Times & Guide (1909), 22 Mar 1962, p. 12

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Welt Known Queensmen Mt Evening Of Song 'h.q--fNmys- t?A Tho United Church Women of WW Innounce that a Waring Service will be held in the church on Sundny evening, April ttth, " , o'eloek. . We have again the Privilege of bikini}; Tum: 'Corfméaml be devoted WI the purchase ofarir-totretmiltbrthe With ore Company, U.S.A., and to cost aIoroxirrtatelr 823,000.; The countruztion of the organ hai nlrudy hogan. and we expect that it will be installed during than»! not nation The ehairman of the! mmmnm. R. G. Lax-g dd Band. A: M Aha; witthith this advance notice. we hope Th. 0mm. wen the men ofirou will mark your calendar, and e: In!“ Citadel Band whole"! the evening of April " “kind a one of the su-Iopen. Admin-ion is 81.00, ticket: Mon Amy’- mt mowntd‘my be obuinod by phoning bands The capacity Indium of George Graham, BE 3-8577, or “blown!” ramming be punks-ed at the door. [ Mn. R. P. ling. Winnipeg Cree. is shown with her new HiFi no, won a an 'slt.rnotive prize at the recent Loblow Cooking school. With Mrs. Ring is Mr. John Richardson, representing Richardson Furniture Co. suppliers of the prize. At have]! loot-h Temple, The Qua-u were sum " The B+atim Amy " their 16th An- lllll Tri-Fcttivtl Band Concert punt-d by tho Dowmn cin- d --'. mind by t'rliaua. oi Son: in Rtnuest. teetrte't ,"th9lc-iuauditrriuA.A-r- mm Thai-2mm" ”d p-station pun- - ftmn - trom "iris - an mun-nu ma dWebthl Thu-treed-".""'."'-)"- for aid Mend. of a. " - It. audi-e. . ee Choir, And those who luv. not " -r?uteudtr'tt1tdi-lret had the pleasure of W4 -hninatue ”Honor; For I “d hm,“ the Que-mm». Gun-f duc- in M tm, .roupo af Artist, Lonny lsrtin, in u. - - tr."." “I" "nomad br citing not mun-inn”! pert- T. ee, Tenor, Bad James nlity to Toronto. His mutated M“. uritmte. ‘techniqu. of the classical and At Bran-ell M Temple, The “mum: guitar in I tribute of It-tam were gum " Thcjhia Minuet: to an imtrumot Ichth- Amy " their 16th Amp“ the music In plays Truly on. ind Tri-F-tiul Bud Concert/d the mort talented guest artists -stad by the Bouncer! Cin- we have heard for - time. dd Band. A: and. uh: withIWith this adv-m notice. we hope Th 0mm won tho men oflrou will mu]: your calendar, and t: loath-l Citadel Band whole"! the evening of April " ”chimed " can of the L"i'7C. Admin-ion in 81.00, tieUtt ration Amy’l mt mowntd‘may be obtained by phoning‘ "hilt“.h-mn “murmu‘ al- A. up“ 'ii'iii) him-duh!“ gruS-8Enmttr. l thank-mm»- - d W“ pun-Dd ru) -- b t In: and” ',Tl'll'll'l=u',,rdSt'/ 'he Anninrnry Dieting will Picnic at Bolton Fresh Air Camp-- FFBNITI’RE - LAN PS VEIINGN G. SNYDER Retiring from Business HURRY LAST 2 DAYS; Accnssomm MANY FINE mums STILL T0 ME sou) FINAL IDIIAS'I‘IC BEDUCTIIINS MANY Imus FAB BELOW COST VEBNIDN G. SNYDER MORE WESTON CHURCH NEWS 240 N00! " W. (at Jun.) IO. 2-2000 ttHN THUR-"l. WINGS Till , AM. WING THE SAL! SALE . . AU SALES FINAL . . . mid AND at; o 1...: - .. T, s.) he) (iti'i Ct:), g of-; o _ “a! ii, ”I! or M) : A71 3 a, tld Hg“; I i'rti' 18. no» ['. A calm“) ['. I” canon”: T, um tau of o on Saturday, June 23rd. I may. April tt, a. on.»- n- " "out thair an! m oe 3m " m Goliath“ Auditorium A u. to pnoin and punctuation pm.»1 in In int-rating And blight!“ pm for old {Hands of a" Chair. And that: who luv. not " ‘ygt had the plenum of satin; and halting the Quorum». GM -trNestnrMdt--V Hindu-Inuit. “VommuloY “MY-char.“me la;D~Iim,fb-lhlo ‘muu.mwn 3&3.“de ia-b-tsr-- Ply-dun ;C.nYoIIi-rtl. ‘MYOIIM. hauling ,.t-8t"62--Nq." ECoun. Service Objects To N. Y. Board of Control _ A second result of the pr-tith-mir wrong if we etrn'I lot-to . ‘pmpnul would b to "erilixe thfhotel It the junction of two major lmemberl elected to Council rromihitrhwtt" nnd in close provimity the Wnrds. Under the Board of to shopping centres and industry”, Control Iystem in the City of Tor- he "ggetsted. onto there are five members of the He usured the unmbled depu- Bond of Control including thrutiona that the plans of the hotel Mayor and four Controllers, out indicate a high-clan ntructure that of s " member Council. All tel-ye in no way be compared to I rial matter, decided by the Board beer parlor. l Two yen: ego Council requested of the Province of Ontario legisla- tion which would permit e two men Board of Control to be elected to mist the Reeve. The Province M legislation permitting the election of one such member It large and the other one to be ap- pointed by Council. The Township of North York Council declined to not on this heuiation because only one of the two members would be elected at 'tre em.-.“ -.. - "we ...-. ' mu..- Under a Bosrd of Control, the'hence the hotel shouldn’t have an Board would - trut these re- adverts effect on the children of sponsibilities. e... the opening of Beverley Heights. tendon i. now done by Committee' Reeve Goodhead, who had up and the allotting of tender: in now ported the application at planning ,ldone by Council. Under a Boudlboard level, commented. "I have 1°! Control the” matters would thtard nothing today to change lend“ out by the waif“ thenny mind. Residents have Btteeeed- :Worka Committee now renews t1“ted in painting a very black picture. (works enrrudarut in the Township In my opinion the hotel will pre on a monthly hula. Under a llloai'dlwme a very aubatantial and fine' 'or Control, the Board of Control development. With the numerous! would “"7 ttttt thege functionl. parking and screening regulations} Under the Municipal Act which the hotel will provide an amt provides for . Board of Control rather than a liability to the area." there is no express responsibilities He told residentl that this type whieh are given to ' Board to "No! expansion in vitally needed in lieva the reaponsibilitiea of the the township to tttirttulttte industry Reeve. and MM,“"_ an--- " _,.__- I The pronounced purpose and in- yum It that time and ever line: lor a Bond of Control in North Work has been to uni“ the hold of the municipality and reliev- him from name of the onerous burden in administering the municipality of 270,000 pox-Iona. The Clix-dill! Pigeon Fanciers Amoeiation, founded in 1902 mun mry second Wednesday in the Ira,,' Arena. _ Thin Il I tremendoua honor for ‘Walton considering the club Ma Tho result of the present pro- ponl for o four man Bond of“ Control will result in the Reeve not being grant]! uni-ted and in- ltr,', will result in the lessening of [Coutteil's responsibilities and Court- “Tho sport of Qua-m." that'. that tin C.P.F.A. in Weston an m all their put-tin:- after the "an! stories concerning Queen Elisabeth and her new bobbin pity on using. I At the prcunt time union nego- tiations and budget eonsiderations are " being carried out by the Executive Committee of Council. cil’l work and the the Committees of Council. WESTON CANADA HEADQUARTERS FOR 1ptGEON-"SPOlt'r OF QUEEN" mm of a mum stkk tttt_-ood who" of the Canadian ”goon Fond-n Aasoeiotion prank. what may preach. One. a! momh members of this group when birds In hand, ot the', Wanton Anna to compo" not» and conduct their iUiidir.l Pick it up clan on your way homo. It's INEXPENSNE:-. _ WASH - 25c per load (9 lbs.) DRY - I0e per load (9 lbs.) You pay as you pick up the laundry ATTENDANT ON DUTY 10 AM. ro 6 AM. [OTS OF "" PARKING SPACE Drop off your/dim laundry on the way to work . launder your Clothes the New, Easy and Inexpensive way Open 24 hours a day MOI WESTON ROAD. Just South of Humor. “mm Phone 20-09” botw-, l0 A.M. and 6 PM. EASY SELF-SERVE MUNDRY TI .He told resident. that this type reor expnminn is vitally needed in :he the township to atimulnm industry and commerce. "There ia some- sithimr wrong if we etut'I lot-to I LInmate! It the junction of two major ,mihighwayl and in close provimity of to shopping centres and industry”, J To a none pigeon fancier it my be hard to believe but the members (r, this club hIVI bred 90 different {breeds of pigeons ire subject to rejection or mend-Huge to keep A proper proportion ment only on e 2 3 majority deci- 'between Board of Control and sion by Council that is by 16 of‘Council members. The responsibili- (the 23. This is two less than thelties which a Board of Control Pil membership of Aldermen. lhe should have " those of adminis- der the proposed North York ays- tration. In this way the Reeve tern there would he a " 'i'i,,i'riit',!i'tlf be relieved of mnny of his Council five of which would beloneroul responsibilities with re- members of the Bond of EritG.iiiriii' to the day to day administn- The " majority required in Northltion of the municipality and with York would therefore be nine respect to the ”trying out of the members, that is the full member- legislative progrnm decided upon Iship of Council plus one member by Council. The problem of the of the Bond of Control. It would Reeve and the administration of therefore be almost impossible to; h e Township departments is upeet my Board of Control deei-promrht into proper focus when " lion concerning tinaneial I',',,",',',',')?, realised that in the hat three Ind the member, elected from the years upon the examination of the Wnrds would therefore become Building Deperment, the Works politically impotent. The Board Department and at the present would therefom become all power- time the mm Department, it in ful tnd "eetively make all deei- not the legielntive problem of the Iionl- Township which is out of date, it North York does need g BotrrAis the administration and proceed- ‘of Control, but I suggest it needyural net up within the departments a the. min Bond of Control, the and the only manner in which this Reeve and two elected members at can properly be corrected la by -""-'-rrcC""CL--itrivirur to each of the members of HOTEL In Bond of Control elected at lerge . the responsibilities for each of the !coptinu.ed from p.“ i) ldepertmente within the Township. 1 Member. of the C.P.F.A. hnve ‘won every important win both in the United sum Ind Canola. Club members and their bird: have ttted, birds imported from lcroll the ocean, on many oc- North York does need a Bond of Control, but I suggest it needs a the. min Bond of Control, the Jteeve and two elected members at I (Continued from page 1) ': to Ichool and church Are in no' wly demoralixed brtlte experience. "Children m the “me everywhere hence the hotel ghouldn't have an ulvem effect on the children of Bevurley Heights. [over 160 members 'epreaerttisw, every provinco in Canada. '; ( Weston, in also the home of Mr. Mell Mortimer who has won in the last few years, more C hampion- ships for his Roller Pigeons in the canon. 'Ihow rings 'than " other breeders Among the members who havelof Rollers humor. He holds the contributed largely in their rt-ldistinetiertt of winning the Champ- Ipectiw breeds are Mr.' Lunacy,;ionship Roller " the last winter incumbent president, Mr. Davidflair and Ill!) the champion at the Otia. and Mr. H. Meek, who 'peretrent Paris, Ontario Ihow. cializes along with Mr. D. Loucka Ho haa undoubtedly the greatest Vim the Great Modena Pitreon. 1number champions bred bv hinuelf Flaw“ above. the 0mm!" show on not». of tutr birds. left to right-Mr. A. Iclnh, Mr. H. Mock, Mr. E. Poacher, Mr, lunacy, Mr. o. this. Mr. H. land. and Mr. G. Ward. OPEIAYID " IXClLlINY FOOD RIASONAIlI "r" R. 'AIKINO IA! lAClLlTIIS THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1962, AT 4:00 P.M. THE BOARD OF PARKS MANAGEMENT OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ETOBICOKE THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE NEW ETOBICOKE PARKS SERVICE GARAGE , McCULlOCH AVENUE, REXDALE BOWLING BANQUETS mm: NOW l . . PINE POINT REXDAlE - a. 1-9613 RESIDENTS OF THE TOWNSHIP [IONS CLUB OF REXDAl! NOTICE Cordially Invite to attend 'Ihow rings All-n " other breeder: Upon hardening the heed- quarters of the club from the Roy- al Winter Fair emcee to Weston the club we. w-rmly greeted by his worship Meyer George Bull and received encouragement from ‘viniton from the town itself on their meeting night; , He has undoubtedly the patent? number champions bred by himul! I ‘th-n my other breeder which re-) 'ileeta on the time and excellent 'care “folded to hil birds. , Last year, over 150,880 clinics! Mata for the Rh factor wen car- ried out at Red Cm: lubontoriu. This is I free Iervico for upsc- tant mothers. Man’s Daily Quest For Bread Becomes History "The hiltory of the world is the record of u min in quest of hi: daily bread Ind butter," VII the interpretation given by H. W. Van Loon in The Story of Mankind. At I meeting of the North York) Hiltoricd Society on Thursday, March 29 " 8:00 pan. in the Main Library, Mr. Edwin C. Guillet, Kennel: Hiltorim for the Prov- ince of Ontario will discuss hi: much for those records in the Province. A: evidencc that the march is u stimulating om. the topic of his Ipeech will be: Adven- tun in History: The Collection of Mn‘erinll for the Archive: of On-, taria, i I nil be. it in ran an”; - have. have _ It a not. new» “I. it. In All III reel-- ' " “in! phlll el wb. III nun-HI. new are . h D W h Ito M. I .0 0|", M devel- M d “I with“). " dtttrmt eel-vh- an eluted on a ,lFtf-usioratoealittt- mt W the abutting m . . . no that all hmdmumhlploreuch . - m undo! back under an .1.qu to; My. In providing Irvine to Muriel land, the an. heel immanent tax in 'o- pllclhla. Io that all monies paid out by the town-hip m recovered by I special tax levy Igllmt the shutting property owners. This Wm WM carried out insofar " the eotttroversial industrial rds, lands In concerned. diseased in Mr. the press this week. I can make this nutter no clearer than to lay: We provided service. to then in-' dultrinl In“ on the um. basis " to the older aunt: of the town- ship. All monies are recoverable under the sped-l locnl improve- ment tax. In general, our "orta to encounge industrial development in North York has been little, if I°rsiuny expense to the taxpayers and thelour increue of industrial develop- 'nl"iment over the put seven yen”, tttrihas and the residential tnxpay- therrs of the township 3 considerable amount of tax dollars. i I would like to tgke this oppor- ‘tunity to warn parents of small children to be most cautious of _their whereabouts these days. The spring season in upon us and our ldiuches, waurcounea, etc. are and will be source: of potential danger lie Imnll children who insist on playing in or near them. Our work- ers will do all in their power to minimize these hazards, but I am mute you can understand that it is impossible to (as some people lug- gut) fence all watercourses ete. We have had In unusual amount of snow, not only here, but also in the head water areas. This will in- can. and inumify the danger, the extant of which will be gov- erned by weather conditiom over the next month and I half. _ A total of 1,891,437 Can-dilnsi' hue received one or more free) blood tranMusions sine. the Cum-4 ‘dim Red Cron Service was ' linked in 1947. [ I earnestly Iolidt your co-opera- tion and uni-tunes to provide I Infety medium for on r children during the spring thaw period. as? ..... I Services A NETWORK 0F OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND AINOA. Maybe a loose shingle started it. Or worn-out weather stripping. Or a gnawing imnd of mites. Whatever it Was, plugging a leak properly can be expemive--and, of course. the longer it's left, the more costly a repair becomes. This goes for peeling paint, crumbling comp, and missing mortar too. Ye% keeping a house in shape sometimes costs a lot of money, and occasionally it may cost more than you have on hand. What then? The ans“ may be a Sootiabank Home Improvement Loan . . . money you can borrow at lowintelmt tor repairs . . . or for extra bedrooms, a garage, a carport, modern heating, new and up-to-date plumbing-thint, that maintain or improve your home as an invest- ment. Just call at your nearest branch of The Bank of Nova Sootia. See the manager. He will welcome the opportunity to discus how a Scotiabenk Home Improvement Loan can help you. ‘WBHNK Home Improvement Loan aux/deem rmia’mix out with scam. ' Another can for a mum-lain“ hM'W ..ot-mstsi08orre.t" uwmmhMc. _aeat-t-NtrHdtscars. _usthtfetft"e."P'etfe or. - III has! and \waynC-uh ;marumu-cin1m. Snap off In“ niche: chute. Snap on converter plate and clippings are dis. charged onto the lawn. No tools neodod. new "o- I Btu-WW - 11' an TIKOS the hardest work out of mowing. Vacuum sweeps your lawn as it mm. Bag clamps con-o" easily; open- ing expands tor easy dump. ing. Lightest weight, high. est powered, easiest han. dling. Set it today! BANNERMAN Converts in a Jiffy for side discharge EASY TERMS EE HAIDWAII "I! WESION ID. CK. 1-11“ 4k

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