{t In the coming yen it in enti- mated that federal your-mun! man will “was. 'M00, or that! u. catty. par Candis-l - Like Thlnklgivin; end turkey, Enter and baked him go togeth- er. The ham that graces the Sun- day table " hmdlomely an look and mute Just " good inter in the week, even though it's 1ettover.) Here in one suggestion for nun“ ing the Enter ham excitingâ€. Mike en euy ham and cheese fon- due-o luscious baked, main dish custard them than“ tonne-like in connistency. You will need 6 slice! of bread . . . soft butter or mnrnrine . . . Ili cup! ttrated or died cheddar or Swine cheeu . . . Us cup: diced leftover ham ...gertra...8eemilk... I teupoon prepared mustard . . . ', team mud horseradish... 's. teaspoon orlt . . . duh pepper. Sprnd the bread with the soft margarine or hutur. an the slices in he]! and Image them in a 12x8x2 inch belting dish. gentter rheue and ham over the bread. Beat the eggs well; add milk, mustard, salt, horseradish end pep- per; beat to blend; pour over brea‘ Bake in a 350 d-gree F. oven for so minutes, or until gold- en and Freed. Thin recipe make- 6 mp. Easter And Baked Ham Go Together Mrs. Brooks presenud 2nd clan and Rome Nursing Badges to the (ollowinl Guides: Joan Biker, Cheryl Collins, Janet Kennedy, Margaret Lmadale, Sun-n McGe-chio, Lind: Miller, EldI-Jane Pitcher and Muilou Pond. Brownie. hNrtraret Standish was selected to make the presentation to Mrs. Brooks for her Puck. Thinking her for all her help and encouragement, Mix-guru; presented Mrs. Brooks with 3 cute dish in the Cornflower Elm put-tn. Brownies receiving their Golden 3:11 were " follows: Minuet Woolley, Magnet Standilh, Yok- Leydl, Robin Primer, Cunt Hutrhea, Sum KIYICT, Eliubeth lelor, Kim MrAnley, Elli Green- npoon. Vicky Laney, Hum“ 1;le Lyn Chippendale and "niee Ind Wendy Belt. Also retiring is former Curtain 285th, Mm. Gertrude Pitcher who 1150 received I lovely ton bulh. Guide Miran-ct Lonsdale presented this, and “id . few word- of tUnka and appmi-tion to Mrs. Pitcher. Tweeniol enrolled vac: Ren. Llwrence, Alma Bagby. Andrea Pulker. Ethel Kama, JInice Cox, Debby Chard, Pun-id: MeGeaehie, lialene Ariana. 83min Lyons, Klran Michel and Mnurine Kelly. Guide Nancy Edmonds presented retiring District Commissioner, Mn. Jean Brooks with . rose bush in appreciation of her help and encouragement over the yarn. Mm. Brooks Joins the lst Glenlea Air Bunsen as their Lieutenant. Would you like to have I share in the Girl Scout Round Up in Vermont.' End! of the Patrol members has to take with her one hundred mp3. Those no little hand made items thatcan be pinned on the camp hat which should tell something of where we came from. You, could get the Petrol together to mike Iome felt mople lave: and embroider Ontario on them, collect little perfume bottles for the girls to fill with Lake Ontario voter, or collect used Cann- dian stamps in pockets for the (ix-la to use. We know of Brownies who are gluing Alphlbet macaroni on little wooden Sundae spoons in words of Canada. Toronto or Ontario. The Vermont Patrol is lilo collecting the little pins in Xenon corn flakes and are putting the Guide seal in them. I'm sure you have some good ideas too. The girll going are, Marilyn Gunner, P.L., Snndrn Bridges, Carol Whittlem. Donne Bird, Bonnie Von der Voort. Anna Kiss. Silvina Albert and Joy Garnett. If you know any of these girls or the two leaders going, Mrs. M. Griffiths or Mrs. D. Colin, call them for; ideas Ind tell them you'd like to help make "ups. Maybe the swam you meke will travel home with n Pakistani Guide. to Mask. with; a Girl Scout or to Finhnd with I Guide. Join the fun making Swaps‘ for Vermont. i Rodin; Street School bummed with excitement and aetivitr on the evening of April 11th when both Brownies And Guides of the 28lith Pack Ind Complny gathered to honour Guide", enroll Tween- ies. present Golden Bus, Ind Guide Bade. What no your Patrol plum for Enter? A whole week to get out- doors. Son). of you will be lucky cough to go to MA-KEE-WA but if you nn't don't (in up. Putt I picnic in the - park to absent the lip! of wring. If you live near 1 Ipot when you can build I tire, plan s hike, cooking with foil, no potal Hu- you ever been on a breakfast hike? There in quite a thrill uniting you to watch th. Inn riee and the birds awaken and the Iounda of life rising u the unll nwlkenl. If you can't get way get to-gether with your Pntrol for math» project, visit the museum, -iaiir the nation on tannin] history. W. in“ will to! wind “but. long Spam: n41 IAIN-I In our Menard. Which birds hvo mun-nod to your yard? Would you Illa to mm bird. " your yud! In in th tin. to but“ min; but. and properly Maud. thee will mun then. but that actually an in bold ortg-. ' Visit your mum In"! Boa of Cu“. and any will [In you one of their {cm on ‘Birdhouus an In to Build'. An thumb“. of main; null-ll in your yud will unmet oriolu, robin or chipplnl "amt. Stun. such, Icahn, cotton, suing, my I. put out u tn inducement. Ask your punt. if you an phat I fruit-baring tr... shrub or vim ln your yard u then will be natural food acumen. Sun or "nfl-r Ml no nought by bird! in my um. F Does your Patrol have to uh tho Company in a (In. loom? Thil one is Iota of fun but do take LOTS of mwlpnpcrl with you. Give duh Patrol the nuns of I bird which any will u. Also [in them book: or picturu about that bird, its nun we. During a given time they must go out And comet the "tielea to nuke their bird’s neat, eome back And on the nonptper make it. link Patrol Ihould be round to tell when the nan would In placed. Select birds that nuke inumtlng nuts lit. the origin. on. of the oriole. or a tiny one for n hummingbird, or the mud nest of the barn wallow. Maybe you could do thin which and In. the mun. Plnn now for I bird bath to provide drinking and bathing in the hot, Bummer. Encounn birds to your - n they will on wood needs, and an the ttardener I lot of work. . Receiving their “onâ€. Bldg" n well were: Jennifer Blair, NEWS of GUIDES and BROWNIES CEREMONIES AT RODING ST. SCHOOL _,ii:,i,i,.,i)2. R. REILLY - Woodlyidge mummm-u-IoA-rmu-n I Firat Clan Guides who received their 2nd Class and Home Nurs- '; in; judges as well u Hostess Badges were: Glenna Smith, Janet ( Stringer and Ann Merit Roundell. The Toymakers and Childs Nurse , Budgea were use presented to Glenna Smith. ( Ten and cookies were served, by the Ladies Auxiliary of the 285th l Guides and Brownies, to the plants present at the ceremonies. li cup brown - Preheat oven to 350 deg. F. (moderate). Grense a 6-cup casserole. Wash, trim and out sumciemt rhubarb into small cubes to yield the required 2 cups prepared fruit. Cut into small cubes, truMcient crust-free sliced white bread to yield the required 2 cups; ldd to rhubarb. Sprinkle with the granulated anger and eirtnttmon; mix lightly and turn into prepared casserole. Beat eggs slightly; stir in milk and pour over bread-cube mixture. Dot with butter or marg- arine. Cover. Bake in preheated oven ', hour; remove cover and continue to Inks pudding until it is set-about ts, hour 1ontter--- I silver knife inserted into the centre should come out clean. Sprinkle brown Iunr over top of pudding and broil until nugur is bubbly. Serve yum: with pouring cram. Durban Decks, Naney Edmonds, ruTrieTu, Toh-m-aria" JTarsai, sky. 5:33 tf,,?,,!.,,',,., tmttrtrriotrttrteosihatiiathe "d,tnth'tMtsrbotmtrtd'1titraiitm JittrolHisnxmsatttrtrtttre) has; mmmwnmumm "t"isitad.teaMrstatah-m.t mthttttdH-s6trt-ett-tt â€Amman-I‘M“ "I"... “Am-Damn..."- MI_mM-Wmnm SAFE" MINER! MAKE $llliE If08 GET YOUR ATLAS. All-PURPOSE r or mug- cover and r 1ontter--- l. Sprinkle is bubbly. Panel or Full Wall MURALS _'ilrir/i" _r!jljljfl"i My... SUNWORTHY - GLIDDEN PAINTS - SPRED SATIN - TONE-CRAFT PAINTS - PLI-TONE - PRE-PASTED WALLPAPERS and MURALS ST. CLAIR PAINT "" sr. C1AtttAtM.W.qt9ttuetNatr _ Imam AtthhettftCrtttttArtt. "on: ll. mu , M A. till! - "tAntstMtMttoegttagnatts - MAINSYOII Ill 2079 LAWRENCE AVE. W. ttt WESTON RD. L AND WALLPAPER wVIw-Imulmmmmm ".-.' "f". ' T" 'i;'lrr:tl"a:1et':t'gs â€wk“ '>yPyet"t'strueor..-kFiiiri.r.' mmmum Vtt'.',uf'ttut:e: 'u-yi-tot-u-iota-ttv-ttbl 1u11h'h"1UlhrMcet.te1ttr"r-it-eri1i-e chilly. M a BUT rr's ' SHEER WIZARDRY ON WHEELS MORRIS MINI-MINOR I1". TRUE . . . IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKI MUCH . . SCALE’S GARAGE LTD. WESTON BRANCH PHONE 247-41 " 5-00.an “I'd-“huh“. BE 1111eetmee-mi-. A†n: ',ia2 WESTON Gil-W iLTiGiriiii7i7l7i."l In! to " G1'l1Tl'l'.' d Lung" STORE I Wma‘mu‘m 4420-00 FULLY GUARANTEED COMPLETE ONLY Pol " Mm Wad. i? CH. 1-83" tot