BASEMENT npnrtmmt. Vacant June t, Largo Wanting. kit- than and 4 pins bathmom. ill-H15. SAME DAY On Your Own Sign-hue No Bankable Security lf You Can Make Montmv hymn You Can Get I Loan JANE AND LAWRENCE, cozy three room and bath, base- ment. T.V., Washer. Dryer. Phone, Shopping, T.T.C. suit adults. CH 1-2945. SPACIOUS basement apartment, nicely furnished fireplace. TN. outlet, parking, 2 gentlemen preferred, CH b2538. qtfrrrr, small furnished apart- ment in private home wanted try gentleman, Apply Box 'U". Weston Times Advertiser 235 Dixon Rd. Weston DON FINANCE $50 - $5000 ARRANGED BY PHONE CALL COUPLE with one child wish to lease house in the Weston Col, Iegiate area, 741-3144. 2. PROPERTY WANTED as. FLATS To LET W._.,__~_,_ -------_- ‘ FURNISHED PRIVATE FUNDS for first and second Mortgages. Mr. Zidner CH 7-9843. , BEDROOM lower duplex. doe trio-Hy equipped, Availahle June IS, Etretririty included. CH 1-9711. Apply 12 Joseph M, Weston. 9. MONEY TO LOAN RELIABLE COUPLE desires three room unfurnished Cat or apartment in Wmtm. $70. Call K. Norris, HU T6207 after 6. Is. APARTMENT WANTED 10. MORTGAGE LOANS l3. HOUSES WANTED l4. APARTMENTS TO LET - FURNISHED 16. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED MA m CAI] NOW m A _onfrAxrsr Lin-Wm Don Finance Co. Ltd. 1125 tsLING'1oN AVE N Rexdale Plaza In? I! you want 'ta-tVII-T-s . . . . ' Use" Classified Ad: pubhshed every Thursday Tuesday. 5 pm. .. . deadline I Hominy 12 Noon _ . . . cancellation. trorumtmoNa': This paper will be responsible tor Nor more than ONE mcarrect Insertion of an naval-use ment. COPY: All Wanted 500 _ 1000 sq. ft light manufacturing gxx WANT TO M A HAPPIER DRIVER? xxx; End CH 14461 - evenings ME 3-3487 xxx xxxxzxxxxx xxx: x x . , X i ii , tt x 'l "‘= xxxxxxx x xx '; " xxxxx 'H x xxx I tt momma:x §xxx§ 4ii ' LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA CH. 7-5438 't All advertising copy " subject to the approval of the management ot this paper. This paper reserves the ugh! to clastufy all Advertisements. MONEY Classified AT CALL was'ron‘ - on 162111 IFIED EiiigiiiiEiijjj] LADY requires housekeeping room or bed-sitting and kitch- enette. Weston or Mt. Dennis area. Box. "K", Weston Times Advertiser, 235 Dixon Rd., Weston. FULL ROOM and board, laundry at Weston Rd. and Wilson, 247-2755. WASHING MACHINE with lum- SINGLE BEDROOM, gentleman, quiet home. parking, 16 Up- wood Rd., near Lawrence & Jane, CH 1-5843 after 4:30. USED REFRIGERATOR, 1019 Weston Rd. CH 13105. KEELE LAWRENCE area. 3 rooms. completely (mulled. Private bath. washer, parking, Business couple only. CH 78104. 20. ROOMS WANTED 21. ROOMS WITH BOARD COSY bed-sitting, grill, frige, private entrance, business per- son. RO 2-6727. SINGLE ROOM, suitable for gentleman. nice quiet home, T Queen's Dr. CH 4-3138. SINGLE ROOM, young man, centrally located. CH 1-3933. CHESTERFIELD Suite, char, coal, "borne coffee and 2 end tables, black and white. CH 44362. COOK STOVE, coal or wood. Mme enamel with shelf, good condition. After s CH 6411!. 22. ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED LAWRENCE & Weston Rd., LARGE furnished room, near transportation. Gentleman, atr stainer. CH 1-7418. CENTRAL, large bright room, suit business lady. Grill privi- leges and parking. CH 6-3510. POWER MOWER, Reel w Briggs & Stratton. good condi- HOD. cu. CH 1-1985. BICYCLE, girl's, good condition, $12. CH 1.2407. ANTIQUE CHAIR: Maroon tapr estry upholstery. Clean, 815. CH 1-1985. USED SMALL 9 piece dining room set, $50. 1919 Weston REL. CH 1-9t05. USED TELEVISION, $50. 1919 Weston Rd. CH 1-9105. GENTLEMEN, kitchen privileg- es. CH 9-2014. USED WRINGER wishing mach. ine. 825. 1019 Weston Rd. CH 1-9106. I GIRL'S BICYCLE, full size, good 27. CAMP FOR BOYS AND GIRLS PIANO WANTED, will pay cash, Send particulars, make, height. price to 1220 Yonge St, Tor, onto, Ont. will accept phone 'calls collect. WA 1-5541. 30. ARTICLES FOR SALE 29.ARTlCLES WANTED For boys and girls 5 - 16 years Qualified Supervision. Com- plete activities. Kawartha District. HI 7-7513. warm, bright furnished front room. CH 1-5779. antic pump. New gem. Rea tumble. CH 4Aritlo. comiition. CH 70578, CAMP ROLLLN' ACRES " MOTOR CARS AND TRUCK RENTALS FOR truck parts it's Levy's - til makes - new, used, rebuilt t400 Weston road. RO bu15, CARS ALL mums AND MODELS VANS - PANEL - PICKU'PS EVERYTHING for the car, new, used and rebuilt, machine shop service, Keys cut by rode. Weston Auto Supply, 1839 Wer ton Rd. CH 1-3538. Open daily till 9 pan. except Saturdays 6 3319 Dundas W. WEED SPRAYING and lawn maintenance. Reasonable. Call Joe CH 1-5765. PAINTING & DECORATING, 741-2727 afternoon & evening. 37. MOTOR PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 42. GARDENING RUGS & FURNITURE SHAMPOOED 43A. PAINTING & DECORATING 43. SERVICES OFFERED Special attention given to Paper Hanging and Commercial Work. Humberlea Rtre & Upholstery Cleaners LEO’S ROTOFI'ILLING Gardens _ Lawns - General Clean-ups _ Planting etc. Also skilled painter for small or large jobs. CH 7-9566. All types repaired and re newed. Workmanship guaran- teed. Emergency uervice. Day or night. repairs, all. makes. Guaran- teed. Rebuilts tor sale. WEST END RADIO & ELECTRIC CH 4-2252 Our 58th rear VACUUM CLEANER REXDALE CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS BRIGGS HAULAGE TOP SOIL LOAM, MANURE HAULAGE ME 3-4962 1724 Jane St. at Lawrence ROOFING & CHIMNEY SERVICE J. E. O'FARRELL 1972 Woman Rd., Wm CH 1-1081 HOUR. DAY OR YEAR ALEXANDRA STI‘DIO WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS tll. 1-6953 BOOK NOW as RACINE RD. 2494277 20tT Off Rtut, CH 1-2881 PROPRTEIOR TRUCKS RO 2-8030 COMPETENT baby-sitter reduir- ed. Two small girls, one or two nights per week. 60c per hour, Jane & Lawrence district call after 6 11.111. CH 9-5883. 43C PIANO TUNING M. HELP WANTED MALE LIGHT factory work in Downs- view area, 84:30. ME 62468. PAINTING and decorating. In- m. or mum lion. Paper man. In: summon an W. G. KELLY, piano mung. Formerly with Heintzman. My mu. Risch, rebuilding any make to factory standards, Free estimates, satisfaction guaranteed. Skilled service a economy, neglect is costly. LE e---------------"-'-. _ wâ€, " SALESLADY WANTED G. E. Shaier Co. 1320 Jane St. ' 46. HELP WANTED FEMALE so. PERSONALS Excellent advancement based on ability. Positions offer sta- bility and security as well as all employee benefits. REQUIRED BY COMPANY LOCATED IN WESTON 2b30 years of age; high school matriculation; banking or business experience de- sirable; must enjoy contact work. We are looking for a dicta- phone stenogra-pher capable of assuming diversified duties. Successful applicant must be Grade 12 graduate with a minimum of 1 year exper- ience. Salary ran? $59 _ $74. Phone Mrs. Topping 219-â€31 If you are 18 _ 24 years of age, have good eyesight and a desire to learn a skilled trade. Apply to Hanes of Canada ' “demote Ave., Remus 241-4449 Margaret Teen Shops Root ventilator: no I nt- A & It Roofing a Siding for City Delivery New G.M.C. Truck Jane, Lawrence area CAREER OPPORTUNITY I.A.C. HAS OPENINGS FOR AGGRESSIVE YOUNG MEN Apply 2065 Lawrence Ave. w, REQUIREMENTS HAIRDRESSERS INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITED 1941 Weston if." Weston, Ontario. No Experience Necessary Visit or Write to: Experienced Truck Driver ll “all! A Day CH 7-4646 Ambulance RU 1-4646 WANTED AT J USER‘S KLINCK - ll CH 9-2231 or 766-7221 RalNrAgty.andttt'sm'uamin ttte-tay-ttttttiid-inet" tation on the Anew. “up chins. he lay readers In as- ioting “All. in (km in holi- 43. SERVICES OFFERED Laat ’I'hundly the Ascension Day combined service held in St. Stephens Anglian Chanda wan a fitting cum: to the Ber. ies of church teaching over the York Mills gave a very hum sive sermon, depicting the hum- anity ot our Loni Jesu- with all His experience of our weakness md our nature now timing at the right Band of God inter- ceediugforor.Rwasatnmt comforting and stimulating line of thought. The church was mr SO.A WOMEN'S COLUMN THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. France?, Brown Robins wish to express their heartfelt thanks and apprec’ntion to their many relatives, friends and neigh- bors, for the acts of kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received during their recent sad bereavement. Es- pecially thanking the Reverend D. Stiles for his consolling words, Yearley & Reed, T. Delworth & Son, and Lodge 714 The International Associa- tion of Machinists. preacher the Rev. L S. Garm- worthy, Rector a! St. John's 50. PERSONALS BY ELECTROLYSIS ANNE GRAHAM LOGAN Established Over 30 Years Only " per half-hour treatment 2939A Mittor W. BE 3-4661 140 Carlton St., WA 1-2868 2279 YongeVSti Jm 7-0901 55. CARD OF, THANKS Would the person who took laundry by mistake from the Coin Wash in the Westown Plaza. Dixon & Islington. kindly return or can Mrs. Kennedy BE 9-2741. rmgygxrgmyv REMOVED DEPENDABLE T.V. REPAIRS UNWANTED HAIR at reachable prim Sam's TV. Service 9 Wigam Cr., Downsview Write for free booklet Your Best Market For Anything You Sell llN9AMrt1l iTi lllr/M i'::i'arli'iillii' il did math-cum elm; "rviee,tiNrsgttig*inmogord ltmi" It. Wu J the Donia-don d In b-rttftg â€Mandi-munch autumnal» -edm-dtetttseidemertof thetxmgregationin-toryot the late George Filmore who history of the Province during the1ask20ymrsandtoprovide further opportunities for our people." trittution tottteworeot the church overaimtqpeeittd at yeara.His memory will live, on inthetnemoryottheeor- The Annual "urination of the Gnu-d: School m held leat Sunday. last Sunday there was I large delegation of the children who made the annual pilgrimage to St. James Med ere command 1t"/iii?liiaitiii'fi1 who explain the detailed ttie On Friday evening. April M, the fourth session of thstario's 26th Parliament wound up one of the busiest sedans in history ._ the Legislature had m for 66 days and 18 nights, during which time 225 pieces cl legista. tion had been debated and some 3 million words added to Han- In his promgation speech Lieu- tenant Governor Mucky said, "As a result of your eoetaiderw tion of the “axiom nutter: of government, you have manned the living mud-Ida and height- ened the security of our people, and enhanced the development of our resources. "Through the legishdou you have approved, your government will be able to continue the out-. standing economic and soda] advances that have marked the history of the Province during . Medical Sex-vim Inmate. . Rubble Pensions. . legislation wading all levels of education in Ontario. ' The Junior Fttrater Edablish- ment Act, raising the maximum loan to junior farmers to tion and Development Act, which will ensure the growth of a healthy rural economy. . The setting . up of the Ontario Producers, Processors, Diatribw firs and Consumers Food Coun- cil to ensure the orderly market- ing of agricultural products. . The Minimum Wage Ad. . The establishment of the tht. tario Arts Council and the nee essary funds to support cultural advances, especially wrong the younger people. 'edon an The Lieutenant Governor went otttorecausomeMthermior legislation passed during the . The Agricultural Kahlil“:- Legislation Past In Prov. Home 1atrtet 8M.8ia8rtmtmNtt--% iris (“madl- I totssevaetese-tutt-ti. IEFOIMED CHURCH j ln the absence td th- Pli- On Saturday mellow. June dent, Mrs. E. B. Winner N l, a 2:30 o‘clock, John Mu ded, The members at Unit D., and Ben Blinder will be mar. under leadership of Mrs, L. Fur, ried in Second mares. The served tea and cookies at I. luv. Jacob Kuntz, pastor of theietelurion of the mood“. Owen Sound Christian Reformed; The June general In“. (much and friend of the coup 1 will be I social evening dill†1e, will offieiate. which the ladies will luv- It. On Sunday morning (Pome- opportunity to learn the m a! cost) at both the ' o'elock Dutch [fancy sandwich making. and 11 o'clock English services the lemon will be baud on tr: an. "And they were an WESI'MINSTII umnn ed with the Holy Spirit." The l CHURCH, WESTON , 'if,'t','f 'u'1t,a'titltt, 2gtl, fh?telty:. {"1me dip. dateuttieasum-ett-sit piextieatMapl.Groveun- CENTRAL UNITID CHURCH, WESTON Mm. Bevers, President of Em- manuel United Church Women, was guest speaker at the gen- eral U.C.W. meeting of Central United Church. Mrs. Bevers gave a’ moat in- formative address on the work being done by the United Church of Canada nmonglt the Canadian Indians. The Church works along with representatives of the In- dian Altair: department of the government to help the Indian people to aid themselves towards better living conditions through education and guidance, while realizing the importance of the people taking the initiative and doing more for themselves. The worker: feel that the hr tional was. On Sunday evening, at the , o'elock Engliah service. on the occasion of notation of faith of some young people who have some to clarity about their be. ing God's people, Rev. Venema will pretax on Matthew 12:31.32, "Christ's Word about Blasphe- my of the Holy Spirit;" this Word indicates l-no ignorance anymore. and 2-no torgiveness anymore. SECOND CHIISYIAN IEFOIMED CHURCH On Saturday mallow. June l, a 2:30 o'clock, John Tilatm Church will meet to myBiixe the appointment 01 new Elder: and Dummwhon traced eongrmmtioeulaseetinereceiywt it We: Cro- sueet at Church Minister new. R. J; Bout, M Manse Cl! 1-9533 Study CM 1-157! SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1963 9:05 m. Junior and barman“: Church School ll?, am. Nursery, Kindergarten and "Inlay 11:00 In. THE DAY OF PENTECOST beirwthenftieth-utermater--+ WESTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH teSEteett?ttrieeu-er ST. JOHN’S MlltltM tlilllltll (ENIRAl UNITED aaa 11:00 l.lll. - Sadly School - 1-8 yarn 11:15 In. isiirTri, T.00 p... M 9:45 ..m.-- Sunday School - 9 you: and " IP." In - hummer. Bible Class ""ae, - Dedication a! (3mm Sunni-GM r-a-ti...-.-). SUNDAY, JUNE 2, I“: . tt.ias--_hraQ- "0.--Et..M.eNg.MeuSh. " I... an: Walton Id. tat Church Shea) Morning War-mi. SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1963 “Um-“'“H WHIT SUNDAY 1ikstmt'ttsitrNttdaaet No Evening Service. twin-tum an 'tttgt. 71.9.1, GAtSA Itr'ii"essrr.a-y_rp.ta l WES'I'MINSTEI UNOTID l CHURCH, WESTON On Sunday, June 2nd. "I!!! will be dedicated at the Morning iservse in Westminster Unit“ ‘Church, Weston, a pair M 891m- letrglass windows in memory «I ')yir, and Mrs. James Cunem. These windows are I gift from Ill',' three daughters, Mm. A. E. (Faulkner, Mrs. Clarke R. Ward. Mae-hm. afttsremsatm ""'" mun-lawn- "d.†th. â€W.“ b Clutch but my and an i. derri"dofr-aaMitratattti. mun. [ In. J. lava W In. Bevers for lac-[mm Win-ET: odt*mqbearteqtettq aptlhhudhhu. tatramtsetistogs,att the devotion. awn-Lining I. need of each lumbar d b U.C.W. living as CW to men by using our gifts to h. others law and Mrs. E. W. Council: they are on the subject of an Resurrection and ther Vim created by Mr. A. E. Bun d Goddard & Gibbs, London. Eng. land Mr. and Mrs. Cameron redd- ed in King, Ontario before they came to Wanna. Mr. Cameron WI! 1 local nave. he In mem~ beruftheWertmsBoarrtMBdu. cation and he was Tum o! Westminster United Church. Mrs. Cameron was active in.alt the you†of Westminster and was for a time Premium 11 the Woman's Missionary Society. Second Christian Reformed Church Of Toronto Rev B. A. Vega-a" ILA. run ' Hi to God In! CFGM Mahmoud III! ' marc-Moll-d Service " “PM†Sonic. 5 Part.---. we. Sunday, June 2nd, 1968