" 'ur-et-br-trd an PM) - hon "It we5'ii.ii"F'iiril7t":ri1ii'il'iiiiei tho but.“ a! tt. reported In an Mum‘mll try, that b in it'- Hdghu ua. Inn! at! -aur-h.dbrattttotr_ ,mgotohnfra-tttsane,nrhiutid but . new if to In†emtrta um and. to torn sank-rut an mu. girl a run into others. A mldun with I no- A "new mote e! â€pm ll than“ turn of ulnd who had 'itje; to In. Dina Idle, for " tad I burg!†glam to his cu, m 'ee'.eft'rl'r: to um III: "Ink-Md at 6.30 B.m. on SundnyiFI-uun, and to Mr. W. Pally morning by the mum! " the than ‘for his help and man-mt. going tttr. The would-be thief It ---.- good his escape and homeowners We an "m m In": that Mr. who "oured the ntir.h.bourPo.d mm. Atkinson, Prindpal of " Iould Md no tmee of him. Bell-IN†Gudenl Public School. ,etit dents are urged to double-109k I“ be teavittg n the "all " the mar icon Ind windows, and tp report mer term to take up "I unpain- anyone of whom they my be sun-'mm u Principal of “up.“ view". to the police immeditttelrlrL,LU, School. Tm" m. ulna New: of our local hides and Brownian Guides and Brownies of the youâ€: 10". of um South Pinewood District (Thiatu-iNEwtr FROM OUR CHURCHES town) held . successful Hobby Our "vioms-Lutherats Show in the United Church on Baptised by Nator Hum " April Mth. The girls proved that the men-In: arms on In! " :hildron of today no clpnble “were: Gregory Pnui, Bott Of If. wonderful work (u witnessed by end Mrs. R. Diegel. Nichole Curl. the beautiful embroidered squnrerNearmutet, duughter of Mr. ad a! . " quilt) when "tcouridMrs. G. Neumann. ind guided by dedicated leaders, ---- The winning Guide COMPIM" Belated, but lincere eontrratuU- can the 492nd who were swarded,tiom, to Pastor and Irra. sunk] I tmphy, Brownie Pruek No. 524 on the birth of 1 Ion, Martin An- were the winners in their sump. lirew. " the Humber Memorial FuaidJiliti, most points iriiiiip'itif o,i%,7ii'Tiiit, Susan Jewett of the 178th Guide) Comnnny; the winning Bmwnie‘ was Sheila Feigehen of the 492m; M. 1'yle't Ang Pack. '; The film ' Albert Set" __I_.._ -ro c-'- ".-G damning? we mum-i: 1'"ii'.e',',ril, M Andrew's Antlicnn 'ch."'" Feigehen of the L -nd% The film "Albert Schweitzer", in] ‘colour will begin showing on In" '9th " the Civic Squlre The-try] The Guides and Brownies of St. Queen St. West. This ttim has the Andrews are two active groups support of the Metropolitan To- xho need no publicity to keeplronto Council of Church. Ten per their Company or Puck gt full cent of the proceedl from admiir- strength. Their problem is to IO-I‘sion goes to Dr. Schweitar‘l work ‘ate more leaders to cope with "t his hospital in 'iT,iaiQiii,l, growing list of children keen tof'reneh Equatorial Africa, and (if-1: loin the groups. Itoen per cent to my church or ttr-l The Guide Company Itto twoianixation lending . group or new enthusiastic lenders, Mrs.‘gmups to lee the.{ilm, Showings Glndyn Brown 3nd Mrs. Conniep! the film Are at. 7.00 and 9.00 Nicoll, who hnve alretsdy won their“, Monday to Thursdgy " $1.00 nan-ts of their Guides. Leading the ludmission. and Fridny, 'Snturdny Brownie Pack in Mrs. Rat: Fin-11nd Sunday at 5, T, and 9.00 pan. 'ett, summmd by daughter Bevan $1.25 ldmiuion. The Guide Company Itto two new enthusiastic hinders, Mrs. Gladys Brown 3nd Mrs. Connie Nicol]. who have already won the (warts of their Guides. Leading the Brownie Pack in Mrs. Reta Fun- 'ett, supported by daughter Bev- erly and Min lube“ Chapman. erly' aniiis, nitro Chapman. . Children md students Mk It To continue Ind explnrl the "nvtime. work of the Guides Ind Brownies,‘ The film will be shown from more leaders are needed, for CX-any 9th to May 15th inclusive. ample, two more Guide LeaderLGmuP seating; will be reserved " would lllow 18 more girls to benhe theatre. accommodnted. Experience is notl i nanny, Willingness and enthus- The Women's Auxiliary will iasm nre---traintme and uniform: . . . V hold their next meeting on Tues-x wall he prowded. ll you feel “ll-i l e . . day, Mar 15th " 8.00 pm. Guest certain but Interested. dron 1n wt', . . . . . Sneaker will be Miss Esther Ful- I Guide meeting some Wednesdny . . . Jer who will show slides on the evening, and speak to the leaders. Philliniuea Neither of them had any nrevious Visito I" rill be t I experience, but with help from the . Ptr wt mos we come. other leaders are doing a wonderw --.-- ful job (by managing to won one The Junior Bowling: Banquet step ahead of the girlsl am] are will be held on Saturduv May 12th. ertioyinr every minute of it! at 4.00 p.m. in the Auditorium. Our beauties! contrrstultstions to Mrs. Josephine MeGillivray who will celebrate her 100th birthday on May 17th. Mrs. McGillivr-y m-y certainly lny claim to' the title of the eldest inhabitant of Thistletown, but hav, in: been bed-ridden for the pun ten years. the is seen try few, if any. of the Vin-zen. Mrs. McCiliivray was Wexford. Ontario. and Dawes Road School in now Victoria Park. Her husbnnd Richard. who pus- ed may in 1947, built the resi- dence at 68 Riverdale Drive, which hns been the McGillivrny home since 1925. Btmtmondr [flights Home and Srhoal Association Mum: Ameoriatiotr l The Women's Auxiliary of the The show "CittderelU" auger] by Albion G u r d e n a Presbyterian the Bennmondo Heights Home and :Church will be holdine : Rummage School Association played to plek- lee on Suturdlv, May 26th, he ed houses " both the evening per-‘tween 10 And 2.00 pm. in the formula on Fridsiy and the mlt- Church Auditorium.. inee on Saturdey. Produced midi cc,T,G" ted Ch h directed by Mrs. Angel: lie-lint The Thin etown ni 1m: "Cinderelle" w“ thoroughly en- Wham": (Bunmonde H eight I joyerl by both Idults and ehildren. Unit) will be holding their Court The Fairy Godmother (Mrs. Mart 1Whist on May 26. " 003.4 K. mum: THISTLETOWN if it's worth having, it’s worth savingfor! born at attended what is I We no sorry to Ian that In. mum Atkinson, Prinelpa1 " " !bion Gudcnl Public School. will lb. leaving " the and " the mm- mm him to uh up Ill appoin- ‘ment u Principal of Kimmy [Arnhem School. Tun" MI pin. will in Mr. Alba: Carr, lowly of Sunnylis School. \rho has been in the North-Won Tanned“ on I 5 yenâ€; leave of than“. WERNK TH! um our nova scum A spacial wt- of â€plum ll do. to In. Dino Edit] for In: lehordgnphy, to mm Erie iii-mun, and to Mr. W. Pushy for his to]. and magma“. The Women's Auxiliary wilt) ihold their next meeting on Tues- lday, May 15th It 8.00 pm. Guest Sneak" will be Miss Esther Ful- Mr who will show slides on the T'uillinines. To Mr. Ind Mrs. John Fenton. 7 Bentwick on the arrival of their 'tson Richard, on April 27th. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. G. Haywood, 9 Cnlutock, on the birth of a aurhter-SVron Eliz- abeth, on April 5th. Drns't Forgot . . . that this Sat- urday ufternoon the Albion Gu- Ity Rome and School Associltion (will be holdimr their Annual Fun To Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Need- Juum " Barkwin, whose dlughur Tarolyn Denise, I’ll born on April 111th. Dtm't Forget, . . . that this 33" The sale will be from 2 to 4 pan.Usissnee will be hot dogs and uni“ tsfternttott the Albion tur- in the church auditorium. A nur/hamburgers (of course). dens Rome and Sehoo1 Alaocinion new will be supplied for the chil-l Whether you have one child or will be holdimr their Annual Fun gum [10 the price is still the same 1.00 Fair It the School between 2 “Id Run-mag: and White Elephlnt Sale'per family. L30 run. i When doing your Spring trt) The winning couple who sold the ( It is hoped that I we11-kttownleuanintr remember St. Paula' in most "barbecue bargains" recently hockey player wilt be on hind b merform the opening ceremonies. L The Thiltletown United Church (Women (Beaumonde H e t " t I iiG will be holding their Court M'hist on May 26. CH. 1-7302 When "iiiiiiii-irieaGGw Perla»! Mitre}; Mahdi-r of Parliament In We ramming Aitken visited Toronto "army, he took the}? York-Numb" and Mr. lav lowil, M.P.P. ponunity to visit his 'ister Mil; Margaret Anti», New Aunt-m Cunte yhnving n running: and white ele- ‘ Rev. B. IL Lennox uni Vlrdem pliant sale Sat. June ml " 10 mm. of St. Pnul the Apostle church are Don't throw out those antique pleased to Announce that, to11owintr_1trmps, figurines, clothing or my- hia ordination on May 13th, thc‘thingl Call CH 43419 for pickup. Inâ€. David H. lure, B.A. Bmi.,i.c.w. General Meeting will be their new assistant curate.' The United Church Women of icmderetsee for Lumen iRexdale enjoyed a talk given by will be their new assistant curate.' The United Church Women u) Spring, Conference for Lay-hen lRexdale enjoyed a talk given by Reth br.All, not uu til The men of the Etobicoke DeaeMrs. Eleanor Brown All interior, Fail. . cry, of which the Church of St. decorator from Simpsons. Vt seam- Lhat quite I few of _the Pull the Apostle, in a member, are; Mrs. Brown spoke on turnishinte"e choir members will be holi- (lrponaorinE I Conference for “Tim-ends for 1962. daring Mn .21t.h and with I iewl 'an- tobe held " the Couehiehinir) The ladies of new. I,',',',:,,',.'!,',)',',',',',: @mlhum the ehoir ‘Cunp. Uke Within: ttrt June clothing donations for the mi"ioit2',e,het i/del', rsrm‘ 21:1 (Gi and 10th. bale. JI,',',':",',,,: CLI',':', K tr l .The theme of the Conference in Girls Work Committee _ . . . "The mm" for the "rman The Girls Work Committee will! T. Cliff Ollerenshlw and t.U Tode'. Two noted laymen will meet in the CE. Centre today. choir of. Rexdate Presbyterian speak on the theme “a panel dia-l Anyone interested in working with church will rename pmhee for the euaaiona that follow will ntford meld“ Explorers Club and C.G.I.T. show early Mt the Pall. men the opportunity to express-“ “ha to “in“. (all Mrs. Neal Couples Club ot 1429 Kipling Ave. The theme of the Conference in "The Chnllenge for the hymn: Today". Two noted laymen will week on the theme 'md panel dis- cussion: that follow will ntford the men the opportunity to express gtheir opinions on the related lub- jects " well “hearing their fel- te laymen's point of view. l There will be free time to so- Lciulile, participate in mnny re- creation-l (utilities or In: around and have I plenum and rewu’d- iintr weekend. _ Any min from the parish who with“ to “and in welcome to bring along a friend too. Por fur-' ther information c o n t I c t Bill Saint, CH 4.7809 or the church of- fiee CH 4-3419. Handicraft Auction The Chellense for the hymn“ -- The Girls Work Committee will! Mr. Cliff Olleremhlw and Win» to Dale Cell-n, Kennebec St., Code'. Two g10ted laymen will meet in the CE. Centre today. choir of Rexdale PPeuPy0ezau, who in in Sick Children'. meek on the theme nod panel dis-i Anyone interested in working with church will resume praetiee for the Hoepital. :uulonl that follow. will ntford tia Explorers Club and C.G.I.T. show early 1n the Fall. Birthday greeting- to H11! 're the .OPPOWMW to exprealiare asked to please call Mrs. Nealcoul’l†Club of Morris, Hey 8th; George Hum-i he" opinion! on the related '“b'CH 4-6962 or Mrs. Turner CH West number United phrieu, my 10th; am Well- ieeta ll well -hetrring their fel- 6-3168, The two groups are in des- The couples’ club of West Hum- wood, May 13th; Mn. wagon, ow laymen's point of view. ipemte need of leaders and ladies ber will T-oft at 8 p.m. at the‘uly 14th; Danny Bowring, Hay There Will be free time to SO-‘to work with the girls. ‘DeHavilland golf, course, Irridtsw1tith. 'ialize, participate in many re‘1Couples Club of Rexdele United Evening. , The Good Neighbours Club held :reational facilities or In: around Mr. Stan Cndel recently returned! There is going to be a bit of a]. Euchre on April 26th with the I!†have I pletusant and "WIM'Trom a trip to Japan and will give switch this time, they will'be pluy-‘winngn being: Mrs. Jean Bub‘ ing weekend. ‘an informal talk on his trip to timing "Monkey golf". For those “Wiring (78), Helen Linoar (7'i0/ Any mtut from the parish who Couples club tomorrow evening "play golf will know what it is, mdipori. Wilson (P?.). Lo.- “orâ€; Irish“ to “and it welcome misao Pan. ‘for those who don't will certainly Sally McKay as), Door prim; bring along . friend too. Por “Pi Everyone is welcome. A new ex- find out on Friday! were won by Myrtle Hart and Sean) ther information eontaet Bill ecutive wil lalso be elected " the If it should rain the game wirrBowrine. ( Saint, CH 4-7809 or the church of- meeting. he cancelled and the couples will, On ngul-dgy, May 'th, Mrr.l flee CH 4-3419. Well Fashion Show ) go bowling insterrd. ir-------'-'"'" Handicraft Auetitm Anyone interested in trying out, The couples will return to the: The Men's Association of St. for modeling in the L'.C.W. Fuh-lhome of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holley Lea. 2Wiit% Paul the Apostle church are havingnon Show in October. should be ft,121 West Humber Blvd.. for 'e Eliirtat'gg2g a Handicraft Auction at the eharrlrthe CE. auditorium at 9:30 for the freshmente. '; "rt:"t'il4ifs.%'tlk" ' Monday May 28th., at 8 pm. children and 11 am. for adults,' Golfing will be 1.00 per person“ rata' ’, P On ule will be paintings, leather‘on Sat. May 12th. For any further, (that includes the monkey). Any. Ft' ' ' work, woodwork, and sports equip-hforrntstion call Mrs. "G. Birrtercouples wishing to join the party .. ment. 103 44929. Are asked to contact Fred Holley. a g _ For details on how togorttritmte(Gitsnt Barbecue jCelebrates First Anniversary f (or take part, tall Bill Griffiths at! The communion of Rexdale On May 13th the Weft. Bomber} I, . J On Mly 24th the Indies of St.‘perty May 12th from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Paul's 111 having a beautiful Some of the (better known) Spring Tel Ind Bake. Sale. Booths chefs of the church will be decked will be decorated with lilacs to action! in the traditional chef's hat I lovely atmosphere for visitors. 1nd coat. or course their piéce to REXDALE RAMBLINGS R. R. REILLY- " '.- 4, Ty Fry :,,' "A Wil; r)'j'_!jC'itiicsjciiir q? 'ittijif(fiftrt9':'tj, a“; 'td 'a' f if: Wd sits)), ?irg9i: 343‘3'7975“ 'Eyari, 7* _'it);,fifi,j?ets; ',srt' c'""'- l 1,hjllihliJ,e,t,li, "II-l†"I M “I man. no - ma - - use. - I... " I...“ m "I III? Mr. Stan Cadel recently returned) from a trip to Japan and will give an informal talk on his trip to the Couples club tomorrow evening " 8:30 pm. Everyone is welcome. A new ex- find tt eeutice wil lalso be eleéted at the It i meeting. le on Fall Fashion Show Q to be Anyone interested m trying out; The for modeling in the C.C.W. Fuh-lhome GLORIA BAKER Toll GET YOIIR A'I' lAS' mam.mumuum war-hp... (ifIijiiEllIjijijiE] “AWN-hummu- mnmmm-mmm LIIlll2IllSri 'rtMharrai'tottittttoritttttstiaN,tmthe 'tot-th-lobe.):'"" Mus all-puma at!!! lam the In“ mwlhnhmm'wmmmm "r"mitMtitmtretlra'm_rxtgrt rnrrhhtaHtemtmtatetr-t"trtrttt 2tis 'a 95 m on tSratt.tltt, m - m mun. ttITA" VAL“ blah-nu“ " PAKENNAM Dit. lEXDAlE CH. 4.b281 will we; prim for their 31- (om. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Moorehead plan to join the-barbecue. Oneal-tin of Musical Progn- Sing Along with King at for Spring, At 9:30 min. the junior choir will sing and the Saville family is tak- ing service. â€At 11 &.m. the senior choir will sing and the Johnston family is taking service. \ The West Number United china: choir held a social evening and business meeting after their regu- lar practise lust Thursday even- my. CM. 1-2085 mmmumuicun mu m . m “‘ua’ hautt.-tinqiasthibirthar puny for m htrghnmdlB- than "r" ..efff.'.tg'de'"'""D'" Norman a thnirh--ttl"-thttttiasqe, “a“ at. IA". The in] m" T ,m-lmN.lc-lop¢ud win-ofthe-hm-tlist-inthe-ie, 3 -m with . prayer, Mr. Lidia, Mrs. E. 6'.“ (1.). " m, - d “d V. lho and the non- ad School'ln. Funds (a). Law neon. i'g,ttr't'gM'2gl',"L"Pdt ‘Nom Luv" "o. [on i-li-te-tt thtrd Tatar?. chair hands, In. A. Carlin. Door ttrise, tho alum. and _ "Pu"tLut .t:ytitytutr)'llr'l'. Boa Lava. Mrs-lama an open M; Id . s., . Sho an!" chair, omtduetad by It. I)... lath. an; four "In. which not. enjoyed by all L-.." III-- M....---- -e---H"----'----"" v E. Ct' i vill ‘ . t F, f (if; is "id "c'ii'ii"i'ii'sjiri I p' - / (rc, re , 'h' 7 mi: k; E ' s, snd t a 14triiilisFid " MM. f K 'r".' / I 'ttiii \ a“ x , _ w t ' , . Tq , ( QNtN ' en . 'N"? . ' I " P l _ ? s..-..-"' . I .. _ I f ----Alr- a . 0 o - . : M ‘1 . w . . _ Ill. All lupin who 'ras' o! the In! summer pupal. nu - upon. MnMdtutttrsrrtsother had -dtntthabruftrrthewhoie 'hm.qrFetheorimpexr.ram. 'h-ttter-rt-trelies'" all“ {or supervision on the ' 8tt-Udtomotherait $Ntrehiurms-goingtotake th.orhrststirseetn1m.thisrearto -iatmtthotn-totuav.itto -rtwttmoth.mtoeome.ver, dar.. In. Vaughn. York North Council of Bonn Ind Schml Ar location- snob . in words be- low kindling the o4Beere for new The. that“ were: President, In. N. Bad; Vieoa'rerident, In Munro; Treasurer. In. P. Brown; needing Secretary, In. D, [Chum-nu; Corresponding- Sent m, In. A. Coleman; Executive, Mrs. L Eminent, Mrs. L. Duggan, In. L. From-n, Mr. George Me- Phil. In. Beat thanked Mn. Vaughan for coming and taking ‘put in the meeting. She 11m ‘thlnkod‘lrl. Smut. Mr. Hoyle and In. Lui for their help and eo-operation on Inat years' execu- tive. , Meeting cloned with I took] hall-hour. Next meeting in Sep- tember. Get well wilhu Are extended to Mr. W. Love, Rexdnle. Mrs. Joy Fraser, Mountbntun Dr., who in in the Toronto General Hospital. Also to Dale Cull-n. Kennebec Sh, Rudd; who in in Sick Children'. Holpittl. Birthday greeting- to Ma. Morris, May 8th; Gnome Ham, phriea, May 10th; Greta Well- wood, May 13th; Mn. Willon, lily 14th; Danny Bowring, Hay ELMLEA and DISTRICT)" LAWN AND GARDIN HIADQUARTIRS 4006 DUNDAS ST. w. I9 a re (iieeyii) Garden Centre 2y? dig 'g.tto -tt H13 -- - _rd "i:rr_llt:rst',"r,:11' y xtj,i)trcCir)i,'__,:c, fh.t.tr.1i,i,idi,:g' MAKE You- LOCAL l Morning m a and. nap-1 hilt Church In than by It Boa [)th who that. (Palm 8t) for nth upon-iv. fading, and for the that of " "rrrtem In IIpoh on “Tho Gift- We bunâ€. ir. Duh Ned a piano nob. tum Sunk] being new. my. W by In. J. In". wanna-division...“ HEAD filil THE (llillllt... IE Mt OPEN 9 . 5:30 MON. . SAT. rmrrstuttrruteurdmta- itinunuianr-cl. Mr. and In. and.“ scammwu-hui "this; “mun-r1 M. Thu In. unwind in I“ on. by In nw. uh an. nix-nun Icon. Mr. ' is from Wm Thr, in. - angina. Mt. Ito. 7-7“! IE M YOUR M