ol [ll Coundllor David Lucy suggested that 1 speed reading be taken since the signs were put up to see how fast motorists m travelling now. If ith posted at 35 and people are travel- ling 38 there’s something wrong "id Lleey. The Committee agreed to give'the problem. further dud; -e Ind titan-m the residents of the results; - Adeputatiorsotmiaeo0tmetue hummu- kudodhy FrsdggcctrusaaudthrTiaffiethermtitue,Mtmdir,to io-ttte-ditto/hair-tttmat/moan. Isrutetonh-86m.p.h. Ion January I. 1gecanntoutucoeninitt--ted1s0miuuetta and ho pram-i spout“ containinx'lwm to the members. . . "humus wu never intondod to be I heavy tutti: an". he said. Ide pained out the Municipality must luv. (at the same way a they had W truck: at main hours andi erected a gehool aasd"plardgmmerin the vicinity. I In n distance of two Inna, betwean Dundu and Richview Side Road, MeCann continued there in a home m " yards and s sideroad wary 185 yards. Thou m sidewalk; on one side of the street only. Tye!" can 3 minute put a given point on Iatington during the huh houn. "Iaiingtrm should be poau6--No childnn or old people allowed," he eomrneuted. . The spokesman told the Committee that police at the radar trap admitted they give I five mile leewey More arresting anyone for speeding. This would allow motorists to travel 40 m.p.h. on Islington without being stopped. McCann said that he understood the change had been under consideration for six months and he felt that the residents should have been informed so they could have protested before the new speed became effective. Councillor Donald Purvis told the deputation that the in- creased speed limit had not.inereased the actual driving speed " cheeks had shown motorists were already travelling 40 m.p.h. .. Traffic Coordinator, Peter Martin, said the police and than has to be a leeway becmse speedometer: aren't com- pletely “chute. The avenge speed travelled o? Islington wu already 86 m.p.h. before the new signs were posted he said. - Reeve Waffle said that the increased speed had been im- plemented all across Metro and included other streets similar to Islington such as Spadina and Bathurst. They are resi- dential but also main north-south arteries. “This is '1 Metro Toronto uniform by-law. This isn’t something Etobicoke had done all by itself," said the Reeve. "I don't agree that a 35 m.p.h. street allows anyone to drive 40, that's a matter of enforcement." "The residents Wouldn't have known the difference if signs hadn't been put up," said Martin. k McCain pointed out that when 30 m.p.h. jumps to 40 numb. a motorist can increase his speed 33-1/3 per cent before he gets pinched. I would like to see the Islingbon residents sit down with the Traffic Co-ordimbor and get an understanding of the study, the Reeve continued. A contractor who ahoet-ehantmd himself by 320,000 in drawing up h tender for . township project was "bailed out" after deadline. tinte by the North York Works committee. North York Returns '20,ooo--short Tender The last minute withdrawal by Dian and Sons Limited minded the vol-k of constructing a storm and unitary sewer from Black Creek acron- Onkdlle Golf course to Sheppard Avenue to the second lowest tender lubmitted by Alem- Colony Construction Company " $130,763.88. Chairman of the Works Cour mittee, Councillor Dalton Bum, ex- plnined to council that in making‘ the decision the committee took into eonsidemtion that the con- tractor would not be cnpable of turning out the contract undér thou terms. "By forcing them to keep to t'hi'lthat many of then Etohieohe par-l figure ($105,196.30) we would put enta wish their children wel'e re-l the firm into a very serious finan- lceiving high Ichool edueation in! ciel situation and be taking ndvnn- I'"? torrnahip. T l use of an honest mistake", he Apparently the reason why they ruled. lure not is that lome yen-l ego the urea in which they live (north of ---------r---_ (the creek that rum from Roy-l IOAD AND "Ann "'0" - Work Road to the Plumber) we: de- 10mm“? or ITOIICOKI lain-Md " part of the Mend-nee I"! Clown ‘nrea for Weston Collegiate. It wu 0|!an - lthe Metropolitan Toronto School ll ft'". 5"?" limit." f"ty. ‘Bonrd that did the designating. Residents Demahd Lower Speed Limits [ASVIOUND "otr" on Dundol sun. will own uth .0 Coutu- Anna. and kilo»: an mod on: [album Ann». mm in a now ovorp-u‘ Ind MM Minion Anna. and M for c the" disttme. but a mm- Show or the MINI: :i'nah and Mn right my.» torttim+q m- novml - In your Man" " would be bow I. u†Moor “no. from who " him nah-Mm WISYIOUVOONMQ on Bud-u W vi" WWII um. msHte w d NIH-'90» Anna. dad tum 'bh' M M “n. won "Cyan-I Purl. lair-y) and “New PM datum Ilgm but on. Dundvu Swat. " no“ ohâ€. shtrrp mm it would to W n mun-n Mn hm Avon. on â€our 90m! and mm “M toth.'jNé-ortitrqeh.etrothrt. in - - ItOAtt AND "INK IIPOI' - YOWNSHI' OF "OIICOKI HIV! (1050.! 0-1an Sm " thud haw-0n urrrmtor, Avon.» and luvnhomihovpo (mum fee 0M ettmtmte6m of a new bride on! "in MEMO Creek. Iivovbanl Dvivo will have occul- Dovow damn; All "WI! Waugh WNW All†I!!! Minion Ann.» 004 I“. Inn 0- " him. _ Although, no officinl complaint: Jane been made, it is understood ithat many of then Etobicoke pur- j Councillor James Service ob- ieeted to the decision, commenting Frm lure that whenever contrac- tor: make I mistake in the op- posite direction they don't come back to ul with refundl". ' The Diana misealeuUtion wu caused by n mistake of $10 per lineal foot in the laying of the 24" sanitary newer. l The quality of the Mutation be- jing feceived in Weston in I concern of name of the parents. Other! point to the than" involved in getting to school Ind the fart that students have to get acron- the Humber River, the main road of {Weston and I nilwny tmek en route. Object To Weston Collegiate Something that might mum this would he the development of ‘four with: within Metro. In Inch . one. it ha: been NW that §Weaton school: would come and" There are the tre'trinninga of I rumble "non; puenu of mm. of Etobieoke't, 325 high Ichool young- sters who attend Weston Col- legi-te. They lilo point out they would like their ehndm in Rheol- in tho township In which ther pay their taxes. tt Ram. york an“ board and Howrah .nludenu pmumably mid In e6eatad In Elohim“. Parents, Ipplremly. feel it's not the. logical direction for youngster: in their Iran to be [ohm to school. BlllL LEVIES Busâ€: $ll?h0llllillh (lliiXll'llltllii$$ll" The Weston Rod and Gun Club service a duel purpose within {tying to Junior members of the club. loft 'ttsight on Brian Ram. the town, the men Qnioy the social get-together: and tales of say, Brent Thompson, Dave White, Mr. Callonder. and Bill fishing prawns and also offer courses for beginners in the art of I McTavish. gun minty. Pictured above the man or. teaching the art of fly ". . Brighter Prospects For. John Strep), Pending Cost Esitiipitttirsi and predietiema took place: BRIGHTER JOHN STREET John [treat will get brighter ilighting itxtTrreq if the cont: are within; the town’s budget. lighting mn- if ti; eiii',' are STORES REJECTED iWeston on the Metropolitan Tor-' withing the town'l budget. In the nume of good plenning, onto tmi. Region conterI"it1 In the meanwhile the CouneiliWeston Finance Committee hir,Authoritr m the place of Mr. cr; asked the Public Utilities Comaiitr-iturned down tut applieation for an Conroy. l, lion to submit cost estimates in-i,ssrtall shopping centre " 2047 Wes-l OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS i volved in the switch from 400-wattiton roed. l Thus far no plans have been; to 700-watt luminnirel along the] Councillor Ted Ault,chnirman ofimade by the council to celebrate, street. The increue in lamp w.t-ltlte committee reported to council the Canadian Centenary of local' we will nice the we...†levelfhlt the location of the three pr0- level in 1967, but the Weston Coun- of illumination from 2.5 foot clnd- posed stores and office premises on oil of Women, who have brought lee tot! foot undies, The npprox- the property would be the lent the matter to council'g attention imate cost of the conversion is desirnhle redevelopment of the this week, have been naked to sub- calcul-ted " $85.00 per unit. lures and would not conform inimit concrete proposmls. -, The street is presently servieeieharacter file over-all pUnning. A WAITS TENANTS by the minimum lighting level, The eouneil upheld the verdict. I The Bank of Nova Beotia will be PUC survey indicates :REMARKABLE MR. CARDINERivngting the Old Town hall on BOARD OF' HEALTH l A vote of thunk: from WeatoNFeb. l5, council was advised. Wea- Councillor Lindsny Cott wns ap- council is in the mail to Frederickilon hopes to lense the building u pointed to the local board of health G. Gardiner, former chairman ofla new mtsttiatrate'a court or I: tem- for 1962 to act in place of the Metropolitan Council. ‘porlry refuge to mother locnl mlyor. Re-nppointed to the board In drawing up the letter rorlank branch interested in remodel- were duo. Dr. F. D. Cruickshnnk. council, councillor Ted Ault stated, ling its oMeeg. The street is presently serviced by the minimum lighting level, IPUC survey indicates. BOARD OF' HEALTH Councillor Lindgny Con, wns ap- pointed to the local board of health for 1962 to act in place of the mlyor. Re-appointed to the board were duo, Dr. F. D. Cruickshnnk, Mr. G. W. Hand, md Mr. L. W. Farr. . LEADERSHIP APPRECIATED Two retiring members of the Walton Recreation Commission, ‘Thomu E. Boultboe and Douglu (C. Marshall, will be presented with lunch] animus for outstanding pend†to the community, it wu jrnnouneed this week, Chairman of the Purim Commit, tee, Councillor Lindsay Cott re- ‘mlrked that the community service The Junior Prom we: held “idem: of Grade nine than ten Weston Collegiate on Friday eve_emimrtalisis tram their own good ning. Jennery 19. Students lrnmjrede for ltsdierin-wxitiettr, end grades nine, ten end eleven "ne. [rules ten ind eleven chose ten ed from 9:65 to 11:45 in the rate. cendidetee for Princess. In each terin. Theme for the decoratiom group, five' fhulista were choeen. wen ‘the Carribean. For several) Earh student voted for the girl: weeks belore the dartee, the tu.c-)of hie or her choice and winner. crating committee. under the Ieed- were ennounced " the dance. The "ship Men!“ A Fleck. sketch- Ind'tevinornitirt. were Gall Smiiey ed, â€lead. and cut etch tiny utter end Gail Little. From tte. Melina school. Beeeuee of their diligence. Carol Gnu. Sue-n Quin, Swen demon could epend‘ the evening IAirh. Gentile Burton, end Irena under "lying We“ moonlight. Kirkpetrlek, Carol Gael w e I (iiiiii. the I" end colourful its. crowned Prime. All of the fittl ‘iendm. Me received lovely mean " .. The“; event of the dun-e at tho choosing of I Prince-a Ind her tadfe.-itrWaittng. "MIMI for than menu Md to have good mtgrktt in "hool, I phoning por- lonIlity Ind I planing "bearwtee. Weston Girl - Carol Goss Named Metro Sweetheart A weak Hm the dam. nun-1th. Junk: HI- WESTON iirirLrrplE1jWiijEir] ettnehmitmn STORES REJECTED In the nnme of good plmning, [Weston Finance Committee has ‘turned down an applieation for a hmlll shopping centre " 2047 Wes- PfEr..?.i.',3ir.P,r'etEE.iit(ejtt wii5i?tiGWGiFtrrkrnir "HIT --u the contributing Netorq makintrlTraffie committees, pending hilil’md: 'Weston a desinble place to live in. return. Crod T“It is nnother mason why we don’t' During his absence councillor meet want amalgamation", he reasoned/Wood we: appointed to represent“? _ A vote of thanks from Walton council is in the mail to Frederick AF. Gardiner, former chairman of Jritropoliun Council. 1 In drawing up the letter for council, councillor Ted Ault stated, "Under the leadership of Mr. Gite Ldiner it but been proved that the concept of " am municipalities 'does work". ' E While councillor Bert Wood is ‘Iwny on a winter vultion. coun- ieil Igreed to table all mitten dul- "Mr. Gardiner is a truly remark- able man", Mayor George Bull ndded. BIGGER COMMITTEES Weston council members will be called to serve on more eommitta6s, once the proposal to inert-Q the size of till the standing committee: (ia processed " the next meeting of ieouncil. _. group. Ave fhulista wen chosen. Deputy-Reeve J. Macbeth was' Earh student voted for the Kirk enema chairman of the Fiance; of his or her choice and iiiiii,iiiiiii, Fire and 1ndugtrHl ‘9'? announced " the danee. The Cmmime for the lecond "ruirhtl Pd.ittttil'"'r w": Gail Smihy mf- " “may. meeting. l, mid Gall Little. From tte. Malina ' tart y." Council M u up (Carol Gnu. Sum Quin. Susan oluuon mun. that the chum- :Inirh. 8min Burton, not! Inâ€!!! and puma-I of the - coul- ;Kirkp-tr|ok. Carol Gm w I I ram-u be Tal'.,,',',':,',,,?,).",,',' ox- ;cmwmd Prim All of the ttttat. on†Ne {he ehtirlnmuh p of the jtrta received lowly bmq'mu of “ma. PM“. the and In- 'ttowera. f thud-l Gun-mime. “mat. the Pump. not emu-yon “bunk-Ban «M M. M with the their. of PM, both. that my continuum in e.tt.. an giri they mad for tt2iie h “in†their chdmln If win, but new eertainir am’thy ,thAed. that any Ind 3 wonderful (in. " Incl“) war minted by an in“: Pan 1 1% John and. Earh student voted for the girl: of his or her choice and winner. were announced " the dance. The Ind'tevinornitirt. were Gall Smihy Ind Gail Little. From tte. flttaiuta Carol Gnu. Sun-n Quin, Susan My)». 31min Burton, and Inuit Kirkpetrtek, Carol Gan w n I crowd Prim All of the fittl in: mind lowly when " flowers. _ ’wmoi; 6mm. mu. amour u, "a be Councillor Terry, the mover of 'B, the motion, remarked that citizens? :fhnve to convend with formidable " snow borricudes in order tohh‘ places of worship And public bum'-' 'il,),':':":',?. He further mtged that'snow ""plouglu be operated " I dilunce tum the curbs. " have received numemug complaints from people who hive Abidgd by our regulation of clothing the lidewnlh only to be confronted by additional "10' Iqui- dumped by the street-clean- ing cent", he Idviood council. A: put of ita public service to the residents of Weston. the emm- cil has issued instruction to snow clearance crews to move mow embankment, fronting churches te " public buildings in the Downs. MucBeth Elected For Second Stim ADDITIONAL SERVICE [yroductiu you, the Weston Rod Crock Society will hold their mall meeting Feb. 6th, It the municipal There maybe a plebiscite con? Councillor Andrew MacDonald ceming Sunday movies in gels-id If ',',','tT,t,eT/tit'1t, {kg . ' . . . over con " on . III Etobieoke Mnmcnnl demons "'hG would require an within] December. expenditure as two voting lieu Deputy Clerk Ken Pennington would be needed, one of ratepayers said the plebiscite would cost lensiand one of those nlig'ihlo to mtte, when 8500 to provide ndditional bel-‘but not paying taxes, Inch " Movie Plebiscite Deputy Clerk ken Pennington would bt said the plebiscite would cost Italian?! one than $500 to provide ndditionnl bul- rm not lots and poasible advertisements. roomerB, Weston Red Cross Society Hold-Annual Meeting Feb. 5th hwy Mu Carol an. wqtt MH- W w b-ttteat, a». we“ named Prime» .9 the Wm iiiiiiTiiiii h 'm..umom»mawmmrumm “I Weston children Ire "fer when - Eloquent lobbies of ems two 11:1.in Iii _ m the uponsors of Metro’s malt T _ I timed and costly Spain: Expr-ar-or" tho . , V C I lunged conclusions drum by Weston council thid y, I Counéillon in turn eoneratuiated Mare Geol‘u kl l E his appointment u chairman of the Metro Roul- i, , and expressed hope that under his leadership “m N man: will be praetieed in future". _ l "overhanging \Signs Spoil lWeston's Looks Em? l, A word of praise was (inn to ithe men who have taken the ini- 'tiative in the mutter by utilizing tacer-trpe sign- in front of their idem. Although there is no br-taw pro- hibiting there signs, Wuhan coun- cil plans to mm‘w’m. the Iced buineumen'l minim: in In " fort to discounge their use among shop owners. "Missionary work in this field will nu basin-Alma; money and will give Walton a more attractive looking main street", council ruled. ovetumritw jinn, which are ruining the App-ulna: of Wea- ton's main bulimia an. might be mete-shiny eliminated thmgh a prooeu of persuasion. 93¢an water this to th. III] 10m: who manned Vim safety} dunes that were taken and pundl by 389 Weston youngsters. " 1rerhasm tho gauged; function performed by the local Red Cm“ Possible For Hob. basil. unmade-nel- "rCottwithmath-- by " Bushnell this h (b Td would never have be. " The costly venture, “in“ g lxpedllc travel to lbs M ", moth shopping centre. " in a: i the expense of the citin- o! Maer6'i:', poliun Toronto, m ,'.uri' Perry curged."Thuoittt) ‘; wulbepaymiunmmh‘i 50 years." he prepaid. â€I“; must be getting an rial: an. ttil?. Metro authorities". Mr. Pg! "rt! Mayor Bull .dvi-d can?!“ 7 committee will hear out III - . counter-prammiou Mon éeiruoti'l in; further extensions to tttn -.h', way. li He declared: "I have - l exryytswayinturaataatd"i- A 'moscttangemyattitmU-. j, timeitco-r,turritxta-'it, bit-the Manchurian." the loss to the an... my _!tadiittietterirtt"o"f"ey'i; iicct ttmt willlmountwmilb ' dollm and bring 'l'titt', land mlloutomdw: Heauocriticimdtur- 'i' Councillors Subscribe To Savoir Faire “mustn't.“ For politeness' like Weston g lend delegates to the to r " ‘ I meeting of repnsenntivu o! if at Bill, Sun-u. Ind York. , "uurtrtretionq to listen to tho not :prmais of a joint form of â€ti? 1mm for the four untidy-35.. ‘ Coungil decimal that the "I'M-n Ipndon in the disc-union in an . f 1cm in stand of wuhgriet'.ew, any on its present form at "tbil government. “However. it WV.“ a di-rteoutt to inner. the trrrtto.a Pp", councillor: comm-mud. TD ‘dele'lfkl from Walton, who " just lit-in on the dim Iâ€, not empowered to nub nay. - (si, mittmenta on behalf of a. " The meeting, laud-Ill for Win: inuday evening, Pk " “ll ' 's., lulu: in the Council chill-1 ' the municipnl handing of tut-At'. lship of York. :t'4 ABRACADABRA The tritium Gm - word "Atrr-bm" II n I. ineanution, to be M person: suturing be. u- tion, fevers or um use" Encyclopedh Amid-CI.- Mia