I who! who M- - , uhsbury in India. than lovely moni- duets Lut by the ladies' trio of the church etch, Mrs. Flirlen, Mrs. Brideo. m and Min Allen, in Chrut. mu lelectiom. Mrs. Hampton closed "the meeting with an inspiring and moving prayer. link In- privv'idod triuirs, “Mn; and In. Atbardo In Ind Iliad It cup ulmondn, chopped and touted 9: sun gated eheesr % cup sherry 1 lb. sHtaithettf Buttered crumb! It cup grated than 't (up diee4 from new)” k tbsp. Pimento. chopped #5 (up mushrooms, ranked union) CHRISTIAN REFORMED anxrznmvs (‘O-UPERATId In this canon of joy, it would be I rnmfnrting thought for you Ind your tstaff, to know that, through Four unaelfUh support of vol. "nary health and welfare agencies. got In" been the mun- of bringing lid tnd comma to many. When thi Soriety'l records tor 1961 um reviewed, one cannot help but be impreued with the generous co-operation wr have received from the Weston Times-Advertiser, thy well an no many public spirited mtiuns. In our fittht mgr-inst the great crippler A Arthritis. With all good wi-hu Ind the hope that thin Society wilt Continue merit your sup- Mt the new year; Iinuroly. , ton Gilbride, On behalf of this Society my I express our deep grati- tude for the wholehearted support. you have given ul in the year just ending. Sir Sunday, the fourth Sundny in Mum. nu . day " lush! d.. votiona It St. John's Anglican Church when the communal turned out to the regular ner- vices. In the waning In" the shortened evenlong service the first of, the Chriltmu service: Ind the 11.30 the glorioul choral celebration of the holy auchnrist service. The rector was the celobnnt. His clur vein with rich ton-a runs through the chumh. Inching tho hum of all pro-ant. It was a day of praise Ind thunksgiving for the coming of our Lord Jeans Christ to when: mankind and lift out hurt: to God on high. berg Catech'mu which deal. with the fifth comm-mt. “Honor thy ttthor Ind thy mother." ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN Whatever may 1 e in store for us in the new year there IS one thing t , remains sure, He is our by We pass by the Rose pf, Sharon BO often without stop- ping to breathe His fr runes. Let us pause frequently in the garden of tomo. ow and anioy Him who is our comfort, our love, our dance, and all that we need. Lauri Day 89 of thn Hoidol. How rich we Christians are in our friendship with basus Christ! He is such a personal Friend. One who speaks to us through His Word and tells us what his direction is for us. The Psalmist 5a a, "In the multitude of my thoughts withyrrma thy comeps delightuny soul." We are apt 13 clamour for the new and to grow weary of the repetition of the same thing. The refresh. mg thing about cf ristianity is that if you are walking with Issus Christ there is always something new, some- thing new from the some old Book. Standing in a book store the other day, looking at the hundreds of books on display I thought, "All these, people with something that they wanted to say, some thing that they thought was good enough to print." But you know that every Christian who will take the time to an up the mountain of prayer with his Bible to meet his God will find that he too has something to say, something that burns within his heart. ’Each year I find myself praying, "Lord, no matter how old I grow to be let me never lose this thrill of anticipation as I face the new year." A diary yet urv written, a curve in a yet untravelled road, a mountain unscaled, all these speak ol the advent of another year. _ SCHOOL BOY DRUNKARDS MOSCOW, R08SIA--Remarksbls statement cor: cerning drunkenness amongst Russian school children are made by Mr. Consul H. M. Grove in his report on the trade of the Moscow district for 1911. It is admitted, he writes, that inebriety is very rapidly increasing among the school children in Russia in general, and in Moscow and Moscow provinces in particular. Out of 18,134 school boys in the Moscow province, from ll)? ages of 8 tod? years, 12,162 or 66 per cent, have taken to drink, and out of 10.404 girls of the some ages 4,733, or 45 per cent, also drink. WESTON-charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol” will be presented at the High School Concert. The pro- duction of the play, as well as the remainder of the program is entirely the work of the pupils. MOUNT DENNIS-3mm Humans Society hes is sued 27 summonses to teamsters in this loctrlity for working horses with sore shoulders. NOT SO ELEGANT OTTAWA-During August, September and Octo- ber 170 new post offices were opened in Canada, the mummy being in the Pam's Provinces, to keep pace with the tide of settlement. The present Postmaster General has sanctioned for the new offices such in- elegant names as Dirt Hills, Ground Hog, Molly Gib- son, Needmore and Ferguson Flats. A happier choice is seen in such names as Sunkist, Homeside and Esperance. MOTIVE REMAINS OBSCURE MADRID, SPAIN-lose Canaleiasy Mendes, the Prime Minister, whom Spain has regarded as one of the greatest oi statesmen, was shot and killed on Tues- day by a young anarchist named Manuel Pardinas. The assassin attempted suicide, and it was first thought that he was dead, but when hehad been carried to the hospital, he was found to be living. No event since the throwing of the bomb at the carriage of King Alfonso, on May 31, 1908, while the King was returning from the church after his marriage, has created such general consternation and such public sympathy. So far as can be learned at present, the assassination seems to be in no way part of a widespread political plot or revolutionary movement, but an isolated crime for which the exact motive remains obscure. Letters To The Editor IO YEAR. AGO IN TH! TIME. AND CUIDI A Christian Thought A. W. w.” HAPPY NEW YEAR! “Prmhfn. til Iibk for the 10.00 .at.--Bihle School. 11.00 n.nc--Mttmirte WenMp Spatial unless will b. held next Sunday And an evening alebntlan of the holy eucharisc will be held at 11.30 pan. This in the ideal way in which to hold the closing of the 1961 ynr and to - in 1962. During mumm- Day ch”; uni“. won held and wore wall The church wu beautifully decorated under the auperwlion ot tho Altar Guild. lpuhl aunties in due Mr. D, B. Drum and in chair for their work It all the unites. It thawed excellent trainin and uplandid present-tion of the mutual umnn for the ur- viul. Thin choir ho nude (rent prone" over the you‘- under the “you. leadership of Mr. Brum. Golfdown Drive "tetwetfrlietrte N. 1nd INurury Intimiu n. I” Services Miniaur: In. R. F. hull, EA. ma mm Mo PM. BUNDAY BERVH'EE IEXDALE ALLIANCE CHURCH CLAIR GOODYEAR whole SCHOOL In!) Pat.--) Night and”. Vin WIIIOI Ave. all lily-uh“ IL Hill-“r: m. DOUGLAS R. G. no", EIL, ED. WAY. Daemon " 1061 tt.48 a.nt.-Stmdny Sehool. Age: 9-16 11.00 l.m.-- Regular Service. Inby Nuns”, Sunday WI for any! an under. RIVERSIDE UNITED CHURCH 11.00 n.m.~(7hurch Seljyiue. 9.00 p.m.-Speeusl film. 10.00 p.m.--Eveniuw “unhip -mutlc and tesirmnnies -litrht refreshments. 11.15 p.m.--Communion Suvice 11.00 am 11.00 Katt 10.00 amr Special Old Year's Night Service MONDAY. JANUARY I. 1962 Spatial New Year's Service 10.30 n.m.--Fimtlish Service.-Rev. H. A. Vent-ma WESTON BAPTIST CHURCH 7.00 tt.rn.-IKF'H -“Bark to God Huur" radio l 9.00 t1.m.--Hollend Service.--Rev. A. heJager. tl.00 aatr---Erurlish b'ervive.-Hlev, H, A, Vvnetua 5.00 pam-English Svvvive.-Rev. A. De0asrer. 10.00 n.m.rTri C Class for Teenam-rs 11.00 a.m.-Clasues for all IN. 8.00 Pan.-- Ir L Bible Class for Ladies. 2.00 pan, 11.00 aatL--"New Year's Service." 9.45 mm Weston Presbyterian Church Worship Regularly With Us It Riverside Send for Free Bible Reading Curt 01 Correspondence Co." " aan.--Sunar 8ehool-9 ”In Ind up. 0.“ n.m.-.Ftftetdete' Bible Clan 11.00 Batt.---'" New Beginning," ttao p.m.--4urol Ind Communion Semen. IL00 B.m.--Sunday School-l to 8 years. 7.00 p.m.-The choir candlelight and carol pervicr Plane Nota-No service It 7.00 p.m. for this Sunday only, CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Second Christian Reiormed Church ttt T oromo REV. It. J. macs. ILA. - 17 Cross SI. - CH [.9533 BEVERLEY HILLS UNITED CHURCH THE CHttislr.ADELPHiANs King Street Ind Weston Road Minister: Rev. Ralph E. Spencer,' M.A.. BAD. l'utonl Assistant: II". Enos W. Hart, B.A., B.D, AT SCARLETT ROAD AND KINGDOM STREET "Jerusalem the City of the Great King" .--Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary, ,me‘ning Worship. ,%.G,I.T. ,--Junior and Intermediate Sundny School '--Pax Bible Class, 5 Cross Street " Church, Cherry 1457! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1981 Mini-tor: The Rev. Hlney Allen SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1961 FIFTH sunny IN Ann)“ SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1961 SUNDAY, DECEMBER M, IWil SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1961 Berra. A. Venenng, B.A.. TILM. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1961 oust North of Highway ml) 2799 Weston Rand, Weston WATCH NIGHT SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL-tgs A.M. Lawrence Ave. W.. and Weston Road Minister: Rev. R. E. Fred-mi, BA., B.D, I.” an. and ll,00 mm. WORSHIP SERVICE MS Albion Road.' Rani-lo (Just South M. Lawrence) SUNDAY, DECEMBER M. 1881 Vesper 591' vice, wtslmhlsler Build Chard! Sl'NDA Y SCHOOL In. In. B. link-uh. ILL. tut.. Wdt. IMO pan. in] $0an um. um and: TU FM M] ' radio broadcast

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