5350. including over 20 -iiiiiiriiijeinttir' in required. idly evening It 8:00. tii?: _ Used for reiUetion, critical Please note the meeting will be “Con-idnr the Children? in theithirskist' philooophining, etc. held one week earlier this month - can. theme. Included in the}, It sum the children with the and will be held " Humber Heights 3mm In "The Exeeptionrtlbaaie tool: to think and understand SCHOOL Llwnnce Ave., between 3†in the Nursery School Bet/their own logic. Royal York Ind Scarlett Roads. â€His.†"Consider th e Nurseryla. The Non-Dileurlive Lan--.- Everyone is invited and all mem- 39rhotst Program" end "The An fee Language of Poetry mdibers In encouraged to show their ' C . . . with the Ytrrmtrlmtma and Firtiou. It is symbolic, spring Bowen, in the Spring Show. Child." An informal report mind very often the young child; Winners of the Community 3% Ctti1dre- seen durineMreahs in this way. _Beautifieatirm Draw will be an- % two-month star in USSR" ndas) Teachers can nee this method topouneed and prises awarded. Door international not. to the,eoenmunieate with the very ywngipl'im include free dinners at Pep- unfemee. . fchild. pio's and panes to the Imperial M... m... .-imm. .4...‘ Drum and utorie: m needed “Theatre. Arm, have a © i 650, indudi shun R,?,':,",',,','],',," t V _ me: tin "ran an IOOKINO mm CH“ after Amok banquot Sunday chum on some of m. youngsters who play“ in the North-Won Optimist’: Hockey locum this winter. Showing off their crests are: (left) Bobby Dumbo, Captain of the Rid†John Local Nursery School Director Attends Conference In Detroit Mn. Joan M. fload director of “mailman, Professor of Edna: If communicntion is curried to Mun Tnil'Nunery School, on'tion, Teachers' College, Columbil‘ita Nil length in the non-discursive 30,11 York Road his been in De-7Jniversitr, New York City, onjlmmxe it becomes communion, trait Inat weak to attend the 196t"TI" Art of Communicating wittrrtot communication, and uplift' Confemce on Numry Eduation:the Young Child." Dr. Jacob: di- both speaker and listener into and Child Cam, ecu-spawned tor winded his lubject into three areaadhitrher worlds. the tirat time by the Nuhery Eda-‘1. The Silent Inrtguage--our facial} ------.--- 'ation Ar.oeiation of Ontario and expression; our movements to-l to NW Aieintion ofrards and “my from the child; Hanna" Speaks - In“ - V: - --. â€"vâ€" '" -___ - - utiun Aaaociation of Ontario andixpresaion; our movement: to-), u lidwuun Association of wards and away from the child; Hanna" Speaks Nursery “nation. Canadian andlour way of handling books andl “western American nursery ed-lvarioua objects around him andTOn S fin Ti ' â€more Ind child care worker: our way of handling him. The way , g p m meetinginthe Statler-Hiltoniwe use our time and the value‘ M, May 3-5. ‘we place on certain activities. 1’0, (hrrdenars The an association, concerned} The Diunnive L-re-This! William E. Harman, Garden rid: the development of young‘wu the verbal language, and thelEdimr of the Telegram will speak Children and good nursery educa- language we use to diwus day to‘on I timely aubject, "Preparing the aâ€, have a combined membershipid" happenings and when straight Garden for Spring Planting," Mon. ae 660, including over 20 anriatajthiuimr is required. idly evening at 8:00. Dina-lion maps, exhibits, edu-) Dram and same: In needed to -tieretn1AIrtt showings, Innings refteet our feelings Ind to help .W of the two "soeiatimusithe child to cryutdin his own feel- “ hurl of luxury schools andlingn about thing; ' an center-I inAhe (match We need to enjoy it with them _ h their dam to keep cool thawing, bud cooling. and even An eat- mer, mom. midenu gen-ling nwuy of the cooling um. - will nth careful plans and‘ Almost all brands of antifreeze, M may on pools, drinks Ind‘of course, contain inhibitors. The ire-Indiana's. Many "mptudttdetrree of protection which anti- “ but the but depend heavily on from can give in summer depends mobiles. yet runny awnera dO‘m-inly on its original quality Ind In. or nothing to protect "with length of time it h... been in 'itreles unjust thin surnrner'rurar. Its summer job is made hard- hptlltanu. ‘er because high temperntures Miln- not oat on lone summer speed up rormsion reactions 1nd a..- can. .tnl.-inuriud emuse up inhibitors faster. . Dstmit In" Illo as being heldng the - beauty of the words aerhttthe antennae. ind expression, not to use it u a . Th Conference endegl "turday means to moralile or teach futull tith away. addr6ss by priming. such " "Icky. Milli! let out on lone summer trim- with still-winterized en- - They tend to ignore the low- “ - which uhmurds cool- " m: min". dam-n. w point oat thnt the -dman hnt merited hy the “I. - "tummy nape into .. ntr. In lummer_ when the un- . " much a n we detrrers hotter “I in vim". this ourâ€! must a with“. "beiesttly. " .h thin possible, it in best 111mm to (anomaly new an!» . “I and spring clean the freeze. - - in the engine 2) Inhibnon he also contpined in “I. That should be " lent the .nti-eormqion produch which Ly “ mm with PM were originnlly desitrtted for use Lllh and I ftuah with "hr. with VIM. [any charm“, how. â€meh minim-nee qFer, do not adviu using those tee, .. ill Sumner do" MN“): um'fneu bun-use they my mm and no may arming: with the origins] inhibitors 4tl',Seg nnd worrying if the to roam the nun" pm": _ . -t$ft-r. il are to “It. trs-inset corrosion. â€â€™3 a the "M", "WM Rpm din: of thr mint mod. * n ’ ’m m" to "Vt-plum... rm"... nut-n -rvir' “Olin-wind tair ther jut! don't ttrt B. t.h-htgrodi.torsdrain Mum“ the water or titMtiehemrri-treethtttte I‘U-MMI-htkond Rdt"=',eTgg,'far'S'e1 maul-hula» pmMWpI-a. m.unm 0M- nip-Illum- The Big Switch Many ctr men we nntifreaewilnge shown on the 1962 map ya" in Ind you out. Each winterm-e: the comphtion of Secondary they add 3 bit of fresh nolutionmizhwuy 637 between Killuney and, thereby, n m." uncut (Wind Highway 69: Ind the BO-mile fresh inhibitor. They end up with section of Highwny 101 between t coolant of unknown quality in Foleyet and Chaplenu - to be their radiator. If they rally want /rmrinlly opened in June. to be sure of protertion, than il ttol In Smdhern owtoio. thr biggest rhemicnl tent or treatment forlrhange in MI Highway 401. when this rompcrnble in price and"rel7S miles of sun-Hom- opened to hitrititr to rumpletely new Inti- 'rrsfiir, ix 1961 hare bun uddpd, {free-e. 24" "dint: wot vet owned are 1 Inhibitor: are also contained in (the nnti-corrolion preclud- which Wren origin-“y desitrtted for up arith water. [my chi-nil“, hav- 1m. do not advice “in; than 1mm “time“ been»: they may ’nltt with the originnl inhibitors 3 Wm"! of thr Mil“ -d, mil" u fur a Long Poinc Nrh. ‘ad-th rmliup In“!!! I'M" " 'tdditiort " Me 95 nun pk" 'Iiminua- trouble. By it'll. drain. mm" who'd; r". mud n, the /trttr moves I lot of dirt. Cleaning 19m rmed 'ther. ",0," " n. and fhashimr up" up water vul- dun». for the gr" my. Mu ya". Pe' far mod adult tin-alum Tho w w my 5. otttained [and m rid c! ret. com-ion. Ind tere of amp from my of the " (iriu'riiiiiie2uiiGrtGiriaori'a,re; ' of an Depot-uncut when was. we. elm- root-1.: nun-nu. 0mm: a. In“ an III {red inhibit“! mnkaomg. of a. W; or the an an: an.“ WnMWJdeur-uw uni-mum "-1rt;ririTiiitaiGriarrsTiii. i" . . V ." _ Inn-Mo It Iny of the Tmriltl "mm-m in the "on“: 'rio m Rrrertiort Crrtre OFF-'34 try the m ttr â€W Tsoo ROYAL YORK ROAD - ROYAL YORK m m- that â€I" m aritt brttt W run-mm. " Trar., "4 mm. 3 ROYAL vow mu . at. 7-469! 10m $1., msvou . cu M147 h. Mimic mm-m cu 7.4311 c, gm - an anner. My. , Spun". Captain of the Royals, Hugh Mitchell, President of the optimists; Jerry Preston, Cap- min of the Rodwinga, and John Griffin, Captain of the Comets. ( While the 1962 map looks much uâ€like last year's, it shows no lean n ‘than 265 miles of new highway . milmge, made up of 184 miles of “if; King’s Highways and 81 miles of . ‘Secondary Highwaya. In addition, ati-lit records the completion of 90 Ends\mileg of new roads in Northern “d iand Northwestern Ontario. most of , '"jhis mileage being built under the wr-d- $ "Roads-to-Re-es" Td'lproirriyt the Department of High- ways in carrying oat in the North. l, Example!- of sections of new New Maps Are Now Available The 1962 edition of the casein Bold Map of Ontario, published Ir. the Department of Highways, in yrtr the press and available now, tg of charge, to Etohieoke re- nidpnts. In Sauna-n Oufan'o. thr biggest, Hung! ie on Highway 401, when 75 miles of nation: operred to 'ra'fic in 1961 hurl bun added. Art ":4“: Trot yd opened on than on the "1r Met, an beirut Wider remstrmetiem. Another important nvitian it†the extension of King‘s Highnyl in rum-r]! from Willem tol Worth. In Western Ont-rio. im- ‘pmemonu have been mule in the ‘mumbéring of Highway! " and 59, the Inner having M welded nutherly from Highwny , for 28 miles, " fur an Long Poini Purl. I LMldyllm-Ipvm-bh mm.»- u my a! the Turin i are: OM McCall If You’re Looking 'tft matlm ROYAL YORK PLAZA 'Tllon.. Come, Shop and Save at Gifts for every budget . . To Say "th love You" from Dad t Kids Lindsay Catt Shops Ltd. IF YOU HAVE iun BOWLED AT ROYAI. YORK BOWL- NOW’S YOUR CHANCE lull' ROYAL Y0litllt BOWL STILL A FEW OPENINGS FOR LEAGUES AT OUR NEW MANAGEMENT DEAL! OPEN BOWUNG EVERY DAY ' mam or THE WEEK CHILI!!!“ UNDER " MUS? " ACCOMPANIEO " ADI!“ The Home With Th. Friendly AMMpho. Enmlos In rur to: 3 GAMES of OPEN BOWLING UP TO JUNE 14, I962 THIS COUPON PLUS 60t MOTH.'S BAY FEATURE Fin. English Ion. China a, 8. SAUCER 6a-dfueo'd..i-'-"idtt.dtqoy q Homer's Day Gaming Cards 0 My "hot '60! id.†hr " to!†Phono I .00 Ra IIO. tt " _ fi'sitli/fr, (f)iiit-f To 'ii;i'ii','ii' Ful of .m id- IiI'IIy new! "rrie, truths. "about. urchins, on GIFI‘ - ME oot WINDOW DENY. cup THIS AD & BRING IT Wtttt YOU FOR 10% om ROYAL YORK PLAZA - CK. 7-94.! q 1363 EgliMon W. - RU. T'c2Sei+-""" COMPLETE COSTUME JEWELLERY BAR Pearl Credit Jewellers .523 ROYAL YORK CORSAGES DISH GARDENS ALADDIN if? Wank I Jowollcry lopair - " Hr. Service on Promises 2.50, 5.00, 6.00 FLORISTS CH 7-1941 QUEEN ANNE: "NI ENGLISH It». CHO. CUT FLOWERS Special Sunday Family Dinners ‘ $2.00 n. can. m “a“... we... Plants pt2TTED MUMS, FUSCHIAS MIXED FANS, ETC. CATIIINO l UAW“ IACIUTKS AVAIMIII MI I». I“: M I.“ CHKKIN o-s-mt-tMt-Mt, a, and SAUCER $1 .00 huh an" he: - M†h." Mash-d, Ioilod 0' MM" "'9"... Aprrk. labia. Cherry or â€who!" HI In." 11". with Whip-d (new. Sun" (â€<ch We. I). PM W huh (up (M â€huh huh My) loo-l Prime " d M, tqorserxsdish, Fun at.“ (homes! Broil“ Sm“ loath-I Sirloin Shel Dar " span Ribs with Int " Saw. a.» hind hood-d Hui-nu, Plum Saue- Chichon in Oh laugh wid, “at. Canada! "my loo" You». Onmio tum, (re-bury has. Chancel Ira“ New! Shot, PW Ila. Especially for MOM GREEN PLANTS WE DELIVER CcIory "can I Olive: or Churn Said Soup Du Jour or lunch “in Chem of one [mm Dunn . Ina... 1.75 up 1.75 up _ Desserts Make Every Sunday MOTHER'S DAY Vegetables Beverages ALADDIN Entrees MENU COFFEE. SHOP COURSE SUNDAY DINNIII BRING HER TO 2.50 up t .IS