Weston Collegiate _ Honor Pin Winners r l . ., ‘an im ortant we of Beeoutttabil, Who Was Canada'. First lady I Who Made Culda'u First .ity â€I; mtrits a; sum megsure School humor? ', Mitchel? Iment tutd attention “corded othel Meta Elise Marty of Mitchell,;‘ Ezra Butler Eddy. He produced/T"" of “ministration,†he com Ontario. Born of Swiss panel-staph“? in , wtfs1yp in Hull, que- tinned. . Miss Marty begin teaehine at 169"“ m 1trrr1. Pt/trst matches Ja) According to My} Dlweflje 8.91 nd J" s tl . ted ' ‘aulphured and (i"ereeattle to use/ht" been eanstantty revnsmg It: . . ppom "“er “Later he made 'mprovements, pro-ysalttv proirrtim " new method: Toronto school: in 1919. She wnlducing non-poi-rug mntches inure diseovered through tttudy. He also the first Canadian womanrlass. Today the company named said that remunerltion is no long- awarded In honorary degree by /after him has become the principal'er rigidly tied to years of service Queen'l University. mmducer of matches in Canada. {a it w“ in the past. . v. -- N. w.“ -- Wu.“ ." ucymmm, â€a. u.-. nun-rant» “nu-m, u. u“: Why General Hospital, and Southlup to December 31, 1961. The Ayfcommunity for the bulk of the Peel mmriul, lhould be processed )sociation passed 1 resolution that people, i.e., good performance, and in the proposed building. in" drugs should be bought by theUnmethinir less for those who are About 300 y-rds north of the generic Mme rather than tradeJess than sntisfnctory." Northwestern General Hmpitallmmes "if possible". f "Secondly, we want full recogni- --------------------------tion thagnlcary 'll',')"'!.':':,',',',,"':, t , t . -/ ‘an im o an area o mount- i- Who Was Canada'. First lady I Who Math Canada'. First .ity "I; mtrits the same menswe- 'sr9Mrot hind"? ', Mitchel? Jment tutd attention accorded other western Getter-l Rubin]; queens- _ "F""' “nunâ€... u... “aw-uh St. John's Convnlescent Hewitt]; St. Bemnrd’s Hospital; North York Branson Hospitnl; Humber Memorial Hospital; the proposed York General Hospital; North- Plans for I cooperative humdtcvithere to be erected on the pounds ol‘ly ow the Northwestern General Hoepi-mnd , tal, 2175 Keele St., Toronto, are to u being considered, R. B. Cowan,lsta0o Chnirmnn of the Board of Gov- that: emora of that hospital, diaclosed‘the a at the Annual Meeting held oql'l‘his April 26th in the hospital dining expen room. It is planned that an the’hot w laundry of such hospitals as York'cesul County Hospihl, Newmarket; ii) The proposed 1ttetimoiia Hill Bospitat/piti, Grade XTr--Bowor, Karen Jung! Ft Cormack, William, Cured, Laurie, Chee Hastings, Nancy, Keller, Ettriede,'iiton Mortimer, Miriam, Sit-thy, Pnul, Hoe} Tudloni, Lorraine, Weelm Connie. vii. , 'Gnde Xl-Campbell, Rieutd,ller,i Chaeboneau, Joan. Goa, CuvLIJnnI Graham, Patricia, Halon, Rny-‘tricii mond, Hodges, Ronald, Houston.) Mg William, Lancaster, Itoberna, Me- Mille Clem-ins, Erie, Mendlvam, Derek/ther, Mill-r. Kristin, Milli, Helen, Mar-lock, rish, Brim, Mortimer, Diane, Rar- Lily, mend, Prank, Rutherford, Lois. Span Sginabury, John, Skaliks, Peter, hm. Co-Op Laundry Considered For Northwest Hospital Grade xm - Bunting, Trudi, Davidaâ€. Carol, Parr, Willing, (Hebe. May Arm, Bland, Joan, Jarvis, hthryn, McNeil". Mide- lynn, Pam, Tina, Skinny, Leo: turd, Thornton, Guy. _ Grade Ix-Co-tini, Munro, Races, Frank, Spiuk. Guy. General Department: Tick-lull Depart-ant: Gad. Xb-Are-, John, Lu- Jolph, Michal, “mutt, Lawrence. Grade XrN-drvine, Emlyn. and: X--Beew, Cuba, Router, Wolfgang. 1 Grade IX-Barbour, Wink, " at, Willmyntjn, Wohlfhnrdt, Wil. Gad- S-du, undidfiim. du-Iun. Judith. _ GM- Wr-ttro-r, mummy-.1 Cum. Ruth 30min, Nelson, Hamil", and. xt-ah-r, . Rajah, In human, Dina; Kirby. Ganja" 0m Ingrid, Smyd, Be%rier. Hal! “up; Can-mum" to: Con-add Donn-at: Con. tre-Alex-ur, Guru, who. 811m, Gogo, Wondy. m "WI ot " par an in fh‘Chrmnu Mad Max. tr-ta, “mt-hum 'rettrft, _ beard " . WWW --..a" c, Mendham. Derek/ther, l, Mills, Helen, Moeloek, ortimer, Diane, Rar- Lily, Rutherford, Lois. Spam hn, Skaliks, Peter, hm, _ - mm a.“ - -.. a mu m by when - up than in you “Maw-â€dm‘ ="."I' of Ctbt. -. 'tierqbmrt M CoMntErttNstvE"ittiiii' -ifiiii"f"iiiiiiiisss IN ingygpmcl s_c_IE_NCE AND COMMERCE t--t-u.tiaGuaGaTrird'i'; A...†. .. .. 7.0.4.; Iii1iiiiiii't"i (ll,l.i,iii',i,iiiiC", a 1m your hang ( The Northwestern General Hos- 1'"Y Amoeiatiort re-elected Monti. John DeTom, Percy Mulholland Eand Mex Goldhar to the Board for [‘2 further. three yen-u. The Finan- ‘ciul Statement disclosed that the hospital has operated in the black since it opened in September 1954 ithere is . public incinerator joint-1 [t owned by North York Township; and York Township. The plan isi, to have heat eonvtersiort units ind: stalled in the public ineinerator BO f ‘thnt steam mny be forced over to}. ‘the cooperative hospital laundry. I 'This would save n grent deal of ! Eexpense in providing the necessary 1 1hot water nnd maintaining the ne-i icesury engineering staff. ( Forrest, Lynwood, Gall, Wendy, Chedin, Ceeilia, Cove, J 1min, Bam.. 'ilton, Lorene, Homer. Selma, Hoey, Adele, Hogan, Lorraine, Jar- vil. 1min, Johlmon, Ingrid. keV Mr, Russell, Lasko, Joseph, Leiper,‘ flung, Lindsay. Jill, Lmtrsuir, Pa-) trick. 1 1ther, Fredrik, Parker, Susan, POL lock, Lee, Sheridan, Vicki, Shpiro, Lily, Smiley, Gail, Solowy. Lida, Spencer, Beverley, Thomas, Bar; hm. Wilson, Sharon. l and. x - Bomb... PM. Bron, PAK, My.» Kala. “Calm-ll. In“, Connor. Pull [Can-thia- m. Calla-w. in. â€Fun. Dowdy, PM. hi, hi- .ller, Douglu. Puller, Satan. Gil. ' lard, Bum, Goldlvqthy, Don-1U .‘GPIM‘IIH. Chum... Hwy. curl John. Kuhn. Hum}, 36pm, dub-rt. Junk, Thom. Jam» Thoma, Kam, En, Rout, Mann," . Kalil", Timothy, Koyuln, Elm-j Jiitil,' mm, Sherry, Lynn, wu-g Hun, Micheal. All-n, Macon; {Yvonnm Martin, Ann, Mellon, Lynn. Moore, Wench, Myhnd, ‘Joyce, Puke, Rich-rd, Pare, Yvon. Fae. Parker, bury, Scott, Sandra, I Shaka. Patricia, Aileox, Pamela†Mime, Phyllis. Tnylor, Limb, Tram t :derweea. Ronald, Whittlesu. Camus Mmden. Carol, Mill“. Trudy, Miller, Limb, Oubome, Alan, Os-‘ Grade IX - Buttridge. Linde, Beyerla. Brigitte, Burden. Elin- beth, Bruce, Doug]... May. Norms, Burtord, Betty, Calhoun, auburn, Casaan, tuner, Chapman, SIndR. Christie, Marilyn, Christo, Philip, Cole, Linda, Cooper, David, Denman, Ronald. Doyle, Cohen. 1?.yt W. Sm. Alan, Tho-h 'ttet, “W Todd, Joann. Virgin, (David, Webster, Mate mug. "7?Fi?lt - “a", _ MOM .V,___. & V AME-ASE .I. pig may and prestige with c.M,rn 1m“? Gwyn-Aug: - we... a. t'e,ge,1trti,iiir-e:,:, "true-o-rr-sr-rua' - ."'"'etet--c.a'tciraTi 'ttr-te-wr-st-ara,',",,", 'erert-K".torm..U"fsc'aiii'i,' t1he.t.et'yrttts-rGiuiaaii, :'.1ettSt9earoGauGiriTi', in: In a talk given to the Weston‘lplan. Due to the lack of meuure- Hither-men u Lied District Personnel Assoeustion/ment or controls, the feeling ofipeople in e to this week, at the Skyline Hotel, B/aeeountability for good salary a2ra"r"i'o"i, metl ry. W. Th Dim: of the Bell Teupiosietistratior, varied considerably in "ifieial mpin or Company outlined the Bell’s yuat'1i1"r.en.t. departments We were} This kno, â€3,3me which has evolved over‘ennncieting {merit philosophy but ltirns of drew ne- the last decade. “Ind no provision for pay tGimentlpoisoiini,' g: Speaking of the ideal ply pm. for outstanding performance," Mr. Imam. At: INV Cram, Mr. Dewe who\is an ireLiuwe "te. . would be in it. Emmet Minimum Summon} )n e9nelJrdirttr his all: Mr. Dawe home emerge .nd told the umbintion, "first, we sold a salary plea “ministered The new tor went My treatment completely re- w1th courage within a framework he most d; m- heed to performtutee. This means which usesm the total work xit- Dominion Bu he ‘exceptional treatment for out- uation will york t.o the advantage ports there v “(sanding performtutee; treatment?t any Memes: in the long run drowning in 54 that compares favorably in the through l'higher standards of Jul: One-third of 'i'j,i,iiis,t',s"iiii.ii, for the bulk of te/'t'l',r,f,7t,r,iedf,',f/eC.1vCr,rt ",eea,tl'iemtg le, i.e., rformanee end . '. " " Itll',",',,",,':,,.',:, t:hr, than: win; '.".y er development ot people." that tteettra t “Revealing the top not and', specific length of time required to get there, weakened control by the Supervisor and wu one of the [whim of mtprevimrs salary As well as the Innunl review of In employee the Supervisor in able to communicate information re bland to the employee's perform- ance and growth through the im Fiiid dawn-day job discuuions. h, the plan for the individuat's ‘growth 1nd development," slid Mr. 1Dave. ' f "We consider this review pro- fees: one of the most important, if not the most important personnel function. It his u etmsiderable bearing on administrative deeiir ‘ions related to pmmotion, trlnafer. PAY-tts well " providing us with nn overall assessment of our man- }power resources. And, most im- ‘port-nt of all, it pluys a key roie The system now in use is a re- view one which entails discussions annually between Supervisor Ind tmtmrdintste, the Suptrvisor and It peers 1nd the Supervisor and I staff specialist. f According to Mr. ane the Bell Chas been constantly revising its salary prom-um IS new methods rue dis-overed thmugh study. He said that remunerltion is no lone- er rigidly tied to years of service ks it w“ in the past. I Usullly ydung Briton, sent to (Canada in diagram, for any of n [variety of muons, by their well-to. do families. The term - into use tor such immigrants "peeial- ly in the yarn before the First World War. Who Were The Remittance Men? Weston Personnel Assoc. Hear Bell Executive 1 Would you like to nve n life? It's my to learn how. St. John's Sponsoring Course In Respiration SAVE A LIFE Boy: of the ICC. H.R.M.C. liluurloul In W: wont way our the top with hair annual day drive for funds. The Navy League Boys Sou Cad." amassed $4,240 from their I day canvass. This is actually won our St. John Ambulance in once Uni-wand imffw" H.R.M.C. tfiustrioos tn Wmn $3.100 obiocviv. m by to top with thair annual ton in largo" amount over u. Tho Navy Pooe low and boys. Pic'urod above t WONDER with MERION i " 94%) dig into " w USE co-op Iii' i) s,/i)ir ws'" Spr' Ing garden SUPPLIES I we O-OP _ This year, at before, St. John Ambulance is offering free courses Ito people across Ontario. The or- lupin sponsoring "ve-n-Life miution will lei "Peek, designed to tenth everyone to any interested :the principles of "tifieial mpir- A minimum of 14 ation. due. i This in n skill you may but! One of the first to use unytime, anywhere. Bouee of the offer many times a life could have beerrtowr, YM-YWCA. saved if, wmeone on the spot hadltarshman reports known how to give artificial reebularsee instructor piratiom hm an nu..- o. 4004 ttMP mm /ll, ,5( " I For lab. 97e I 5 ms. Soot), 4004 DUNDAS ST. w. K------.,-.., GARDEN CENTRE E . v~- -r ..- -'--'I II Na the largo“ amount over mind in band boys. Pictvrod above Mayor Go three chased tho first tag from Soo Can . the "on as he. Smith of the Navy ll ",:,,.r,is,.,, GRASS SEED a MIXTURES 1ttHermstirt will send nn instructor m T amount over mind in Watch by the rod above Mayor Georg. Bull pur- first veg frgm {no Cod†John Com. "h minimum of 14 pup]. want a (clue. l / One of the tint to uh ativan-', 0 an of the offer is the Think-2 aim-m YM-YWCA. Director Fred' The vacation period is on of he most dangerous times. The Dominion Bumu of Statistics re- ports there were 306 deaths fromJ drowning in Ontario Int yang One-third of these were childm under the Age of 15 . . . I shock- - reminder of the terrible toll that occurs oath Bummer. Aa the ( The twtr0tour course} mad housewives Ind hotidarnakers/ Hither-men and industrial workers,! ‘people in all wnlka of life the {various methods of Ipplying uni-f ‘Iicinl respiration. , This knowledge can save vie- ‘tims of drowning, electrics! shock. !poisoning, gassing, smoke An'd tuf-l, Mention. Attendanee " one class would be innlulble in case of; home emergencies. balance instructor will be " the) )Y, 941 Albion Rd., on londly,‘ Mu 14th " 4 pan, He urges all J“, rmtmbers to attend. _ The Etobieoke Chnpter of the St. John Ambulance will hold {clams in Initial-l respiration on Mny 15th. Tuesday, " 8 pm. in 'their regain meeting lull " 15000 Bloor St. w. l .50 interested may wherever tht New luau.- and c. " “All!" ROAD Newy [0090. Ioolgsvgn I St. John Agn- shock-{June and 20% in July." 7 __ Iiiiiriati"i'i'i. ble toll This toll cm be out down. The dunes and Aa the'f'rimu Advertiser urge- Iervieellolm Ambu With rim... of FERTIUN SPECIAL! SPREADER 5.95 SALE weather rises . _ "I tss hmememer Mud/Mt" k (irlt,te,'o w nu, l u n mmsmm-mmv" i 'it; You on All This as: m... You g Buy a Car From " [can g In. an“! in your NIB-tor! Fm lit in you! 'ss t'l'P.Ugu'T.,tyuz..t.ttrtu:iiCeriii-a'- , " -ykinll in. man-ting! â€own“: - - 'deusGrrrwirdlJiuGiiiuiii".i"d,7'di t m thm, in" all th. â€pan... gimrrieka, in“, y" m. Cumin undo-litany. 3 t%'tltttitmtrosjsi; ilGil y, at 'ir/Nia/ati: seueuar.ais--utuJ, ill-mummmm 19S6 NASH maul-n Atwdhuwn,dmn.l 'u'"""---.-.--.-. ' "te.r'-uutueidst.tu--so--.. ht BILL BARTER MOTORS WESTON lTD. .'... - m yum tumour! Fm lit in you: -g Din-l trtwtrrurotrrsott.rrt, Fro-shin , of -yiinll Fm Gui-w! â€WWII! - _ The may you'll an on " Inna an will an. "an Buy all th. applicant, gin-Rh, Me, "a m. Cm in and hi it an. a Warm wt y, n; mmammsem‘mn»y 'wtAr1WirtliluitiNs'aectua'-, warms up, the death count jclubl. boy . 18% in May, 16% in)men's u: "Buy Rial" a! the Tower of Lights" "" WESTON ROAD South of lawnnco " " $495 "trdtterowet, 1.1lvill4iosiii;lg oovsiram,gs,aeii, “I'm†Wr'rmntr ort New or 1tsed Cars VISIT OUR TWO LOCATIONS "" ZEPHYR Pow Door woo woman“ DELUXE 1 4.", Ito-dud "cumin-m C T s I 1959 moms oxrono $895 a d... moi... WC..- _ FFtrrr, (re 'trr, _. um moms new "SSS ma RENAULT Murmur $495 ma roan count" SEDAN 4 doc: 50-96.. Weâ€... Antoni-0k, Radio . s I 1-3529 1960 FIONTENAC DELUXE I962 MEI§UIYCOMH DEMONSTIATOI Qt) Rt. T'ne',eiaaaeq and invite their local urvieefJohn Amhuhna dupe†to t _,1ijEli,rjjlili)liiiifiiiii [EEflijiilljTiii iiiii', ""ia"'iiiriiirrirum'tlso I ’3 jclubl. boy mun, girl guide, Iva-mu instructor. It ‘men’l amines, community Lia; citizen to 11 ‘glniutionl and taboo]: to tom/ant skill. 196t VAUXNALI. Vida I tuor - low “I OWN CAI! TH! 1te.1e?Pmett-tttvru.r, M tik t =".=.="eli"tti-i--.-.--.-.iCLi, FERTILIN With Grub Killer FERTILIN 10-6-4 Th9 Special Turf Gran Fertilizer 1959 METEOR MONTCALM Bill BARTER MOTORS llMITE'D 1655 Wilson Ave. CH. 1-352 40 lbs. $995 $1,350 va'a. $795 British Feeds and Mercury Trucks PAY AS LITTLE As 10% DOWN .75 [ Iva-mu instructor. It in the duty of Lia; citizen to learn this import- tormiant skill. I St.) Remember, “Infield “spitting: lendkmy save your life: OPEN mo - "tt Deal" for Urr 4.7 5 - JUST Asa: an $1,895 Rife 1. 1-3525 a: