a," h in Pub Matt mrmstir. Wuhan Hum cunt. Inn 5‘. In um O'N.iti m‘mmunnuwm - and uncut“. "-iause/yeihtr, " both servic- on Sun- " I. R. Bait. introduced nrt/ltr, In 26th, Rev. E. Johnson “I. Father T. Fonz-nut. Pro-‘01 tho Shiny Ian’s Christin 'hrflfhunh Lizzy. Snafu- o! North Amid... n. We “a. ‘udeoiguhuoo. in. ttAil'ittu,,,1'i' " Amanda 1117. up}. a; but.“ oh mi mu. upon to at. oath W the hilhry o! chi Sunday Echo] Moment. . _ In: In. L J. Héndrkh and C-tttut"'" to me 1:33 a "ther m- m. an. l mm" W... Clb hm at my A . . 'almiraeaa- 5AM»! [055“. most enjoylble caning was Ind by . large number of the THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE Mt“: members as well " On Saturday the frat day of my visitors (including seven! of June, 1968 the ladies of The Wil- $h.organixation's Grand officers); lows Aux:liary will hold I Ten I beautifully decorated Birthday Ind Bike Sale at "The Willows" Clh I'll send to Ill, along with 56 Neilson Drive, Etobicoke. The the qvening's refluhmenu. time is from 2 p.m. until 6 pm. The Birthday Ceremony was}?! Neilson Drive in off Bloor Pr-ttkd mr by the Cluspter's Street jun west of Highway 27. Worthy Ham Mrs. Lillian Mit-iWhy not drop in and have a nice dull; on. of the highlights of the'rup of tea and do Iome shopping? min. VII the Penny Sale held, , x , by Mm. Ivy Mackenzie, the Ano-‘ FLY UP CEREMONY (it. Mutton. The 279th Brownie Pack held Kingsway - Islington Chap-tar, 0.38., bald their 8th Birthday Party on Tuesday, May 7th, " the Salim- Citizen's Bldg; 4968 Dun, " St. W. enmtoenryone present. l On Monday May 27th from 2 At the close of the Pruram, to 4 pam the Kipling Acres " the following tWeers were in-imen’s Auxiliary entertained the Mid for the 1968-64 term:--%lk at the Home. Mrs. Kay Wil- I’m-idem, Nancy Smidak; vieeraon, President and Mrs. F. W. Pmiuunt, Marie Moulton; 2nd1Rilley Vice Resident received. Viee-Prerident, Marry WilanMrn. R. J. Smith, wife of Metros Truman Wilma O'Brien; Re-)welfare Commissioner poured ten. cording Seeretarr, Marie Runnable decorations were turquoise Corresponding Secretary, Teres-‘ciom with yellow trimming: with Btmid. Mluve and white mum. and yel- -------------- iii; tulip; Following the business meeting, In. Carolina Chambers and Mrs. In! new†lamented I program on Sculpture during which they thawed . tttm entitled "The Living Stone", which proved most inter- esting to everyone present. The regular meeting of the Gamma Psi Chapter of Beta Sig- †Phi was held on Tuesday ev- ening, Iny 14th, " the home of In. Shaun _Goltick. 17 Arbroath On Thursday, June 6th, Unit No. l of Wutwny United U.C.W. are presenting a Travel Show with Miss Carol Line of the Shell Oil Company. She will discuss her idea on how to make touring by en 5 relaxing, etsrefree end worth while experience for the whole family. It is to be held in the lower auditorium of the Church and there will be a silver collec- tion taken. Proceedings get under way " 8 pan, Attend and have Chapter 287 of Eastern Star â€as 8th_ Birthday Jul-m. $25.00 (Transi1gurttion). Memorable mention went to Franco Cervini and John Preston of Ttanrihruration. Sororin Elects New Officers For This Season ' T'RST IN \ f " . ' 1‘ it ' mum CHARM [t ""Biiltg t present F'. ' - 0 "it Spodal for Juno 9 Kg Mom, Tun†I Wad. only h . A _ “AYUQING Ln TI L 2i,'Aur, 'WW"'""' PIODUCYS l _ E lav lawn! a “no“ Hm kl} I . ' t, , Locum mm cr, ' 5., . I _ count! 1 " ' t 3 cur I mum ' L I '- I - In. Edwina 0mm, Fr-ht,) “ducal the convent)" of stand- - min... In. G. L. Ellis, 'Piritmt Convent», Announced I b for PI: Duty who in bean "airsed on Jam lgt and that it in“ he held in the Parish Hall " Jun. 2nd from 3:30 to 5. In. T. Sahara, Sociul Action Conven- w. reported visitn to Kipling Acr- Home for the Aged and "id Bins and he." were left for the raidcnu. tru the naked for “when to help in forthcoming United Appeal Ctunpiqrn. In. W. C. Quinn, Education Cannon, announced scholarship curd: for ltudcnu entering Mi- chal Power High School. These in!" won by the following: Wolf- gang Punk. $50.00 tTrartrtht- III-(ion); Frill Winkeh, 825.00 trmstaiteuratiort); Larry Eulo- “H, 825.00 (All Suintl); Terry £103!ng comm: SALON i NOW $7.95 we. Moo Fawn“ manor: ma, non, am A mow» In no â€or "who. nonlcoxs's FINEST iitiiii:iiViiiViiTdG' SALON tur, AROUND THE WESTWA Y ""tm'mAamettttrea..atmt.srm- "WWI-u». 'ttNP-tttte I... tt I.†i--rttt'6s-Ne" t88r'mt'ttt.&rttt.-tsrtuepa, talcum -thlrr-t- LAID“ mum will hold their eontrretrtrtion and Church School picnic this Sutur- day, June lat at 1:30 pan. to Glen jriirr' Conservation Park. There will be rues and glmes for all Ices. Funilies are reminded to bring their own food and tea, milk ind ice cram will be supplied by the Committee. Vol-mien- Tu: _ Cum-mm... to £11in ttumer Wait Cob run (I an: showing it the than u“ ' one In! Sunday. With " by. present out of as, the Mt): "A" Puck can. any with In A pon- nun. whil- the newly formed "B" Park, with " out of 25 attending, "rated n B Immune. It wn also unifying for tho lender: to no: such I good turnout of parents " this atfair and the inumt they showed in the various events. Mrs. F. Wooley the soloist. ‘1Ctmpbell, Anderson 3nd Hines diner. Following the prolrrtbm, the The ten was convened by Mrs. aim-ed one apiece. For Alderwood group enjoyed barbicued hot dogs, H. Weir usisted by Mrs. F. Pra-htton 8, Grainger 2, McNaugh. coffee Ind “hes. set. ton and Gnu Ila-red one apiece. [ X X N “Ill-I CI.4 nun-nommnumu owning. ST. BENEDICTS eontrretratiott will hold their annual picnic Sun- ‘dny June 2nd to Glen Iuftr Con- sew-lion Park. Families are re- quested to take their buket lunches and tea, milk, ice cnum will be supplied. REXDALE UNITED Church aeration Park. Familiel are rerl A complete evening of entertain-d we “m†te' T.'. we /'1'r. the children and adults thoroughly: quested to take their bttalretjnent for the family from 7:00 should earn their man mono} {orienjoyed the outing l lurch" "Id {In milk, in cranium. till 10:30 pm _eamp. I 'fii'i next outiniz will be the' will be supplied; I trust the community of Rex- . x x x Steak Barbecue and meeting on: P?PNIE. UNITED .churctlai. will jam ptutht the arena SO The West Suburban Branch of Saturday, June 8. Will hold their eontrretrtrtion Indikeep the date and time in mind†Church School picnic this Situr-lMore of the programme next week.l I day, June lst at 1:30 pan. to GlenlgfePhail Seores Hat Trick i INffy Conservation Park. There: Friday night Rexdale Bantam), KINGSWA y m KIPl/NG will l 21"l and END†for al1AII Star Lacrosse Team were'; Mrea. amiies trre reminded ttr, eats of North York an wo' 9 bring their own food and tea, milklzuo. Scorer: for Read-1e ‘14:me ‘ In"! BRADLEY - " T.6006 and ice cream will be supplied by's. Maxwell 2, Lung, McDonaldJ St. Luke's Couples Club took off for the Black Creek Con- the Committee. 'Carr and Murphy on apiece. The final meeting of St. Luke's servation Area to spend a de-', Volunteer Tsa Rezdale Down Alderwood iCouples Club was held on Fridayyrhtful day exploring this lovely On Monday May 27th from 2‘ Rexdale All Star Pee Wee teamlMIy 24th. The devotional and pioneer village. Highlights were a ' to 4 pam the Kipling Acres " won by a narrow margin 9 to 7.‘business meeting were held " the)horse and wagon ride, a visit to _ men's Auxiliary entertained thelAlderwood started off the ttrstleha h and then the group pro-Us real Blacksmith Shop, a visit to, folk at the Home. Mrs. Kay Wil-lperiod, after Rexdala had twoiceeéd to the home of Mr. and a wheat mill and museum. After, aon, President and Mrs. F. Winds disallow, with . score ofWra. Earl Gardiner, in Markland the tour, games and a picnic; Rilley Vice President received.)? to 0 but Johnny Campbell want;W00ds. The program for this lunch completed the outing, Mrs. Mrs. R. J. Smith, wife of MetroiCritrht up through the Alderwomrmeetimr we: an illustrated talk J. McCarthy, Mrs. Finuean, Mrs.' Welfare Commissioner poured tea.‘hoard to score the flrat one forihy Mrs. Harold Wheeler, of life C. Wilson, Mrs. H. Leach, and, Table decorations were turquoise Rex and then Rex warmed up tuuirut Northern Ontario, particularly Mrs. F. McKenna were chaper- cloths with yellow trimmings with away they went sea sawing untillKapuskasing and Terrace Bay. ones. Mauve and white muma and 'ce, the last half of the third piriGlPiitures of these towns and of x x x 1 low tulips. they took . two goal lead and the new part of the Trans-Canada Members of St. Gregory's Oath†Mrs. R. Williams, vice preaidentleld it. Kingston and Nunn scond Highway, were shown by Mrs. olic Youth Club, accepted the in-' introduced Mrs. F. D. Dodds artdrtwo-trpieett and Piedmont, Hicks, Wheeler's father. Mr. Earl Gar- vitation of St. Benedict's Young' i Past PreMients Night will co- The Rexdele Luci-one Lengue incide with ‘tlie omen} opening of will be playing in Pine Point the Dining Room, Friany lily 31, Arena this man. GRAND op. Dinner " 6:45 p.m. Dlncinz will‘ENING date will be June 22nd. follow the dinner. Sixteen team: will be present and Congregational Picnics assisting in the evening: pro- ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE gnmmo will be the Thistletown congregation will hold their mull-\Collegish Senior Band, St. Bene- nl pienie on June 22nd to Albion dict's liked Choir, Rexdele u- Hills. crease MNorettea, Etobieoke Gym- ST. BENEDICTS eontrretratiott - Club, Thistletown Y.M.C.A. will hold their annual picnic Sun- Trampoline Group and many dny June 2nd to Glen Iuftr Con- others. Pupils of Ulric Bur-nan]. upon- sored by St. Benediet's Cltholic Women's League, Thursday May 30 and Friday May 3Ut in St. Benedict's Puriah Hall It 8:00 pm. ,Admission Adulu 50 cent: and children 25 centa. The pupils will punicipnu in 25 number]. Coronation Branch at $6 The 14th "B" Pack in now (miburv 80cm on! inhed for the summer and all Cuba "t the Church. will be notiNd about mnmmunder wBr It t dates gain in the Fall. The "A"lteruinment will Puck, however, will continua withuldiei I" weleo their meetings for I while 1omrerdot " eqttta will u. mum of gum and madam that night. Dam-c Recital REXDALE RAMBLINGS SALON THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE 1 Fly Up Ceremony It Richview On Saturday the frat day orUnited Church Hall on Tuudny in son cumm 1, lyiNHAHTHOl'I no. t j The United Chueh Women of Burris convened tho much an- ‘Richview United Church are hold- joyed animal outing. in; a Coffee Pnrty and Bake Sale; x x x on Wednesday June 5th from lo; Sin" (our Shun of (my La- ‘until 11:30 am. It the church dy's Missionaries tire teachers It hull. Sunley Product. will Also‘St. Gregory'l School. members of be on "le. Proceed: from item! thet parish Are extended a Ipecinl bought will be donated to the invitation to attend the tea, to be U.C.W. 1held Sunday June 2nd, " the x x x 'NotherhousB, 65 Clarendon Ave., Now that “miner time ll nl-lfrom 2 to 4 pm. . Now that lummer time " 01-1me 2 to 4 pan. . most upon m. now in the time to , , , rude I noolution not to have Pioneer Village w“ invaded Int things tint-id. " night. but weak 1Thundny by a ttirls, all drained I heard of a "wing n being n-‘in brown. The 824th and 297th mow-ad from . bucknrd during the irownu Pucku, met at the puk- nixht. thig learn: unbelievable but intt lot of St. Gngory'l It 10:80 W happened, to be on your (and. mm. boarded a rented but and May 14th. Congratulations to the following Brownies, Louise Gul- les, Elizabeth Hooke, Janet Sim- mons, Janis MturNarnara, Dianne Michalisko, Mary Roberta, Linda Rats. Brenda Merntorh and Jean Downey. Tho Woman Cdendlr Yen Group n St. Richud'n Ansliun Church no holding their Six-1w- berry Sock] on loudly, Jane 10th " the Chunh. Proceeding: get under wny " 3:30 pin. and en- tm-inmom will be rovided. All ladies are welcomo S adminion of " cent; will be 'e," " the Mun in the Indium. ' lactation Mn. In!†‘leguo will he show- in the am {madam paper {undoing who have you; “lick" law plain: in an. hum Eu. . of the w ootcutive foe a“. o 'au. cm took . 'irt'ii:.",Eir,ittai"'e"ti',?.' at n. i. Chant Th. in- _tlttigtu. of t in that!" will tt lulu-i during . banish to h. 1 T d Jun; 10th It the Skill)" Ho- ia. leihg over their raw duties u of July In no the knowing: Pmidcnl, Joye. Petoew, Vic.- President uni Ways and Means Dimetor, Barbara Jordan; them. tary, Elisabeth JIM; Trouunr, Gwen Eilbr. Sum-thy, June "trat 10:00 am. in the hall of St. Pnul the Apostle on Kipling Avenue North and Smrubrook Drive. Rezdah Lac-mu: The afternoon m In the that aiNir to be held in the new audi- torium that bu been added to the Home. Rummy. & White Elephant Sale 9x45 A.M.-Surtderr School for all can , 11:00 A.M.-Nrtt-t And The Church To-day 7x00 P.M.-W. WM. A Diff-"ml Kipling Avenue Baptist Church urns! communal 0' â€A!†I MIR "OCUIMINO CHRIST “MING AVINUI, NORTH " â€MON I". A. I. cor, I.A., In. TM -1 Mt the new part of the Trans-Clnldl Members of St. Gregory's Cath- Highway, were shown by Mrs. olie Youth Club, accepted the in- 'wheeier's father, Mr. Elrl Gar- vitation of St. Benedict's Young diner. Following the program, the Peoples Club to spend Sunday group enjoyed barbicued hot dogs, May 26th, with them " n Ihry of coffee Ind clkes. Retreat. Guest Speaker at the l X X X Communion brenkfut, which fol- ; Friday May Mth, the Junior lowed the 11:40 am. Mass, Wtttr lChoir of St. Luke's United Church, Rev. Dr. L. A. Markle, P.P. In 3"“ entertained at . banquet by the evening, a social was held in the members of the Intermediate the auditorium and all parents Choir. Severn] of the mothers of oviue invited to nttend. ‘the choir members were responli-l x x x lble for the preptrntion of this) FU-Up Ceremony ;banquet. l In a ceremonv on Mav 16th. l The 4th Etobiooke Central A ‘Wolf Cub Pack will meet It Ren- forth Baptist Church on Saturday, Qune lat at 9 mm. for n Bottle (Drive. The money raised will be 'ysed for I week end camp in July. Pe Cubs will be collecting bottles ‘north of Bumhamthorpe Road and iweat of Highway 27. All return- Ible bottles will be accepted with the exception of milk bottles. It is the Puck's belief that the boys should earn their own money for jcamp. Golf Tournament f St. Gregory’s Holy Name Socie- ‘ty held their Annual Golf Tour- }nnment on Wednesday May 29th, lat Bolton Golf Ind Country Club. lsuning time was 1 p.m. with I 1dinner to round off the My Mr. (Joseph Adnmick And Mr. William Burris convened tho much en- joyed annual outing. The Lndin' Auxiliary of "The rWillows" are holding their Annual l" Ind Bake Sale on Suturday. P"" lat, from 2 to 5, pan. at "The ‘Willow:", 56 Neilson Dr. Iv. I. tsiitd"ilR"+l--i-l.t-lBl8+. OVER 100 PERSONS witnessed the crowning of the May Quoon Loslio Allen shown boing presented her flowors by the President of the Etobicoke YW-YWCA Murray Dryden. Janice Forks and louiu Uba worn chosen princess“. Tho dance was sponsored by the Sachem: Teen Club which is a club open to all boys and girls of high uhool ago; Tanager: inter-Ind in ioining the club should call the "Y" ot BE 1-2297. i, " Bloordale Beat VIOLET HENDRY - BE. 3-2759 ( Fig-Up Ceremony _tureompttnied the girls of the 324th l In a ceremony on May 16th, Guide Company on In all day Dianne McCarthy, Mary Ann Wil. outing to the Royde Conservation pon, Ind Carol Burns of the 324th aren. Twenty-two girls boarded Brownie Pack, and Ann O'Regln the bus for the trip, and on arrival of the 297th Brownie Pack, re/cooked Ind enjoyed n barbeque eeived their wings to iiy up to lunch. After being fortified by Guides. Each of these girls have good food, the group then took to passed all the tests necessary to the Nature Trail enjoying a spe- 'eeome . guide, before their elev-icial game on the wly. Some of enth birthday, which is considered the Guides were tested and pass- muitat an arhievement. Tea willed, and a general day of fun was ‘served nfter the ceremony by twolenjoyed by all. (Brownies, Joanne Mess and Bren-l At the Explorrr Rally for Tor- " Finucan. onto West Preshvterian on Maw Parents Associated held their May meeting at the Cloverdale Mall Restaurant on “entity, May 21. Miss Nancy Foster from Family Services was guest speaker, her topic was "Managing Our Money". Min Foster's talk left much food for thought. One was to do your grocery shopping alter you have eaten, then the food budget any; closer to the budget limit. for thought. One was to do your Hundreds of Anglicans from all grocery shopping after you have parts of the glove, including Arch- eaten, then the food budget sttrys.bishops, Bishops, priests and lay- closer to the budget limit. 'men, will converge on Toronto Fifteen members enjoyed the during the month of August for theatre party on May 15, when the Anglican Congress, The guest they attended "Spring Thaw". of St. Andrews, Thistletown, will Sunday, May 26, proved to be m Jre the Rev. T. Barrett, rector of excellent day for the hike and cookithe parish of Falmouth, Cornwnll, out along the Etobicoke Creek. Al. England. . though the attendance was small: Mr. Bnrfett is to preach in St. the children and adults thoroughly‘Andrews on Sunday, August 18th. enjoyed the outing. _ - Guide Outing won Captain M I rgo Fitssimmons, Past. ‘LEE GOLD, R. o. OFFICE HOURS: in REXDALE PLAZA MEDICAL OFFICES SUIT! C "25 “Human Avenue N. . Visual training . Coethtet loam q Optical lope!" . Ion-Orly It you! In peoerk. kt "0mm '0! "I EXAMINATION APPOINYMINT "ION! 247-4416 'kote.. Yon hind." /ij2ri, m hos oponod his naw om:- for the predict of OPTOMETRY OPTOMETRIST , l On Thursday, May 30th, the lyiir group will attend the ‘Spring Rally " Pine Grove Bap- ltm Church to hear Mrs. w. Ross ss/Mortimer, of the Bethe! Home for Mall girls in Scarborough. _ , 21.l, Groups of ladies from other kmily‘Baptisi Churches in the vicinity her!" also expected to attend. sth-l Mrs. Amy Thomas, of Waltham I in/Drive, recently completed an ex- omrttmen course at the University Iday‘Of Toronto, and graduated as a y of Public Health Nurse. At a party the,held by friends and neighbours " fol- the Skyline Hotel last Saturday1 w-presentation was mud: to Mrs; r.. Thomas, I h†AM. " I“ In MNINOI " APPOCNVICN' The Club has mny trehindAhe/ lanes workers, such " our mint! supply men, Mr. F. Midi", Senior: Ind Mr. E. Wilkins, who devote mny hour. to.ths Club's inter- ettl. We have come to rely on them, and wish to think them Ithe. 7lititletetvrs Baptiat. The special speak" at the ev- ening service on May 26th wu Mr. Donald Clemgnu, BA., who is at present a student at Brink crest Bible Institute in Saskatehe. wan. Kiss Elwood, who is Mr. Clements' iuneee, was the soloist. There were Ill!) testimonies by Mr. and Mrs. Don Elliott of the Earl Elliott Funeral Home. Anglinn Married Couples out) recently enjoyed an evening of) bowling at the Albion Bowl. In) spite of the scores, everyone had) a good time. To save embarrass-' ment surnames have been omitted: i Tea And Bake Sale. The Women's Auxiliary of the Albion Gardens Presbyterian Church will be holding a tea ind bake sale in the Church Grounds on Saturday, June lat, at 2 p.m. providing the weather continues tine and warm. If it doesn't the sale will be held in the Auditori- Joyce 290. Erie 318; John 412, Bob 546; Gill 286, Sylvia 360; Audrey 372, Mary 144; Harry 624, Craig 442. At a Baptismal Service in Our Saviour Lutheran Church last Sunday m o r n i n g DEBORAH and Lieutenant, Teresa DeSoum, accompanied the girls of the 324th Guide Company on In all day outing to the Royde Conservation aren. Twenty-two girls boarded the bus for the trip, and on arrival cooked and enjoyed I barbeque lunch. After being fnrtified by good food, the group then took to the Nature Trail enjoying a up!- cial game on the wly. Some of At the Explorrr Rally for Tor? onto West Presbyterian on Ma)" lath, St. Luke's Explorer Groupl won the trophy for the Murchj Anglican Congrats. Member of [ha St. Andrews Thistletown News l' Thm will " n new run: Service at " u. on Iliad-y. June 16th in St. Aotd-.Asqii- Mr. Harold Witt of Rexdate, nu been almond to represent Our Saviour Lutheran Church at the Ontario Dinrict Lutheran Church Convention in Kitchener, gum, 3rd to 6th. WAYIR MAINS J. MclAUOHllN CL. 9-2201 266-6th ST. NEW TORONTO SAVE TIME - WORK - MONEY ON All YOUR WINDOW & FLOOR CLEANING CONTINENTAL CLEANING SERVICE 5150 DUNDAS W. - LEE GOLD, R.O. OPTOMETRIST RKXDALI "AXA - MEDICAL OFFICIS Sui" C - In! Mir-gun Are. N. 2.74426 [EONARD A. BRAITHWAITE Antoinette Electrolysis Wed. 01:] Friday "on!†" pm "-- 7.... gm... u A --. mom), Tues, 779m". 1:6 ' M, reid, pew-nun rm! " lun- w-nnd heir by mini! .. sh." -.. CH. 4-6896 Benin", Seminar, Nony Pub“: OPEN 9.00 A.M. - 6:00 â€I 3034 New St. W. - M. I ll WESVHAMFYON Bl, VISION SUITE E, ROYAL YORK PLAZA 1500 loyal York load Telephone: CH. 9-2288 tuning; and Saturdays by Appoinmnm __ Call Your local Print" tte ISUNOYON "tr" BE. L061] Malina ".tltrd Guarunnod [owl’s Also Show. lawn, Facial- Chmlom'l Stud-viii". Solon 2475A Moor Wert at Jun lo. 317" NEED PRINTING? Professional Directory Abevo lllingcon Po" om“ Home Cleaning Telephone BE. 1-2211 DEWAR I GRAHAM umsrus & soucuTons 4889 DUNDAS ST. W. DONALD F. WITHIOW OPTOMETRIST honing: by Appoinmm Home Improvements Optometrists GRADING _ SEWIIS Slenderizing EXCAVATINO Printing lhisiless Directory legal M. 1-90" 21M!" huh. . country or centric. in which Muh- Iork in 'INF m by the Lucia-u Clinch. C'.,,i,'iti't't:t'tli?',,iiiie'?, um ArrpulM, but“; in million work Ajity hr In, uit' au.iuiiir.U- with, “Mica an iughssie life tho eourrtrU, M tO labia. ttr'"' uni pn’dfe'u ist the poo- p c. Jaw“. "(you Jan†At thin salvation J War“ Rexdule Car And Truck Rentals gala" SHOES mun» mu --||llll DI- “than Patroniu [owl Advertising J. ERIC YOUNG, QC. Gordon M. Pyne Public Accountants "canâ€. FAIRBANK LUMBER P A T E it S 0 N 8. W A R D l T It . ' Ironwood Road N. Plumbing l Homing All MAKES AND MODELS COMPANY no. A good plan to buy lumber and Plywood 244t DUFFEIIN AT IOSELAWN ’th0 "mm Wlllil‘l' G. MARSHALL llMlTED 4893 Dvndas Show Mast BEN J. FIORE 3329 Bloor Street West PHONE 247-7288 Repairs - All-roman: Remodelling CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT SUITE E ROYAL YORK PLAZA 1500 ROYAL YORK RD. OINIIAI. INSURANCE M. 1-33‘7 "sitUnee, BE. 1-0223 Vans-Panels-Pickups Stakes HOUR, DAY OR YEAk Auto Service bro. 65 RACINE RD. PHONE 249-8277 Dressmaking Benin" 5 Solkiur A937A Danae: St. w. Tom-mom: 139-0143 Wcs'on-Roxdalc BE. 2-0642 TRUCKS Insurance IAIIISTER BE. 1.3339 CARS BAM. SAVE MONIV