Times & Guide (1909), 19 Apr 1962, p. 1

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Metro Raises Weston Assessment By $' VOLUME I THE UNIQUE OXYGEN equipment of Humher,eulpmerrtt, which Cort be installed Memorial Hospital's new addition is detcribed‘fixiures over every bed, are: Mrs. by Geo. Maggie to port of the nursing staff of,Miss Jean Flemming, Mrs. Frances "Tower 600" Wh floor). Holding piece: of the Miss Beryl Bracken. Weston Fails To Have Fluoridation Reworded Weston Council has failed in mun read: "Are you in favour of the said G. H. Clarkson, Weston Clerk attempt to reward the language of almaoritution of the public water sup- and Treasurer. question to be submitted to electors ply of the municipality of Metropoli- "What Council was trying to do an the issue of nuoridation of the!“ Toronto?" ‘was to get assurance for the town Jain“ to be submitted to eiectors'Ny of the municipality of Metropoli) "What Council was trying to ai h issue of nuoridation of the,tan Toronto?" . was to get assurance for the twin! on t e t r su ty _ "We wanted the question wordingmat if the Voters want the benefits M3215; Ls/l?',',":, that the quesrcUnged because if the. people 9tiot fluoridation they.will get they) lion "Are you in favour of the, Weston vote for fluoridation. but Ff . . . Ind no one ret? Weston will fluctuation of the public water stip- issue is defeated in the Metro~w1d5 be able to prevent it, he added. ply of this municipality'?" be chnnged~plebiscite it won't do us any good, Council's proposal “fa. turned LL---------'------------------- down by Fred Cass, Minister for _ .. I I I I I I I I Municipal Affairs. _ Mrs. Weldon Inch Is Chairman At Westbn Mrs. D. T. Christie, chairman ofipresided " the annual meeting on; the Ladies' Curling Section of thelThursdny, April 12, following their West Golf and Country Club/spring luncheon. Mbhmto6t'ars {mm ha {acre-lad its mud lav, Wth. Town of Watc- by I total of about $100,000; The whoa] rate in up om Int your by $64,000. _ Council this week received Indie of the levy from W. W. Gamma». um» cure. - k. R. B. Cowan Liberals Choice The weaker of the evening will Bonspiel convener, Mrs. Clayton T be Miss Judy latMarsh, the my Doligan: Aukunt. Mrs. George mun Liberal member of the House Cane; Inside Bonlpiel convener, of Commons for the "at of Ni. In. S. O: Giles: Anti-mt, In. ' agar: Fells, Ontario. The Chair- A. R. Morrison; “Niel”, Mrs. E. ing [ulrda.‘policelnen. lumen Ind mun will be Mr. A. 'iaiiiiiri,ri.' Armstrong. puma have been naked to be on Tremrer of the Toronto until, The flrat duty of the new chit-lune glad to pick uh end court- Yorh Liberal Assoeiatin. nil, ?rm, Inch, wu- to present (we cycling The name of the tsregiitent of tiii?, M-MC'I pin to In} Any who Ire "piehed up“ will Yorknrramlter Liberal Armoeitttiort, - all h um u all that. photopnphed and written up by R. B. Cow-n, will he ‘pl-cod in "6i.02 Jlle',lle7;hlt,1'll'l)l'h' Weston Tim Abel-titer u mtmittetimt hy a mup at the Con- when of the ladies‘ Cnrlinmtle Safety Cyclin of the Week". venlion. Section lorqjonIll done. i Obit-rt " the cal-min " to The liberal ‘Pprty'l N_ein"irtiiire Convention for the Riding ofiMrs, Yorkmum6et' will he held in the Mrs. Humberrrest Public School, " SLR-om- Mark's Road, Township, on Wed-{Sod Madly evening, April 25th, aliAui BUY EASTER SEALS - HELP CRIPPLED CHI IINji%iiLiiiiciaiy, TIMES-ADVERTISER 1 Trophies won during the year in lclub competition were presented to the winning rinks. The Isobel Arm- strong trophy was won this year by the doner, Mrs. H. R. Arm-; Itrong,‘with Mrs. D. W. Stevens, vice; Mrs. H. C. Brookanka. ate-j cond; and Mrs. R. M. Johnson, lead.1 The Marjorie Snider trophy was) [presented to Mrs. A. A. Lewis, and lher rink: Mrs. D. w. Stevens. Mrs.‘ ILionel West, and Mn. Rom, Coort er. Winners of the Agnes Springer trophy were Mrs. L. W. Millson arid her rink; Mrs. B. W. Dunning, 115111. J. S. Carroll, and Mrs. W. W. Rees. arid her rink; Mrs. B. W. Dunning,‘ Beware when you drive . bicytle Mrs. J. s. Carroll, and Mrs. W. W. during the next month or you may Rees. it” picked up us a, irate driver . . . A presentation was made to Mrs.['“d receive . citation. R. J. You, a charter member of: Weston Safety Council hIS the curling section who is movinglllunched 1 Bicycle Safety Cun- to Papineliiville} PR. In doing Glpittrn designed to promote more Mrs. ChriatiHkpreirsed the regretlinterest in the art of sensible driv- of her fellow curlers at her lean-ling. Object is to show it is " easy ing, and also many wishes for goole get maimed or killed, or to csuse curling up north. {I serious accident for others, when Mrs. A. R. Morrison, convener “you ttre driving I bike u when you the nominating committee, present-Ure in charge of n car. ed the slate of oMeers for 1962-63.l Safety Council members, cross~ 'as follows; pttst-euirrmut, Mrs. D/ T. Christie; Chairman. Mrs. Wel- ldon Inch; lat viee-euirman. Mrs.' ‘Edward Dnvidlon; 2nd viee-ehair. 'man, Mrs. H. W. Mater; Secretary) , I Mrs. Hurry McBrien; Trusurer.‘f Mrs, F. l.. Elder; Ire convener,j . Mrs. L. G. Million; Assistant in 'ronvener. Mrs. Clifford Harris;) Social ronvener. Mrs. J. T. Ross; THIS COULD Assistant mill convener. Mrs. l, mush." McCorquodule: Outside BE YOU Ieoiel mnvener. Mrs. Curtoni Dollnn: Assistant. Mrs. George. ‘ ‘Crnne; Inside Bonspiel Convener, ”A --.-.v. -F--"-___ , - J, lKn. S. G: Giles: Auistant, In. ' ;A. R. Morrison; hhlicity, Mrs. E. ing .unrds/polieemem lumen end 1hepitliesettttoltaxtotalii,_Mtt,tttrftmn 8159.612 last you. The and was. mt tom- Wl. Ibo u inn-u from hit your. J. munch. mam Ada-mm a: the m Sen-rah School Board, advised the to an to lop-nu school supporter: in Weston " [1017.055 milk, raidin- “I feel that the obvious advantage‘ “This should be public ttrise) gained by the use of n uniform quer tion," Mr. Martin added. “W: _ (ion throughout the province ttttmtlstuune beturroerney and red tape not be overlooked." he said. “More-{can prevent n citizen from tele- over. the present form of queatiortlphom'ntr the TTC and finding out quite properly directs the iiiiiiiii.iiF'iii'i going on." of the voters in any particular muni-u Fuel m" added to the names duality to their own water SUPPlyjrecently when s. C. Wellington, iregardless of its source." President of the Royal York Buni- l Council marked his letter “Receiv3Tneumen's Asaocitrtion, sent the ed". ‘following letter' to C. C. Downer, Weston Safety Council 1itstih, Safe Cyclist _ Wgnted by the Weston police d safe and courteous cyclist. o- "Thetentiemen at Gwen Ilt‘Aplll 15th, at Mt Wuhan Avenue,! luv-sling their time And our money. TT,',?"': _ " JDinnnu-nent by null (with or s/,f'iti.tu'eg'.",t'i2uC,12i' 1 THIS COULD without inspection) although de- "HI-It 80 hand in hand with the BE YOU sir-bl. in virtually uncle-s. for it enablishmnt of that. “Mien: ll only I mater of time befotwhieh will maintain law Ill on!" the am: fears And imseruritim in the world community. ue. [In which canard the union: to Inn the United Hutton. but, luv ' ‘in the first plans, would one. mom courts, . porn-mm polle- has. ing .unrds/polieemem 1mm mare-wen. Ind along with than. ml an than" plu- a h.- others have been and to be on ream-mt" tion. In other mil, tun-M- 'the Ilert to pick Info Ind court- This View wu “pruned In the tW. ink a World Gonna-n MttTtS eyelids. ‘Reuhen Och-for, insunnn -amtttb-+ our. q Ink- - l Any who n. “picked up. yum“. and excl-win vice~pmldcnthu but: .drqre.ted fur my‘ 1I). photographed and written up by :0! the Wttrld Federalist, of Can- - by 0. Wm Mun-u " run Wm Tim Mum-er " Mn. Tom-u brunch.» . mam-menu. and in un" ownin- Ptlo Safely (will! of the Week". of the York Centre New Which. in l. eqqtttre. "mu-d thm r Obit-rt " the tannin in lo rum Youth on Sundny .vtrt'trte,i_eortd." in the wall K. Kaidau, Brooks and tvantage “This should be public inform:- 'm qua- tion," Mr. Martin added. "rt'g a " mutlishune betusroerney and red tape "More-inn prevent n citizen from tele- qti.ostlphonintr the TTC and finding out 1lllliiitll'r0, 1lllllllll,,ll,. oppose _0llllll'1f Alllllllill,,MlllWrll0llllll _ Wrathful residents and butrirChairmast of the TTC. Much 21th suggesting the re” nessmen in the Royal York Rd.l “Delr Sir: We’re writing in‘routinx o! the Kipling bus oer-4 are: have blasted the TTC for iuiererenee to the bus routing thatifes" I "dont care" attitude toward for- at present runs along the tt) "As explained, the Commission” bt requests for a more ntisfsc- way. going east, turns north up has invited all Metro "tunieipati-i; tory bus service. Sunrow Dr., out again at Stumnitiee to submit proposals far tron-1 Both the eitixens trnd the Town- Rd., north sgain st Benbow su.,lkt service chooses, end it is eug- ship of Etobicoke htrve submitted and w’est of Sukatoon into the gated that your Associltion "-1 proposals for ehantres in bus rout- Westway, across Royal York 11¢.qu be submitted to the Town-1 ing. ,snd proceeds east on Lawrence ship of 'Etobicoke so that youri However, while R. B. Kelly otlAve." [Won may be considered 'T the TTC has acknowledged a let- "The apparent reason for the “W Innis of the transportation: ter from the Royal York Business- jogging of the bus through with“, of the whole community." I men: Association which outlined raidentill ore: is because the) ."." tpr"eeirte your Associa- (the proposed chsngee, he indietstediWestway is at present interrupted‘m’n" interest In this matter, and 'tthes commission has received no‘pending negotiations with the own- I?“ my be assured that when the lformsl proposal as yet from the?" of the land." requests "t received from the Township. t "We have consulted with Irte,r, munieipalities they will be I A spokesman in the TTC public Martin, the Eason officer for the given very careful study by ue) relations oMee, W. B. belie. nlsoiTTC " the' municipal 'ieiiGiVlcommissiG. Yttttm "F! truly. . ."i Both the citizens Ind the Town- ship of Etobicoke have submitted JC."'"'" for chnnges in bus rout- ing. However, while R. B. Kelly otlAve." the TTC has acknowledged a let- "The app-rent reason for the Pr from the Royll York Business- jogging of the bus through this men: Association which outlined maidential 1m in because the the proposed churns, he indiented ‘Westwly is at present interrupted the commission has received m/pending negotiations with the own- iform-l proposal a yet from theier of the llnd." ‘Township. l "We have consulted with Mr. Residents Blast T.T.C. Over Royal York Bus A spokesman in the TTC public relations oMee, W. B. Leslie, also said he knew of no we]: proposals oh record from the Township. Rubbish.' wu the nation of te, Martin, 1mm. otrieer ftt 11,16 Trtrit the niiriu'etrAr W- iqunrten of Etobicoke Tomahitr, gunners of Etobicoke Toughim running past-their homes. Kow- "This Council his met with the ever, npparently no utilhetory Commissioner of the TTC and sub-,reuon u to why this bu: clnnot mitted formal proposals outlininglbe re-routed has ever been given." in detail the changes we would. "The menu-nu of the Royal like to see effected," he said. Work Pine feel thlt the interest "All commissioners Ire fully swnre of our request . . . in Net another brief on general transit problems for this Township is be- /ne presented to the TTC right now.” '--. I ' the change." . i, "iwould not only help Ms: ll e yc Is 1"It would Illow residents letter access to essential unites such " make-children tnd teens "are of quire licences, but they an be reshoppintr, dentists, doctor! and the rules of the road and to uke’ginered with the police. Mnny chil- leven law office: right here in the in added interest in the operation/dren do not know about this or do}plau," he laid. ‘care and maintenance of their own mot bother. It is of Irreat Iain!!!“ ----_.-_------------r_ bike. ‘to the police when I bike is report-) mm bike. (to the police when . bike is upon The Safety council else wants coed “den. point out that the best driver inl, So keep I sharp eye out, yo: ‘the world will not be able to Itop‘mny be chosen " cyclilt of tht bui- bike in m emergency if his‘week. or if you hive minted in- jbnkes In: not operating properlylto motor vehicles, you might 3pm York Centre New Denis Hear World Federalist int out that the best driver inl So keep I sharp eye out, you a world will not be able to Itop‘mny be elm-en " cyclist of the I bike in m emergency if hislweek. or if you hive minted in- aka: IN not operating pmperly.1to motor vehicles, you might spot At present bicycles do not m-ithe cyclist of the week. . “HON, OMAN, MAY, MI. w, "" "We have consulted with Mm Martin, the.Wson officer for the; TTC " the municipal headquam tern. . . He advise u: that repre-) “nation hia been made to the) ‘TTC on .bettalf of the midwts‘ 1'f tltt,rtlfetitutet,tt refund ito .3360 itirl, the 'iairqmtir running put .their homes. TTI “This ts the old rurtamurW'; ever. apparently no 'tlefty/ttif. lira. S. C. Wellington, taper} reason as to why this bus cannot‘ator of Wellington's Hobby ahop; be re-routed has ever been given."lin Royal York Pizza. "We feel thei "The merchant: of the Royal present bus route is a roundabout York Plaza feel thet the intereatlone that serve- no purpose. People of all parties, including your-1m" have to well: aevenl hundred lulves. would be better IerVed if yuda from the hue line to the lthe bus were to continue along thelplue to do their shopping." iWestway, proceeding east on Pd “It’s partieuiarV dangemua in home and north on Roypl York‘winter bee-nee there's no aidewnlk In. and east on Lawrence Avaland people have to walk on the ‘This would provide transpomtioniroad with traffic whining past ‘for the shoppers visiting the planltheme" as well as transportation for Bitt-l "The terrible haurd‘is for the stop school on Trehorne." lchildren walking from the but to tias--t,aussss-,a-eittaasdusine., "Weeotirsat-totalP+ithiirtetttdinetlt. '1."earoridertutG-t.r-tqrltitretd- ane.forrmrtreirtelptitr...tihiAM/'headded. "Duriuttirri--ittsesaehool as well as transportation for Bill-3 "The terrible heurd'i: for tet' “a, he said. top school on Trehorne." children welking from the but to "It in my Jem View . . . that Here is the reply, dated several the Hilltop school." Ihe added. [there on only two remaining dnys later and signed by R. B. “It'l not " though we rereahgsie mic“ which Ihould he Kelly of the TTC "for the Dimmrluking the TTC for en expensive considered for metropolitan) of Public Reutions." .new service," said J. Steinberg of tion." _ "Dear Mr. Wellington: This will Steinberg Shoes. "All we and thel "These are housing euthority confirm our telephone eonversationlaesidenti of this em want is I and public trnnsit." the Reeve of today about your letter nflchnnge in the exilting route.” ladder]. "Other "wic- such as i The reply brought angry com- imentl from tho Bushes-man‘s A:- locintion which had dandy sub- Ingitted the Propet' to Etubicoke “It’s particularly dungemnl in winter bee-nu there's no sidewalk And people have to walk on the mad with traffie whining past “They surely don't get much well-re, health, plmning. libraries revenm from this line " it is,Tnnd schools hove been mentioned, he added. "The TTC u well "tbut ench one of these services hu everyone else would benefit from n distinct local ere: option a to [the change." ;the extent of the eervice to be I "ItNrould not only help hm] provided. This in determined in lbut would allow residents Marie-eh particular nee by the meet: to auntie] services such element of tax dollars the people lshopping, dentists, doctors and con afford to pay." On. it in ugly on!” uni-J. I. MM can, in Air cm. hold M ' W Ort-et-tr-trn-e-WMO, ttte " (“on undomln was mouth! um um and m "win. on know on.» fathom and eorkes a link but." New". chew. it Oh. MWQTmCouuil's m that. " -ki.atities Worm durum from Iii-Township of York. New Toronto Ind Iamitk, Commvu,“ltillhcmidu-l edorirtim...tutamai-tiotsu) tuthirte-mmitabatiti-ld not con-lint: " immanent aver th- M Mal-woman (can of I Metro Council in praetieing t: Ifringmenu of loal control thntl iean only lead “Mummy to a {many mud government. Galen! feeling Iain! unharm- tion have heal unnamed up by Reeve of North York. I "lost when . . . an afraid of 114;“,me Inch " “thank dina Exprunny or the eau. uum Emmy, while " the tieipatiort in Inch thing: an urban renenl, thsoridation and termite control," he aid. Metro Infringing Locally' Reeve Goodhead Charges Breaking in I radio address Reeve Godhead added that few of the members are to member, or Vail to radix, why metro m at up in the first place and what ’umly Ire its responsibilities. _ Metro is a federation of " um :municipllih'u claim to provide {mint anemia] services to a desig- 1mted “as, he nid. "'-iiitt.ahhtroihrt.thi_ttr-0tmiMtrt'" mtm' ' . ' Amor-rloutietamttfetetaxat-t'to r-ilitter-udattut-tth-r-t. C "It wu never intended that metro should interfere with loci! tasus-Te-tto-mins «mg wm'mhhmmm ', front row, Mr. Mao-mold. Mayor and.“ E 3"; Yet °" “M”?! Ma. H“ i (o. no». A. RM 0:“, win?“ " run commanding Omar. C. KM . the Bowman-dab!“ Metro and the nil-Hp] - uncan. charging “his cl .. 'rteerocounciiar_uhiB- iecutrutareFWmtttsa- "ale-irritates-wt-go. -ai.thsuriatimuteait.-mt and-om. ;“Bmacholth-emh-n "tmttofttte_tob-iibt," ha added. "It m m inte-kd tutmrtrogttmMiitt_ithitseat option .erviees," Reeve Godhead laid. Once metro mm this we might in butter luvs misun- tion. Retro? mint .tamtath in in tho policy of major lenie- only. tomtairtthrprthiud-trt-mi" iuett.ret they don‘t waztttoemtiriy givqttttrtu-firiMeetCt-eil lhnion Reach Agreement am: with the Watt-I on: Eniployeu anion, local ITE Councillor Anlt who headed the negotiation committee introduced 1 bylaw to authorise the execution at the agreement. The value of the new Wt to the employees mant- to - proximately 17 cent: on! I two rear' period. M-yor George Bull exp-Ind the appreciation of council for the u- }simnee given by Auk. The only ehange made In tu- as categories of employment is con- cerned wu for general main- Translated, thin in!!! - to EASTER Weston council thin with!!!“ Greetings smell com: won?

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