"f' S,NtulilugLtiAmrr The Ill-d: Club, of count. nu tmtimited mp. for mutating mam, but I un't help thinking the mny duh that have I "tpotem.nrtdwbet-r-uuft-n,-t6-rttt.tt their uhedule I mum in M to "think on mt hot". All of a, at m am or "other, "my in all“ on I. an a min“ Could you do M With mom, I man. I Wary voice drones on and you findly come to earth with I crash h and you Mn wan I "eonteat" of m tort uni the prim in the nid $25 off my fur mat in the place! 'hrre'e no route“ of Cum. They problbly [at you nun. out of the telephone dimtory, Chese thinn up not fttrtttr " the “an. but human Minn being will: it u, can br hihrimu with the tilting. _ Pen-sonny I believe the. the ampules who misrepresent the, heme spoiled the telephone soliciting busing“. lee for in- Rance that "elm who vould Mn you believe he he: I client “And-‘ by " his elbow with n bag of money clutched in his hand (“All "sh", say: he!) uhmluuly panting in his eagerness to live on [our am. In a ridculous aim-Hon when there are already four‘ " five houses for sale in Four block. I And how naive dn they think we are when they offer 826 ott) Mum Pin-ui, any fur coat in the store? Har. That one usually comes out “I have? neccsury ndd nater t a surprise for you . . I and while your thoughts rate among aueh, oughly mix hum" su‘ pmbnbilitin u whether Aunt Hett m "ally mm the buck!!! pineapple juice. Ind vi and left you I million, or whether the ntmtirtatintt committee in thickens. it elear attd a Arttt new name an mey mum we I" when they onlr {In om mum Pima .P, . ' . . . _ any fur can in the store? Har. That one usually comes ttttt "t have) necessary ndd “â€3: i',,'",',:'?':,,': 2tTlut,tt'U,'lr,,e,t:, tf l nurpriu for you . . I and while your thoughts rate among Inch oughly mix hmun sugar, comaunh Li Blend 'd C,",'.'".,',','," fhorr probabilities " whether Aunt 11ett r..- amny kicked the bueket pineapple juiee, and ma". Cook {than}: until mm. IU,"',',,',,'; and left you . million, or whether the tic-inning committee in thickem, it elear and “loom. Cut ip' Liiii of 'UT,,'),','.' T" ll “king this method of saluting yon for maiden! next year, the span to mummy-o I, " " a, phteappU 'lem. Mi 'i,',1',C21,r 'ury voles drones on 1nd you many come to earth with . crush .ltme with ham. Ilium n few min.m_ Abmrt . mizulu. JIT,: um "eontegt" of . nrvin 1te.a't,'Atcy,,t. m. ls. ... .'atlt,Th.yfeU'.te , " add 'N0tt "m "m “m hot. â€- about 2 em _ “Soliciting over the telephone†wen the "abject. “tucked by Mrs. D, W. Hislop and Mm. D. V. Hakim. Neither Improved of this method of doing business. They listed some of the question- uked Ind "deal!" "ingested when they answered their telephones. For inetmce: "You hare Jun earned 20 free leseonn n the Twin and Squirm School of Ihtrteing'." or pen-lune "Would you like to hue bread delivered to your home. end how runny loaves would you use in 1 week t" The Breezelpsa Aluminum Door Co., like many other commie: "just happen to hnve u representative working in your district whd would be gud to cull on you mum when your Inland ll " home." Mrs. L. R. MeFadderN "Observations at 3 Convention" sated that wives I" now an important part of conventions with program- planned especially for them. Said the: "l find meeting people from other titles very nimulatin; even though the Montreal": converse in French and the Vaneouverites brag shout their mountains and "em to feel sorry for you because you come from Toronto." Mrs. W. ll. Bonus told the tronservtstiott of the whooping Cunt as her contribution. Mn. William Burnside chaired the meeting and In: R. R. Neil w" secretsry. Lady Robinson's topic “Revolutionary Thoughts on Relirion" pre- uenud idea combining the immensity of Creative Mind, our vat. God-cream Gnlaxy and norm Bible “tronomy. Said Mm. Sydncy w. Dar. "Them was no television in 'the good old days' telling III just what kind of bubble bath to use. Comfort and Sunlight soup were popular brands, then. Entertaining was done it home and not on an gimme “count!" Some of the thing! from 'wny buck which appealed to Mrs. Harry Peter-n wen the family ling-long: 'round the piano, playing cro- kinole And old me: like Lou Heir, and tuning dinners " home iii-tend of dining out with your guests. She said she would like to combino ell them things from the past with the benefits of today. However, Uh. aid the we: quite sure people one hundred years from now will be looking back to this Me and saying "those were the good old dunâ€. Mrs. KIM] Rybk: reminiaced about her childhood. She mines the Bound of the thigh bells in winter, she Ilid. A variety of lubjacu wen on the agenda . . . all the way from "the good old day!" to the "mitrntion and conservation of the Whooping Crane". A Once in Awhile the club him I professional speech critic The meeting in mention brought out the best efforts of the members bonus on this occasion Min Betty Gemmill gave her professional “vice on their bad hnttit--eeltwise, that is. Members of this “freewheeling" club who, by the way, Ire seat/ tered ell over Metro, In given the opportunity to spank " every} meeting on 1 subject chosen by themselves or from B [in compiled) by the chnirmnn. Member: of the you}, must have to learn to take [ criticism, though, for at elch meeting members criticise each other's _ performance-for voice projeetioh, breath control, stance, how they I lllndle their subject . . . and how many "ah's end "um's" they ourtel, up with.' l They have a mot! “and set-up I think, and one which mun hep the interest in the club on I high level. Their "executive" ell-ages with each meeting'. They dineovered, however, that although thing- run pretty smoothly when member: u. appointed and listed tlphnbeticuliy and chronologically to, lay, chair the meeting or “he the minutes, (or whatever), it wu necessary to have what they all 1 "Steering Committee". The Itlbilizing 1ntlumtee of thin yuriyalecud Steering (may (consisting of . chdmnn and two members) is further steadied by a permanent appointment called “The Hub". ley Robinson hu this honour. Tho mwiy~fonmd club of " when modal I nun: Ind for a In your: and men-elu- “The Jan Ch-mbnrlun lynch Club". It wu Jan herself who persuaded than to think up . mm mm: and the magnum: of my Robinson was the om "and by the club. “rum", if you umnnbtr your fairy 'torus, Wu the num- of tho hiking hone in Grimm's fury Mot-Th. Goon-Girl. m that Inn was Iliad to m-lt-vi,, EQVE‘EE-a; She did, and but chm. won unduly pupal". 8h. mired just may And new “no am: in Toronto. the manhun- _ v~_v -.. - - "F...., sun I (“I - II", shun . plus Ne I link inn-our. It add, that with. Pu,ttr,et.ry.es-tturauacusu,wutst Ina, in. Ed I. forth. No, it in" a lump eollncton’ club. Ith A Match Chi. It M “I brim!" during the war-Att 1m to be "aet--wun the plinth cl In crummy. morning dua- do- ddod to farm a - club. - Wâ€"v ._.. -_. ._. vu- - anal-W. - ')P.u.u-teir-,driiuGii,Tirtiiirii'i2Thii." manhorommflummrrywithmirpnm Menu at tho mm at tho all!) fut, [till I Incl than'l In!!! .|__.._ - -I--- 1.- _ nun, . - - “lamb-chunk! “an.“ mmuhmmumnmu' "'"tuttrmtiiut.iaLari%et. t.or-irtoEumroruusetsiriiiGi Ila-ha: deliver“ to you homo for that month. " 7 _ The qua-Hon- the - houuwih hi to cum: our a. blanket. during a - "feteetumstttsetaeo-am_ " tlo mm Club at their hot month. i the man. Many report: of meetings emu my dank. but it had ban . long time line. i'd read one u intending u Cull " h-.. -u-_ J-- - . Humor Good fro/iii) TWIST AND SQUIRM SCHOOL OF DANCING THE GOOD OLD DAYS A TALKING HORSE u... I." an . noun. ulna: nut-lib flaw. A Iildly mun-r! Th an m. whit! will be Ime- in than pod-n many-hunk: In. annuity â€yawn undumwm hm Inc but â€menial lunar u " " _,_..__ “"1. mm... mumm- . in lawn". About 5 minutes yt The [my with to increase!- RMHI. ndd nun Popper ltdâ€. 9.". hot. It)!“ about 2 cups. membership u quitth I pol-ii. And 1 eorteerttrated number-w 5112‘ng lump-in in to be mm! inund- Of all the mica and enticing winter dish" that on their 'srrrmuritrMttr. The "mint wu din-ml up conned "le, whip. none in go familiar " nah-non loaf. Yaw,“ I "e'mt hour. mum-m on" Main, salmon prom its "rsatilitr in am novel no. man of "I! PM“ Ind low-ll by the an old favorite. Hawaiian "lmort Lou! feature a "rpm ';s,T7i, Centre Womln's Aunt. - - o! Mrs-Mn: canned pineapple spun. The juicy. mag. ftuitier tho Nor-Mp of In M"- mpmmummlymmmmmnunm Pmt6-t an! in. mummummumuuuummwm that Pf P' I "Mb. I'll-out Inn-lib flu". A mun, mum m. ..m w.- -u.uN _-u " ceive In twin! Cer-tttteat- am T, I-IB. ram; pink salmon " cups; 2 ttblespoon: cometarch [boon united to their individua ', cup finely chopped green pepper I, teaspoon salt reading tagter. 4 tablespoon; finely minced onion 1 cup water . t _ 'm tenpoon dry mustard 1 Cup juice drained from pme- _ The tinale to (madmn Librara l teaspoon aslt apple _ M "" ___ - ' ' T Tr, - Duh pepper 1 "t cup vinegar c 1% cup: rolled oats Pineapple pieces (York entre lk cup milk "ttproximate) 1 tablespoon butter ‘ o 1, SO-or. can pineapple spears h to N cup thinly shred green Liberal ’6 cup brown Inger pepper Green a lad pan approximately 9 tt l5 x 2h imhor. Preheat oven Assoc. to 875 def. F. (moderately hot). “ram and luke, salmon, reserving . liquid. In I mixing bowl, thoroughly blend chopped freon pepper,! The 'terr 'York Centre Young onion, mustard, one teaspoon salt, pepper and roiled one. Measure Liberal Assoc.' held in second reserved salmon liquid; add enough milk to mike a total of l tup‘meeljn. in the pioneer Room ad liquid. Blend into other ineredienu, siirnng with I fork until thor- the Cunt Plug Auditorium on oughly moistened end well mixed. Mix in ulmon well. Park half Thursar Mmh n, 1962. An ul- of salmon mixture into [ruled ion! pan. Drain " end reserve mic-gun" w“ elected ramming d from vineepple spun. Arrange lengthwise over salmon, one layer the following members: (about ttt of pineapple spun, Cover with nmlining nimon mixture,: F parking down well. Bike in moderately hot preheated oven 45 to 00‘ 'Prnludent, Mr, _ Paul Sunder.) minutes. until firm Ind edges begin to brown. l'nmoid and nrninh. Vire 9"“de- M," Clare Itâ€! Cut with serrated knife. Serve hot With Hanan: Pine-pepper '3eerrtarr, 'ysyty.le 1'.othi.oydr _ whirh should be prepared while lonf um. Makes a to a "i",'.::"..: Mr. 1t1"/1ilre:t inn. . Th ......_- ._e__ ... -----1 l It was a lavender and white‘Manhei wedding with the Ittmdants in: For ~v-rying shades of lavender. Maid-fun], y |of~honor, June Henry of Weston sylunl; (was, in violet; Diana Denettbertt.yrres W, 1smu- of the groom, was in otvhid;jkirt. f Und the four f1owergiris were in Mr. I Lavender Ind lilac. They wereilive in Niki, Lisa And Terry Souter ot)rroom; Dundas, Ontario uni Kelly Mbiity. Th, Gregor of Etobiookr-III neices ofsWeston _.. ...- .---......, .. _ Given in marriage by her {amt-rig sheath style I ‘the bride wore traditional white in orchid. Her col-sag 1; “ltrllngth Chantilly [m tToWtti Fiftoon Sigma over taffeta styled with taffeta,hrothers of the gr ‘cummerbound, and bouffant skirt.'ette University. F "n1lop-.dsre& The fitted bodice guests. The bride ‘h-d elbow-length ruffled sleeves,“ being voted 19nd Icallopod Sabrina neckline. A‘Sizma Chi" for 1 ranching lice Mob-cup held her1,ot-towr, guest: "angel" veil in place and she car-iDQnenbex-g from ll rled I bouquet of heather and“): M. Denenhei ’white stephinotis blossoms centred iBarhai-n from W with In orchid, sand Mr “A “N 2, Mb. tans pink salmon " cups; I, cup finely chopped green pepper 4 hblespoom finely minced onion It “upon dry mustard 1 teaspoon unit l Pips: Robert Dewar In: an “(the bride. Attend-mi [owns um 1m. ttiris-lights " the m; of nylod dike; in Mm with circlet mom». Claire Maccnpr amraerkiine, tace-lined, ruffled sleeves innvid Dmienbersr Jr. in Wummjuu bouttant sun Mulching Wat- ‘ter United Church Wum on‘unu bonnet: of [not und flowers flan-h 24th. As well an tandem]; with velvet ummors, matching Emu-3| solos during the “thing of who†and nosey-n of camationa, (the rumor Mpdr Dewar plptd theiheather Ind hand-r macs corn- }bride and mom out of the church. mlmd their autumn. an. arm mm Hugh Matures!" orttotf “:in- md when were (iiiiii, Pennsylvania and the Donald MacGregor and Hyman groom's parents are Mr. Ind Mrs. Muss. {David Denenberg of Manheim, Pa. Receiving her guests Ifter the ) Chrrmmthemums, gladioli and ceremony in the International hyacinth: in white and mluVe Room of the Skyline Hotel, Hrs. 1mm: deconud the church for tho MacGregor were a Pansy silk iceremony and Dr. James S. Mary Ottoman sheath. 3 white orchid Kenn. Um officiating clergym-n. Ind her petal hat m-tched ho! Organist, Dr. Georg. Bum playediensemble. Mrs. Denenber; named the wedding music. F the receiving line wanting mvy, In»-.. c. _-_.xA__ c, L - -. - The bride in the hum" of Amending u " Mr. and Mn Hugh MacGregor oOtolf “Wk! And Lyndell. Pennsylvania and the Donald MacGregor groom's parents are Mr. Ind Mrs. Muss. David Denenberg of Manheim, Pa. Rereivimr her an 1ee'rttt.s..etre-avi/JTi.Tri'r'J, 'J",l','.t'l,t um“ Church. VII-non, by Ply-r him but of th. " Highland"; an» no“. on M "th. rummwwwmw.uh "lmqMur u Mr. and Mn. nu. Mug-r d â€Idol, hu- sylvcnh, and hat hush-ad'- W- on Mr, and In. "Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi" Wed In Weston s. until firm Ind ed": begin to brown. 1'nmold and Jariid.lvi-ident. Mr. Clam 1"†th terrated knih. Serve hot with Piquant PineapNe-P- Maury. Miss Gnyle Booth-om} wrich should be prepared while loaf helm. Makes 0 to ' Mn- Tr.wtutar, Mr. Sheldon Silverher. HAWAIIAN SALMON LOAF taffehgbruthers of the groom from Lafar Mr. and Mrs. Denonberg Jr. will ‘live in Easton Pa,, where the groom attends LaFayette Univers. ity. The bride attended school. in 3 For her wedding trip to Mon- !treal, New York and Baum, Penm sylunln the' bride travelled in a grey wool suit styled with pleated 'kirt. Her cox-sage was In orchid. tt l. ive w E to P _ 1 mm P e n "T'1 " TI, B., IIT A noun nusuuo won on a. M. WM Inu- m m mm. a... truest-‘3 The ht-ide had the honm th.ie uni... In " w. m. human Chunh, Wan-n. Mr. and Mn. In... J. of being voted "Sweetheart of Dani, can a busy-nun in Noddy, will In in Won-n. The hm ' Sigma Chi" for 1962. Other out- lugging. band In the daughter " Mr. and Mrs, c. In: of "mat and In! _ V has " in Oh. an of Mr. and Mm. J. Dead of hunk. Mimi "thor A. L of-town guests in". Mus F " 'I luau. "I dad-"n. euearmrm. Denenbprx from Mushintrton, D.C., (Photo: Mamm- Studio†Mrs. M. Denenherg and daughter _ __ "â€"""_ -- - -Fr - f“ -'_-------. “'" --F- WM Earhart from Williamsport, Pa., nnd Mr. Ind Mrs. M. Myers from Mannheim, Pa. (and bouffant skirt. mucking Wat- ‘unu bonnet: of [m und flowers with velvet “mums, matching shoes and noseglyl of cnmationl, heather Ind llnndnr roses com- pletod their columns. Amending u [roomlmln wu th style and her hit his! Her col-sage WIS an orchid. and Etobicoke “if Donn-bug d “In“ h, u - bullion " oh. g... 0". hum. Ft, unwind Ilia “a. o. 1trr.'.1sieou"urtriiV,ii Mad: wt. “In. Myâ€... Chi fraternity York Centre Liberal Assoc. The muting wa- nddmod 31 thme -kers: Mr. Royce Frith! President of the Ontario Lit-2rd Assoc; Mr. Len Shifrin, Pmid‘ of Town†and York‘s Young 12b era! Ann, Ind Mr. Jam Walk. The mm mm of the m‘hibition on Friday, April It, e. Lil! be honged at 'll'd',',U, 'Ci full program ort Slturdly, Apr/l. the new Downsview Branch Litr.)14. .The Sum-tiny pmgnm will (my, 2793 Keele Street, 11ytr,.r.r/g',',',"2t, of I 1Ro1.t'ft J,,'.".."".'"",';',',', "pril " a: 2:30 p.m. The {mum ourBe " . o: . a.m.; . m ‘chosen for their enthusiastic "tui',',.','.,?"'.,'.',': ineludine . '?A.it wuried reading interests, will rc-imm' The. book, ft 'tttit tnd 1.00 Ieive an award r'ertiikate Jump-m" a plum) rental uponsored FY [book- mated to their individual the PT"? “d the 03mm 393w reading Intel. Prred Music Teachers Association . . _ ar 4.15 p.m.. and I hmtmg of The {mile to lunadmn Library the Guitar Society of Toronto " bc--- _-_-- "' _ "'ir---_- 8:30 pan. l The new 'York Centre Youn' Liberal Anne: held in mondi meeting in the pioneer Room of the Cunt Plug Auditorium on Thursday Much M, 1962. An cl- ecutive tn elected consisting d the following members.. Her __ ,V --. "V... .v...†.uwun, aunt. , .--. .Pw_Nrr__. : Regular Aetivitire the Royal York Bowl, Monday afternoon u 230 and e speriat Erwin _ Activities will continue as mud I he faghitta Show Vi" be ‘mm by the St. Pe/iss / The official opening of the at the Main Library, 5126 Yuma" Itorat Yort Rudd" 'Pr"' '""l? to the Building F Bathurst Heights Bunch Libnry Street, Wil1owdale. They uilleom-fhmh- “frame“! Are being fumis.hed by tht Alath by Dr. Murray Ron, President of meme on Monday, April 9 with LEV†mm m Rorat York PM ' mun; itt _ York University, will ietrttlmeet/ntr of . Gm: Book. Dis. veutuN. . Canadian mm! Week in 'N1r5tieussi.on thoup, Whita Cm Bil“ New for 'primrt Mir 'tt Much com mm. in all thet York. The ceremony will ukc‘cussioil Centre 3nd I "'ttlt co'"icoiorv-sixtr" five inch widths for only 3.45. Also an PM†sun.dfy, April let 3:00 1'?1',rrtirt, Citan. Ther will emt-lar,te; binds. this is one of the that Popular fibrics of the m the library, 3170 B"hu"tle.ty.? with the opertitte . of the ith drip dry, tins. and lot: you hire the iron in the cupb Strut. JVillowdale Group of Arum Eur-f . . 1 . . V ' . . Lindsay Colt has one of the most interesting shops in Th lib fun] of the our hibition on Friday, April It, anti'; . ' _ _ wilt l Legged “1: 2,l',',U, 'Ci full mom on Saturday, April1're't'n emphasis is on the Nation. auction of new in the new Downsview Branch Litr.)14. The Sum-day pmgrun will jewelry, yo matter what color or color comhmaugn y?" l (r.arv, 2793 Keele Street Suturdly, consist, of . Ending 131;.th to Ixpyrlimt'tt your new spring wndrobe you can find Jun April " a 2."30 p.m. in. {.mily,£C°“m at 10:0tt a.m.; . Pitm atLittdsay thtt'e. 'chosen for their enthusiastic andjgmgr‘m' ineludine . '.?a't'.h' Ray Pine is pining away In the absence of Mrs. Pine 'wl varied reading interests. will n-imm- The book, at 2t00 Ind 8:00 “n--.†=-- .L __-_ . - -- l Canadian Library Week - April 8 to 15, 1962, will be ob. served by North York Public Lib- ‘nry at its three branches as well u the main library. The sped-l event.- taking place, as well as the 'regular activities, are listed briefly rbelow: further releases coverimr Canadian Library Week Activities In North York '00- fr.- -rki, ill-3M1 f1 â€Highs-Wk amen-aymm'i 'tt.bru..ttr.J-t.aE mun-aun- Carol sum not». hr m b“: a the Abiomvndx. or, h m In An. m Com. d 90min“ mum dunk 0mm 'estittsmttmr "tttatt wk and an m. -_"_ie__t__ _ ..._ .....u. “can: - " » .. 'l" G .. (just entering its second "" of operation Ind is caterinx to the min , M, 7 , _ " ' t‘ ’ lEtobicokrWeston Ara. Ralph Gardiner. tthe congenial. handsome om. 'f'lllill Ill I,iiis__,,,_i',s'__i'is_s] {specializes in reducing overweight condition, firming and reproportiot6. gm - . t tWg ‘ , The Health Center is the first health club of It; Lind ur.r.mng on a fully , ' - i; as? legitimate basis. No one ll pressured into buying a will) or lifetime In. t . ' . I I" bership here. Clients may come at their own leisure, paying only $1.50 pt ',', “an.†(2'e,/'it,t,,tt Mn 'tu.'",' visit. A three month club membership ll available to those who desire I It": In it; Yule: J2 form-v Int-rt constant program for only $2500. This includes figure analysis. cxel'c'l. . " P': . ... W" . .. programming etc, Mr. Gardiner feels that everyone mould hecome not. Borw, " Tm.“ "verurtd "ttwr A. L health conscious, Good health guarantees a tuner, langu- Irie for every- (pm, mu. 'tudios) one. and cm he msured through effective, with. controlled new“ __ -tw- T --ee-" "_-----"------------ And keeping the “bulges haunted". ry Week lCHIC-CASUAL! minim: wittdous look [in . breath ol spring. 11h 11mm Womln‘n thop has some of the mobt unusual and disunctivc spring "th York Huhiom I have "en anywhere. Chic little suits din Will . "ywhem it immanent tun. Smartly styled dresses for tho working gals or "gad&Mt (Week will take phuse Sunday, housewife"; after f creation; to he seen in this lovely dram hop.“ April Iii, when Mr. Lloyd Sawyer, breathtakintrly lovely. You can he thc“‘eycstoppcr†of any party " * former member and put ehairman amnion from Chic-CM large mutton. Whether it: P"'""? you of the Libra-1y Board will oMeially hunt. new blouses, a new spring colt. ram-Mr , f , , t P'! me it Ind open the Don Mills Branch Lib- jCHIC-CASUALS has it in the latest style, color Ind mine. You at: tho '.-.. 1,.†xvi," "... . . .u L-_n.-~ L< . . . V ' new». the such; ttutfita will t In. Juno Whore, Mu. vu.., Door, In. Dorm Jul, 'lrl. Jun trim, XII. Muriel Jonu, In. Dorothy Bun“... Mrs. Shir by Neil, Mrs. J“: Rune“. Mrs. m Arnold, Ma. Vie Willa, Mm Mun Smith. Mill Lynne Bradley, Mill Ptorian Med, Mil: Sharon Mar. fb I... on.“ in an... m M " b dim by: In my “M". In. Joy Wu. In. Ethel Wareen, In Ind-II“, In. Janie . In. lulu Baum“, Illa CUM, In. Pat Sand- rmvmuudku _ait.qeiitiiiiaiuiririi Fashions Dorft forget to sue your auction xouchers. ding tor . particular Item. you can ttNays trr continue to ave them mttil the nut auction. 7 nomad not. represetttathe of I.†d. Putin. Ray Pine it pining away In the absence of Mrs. Pine ‘I‘ho bu been 'rm Montreal for the In: three Weds. Caught him y-uxng sith Peter sum f'") --'-. - .......... .w an - (get handbags, hose and belts in the accessory department. Mrs. Silver Ill ‘her lovely staff will be happy to help you in every my walla); A pl: lumen show {mum Drag Fashions from Chic (usual! he. Sumberp, mlume jewelry horn Peres Jewelry Store. will be held in the, Royal York Bowl, Monday afternoon at 230 and evening a IMt In lublon show will be sponsored by the St. Mathias Anglican and on [out York Reed-all would. going to the Building Fund of the new church. Refreshments are being furnished by the Aladdin Katmai. Every merchant in Royal York Plan in cub-operating in this worthwhile venture. . - _ ,7 _-VV. "u. ..-,u, “an; a: nun w Vl- WELLINOTON'S won. ' BAKERS I-A SERVICE CENIatE I) spun-mm; the Royal York “I. Adam Baseball Leann again this year. They won a beautiful trophy In year. Ind In out to dot-ad their championship this season. Known I “Ii-ken B-A hum" the link luau-I In out to "scalp" all - enu and we feel sure they will do just this. RALPH GARDINEI’S HEALTH CENTER u a most fascinating Phat. Just to see all of the fibuloua min equipment makes one conscious d all personal "pudgirtess", “bulges" and "f1abiness". The Health Cean is h... “DA-1'“ u, ___ . - _ WEULINGToNs HOBBIES, TOYS, a COL oithermmtiatetmuittorsinther- No you an get "ttNi" Ind information from "MI non. games, hobby kits and collector': items family. The British Model soldiers Society disph TONS window has drawn much mum“ and l area. The soldiers are hind carved and painte: British Modal Soldiers Society Ind norm of th "In. Th. m1 bouts. electric trams. 1nd ' the store are thin†any child or adult mu nu ot Aladdin human-t) and uh Gi. "The Music Lamarn Roam" an: two hundred spot for Stag parties, luumomal dinners. bridal Lions, small dinner dim“. as. A telephone c CH. 7-4881. nLAuulN uuuuKANT'S handful "Magis Lana-m Boon†as h spot chow- for an North!"- Omin Boy's Club Ban-qua In: “at I wunwmmmwbwumbcm‘dmuedbyfluw Homing Co. (ll-Ad- Lat. PM“) Hm Market, Sunni " Cm Compuny, and hiatus: Kantian. The boys In: entertained by I rel h magician, than I movi: an Mn to compute the leuivitiu. on“ Club Members, with the valuable help of Lou Hermllin, tlively - at Aladdi- I-tmu-n-n â€.4 a“ LA, - of HEALTH mmioaii'Gki my “I. “W†m wally THE MA]. “I BOWL h Royal York Plaza Chit-Chat .1 Soldiers Sockty And none of them are ot m1 bouts. electric 1mm. and other mod: a thing: any child or adult ml] emu) seeing. - - a beautiful window look lik. I bmath ot spring. TH thop has some of the man unusual and distinctive spring teen anywhere. Chic little suit: din Will . myvhm i 8111me styled dresses for (In worth; gals or "FMMt In I --c- AA . . .. ' Ara. Rulph Gardiner. tthe congenial. handsome our... win; overweight condition. firming and repropurtioW. ' in the first health club of IL) Kind ur.ruung on a fully lo on is pressured imo buying a yenl) or lifetime In.- nu my come " their own leisure, pain; only tt.50 p. nth club membership in manual: to those who deli" t n for only $25.00. Thu includes figure analysis, and. Mr. Gardiner fuels that anyone should become at. Good hunk guarantees . full-u longer hie for ovary- insured through effective, tumble. controlled may muting» your auction vouchers. " you dont Witt when bi- of the most interesting shops in the um what the fabttlom auction of new imported Spring color or color comhination you ttied a; jewelry spring wndrobe you can find jun the rim thin Inap- m the Plus. No matter will! your "W d information from "MBjor" Wellington. Thus at. u and collector': item) for every member of I. Jel Soldiers Society display currently m WELLING- m: much intmt and ammmn from all over lb hind carved and painted by local member: a! h can “Ir-)5 try again on something else or rtextauctimt. The timt union will In- dinners. bridal shown. wedding - A telephone call to [on Hermann t only 3.45. Also an some 19qu Iome of them are of arm mum '"etet-earstmri.troua"id avaihbhi-dmh a COLLECTOR'S ITEMS hundred Ptrsonl. and is the in mm. in all these Gcimss In cupboard, season beam Be setup