{a}. â€as weekend ' pm as I KG'IIDGIT Sports Car. Iod- Excellent condition 700 nib; Cttettestutriae of twelve " "oL-Dsrebrurak, A-door hard- at lunar (Sc’hf’N'ew glitch. " CKEVROLE'I' sedan. good audition, $150. New ures. no wt. 1.6 Hallmark Ava, CL. bWi& PIN/ATE sale. Good buy, 1958 Chevrolet Sedan. Automatic trnnsmuaion. Radio. Snow tires, 251-8924 evenings. Iâ€) CORVAIR Monti. Beige, came. Automatic transmis- sion. PM-AM Blaupunkt radlo, white walls, discs and safety belts. 26,000 miles, 31,750. CL. "iiiiitg-iiF, lawn: trimmed WANTED - Cam for wrecking aii8imie m7 H WITCH! imam "In Anamoons - mm my} - in a I we. .rmum um [All Show. Blvd. I It ma a - "d1attrfrrTiir. K t t c GG "cup; mm cupboucu and; w or“: Arboriu mum top. â€In snot-um m the CAI AND BUCK RENTALS ‘MOUNTVIEW gardening: lawns $100 to $150 Per Month in: mm Fire" It, " years Gt. encumrgmlfanu Hard iv muttler, , new tins. Best dict. CL 1-0896. I cm. ifdi-kir hardtop. Ex- uplional. $185 or offer. CL. mm. Rowe-tint: rooms. kitchens, Alta-unn- and Additions. Rent I car on a month-to- monlh basis. Automatic tram- minim, radio. me this method of supplying I car for temporary use. ton Good condition. Custom ndio. good Pres and motor, CL 9-2191. Rexdale Car and Truck Rentals Use this method of supplying For Your Summer I car for temporary use, . mom wns'r TORONTO Lawn Maintenance MEMBER SOMMERVILLE Lawns & hedges done at rea- CAI AND TRUCK RENTAL sonable rates. call: LTD. IULME‘S GARDENING 1m Blow St. W. KO 3-3555 CM. #37.†General Contractmg o ADDITIONS and 8216, ALTERATION° . RESIDENTIAL . COMMERCIAL . INDUSTRIAL AMY. new. venndlhi. “on. repairs of an kinds, humble. 233-9033. bud- and general main rlie Canton. MiAttM. â€In!!!†um “honour-Min. m swam}: 0.x w, FOR GOOD USED CARS . 3-5531 ll. 9-7“. Frank Russell 8 Son " 3-159: Home Improvement Loans - Imblished 17 Years -- CARPENTRY CARPENIRY WV. autoirysttc "tr' All ï¬g“. Weston-Rexdo le DOWN PAYMENT old. Sixtaén hundred dol- LTD. cs new: " 249-8277 TRUCKS SPECIAL 279-6I30 CARPENTR I BE 3-7250 .\ N , N , yew ASS1ly IEW, iwzgjgggg "ririiiara" ' I “norm? mun-w c m. suits. or AIME c-jtursditr.Mew30, 1963--AV 6ituGE for rent at 123-9th St., New Toronto. mm mm at M. seeks work. Some Mung expen- cnce. Pham. 255:2“1. Don MAN want: office damn; de- liveries. or what have you, awnings only. 355-169 an" CERTIFIED Swimming . Phyai- cal Instructor wishes pun-tinu position m â€sch-nu for living accommodation. Box I. Elohi- coke Advertiser. Box 158 Ir- llngton COMMERCIAL honours gradu- ate, One years experience. re- quires position for 3 months BE. 3-4967. GARAGE for rent. 65 Ninth St. NEW Toronto, 3 brick garages for rent. suitable for small work shop or storage. $30. monthly. CL. 1-8412. MIDDLE-aged woman wants switchboard or clericll work. Experienced with references, PLOWING. discing, g r a d i n g yards. driveways. Ford tractor Seeding, sodding. lawn garden maintenance. Mr. Rowen 60- CHOICE’st.’ all types, deliver- ed. Call Dave Moore Sod. BE. MODERN garage for rent on Ninth Street. CL. 9-9100 BRAYS - tt2ditth Street Sand unvel, cement. lam Ind fill ALL varieties, now available. lander Sod Co. Ltd., CH. 1- 0411, my time. Johnston, PEEL LANDSCAPING It GARDEN . SUPPLIES "We Cover the Earth" Sodding. seeding. stonework. maintenance, hedges. ever- greens and roto-tming, Any job large or small. 10 bushels _.',,,.,,,.., H 541 21 bushels mrm.re.H....rrm.m.. _86T; 2 yards _ .r-_.e_..v. ttt $11.! Top 5011 and Sandy Loam 32nd St., Long Branch limes. Parks, Industry We specialize m nursery grown Marion and Kentucky Blue Grass For Free Estimate please can “$4582 VAN DONGEN'S Landseapinr & Nurseries Complete garden servxce. See our large selection of white birch clumps, silvery blue, Kostiriana spruce. evergreens. flowers, peat moss, fertilizer. We specialize in planting. "" Dumb: Hwy E.. 1 mile west of Hwy. 27 277-1651 hedges trimmid, complete ser- vice. monthly contracts, Phone 763-4023 or LE. 5-2897, Plum CL. 0-22“ TOP SOIL . SANDY LOAM SODDING and SUPPLIES ROTOTILLING & LOAM SUPPLY GENERAL cox'umcmn 249-1562 24 HOUR SERVICE SKYLINE GARDEN Member, of the Ontario Sod Layers Amt. Al nfarket garden 1mm, manure added, GA EDEN SUPPLIES Demand or land Free Ti)? SOIL .. c SANDY LOAM IO? son NURSERY SOD CL. 9-171] BE 1-2864 C. Clay GARAGES LOAM eMtrrtates Skyline Garden Supply GENERAL CONTRACTORS ' 2 4 9 . l , 6 2 $4.00 _ $6.50 $11.00 1LADY wanted for Thursdays & Fridays. kitchen help. Call at 144 Brown's Line. Alderwood DUTCH LANDSCAPING an: AVOID. BE 1-089 Kut'd. In (and: the. "" CHILDS GARDEN SUPPLIES Loam. Top mint. Mushroom Compost, Cow Manure WAITRESSES wanted. full or part time. Good wages. 136 is- lington Ave. s. 239-3825. S O D Merion Blue & Kentucky A-l loan- and Manure. chop- 'ti', 1"i'L".'2"ci'G7Tafa"r"d'i. 204A ISLINGTON s. 1415 LAWRENCE w 10b HI 35:31:43 310182 mugs-:0, Mt “gm†i .7 fEr1ll63, A -_241-4479 _ TOP SO|L BY THE LOAD ntnlnncn ov l Al Phil Delivery anywhere In: mmf" Highway. out CL, 9-6518 277M920 Landscaping, seeding. weekly maintenance. any job. Free a» timates anywhere. NEW ERA NURSEBIES 583-0996 Highway ROTO~TILLING & GRADING Gardens - lawns - Lawn maintenance and week-ends. Apply f 'amblyn's (Rexall) Drug Stare‘No Experience Necessary 300 lsllnnon Ave. N. ( If you are 18 - 24 years of age BE 9-1179 or BA 5-331: “ have good eyesight and a de- - _------.----- ---_-- "â€"‘ sire to learn a skilled trade “Amalia" Tun-1(- APP'F to Drug store experience prefer- red but not essential, excellent working conditions. Beaver Air _ . 17et,e,ttt, Conditioning ttd. _ Switchboard QUEENSWAY i GardenSupplies Full or part time. No Sundays or Holidays. good working conditions. O Stenographers . Dicta-Typtsts O Typists q Clerk Tunas Register with us fur me best m short or long term assngn- ments. No.charge to you. wanted at Joseph's - full or part-time with typrng experience for Engineering office of air con- ditiomng contracting com- pany. 5 day week -- 8:30 a m. to 5 pm I'sual employee bene- tits Salary dependent upon ability and experience For interview - all MR. WALDAUF. “mum's DRUG iyroRE Dixie Plan on 8-77†HELP WANTED FEMALE TOP QUALITY TEMPORARY HELP WANTED Dorothy Tyers ' Staff Services -"___ee " Ir?lll - V PATIO STONE . SIDEWALK SLABS CURBING Phone CH. 9-2231 Open 8 aun. to 8 pm. 6 days a week. REXDALE PLAZA EXPERT CLEAN-UP Switchboard Receptionist SALESLADY MAR-VEL TILE (Munch minim: HAIRDRESSERS Waitress Wanted " Mfrs. my 122, CLARKSON TA. 2-1501 249-914] Advance Rd .. 233-6205 214-3768 5 yds SI? 5 yds $15 odd jobs. Evening , In†Ham» mun In: UlmrmuJ , can In". "In: W - "I"! WOMAN' wanted for pressing shirts in cleaning plant, Steady employment. Kipling - Dundas area. BE 3-3225. ASSISTANT required in purch- uing department of medium size rompeny, Dictaphone and Telex experience an asset. Should have own lrlnsportl. “on, Call 255-3103, NUTtirt" 53876.1, for hurling homo. CL. 0-4000. We are looking for dictaphone stenogrttpher capable of as- luming diversified duties. Sur- oeulul applicant must be grade 12 graduate with a minimum of 1 year experi- ence. Salary range $59 - $74. Do you want lots of money. tascinating job. wish to work tull or part time? " you do phone Studio Girl Cosmetics. cte.4-sst3 REQUIRED BY COMPANY LOCATED IN WESTON Required for purchasing de- partment of rapidly expanding company, located in the Dixie Rd. and Highway 5 area of Cooksville. Must have grade 12 education. Experience an asset but not essential, Con- genial working conditions In modern office building. Excel- lent staff benefits. For inter- view phone. AMBITIOUS WOMEN Real Estate - Insurance ofnce in Rexdale, 5 p.m, - 9 Fm.. Saturday 9 am. - 5 pm CH 1-5205 Salary $60.80 Required by Kipling Acres Home for the Aged in Rex- dale. Must have institutional nursing asststant experience. Preferably between 20-35 yrs. of age. Permanent positions. 40-hour wk, excellent fringe benefits. Apply Personnel Dept, 387 Bloor St, E, 924- 7441. Mature lady for general of- fice routine to work 20 hours per week. No telephone Typ- ing not essential $1.00 per hour. . r Salary Ranges Registered Nurses $327-$362 Graduate Nurses $294-$339 Shift allowances for afternoon & mght shift. cumulative sick pay and pension plans are In effect Temporary positions also available 2405 LAKE SHORE BLVD, W MIMICO I ith typing. required by Lake- shore manufacturer Reply in writing gisnng full particullrn m Required by Kipling Acres Home for the Aged in Rexdale Apply Personnel Office , 387 Bloor East 924-7441 REGISTERED NURSES GRADUATE NURSES Phone MRS TOPPING 249 - 8631 I “demon Ave.. Rexdale 241-4449 Bttnethand Secular“: 15) Diet. Summit: (1) ....._ Shorthmd Steno‘rupher - N.C.R 31M ..,.,,,........... ttst. Comptometer Opcntor FrN. .. .. ...._r.-__......F..P.......' Br. Comptometer Operator H) ..........rrmr...rr.__e.r__-r__.m.rr_ Blue Print Machine Op. .. '-'m.rrm..V.V.'t'"P...."..._.._'r'.P'-.rr Bookkeeper. Comm helpful F .. _ u (rr.rFeVWVV. ,. GIILS POI ‘I'IMPOIAIY “SIGN“?! COME m AND I'm NOW HANES OF CANADA Apply SUITE 203 Clerk Typist Post Office Box 70 Toronto 14 Receptionist Permanent . Part-time Nursing Assistants 279-6260 Typist American Brass limited 8th ST., NEW TORONTO Caterpillar of Canada Ltd 271-0346 Age " to 25. General clerical work, pleasant working condi- tions. Dixie Rd. area, 40 hour week. grade 11 education. Some typing, transportation required. responsible position in modern office. A company movlng to 'the Queensway-Kipling area in December requires a lady to work on figures and do some related typing. Present loca- tion Spadina and King. Age 23-40. “START TODAY JOB" Girl for shin pressing and counter work. Experience not necessary, Sn uchboard operator w i t h some typing experience re- quired for Port Credit Real Estate. Please contact CR. 8- 3371. Experienced. for busy pow tion, in Sales Dvparlmem Usual benefits. Contact: Mrs. Porter CL 1-5227 Selection Services Ltd to learn proper wrung pro- mdurt- m new r-etitigut'ant them Good wages Apply in person to JOHN BRANlSl-Ll. I867 RESTAURANT Queen Bllnheth & Highs-up Rd. PORT CREDIT 274-3766 in wanting for you it you are I "enottrapher, dicta operator or typm for day shift factory Work 42h hour week Catir MR, CLARK 8sg-9Nt required to fill position m our order department. Excellent starting salary. working conditions and employee benefits. Required for drapery tum Mimico. CARA TRADING LTD, 255-7731 HAND SEWER DIXIE & DUNDAS MnNi)tif l TPSI [ STENOGRAPHER SECRETARY ANACO‘NDA Please eait Miss Kelly 924-8111 Girls wanted Call MR. Tl'llNEll. oFrtcr, OVERLOAD Waitresses wanted EVENINGS & SATURDAYS CL. 1-054] TYPIST CLERK 277-4281 E. "l" he “815 mill) ( CAREER GIRL SALESLADY wanted full time Apply CL. 1-7372, EXPERIENCED waitress wanted for nights. 3705 Lake Shore Blvd W.. Long Branch, WAITRESS _- experienced. With nice personality. Good wages and working conditions Phone 251-3151 between 2 and 6 pm. for interview. Evening appointments may be arranged. 453A Eghnton W.--Qod Floor SEWING Machine Operators -- tCanvas Goods) To do single needle machine work on can- vas goods. mainly chair covers. Contact: Mrs, MarDonell Na- tional Employment Office, RO 3-3611 WOMEN. girls and students, 17- 45 Permanent part-time posi- tions, m publisher's office, morning. afternoon or evening hours availiibte: 5-day week. liberal starting salary and proht-shaong, no experience necessary Call 255-5118, till 8 Ttus in an opening for a fully experienced elerk-typiat; a mature woman who like: "r- iety in her work, speed and accuracy in typing and plea» ant telephone voice are re- quirementa for this position. We offer excellent employee benefits and working condi- tions in our office convenient- ly located on the Queensway. For confidential interview call WOMAN for cooking and light housework CL 9-4060, WOMAN wanted for 5 to 6 weeks as kitchen help 1n Muskoka. Child welcome. CL, 9-3988 " ter 5 time. Fridays and Saturdays. 239-8205 nr 239-6947, wArrhissrs, Good wakes, run or part time 255-8236. GOOD mm with some did-- phone and general office ex- perience __, for am“! office in Bix Points area. Call Mn. Leonard. 239-8473 WAITRESS wanted for new desiring position with top notch organization. Single pre- ferred. Aptitude for meeting people and good telephone manner essential. -- For ap- pointment. please call restaurant opening m Mimico, '.?.314 Lake Shore Blvd 259- 8541 _ RECEpiloNNrgT wanted.' pin Gmte.t '""PPet -rat per-unlit, and act-Arch Um. pct-rum pinion. live-My wrath. and mu bandit- amd good nary. Metal Fabricating Co Requires Experienced Steady position, Small olflce Secretary General Stone Clerk Typist Sales Secretary Girl Friday l V Billing Typist Invoice Typist Senior Bookkeeper "/ Ars Stenographcr V ’ $60 Jr. Comptometer Opr. sc, Temporary work in all areas. No Fee To Applicants To work In our new "1867" Restaurant and coffee shop at the Queen Elizabeth Highway and Mississauga Rd.. Port Credit Excellent working con- ditions in pleasant surround- ings. _ AVON IS CALLING" in your ttettthborhood through TV Be the Avon Represenutive and turn spare time into money Luke Shore Blvd W. and Royal York Road South Phone WA 5-4256 tor appototrttettt. H0STESS-CASHIER REXDALE - WESTI Apply by Telephone to MR. JOHN BRANISEL 274-3766 Clerk-Typist flittl'tt1t!ytl Perma-Time Placements I or cost records. INN 239-2706 QI'EENSWAY LAKESHORE CLERK 489-8993 925-4549 For appointment call Mr. Dutton CL 5-l l86 ’1'!!! LUCIE“ Loo" LEAP LIMIT") 44 Atomic Ava-e Switchboard - Typist sq 0 $65 $63 S55 BABY sitting, light houpekeep- ing. Live in. Woman with one child welcome. BE, b.5602 or BE. 3-8078, Tuning A Vacation? Homemakers with nursing ex- perience available by day or week. hve in or out. Also re- liable baby sitters. Lenoro's Family Services CR. 1-8272 CLEANING women - parthime for restaurant on Brown's Line. 251-315]. BABY sitter wanted for child's home - call CL. 9-8729. CAR washers. full or part-timn, Kipling Kar Wash, Kipling & Jutland HELP wanted - full or part time Apply Evans Avenue Car Wash. 540 Evans Ave, CL. 9- 0120 . MILL HAND, LATHE HAND Sr, Secretary .r__._.. F_FFT___ Trc m. Secretary "_Fe_..__F...FP.r.FPVV $15. Bookkeeper _-rtt.et_..N_8..__r_. $10. Accts. payable .. __.___Fr_ 810 Actrts. receivable 'r-Ft. “5-81. Stenographer __r_ _ $55. Comptometer T 360-565 Dictaphone operator $65 plus Stenographer Cookaville Switchboard Typist (Rexdale) Switchboard Typist DISHWASHER wanted for days, some oxperienée. Must have part-time. CR, 8-9382, 1 chauffeur's lieentte, CR, FM]. For Temporary Positions at Tpp Rates Closé to Home, PERSONN EL ASSISTANCE Islington (r-r_r» _ 855. Jr. Stenographer T-r "S. Clerk Typist, Cooksville S55. Bookkeeping Machine tss plus Invoice Typlsts Tr-TN) 855.565 Clerk Typists __. 855-355 General Clerks . .___ _ 850-3“ Payroll . _ 'P. .. (V 860 Receptionist _ ,l __. F $55-$60 French Bilingual secty. '" & Many More DOMESTIC HELP WANTED An opportunity for an aggres- sive young man 12440) to as- sociate himself with well es- tablished company, Preference to applicants with sales expen- ence m the printing and busi- ness forms field. Our sales 'staff have been advised of this adv e rt i s e m e n t. Excellent fringe benefits. including pen- sion plan, Car essential, with expense allowances. Salary. Please reply by letter to Box Evenings Interviews Arranged No Charge To You 15. The Advertiser. 2980 Lake Shore Blvd.. West. Pharmaceutical firm In Etobi- coke requires warehouse man between the ages of 20 - 40 years. 5 day week. Pull em- ployee benefits. GENERAL MACHINIST Wanted by Small progressive company on Highway 5. just west of Highway 27 Good working conditions. steadv work. "mo and half overtime Phone Keith chappell. 277-3455 Chance to use own ingenuity on jigs. fixtures and repairs in congenial Etohieoke fac- tory. one man department. good opportunity for man who wan" to feel secure, recogniv- ed nnd part of management Salary according to qualifi- cations Write giving an. ex» perience. salary to 'Required full or part time. all availahle leads supplied. Salary & commission. Apply to Mr. D, Rowan NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Long Branch - 259-2364 Maintenance Machinist IMI) ylle FCDUIIIICI - ammo om. 129A I'll QUIINSWAY Yam Mu - 10-15 Cmveniently' located " [ Good Opportunity in shippinl loyal York ll. _ department. Excellent coun- FOR PERMANENT tiong. Clean work. anioul nAruTlA‘Ir . experience not necessary. FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS ! BOX I ETOBN‘OKI ADVERTISER HELP W ANTED-.NaLE CR. 8-3323 A DIVISION OF ELITE PERSONNEL WAREHOUSE MAN 255-8528 SALESMEN WONDER WINDOW MFG LTD 1m mm nun. PORT (mum SALESMAN $65 plus $55 I NEED AN ASSISTANT YOUNG man wanted to learn retail shoe busrnes, Excellent chance for adrancsmcrtt. Ap- ply Maher Shoe Slur: New Toronto. NIGHT tax: drivers. over with both licensee. Apply 7767 1 KINGSGATE MOTORS 1 2500 Bloor St. w. Lama-“yin: I. with tminirtgirt 310% ttei& New to-ti-t with emigmonllouuor pm! is wall can“ and located in the WI as... Good workuu condition. with cdoteril and Mb. (utilities on peeretiam. Pol-bl and fringe benefits. - to Box 14. The Advertiser. 89“ Lake Shore Blvd.. Wm to help service my cuatomera. Must be able to get along with people and be well regarded in the community. Successful applicant will be well train, ed and established business in- sures top earnings. This is I world famous company with top business rating, TAXI Drivers wanted, Day Ind night shifts. Apply Texaco Sh- tion, 3849 Lake Shore Blvd. W. JUNIOR Grocery clerk with Clean cut, 18 to 20 with chauf- feur's license to drive light truck and assist in warehouse of local manufacturer. Opor- tunity for advancement. l BOX 9, The Advertiser 2980 Lake Shore Blvd. W" Tor. 14. NOXIIMA CRIMICAL co, or CANADA " Parklawn [and 255-0103 Managenal [raining roume m our ofiice tor publishers [my motion centres, You'll be taught every phase of our business. above average m- come, salary and commission for a man who ts' amhiuous and aggressive. periodic salary increase. rapid advancement. Single man with car preferred. Call Mr. Barr, 255-t5119 till 9 p-m. Attention Direct Salmon You can & will make $240 I week m COInmISMUI) on jtrkt three \alm m one of Toronto's most solid It dignified sales programs, Thrs ultimate fam- ily necersny |n<ures years of successful selling. neat & tal- ented men may apply on Fri- dav May 31 at 10 a.m, or 1 Wrsst PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING INST. 1425 Donforth---FK) 1-7545 lo learn restaurant cooking with new restaurant chain. excellent opportunity for ad- vtmcement MEAT CUTTING 60 men needed for classes day or eve, now being formed offering practical training in the highly paid field of cut- ting. merchandising and sell- serve. One of Canada', largest meat training institutes. Act now. call-- Contact P. W. Samuel CL 1-5227 Reqored For Large GM Dealership Good Working Condition. and Company Benefit. Apply In Person to SERVICE MANAGER 1867 RESTAURANT Young Man Young Man MECHANICS BODYMEN YOUNG MAN Mr: Palmer. 4889 Dundas Queen Elizabeth & Mississauga M. PORT CREDIT Apply in Person 20-30 LEARN RO, 9-2458 255-