ad Holiday guests of Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Craie 1fooreshesur, Drive, are Mrs. Craig's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I'soss Fraser of Lancaster, Ont. i Honoring' Mr. Parry's mother, Mrs. C. 'E. Parry of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parry gave a Boxing Day din- ner party at their home on Great Oak Drive. Holiday season guests ‘at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mason, Kipling Ave. N., are Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Talbot- Crosbie with their daughters Anne and Judith of Waterford, Ontario. Mrs. Talbot-Crosbie in Mrs. Mason's sister. David Cline of St. Mary's, is a holiday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Horn, Ellestreeload. Mr. and Mrs Stanley Tovell of Spanish, Ont.. are holiday- Ing with Mrs. Tovell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. M. Honey, Monkton Ave. Miss Judy Honey, a student nurse at Ot- tawa Civic Hospital, is also at home for the holiday season. Mrs. Estabrook arrives today from Saint John. N.B. to spend a week with her sister and brother-in-lass, Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeLong. Abinger Crescent. Arranring tl-e Couples' Club New Year's Eve Barty to] be held m the C', urch Hall at Islington United Church to-i, marrow ex ening are the members of the executive of that group, IV. and Mrs,. Ed Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. David Bow/ Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Black. Mr.) and Mrs. Russell Creswell. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hannah. Mr. and Mrs. Jam Dunsfurd. and, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Peck. l, About fifty couples enjoyed a festive evening and buffet dinner when the Marrimates of Humber Valley United Church held their annual Christmas party earlier in the month. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dennis were In charge of the gay decorations, and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dennison, the presi- dents, welcomed the guests. Other members of the exe- cutive planning the party were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donald Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hurrel, Mr. "ind Mrs. Don Bullick, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Potter, and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Woolley. Brian Barley, Royalavon Cres., flew to Winnipeg on Tues- day to spend the rest of the waration with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. David Holgate. an â€that in Etobicoke, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cooke gave i In. my It their home an qucrayde Drive. . . . . , . , _ but: tbe holiday use: in Emucoké are Mr. and 'tiirir.ii.d--andt,hyteDmtta,ofunnox- Christmas guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lorne Cuv- noe, Bilston Court, were Mr. and Mrs. 'amerun Edgar with their children Bob and Shiela of Ayr. Mr. Edgar is Mrs. Carnoe’s brother. Miss Kay Death of Vancduver, is spending the holiday [man with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Schick, Chestnut Hills Parkway. A Christmas Cookie party has become a tradition among a. group of about twenty neighbours on Islington Avenue North. Each takes a goodly sample of her own Favourite kind, and they all exchange. This year Mrs. Harold Broome was the hostess on the evening of December 20. Mr, Lloyd Jones, tt teacher at Princess Margaret School, is holidayirse in New Orleans. Mr. Ind Mrs. R. J. Garrett of Oakville, were Christmas nuts of Mr. Garrett', punts, Mr. and Mm. R. A. Gur- M, Colwood Road. More than a thousand invitations have been sent out to women members of Islington United Church to attend . Buffet Supper in the church hall on Friday. January 5, to celebrate the inauguration of "Islington United Church Women". General chairman of the provisional committee which has worked for weeks to bring this new group into being is Mrs. Gordon Bennett. Committee chairmen assoc- iated with her have been Mrs. Eldon Lehman, Miss Alma Learoyd, Mrs. Stewart East, and Mrs. W. Stuart Smellie. Spending the $hristmas season with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. A dereotte, Chestnut Hills Parkway, are Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Aldercotte of Montreal, with their children, Frances, Michael, and Sheila. ' Owen Moorhouse, Islington Ave. N.. a student al l'niww aid brother-in-law, guy of Toronto, is spending part of his vacation visiting Crescent. " cousin, Dee Tyson in Brooklyn, New York. l The wedding will take place on Friday, December 29, at t.80 in Islington United Church, of Nancy Patricia Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Hall, Aylesbury Road, to Kenneth Herbert Sedgewick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sedgewick, York Mills. The couple will leave shortly far Germany where Mr. Sedgewick is an exchange teacher. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Arnold, West Deane Park Drive, drove to Tweed to spend Christmas with Mrs. Arnold's brother and family, Dr. and Mrs. Gibson Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Le Tendre, with' their children Rennie, Laurie and Liane were guests on Christmas Day at a family party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spar- ling in Agincourt. Mr. and Mrs.. Peter Le Tendre with their wee daughter. Deanne, of Toronto, were also there, and Mm. Paul Le Tendre's mother from New Bedford, Mass. On The Social Sceneâ€?- Honoring Mr. and Mm. Jamal Bowman of Montreal, who ham -- its; l Florence Elizabeth Emmwm andseorsage was Talisman roses. The iRichard Frederick Aerriuan ..ere;mother of the groom assisted in a 'united in marriage in a lovely eve-ldtvss of toast satin and ivory bro- lning ceremony, December 22, atlcnde. Her col-sage was of ivbry iDeer Park United Church. (roses. e Elslingfon Girl Speaks Vows In Beautiful December Service I The wedding music was pluyed' ‘by John J. Weatherseed and soloistl was John Emerson, brother of the .liride. Rev. John M. Wilkie and1 'Rev. C. F. T. Pouitet ofticiated. _ l, Ghen in marriage h) her fathom? the bride wore a full length blush iimry gown of lustre satin. The bodice had bias fulds in front w ith, a V-shaped neckline. The long! ‘sleeves ended in lily points over, ithe hands. The skirt featured lai'ge‘ (scissor pleats in front and had a ’gsthered effect in back which felll into a cathedral train. She wine a full length heirloom veil of Bins-i lsels lace gathered to a cirrlet ofl ‘matl'himz satin. This veil had heenl {worn by the bride's mother at her! Modding. The bride's bouquet was' ta cascade of stephnnntis, accented (by white Poinsettia and mistletoe.‘ I The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mqrgarsttt Emerson, as maid of honor and Miss Martha tlrsrke, Miss Patricia Pyne, and Mrs. Fraser Webster as brides- nuaids. Miss Louise Newman, nieve of the groom, was flower girl. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Theodore Roonevelt Emerson, Edenbridge Drive, Isling- Ron and the groom is the son of Fits. Newman and the late Walter ‘Ray Newman, Dunnville, Ontario. The attendants “an full length gowns of ivory ppau de soie with,) belied skirts and prim-ess ' line, hodices. The portrait nncklinv ex-i tended to cover the shnulderal Their headrlrerses were win-lets of! matrhing fabric haves. They calm vied cascades of red poinsettas and holly. l Donald NPvmnn. hrothrsr of the groom, “as best man. l‘shors warr- John Newman. Scott Newman lbrothera of the groom}, John Fhuervon and Gordon Emmson librothrre of the bride) and Hugh Hanson. The church was dammit-d with standards of white bridal fiowtsrs. and randelnhra atrernted with pine ‘houghs and red satin hows. The news WPTP deeorated with rerl satin haw: and miatletoe. pf the bride received in a virus of ‘oliw, kri<'n Fretteh brorade. Hor At Thq rfwoption held at the Prince Arthur House, the mothI-r Former residents of Humber Valley, now living in Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Clive Cresswell, spent Christmas week- end with Mrs. Creswell'n father, Dr. W. Carlton in Toronto, Ind visited seven. friends and neighbours round-about. thtt in Mine from MrMmtmr Univérsity, Hamilton. M m in addition to the many students home from nut-m- ums-Ms which '" momaw but weak. Home for Christmas from Long Island, T'niversity, New York City, in Bob Monden, Ainsley Gardens. John Reamer. Princess Ann Crescent, is home from Cal. Tech; in Paaad a. California. John Baumann. Bywood Dri " and John Crouch- mnn. Thistletnwn, in home from Queen's. and Mike Henry, IAmthh Road, and Pete Hubbard, Southway Road, are home from University of Western Ontariq at Inndon. Don Ptvrple 8|. Lukns 1p1i,tilfimrer util trnphy" was hrld. _ ld at theV'hureh, St. Gil»: 2',',""rc'i'i/',',ii, On I’Mombv-r 29 the Westway he mothorIChurch and Weshxay ,m'tm iUnited Young Peoples group In tt drugs of Chureh but wmk held a howling, " _ ki " radii, Hor'party to onlohrat,» the Christmas/o hold 8 King of Into party __ .7 A '4 -. __ C _ # A - ‘nnd than go to on» of the mrmher'tr . T F , Mr. and Mrs. il m. Whyte, Last Glen homes for rpfrpshmI-nts. This party involves going on mum: to In the'; a . . . . ' . downtown thawing of "King of of Humber Valley, now living m Lon- Kinâ€... , (lixen in marriage by her tather,iaeted " best man. ithe bride wore a full length srown!, At the reception held at the Four Pf white peau de snie with lace aeWinds the brides' mother received ilinues. A chapel train swept fromjn a magenta sheath dress with la Trcau tle “Ole rose at the hack of matching leather hat. Her corsage [the waist. The long sleeves which“, of pink and white roses. The) 'to a point over the hands. Her tinhrourn's mother wore a beige 'iertir, lace veil was held in P1“"“lsheath with a jewelled peplum. She ‘lpy a band of white peau de solemn†a 'mum COTSIK¢~ ( Sh» carried a bouquet of roses on! Guests were present from Port , Bible. IHope, Moncton, N.B., Quebec and l The bride was attended by Mra.‘Burlington. 1 Chrysanthemums Decorate Church, For Wedding l White rhrysanthemums decor- lated Zion-Wexford United Church, iScar'horo, for the weadinx of VaL Eerie Marr to David Kent, Deeerm (ber 9. 1 The bride is the daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Harold Marr, Searborrr and the groom is the son of Mr.) and Mrs. George Kent, Loyalist Road, Islington. i, Mrs. David S. Rae and the bride's University class-mates held a linen shower. The lady staff members of Richview Collegiate Two luncheons were held at the University Women's Club = Mrs. lFraser Robertson and Miss Pat- riria Pyne. The groom's mother held family dinner party at the University Women's Club. The bride's cousin, Mrs. Peter Fraser held an afternoon tea. A preserve and pickle rhower was held by Mrs. Paul Adams and former St. Clem- ent's school mates of the bride. The bride’s aunt. Mrs. Walter Mac- Ledn held a kitchen shower in her Oshawa home. Prior to her marriage the bride was entertained by numerous friends and relatives. A eomposite group of Youngsnuon. A contestifm- the "golden Pkwy]? from 8|. Lukes Unifwlhnzer nail trnphy" was hrld. ('hnrch, St. G.ilo Pr"s"sytt'riani On liMombv-r 29 the Festaragr Church and Washvay United', V ' _ T .. Chureh but ka held a hominidl "ltd. Y"y.y PMF‘T' gram) In Church Young People Groups Join For Christmas Bowling Party hemums decor-(R. E. Jackson as matron of honor United Church.]and two bridesmaids, Mrs. M. Gra- weddinx of Tal/ham and Miss Diane King. They .d Kent, Deeenv)wore identical gold sheath dresses i,triel, matching overskirts. Their daughter of Mr.lheaddresses were gold peau de soie Marr, Scarborozand they carried bronze and gold the son of Mr.:"nturmr. Kent, Loyalist! Ushers were Edward Ford and At. E. Jackson. Murray Maynard = by her tather,iaeted as best man. 'ull length srownl: At the reception held at the Four that It. I; l Presentations were also made to ithe couple by the gcoom's assoc- dates at I.B.M. and the bride's fel- low staff members at Richview Collegiate. A dinner party and pre- sentation was given by Mrs. W. H. Clarke. The bride's mother enter- jtnined at afternoon tea, and fol- ‘lowing the wedding rehearsel. the lmother of the groom held a recep- ltion. [ Last Friday the Kinzsway Rap- tist, You": Peoples trmup found the surrounding tbvPrtUPB Ind sang Christmas camlu. These lune 'rourut people put on I Christmgs pageant thwpioceding Sunday ttht took the plan. of the owning Wor- ship Serviro in the Church. Sandr- Tinkhnm portraypd the pun of Mary. AvriHo Holman w“ trum- form-d into An Ann-l - In “I Kathy "INF? of the youngerl group. Wondrl anmho. took the mwrt of Jo-ph and Brian MoEw-n wu dréued In I Who Man. Bob Alexander was do on of the Institute, where the bride is head ll' the Hume Economics Depart- iment, held a miscellaneous show- er at the home of Mrs. Ronald J. (orntield. The bride's sister, Miss jMargaret Emerson, entertained at a theatre party. Mrs. Peter S. Fraser and Mrs. John Whalen held a dinner party ifor the bride and groom at the (home of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser where 'a presentation was made by fel- low members of the Executive of che Households Science Alumnae, ‘University of Toronto. Photo-hh 11 Sexton On. of the high "m of 1961 a! the Senior cm. wand ttt be loch um Club on 00min Street, was 0 vii" this your tho Sonlor Citizens, by Dick Show: of OM Argonmm. Dick was on and best otttrndod my ftule 'tte - launch in» canvol Too 1 coke. antdNtt.%t.wtgettamt. ' He carried out his modal oper- 'iandi for close on twenty years and inever once defaulted by opening ‘the package of cigarettes which he had wrapped securely in waxed paper and sealed with scotch tape. One thing he fails to mention is ‘that. even today, when he has cause to caress the objects in his pne- ket he usually seats himself in the /nost comfortable chair available (and lights his pipe. However, by facing the facts and sdmitting to the truth, everyone knows that smoking is I filthy habit, really. Your wearing apparel has the pungent smell of stale smoke. Your home stinks of it. Your breath reeks of it. Teeth and fingers stained, tongue hot and dis- colored, lips scarred, eyesight weakened - and for what? The inconvenience of perhaps I lone, (drawn-out illness and most cer- tainly the ultimate - death? ‘ Many quacks, and scribes, have cashed-in on your misfortune. Pills have been ‘invented'.which guar- antee you immunity front all kinds lot smoking over a certain length of time. You try them out for a spell then one day, for the sheer heck of it, you decided to try the pill's worth by igniting a nicotine special. Brrroooom - the result is catastrophic and you become vio- lently ill. Seriously, though, the only way to quit smoking is to quit, pronto. All cigarettes in your possession at the time of the ‘big, decigion' should be disposed of immediately To the brave 'ersoua' who linn unly wish Pr rid themulvei _ot; the smoking habit, now would be the time to [in it I whirl. How- Weerr, read on, MtueDuitt Decide for Yyoursell. Within the past few your: man of Icience and medicine luv. {one out of their way to prove to In with lludnble teats, deilniU Nets and positive iittures tut cigarette mucking undoubtedly bestow, upon its dedicated Ind nddicted diaeiples, clncer of the lung. l We have the scribe who, while smoking a filter-tip, beats out An article on his typewriter informing ‘you that it is quite dangerous for a ‘person to quite smoking suddenly. You should, he bahbles forth, carry out in stages a program of cutting down on your smoke intake and gradually, by sacrificing one eigar- ette daily, you will finally succeed ‘in cutting it to nil. This is pure lnonsense! To quit smoking sud- /ierlly will have about the same effect upon you as when you first started to smoke. suddenly. started to smoke. suddenly. [ Holidaying from the University l There is also the clown who al-ot Toronto are Anne Setchell, most convinces you, with his writ-jSmithwood Road; Bob and Tom ‘ing of 'self-experience', that yo10oward, Moorshead Drive; John fare nothing but a weak-willed/Hastings, Sealcove Drive; Pat My- smoking chimney. Well, are you?lhal, Burnhamthorpe Road; John He quit smoking by earryingiGrove, Shaver Avenue; Jim around with him a pack of weedsiGabura, Rathgar Road; Susan and a book of matches, at all times.)Hendry', Shaver Ave., Sally Ness, Whenever. he felt the urge to Thorncrest Rd. smoke he fondled the objects 'in hisl Susan Toth, whose parents have pocket which served to satisfy hislrecently moved to Ottawa, hopes to over-inflated ego and his willrvisit some of her Burnhamthorpe power did the rest. iColleciate friends during the vaca- ‘ Yet, with ell the acne warnings end veiled threats from the med, Fii profession concerning this P'"? murderer, 'more' people are 'etokintr 'more' cigarettel today than ever before. The dawning of “other you and forgotten. When you fool the minor, Unlike other sport: which ts jut ground the com: In “lune to suck on . wood, stick allimit the nu of tannin mulch», speak, and one. man my ot unlit-bios soother in your mouth mdlawimminz allown the use of al. will be dusting " our 'old' no. you will feel as foolish u all [otémost "ery muscle in the body., olutiona in the hope of starting out, particularly in the presence} You can’t swim? Then visit thu from ,erateh and rally doing of friondl. You will soon stop theiToby 'Y', 8226 Bloor Welt. or call .omething about them, this time. â€other clper. , :BE. 1-2297, anytime. The Toby TOIY "W' COCUMN HOW TO QUIT SMOKING _ Dont be like the man who, when ‘uked how he had accomplished thet, teat of staying Iwny from cit"- jcmu for more than I year, inn-1 ‘werod, "When I feel like having ti 'eigaretto I keep away from it Ir using I two feet long cigarette-) holder." l People searching for futile ex- causes usually some up with the lold timer that when you stop smok- ing you eat more and consequently pile on tsuperfhtous fat. Of eouriis you will eat more and enjoy every mouthful, too. Your food, not being tainted by nicotine or Boot, will be delectable to your taste. Besides, anyone determined enough to say NO to tobacco will easily control their eating habits. A good way", the natural way, to burn up excess fat in to exercise. One of the best exercises is swim» If you really, sincerely wish to quit smoking then do not wait a moment longer. Forget about will- power, financial loss or gain to you and so forth. Don't seek for lame "cuiiea. YOUR body! Mary Stockdale, East Glen Cres- cent is on vacation from Victoria College, U. of T.; and so are David Mason, Eagle Road; John Lake, Royal York Road; Carolyn Evans, Seybmok Crescent; Judy Richards, Coppermill Drive; John Coleman, Reid Manor Road; and Bill Alexan- der, Eagle Road. Others at home from the Univer- sity of Toronto are Linda Tilden, Chestnut Hills Parkway; Ann and Jane Roseborough, Northolt Court; Murray Trusler, Dundas St. W.; Gordon and Ken Bragg, Wimbleton Road; Ann and Fraser Code, Dun- Just think of the damage you wreak upon that most elaborate and intricate piece of mechanism of all times. The human body. i Many Etobicoke young people das St. West; John Dell, Royal loo are attending school or Uni-,lYork Road, Joan Archibald, Lam- lversity in the city are enjoying the beth Road and Eileen Wright, lvacation at home. Among them arelNortholt Court. Lauri-Beth Rutledge, Burnham- Peter McQuillon, Eagle Road, at- thorpe Crescent, and Marx Divid< tends St. Mike's. University of son, Martin Grove Road both at the Toronto, and so does Louise Mar- School of Nursing, University ofjchesseau, King George's Road. Toronto; Norma Whyte, East Glen‘Ricardo Gaul), Renfonh Drive ll iCrescent, at Ontaiio College of home from St. Mike's too. lEducation; Doug Duff, Abeline Among those who are home from IDrive, Dave Knox, Westridge Road the School of Music, University of and Beth McPhie, Edgehill Road, Toronto are Diana McCreath, at the Ontario College of 'ATt';'lrtr'Ci',',iC, Crescent; Jeanne Hurst, Dorothy Simons, Oakhampton Blvd.lHilldowntree Road and Paul and Annabel Duff, Aheline Drive/McKay. at Ryerson Institute. l Stenhanie Hooking in attendinr Collegiate friends during the vaca- tion. .A THE ADVERTISII- Humber Valley Happenings Jrldoy, December 2,. 196t -Nits You can’t swim? Then visit thu Toby 'Y', 8226 Bloor Welt. or call BE. 1-2297, anytime. The Toby 'Y' has the best swim inntructorl available, anywhere. To be a. good swim inptruetor, being 1 top-ttight swimmer is not enough. They have almost to be a runner-up for the Diplomatic Corps, posses? the staminl and tstaying-power of I jet-plane and, above all, have the patience of Job. The Toby 'Y' in.. structors have all of these qualities - plus. Don't be shy or bashful; Come along'. Give us a call! There'l no shame in not being able to swim. The shame lies in not doing anything about it.' Perhaps you can swim but feel you have become a little rusty? It makes no difference. All are wel. come " the Toby W'. It may interest you to know that on December It, 1961, swim. ming awards were presented to the ladies who successfully passed their tests. This class, and their in. struetors, deserve a, round of ap. plause and a magnificent salute for, out of 53 examinations, 88.6% passed with flying colors. For your information, the age group of the ladies taking part in these lesson: range from 20 years old to " years young. Interested? Think it over! Don't delay-Call today. BE. 1-2297. Among those home from the School of Architecture, University of Toronto, an Jim Wheatley, Glenaden Drive, and Jeff Martin, Sir William's Lane. Others at U. of T. are Warren Mueller, Glenelien Dr., Pete Vivian, Farimar Drive, Jean Seeback. Bloor St. West; Gail Steel, Great Oak Drive; Geri Wil- son, The Kingsway; Andy Clarke, Golfcrest Road; Jim Turner, Perry Crescent; Lucilv'Kaps, Orell Ave.; Peter Stern, Wimbleton Road, Paula Scriven, The Kingsway, Pat Speight, Holsmn Place, Stephen Vyvyan, Islington Ave. N.; and Linda and Paul Stevens, Great Oak Drive. Peter McQuilIon, Eagle Road, at- tends St. Mike's. University of Toronto, and so does Louise Mar- chesseau, King George's Road. Ricardo Gatto, Renforth Drive in home from St. Mike's too. Among those who are home from the School of Music, University of Toronto are Diana McCreath, Bromley Crescent; Jeanne Hurst, Hilldowntree Road and Paul McKay. Stephanie Hopkins is attending York University, Bonnie, Benson, one of our Etobicoke swimming champions, is taking Physical Edu- cation at University of Toronto. Peter Barrett, Sedgcbrook Cree cent, is in Medicine at Toronto, and so is Gary llnugias, King George's Road. Marilyn itruld, Martin Grove Road is studying Home Economics. Paul Gray, Neilsnn Drive is home from Trinity College, U. of T. and so is Robin MrFormick, Carshrook t'PS, 0 - wean. thu club. I: on. of the mos! naive, orttortirotitsr" within Etobe