D William E, Brawley of Etobi. coke, plant manager. was also elected a vice-president. and Dr, John W. Hill of Etobicoke was appointed director of public r.ekrtiomc Mr. Winter. who will also continue as secretary, first join. ed the company in 1939 as a member of the Accounting De. panment, He became office manager in 1952 and assistant eomptroller two years later. In I955 he was elected comptroller. and was appointed director of Among the lop- leveI elections and appointments recently made public by Canadian Kodak is the election of Kenneth Winter, William St., Weston, to director and viee-president and assistant general manager. He was form, erly director of public relations. [ R. Louis Christie of Toronto was elected president and gen- eral manager, succeeding Donald C. Kerr who rejoins Kodak in Rochester, Mr. Kerr will con. tinue as I director of the Can. adian companies. New President For Kodak- Vice " President From Weston - w PASS THE GRAVY - St. John's Anglican Church was the scene for many happy crippled children last Thursday December 13 when the Rotarians of Weston and Mt, Dennis again displayed their hos- pitality at their annual Christmas banquet for these unfortunate children. Mr. Brawley, a graduate chem. ical engineer from the Univer. sity of Toromo, began his Can- adian Kodak career in 1935. He has been closely associated with the manufacture of photographic paper and film, and has been assistant superintendent of works and plant manager. Born in Fraxa Junction, Ont., he is married with one daughter. 27 years ago after graduating from McGill University as I mechanical engineer. He has been plant engineer, assistant general manager, and a director and vice-president of both Canadian companies. He is mar- ried with three sons. Mr. Christie, originally from Truro, N. S.. joined the company Married with two children, Mr. Winter was born in quawa. and graduated from the Univer. sity ot Toronto with a Bachelor of Commerce degree. industrial relations in 1958. Nearly three years ago he was elected secretary of the com- pany. In 1955 Dr, Hill I to Kodak as company Irt'19tto he was appoi ical director. and ther director of industrial A graduate of med'" the University ot " Hill was formerly i1 practice and in indw, occupational medicine born in Toronto and i with three children. All in all this was a very love- ly evening and " I mentioned before, the only thing it lacked was parents who were cordially invited as was the general pub. lie who also seems to have lost the Christmas spirit and tradition of carollingllt does seem ironic that this whole Christmas even- ing of Carolling and the very " fective candle light service was the idea. plan and development of a Jewess to whom the holi- day means nothing, However even she was shocked to see such a poor turnout to support her efforts and her attempt to congenially help celebrate a holiday celebrated by her neigh. bours and guides. I find myself wondering what would have hap- pened if she had attempted to inflict an evening of Jewish fes- A reception for Mr. and Mrs. John Booth was held by Mrs. Grossman and Mrs. Buell It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Grossman at the conclusion at the evening. From the guides and their leaders. I have been asked to thank Mr. and Mrs. John Booth for their attendance and their participation in this evening. The opening ceremony was a prayer read by the Guide Lieu. tenant, Mrs. Buell. This was followed by a candlelight pag- cant of the Guide laws and Promises by Patricia Boucher. Helen Hayes. Loretta Dyrla, Beverley Parr, Linda Rowbol- tom, Eileen Sweeny. Teresa Row, Liz Gronvall, Ellen Bodna, Susan Bach. and Ruth Jukes. Then the Christmas Carolling began, followed by 3 Solo by Mr. John Booth who is our new- ly elected councillor for Ward Seven and also soloist at Cert. tral United Church in Weston. Mr. Booth was accompanied by Mrs. Booth who was gracious enough to play for the entire programme. The closing cere- mony began with "The Iarrd's Prayer" led by Scoutmaster Mr. Keay. Taps and Benediction followed, led by the Guide Cap- tain, Mrs. Grossman. the On Monday, December mm. the 504th Girl Guide Company held their evening of Commun- ity Carol Singing. This was a no“ enjoyable evening and' teas certainly the representation of hard work on the part of the Guide leaders who organized the evening and the girls, thamsel~ GLENFIELD SUBDIVISION Oakdale Heights & Belmar Park e of medicine 'sity ot Toronto formerly in ge “My... Kenna appointed 1 then as: industrihl f irst came physician. ted med, assistant relations He was married e from Ho, Dr. general and was g*m*‘!â€*w'¢"'r"’zv‘r'z-t-rz-m-w»"wmm...,.,.,...,,,,g_z.:.¢_‘,§ ‘9 L? I Jf g 3*“ 3 Be, we (a ' C5l -7 Ci') . g . _,,;,',,",,,,,,,),,)"' BLessiNes g . , _f,r:'i5,'dri?itlt . . '3“ OF CHRISTMAS ii' SF7'te MEIROPOLE g. RESIAURANT g Closed Christmas and New Year’s I """-oo--oooooooooo-. . a. n . i Aâ€: On Saturday, December 15th. the Oakdale Heights Social Corm mittee distributed goodies to all the children in the subdivision. It was a blustery snowy morn. ing and only four girl guides turned up to help with the dis- tribution plus our Ratepayers president, Mr. A. Screeton who came with his station wagon. Later we managed to secure three other helpers plus anoth. er adult and car. To these valiant workers lextend the sincere thanks of the Social Committee, such as it is. I say this because this entire project was brought about by the efforts and plan- ning of only two of the six members ot this committee. I can assure you this shall never happen again for I happen to be one of these two who has struggled to keep this commit, tee together so that they can serve the children in this area. better. If we do not get the sup- port and cooperation of more people, we shall simply step down and thereby put a stop to the movies, fireworks, Christ- mas give-aways etc. we have pre- viously had. I defy anyone to step forward and carry on. 0th- er committees have failed be, cause one or two people have been left with the entire load and so shall this one. ls this ealfe and Janet Mitchell. Also on this evening Cheryl Myers received her Seventh Class Badge and her Hostess Badge, was officially made Brownie Packie and received her brown tie and lanyard. NAME STREET pr CITY ME ANNE GRAHAM [06AM OVER " YEARS' EXPERIENCE 2989A BLOOR STREET WEST PHONE BE 3-466l OR 239-9254 WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET UNWANTED HAIR PROBLEM ? ? As a final and more cheerful note, I wish to express my sin. cere congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldman (Herschel and Barbara) of 49 Kanarick Chew cent on the birth of a son.,a brother for Debbie and Carey. ice that the bylaw permitting 1 Motor Hotel to be erected on Wilson Avenue near the West End Arena is in effect and will be open for controversy during the next fortnight. Since this rather leaves too short a time to arrange a meeting of our rate, payers, may I suggest that those persons wishing more informa- tion about this, please feel free to call me at the above num- ber. Also I would appreciate hearing any objections to this issue. This has been in the ot ing for some time and up until last year, only a rumour. How, ever, I feel it is a hot issue and to eliminate some of the calls or queries from people who simply want to ask me, "What has something on Wilson Avenue got to do with us here?" My an- swer is simply this. We have de- manded. supported, and encour. aged the development of our West End Arena and this is the Community Centre for our area. To have a Motor Hotel with the inevitable Liquor License and/ or Beverage Room in the im, mediate vicinity of such a cen- tre is not only a moral hazard but a safety hazard. Need I say more? On the pro side is the fact that this is a wonderful commercial drawing card for our area. It was formerly indus. trial zoned, of which there is a surplus here in Ward Seven and the commercial zoning is more profitable and advantageous for the entire area. And so. I invite your comments. After all, how can t express the voice of my readers when I do not hear from them? ' iron at these eaten-lulu 'rt teets end of arm m Just because the adults are too selfish to give a few hours ot their time to encourage this? t would like to thank the follow~ ing volunteers who were kind enough to assist us on Baturday: Mr, Alfred Screeton, Mr. Dave Bloomer. Cory Simmons, Carot Kiteh, Barb-n Canon. Susan Mitchell, Debbie Kenna: and Gabrielle and Manuel MIL kirchen. There were a few un- dies left over and these will be taken to the Home tor anurablc Children. Also on Saturday. December 1trth., the Oakdale Heights lute. payers Association received not. mrtneueqetvtttsagtit. 'tett-mttartaiatirtgrem