Robert Yulit, eandidate for mucillor in ward , Noni York, told In: opponents and a Inge group ot rate payer: at a meet- - Inst night be In: an“ up a plan whereby ward , alone could have fourteen large outdoor swimming pools next you it be h elected. ‘Swimming Pool' Yuill Promises 14 For N.Y. 7 "If we wait for the Township to build even one pool, we'll wait for twenty years" Yuill said. "My plan provides for the co- operation of the municipality and private enterprise. so that these fourteen pools won't cost the tax- payer one red cent.†Asked about his plan, Yuill stated that he has already discussed the prac- tical details with the authorities concerned. and that private en- terprise is anxious to get going on the project so that some of the pools could be ready next apring. "This could easily mean the Mart of a vast works programme of 70 large outdoor pools for the whole of North York. To em- phasize his proposal, Yum stat- ed “If I am elected your coun- Grenfell Society Annual Meeting President Miss E. Leash gave I report on work completed tor the year. She stated that two bales of goods, valued at $207.00. had been sent to the Mutton Bay Hospital. A donation of $10.00 will be sent to the Humber Memorial Hospital in memory of the Late Mrs, D. Newton. The Weston Branch of the Grenfell Society held their An- nual Meeting at the home of Miss W. Dalton on Friday, November Officials elected for 1963 are as follows: President, Miss W. Dalton: Vice-President. Miss E. Leash: Treasurers. Mrs. D. Day and Mrs, M. Boylan. Secretary. Miss E. Nattrcss; Work Commit. tee Convener, Mrs. McGregor: Quilt Committee Convenor. Mrs M. Boylan, Tea Convenor, Mrs, Cutting. Ray Hung Has Been Active: Ray Hoag Will Continue To Work For One year vice-chairman; one year chairman Advisory vocational Cortumittee. Member of Board Policies Committee. Director, Amesbury Spots Club. Active community worker for 14 years. 2'tc years on the Board of Education Lower cost of high sdlool text books. Expanded summer admol programme. Improved guidance facilities for all ages. Junior high school for all North York children. ___,,!,,,,, HOAG What Price Amalgamation ? elBor, we dull have theae swim- ming pools, even it I have to dig them by hand myself. In a hard hitting attack on the progress at the Reeveship cam- paign to date Reeve Norman Goodhead stated that he was ap- palled " the complete luck at reasoned argument put forth by one of the candidates. The Reeve put it this way; "It is frighten- ing to me when I hear even a small minority of our citizens blendly agreeing with those who would sell us down the road to amalgamation in order to tur. ther their own political ambi, tions. I have yet to discover just what these people have in mind for the betterment of our Town- ship. High sounding plans for is- sues that can only be solved by the PROVINCIAL G 0 V E R N- MENT do not impress me in the least with regard to just what they plan to do to assist our mun. icipality at the ground roots level." “In our 1962 Autumn Progress Report, mailed to every house. hold, we have outlined in a very concise manner just what has been accomplished to date in our municipality under local govern- ment. I ask every homeowner to take a deep second look at this report. I ask each and every resident to take this report to their friends living in the city. Let them read it and then let them tell you just what compar- able Parks & Recreational facil- ities they have in their own local areas. Ask them if their child. ren can use the swimming pools in their own schools in a plan- ned recreational program ar- ranged by their local council. Ask them how far they have Councillor - Ward 7 Board of Education Ward Eight For Continued Service and Progress in Education in North York BOOTH For ot ta travel hm melt human h order that their children any have the use at planned winter aporta proarama. Ask them, also. just how many John m indul- tries have created in the city in recent months. Ask them howl tar their children have to travel to obtain adequate library facilities. And while you are " it ash them it their is any parking lot in the city, operated by their on Park. ing Authority, that provides all day parking adjacent to public transportation for twmstrftve cents a day. My whole point is this. We have all of these ' lities located in easily accessible areas of our Township BOWL They are there and they are PAID for. We are continually expanding these facilities on a planned oas- is. We have only been able to achieve this envious position be. cause YOU the RESIDENTS have been able to approach us, your ELECTED REPRESENTA. TIVES and you have outlined your various needs and in a lot BUY M't5:i5r"""'" ""'"'imar Etienne CLOTHES DRYEBNuw MINE Iillliigmt BLANKET o BEATTY . coMEurHAtnLttm .co~~on . CORONADO o DOMINION . em. FRIGIDAIRE . GENERAL ELECTRIC . INGLIS . KELVINATOR . LEONARD ECONOMICAL. FLAMELESS o ooouRLess OSAFE o PRECISELY AUTOMATIC CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS . Eaton‘s-WKI N6 MAKE EVERY DAY A.DRYING DAY ELECTRICALLY FURNITURE and ELECTRIC to. “D. 1919 WESTON RD. Cl I903 WESTON RD. SINGER SEWING MACHINE to' THIS OFFER GOOD AT THE STORES NSFLAYING THIS SYMBOL NOV. 3RD TO DEC, 15TH A LARGE SELECTION OF WASHERS & DRYERS RICHARDSON o MAXWELL . MAVYAG o McCLARY-EASV . PhtLCtVBENDnt o RCA WHIRLPOOL . SIMPLICITV o $hmpso"'s-KENMoRE-SmtrttmrS- . SPEED QUEEN a THOR . Co-op VISCOUNT . WESTINGHOUSE ouAND OTHER FINE MAKE3 WESTON HYDRO lst Humberview Holds Dance Tomorrow Night Ttmt.-Tt---Thqesdor.t6-ber2r,196e--r-9 The In Humberview Cubs Ind Scouts no holding a dim on Friday, November Sttth, " the Melody Road School, Suathburu Ind Lavina, Weston trom IV.0tr to of cases, have shared the tre- mendous work load that the deve- lopment of such facilities always entail. Now that we have an ex- cellent pattern of development along these we must see to it that it is not jeopardized. That it is not jeopardized by those who use the shabby eamounage of amal- gamation in order to further their own political ambitions," It:30, Tickets will be available . DOUBLE BED SIZE . FULL 2-VEAR GUARANTEE o A TOP QuALITv BLANKET q CONVERYIBLE CONTOURED CORNERS q CAN BE wAsneo AND DRIED AUTOMATICALLY " the door. Scout and. I." Leonard and his Weltouim grlil provide the evening music and entertainment. lat Humberview III e In it e r, Dave Sanskter. I greens scout. "abeenehoserstogotmttto In: World Junboree at Mara, than Greece, another member at this troop has been chosen to to to the American Jamboree in New Mexico. Funds Ire needed to buy equipment to keep up the stand-rd of training that this group has maintained. It costs $250 I year to equip one - and it is to raise funds for thin purpose that the dance is being COOPER FURS Open Every Night Til Christmas Including nglpuday. A - 1978 Watch Rd. "turauEr. CH 1-9105