trr 'l.rtalit tt-imr,-0.titti.emtrstun-t s""'A"i -thaslLmtatraattaetaissedtteretttruaiiiaot _ "rterda, at - hum on WIN“ and. Mg , -.-urrroattrr-atiemafsteoairoditNn N - In. WIN“ gamut convent. In. A. C. Batten, m Wuhc SW. In. Kenneth Burns, Mrs R. A. Md. In. Donald Martin. Mrs. J. J. Richards, Mrs. “In Booth, Mrs. Muriel Burton, Mis. Arthur A. Stapells, In. George Batten, Mrs. Arthur Harbour, md Mrs. H. W. Mr. all In. Em Dewar entertained tie "Y" 's Mere ate. for their Much meeting " their home on Rayslde tttgm PM“ their busing“, conducted by the president. h. Norma Sonar. Mr. Dewar gave an illustrated an: I a. lift-history of the Emu Y.M.-Y.W. w. and In. George Sahel]. Prince George Drive. and tau nu. w. w. mm. Guam and. m. M1 upâ€. be dull-ad a curl in the sauna that no». Mt. and Mrs. Fred O'Dell. Dundas Street. Chestnut Hills, It! home recently from I six-Week vacation in Florida. he: stared with Mrs. O’Dell's sister end Brother-in-law, It. and Mrs. C. F.. Gritamacher, at their home in Fortl Uttderdaie. One of their most interesting tripe we; tol " West, over many bridges, one seven miles long, with, “It beauty of the Atlantic on one side, end the Gulf of - on the other. They visited M. Petersburx', and “I. and altogether had 1 wonderful holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Drynan returned to their home an Ihorncrest Road March 13 after . delightful two-week Radon with friends in Barbados. Mrs. J. L. Johnston, Pinehurst Crescent, entertained the which!“ Group of the Udies' Guild of St. Giles Kings- wq Presbyterian Church on Monday evening Rut. Mrs. A. D. Black presided over the business meeting at which phi: wen completed for the Nearly-New Childrert't Cloth- iu Sale, which the group is sponsoring at the Church Hall OI Thursday, April 5, starting at 3 o'clock. l Following the christening at St. George's Church-0n- the-Hill. last Sunday, March 18, of little Cindy Louise Brawn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown, her parents unnamed at their home on Orrell Avenue. Among Ci') gusts were the godparents, Mr, and Mrs..Stanley Purdy,) gmmiparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Beeton, Mr. until Mm. Georie Webb, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hartwell. Mrs. L. L Perkin entertained the nominations committee of the Women's Section. Toronto Branch of the United Nations Association, at a dessert luncheon last Thursday It her home on Rockingham Drive. Her guests included nominations cunvenur. Mrs. W. B. Ackerman, Mrs. George Walk. Mrs. G. A. Renshaw, and Mrs. Leonard Holness. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Crossan, Wendover Road, are back from ten days' skiing at Ste. Adele, in the Lauren- tians. They stayed at the Chantecleer Hotel. There, on a riding holiday also, were Mr. and Mrs, Peter Smith of .avensbourne Crescent. Miss Anna Buchanan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M.'Fidler of t Buchanan, Ballacnine Drive, holds the interesting position from both . of assistant guider at "Our Cabana", one of two inter- Id"", tTum rational world centres for guides, located at cuernavrr,i'irld."st,",", Mexico. At present Miss Buchanan is spending a month's "ET-pins w's vacation in South America. After visiting Curacao andemx, Donna Trinidad, she went to Rio de Janeiro, where in nearby Belo- Ridge, and a Horizonte, she attended the pre-Lenten carnivals for sev- of having , era] days. She visited a Guiding friend in Sao Paulo, Brazil, ’7 - - and another in Argentina. The Argentina Guider had be Bi Bello come her friend through camping at our Ontario Guide, 1 Camp " Doe Lake. After travelling in Chile, Peru, and Cork Columbia, Miss Buchanan will return to "Our Canada" in Mexico, where this summer she is looking forward to .0" PTA' greeting the party of 14 guides from Etobicoke who hope at,“ :13“; to journey to Mexico under the leadership of Mrs. Douglas perform, in tl Coombes, and Miss Carolyn Coulson. _ Jiholricoke c Mr. and Mrs. s. M. Ashton, Wimbleton Road, have re- turned from Florida. They spent a month at Lauderdale- by-the-Sea. Holidaying with them were Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Grindrod of Port Credit. Mrs. Trevor Hamill, Robinhood Road, entertained at tea this week in honor of Mr. Hamilt a mother. Mrs. Myfanwy Hamill of Regina. Mrs. Hamill is visiting her family here for a few weeks. Mrs. John Entwistle, The Kingswuy, Mrs. Erie Houston,UiriG ur." ___ ...- -- - Lloyd Manor Road, turd Mm. John Allen, Islington Avenue In. J. D. Shurtall announced North. are spending thin week in New York. that the White Cross Group under; ---- Mm. E. R. Sharpe, in cooperation‘ Mina Barbara Jane Tucker, Bywood Drive, was guest of with psyehiatrUta, were Undertak- honor at a cottee party and shower at the home of Lit-3.11mi} MW approach in dealing with] W. J. C. Prinzle, Baleberry Crescent..The guests wereé‘mf': " Ge 1?n.tafio â€9"?" friends of Jane and her mother from Humber Valley Unitedlmg ' and that informal Pt . groups and other practical Church, .where she became the bride, last Saturday, ofjmmod, of eommunicating with' Mr. Dmrid Hemmens, formerly of St. John's, Newfound-jthe patients would be tried. A lib- land. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruppet, Dunedin Drive, gave air"? questionnaire was distributed dinner party and presentation for the young couple earlier?..? Titr, that Mrs. J. Corbett who in the month and the Canadian Girls in Training at iiujtr-iai2'2't.t,2f,t: FT" Clult 5o.u.ld her Willey United Church, in which the bride is a leaking,†that would†#123,“: 'lt held a kitchen shower. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Trumper enter- members of the parish. It was up! mined the bridal party, last Friday evening following thenwnced that Margaret Atkinson,l rehearsal at their home on Warwood Road. /aind's Seully, Geraoi Murphy and On their return from their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. tIre Fenech, pure? of st.. Gri n-..m sr,..,,.,.,,.,".. ...:u “L. 'rr's “dam...“ ...\ Luann... m...¢ gory: would ptutteipate 2n the On their return from their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. David Hemmens will take up residence on Anglesley Blvd., Humber Valley Village. Miss Barbara Jane Tucker, Bywood Drive, was guest of honor at a coffee party and shower at the home of Mrs. W. J. C. Prinzle, Baleberry Crescent..The guests were friends of Jane and her mother from Humber Valley United Church, where she became the bride, last Saturday, of Mr. David Hemmens. formerly of St. John's, Newfound, M - 1 “a armour. and nu}. n. n. moons. tor- At a. my... main" at St. Public Speakingvlzonk'" 'POMM vuuv VI U! WI ugly of The Kinsman. who are living P Boson, Colum-5mw. C.W.L. the Immunity the C.w.L. ( mm m, 000m M. " It. and In. McMahon found life tn this 86,000 ft. w... mminded to britut their! A man intematintrarsd iaforma-(ertr of a. Nu York Am. 7.... than Ion-level city most interesting. They nttended a bull ttiend. and attend the “My new tive [mum “- given by IM-.hyterlu Church. Kuhn-gun. . l f miies . , er: from the Canon: Inf0rmation'.D.C, much 11 the offkiated itgbt whik they were there. Although on y I. " In the church on Sunday aftermrots, Centre on the many courses lull-Ht the will.“ of LuElloa Whit- ttett the equator. the high altitude makes the Climate very glitch 25, from 3--4 Fm. when the able, to everyone, and the luduiltier Ind Cams Graig " “and Mt. The McMahon: spent a week at Montego Bay, dynamic speaker Father L. Wnllushown depicted every (are! of the United (amen. Jdrnaiea, Ind new home last Saturday. 'Spiritunl Director of the Catholic great work being done " the Can-l The bride ll the dattghtor ot Mr. ___-_- . [Women's League will give an in- ire. The question Ind nnlwer per-Wm' In. Clifford Whittier, Vuln- Mrs. John Entwistle. The mummy, Mm. Erie Houston, wiring talk. ind which followed “I very on. mo Drive. Aldermen! and the Lloyd Manor Road, turd Mrs. John Allen, Islington Avenue Mrs. J. D. Shurtall announced lightening. A .ocinl period follow-km?†, 'trg', 5ri,tt,lfit . . week in New York. that the White Cross Group under ed and reIreahmenu were served; . .1113, _ we" e. North. are spending thia --- Mm. E. R. Sharpe, m cooperation by Mrs. E. Siekierko and her Com- Gm'n In mun-g- by Pr mun, Miss Barbara Jane Tucker, Bywood Drive, was guest of with psyehutriata, were tireiiir,ltisittee. the bride than I .ted.itioel gown! hono t otfee part and shower at the home of Mrs jntr a “W approaeh in dealing With! ----_--------, of lace over Ht, Phierd. “a, _ . I I L. Y Gaia at the Ontario Mental Inca aver Hart. The fitted bodice W. J. C. Pringle, Baleberry Crescent..The guests were, . _ V . had I mandarin mseklimr and lily . , . (Boapiul, And that informal dis- "cation Assoc . _ _ . friends of Jane and her mother from Humber Valley L'stitetriafii' mu†and other practical . point Ileevu..l'ler was: length my Church, where she became the bride, last Saturday, of'mgthod, of communicating “HAP," E i pe “light In a crown of pearls Mr. David Hemmens. formerly of St. John's, Newfound-jthe patients would be tried, A lib-l tts "tt " (“a 12"†Al t"iI', 'ut,': land. Mr. and Mrs. Carl RuooeL Dunedin Drive. gave ajary questionnaire was distributed A. I - -l - end. “qua tt w m nnd , " Mr. and Mm. Hugh McMahon have returned to their 5-0 on Nottingham Drive after I trip to South America. Tu, spent a week mum. and Mm. A, R. Knobhs, for- - at Thu Kingsway, who are living in Bogota, Colum- h Mt, and Mrs. McMahon found life in this 86,000 ft. On The “Q: xiaf Scene “A“ PM, vtb'i,i,.,',i)i'_' . Di Hello makes it a practise toiDrrbiro pin} include in his program I Crnadunirtaiian m- !Work, and on March 26 the Cmn-wiolin, date dian number will be three move-i For tick: menu of Dr. Samuel Dolin'l seren-IBE. 1-3448, Pro Arte Orchestra Society will Also on the irrosrram is Buys? The Etobicoke Public School See perform, in the last Concert oi the Violin Concerto in A Minor, whiehitetanil Associltion held their " Jihotricoke Concerts Assoeiationiiu be played by Charles Dohiu.fh|lll get together, Mm}! 15th, ir, ‘Series, for this season. Dobias who studied in Toronto the form of I Progressive Dinner Victor Di Bella will conduct. Dijwith Kathleen Par-low and Alexnn- Party. Belle, who studied " the Royal der Schneider, and in New York Mrs. J. Cormtsek, 120 Prince-I Conservatory of Musie, Toronto,lCity with Ivan Galaminn, il known Margaret Blvd., opened her home has appeared as guest conductorlfor his solo radio work, and tele- for 1 eocktail party for the may of the Toronto Symphony, and isjvilion appearances. Al Concert secretedâ€. F ollowing this, dinner permanent conductor of the Phil-irmtster Ind soloist he has appeared)'?? served at the St. George's harmonic Orchestra. in Htunilton/with the Halifnx Symphony Or-lcOlf end Country Club. To top " During the summer of 1960 he wulchestra, National Ballet Co. of a delightful evening, they went to at Stratford ls Assistant to Louia,Ctsnadn, the National Festival Or-the home of Mrs. A. Cruiekahank, Appl-liaum, the music director afichestrn of Stratford. " well all“ Dec-lie Circle. the Shakespearean Festival. with Chlmber and String groupl. -------r--- Di Hello makes it a practise to;Dobiu plays I beautiful and rare: In 1961 a total of " center re- include in his program I Crnaduirtalian made Giovanni Grencino march projects were supported by work, and on March 26 the Cnmt-wiolin, dated 1702. ithe Can-dim Cancer Society in 21 diam number will be three move; For tickets, cell BE: 1485 or;Clnndian universities did research _ During morning worship iniments of euning six mu Ind Bloorale United Church, March being in Explorers for three yum i8, I large constigatinn ‘Ihnred Aided I); pedict wreath", and in a service of Dedication to under the capable direction of Mr. “Mission" led by Donna Johnson D. Strum! Robertson, member. of ind Gail Hyland of the Explotem/the 15th Embicuke Count] Cubs jand Wendy Newson and ci,j,1eci,r)iiei? out 3 highly meeesaful I'idler of the C.G.I.T. Cheques paper drive in the Bloordele tre- from both groups wen presented on Sammy. After the heavy to the treasurer of the Missionary work of picking up paper, the ‘snd Maintenance Fund, Mr. Fred/boy! energy was quick]; restored ICIoke. Mrs, T. G. Head preaentedlbr refreshment] pmrvOtd in hhe '"Er'-pins to Susan Barium, sandra,Chureh basement by the Ladies' On March 26, in Etobicoke Colle- giate Auditorium, n 8.30 pan., the Pro Arte Orchestra Society will perform, in the last Concert "t the Etobicoke Concerts Association Series, for this season. "u"-plns to Suun Harfoot, sandra,Chureh basement by the Ladies“ The dinner wu entered by Unit Crux, Donna Johmun. and SharonvAuxiliary. The Group Committee Four of the United c.'ye " Ridge, and eonitratulated the girls‘is grateful to those who 'upportedipen under the leademship of Mn.1 of having fulfilled the require- this effort. 1RoseGood. . A'oung People Service Leaders -_ At Bloordale United On Sunday Conducting Local Concert w - . . _. I 1th CaA_q-t.egir-ttatim.- 1'iiik'3i';tfyit)tppif'tcvi' a... . m I!“ In Icahn- to nigh-m Eai'iiut."1At"t 'gu"e 'rmdbribgeiA, but. “an...“ m Mtg.' 1'2'tr111e3eeeetri'i7i""di7Gd=1Tlil. tt"a,tt..teettt,tt.erite.'iTit,Tr'gTl,"d.'l.' . ‘mmlm‘G-W'» In». an. and an". ate, a. I. tttthand "bored fiaaiuTittiG4 150m.|uiuadby 30mm!“ u _ Gt.t'l d on"; I 3. _th'gi - its llains.†""7 m "in. no: new. Ion. . .m- or iptet,','ltr an Inn may for hie 'atb,mati-errsat.atsiir-/bertur,osdmursmeinJ._ mun-ummm mm. min-k. 1).qu M w skin art-tad to . slight train. Crawtoed “Harv thu and Ur “My veil nu gathered A “caption in held " the Four u I be. up. She etsrgied A ttou/Seasons Hotel Catholic Women’s Group Director Speaks Sunday A] It.., Gregory’s modtu,L. an I - :zzsyn‘. - "tll After Kipgsway - Lgmbton Ceremony l 2:13;; 'lr." 'tll Mer ads for String Orchestra, a contem- porary piece of great interest. ‘ Aided by perfect weather, and Jmder the capable direction of Mr. D. Struan Robertson, member. of the 15th Embicuke Count] Cuba _ The Ethieal Education Anath- tion is holding I theatre night, Monday, April 16, " the Crmst Theatre. Timely enough, “Spring Thnw" wilt be the production. Tickets " $1.50, $2.25 Ind t8.00 any be pun-hum tmm In. P. K. Jackson, CH 9-361t. {Education Assoc. {Plans Evening ht crest Theatre 16th Embicuke Comm Cubsl ,Tha following officers were In- ied out I highly successfuliaulled: Honorary President, Rev. I? drive in the Blood-1e are-iv. A. Wood; President, Gordon Sammy. After the heavylPiller; Vice Presidents, Bill Smil- institutes Mrs. J. Cormaek, 120 Prince": Margaret Blvd, opened her home, for I cocktail party for the rainy! secretaries. Following this, dinner? was served at the St. George's? Golf trnd Country Club. To top oiry a delightful evening, they went ml the home of Mrs. A. Cruiekahank, 34 Deesuie Circle. I Public School Secretaries Hold JltttiIrttsitt, Party The Etobicoke Public School See- real-id Association held their an- nual get together, Much 15th, in' the form of I Progressive Dinner1 Party. i lies, Ian Humill; Secretary, Bill Riggs; Treasurer, Wilbert Widdis; Difriet Representative, Ed. Hoyle. The inaugural meeting of West- wty United Church Man’s Club took plue recently with the initin- tion service: being conducted by Mr. Bin Button, Mount Dennis United Church. l Westwuy United Hold Inaugural 0f Men’s ad, l Maid of honor wu the bride', Iilter, Kin Betty Whittier. Min Linda Golfetto was bridesmaid. They were dressed in full length dresses of yellow Iilk org-n1: with' bateau neckline: and very tall puff slaves, They carried yellow rout, - Uncle Of Groom Officiated At Ceremony ssfe1tlPeP1"pt"ttteoue.resetq-tv- in! work." not pun In a church â€with.“ neatly at " Goomo‘s On-Thc-Nlll Anglican Church. Th. pared. was in! on. "out marking March as Rod Cross month. latter. Dr. Roland ttlit, 1ilt"tTt) i; The speaker the pointed out the Id: and abroad. lindnnry in Minding tremendous great beauty Ind mix-gonna on research for new Ind the slides of indi, 2imppred drugs. In North Ameri- or: and shrubs an â€in, this mountl to name $200,000,- plantings. ir'Pfl? and Canadian compnnieu,‘ Mrs. A. G. E “(either directly or indirectly, are duced the speak: 'iiltor.ttributintr their fair lhnre to noon, and 3113.6, tothis mount ‘the appreciation [t "The phtrmaceuticnl industrysto Mrs. Stensson. w‘ United Church Members Hear Talk Elbow Canadian Drug Industry I 'mo Henge includes the /ederal "ies tax imposed on moat =drugl. If eliminated, the figure would drop to Hound 82.75. Cm- adn is a rarity Among countries in ‘thnt it impose! I sales tax on 1drug: " the federal level. [ l, “According to the DominumFuter sptuw--h" not made Wyn-nulls and amateur Bureau of trtatitsties," he said, "tor;maior contribution in the phn'mn-_dem in Etobicoke; u , the period fmm 1949 to 1960, theetieal field." ia panel of well-know, index of the and of all consumer] ------- artists; painting d V prices rose to 128.0. But preserip-) o by professionals. 1Lion prices tone to only 112.9. (lringsmry women ------- i During that ume period, he; . The Mammoth, a mated, food com rose to 122.2; Get Garden TIPS ‘elepham-like animal ghelur com m to 143.7; we! . /'g,tt',f thousands phone rum to 148.0: footwear to: e ook of Knowle; 144.2 and bu fares to 199.8. At itrst Meeting ’ancient mammoth her "rt's pretty obvious that the Mrs. Janina Stensson, landscape together with the mm avenge prescription colt rose Us/architect for the Ministry of archi- barge and giant bear 1th.": the avenge prion of the pro-eture for Poland for .aeveral hearing gravel of the alum you normally buy from day?"'"" and presently A resident of Kon. to div." (Canada, was the guest speaker for -'"r -------- I Although the chlrge in fre- the Kingsway Women's Club March r7,7zc'"irrci',z, lquently mnde that drug prices .m’meetlng held at the Old Mill. m: long or Inucu [can in Candi, " reported b; the ‘Cunndim Pharmaceuticnl Awnin- tion, is $8.06, aid Franeeaehini. Although the ehartre in fre- quently nude that drug prices are too high, th+verage prescription Prescription drug prices have not riwn u npidly as prices for why every dny Quentin] products tnd servicu, century to popular tere Romeo B. Franceschini, Parke Davin h Company Limited, told members of the St. James. United Church, Illingum, Int Tho bride's going any outfit was a green Ind white chucked dual and matching wool wit with I mull white hat. Her other I:- cenoriu were black. and whit. futlund amnion I Th. Hm: til-l in Lunatic} Archibald. main " ti. bride, ofl t3umiand, Ohio. tthe - . sham] 'tttit IBM you" nyhndrcu It.) ehrried I may of ylllov may Ind umtiom. I The but run In: the groom's brother, Alistair Craig. Ushers than of the (room and JukahiL tier, the bride's brother, The nuptial: wu held a the Forum Restaurant. ,CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE 7 Build your bank balance . . . ) Owlzsobrmwmm Build your peace of mind Mrs. A. G. Etherington intro- duced the speaker for the “ter- noon, and Mrs. G. S. Mallett voiced the appreciation of the members The speaker stressed the impor- tance of the garden as "an outdoor iroorn" of the home, stating the ‘front yard should be attractive I Numerous slides were shown de- picting gardens formal and infor- mal, large and sum". here in Can- ‘ldn Ind abroad. These were of; great beauty and interest as were the slides of individual trees, 'et or: mud shrubs suggested for home plantings. l both summer and winter, and the planning for the back yard should be based on the family's activities and needs. _ l Ct'", to “was that the tremen- tron dons adv-noes made in the paat-:Sum "Utd those expected in the future- 5.00 ire only possible within the fume- Mon work of I demoetttie free enter-;body prise system. It is significant tolrteet note thtt Russia, despite the tre-I Hi mendou: work it has done techno- mon logic-11y in in pentetrntion of{and outer .paeo-h" not made ones-mu mejor contribution in the Phll'ml-‘Pdem centical field." " m. Out of m [mu attending “a wedding wen Mr. and In. Jack Whittier, the bride’s grand- plmta, and Mr. Ruburn Whit- tier, Saul: Ste. Marie, Out; Mr. and In. Hum Griffiths, Mr. and In. Jack Archibald and children of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. H. Powell,, lira. lk Shaw, Mrs. W. Braun and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reid, Jr., of) Lindon, Ont.; Mn. Frank Reid, tle., Mr. Mtrry Reid, Mr. and Iran Robert Reid, Niagara Falls, ont.;; Mr. and Mm. Lorne Powell, ,r,iti-) heim, OnL; Mr. and Mrs. A. Outh-l, hart, St. Catharines, Ont. , Aim? i _ LLGii,'oi “a; Florida,": tho newlyweds pin to make their! home in Walton. i new“! ttse 'u. from Mrs. Evelyn Now-an. In! lurk. M. amen nvhwod the wrl: of the [pd Cross. trttermstlttetelly. national†and bonny. I ." _ The Mammoth, I huge, hairy, 'ielephant-like tnimal roamed the Snorthlmd thouslnds of years Mo. The Book of Knowledge an that ancient mammoth bones are found, e together with the remains of bison, t horse and giant bear in the gold- ,dent in Etobieoke; adjudication by a panel of well-known professional artists: painting demosuttatioo by professionals. Highlights of the show include: more than 100 entries-paintings and sketches-from Etobicoke An groups and amateur artist: rash One of the liveliest show: of ’local artistic talent is the Annual lEtohicoke Art Exhibit. now in its 15ml: year. The 1962 Exhibit is ‘scheduled for Saturday, March 31, from 2.00 pan. to 9.00 p.m. and Sunday, April I, from 2.00 pm. to 5.00 p.m., at Etobicoke Collegiate, Montgomery Road. The sponsoring body is the Etobicoke Township Recreation Committee. Annual Display Show: Etobicoke Artistic Talent Luau u " , Are to mining Victim‘s? Will lour childnn mun up to the ‘pnyum condition- dqmanad by 1the space In? lieu Prof-nut 'Dalton White, football coach " the University of Town!» discuss, “Physical Fitness Ind Your Child†" umbtott-Kingsw" School, March 26 at 8 pan. , - - _ - .-“...--....... - - mum Mun the Architect a. deposit of . cu- liliod than“ for no.†ee" M w. Autumn, Thh “you" wirt bu rumrnod up“ run-n a! pan: and guanine-vim In good omditimt. "nders of mechanic" and uhdriul wb. comuclorl u"! b. “and?“ In "In lid amourâ€, You)». Communion Anodi- Ir,', 5dr. la p.m_, Est. " MINI (ttl,', Discusscs Physical Fitness At Public School Mu In: IOAID or EDUCATE" FOR Iâ€! IOWNSI‘I' or HMO" IIOADACIIS PUILIC SCNOOI ADDING" THE noun or mucn'mu to: m: Towusmr or noucoxs O, J. Mel-ouch, Chaim-n. D b, hand, Macaw-human - War not ungodly not. cps-nay Madrid Western Ya.