Page " - THE WESTON TIMES - Thursday, "womb“ tt, "" f Shocking though it seems, Weston Dodgers would have won last Friday's match against Sehomberg Bears playing with an empty net. Even at this early stage of the Metro Junior B hockey season. it is quite evident that Dodgers are much too powerful for their opposition. Their complete domination of the other four clubs in the loop poses a distinct problem for Weston manager Ken Avarell. Weston scored 17 goals over the sixty minutes, while allowing Bears only 14 shots on the Dodger cage. Avarell worked hard to piece together a contender for the 1962-63 season, and it appears he did too good a job. Additions such as Roworth, Screen and Cullimore from Junior A ranks, along with former Aurora main- stays Raino. Clifford and Walker have given him three top lines that can better anything the other teams put out. . At their present rate, Dodgers could kill the league. and yet they can't possibly think of letting up. Actually Avarell was expecting stiffer competition from the two N. H. L. farm clubs, Dixie and Lakeshore, but so far they have failed to come up to scratch. Rumour has it that a Metro A franchise may be on the horizon, but Avarell denies this completely, even though he has a club that could give any Metro A squad a good run for their money, and proved it in pre-season exhib- ition play. Whatever the outcome. Dodgers are in the unhappy position where they cannot afford to either win or lose without bringing the critics down about their ears. MINOR NOTE Weston Minor Hockey league will start its 500 boys on their regular schedule this Saturday at Weston Arena, and this paper plans to run the results of these games along with the names of the goalgetters. SPORT 5 NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Weston intends to submit to the Electors qualified to vote on money Bylaws the following Bylaw: BY-LAW NO. A By-law to repeal By-law Number 1328, being a By- law to provide for an annual levy of one-quarter of a mill of taxation on the whole rateable property in the Town of Weston fy, Elle _support of the Weston Silver Banq. . "WHEREAS B35151; 'Nilhaé; 1iii d/as-pass-ed" under and by virtue of The Municipal Act 35.0. 1937, Chapter 266, Section 405. Sub-section 65. . 7 AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to repeal said By-law I328. THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WESTON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: BY-LAW READ a first and second “me this 29 day of October AD 1962. G. W. BULL. Mayor D. A. CHANTLER, Acting Clerk. I, G. H. CLARKSON. Clerk of the Town of Weston, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the proposed By-law. _ if; h%i By-law Number 1328 be and the same is hereby repeeltd: ____ -4.» - _ _ ... -- . . It the assent of tho Electors is obtained to the By-law it will be taken into consideration by the Council after the expiration of one month from the date at the first publica- tion of this Notice (November 8th. 1962). _ Any tenant who is entitled to vote and who desires to vote on the said By-law. must deliver to me, not later than the 23rd day of November, 1962, the Declaration provided by Sub-section 4. Section 260, of-the Municipal Act. RS.O. The vote of the Electors qualificd to vote on money Bylaws shall be taken on the proposed By-law at the annual Election to be held an the 3rd day of December. 1962. bet- ween the hours of 10.00 o'clock in the forenoon and b00 o'clock in the afternoon. at the places and by the Deputy Returning Officers appointed for the said Municipal elec» Horns. The Mayor will attend at his office Munici al Building. Weston. on Thursday the 29th day of 'Ill,',',',,',",')" 1962. at the hour of 1200 o'clock noon for the purpose of appointing. if requested. persons to attend at the polling places and at the ftna1 gumminx up of the votes by the Perk. " .m .....u -...........,, u, v. “m .-_-., w _._< v, The final summing up of the votes given tor and against the said By-law will be made by the Clerk on the Sth day of December, 1962, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon at his office in the Municipal Building. DATED this 8th day of November. 1962, sts, 56‘ 'ly' E TOWN or WESTON NOTICE To ElECTORS G H cuARKsotl, Tom Gouett BY Clerk Weston Dodgers handily dis- posed of Schomberg Bears in back -to - back clashes last week, topping the losers 9 " in Schum- berg Thursday and humiliating the Bears 17 - l at Weston Arena Friday night, Moe Clifford got the club fly- ing with a fast pair of makers before the game was two mim utes old, and set the pace as teammates Jocko Ptashnik, Brian Screen, Jack Raino. Al Osborne and Brian McDonald all collected doubles over the route. Weston led 6-0 at the end of the first period and rapped HAT TRICK PLAY: Jack Raino (No. 14) sets up Jim Johnston (No. 12) for his third goal in last Friday's game at Weston Arena. Dodgers snowed Shomberg Bears under a 17-1 count. Dodgers Romp Over Bears JORDAN'S Watches & Diamonds 1897 Weston Rd. at Lawrence Ave. Watch Specialists WESTON WESTON VOTERS VOTE WOOD MAYOR DECEMBER FOR home three more unanswered goals in the middle frame. Jim Johnston led Weston on the scoresheels with a hat trick performance, Jerry Roworth and Ed Jackson tiotching the remaining singles. Gary Babcock was the only Bear to dent Dodger's armour, spoiling Paul Robichaud's bid for a shutout late in the final period. Robichaud made the stop but lost control and the puck dribbled over for the count. Ptashnik, McDonald and Or borne were also two-goal men Olive Boyle Mary Gray Marg Forester Team Standing; Weston Bowling Lanes " Pts Nydia Hairdressers 45 Pts Mil Jay's Ladies Wear 38 Pts Sorta Mattress Co. 30 Pts Mamselle Hair Stylists 28 Pts Marcia Mac Shoppe 20 Pts COOPER FURS END OF FIRST SERIES Open Every Night Til Christmas Including Wednesday. - 1978' Watch Rd. High Three Fiat BOWLING 731 710 Holds Members' Right Tuesday The 445 Ad Astral Wing of the Royal Cnnadian Air Force " sociation are holding a member. ship night, Tuesday. November 27, at 8.30 pm. at No. 1 Supply Depot, Weston Road and 401. The program wiil include I short business meeting, rededica. tion of the wing colors. induction of new members. and a social Eligible for membership are all mr-commonwealth air force personnel and their friends who may become auxiliary members. The Wing is concerned with community and national service and with providing the members with a social life. berg, Olive Boyle Elsa Peer Marg Forester Mary Gray Marg Warner Kay Sawchnk Bernice Elliott Maim Ireland Mary Gray Olive Boyle Norma Samuel The Board of Educa- tion For The Township Of North York Seated lenders clearly marked as to tender number will be received. in the at fire of the Assistant Secret- ary. tor the purchase of Caretaking Supplies (Gen- eral) and Caretaking Supp- lies (Electrical). Tenders close at 3:00 pm. Derember 10. 1962. Tender forms may be ob. tained upon application to the Manager of Porrhasine, " Oakhurn Crescent. Wil. lowdale. 225-4661. The lowest or any lender will not net-nanny be Ic- tented. the Thursday bout at Schom Caretaking Supplies (Grneral) Caretaking Supplies (Eledrical) [GEE High Single Fiat High Average F. W. Minkler, Director " Ell-eatin- Mn. I. Walker. Chairman 24 t 22 l 220 212 20l