home off in down II de- addi- coped cling h 13 could i Bri- from broke ttern, f the sec- Wal- an and coring t fire air of on of fense I with mm! is and m- " goal of winners "and it up. k with Youny before _ Icon- nets. Kip- il the 1 the lsket until r0015! St. ,rday rr the Jack 72-35 him- Ky up "d., III: to 68.0" 'ther ' itve each Icar- shut- mim- se Pu. 16 10 pk! by "gBiMrWtteNmhar6rwtrette-ttVqr- 'sat-des-st-tt_-iii-ii-aria. -u-t-herettatttroveethe1rorrrds The†Feet-rt-r..---..-" "te-i-trt-h-tdr-tsth-ttrt-r-Nt-ot-tit- . mbhmmmummmm "Miss Stars and Stripes ll" tn nlurninum craft built especinlly to try to establish a new water speed record in 1962, In con- trast to this will be In out- rigger canoe from Polynesia, ltr' equipment includes two hull coconuts, used for bailing. The craft which will be on displuy will include all the new- est and latest boats being built, They will runge in size from I large luxury cruiser/so big it cannot be docked inside the building. down to an eitrht-foot pram. The fastest boat will be The Boat Show is pllnned " the "show window of the boat- ing industry" Ind is designed to keep abreast of its growth and development. Presented u I public service project with profits in lid of conservation, the Boat Show is In operation of the Canadian Nntional Sportsmen's Show and is upon- sored with the competition of the Canadian Boating Peder. ation and the Allied Boating AysocUtion of Camdn. They will be Imong the 150 exhibitors from Cnnldn. the United States, England. Sweden and Germany who will dinphy their ware: " this big “bolt:- "ma". As many " 500 boat: will be on display. Marine en- gines, hardware ieeessories Ind all other products for boating pleasure will nlso be shown. Several well-known members of the boning industry in Wes- ton, J. Brydon, E. W. Bowler, Fred Doelle 1nd Roger Creel- man of Weston mill 'lsr an active role in the fourth annual presentation of the (kn-dim Boat Show, to be held in the Automotive Building. Exhibition Park, Toronto, from Frbrulry 2 to 10. . Shooting for I left-over cor- ner pin you should start your approach from the opposite side of the lane. This War, if you err, the ball can Itill take the pin out while it is Ie-ving the alley. By rolling dovln the edge of the hm you cut I five-inch margin of! your target urea ma cut Usual new for I left-aver corner pin are: (I) the Mdpln we: lunch I dude too thinly. or (2) the hall lacked enough "spin" to mix the pin: en!- neientlr. Either wny. the mn- but of error between e mik- nnd lenving I corner pin is Manny In nun-ow it is more I matter of luck than of Ikill for meat bowlers. Shoot Prom Corur to Corner But piAine up those corner pins whenever they show up can give you the edge that often "in the - Oddly, an exceptionally goody “strike bowler" is frequentlyt not 1 good “corner pin bowler."! And over the long rum the bowler who cm pick off corner pins regularly is usually more valuable to I tenm than the Nee" who cm run up 1 string " strike: but can't pick up the extra pins when they don't all to down together. 1 Weston’s Bunting Industry Putt th International Show III,- to Gel Thou for." Pin“ your chance of hitting tho p If you In mm'nn th- ndduly nnd you'd! lam-c u "h" of - Mttb-dm't ,worry. And do." chm you (when. I.» rolling that “nearly Mott†hall, nun. while run-tin: our and out to eetaefgtee young": "lt eant luvs than tomvsr--tt can’t luv. them louver." humanly It won't. rolbd in “M W ill mu into tho “mum junk“ the not! “panda; light in the world. in to {an t We comr pin hour that“: (or c moment than my .taatditw - ri~ht add an {Illa vim. ‘hrhuthmm tuneful] about-Moul- eor-triniathat-'Mta.it in tht malt a! howling a "h good hull mm "rititignt'ttiihter " I -ee "w; v__ 062, . . w .77-- blade. Mano Ian... at Tamale. ','attg â€Eugmt Alowqgmw Clippers shut out' annual Canadian Boat Show In tho Automotte B l li right WWW†Toronto, bars PM 2nd to Jon. and. Thu U1'e'tt 'l,',"' 398's?" Rieur1ison's fourth a and " tho w b eason. rump“ " ., 9mm em“ Pet ',',',trt, m. product an y John Saville, two; Jerry I wtthtxtrhnthe.saatiaboat"Mts. Eqxhmod I I " . t " 0 get you act J 81W. MW. “'0 mm you LT. aâ€; ouluke I rd m tr y ml:J demonstrations of their radio.. controlled model boats dutintr the eight days of the Show. One exhibitor will build I house- boat right in the Atomuotive Building while the. exhibitiet in manual M muni- If you sueeeed in retruUrlr getting the counter pin occu- sionnlly Lady Luck nny tap you and .ccidentally Icon the span for you with I lucky kickback. Luck in always I mud team- mate. . New Experience For Home li' Schoel Council Realizing t h at the biggut problem facing Home A School Associations in North York was Programming, Council embark- ed lagt Saturdny on a successful and well organized Trnining Dalto- unnulhvlt showman-dud.- Muiyavmullhclc .uodrin.'uetrthinaymr Whywnudlb. Tho no slim W yuuynnhhhmm l'g'.1.'.'gg',t,d'ttt= foruhendrtrsrotrrto" 2gth",eTg,fgt2'fg foul â€mph-thy atbraubapohttirtgto-ardth. mph’hthdimnl'll hmHuymnnrouh.!H5_ will Mb hmvqat_t your It. "o"irtgirsftotttaermrb+ during delivery, n comm mir. quyMlcn. If you have two comet pins. don't try to - them up. Tit. them on. by one. The only way to spam this “lave" in to speed your delivery up ami (in the ball tmatersdods Npin" no the counter pin bounchu on tho backstop and tahea out the other corner pin. Trying to achieve this an throw you do- livery off no complete}, that you "blow" the frame instead. Th; - 'id. own-I- rin counter pin) - be m for I right-hand“ but: to In. The right can" pin in a trifU ouiu far southpaw In the put, Ian-hand“ bowls:- nomi- timu elected to an the right corner pln u the comm pin. but under the nations] 1-qu this in no Ions" permitted. Diane Barnes. a beautiful University of Toronto eo-ed, re- cently named "Mist Boating" for 1962, will reign over the exciting and colorful but show. TtrArtrsoMEtmCEGmLDt"otadrt1tm han.andauintuwhouu.abehtrud Minot Hockey week: rahw--dmt't and youboyiothoanua. Mm.roattortnlan School simultaneously held in three sections of the township. The Northwest Ind Weston gem tion Areas I. 5 Ind 6, H a S Association members Ind execu- tive, met for an all dar session in prom-en The ucond game of the week for the Beavers was I 3-0 shut- out over Duffield Boys' Club. .Gord Smith in got] was the star of the game. Julian Nixon with fwo gods Ind John Cooke with I single was the scoring for the Bowen. _ Minor Atom _ J. Hsuttranero's Crown Lead- ers rolled to I 8-1 victory over Delzatto Home: at Don Mills arena. Scoring for the Lenders were Bob Shape and Maurice Rosco with two each. Singles were registered by Roger Ellis, Jame: Coxe Ron Furino Ind Robert hphlm. the morning sessions: Mrs. C. E. Kaolin, prognm chairman, North York Home & School Council, Mrs. E. C.plombs, pro- sident, Peel Home & School Council, Mr. W. lavender, prin- eipal, anle Leaf public "hoot, Mrs. G, A. Rick, president, North York Home A School Council. Following I luncheon, Mr. John McNeil], English tea- eher, Richview Collegiate In- stitute spoke on "Effective Apeakirw". Tykes Mike Viseor in goal register- ed his fifth shutout of the sea- son " Alpine Beavers shutout Smrkies 7-0. Marksman for the Beavers were Julian Nixon with three, Guy Perry two, Jackie Goldberg Ind John Cooke -one each. Viseor Scores Third Shutout _|n Ddwnsview Hockey League It Maple Lent public "hool. Helpful and valunbie Inform-- tion wu presented by the care- fully chosen participants, who upoko on the various phases of protrrnmmitttt. Mistress of Cere- monies, Mrs. A. A. Hill: vice- president, Area 6, North York Home & School Council, intro- duced the following speakers It *tBemr.thatatheoand-xsetsursemte, thoWubnlmoachmhamphyt hIIuPooWoobuq-uo. Men who (in in if wrong are wise; men who (in in if right In untried. Minor Aun--B- 2, Hor- Igetl 1; Canadian l, Red Wings Downaview Blue Flames and Finch Pharmacy battled to 3 2-all draw. Robin Bolton Ind Bob Flemming scored the Blue Flame goals. Ken limbs in goal came up with some bril- liant save: to preserve the tie. Bantam Downsview Index won two games this week. The first was s 3-0 shutout aver Don Prto Construction. Doug Langley with two ttqpis and Dave Trar. era with a single were Redex mnksmen. The second gume was a " win over Crux-ll Ind Robinson. Gosh were scored by Terry anfm-d with two Ind Dare Travers with one. Down-712w Boyl’ Club League Tykes-gens 3, Buzzer: l.. Dodgers 1, Dukes th Pee Wee-Barons 2, Bison: 1; Indium 2, Aces l. Benior--Bears I, Hawk. 8. Tintemlly and Ralph Cain, one each. Defencemen Peter Me. Donald and John Plunkett phy- ed a stand out came for the winners. John Saville', two goals brought his season total to 21. . Mrs. B. F. Atyeo. who can be assured without tr doubt that their efforts will be well re- wnrded. In summing up the program. Rome a School Ar, socintionl have m important part to phy in the school Ind community Mid that its grout object should be to interest all people in ttll children and to link in common purpose the home, the school and other edu- cltive tone: in the life of the child, Ind to work for his high- est good and that they should not be used Is I medium of criticism of. or interference with, school authorities Ind poli- ties. Much time and [alumina went into the organiution of this Training School by I eommit- tee under the chairmanship of Westori Times-Advertiser II. tmttatt m a! la" 8-wa“le â€Multan-ohm Mdhtd-eroors-etchasr Mandalay-mm Weston Times: SPORTS WRITER-EDITOR Minor Bantam REQUIRE! A Pm.“ OOITACI' an MOI Three Top English (Coaches For New legion Track Clinic Mr. Fred O'Brecht, Durhnm. chairman of the Legionâ€- track pron-In, laid: "We Ilso expect to have three Candi-n couches instructing in Ipecifie events. We believe this will be om of the but rounded coursel in North America, certainly the but "a held in Cam.†John Dinky direct" the Le- gion's training clinic last your in Toronto. Be possesses um- atanding nbility " I lecturer 1nd " an Athlete. holding the world's record for the two-mile "eepieeUse. Re specializes in middle-distance running. I The pin is " extension of the Legion's track program! John Snvidge w“ twice Brit- ish shot-put chlmpion. At the British Empire Games in Van- conver he Ignin won the event. He ulso eompeted in the discuss at] juvelin events. All have worked together as I can on limilu' tnining projects. Some " couches. from var- ious parts of Cunnda, will be invited to "tend with the Le-' ttion providing trartsportation. Geoffrey Dyson was the chief union-1 with to the British Amnteur Athletic Association from MMT until last rear. He coached the British tum! in that Olympic games and num- erous other intemtionnl com- petitions. Be has 1150 directed many Innull coaching clinics in England. Mr. Justice Mervyn Wonds.ic|inic for coaches", said Mr. Regina, Dominion President of i O'Breehtf "we expect to have the Royal Canadian Legion, to- provincial clinics for athletes. day announced that under the: We hope that the couches train- Legion'l expended truck and: ed It Guelph will assist us in field pros-rum Geoffrey Dyson.$ the org-nintion of provincial John Disley Ind John Savidge clinics.†' of End-lid will head I nine- Four of the Legion', provin- dar Course to be triven at the eial cafnmands dandy have Ontario Nrrieultural College in some form of formal track and Ggelph agning _Augugt 23rd. 1 field training. These in British Mo; 3.25. “may " Quebec! Weston Lam Am; hunt-m, 9.05, Detroit n Juvenile Bangui; 9.55, New Elven " Mtosrs<ieteated Tigers 3-P. led Bolton; pee wee, 1035, Owen by Brent Thompson with two Sound n Sanford; 11.16, prov. _ goals. Bill Hood also scored for idem. u Wlurloo; "om, 12.05. b Morrs while Ware White Ind Pittsburg " Windsor; 1210.110?!" Pinko ttot In "Silt. Hamilton u mrlbom; minor) Terry Bunting "out! both mm. 1.16, and» vi Barrie; the Tigers souls. usin- going 1.48, Kitchener vs Oshawa; mid- _ .to Tom KNOCK Ind Ron CODI- get, 4.15, Dukes " Ctum.diens;, 1netuc 5.05. Chicago " Beavers. i Lions and Flyen 1)]:de I Results -ot game: Friday. January 20, at Weston Irena-- Poe wee-Weston s, Bert Rob- Three irtternatiartatlr known; which in five years his brought tmek Ind tield ttersoruiitiesiover 800 athletes to Toronto from Engllnd will conduct the for tnining, " a cost of over first track and field clinic for $100,000. coache- ever held in Ctn-ds- . "In nddirion m th. nutinn-l Stand-y, Febmry --minor barium. T.4ir, Clad-ad " Buf- Mo; 8.25. Rocha" " Quebec Aces; hunt-m, 9.05, Detroit u Rangers; 9.55, New Haven " Boston; pee wee, 1035, Owen Sound " Sanford; 11.15, Prov- idenou " Wlurloo; Item, 12.05. Ii l MUNICIPAme WISHING TO SET UP LOCAL TRAINING PROGRAMMES: Write to the Director. Yatmtimtnt Tubing, Depart-em cl Elation. Puma-lent Building; l Ton-um. "(OWE TRAINEE: LIVING ALLOWANCES Contact your nearest Nuisml Quinton! Service Mrk. Ne infant-tin- nbont cur-u low offend in Ont-rim. l The Province of Ontario, in eo-opentia- with the Federal Govern- ment will provide in Provincial Trade Schools. all up.- requeu. in some local nunicipalitiea when technical and con-ereial facilities are available. training for unemployed per-an, male at [cl-k. in certain trade or Mandel “Meets. provided that there are "sffieient applications. The Ii. " this prune-.2 is to train people for future malty-at. Where Una-phylum IIIII'IICB benefits are exhumed I it Id Apply. (nin- an traid living IMWIm Columbia, Manitoba, Sukltche- win Ind New Brunswick. All commands are extremely active in the sponsorship of track and field meets. Lions and Flyers played a) 5-5 tie. Lions you: by Kern Vaughan with two, Gard Widge" with one gm] mud an LGU,} "In addition to the national clinic for couches", said Mr. O'Breeht." "we expect to have provincial clinics for athletes. We hope that the coaches tmin.. ed " Guelph will assist us in the oreanimtism of provincial clinics.“ . Inn-“Mm h. Terry Bunting scored both the Tigers goals, with going to Tom Billoek and Ron Coul- inetuc Canadian Vocational Training Program For Unemployed Persons BINGO EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT at the CRANE PLAZA I TORONTO 400 DUFFERIN LIONS CLUB Invites You To Play Games Start 8.00 PM. ". Everyone Welcome l Dukes over Chiuco " on "rr?tls by Len Ingle lnd Robin i Walton. Dave Diplock picked up an Insist. Gord Camptmll in GU for Dukes. Kitchener defeated Barrie 2At with Jim Burnett and Mikes Ptescott ouch getting I gal] and assist. Tony Vadakovia also with one assist while Rick Turner in gall for the tshutout. Midget Cunndiena that out Shun 4-0. Starring for Cnnadieu In Jim Langdon with thre- nth and In assist. Bob Jim N I goal and two unint- to com- plete the scoring. Bob Eahin in goal for Canadians. sister! and Ken Kill-r from Bob Stnnd took an of the Pmvi- dence scoring. Brno. Andrews in [real for Providence made some terrifie navel. Am- League Hum]: s, Pittsburg Ir. Ken Fawn" can] for Humilton "Ki-tend another shutout. Robin Adria led the 'Nr in the Icorinz with a goal Ind Insist. Uwe Volker to: _tls. other troal unassisted. Marlboro. over Windsor 1.0 with A. Derime scoring, twist to Albert Kline. Terry Lord in gm] for Marlboroa. Minor Ato- Oahavn Ind Guelph played to a would: tie behind goalie- Mathew Stewart tor Oshawa and Glen Gordon for Gum. Wateruo'2, smug": 0. ane Dobwn and Bob Me. Kowu led the Wotuloo tan: to victory with I [all Ind " - aiat ouch. Your White Ibo m " unit. In [on] for Watch» 1nd purine I steady can. win Bob Random. Sound 2-0, Bill lichull my Prwidem shut out Owen "'t _..... 71‘ Th' t At 0R sax a}! at