Times & Guide (1909), 22 Mar 1962, p. 8

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, On My. mafia. u m M III- (JIM Church the; 're. an». mm.» "m - tn- "B" puck, , n: Pal “I. C. M. ”In. lath-H "his! the my and me Met (In-inimi- Jul MI I. ' hand to "new old ac- ..M.tagtem. um the lama. 0- Mi-c: In. R. lam-an “ m, M In. letter-l At I Going Up "my on Ital T, the {allowing cub: from M~lcvar|l7 Hills amend tht - to»: "A" pack, 2 fe - 'e*trtaas, Want Flam We but that pink books. will hit audio liml Mr. 3nd In. R. - I. Tm m, are My tt m. the birth of :1 W, “In. Anne, liner for} m and Donna, on Inch IS,) In... lunar-id lie-pin]. il) has plum”, Dr. J. Leo‘ MI I hi m,” follows; T-dar--- “, O LIL-8:80 pm. Sunr- dn, ' “-5 pm. Venturing whether thcwuode'n 't-attlrttr-remtttrmrsa- “Magnum plaid“ Ian that the prepaid mad: St.b-iitraasdeonatmetion' ,embqinisaMnror3rtne. I "all. hummer and attain Mr. Dan: M and waleomed “other on -itiote dnr-total for tho ht“ with 6,214. This week's atteodanen - bread-d than of the other two new bum-bu, Don Hills and) Mum Keisha, during their) M owing mix. Good for: Donn-luv! At 9:05 mm. on yet 6, Mr. B. Dent met and welcomed In. 8. Shun. 22 Ianghohn drive, It Amt adult borrower. Ber mad- " uteri-l VII " “than; Part- acn, by Eleanor Roe-welt, "What & my, Louis K. Wilcox, Imu- m of '" Mada-n .9pr: W and Band, by Arthur El John-tune, Gm: and. of Am‘ a, Albert Graham Ind William, Std- Nunnu’; Under-wading? Manic. In". Bah Fath, GGl Ind. It“, bun-no the nut ii; mind Run-‘5. may of my "hootatudmt-tmUingnad an oily coloured Ttint-kd noun, proactiv- genders thumbed w pro-uh»! edition. at a chunk: ubi- whil- pnmn “to In. to was. the may section: a! “filmed. Twenty-una- Mhhundroddolhuh- b-oNtstt-9,00ittrettlafor thbnmhmdbook purchase- nad' mm: m continuing Mr. Dent, bunch librarian, told us that 1,268 people math-library W.tmtktitrs.outtlti_to vul't1ll1u'lh'l'l'll'lt21'fd-) ryWnuttotboDomvinv shopping plan. 'd'et"l'l,'T't1') ”Mbytbnunbuotpo; phimtohtoudnhl,mudng "ttar-edt/maart-dede- W111! KAY NIAPOLB Nun. Merger» mama and Howard Arum. open the an; ESLJ." um: MD DOOR of tho infatuation connr at Craig Plaza. Mr. that will be sun Auburn '. channel's of tho one for the current Cancer drive. and We would a Umhm‘tviniudynrli- AROUND DOWNSVIEW "! ham. Au- mam-I hand-y. M " "62 Jog. l WTt yfshH, and Mist Chic Balk Er.ta. vi in "V: 3|“ “an “H “Gui-'0‘ C-", from "TU Sky Pilaf . RIM Cannon. Chortl- and due" flu- tho hurl” Him United; Pull-pl In afternoon of Ind: and m u vim you are look! for. You In cordially bun-d to am“ Mr Fla-r, lam-In It In!“ Chunk, Inky. luck It, 4-lb p... Inflow-Id Per, ”than, In. Com I It it's a man: J"" fancy. no”... mm," (Story of Jim lid“) AM] "Nick" will be Marin at the North York min “but, on March M, , and 8 ma. ‘Childm to be mania! by MIMI. x x x I Group Chairs G. Wilbur wel- md the visitors and during the [waning . plum m presented to “tiring 8M. Bill Thom. Scout Bob Hum who received his Quart Scout budge w" presenc- ‘ed with I ring by the Group. The ynning concluded with refresh- ment. being served by the [Mid Auxilinry. Recently, I Family Night wu bald " Downrview United Church Shy the boys of the 8th Dowmview Cub and Scout group. Pun" and “null-type who “tended. were and. temporary member: of eaeh "trot and pack, and joined in the Ig,',',':' which were emailed by lNetmtmaster Frank Percy and lCnhmuter Chris Percy. , Spring is lunly on ita way (our Modill are up!) which reminds In that the bicyclim will noon be "ttot-or maybe we should any n-podnlling. From the Child sue. Ir, Corner we have this mange; [Tho bicyclin has little or no pro- tection in the event of n collision, it it of the lament importance tut he know and oboe": mm: regula- tion. Hen on the six buic rules for Me ereliata, 1). Ride in tint]! f1le with tune, close to the curb. '2). Know Ind obey all mm: lignl [nnd sign-ll. 3). Alwnyn ride one t: a bike uni use: both lands. 1). Keep bicycle in good condition ind equipped with a horn, light and remain tape. 5). Alwars walk bike urol- . busy inter-eta lion or emu walk. 6). Watch for opening of parking on doom. Durban Storm, David Kirk, Church choir. ’lamm, Mary Lee Metenlfe, Ar- pu entertain In. Fungi.- Kirkwood, Iris lu- yopreciation in“ Black. David Pun wgttl,eii.jii? oifer Robin James Travis, Lou Elin- parehase me: both Ahnthwnita, Lorne Kevin requirements: Alanthwitu, Carol Lynne Alanth- x unit; Also baptized, Mia, June: We had I .Pnttm, I‘m Pariah Patton. andiser. smart, 1W Albert Read. CoMmrtuimt ia to be held on Thursday, April 12, at St. Philip'a Roman Catholic Church Arch- bishop Philip Pbcock is adminie terintr this Nerament to tho chil- dren and adults. l Sundny, March 25, is Boys' Bri- e" Night at the Downsview Btrtiat Church, 7 pan. Do make t fund-l note to attend this service. 'emrt-e,-rtmiuoqrotttts-tewtrmtr, "new " Omn'l Sew. I049. " . mm Family Night Bob, who i: a and. " "oder" " Marvin: Wm. but“: goo- Oh. Oh. honour of "<0!ng ttte body, one out” the honow of Doing the first Owen'- kovo in no In. Down-vicar Troop. ' Seturdly, Much 17, new theianeed progrlmme is planned to :holding of . very successful ii'if,.i,ict,if:,.t,'e', and stimulate en interest 5er's Pow-Wow at St, Stephens?,'. learning. 60 to 75 percent of Anglican Church. Sixers maple-N" time " - Till be spent on lung“. the western section ot'reeretstionnl activities, 2.1 to 40 Wmtther no“. district, namely per cent of the time and activity ist. Emery; 2nd. Beverley Hiluriwi0 be 'pent on ttatursl Science, "at Beverley Hills, A a B; and)cortservt"ion, Forestry, Map mad- the hoot pack 7th Downsview, metiintr, unwise, Arts and Drama. for . Tery buy but happy ar/A group of well quahHled experi- Although most of the Scooter: on enced teachers, with an interest in hand 1nd . job to do (and seemed outdoor education comprise the to enjoy doing it too) thunk; mun. gtafr. go to the D.C.M. Bert Cater for) For more information, tented the well behnced program he hadiMr. S. G. Hombly, 9 Cal-in Ave., worked out. The boyl enjoyed daemon-view. an 9-4517, Camp Di-i I We had I call this week from -.----t-t----r- “It. Stewart, North York public refreshments supplied " the and lihmrr Bookmobile department of the day by lat Oakdale Acres Fiiii. Here i. the new schedule forland the 7th Downsview Packs. [the bookmobile service which be. ‘came effective, March 19; Calico x x I school Wednesday, 3-5 & 6:g0-iV.30l A record crowd turned out to p.rn., Chalkfam school, Tuesday, Open House at Tumpane public 3-4230 pm. Cornelius Pkwy/school on Tuesday, March 13. The school. Tuesday, 112304230 p.m., interest shown by the parent was _et,t,e,iie, & Lawrence, Thursday, very gratifying for the principal ‘6:30-8:30 pan. & Saturday, 10-1200 and staff. Refreshments were sew- pan. Melody school, Tuesday, 5:30-ied in the auditorium, supplied by 8:30 pan. Pelmo Park school, Ite/e, mothers of the Kindergarten day & Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 pan. classes. Tumpam school. Thuraday, 3-5200‘ x x x pan. Winston Park plaza, Monday, (te p.m., 6:30-8:30 pan. Wood- Turning our thoughts towards View Park plaza, Thursday, 6-8:30, the summer months, we'd like to, 1"", Friday, 3.530 & 6:80-8:30 tell you about a three site science; in“ icamp for boys 7 to 15 years which) x x x twill open in Halihurton, June 30, 1 Sympathy of the district is ex- Camp Allsaw. The 'l'e',i'i21'rtoe"r') ‘tended to Mr. T. B. Hill, 110 site is " the pioneer post office Heathrow drive, and family, in location known as Allsaw on the, ’the death of his wife Laura, oniKtrsusrawisrtumyg Lake aide of ESaturday, March 10. Ii.trh.war 121, midmsy between ( E x x 1Minden and Haliburton. A tel l, Saturday, March 17, saw the“need programme is planned to lholding of . very Buecessful Six_lmotivate and stimulate an interest ‘er's Pow-Wow at St. Stephenstin learning. 60 to 75 percent of Anglican Church. Sixers relive-WM time " camp will be went on Uentinir the western section “recreational activities. '2) to 40 ‘Humber Downs district, namely per cent of the time and activity lat. Emery; 2nd. Beverley Hills; will be spent on NINTH Science, DISTRICT PARADE Ole. min this year, we are inning on holding I District Panda. It will be l little different tHn in Previous you: in that we [Illa to tunable on Sunday, May 'tth, It 6:80 pan. The Pnrnde will no" " lad go to the Weston Re- auction Grounds, Just mmth of I‘m and there will hold a monster Campfire programme. Thm'wm be no panda back to th awning point 1: we used' to do but the usembly will be dis- tilled at the Centre. Sympathy of the district is ex- tended to Mr. T. B. Hill, 110 Heathrow drive, and imily, in the death of his wife Lauri, on Saturday, March 10. “mountain: luau-o nth Wrist is co:- thmcm -t00ksrsthturdBr,Mare* M It North Put Pmbyhn'n hrarder to have u good Camphre man it will be necessary to hug etrtnirt longs ready. Enclosed ' w. B-tland nym- the groundi Mr. John: in not . manner only, V _ in hon completed forhett is the Group Committoe Chair- My. April m. Shouldlm-n of lit Pelmo Park Group and [ Group have my problem“ orawe know you an count on him to, _"i-ts-', plus. contact him Gigi“ you the best unite "aiiahiel ”I. It in time to start your;rcnrding the pun-hm of Boy thinking about baskets andSeouta of Canada equipment. Group to think about doing‘ Why not just drop in and say but Job ever. \hello. ‘Church choir. Do join them for this entertaining hour of musical ‘Ippncintion and readings. The {Kevin otferintr will be used to purchue materials, to extend the requirement: of the Sunday School. u nub aunt. is held with You h hill. The" will be infer, .“ f. att “hiding Lidia W and Group Committee “In I. can. can, come all. {invent-mu will basin " “Damn-sawm- 'heut6ePerP.mort.B- inboundduring Mt-tta. A” DAY PREPARATIONS SCOUTING ' NEWS 1 thi- iuue‘ia a list of songs will be sung at the Ctunphre we would all you to practise CH. 1-2447 'i, The second session of the Brit- ah Parliament in 1614 has long lbeen known as "the addled Parlil- ment" because it passed no natute and finished no bulimia. But the Encyclopedia Americana points out that the “nddled Parliament” actually accomplished something greater than my sen-ion of the {British legislature before it. It isettled the policy that the House tf Commons, and not the crown, we: to control British government lfinaneea. Thus, it was the despised Mama Parliament" that gave (Britain democratic rule. ST. JOHNS COURSES The recently completed St. Johns Junior and Senior Contact I" 87 Scouts and 20 adults complete their respective Courses. A. luck would have it, most night: of the Course hovered Round the zero mark but it was felt by the in? structon that than who attended; did exeeptionallr well. St. Johns Badges "My be obtained from st.' John Ambulance Home " 70 Wei. lesley Street East. Our thanks both to the instruct- ors and to Roger Pinon: for mah- ing al the "rangemertu. Mr. John: is not u manager only. but in the Group Comma Chair- mnn of m Pelmo Park Group and weknowrmse.nemmtmthirrsto (iv. you the heat unicc Avail-bk minim; the purchase of Boy . Mr. Kan John. lunar " ts.i Jack Inna 8mm III Main BL. an. my,» in My phan- at his no}! - " the Scout conn- or, cl tho urinal Group luck» chi-tn. Allrmth-tedotomt your! up in to uh one " your Gaia; our to Ken an! u will do the nut. _ no.“ your buy- tub; ho "rnitrq who - to a. big that. tWeeds “like“ later). ”mm-mum: “CB‘UAMW. THE ADDLED PARLIAMENT JACK "an” 810!- OWL" and Pert"'.?""'".".-) “pundit-1.03mi tr_ort.tt.A-tte-itt carom-comma! Thu'ovd'dhlm .bathtdir-ratrpat.Thirio ud'tm'Nlaulq.truv. lumped-Manu- Small Link, Pure, Trny 'Ick " land, Anon-d, 041in Premium ”waif. SALAMI CHUBS SLICED COLD CUTS FRANKFURTERS m. "lk, pt. " PORK SAUSAGE PORK BUTT ROAST “mm ,s59t CHICKEN, TURKEY, BEEF OR PORK XQRK MEAT PIES "iicui'iiiii Am com -iUaaiE I a: mums. 1" Sells he Mm: From Manny mm Adie lhases JUBILEE CHEESE SLICES JUBILEE CHEESE SLICES boa d925¢ SWISS GRUYERE CHEESE éozpka39¢ FA NOV OUA LITY ALLEN" VITAMINIZED APPLE JUICE Lit-Wm " CHEF-BOY-Att-ttEE (WITH HEAT) mean" mia 2mm” DRACH’I LUNCHION Mgr LOAF 2.2mm; TQMATO JUICE 69%;; is)". M‘ILD. NIPPY, PIMENTO AND 'WI“ MEAT BALL STEW LC,,L,, iiy LIIIY'I FANCY QUALITY 1NRKEY STEW ill-A1421}; iiii CHI-BOY-Att-ttEE CLARK'I CHICKIN 'N Aip's " CANNED ttttht ull Fresh Fruits and Vegetables FLORIDA. VALINCIA. Lenten Cheese F eafures 'ted I'Inidh BREAD»: BLADE "ledv'yp SHOULDER J,.-, "all -, " Wilma: sl53t omm an Man " 'iiiiiii.iii,ii.i,ttittd ..aMh CARROTS 255}? Frozen Food Features no. 1 attAerW' "f La.". BEEF ROAST SALE! "'iiii"i' "wines Mink»! " numb- " ORANGES 545mm No. 1 tamde, Jumbo " ,a-dbhncm‘nnnvlu smith-”5‘s 6-trt-rAerehtainaM.at _u.areTur.io-ntrrrl NO. 1 QRADI, FULL OF JUICE 'ii-nut-i-Mr-P"""'""""""""" ,'ooirtm'thtssin-mtsm.trt Ax"6a.rth.-inatiqtmasrts'ektceitosrderttatw-raltr, y‘am'fimwmmamiwnummmmrpmm w d 'ttttrite Mr.. brturxmriiqRtttarrr-randthis,'attemtso. torttser.--Mary Housman t in“. Km lin- I W0. Firm, Ii” 45c CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND "IF PIIHIUI PMKI' Woz net 5 3e :Jovuh19t R... 2 all" MAY! " 412-02 pkg: " R... ' for HAVE 100 "ch 3 5 h " R... , tins HAVE I. SHORT' or I PRIME " CROSS " t ROAST mum "th In. tin MAY! " " Reg. ".-.aatfE " wan-humank- UNI-mum“ ‘HMI“h],IM Math-amatmw-m- 3ff “Erma-Dh- 1962. Wtiett1t-tmr,h6arreisat G"iiiiTiiiiiiriii' Ltttytttttrr1ttt “bun-MW LIVER G BACON CHICKEN UPRIAD IRAUNICHWIIGER Mowbird Iran! Cook“ and lucid HADDOCK FILLETS woou35e COD PORTIONS TOMATO SOUP 41o.a.o..~...,45. FACIAL TISSUE 2 pm of 200 3 5t 12'0" TIDE an Inn, TOILET TISSUE okao62vons25c For hum-In. Pm and Pam , Vurldiu "tin: 6mm " sos. PADS Ohriuio'l Phil! and Ian“ PREMIUM CRACKERS rlbpkg " CLARKS SOUP ".etKtrw (RBI TOOTHPAS'I'E .Cortomy an " More Savings at AGP OPIN THURSDAY and FRIDAY UNTII. 9 PM SCHNEIDER’S CHUBS Anmum'nnuumnw “~17..me PEACH PIE Ihtrsmtaltiasatthislmrkc. fitrsalads,sa+idesaOadis l _tNttrNfutis'-'ueiw%rt-'to-.iater Special This Week FRENCH APPLE PIE 'eq-g-tet-g-g'. BREAD 2 mm. 3 b Regular Price " "59t 2401 pie “ch“yi R... "a - “VI 10. JANE PARKIR 6096 Whole Whom YOUR CHOICE JANE PARKER up 2 ION-ox tins " Rog. "e-M" AN IXTRA tth a... Mo-OA" AN EXTRA c. giant)” " a.wa9e IOTAIVANNI Cttr--,ertm.dtt--rt_ a: PM Sham may“ 2 u ":30me You“ [may in a an: -u-. (or 1052-": I”. In... Do..- Gilnour. Enrico Shun, J. The. “mung-mum- Reg. 4 (in HAVE " l-oz chub I". ”HAVE I. 55c pkgohozat s63: 21c

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