EUCHRE The Good Neighbours Club held its weekly Euchre at the home of Mrs. Julie Holhrookx. with the winners being - Mrs. Vera Humphreys - 14 Mrs Julie Holbrook - " Mrs. Reta Reed -- " Low score -Mrs. Kay Seeley ._41. The Euchre on Dee. 6th will he held at the home of Mrs. M. Nash --and will be held each Thursday evening. Pleased to report that Mrs, Myrtle Hart is feeling much better. although still confined to bed for a little while yet, BOYS AND GIRLS BOWLING The boys and girls bowl each Saturday morning at Royal York Bowl -this Saturday completed Walker Denies Charge , Books Printed Here ' The Chairman of the North York Board of Education has denied a charge that textbook: used in the Township schools are not printed in Canada. Mrs. Isobel Walker, a candid. ate for the Board, and this year's Chairman, angrily "corrected" I stall-mm! made by Bruce Satr- my, her opponent, last week. who told a ratepayers group at Rivalda Heights, last week, that North York textbooks are import- ed from other countries, "Textbooks used in North York schools are purchases from the list provided by the Department of Education for Ontario. She said. "For a number of years tt.e department has required ttNK STREET CITE NAME The Board of Governors cordially extend a welcome to members of the public to attend the of the Weston Area Swimming Pool Associa- tion to be held in the WESTON RECREATION ARENA ROOM on December 11th, 1962 at 8:00 p.m. Reports of the various officers will be presented and nominations received for the 1963 Board of Governors. WESTON AREA SWIMMING POOL ELMLEA and DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETING ANNE GRAHAM 106AN OVER " YEARS EXPERIENCE 29895 BLOOR STREET WEST PHONE BE 34661 OR 239-9254 UNWANTED HAIR A PROBLEM ? ? WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLE'I' Refreshments provided. the first gerieg, JUNIORS Greyhounds 29 points (winners) Scottie, " " Bulldogs " " Huskies 24 " Poodles 20 " Hounds 20 " Shepherds 19 " Spaniels l3 " The team winners and stand: ings are',- GIRLS-- High Average _-Gail Norman - 161 High Single Flat _-Heather Wainwright, - 152 High Single Handicap --Jasie Palma, --26b High Double Flat --thtil Nor- man, -43S High Double Handicap - Elaine Feroryn, --426 BOYS - any books approved on this list be printed in Canada. "All purchases are from Cana- dian publishing companies. In addition to basic books which form the core of the school pro- gram." she added, "some addi- tional books are purchased be. cause they serve a specific func- tion. and enrich the curriculum. Most of these are printed in Can. ada as well. MRS A. CARIIS "It is definitely the rule of the Board to favor the use of books printed in Canada and only when the textbook is not published m Canada would it be purchased elsewhere," Mrs. Walker stress- CH. w, High Average -Barrr Mar. kowsky, Lua, _ Highfiyngle Flat -Ailen Lord, High Single Handicap --Jotm Curr, --274 High Double Flat -Barry Markowsky. 5503 High Double Handicap --Bruce Abel, --484 Good bowlers this week "e- Josie Palma 12 years old bowled a High Double Flat game of 416. John Gurr 13 years old, a High Single Flat and Barry John Gurr 13 years old, a High Single Flat and Barry Markawsky, also 13 years old I High Double Flat game of 503. BANTAMS Standings " the end at the first series:-- Collies 31 points(winners) Beagles' 28 " Bloodhounds 26 " Pointers 25 " Terriers 20 " Setters " " Boxers 16 " Dalmatians 15 " GIRLS-- High Average --Wendy Her- bert, --134 High Single Flat --Gay Hos- sack, --2t2 High Single Handicap -vie key Andrews, --215 High Double Flat -Wendy Herbert. -3S8 High Double Handicap --Lytme Armstrong, -- 368 _ i "a BOYS __ High Average -Virtcent Lang- man, -- 141 High Single Flat --Mieheal Walters, -235 High Single Handicap -David Broad. -256 High Double Flat -Vincent Langman, -391 High Double Handicap -Bob Andrews, --400 Gordon MacKay, It year old. had a 383 Double Flat this past week. Parents are still needed. to assisi with the marking and supervision of these boys and girls;- if you can spare an hour on Saturday morning. come along with your son or daughter. The York West New Demo. cratic Party held a very success- Birthday greetings to Elenore Payne, Dec. 2nd. FOR MAYOR VOTE WOOD (H 1-7467 25 20 " 16 15 Councillor Ward tut Euchre in 'Nmber Halal.- KI, Gnlliun - Public School on Saturday evcn- Betty Russell - ins. _ Winners were-- Ladies-- In. L, Cox-- Mrs. M Bowen-- Mrs. Flo Mad.achl TME WESTON TIMI! - Thursday. Nov-Int" M, 1962 - Page , In. L, Cox-- Mrs. M Bowen-- Mrs. Flo MacLachlan ‘Low score -Mrs Bell -43. Men-.. Mr. Milton Carson - Mr, Dick Parringlon - Mr, M. Banks - Mr. Milton Carson - " Mr, Dick Parringlon - TT Mr. M. Banks - " Low More ---Mr. Mike Hath. away --36. ROYAL PARK BOWLING LEAGUE Team standings at the start of the second series:-- Wippoorwills T points. Wrens T " Bobolinks 5 FF Blue birds s " Loans 2 " Ravens 2 " Wood Peekers . " Chickadees . " High Average - Edie Loumer - IM Myrtle Taylor - 134 Mary Taplin - 179 High Three Flat - Myrtle Taylor - 648 Helen Curtis - 646 High Single Flat - Kay Gilligan _-- 295 Betty Saunders -- 284 High Three Handicap -- Betty Russell - 762 Doris Hunter - 736 High Single Handicap - Elect Jack Sweet For Councillor " Ward 7 A lABOUR MAN GORD RISK Rosana tit 4-8705 ROAD IEOPENED " was nice to see the Jane St.. highway reopened tor tnolher short spell after the demolition of the old and realty rustic brédge over the Black Creek " Rustic Rd, It is to be hoped the trunk: officials learned I little of “that to expect when the road is fineV closed for the widening program- Surely something can be done on plans for the faster move- ment of traffic at the detour when it is replaced at Maple Leaf Dr., and Jane St. Almost nightly car bodies came togeth- er as drivers tried to merge from the side streets into the Jane St, flow. This could be I job for the traffic department. COOPER FURS . Regain Tax Con- trol from Metro . Lift taxes from Homes . Put Education Costs On Senior Governments . Make Ottawa Assume Employ- ment Responsibi- Iities Councillor . Ward 7 . No Nuclear Arms For Canada 1978 Wench Rd. Open Every Night Til Christmas' Including Wednesday. fl - BOOTH