Times & Guide (1909), 22 Mar 1962, p. 1

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To fin-nu the project students will donate m mire ticket rmnur from on yahoo! production of HMS. Pin-fort. In te staged on May 4. Future expansion in Metro,'mally couid be high "rrrt,t't.T, that the second In“ tgets elong the lines of expressways‘commercinl are“. "it takes tsi,ltl'er.e to omtinue "ht they have would prove to be more of e livlaeres to build one e1overlerrf," "isurted. bility than n asset neeording to en intersection stated the chair-I The volunteer grow on the Uni- P, W. Burkholder, Chairman of men. For every mile of expressqvenity of Toronto ampus was or- the Etobieoke Advisory Commit-{way 30 an: of velulble propertyillniud by Keith Spieer,aut under- tee, and recent chairman of Metro?” rendered useless because of the graduate at the time that he read 1Utepayer's Agaoe. Mpttee needed on either side of the!‘ book called T0 “With With Weston in particular would have little to gain. t] Somewh‘ in the "worid, possitorftl".r - right-Mann. Burl- ht North Mriett--.the exact spot has holder mted "no: 1956 the ECAC not been chosen yet-the a." wnmhad noticed I network of nilwny ton. in general, and Senior "Milan?!” throughout Metro. Schopl. in particular. will spell Mend-g The ECAC Bre ndvocuing . chip and generosity. "‘muo" symm of rapid trnnsit An ittterotittrtaFminded mp arrow“ creating I "ring "mind young per9or" unending the mvfbusineu density Irena". "The Public Sahool have decided to .mLmroblem in not tramqtorttntt mph u a school, a when! or I tamitribaek and forth from city to, orb, - in 3n mother country, Tumulrb. bet tmm luburb to luburb," hr. the 9mm Council is mnmdlurkholder aid. This could be -iries from UNESCO and other,ueeomrtiaud by math: I ring of awn Io determine what p.rtaaarGrviei "WM the eity ,rilh ID“ - world but bemnt from “muslin“. running up. "mom" inn “prion“. n. In": .1 the my, in aid. 1 Metro council his recently in- vestignted seven] ambulance ser- vices with one firm tuning chute: of over-charging, Etobieoke cur- rently lends fhtaneial support to an ambulance service and Don Mills Community hug recently had Punils Hun Ai,'tvtrort Proieet This is Metro, I sprawling Met-ia vehicle donated by a urvice club. ropolis of some million and e helfl This nmbulmce will be operated people. An are: equipped withlby the local fire detachment. every possible type of fecility nnd,l The ninja:- dMieaitr in establish- yet a little girl [my on the cold oiling I proper service is that while Wotan Rand recently, waiting for men and equipment must bean In ambulsnce. (constant all. " hours . Gr. the After holding several meetings I of their own on the subject, the voliunteered To war Women, are looking for some new ideas, and asked council to (in: Everrone's heard of President‘Engineering Physics in June and the matter consideration. {Kennedy‘s Peace Corps but howlDr. Chamberlain will be complet- (Councillor W. Perry 1teertrr, people know about the Cam ing Irishman-hiya: Toronto West» the possibility of establishing “Radian Oveneaa Volunteers? Two cm Hospital about the same time. service an a co-operative buisiyoung Etobicoke men who know In August, they will join 18 other might be considered. ‘quite a bit about them already, and recent graduates of the University Metro council has recently in/win know a lot more a year and of Toronto and set out to India. vestigated several ambulance oer-la half from now, are Bill Van Iter-lThem they will work for a year vices with one firm facing chargesison of laurel Avenue and Dr.lunder Indian supervision, living on of over-charging. Etobicoke cur- Clive Chamberlain who lives inllocal wages like anyone else in the rently lends finaneW support to the Kingaway. )country has to. The Canadians will With this in mind the Weston Council of Women approached the Weston Council this week in search of some aid to establish a town- supported ambulance Icrviec in Weston. HELP CRIPPLED KIDS " TODAY MARKS THE OPENING of the 1962 Easnr Seal Campaign for the benefit of more than 15.000 physically handicapped girls and boys in Ontario. The Service Club man In 226 commu- nities not only make it their resportslbility to miss funds through the East-r Seal Campaign Expressways Might Drain Weston's Debenture Credit tttttttMgt-ai.. " WESTON iiijirrhr%idllE1 . ( As I possible aitetm.tive to the ‘rsuperhighwnys the chairman stat- ed the Committee wt. in >f-vor of h rnpid trangit system incorpor- juting railway right-014m". Burk- holder stated since 1956 the ECAC ‘had noticed I network of nilwny :Hnes throughout Metro. lurkholdu stated . body “In the Tum-to Tran-k Commit-ion could mien!” In the right- of-wlyl {an m numb. man. For every mile of express- way 30 urea of vnlulble property pre rendered useless because of the spice needed on either side of the highwny, informed Burkhohhr. Volunteered To Work In India Van "arson will be gnduiting from the University of Toronto in The major dlitieuitr in eatlblish- ing I proper service is that while men and equipment mast bean commnt all, " hours ' dny, the service is seldom needed, However Etobicoke Professionals [ em Holpitll about the sum time. In August, they will Join 18 other recent graduates of the University of Toronto and set out to India. Them they will work for a you lander Indian supervisors, living on Hoe-l wages like myone else in the icountry has to. The Canadians will 'contribute their know how in the, 'tields of medicine, oeeup"ionali, itherapy. teaching, engineering and; inursing. ', l Mr. Wilma [an-Indy bola the position of Director of Pub And jiiiGiiort for a. Tm of Pan- (tte to which to VII ”mind you In ”In no. Prior to “All Annulment ho Much! phytlul that!” in thm Pembroke Cough}. Ina-mm for l Weston council this week Ip- i'pointed a new mnation direetor 'to nplue " am you recently ltondcrcd his resignation. , veraity of Toronto umpus was or- lot Voluntary Agencies for Rural ganized by Keith Spieer,-an tmder- Development for further briefing graduate et the time that he read --------.- e book called To Plough With} Hope written by Dr. D. K. Finis, who is with UNICEF in India. The Open House And book threw a challenge at students to work with Asiatic people who . are trying to get into the 20th Bake sale At century's technologicnl picture. It! elm emphasized that this ”sist- mce should not come in the form Elm,“ SChoo' of handouts, but with a person-l contact in order that both East jtnd West can begin to see the Members of the Elmlee Home other's point of View. land School Association Ire pre- _ "We've been taking a series of s,1"rinir for their open house “d orientntion lectures," uid Ven bake ale to be held, Tueedny, Iteraon, "and ith been emphasised um). 27 " 7.30 p.m. It will be to u“ that thee people "f “It, held in the echool and parents will lproud and conscious of their hen- I,” hue the o rtunity of I... (tare. Probably they'll infhsettee "r. . . T,'. (ii much u we iMuenee them." lin; their children» work on die- It costs I lot to lend I group of play. The MW Direcun " Parka ind Recreation for the m is Mr. HIM-r G. Wilma of Penna i The firgt contingent of 15 Uni- verlity of Toronto “adulte- in in !lndia now and, " a recent re- union there, lent word luck that they feel they are beginning to ill-kc some headway and are most anxious that the second group gets there to continue what they hue started, HAMAR G. WILSON Weston Appoints New Recreational Director when needed there is usually grant urgency, one of the women explain- ed. The matter will be discussed at a Joint meeting of the tinanee and executive committee of Town Council. and the Women's Council. amid!) people :med and this cost has Ila-{boon estimated " 82,000 per per- ime. [from t Ho mmes tn Weston gt I time _ _ when It in» some when of T munril In quutioning whether or _ n09. Watch in providing recreation \ _' {nilitiu which no hating nod by v» Id,: neighboring =iiMitiitaraGaN Some (”in many LGCaT; Min. 'WI [05h C Ilr, ' ' I'. 1y. «we al ". c, madary poin- won by Pam; 1 Mr. Wilnn told the Recth jun-amnion that poor health " pm who: of his (Imily and. it ndviuhlo for him to we. in the Metro nu In therefor. Ind - plied for the Walton post. I period of 2 year: In the meantime, lemming that funds will be obtained and they will get to India. the volunteers are looking forward to reaching Delhi early this Nil when they will report to Indil'l Aaaoeiation of Voluntary Agencies for Rural Development for further briefimr , He aid that Fred Simon. an. Yor York Centre, In: shown 1 great deal of interest in the pro- jut: and had permitted the Stu- dent Canadian Over-nu Volun- 'teers to use his We. " 11 Ade- laid West. I "We haven't had warship from any government," maid Van Roma. “Interested individlnll and several bin-incl: itrm. have contributed. We're in the prom-1 (of ruining the $40,000 to " at over there. We hope to emu-ct} service clubs shortly." - 1 Thousand Oppose Hotel iCouncil Stalls Decision A mm: of Mandi-u huh-titer the poop]. living in elm pro-\ to Trertms.--.heth.r to build or ximitr. It was duo was“?! that1 'setter-dat-tinthe/tyi- Walt-End Armavould be of of High.” W0! Jhmetio-ma little ttenMt if it In: aide-br-aide) the cum at a but“ MM“! to a haul. ieonfrrmttng North York council Th- npplieant, who has shady Ithia Moesdar. obtained the Ibnmll of tho blun- After listening to the tm'lieant and the protesting nanny”: groupl, youth organizations, and“ "individuals, council decided to defer, its decision for the next two Inch} (until it is established whether the, pdditional traiBe volume would be acceptable to the ndjoining St. Phi- lip’l upstate school. It was ruled that no further representation; will be heard on the matter. Arguments against the hotel pointed to resulting corruption of young people, infiltration of low element of undesirable, into the are: " well u a possible eyesore Some hundred are. mid-um} suppomd by n petition signal l',') 1,300, append the nppliation for) I 52-guite commend-1 motor-hotel; proposed to be command on a 5-nere site on Willem avenue, be-, tween Wudlnw and Daltteattie. QUESTION VALUE ttIll"' WESTON RECREATION mom. ammo. WY. m "na-i 1 Paul considered it won't be ufe lfor little kids to walk to the new AFegt End arena. "Yoa just need lone incident and parents will re- line to let their children out", he advised council. With the'hotel the) arena, will be limud right in the; middle of that mad triamrle.-a) brewery etor'e, questionable Friday] night dances, and e beer parlor. l, Beverley chimed that youngI girls would have to give up put- time employment beanie it will no longer be are for them to walk home late " night. "You never know who only: overnight " s motel-type hotel when the)" don't pick their (“can I wouldn’t even go to the corner “on if it Councillor William Lyon ex- prused concern that parents seem unnble to keep their children out of a hotel. Beverly Hills United Church Young People's Society was repre- sented by president Pull Gerrard, 18, and Secretary Beverley Nugent, 16. Tho npplicant, who he: aimadr obtained the approval of the plun- ning board, claimad that the pro- pond eommereial motor hotel haul the support of locnl industry and in compatible with the am. He informed council that the " mil- lion venture will eater to banquet and accommodation needs, “We cun’t mom to jeopardize tint buai- not: by becoming a cheap beer parlor", he reasoned. "Live up to your moral rights respect It, u ratepayers, and give us some Bar in what tto" into the an", he pleaded. [Ind " your: of age. With u judo: high school nearby the girls would‘ be encounged to be picked up br) all lot-ts of men frequenting the) hotel," he stated. ( William Drewitt, of Beverley Hills Ratepayen, told council that a group had visited another enter- prise owned by the applicant and found it impossible to park, had to line up to get in, and once in eoaldn't "hear ourselves think". He wanted that with the existing teen-age gun; problems " the nearby Wang Plum ind the anticipated removal of the locxl police station "the an will no longer be livable". According to Mr. Drewitt I hotel would constituta n menuHo the young people in the nu. “Fsthen of daughters and mm at well gnaw}, tNht',,tati, stsron I mass ADVERTISER 'am MAILING ADDRESS Is 3235 DIXON an. wssrou m "tahliahed, Dumb“: will u Other dclmm claimed thnyl Ind moved to North York to gut! nay from that Bort of thing ini the city. I Reeve Norman Goodhud and) eouneiilom Don Aldoom and Wild (iii Lyn mutated that tuck youth and sport: central " Vanity‘ ‘Areng, Maple Len! Garden: und‘ Cape Recreation Cantu wm not1 named by the proximity of haul-.1 It was the pointed out that child-i ren who pun hotels on their way driving "and. We, you; mph, don’t mutt the hotel in out an. INNthatit-r-tdrinkts. would do no " horn. We eaa't atop drinking but why amour“: it", the mild. _ [Council mauled .that although they have - the necelury by- rllVl to restrict the parking thin will not come into Meet until all road work bu been emnpletod. Jane Staci: will be widened from Weston Rd. to Wilson Ave. in an effort to offer a more rapid Merchants Von Jun Street won their battle against No Parking on has without rally trying this rr' them. whm, they mind before Um aakrd far-In -aBdi.tte. 'beforo North York ma exp-d (heir willingness to tight the ii? ‘beforo tin Ontario Munieitml Jane Merchants ObtaimEreather A delegation of much-nu mm Thir week however. North York (Continued on pure 12) NOTICE Monday: "Aft" driving on city (and York mm, mm, it is it plcuun to can has; My vili. It's A Joy To Come Home Merchan- in the ”In. hing gaimd " but I breathing was. will now My Army. for puk- ing, Mon traor - - ‘como {um Wat-Wuhdqlrtnuhwhinh ia omthh ”with In» 'rmtatadl--isitm,ree.ived I "In "than" his M from " ”Mth-xmu. the Weston I III "and of this do- pmmmt'l work”, the Writer mt. 'tsntirmofthtrtth.front- In: St. in tho u:- in qwtion a lrittatN1imiuerfturownot ‘W-bn. This from in min-in- ly on the west INC. 3 The portion of In). Strut with-1 in the Town of Wuhan cont-int“ pn- block that In. been mluded‘ mom th- No Parking mguUtiort: 'try vim. of the contraction u) ahouldm for parking. The bat. nnco of the street hu 3 mixture of ling). family (honing: and commercial front-(c. The main» ‘ity of the building-- have their pn- Jnires let huh and {mat puking 11pm provided. All the link family .dvnllinu fronting on Jam Street in th- us- in question haw lid. (Irina or huh" an interacting M; Mr. cm "ded. _ - " I'm policy to mm: m Le the travelled portion at road- which In" has for the purpose; of providing non annuity. [ Spanking mt tho Wm obj instill: of the by-hw, the 1mm dark pointed cult that upland-1 North-South rout. than in enr- ‘nnlly Inihhh. _ This mid widening, if _ out " the - uhodulo win nothcomplctodfortwnyunnd will ulna the madam tim. in PM "-atmst rar*irsewtetee haMhrtoWuhneo-ll -faiitoetsrmr-tart Camel ”and ehtrtdt"Utt H vat. On * i,. due to I III-My ot -eehaPtstgraasutotahrrinec'. Mar, for all the incoming huh- "u.Ihmbrthetimether.tavt 1t.tt.?egtffrt5eetefr ‘eomrswillhnhndnlyridwk- all: -ehet" in tho debut of their“ It'i'tetiretmt-r.Httt “humming“ “Mambo-tin. The duration“ thou-awn! be left up to :1:on lehoolprhdpnhitwuw Wuton will so a In“ kindtoiumhhomuu "itearotttmtd-tttsiitt' taking 8'” (In: " "I. cannula-011.1%. Couneiihtruorirhur, feamthatth-tartttr- paadir-tionintmmu 'rttmetingtoomast-t- from North YorearsdBtobl- To Get A Sneak-Preview -gtraundutt-rGnex-, _iGris. aa, -- 1iiierjirdics, ‘h limo] Baud. ohyad u- thu, More the school nu is (r aniy-nppoinud teachers to V" coke to the point that the map who my: tho Mrrar and should home all the tttn.-- the residents Ind tumor: of Weston-ia being kept out. Sdmbury asked, and not supported by coundl, that a full rt of the It than 2U'Jl'i%t'l',u'S',t'e.' plus brook-down ittrums of local and non-local manhu- ahip be suhnitted to council by the Parks and Recreation ;Gommiuion. aim“ -thtet that the Old Post on. be turn-d on for reaction pm “If We are going to rabid curative: to Weston, we won't need all than aeeormnodatitmf Stim- bury commented. Chairman of the teen-tier commission, councillor lind- sgy qott assured council that supporting? aid extend ihBt ioi1tirte, privileges to Weston Councillor Wea. Eddington reminded council that " tlgough Wetstmy has up. - of the can, the people from the are: have anally support- ed Walton. Through their fhrw aneinl participstion they have helped te? mama. the win- igniizvoplmd madtttuOminr whim pouihln fix- tttq nympho claimed. C _ Bower, Imtil, it fhrds out ptxstry1ns,tti-meildeeeii-, a, Win-mar; the Commis- Teachers = T.

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