Times & Guide (1909), 22 Mar 1962, p. 9

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Weston Planning and You Baker's Batter we-ttttrt-o-tpr?'""-""""'" mediate tutair-ata-ittgbrt-. ' mlnmmmyuh,“hwmhmm i-so/tna-tdt-ir-sr-Het-tsac" Hyoumoncohhuc_peopb.ukcbed.thnuhumm t,it1s"iiJitiirtsrtiiriL'tiii1rGiaatUturam,tdtiut-i. Asa-tre-ttrosa-ttr-ht-twr"." Rd..themninggiventoyourproperlyndthemroundinghnthi 2,',"iiiiii'ii"irriGirtiiuiiii/i-tuorrereyef the average Wm this - approximately 31,500. Still think it's of no concern? f C lffor instnneeyourpropertyistobelocnteduexttolnnd zoned for industrial or unrestricted commercial, but your prop- erty is zoned residential. chances are the vnlue of your land " take I nose dive. Convenley, if your property is zoned tor I com- mercial use while most other property surrounding it is toned residential, in all probability your land will increue in value. These examples are premised on the sale of property, but zoning effects residents not planning or selling also. Now that the freezing hy-lnw is in force, you can be reason- ably sure thar no glue factory or other undesirable industry will locate next to your property. These will be prevented by the zon- ing by-law. If your home is located in a restricted residential area, ' no high rise apartments will soar over your home robbing you of privacy. However " the new by-law will offer protection for your prop-1 erty it will prohibit certain uses of your own land in the interest; of protecting neighbors. ll If Tou have been thinking of opening a small contectlonery store in your home - it's too late - forget it. Unless your 'ill',;') erty is ultimately zoned for commercial use, the new by-law will) prevent this conversion. l Several other restrictions will be placed on your property as well. The most common type of zoning regulations " used ini Etobicoke and North York, also control land use. This means in most cases that the percentage of land which can be used for building is controlled. An ordinary one story home could not be expanded by adding rooms unto the back of the home, iiiUi, the lot is oversized. Garages are allowed of course, but second) buildings on the same lot are strictly taboo. Even garages are controlled as to location - they cannot for ins ance be built closer than three feet to your lot line. Although Weston is fairly well built up, further development, m re-develoDrnent will be controlled by the up-coming zoning Although Weston or re-development l laws. While It is true that legal non-conforming uses are allowed, no redevelopment of these properties is allowed. This means that even though you have been running a' small store in your home, you will not be allowed to expmd the store, or tear down your home and build a commercial building. Additional to your home may be prohibited, even to restricting a newjront porch if the porch will encroach too closely on the sidewalk. All these statements of course are bated on the premise that Weston will enact a similar by-law " those in force in other Metro municipalities. The chance of the council doing much else is relatively slight, since they have asked the Metro planning let for their assistance. _ Zoning and planning regulations are enacted by municipal coun- cils " a form of insurance and protection for the homeowner against industry, commerce and each other and to guarantee your) peaceful home will remain peaceful. ; However, don't gain a false sense of security, zoning regula- tions have a habit of going by the board periodically as progress In mswer to comphinm of Keele-Wilson Ratepayers Assoeia- tion that Hullsport Subdivision builders ignored grnde regulations and built-up lots boMerintt on Nash Drive much higher than Nush Drive lots, thereby causing serious drainage problems, Coun- cillor J. D. Service pointed out that little eould or would be done. However, don't tions have a habit marches in. Builders Ignore Grade Regulations Addressing the regular February Pf to tn- '"'"'"5 I meeting of the Keete-Wlhron Rater Other items of partieuUr inter- plyern, Service pointed out thatmrt to the ntvplyen covered ii/ Wilder: mm to pay little utten-1Councillor Service were reasons; tion to prescribed grid: levels und‘for the delay in opening the public thai there is no hope of forcing llibrcry " the corner of Keel. and builders to adhere 'so grude regu-‘Wilaon: details re: new nMiviaion lltions unless complnints Are pro- to be built south of Rodin; Yuk, ceased exactly at, or before com-3nd new church“, pletion of home basements. l The meeting “1 "and our Predicting count-m. nwicuiovl..', Premier". Rob Pond who both for re-zoniM of township 'l,',cl,2'li1it1ts..eed. Ind thanbed the wk Councillor Service warned that “we" Secret“, Jim 8peers PENN only nanny Igninu re Inning for eoorspo'td"re from S. R. Cou, pmxpm‘lnp- prnperly buyers wouldl‘nmf cwrflunalor, in "krona to be In wait unlil a dish-In ll f,Urthree previously dilute.“ prob- lw and then to buy right in ihe,ey. . . middle of I residcminl are: and1 Committee reports 're" ("in " may from my street likely to be- WWW Prt br E. Anny. tome I mlin thomughhn. berry; wenttr.shitr, Mrs. E. Me. _ , Cart; Advertising, Ind Ptsuieitr, All re-zmung lpphuuons, heat. K. Garmtt; ProieetA P. chimed. were a matter of dollnrll New mm.“ Inwlanhatu Predicting count-m. npp for re-tonine of township 1 Couneijlor Servire wnrned only safmy stain“ r0101 pmspwiiw prnperly buyel be In wait IInliI- a district claimed. were a matter ot don-n and cents " upplicmu attempt to improve the vulva of their prepar- . _ .. - A-..nx._ .u.,.‘..- ..., -__ ty. At the an! that all opposition to ramming .tttttieatiot" in all) . Ila-tut of doll-n Ind can“ u bor- dorm; property owner. "Netqt te) protect the "In: of their MA The only 'ohetittts to this mu... he chimed. mu bu h min an propel" him to on mu gather than the indhidul. Ind hr diridmts would then an u an»: gather than nun. By NIXON BAKER tents of course are bated on the premise that z a similar by-law as those in force in other ies. The chance of the council doing much else since they have asked the Metro planning board be prohibited, even to restricting will encroach too closely on the _..--------- ___-l There ere I few trips that the; 'tlint'-;?,?:,? dryclenner might ', 1ore find useful: i " Posted instructions should by I . ‘iud nrefully before the omens} are placed in the machine. 1 Il ations To Plutic buttons should be ml Mr. Service pointed out te/j',',',',."" from clothing before "t North York townghip is attemnting . . to improve it: administrative {um-1° Mather, rubber or plastic Ill" itionl by the creation of a tive-Penta should ttot be cleaned. imember board of control to con-lo The ntlzndmt will give Idvice aitrt of four elected members of on matting or on the effeeta of council representing various Beet dryclum on I particular 2'ld',') tionl of the town-hip: and “121. A u h . . ‘ reeve. Applicltion for pemiuion‘l te .t' inexpensive elothing Ito form this board bl! already been P" be tried the lint time. immde to the Province. " Delia" clothing or my gir- Other items of pirticuUr inter. menu whieh contain dyes that are “A .- .L- __.- u..." M...“ Minot colorful should not be includ- I The meeting wu pruidcd over' by Pruidént Rob Pond wha both littted. Ind thanbed the spak- ‘er. Seem-r, Jim Spun patented rorespomtersee from S. R. Cole, Julie etrordirtator, in "(Home to (three previously discus-led prob- Hams. Committee reports were given on Hollows: Tenure: by E. Auntqr. berry; Hmberuhip, Mn. E. Me. Cert; Advert'uing, Ind Publicity, R. K. Garrett; Pnjech, P. ”a". _ ‘, New commute. appointing“!I I were made " follow-z In.“ PKrd was unnamed upm‘ the to North York Com-nil»: ' Council. B. Gilt.“ ad 0. M _ m applaud "ttr-ttnth- b 'lthe North York Pork: 3“ Ian- . th- (mm. Now who whirl-u in A. kiln! III In. I!” but but” chair-n of t the "an.“ min-I. Next making of up sandman witl be H4 at Min 81rd {label a land-y. Inch Mth uses are allowed,' no It was another good night of troduced the visiting members. fellowlhip and an excallent talk by‘ The maker of the evening Andy Irvine of the Kiwuiil Club I . l . of Ember "l1er “outlay niir'it".ti"td,u1C,' Sues Executivenfor It will In interetuh meeting under} “y. t "it. tra" an a“ ent the leadership of Humber voe/outiine on m needs for young men lPreIident Don. Grant. to prepaie for their plus in thd [ The singing wls good. TheP"ine" world wdny. Executives tee PreaidentAndr Whyte in-Ure demanding education of the m----------------" -- . - . " highest type. Fhston Kiwanis Host Humber Valley Club The am. from tho Number Mammal "spun! Auxllluy an plun- Mn. Augusto- Dovu, Mm. J. l. Murray. Mn. I. E. link, front ning to present a fashion show. and by tho cppoarcm of the raw. Mrs. Ahmad" Young, Miss lull. Tumor, Mn. I. w. models it should be a roaring ”can. Pictured above back row Mathews. and Miss Ellen Brady. " A on, Mrs. N. D. lindsoy, Mrs. J. I. Crouehman, G. F. Wooden. . t r You can be your own: dryclenner -right in the nearest eoin-operat- ‘ed dryclelning autumn. There no several of these nun? mats in 1nd Hound this area. Their main appeal wilt probably Iii to the housewife with 1 Urge ‘drycle-ning bill. By using this method, she will be able to reduce her 'it'frtf, coats considerably. It in h: 1&1:er to replace the con- ventional drycluning services be- “use may people will nil! want Pe skilled expert service, sbility to remove diitieult stains, and the ‘profeuiond pressing that the dry- cleaner provides. The units operate in much the) same way an the conventional dry: cleaning machine. The garments‘ ‘are put in a large rotating tumb- 1'i. something like a washing ma- chim that use: "Perluxe", high lquality perehlorethrlene, instead of water and detergent. About 60 minutes alter she putal the clothes in, the housewife ' them out and immediately folds them Ind puts them in l hunger. (A typical work loud in the auto- mltic mnehine is eight to 12 lbs. at I cost of $1.25 to $2.00 in ‘qulrterlJ Do - It - Yourself Dry Cleaning . Very dark colored clothes would not be put in “a machine with white or light colored cloth. PLANNING RENOVATIONS Hero’s An Idea! I Replace thou tired looking fixtures . . ttet expert help and advice from They flnd it necesury to hire! employees with I good pruticll schooling. It gives them the oppor- tunity of building upon what they have been taught more emciently Pr the mummy and to the Minn- (tatm of the applieant. Men rise us they :pply them-l selves to the study of the entire workings of the compuy they " engaged with. Be stressed the need to make the moat of "hoot yen-I. It In: " inspiring presentation S,',', one that should be given at- tention. These Ire the Iiml Ind iobjuccim of Kiwmil to build better citizens. To make people ‘think. . think. . _ l The York Centre Libernl’l held, Mr. Walker culled Mr. T. c. On Wednesday evening the Wes/their nominating convention this Jhruttlas, lender of the New Demo- ton Club held on mummy Munich IndJchou 't that It'.'",',',', mm Party, "very entertaining," ing with the Kiwanis Club of rer, one: . . er, no a l . - Brampton. After the luncheon they "TY." to politiea in North Yorkubut't w: IC' 3'0"" en n toured the American Motors Plnnt In their standard bearer. ‘men a I one " Brampton. This was on educoq At the meeting attended by such The Liberal party lg I party of Luann! trip that pveththe men SI.", big-whip u Walter Gordantchm“ and reform not chained to opportunity to see e progrequ. Walker accepted the nomine . . . . . made in automation. 'tion to the cheers of the hundreds Etta-19“; “(it rigid J',',','."?:',,',',",',, . of i, aaaembted. e cen ury po my, according Four of the Weston members _ . . . to Mr. Walker. _ i ‘uxiuted lut Satin-why morning at) " married m." living in BM" . i ' . . . View. Ind I General [neuronal Mr. Walker opposition In the the Scott Minion. Over an hun . ' . . . gent Mr. Wtriker m councillor federal election, will undoubtedly dred were fed. This 11 I direct/ l . ' in North York for hve yen: from be Fred Stinson present MP, Ind contact with the need for brother-', . 1953 to 1968. He currently is . Charles blind, ex cr, MPP for ‘hood efrorta in our great Metro Area. member of the Metro Toronto Exe- York West. l ‘cutive Committee for community -----------. I Ed Musurd reported the Sat-yPlnnning, chnimnn of the lndur. lard-y night dance held n melon-1 Division, Co‘nulinn Caneer, . teat, collegiate wu n big iiiiiliiiite' . member of the legion'LLeglon Plans pen. This well-supervised dance .nd . member of the York Univer- Ifor the young people of the com-{guy Committee in North York. 1fte.t!t Bureau |imunity is In ideal piece to "u2t/.2 nune wu presented by President lloyd Sunshiny of itehd. Ian H. Hollingworth, former 'ei'P,rt.,nf? 'Y Mn Rangers, Bor " Pl K be well arra ' York Centre who declined tot“l Canodun Iagion tt,ue.e'e,Y .l, _ Y"P" 'nr...'. l",?'? {blank the nomination this time mama," tTet: ofjix‘fj‘fi IT. Four of the Weston members‘ tainted Inat Sammy morning u} the Scott Mission. Over nix hun-i tired were fed. This is I direct, contact with the need for brother- hood efrorta in our great Metro L111. Plans Ire being well arraneedy, for the Spommm Show which the ' club is sponsoring April " to 14. lher are receiving hearty eo-op- ‘ention from the merchants and lmnmtNcturers in the community. It in on opportunity for the We:- toninn merchmu 9nd monuiulur- en to display their wore: to the public. There will Illo be good progrnms each day. Watch for the event and support it on the pro- ceed: go to the promotion of the: club'u urious Town projects. buck“ tum, uhool domes, and welt": work. Every dolls: raised is spent for the building of good ammonia alum-hip. James Walker Gets Liberal Nomination In York Centre Commenting on the present Con- P.rptiyf Government Mr. Walker said, “Never In: such I loud cudd- ing preceded the laying of luck: mall egg." '; Walker culled the nor-ping of u: Arrow airplane, " personal Itnpdy to to may of our people lin Dow-uw." tragedy to " mny of our "e The Bureau will endeavour to', in Downwiew.” provide uid to individunll dill 8peakirur of the three triilion"aouth organimtior" within thel, defeeit since the Conlenmtives Bunch urea. A planned budget took over he aid that if this much ha been "proved 1nd mum could not put the country buck on (or eonaideratimt Ibould be written in feet under Tory government and forwarded to Bum has ‘then it is obvious that even M by, Mr. Chn‘WIIl, " Tedder pinion. wouldn't [ up. Gia,' Tomb u. , THE WESTON RECREATION COMMISSION [ IS ACCEPTING APPLICA'I'IONS FOR EMHOYMENT WITH me SUMMER FUN PROGRAM PLAYGROUND SUPERVISORS SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR 1-. in In“) CH. t-694 man-n. 1llllll tAN l! - JE urt IHSUMNCE Gordon W. Alcott, CLll. SUN UP! ASSURANCE OF CANADA W a..-” in. than. - a... - no... Mk YOUR MOST VALUAIlE l The Liberal party tg I party of change and reform not trained to (doctrine ma rigid limitations of ‘the 19th century policy, according to Mr. Walker. _ President Lloyd Suimbnry of Branch 213 My: Rangers, Roy-3 n1 Canadian Legion bu unnamed: the formation of I "Youth Ber- Meeg Bureau"-AdrninUtered by A 33“ member group. it in designed ito centraliu youth tunic-I within lone committee to evaluate the n- quiremem Ind distribution of u- iailtance to the youth in the com- lmlmity. M 4aldt and an pun-Jim of wind chin‘ Jar the Walton Salim-in. The Downsview Man Directs First Science Camp For Boys 1huingtuuattarrsdFth. n1tl.i;'e"lh't,lie,ir5i)'iri7ll.l; Irfinee-imrtoruneoinedt- anion. Duh; the talt, 1961, n grorrrrtf-ieeseeduaeh-ith 1m intent in mural sci-es. 'leeotoer,e-atiotsoeialstrad- iu-ndhnxumml.wumu- ized.Avarietr-ilmtNdti. ties )nd mod-don for I Jra1iimrtan District, which will ‘mmlmm _ _ Camp Alb-v in I thm-ite science any for boys , yum-I to " you-I. m Ina-dam sin "A" is " the pionur pet onion lmdou known a ”law on n mount. on the Kuhn-win”; Ink. lid. of highny 121, mid- way mom Hindu and Iralitr- ton. "B" like in I 260 In. hm, west of Borer uu, with halibut on Little Elsie lake. Sit. "C" in a ntomted um on - lab including Bix-.ero Brown Inland. Under the dinner-hip of Mr. g. G. Rambly, a bisesd pro- gramme In: bun phnmd to no- tiuto and stimulate " inter-It ia1eamintr.2sto40rereortof tho tim- " mp will In - on Natural Scim; Grumman. Forestry, HIP W, In”. Arts and Drum. Sixty to “ty- tiv-Stott/i-Otto night. on the nautical! min; Intivitiol. ”no education! divilion of an mgr-mm. consist- of two but. l..we bought I, it through “BM.“ fiiiiilii "li1ittst,!llt, (sy or MONTREAL maydupnhuiunhmh .mmmotmr-WM m-.wu--er-r-uirtis “mouthwash-ohm ”mm-numbin- wt-ts-r-tr-ith"- mmamumvm? numIlIm_ “mum (Playbam thmteht.Biit-ti-dtt.tth- ,madrrrtaarsie-rraadeU. Wuhan-Mutt}.- magnum-Innis“ And he lat (indium. by - hmdid-ocdn-cuhim .mwmum reoh-Nrarrmehheth.rm. “blink. lr-r-trot.; =11:ande him, ears-william-dirt 'sntrtrat3phertomenaandre- of Natal. in nwidn - of mum,pIntndulmlgoq- (,t.,t1rtc,'N',u:tt1t.",,',',lt inch!“ mud” work- \mrmnuwngm-pm ”dimming-am ""lll,"llu'2lltak"i1"2a"l"L'. thud-3m“ “Immunit- " work Md“ tho WQWMMI forthe Auguste-Ilium. Forestry and We”. se- tiviti-mrilluenr+dmgtb- "trBrmmulnndneiiit-dfatr din-star; s. G. 'artrhder, In. - tilted by E.r. Kerr. _ r- _amtrsstmtim.uat-turtt- Ind will be and by I‘m Taylor, ”Mr, - In, 3d: jaunt to tho - it; Fania: intonation ll "nil-bl. brie. CE 9-4517. Enrico Kunm- road-M nmnng'an ma _ quai- contacting S. G. nullity! D

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