Times & Guide (1909), 10 May 1962, p. 5

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, t l OLIVE A'Loous GARRETT m The aim of irradiation is the preservation of foods, there- by increasing their life before consumption. Reports are that ray sterilization is more intensive and more thorough than other methods-for instance heat and chemical pro- ceasing-it has less effect on taste and odor and may prove cheaper. Treating a product with rtwtr, generated either by an isotope like cobalt or by a machine, kills the bacteria that cause decay and conutttlnation. Such hilization most often is done after a food he: been winged. If package ranting air-tight, the food may last for yenrsi It is reported that Canadian housewives may be cooking‘swena of, Domttview United potatoes that have been treated with atomic rays in thefh'mh'v President, WA., MN. near future. Amway the use of "cobalt-processed" pee.',?.",,"::"',: Raneer '.lPt.r.,for . . , . l . . reg. Miss Dora anhmg; tatoes, planned with the blessing of Canada 3 Pirctottteiieadrr' W.A., Mrs. hun Hunter: of Foods and Drugs, has created a flurry of interest in}Licutenant, Miss Edith sum»; irradiated foods. 1itutemsnt, Mrs. McWaten; Dir Plans in the USA. are to {radiate Mam and some 20 triet Commioioner, Mrs. Jean other foods . . . the Austrian. an heady treating fruit/ttty-ftp/y, 7‘15".”‘73" Nicer, the British can: and the French potatoes have, . been lifted out of the common "tpuds" class with atomic Popular Itnar.to-ik rays. (Can't you just no the tins on the Rue de la Payee hiiiiirtii!, "Atomie French Frietfu-in French of course.) Saver-l hmeheons teas and When the swabbing is done, a -twist of ihe faucet adapter turns Aqua-Vac into a siphon that glurps up the dirty water, empties it in the sink. leaving the floor clean and dry. “a.-. w um mun-:13, anal." me- You know, if there were more women inventors ttroundifeaehie toasted the leaders; and perhaps these so-called miracle inventions would do thePntr Edmunds traid a special whole jotr--not jut but of itl Just like ' ttttur-thet oldjgzrd ". thanks to the women of F . l mum" Church who entered for boy forgot about the basebmurdtr. We still have to get doweiii, banquet. on our knees to give than n wipe! Now, a woman inventor and table truests Wqret Brown would most certainly have added a baseboard-swabber " Owl, Mrs. Ann Wiggins; Tawny tachment to the thing. 9w], Hrs. Vi Smith; Divisional Irradiated Foods “any.-.“ wew.u..-.., .umun xauget wr Lne nousewne Mrpost or our comm] system; and born, simplifying one of her many tasks and sort of bsl-dividu-l effort, representing all the Ancing thing]. ‘bndges earned in S1uif.1tf.,,we, the, The old sponge wet-mop has been lifted out of the mue1',2t1he'i'rr,e,rLt,2,, :‘pzcuifmjl dam to the sublime with just the turn of a tap, so to spenk.(.nd the little finger she called the ‘ You won't mop the floor any morw--yoMl Aqua-Vac itiespimr. finger. Putting tell to! This modern miracle is a non-electric floor washer andig'lu‘t" 1eee, b',',',";,,"?, “d a“? dryer. You hook one end of Aqua-Vac’s 20 ft. vinyl tubel: 23,12: mun m urn mm I to a special adapter on the faucet in the kitchen sink, turn! Min Fsrthing up... introduced. 0n the water, and the cellulose sponge at the business end Sr Captain Mrs. Dorothy Green spreads water over thifloor. making a lather with thelpd in thrtnkine the “I?" Mms. scouring powder you sprinkled previously. ieurPu.ur,, "r"er1timr_tP While some phases of modern living seem to become more/3:: complex, oeeasionally another gadget for the housewife isms: born, simplifying one of her many tasks and sort of bal-divic ancing thing. ‘5“! Non-chem: chbbor Of course the "experts", using their little P.E.I. yard- Dorxs F'arthing Guest Speaker . . . North-West Area R- Ad- stlck are attempting to analyze the present election. Theyivjm,’ Miss Dorn Ihtrthintr w“ have it figured this way: guest wanker st a. mm: . If PtL--Uvine elected four Progressive Consel’Va-;Kother-snd-Daughter hangout of tlves and no Liberals in 1967---1958-eiects one Liberal 1?yit'e, ttt 'Qu,',:',":?,',', in . - " - I ownaview nit ure nnquet tire, thlf‘leerals will “In a total of 80 100 Commons "el'."; on “wand-y, May 2nd. nationa Y. . . . i Her topic was “Buds" and, o If P.E.I. chooses two Liberals, "it will be a Very. "ery‘dcslinx with each hnger separately tight “notion " And If D Tl'. T “My“... "..., ..-. ., ' :L__-._ l _ - q If P.E.1. chooses two Liberals, "it will be a very, verrut'nr,, et ea'21ce"e',','ut'f,' tight election." And if P.E.I. chooses three or four Liberala.,lshe related them to Guiding. The then, of course, a Liberal victory is indietted. 'thumtr 1- the most important part Yea, they have "called the shot" since 'way back in 1sm.lt! mi? "God-given tool", “id Mias This small Canadian province has never backed a na- tloml loser since World War I! A: a matter of fact, in 1925, when neither Liberals nor Cotuervatives not Progress- teen won a majority of seats in the House, P.E.I. was also divided. Read a stun" thing the other day. Apparently election experts have a "politieal Weathervane" in the province ot Prince Edward Island. They say: "Watch the results from‘ tiny P.E.I. on election night for clues to the way the nation ll voting”. 1 _"'"" ,V,--_. r... n--.” u. I. ncwnlcu. Well, It they run short of weeds, they have only to and as an S.0.S. . . . we've got lots in our backyard. Voting Criterion - P.E.l. The prom could nvolutlonlu living standards in tradi. tionally protein-short areas of Ash Ind Africa (in the new! "canny in the Frudom From Hunter Campaign) if they an keep up the production standards they Ital-tad wink-1 "ffieiant to supplanunt the diet of 120,000 people at , coat of about 16cm pal-son per week, it is reported. l “y-" In ac. . - Théy'ro not. letting 553;}; Town» making "a" under their feet for Hrpartrtttr I ttaiotudotiar plant mun-j In: the procm Ira opengd in Plymouth hat month. _ "um-n. DAWE’S FUR SALON Not a microbe in a “mu. rmcuzic isn’t it? They say it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Oh well, bending and kneeling in good exercise, they say. Weeds? VOW "I” m A VACAHOI YOOI A mum ”an “MING m "I com, Cull. COMO“ 0' M KWFKAMle. VAU“ I'll “W. “I“, m UNI WHICH It'l done with Ionic thank Wu." . . ,and mm!“- to nvolutlonllo bade food production V, at s UM. than all“ British am. and Chantal: dimer-1n: that tt '0 MN. to obtdn odiblo prrttqta: chap]! And in quantity from m Ialtaearudaaw-isandanimat hem-T Watt thank (when: they’ve tle alir thought up A an for than pet {00611 Ilid you rad mm a direteei FUR PROTECTION WIMANSMP WAMm Delicious! " or YOUR OWN [VALUATION MODERN FUR STORAGE - ”AMINO ll-STYlINO moms! TRADE-IN i The Old Mill will be the scene (e a luncNeon on Mly 12th when Mrs. M. Cnmpbell uni daughter (lyte' " Junior bridesmaid) of 1Weaum will be huts-u. Two mm. of an bride, In. m 5mm of mum and In. tt.! D. Dunn of lead“, will mumin the bride's friend. it I m on In i, "ttth. Min Armltmg’l menu-at; honour. In. R. o, Good of Klein- hn la up planting a that». I Swen) luncheon (can and shower In pinned for pretty bride-to-be, Mil: Roberts Marjorie Armstrong, dAugMer of Mr. Ind Mn. Hour-d R. Armskrong of !.Werrtem prior to her wedding this ‘month to Rohan Wolodymer Rom, [with in Trinity College Chapel. I In. John C. Malcomson and Mrs. P. W. Cattle, of Illington I'm be to~hostesm " t luncheon at the Toronto Cricket, Sit-ting 'lnd Curling Club, on Mar 9th. I ”is: Joan Smyth of Wilton. {who will attend n m.td-orhtmetur at the wedding, lt 111le l hm, [cheon in thrrtrideu honour It the fSkyline Airtwon Ms! Rh. A ttttttwer in Min. planned by M11. E. Giles, Mrs. R. 0, Glen, Mrs. H. W. Inter. In. S. J. Bright. 3nd Mrs. I. A. Armstrong. u the home of In. am. on Wet. mount hrk Drivq Watch, to take pine in the them of Hay 18th. _ m ttirU in " m m M St. Hildn‘l Going, Toma) (the brill h I do. ya? Goon-ply " 'ttttttrt - It A Yukon: I - "Nt-" chem only Tanning, and represents the pro- {miu Ind law of the Guide Mave- (ment. She went on to liken the "'poinhsr” finger to either I sign I Bud table guests were: Brown Owl, Mrs. Ann Wiggins; Tswny \0wl, Hrs. Vi Smith; Divisional Commissioner, Mrs, Gm: Mink; Assistant Tawny Owl, Miss Ann Jarvis; Treasurer, WA., Mrs. Ann Ester; Reverend Princes Stevens of Dowrttvior United Dom. Farthing Guest Speaker Green; North-Wen Area R- Ad-‘Pitcher. ivisor, Miss Dora Furthing wu Cnpui [nut wanker at th. :'"t2,',p1t [nether-and-Dnughter banquet of Ind the I Margaret Standish proposed the (out to the mothers; 8usan " Inner Edmunds Hid I special George Trubin as lat viee-presi- word of thanks to the women "Gupt,' and M. McAuley. 2nd vice- Dovmlm’ew Church who entered foripresident. the banquet. I I... m a“-.. -m --. -- -_ (It. McAuley, "presenting the ‘Women’a Auxiliary of the 285th, presented a cheque for the "Hand- shake Fund". She also presented a camp cheque to District Commis- sioner Mrs. Jean Brooks. gums and snomes J ia. P. Phillips, will look ufter the cleaning tfrrns. This Is "box nor- )bulletin: Mrs. R. K. Carma, pub-latte". A large box in supplied by ‘llcity: Mrs. M. Cox, social convert- the cleaner into which you place lot, assisted by Mrs. C. Pearson all your clothes toe storage. Be- l-nd Mrs. E. Mchrt. fore store. I“ the (“menu are Mer. E. Bung. will art u reBefore I profeisionll ur, cleaner 1‘ cording seem-n; Mn. G. Davie-4'5“ allow My elothinit in MI; con-uponding necrehry; Mrs. 3.;vnultt, he wilt mm that they be, Marana, treasurer; Mrs. C. Summit? clelned. If requested, Yourr; ("do mother convenor; Mrs. 3,1clothing an nlao be motlt-prmrfed l Snell, pmgrun chairman; Mrs. 'r/bs' youndry cleaner. "v, ‘Lut, membership elmitanan, as-‘ Another type of storage laconic /‘ ilialed by Mrs. M. Warnick; Mrs.ardation is oitered by mnny dry? r At Rodin: Street Home and School Aatmeiatiott's fimrl meeting In! the season the new executive 1was installed by Mrs. T. Appleby of the North York Home ind School Council. 1 Erie Williams continues as pram ident' of the, Asmoeiation, with T They report there were 193 from Cunnda and they were billet. ed in the homes of I96 "Girl {Scouts" from the U.S.A. -- which, of course, gave them I Girl Scout “‘buddy" each. A wonderful time ‘wu had by all. ind the Guides'. choice wu "Mr Country! My Cathedral". L Rana" Can/arms l Ranger "Airs" from this area took " by bus to Roche-hr. N.Y. on the week-end of April 27111 for the Ringer Conference held there. Rangers unending from here New: Wilma Pitcher, Gui] uztus 'oe, Elaine .Teplinaky. Roseanne j1tover, Carol Street, Klren Pitch, Marilyn Jackson 1nd Nancy Camp- Green; and Paekie, lil- Wilma Pitcher. l Cnpuin Dorothy Green led the Brownian in I loll", "Ut it Shine" JAMES ijljllirl)Tiijl, Child! I I. Pine Want! CH. 1-6951 Mothu’: Day Suggestions: . WIRE ORDERS . loss: q cut FLOWERS a new. AllANOtMINts Roding MS New Executive Artdwhest_rwerrt.-rh.$hqmaohet wad-Id”. Manda-mono. Vivâ€"m 'v""'--- W; W. M“ Fir“ Lady" Itt trio: on a hot. Sh. is assisted by lam A...» a “any, born in MR [mum ittgt " [when]. Iroquois kllhd iii";' father and grandfather when III. Wu In inf-m. In 1708, when ’NIES rA'I'c TALKS "he Punch colonists were too poor --- V. lo buy manuNetured goods from e, In. Wilma) “was. metlons {Fr-nu. uh. unblished lclmh fac- Carelessness in storage of eiottr.P"r " m"? 'rem 'etrree. sh. 7 Green led the ing can rmsult in inoperable d.m_1ransomed captive New Enghnd " "Ut it "hai.'.t'riii, to your clothing Two great waver-I. Lacking sharp wool, iUx rhoice Wu "Mriiiimii, of fabrics an; insects "a and hemp, Ihe substituted goat thedral". ‘mildew Temperature and humidity hair, buffalo wool, tree bark and 1!].th a". dice: the cultivation of an” nettlen. When she. sold hm- factfny from this "a damaging factors. Moths like‘rten yelrs later, it was producing Rochuur. N.Y."wnrm temperatures - mildeWil50 yards 3 day of “use but us- f April 27th forirows on damp fabriea. sable cloth that she'dyed according "ettee held there., The mniority of the synthetics‘fio hf r 03m 'tel',?,',',"::,','; 5;" Il'" W from hem we resistant to both moth and} "e teed & new met a curing ter. Gait I- Nu)“. J, - a H - - ‘deerslnn. hy'umwm FLORISTS F Fo ner oyn xecnmquu. She ttlro I The majority of the s”them"ldeveloped a new method of curing In resistant to both moth Ind . . deerskin. ‘mlldew damage. Cotton: and eel/ __ - - lulo-ic fibres, such as the rayonl,‘ Who Was Canad-‘n 'ir,,, Ltd! {um susceptible to mildew if allow-) Lawvert ed to remain in I damp conditioni Clara Brett iurtin. She W” foe “W Mm of time. Inmate-lied to the 0mm. fur in 1397, such an '.'i.lv.er.fist will attach ‘n’lpractised law in Toronto Ind an.“ of the Icellulosu: fibres. Wool " theled on the Board of Education. favourite fabric for moth iarvaeshe died in 1923. and the favourite meal for the..), -_--rs-, 7 -----i- ,, insects is my food nun. Ptrrrticle.aned and More the clothing is less of the flbrics, food using ‘le [Mutual to the customer. use}: item; attract moths. For this, reason, lu- carefully pruned. This it . Ion1 (is very important that nil '.'r2,'1tit',r'i" "y to mm your cloth- be cleaned before they Are “and ins. 1‘ _ It is a known fact that mothrl. Miidyr dun-gs " praetienilr mu attack hlended fabrics of wool limo-"bl! to correct. Holo- “med and I synthetic. They will eat the?' ne 1arvne CNt sometimes be wool fibres, having the synthetic i'ttitoN mended but nun-he T! rung. However, the fabric is us-h'"" an prove, "W “Mu”? ually badly damaged and maimem'mb" - one of the at” T'" prove difficult to repair. iipum to bar in mind when storing l . . clothing in to store only clean 'e l To, Bvoid Irossible damage to alt-th‘o --.¢:-..I-..|.. "Mm ___-__-ev menu l To, IVOld posaible damage to clothing. plrticulnrly your more (valuable things, store only elem} clothes in a properly controlled' "oratte space, preferably I dry,; well-ventilated, cool area. Most dry cleaning uttblishmenu have their own dry clothing smug: facilities“ Iefore I professional dry cleaner{ will allow Itty clothing in hi.) units, In will mm that they be ‘ dry cleaned. If requested, yourl WTRY OUR Ah EATS ho has my h tma-fried or m Whit un-fryln; won. M the “(rod numb" of M in I my sad pine them II minimal lulu. Sew-u. a. 'tue " "In hut, Fry tii bun - by! turn frmurntlr In tttttft Em A “rd of clutionJ’u I. not your on the fat during fry- G, ; Who Was Can-din First Ltd! j Lawyer? , Cur: Brett Martin. She was: Plied to the Ontario Bur in 1897, practised law in Toronto nnd spun ed on the Board of Education. She died in 1923. “may“: to” Warm “I h t"s'ehrtttet-ttruat. will.» buy-"our, “mmmmmn. m {Milli-quail. the to- ht-orfteotrrrars. How. "er, ‘00.. it h I cured And In“ peitrettt it M Adviuhlt “fun-tun. 2 qts. Me With Meal Only manhunt) SHOP-R|TE m MIA! MARKET and DEUCATISSQN 1706 JAN! ST. tAt um mm DAV “IA? SHORT " ROAST . . . lb. Me SHORT " CROSS CUT lb. 39t MADE ROAST muss lb. 59: RUM? of I!!! . . . . . Ib. 69: BLADE ROAST ...... lb. 49: HOMO MILK I “A" 'A' q ROUND . SIIIOIN ttAtt, um um ON THE MOVE THIS WEEK? STEAKS " ROASTS [IAN MING” rum lawn a. 'iiiiii It. 69: All Our Man An of Top Qualify and Crammer-9 unpaved ”HMO!" uncouth-w SHOP-RITE MEAT MARKET and DELICATESSEN INVITE YOU TO FRESH“ - tASTWt - JUICIII AND TH! MOST TENDER I ROASTS $.69: I mrukitut, am. sad crumb}. tub ,'.'.'.itriiitl Iain. Add may. Pour ”nix-{prints from nun-c, lowing 1 M tabla-poo:- Mean In. Add onion he and brown lightly. Comm onion. Jr and hand umb- with tom-to Thu!” Plum tom-toe- oh " by Chicken '5-31C GRAD! w MEDIUM ROUND '" AK EGGS do: 3 b: MINCED 15.69.: 'gtg inch calm-oh. IUtve mm- M nee-nary to cover bottom. Add ml! And mp» to muons. Cover With tomato juice mixture. Ar, range cheese over lurfue. Top with buttered "angles of bread bud bake in a very hot oven tttin dug. F.) for " minutes. 'Recipe nnd serving mutations developed for use with Swift'n Pro, mium Raeon. MI Oman “mhm‘I-h , 3 “may... 1ettAa._aftt.eAt 1maumum-m Mil-old, . than... "It! w br In - 3" um Mumb- M In. M a! ttfi " an!” hum}. [auburn-“MM 1mm: 'dhW,"J'ell'at'd,= Your , MAR AM": I Ilka-pm and!“ nit (hm no I‘m C u E chug-mum mm Franklin thmtteuet M a [ I In“. braid. nub buttered undmrl. land. W I” I! - " an into net-nth- “but of the club far ' M - l Drain mum, r-ing IChmn mu m It a; tun-l, cup of tho liquid. Fry Moon in .yrttfl IMI. Pftpeaheat-etNet- t'thtg'tt,etti,tile taa-a NAM!!!) MAN" 711'. "CON' Mutant... 1.1mm. _ Imus-mumm- ( than-nun: 'p [ twang!“ am- " unfrahbmdcmh l lat-mun l Evin-(Ind, Own-loath CITY . NAM Cot 1 WI.“ hr “who.” ttOuth." ANNE GRAHAM LOGAN AN AFRICAN VIOLET for MOTHER'S DAY Remember MOTHER UNWANTED HAIR _ PROBLEM?? FISHER'S " bowusvurw AVENUE -- (Scum of Wilson, I Mock Eon of 19m) I’IQA “00. 3mm WIS? "ON! " 3-4“! OI 239-9254 mm ml m: loom? . OVI Mt YIAIS' EXPERIENCE POT ROAST........III.39¢ PORK 1Mlt,rresh...llr. 29e BEEF llVEllJmll ... lb. 4h (AU tim........lir.th FRESH SPARERIBS .:. h. m FIRST GRADE CliAMERY [mm b. '" ON tee DAY WITH Wm a 1'litiiiaiii"i'"iir" as!“ 1P:1erreerttpepAie,, 'erttk'otem.rtkatttateaiaibg Mnmuucuvah‘m mumm C'iliii?iiti2',11",,-i. "It“. 11trltfe.etpte, Wham VII-Math ll- “and To MI "ore' TO CHOW A” mu " ”noon Nth. dull-0 " In.“ of JOIN 0mm ar,tr,tt. "tttot-mA..-- Cwnvd'uhmMu-w 'toutdo.'- "In...” by mum to "nd M pun-kn d 'tt.ireutms-.rb-s-.M., ."6',erw!edmoto_ " “who“ GvmiVdici aVii Ma claim: a! whtrh the W the“ have will. "ttlil. Tm Ml” h. 53 ©liii.LE Mum. lull & “kahuna. a ling It. In ttr, Noam. Ont-0h MWA I. C. ”HUI. Adminimwix of IR. Inn. by M audit", CH. 9-2661 a - " COMPAREI THINK AND SHOP RIGHTI

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