'-0-'te8t-Aghm.8t6Mt--r'uteu.r,t6...t.t968 "B-tr, esteem and respect my main country But devot- db and passionately love your "I." laid Anton R. Lendi. in. motion/ally renowned Swua Commentator who personally narrated his colour film "Pat. tern For Peace" to a large gath. ering at St, Stephens Anglican Church on Friday, October M), retired by the w. A. Mr. Len. wearing a beautifully hand emhroidered jacket from his nat- ive Lucerne whisked the audien, co away to the peaceful climes of “tiered jacket from his native Dionne. whisked the audience away to the peaceful climes of Switzerland. Up through the Al. pine paths and down to the edg- es of the almost tropical south- ern lakes with palm trees may ing in the warm breezes. The people of Switzerland sing with I happiness that stems from their hearts, and seem so relax, ed and content With the slower pace of life. This certainly was an enchanting evening and An. ton Lendi spoke with warmth and affection about his country that holds the pattern for peace. and what this troubled old world needs right now. __ M . - apologies to d] but who ‘phomd and d.. - biannual: to In: last u. - to find that-the copy Md bun wind from this col. .I. m due to circumnlwces - my control. Mrs. Sphn made the i7hodue. tions and Mr. Splan thanked Mr. Lendi for, twhat must have been, felt by all) an invitation to visit Swlterland through his delight- ful colour mane. Here we are again with our whines at the Must table-wel. come! Mr. and Mrs. A. Giddings. a Forthbridge Crescent, held a Whist Drive at their home on Friday. October 19. Prize winm m were: ladies lst. Mrs. Rob. ertson. 2nd., Mrs. Brock, (booby) Mrs Baillie. Mens Ist. T. Gene metl, 2nd. D, Hibhs, (booby) K. King. Door prize: D. Hihbs. Luc- ky draw: Mrs. K. King. The pro- ceeds for this evening were in aid of a bingo for the veterans " Sunnybrook Hospital on Tues- day October Ek Sparkplug be- hind the whist party and Tues. day evening at Sunnybrook. M, C. Mrs. D. Hibbs. Wondering what to do with all the clothes that won't fit? Cubs and scouts of the Humber Downs District are holding a Used Clothing Drive. Crippled Civil- ian Bags will be distributed on Saturday, November 3. and pick- ed up on Saturday. November 10. They were very pleased at the response last year _ don't disappoint them this year. So get cracking. tidy up the clothes duet and be ready on Novem- ber 3, for the cub or scout who will call at your door. The Choir Guild of St. Steph. en: Anglican Church are holding a Whist Drive on Saturday, Nov- ember 3. 8 pm, in the church basement. Prizes and refresh. menu. Tickets. 75c may be ob. tained at the door. or from any member of the Guild. Proceeds towards new books for the choir. If you haven't been to a whim. drive, you've been miss. ing a lot of fun. And it it's a card partner you need, don't worry - youll find one there. That's Saturday. November 3 a Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. James Ringer tone-tinte res- Idents of Tumpane St.) on the birth of a troy, brother fur Sus- In and Bradley. - Winfer draws on . . . . North York Parks and Recreation an- nounce that Figure Skating will commence at Rodin: Park, Sat- urday. November 24. 10 a.m. Registration - By mail or at the location on November 10. loam to 11:30 am. Ages-Girls and boys 5 years and up $8 per child for the season. Boys' Hockey: Registration . By mail or at Roding Park on November 5 or 8. T pm 16 8:30 [231mm AROUND DOWNSVIEW WWW: WALTER’S Gh" GARAGE FREE v Utttt “we: STAY!†"I.“ - CAST!“ - WA!!! SYATI M Yetei, M. lam-u. but ,ti'Eiii .3 "-. (a my mate d . I‘ll I“. '0")! “MIA" â€I. m - Hum IICWAIES b‘ I.“ It"; - I'm M In - (may Car - m " VI IIMY In. “I A A!†an A with hat. and oil change ANTI-FREEZE lithium in in ua; â€Jog-m V... use â€an. I“); [It Ages . l to " yr; of use It (iii, August i. 1082. so each boy for the season. The October meeting of the ernoon. Beverley Hills United Church --- Women of Beverley Hills United On Friday. November 2, the Church was held in the Fireside Beverley Hills United Church Is Room on Wednesday, October holding a Congregational Dinner 24. The Devotional was taken by in conjunction with their Sector the Mary and Martha Unit and Plan. Musical entertainment will included a fine devotional read- l be provided by an outstanding ing of the Impressions of the par- 3 barber shop quartet. An outline ticipants In the story of the Good of the proposed programme for Samaritan The leader was Elea. the church for the coming year nor Morrish who introduced the will be presented for approval. following " traveller who was - robbed - Betty MacEachern: one It's "going up" time again! On of the robbers . Fern Schoales: Monday, October 22. CM Flor- priest - Carrie Wastle: Levite "(TINT Hall of the 7th Downsview Bernice Burrows: Samaritan . held a Going Up Ceremonv for And Men! Lax those muscles - dribble your way to health - ttoo-t your way to fitness!! Men's Basketball. Location - Bay. view Junior High School. Rete 'tstration. By mail or at the loca- tion. 7 pm, to 10 pm. Age t 20 years and at $1600 per person for 20 week season. Cathy Wilson: innkeeper _ Jean Richardson. This devotional provided a fitting prelude to the speaker. Mrs, N. West, of the International Institute, who told of the work of the Institute and United Appeal. The Internation. al Institute is seeking to inte. grate New Canadians into their new country and is domg fine work in promoting understand- ing between peoples. It is a busy place with opportunities for study (English, ltaltam. enjoy- ment (concerts, clubsi. counsell- ing, etc. Mary Logan thanked the speaker" whose informative talk had been enjoyed by all. study (English, ltaltani. enJoy- The lst. Beverley Hills cubs ment (concerts, clubsl. counsell- and scouts will be out on a Pap- ing, etc. Mary Logan thanked 'er Drive bright "n' early on Sat- the speaker' whose intormativelurday. November 3, Have your talk had been enjoyed by all. ’papers bundled and ready on --- â€our veranda, or at the end of What will a penny buy these lthe driveway for fast pick-up. days? Perhaps the Group Com- - mittee of the 113th Guide and} My goodness; Saturday is 2thtth Guide and Brownie Com/really going to be a busy day parties have the answer. A Pen- around Downsview. St. Philip's ny Auction will be held at the Neri are holding their Annual home of President. Mrs. Temple- Bazaar on Saturday. November man, 22 honey Avenue., on Wed. 3. l to 5 pm. Church Auditor- nesday, November 7. EMS pm. ium, Mane St.) The first two Hostess, Mrs. Morrish. All brow- hundred people to make a pur- nie and guide mothers are invit- chase of a dollar or more will ed to join them at this social receive a gift voucher from the gathering. Refreshments will be Cleaned - In _ View _ so hurry! served. Oh yes, they plan to hold After you have received your a Rummage Sale in January. voucher, relax and enjoy light Start rummaging now. ladies refreshment in the Tea Room. so that youll have everything/t the bazaar you will imd a ready for a bumper sell-out. (White Elephant, Knitted Goods, The Fireside Room of the Beverley United Church was the setting for the Fall Tea sponsor- ed by the U.C.W., on Saturday, October 27. Chrysanthemums in lovely Fall shades decorated the Tea Table and individual tabl- es. Isabelle Story, Audrey Corn- eil, Eileen Beales. Ruth Brock and Ruth Shallhorn presided at the Tea Table, Mothers (and a few Dads too) enjoyed their tea or coffee. sandwiches and cakes, while the children had a grand time drinking orangeade, munch- shown lb." Mr. Claude Wllson of the PM Motor Company Lmlted, panting the winning “the! for the More. set to Mr. C R. (intent-III. Flee Prnldcm of CrFoharrtt Mom's United 2070 Woman M. Mr. II. P. Mtrhhnn. " Wimbleton Ind. Minion. Ontario um the lucky winner at the Stereo during Cruirluhank Mn umued, New Car Showlu. In; sandwich“ and cookies and at the am an. colouring hap. py jun-mum placennu. The Auction ot Home Baking was held in the Sunday School Room and this proved not only Expyable but profitable for all, Tik auctioneer. were Eleanor Wray and Hahn Henessey. Both these events were well mended and provided good opportunities for friendly fellowship. All in all it was I very successful atl- ernoon. ll) conjunction with their Sector Plan. Musical entertainment will be provided by an outstanding barber shop quartet. An outline of the proposed programme for the church for the coming year will be presented for approval. it's "going up" time again! On Monday, October 22. CM Flor- ence Hall of the 7th Downsview held it Going Up Ceremony for John Sheflin. John McClintock (2 star cubs) and Robert Niven and Bill Beatty. invested: Patrol Leaders, Paul Metcalfe and Rob, ert Ashton: Secomiers, Keith and Mare Brown: into Scouts, Dale Duke and Vijay Patel. In- vestitures conducted by SM Roy Lawrence. Visiting the 7th Duwnsview Scout Troop durmg the latter part of the evening DSM, Derek Brew. My goodness; Saturday is really going to be a busy day around Downsview. St. Philip's Neri are holding their Annual Bazaar on Saturday. November 3. l to 5 pm. Church Auditor- ium, (Jane St.) The first lwo hundred people to make a pur- chase of a dollar or more will receive a gift voucher from the Cleaned - In _ View _ so hurry! After you have received your voucher, relax and enjoy light refreshment in the Tea Room. At the bazaar you will imd a White Elephant, Knitted Goods, Aprons. a 25e Parcel Post. Home Baking and lots of stocking stutter items - Christmas is com- ing. remember? Take the chil- dren along with you, they can try their luck at the Fishing Pond. Under the sponsorship of the Toronto Guitar Society, Lenny Breau, guitarist who came to this area from Winnipeg. will present a versatile recital at the North York Main Library on Saturday, November 3, at 8:30 CH 1-2“, International Councillor Lion Carl Caskey with his Imuing memory fur details introduced the speaker 0.0.6. Neil McDow- (ell who gave a very interesting talk on Happiness In Lionism, land pointed out that intolerance, (greed, jealousy and hate must be ‘subtracted from a Lion‘s person- ‘ality in order to obtain a happy lstate of mind, which is needed l (l, Liort's work. Our speaker was thanked by Pete Fuller. The [new a! the Wont. Lieu Club on Wednesday, Odo- ber 24 was highlighted by it! In- nunl visit of the Deputy DUtriet Governor Lion Neil new. Zone chairman for TW. Lion Cord Owen and their charming wives. At the head table with these disthtguistsed guests were Lion Stan and Ann Wilma. Prui- dent Ed Rusbmok and his help- mate popular Lionette Olive. Although this was ' regular business meeting the club deviat. ed slightly and invited the ladies. A new member "Tug" Wilson. sponsored by Jim Trimbee was inducted into the club by D. D. G. Neil McDoweil. past president John Watson gave the Lions Code of Ethics and introduced "Tug" who was accepted into the Club by president Ed. His new member button was present. ed by Lion Jim Trimbee. You can go west (young man) but don't go left. According to a letter from S. Cass Metro Traffic Engineer, Metro is launching a campaign to keep left-ham) turns to a minimum in city driving. The abolition of left turns on The abolition of left turns on main streets, and especially from street car tracks, will speed tratfie considerably and mly save hours for thousands of TTC passengers. In Weston, Council has agreed to prohibit left turns at the inter- section of Lawrence Ave., and Weston Road. southbound, he tween the hours of 4 pan. and 6 pm Monday to Friday, dur- ing rush hours. Mr. Cass pointed out, in his letter. "That the left turns east- bound and westbound are also few in number, averaging ap- proximately one vehicle per two minutes. However, this very small number of vehicles has re- sulled in considerable inefficien- COOPER FURS lawrence " Weston Road Right Away? Weston Lions Club News Open Every Night “I Christmas Including Wednesday. 1978 Weston Rd. Dunn. no em d a vary plot-ant - vision in“ were we. Winn-u d to uni monthly lull draw vim Charlie Morton, A. R. lcughlh and our own Lew Rogers. The Lion: are fortunate to have another fine team to re- place the Willow. they are Lew and Rita Rogers. The ladle: winning the club convention draw. were Rita Rog. era. Betty Mum and Mamie Bull. Lion Stan and Ann Wilson were honoured for their truly magnificent cum in running the Arena Booth hr the Lions Club during the past yeara. Ann and Stan have given generously a! their time. they have pitched in to make the booth one ot the main aourcea at revenue for the Club. They are a shining exam- ple ot happy Iaons due to com- plete devotion to duty. The Willom' were presented with gifts from the Lions Club and from the Wanna Aren- Board of Governor: for their outstanding mom over the yours. After the meeting a get togeth- er was held in honour of the Wil- sons " the Arena Room where everyone enjoyed dancing 1nd light refreshments. Mrs. Jean Newman, former President of Toronto City Court. cil and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Control, Spoke on "Women in Politics" " the re. cent monthly meeting of the Um iversity Women's Club of War tom Members of the Club attended the meeting along with repre- sentalives of the Wesum Council of Women. Mrs. Newman deplored the lures ot our modern society," conspicuous lack of women in "Public Office is a Public re- government bodies and felt that sponsibility", stated Mrs. New, once the family of an educated man, "and women should not and intelligent woman was l feel that it is a preserve of men. grown up, she must 1sy1eiJf..l1ehte.lf a woman be consid' more responsibility in public IL ered a superwoman before she fairs. is accepted as a candidate when She pointed out that women any male candidate is accepted do exert great influence of the solely on his own merits?" quer- government, citing the signiii-‘ied the speaker. She pointed out that women do exert great influence of the government, citing the signifi- cant role played by the Business and Professional Women's Club in extending the municipal fran- chise in the last election to all Mrs. Newman Addresses Weston University Women I952 WESTON ROAD, WESTON We're celebrating our 16th Anniversary with the biggest SALE ever. $250,000.01) worth of diamonds, watches. app- linnces and (in. of every description now on sale at the lowest prices in our " year history. Some quantities are limited and REMEMBER, you DON'T need cash . . . Your credit is always good at Weston Credit Jewellers. Tremendous VALUES ANNIVERSARY Hurry! Hurry! This is Your lAST CHANCE WESTON CREDIT JEWELLERS to "Usb" in on the during our Today. Councillor June: Serv. ice. cum-w for now in North York'I Dccembex trd election. proposed I provincinl Municipal Development Fund In that "mil. lion: ot dollars worth of public works could be commenced in. medintely. many unemployed put back to work, and the Spa. dim rapid transit line commenc- ed years ahead a! schedule." Service Proposes Development Fund For Municipalities Through Province Mr. Service. in announcing Plank No. 3 of his platform, said: "A Municipal Development Fund should be established by the Provincial Government to assist municipalities with cheap rittatteing of sidewalks. sanitary and storm sewers, recreational centres, hospitals and public transportation systems. The savings to municipalities and to individual homeowners would be felt immediately in our economy, Mr. Service claimed. Borrowing money " current rates of interest means that 3194 must be repaid for every 8100 borrowed. "If the province lent money through a Municipal De- velopment Fund at, say Nut, then for every $100 borrowed only $140 would have to be re- 1/2 Off voters over 21. She added "Wo. men themselves refrain from entering public life because they are fearful of becoming involved in acrimonious debate and strong criticism." Mrs. Newman quoted the late Principal of University College, Dr. W. I. Taylor, "If the women of the world get into step, they can bring down the false struc- tures of our modern society," Gold Rings Reduced Save! Save! After Mrs. Newman concluded her talk, coffee was served while members and visitors participat- ed in formal diseussion. And Save! 14K and 10K // iiiflig Bl 'FN ,4d b, / y I j l tli Christmas Usual Prices Buy Now For Sunbeam Steam and Dry Iron Biggest Selection of $12.77 Made to sell for $20.95 Pay $1.00 Weekly TRANSISTOR RADIOS paid. For example. on every unitary sewer installed under local improvements, where the installation cost of $500 the home- owner would ave $270 over I period at 20 years. Mr. Service suggested North York would be able to speed up its 12 year sidewalk program and complete in about halt the time the balance of sanitary sewera in the Township. "By ac- celerating public works jobs would be produced for unemploy- ed", Mr. Service said, “and the construction industry needs this kind of shot in the arm". "Amther possibility", Mr. Ser- vice added, "is that Metro could apply tor assistance in the finan- cing of the Spadina rapid transit system and complete this pro- Jeet at least 4 years ahead of present plans". "Preeedents have already been established". Mr. Service said. "Both the Ontario Water Re. sources Commission and the On- tario Municipal Improvement Corporation were set up to as- sist municipalities: the Water Resources Commission to loan money at lower than current rates of interest for water works and sewage disposal systems; ithe Municipal Improvement Cor- poration as a lender of money as a last resort - where a munici- pality cannot obtain financing on the open market". The move was felt necessary since the DRO may spend from 10-14 hours on the job during one May. Salaries Raised For Vote Counters "A Municipal Development Fund with broader scope would assist municipalities in the es- sential field of public works and every $1 spent on wages will be multiplied many times over in its effect. If elected reeve I will push for immediate action in this regard." The salaries ot the men who will count your votes in the De. camber elections, were raised by Council, Monday. _ Council added 85 to the salar. ies of both District Returning of, ficers and Poll Clerks. bringing the DRO's pay to $20 from a previous $15, per day. Imported 4 Piece ALUMINUM CANNISTER SET . .. Yours Absolutely FREE with any new purchase of $19.95 or over . . . So buy now for Christmas and all gm giving occasions and save as never before and get a beautiful FREE GIFT TOO. Happy Anniversary to us and happy shopping to you LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN!! all at DISCOUNT PRICES m never such tremendous values F amous name brand Save up to . Watches 1/2 YOURS FREE! This, is thy time to do that CHRISTMAS SHOPPING'. Big More. Come in today. Savings throughout our entire Guitar Recital At NY library 1This Saturday IODE To Hold Rummage Sale The John Countryman Chapter LO.D.E. Weston, Ontario. will be holding their annual rummage sale at the Crane Plum 56 Mat. tson Road on Friday, November 2. 1962, from 200 pm. o'clock to T.00 pm. o'clock. The teatur, ed article this year will be skates. Under the sponsorship of the Toronto Guitar Society, Lenny Breau. guitarist, will present a versatile recital at the North York IMain) Public Library on Saturday, November 3 " 8.30 In Weston The selections will range tram works by Bach to jazz and sever- al difiercnt type: of guitars will be used. The artist “ill render his jazz selections on an amplified guitar assisted by a double bass, He will also perform a group of flamenco works on a Spanish flamenco guitar Mr. Breau. a young man who came to this area from Winnipeg, has achieved no little recognition in the Toronto area in the last 6 months. Tickets will be avail- able at the door the evening of the rental. RO 6-HT? YORK TRAVEL BUREAU DIM CH 1-3588 1043 WESTON ROAD WN. G. BEECH, General Insurance Ni tary Pablu: ANYWHERE TO ANYWHERE FOR ALL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Call RO 6-4603 I?!