(I) I have to go on a protracted sales trip right away lb) She can only stay for a month. _ le) We haven't room for her twelve eats as well. " Well. I don't think I'm putting on weight, but if I am it's . . ' (t) the dry-cleaner who's shrinking my suit. (b) Puppy-fat. (c) Your fault - your cooking 's too rich, " Now I dan'r even want you to try to mow the law JI. dear, because . . . (a) It'a not your job, (b) You’ll ruin the blades. _ (e) You have enough to do. 11 Miss Jones, I do wish you would learn to me Important docu- ments properly. I have just discovered . . . ta) This garter filed under Capital Assets. thy The letter you were looking tor was in my pocket. .lh‘lnw than"! (inns when they're more â€in; awn-nu. etc. than usual, I suppose It's 1 WI Day just put And the proximity of Inher- 't u -qtrd this outburst, so I‘ve compiled a quis to w - know- " the Inn/m Complete each sentence ..erieeset phrase - in Mood, it necessary "t.emr, 1 know you had . rough day with sprutg-cleamng and F m t brought home chow mein tor upper. . .0) lo- would you like to can out? tet Dtirt't so to any special trouble tor my old friend Joe here. 3 Us tin kind of I guy who’ll on anything, . In kids. this year we'll give Mother Just the son of hobdoy ' to Ilka. no . . . (I) Hon'l I brochure about that canoe trip I mentioned but“. - it's got some swell portages through the bush, tbl I rang up that lodge you liked and booked the first two roots in July. honey. . Juat because I'm In bed with a cold doesn't mean vou have to all your legs off waiting on me dear. but before you go could uni snout uvo. w. a 22nd St. ime TORONTO Cr..,. Oâ€. M... " " - To“. and Thurs. Nighn titt 9 p.m. (I) Bring home the paint so you can make an early start tomorrow. (b) Start on it immediately after supper. te) Probably have to work late. _ . Certainly your mother can come for a visit, honey. and I'm Beautiful Garden Homes NOW RENTING FROM $125 (I) Bring me that old box of tishmg tackle up in the attic Ir if: not there, it's probably in the basement, and I'll want sehr m. string, cigarettes, matches. (b) Give me a list of those letters you said you had to write - I might " well do something to help you. te) Go down to the drugstore and get me some of those special cou‘hdrops and while you're out, I need something from the hardware and the library. Now don’t worry about a thing, dear, I'll look after everything while you go out, but before you go . . . (I) Could you tell me again where everything is? (b) Darling, you look beautiful. This year we'll have to cut down on the amount of equipment we take wih us on holiday, so . . . (a) Janey, there certainly won't be room tor your teddy-bear or tiddlywinks. (b) What! you mean to say you weren't going to pack my set of drums and guitar. You kids must learn not to leave your thongs all over the place. I'll set an example by . . . _ (a) Not leaving my dirty socks on the sofa. (b) Getting your mother to put my took back so I know where to find them. Whatlwanttoknowis... (a) How do you feel. dear? (b) Where's my clean shirt? (e) Can you lend me $5 to go to the office stag? You’re right - the dining-room does need repainting. Tonight I’ll . . . PARK ROYAL GARDENS . . . begins with a visit to our beauty salon! So, look your love- liest this summer - come in now! PAGES BEAUTY CORNER . 2 OR 3 CIDIOOMS C LIVING ROOM q DINING ROOM . KITCHEN . FULL BASEMENT . PRIVATE PATIO AND CARDIN q SLIDING GLASS DOORS O REFRIGERATOR AND "ME" . ULTIAMOOERN STOVE q AUTOMATIC LAUN- "Y 'ACILITIES Phone 278-8915 MODELS OPEN DAILY FROM IO A.M. Turn South on Q.E.W. at Sth Lin: Cloverleaf to Wisemon Conn DENIAR PROPERTIES LTD. - Division of United Lands Corp. Ltd. P Ttgkirttgttt'irtt -imdrr,Mar30,t963--NO a, mu swan iHydro Employee " Years, Now JAnglican Priest w†“Mn:- AhM‘éLI: . . _i'ii'ujgriiijtiijii, J, ‘. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Alan Length“ are seen cutting their cake at the Boulevard Club fol- lowing their marriage in Royal York Road United Church Saturday, May 18. The bride is the former Gaile Frances McGregor, dough- Standards of w hite roses, snapdragons, mums, ivy, and white candelabra was the pretty setting in Royal York Rd. Unit- ed Church on Saturday, May 18 at 3 paw, when Gaile Frances McGregor. daughter of Mr. .and 1Mrs. Leslie Stewart McGregor. Beaconsfield, Quebec, exchanged vows of matrimony with Ste- Jrhen Alan Longstati. son of Mr. Land Mrs. Frank R. Larngstaff, Jr., of Riverwood Parkway, Eto- 'mieoke The Rev. J. R. Horde officiat- ed, wedding music was played by organist Stan Webb, and the soloist was James Lamonde. St. James' Cathedral was the scene as the Rev. J . Donald Beat- ty was ordained Priest in the Church of God. Mr. Beatty is the new Assistant-curate at St. Mat- thew's Church, Islington, He was born in Barrie. but raised in Toronto's East End, He spent these years in the Parish of the Church of the Nativity He was President of East Council A.Y.P.A. and in 1956 served as President of Toronto Diocesan Council. His wife Barbara was President of that Council in 1959-60 and they wore married in the spring of 1961. They have one son. John. Mr, Beatty worked with the Toronto Hydro for seven years before gomg to the University of Western Ontario, in London whore he received his BA. in 1960, In 1963 he earned his B.'I'h. from Huron College. He was or- dered Deacon by Bishop Wilkin- son on May 13. 1962, at St James' Cathedral and has served as Deacon at Trinity Church, St. Thomas. this past year. F armer Mimico Family Return F or Daughter's Wedding We wish the Batty warm welcome and hope they will enjoy this part of the city as we enjoy having them Carole Given in marriage by her ta-, famsly a sincerely living in much as here. Dawson Mrs. H. D. Armstrong. Presi- dent: Mrs. G. H. Pepper, Vice- (President, Islington; Mrs. B. L. ‘Farrand, Recording Secretary; 1Mrs. E. Siddall, Corresponding lSecretary: Mrs. w. w. Howard. iTreasurer: Mrs. D. F. Usher. Pro- Tramme Convener. Islington; ‘Mrs, J. R, Barr. Project Conven- er. Islington; Mrs. R. L. Hieks Social Convener: Mrs H. A La- tehoslti. Publicitv Convcnvr; Mrs. R. G, Jamison. Membership Con- vener, Islington, then the lovely bride wore a gown of Swiss silk taille, the fitted bodice having a deep oval neckline, elbow-length sleeves, and bouffant skirt with fullness at the sides and back falling mm a chapel train. Her full elbow- length illusion vem was held in place by a pillbox headdress of lily-or-the-valley, and she car- ried a semi-cascade of gardenias and lily-of-the-valley. and bouffam skirt Wllh fullness; At the rexiptirrn in the Boule-t /'i,f/:,,"//iC))/i'.: '33,â€! iirilrt ‘l-‘nwmi l“; at the sides and back falling mo vard Club, the bride's mother) iihijrii;l/ijjf)li' 1. 1m i/dr/iii/tir/rp/tjill/ji/il _ a chapel tram, Her full elbow- reccured m a gown of aqua lave [r trl length tllusuon veln was" held Iniover silk. Her Pierrot hat was oijRIDE ELECT - Janice Karen place by a prllbox 'neaddyoss Oflwhite organdv and she carriedlaBelle, daughter of Mr and Tyt-the-va": and she car- a corsaee of deep red Happiness Mrs. Reginald LaBelle of Al- ried a semi-cascade of gardenlas:my.S and lily-of-the-cu; The dercrest Rd will be untted in and lily-of-tlie-valley. groom's mother chose a gown of memo e g; June 29 m the She was attended bv M "i is sage green silk peau-de-soie, and Churchg of Atonement Alder- Joan Taylor. Toronto. maid of her large Milan white straw hat ood _ h W ll ‘ Alb t honour. and her bridesmaids, had an underbrim of green lace, w , w" l lam er Miss Marion Lasby, Toronto and with an overbrim of large yellow Rogers, son of Mr and Mrs Mlle. Monique Archambault..and white organza roses. Albert Edward Rogers of Rimil- Montreal; who were attired in For the wedding mp {0 New ton Avenue. French silk abstract prmt gnwns York, the bride wore a soft “'001‘777" ’7 ""wvw, in varied tones of turquowe, suit of moss green. with a cor-) IltilriT:, green and white. fashioned math wee of yellow roses. a large ll fitted lmdn‘w. square necklinvs. black cilk hat and acceszories, three-qu:wtrr sllryevrrs, and full The newlxva'eds will live tem- s k i rt q Mritc':Cng hewddreuos purliriln' .11 Montreal before ilM adorned tiisc' hair and thry “a“ leaving for California. where the I " .s . l ried garlanr“: of 5cuuthertd white groom Will attend Berkelev Uni- , l', u carnations entwmed win 'VY, vrsritv to continue his studies Ig Pr S A new executive for the 1963- 64 svason was installed during the annual meeting of the Pro- fessional Engineers' Wives' Asto- ciation held at the Alpha Phi House May M. and is as follows: Professional Engineers’ Wives Name Executive For New Season Reports were presented bv the retiring executive and from Mrs. K. Mackenzie, Chairwoman of the Bursary Committee It was voted one? again to glhrp, three five hundred dollar bursaries lo deserving students entering En. gin _ g at the University of Toronto. resentations will be made at th September meeting, The groom was attended by ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stewart McGregor of Beaconsfield, Quebec, (formerly Mimico) and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R, Longstoff, Jr., of Riverwood Pork, way, Etobicoke. _ IN Barry Thompson of Toronto, and lthc ushers were Frank Long- (staff and Ewart Bledgell of ‘Kingston, all in morning suits. The newly-weds will live tem- porarily 2n Montreal before leaving for California. where the groom will attend Berkeley Uni- versity to continue his studies for a Phi in sociology. G i, Photo - Robert Rattsdntet, kuiiuttU [ti mu Numbers are all solo and duet. vocal and piano arrangements. The number of performers was responsible for the fact the re- cital is a two-night affair, with no repeaters. The Birthday Ceremony was presided over by the Chnpter’s Worthy Matron Mrs, Lillian Mit- hell; one of the highlights of the evening WIS the Penny Sale held by Mrs. Ivy MacKenzie, the Associate Matron. Seventy-five people will have taken part in the recital when the final curtain drops tonight. Performers range from grade 1 pupils to holders of ARCT classifications. wood, with William Albert Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs Albert Edward Rogers of Rimil- ton Avenue. The mend of a recital series by the students of St. Joseph's High School music department will be held tonight in the school auditorium at a p.m. A man numb). "vain. was had by I has numb-r at the Chapter', members us well u my visitor; (including “all of the organizntion's Grand " eeu); I belnululb docomed birthday cute was served to all, lion; with the evening's retresh- meats. min-Minna: Chum "t,thderoetuB-temtttar, 'ACtuirHthtfutttarrartrmr; Mu.lz1,n the was: plum-n m " “mat! th 8irihdiy I t)ielrited By 0.E.S. Chaptei it. Jaseph's Final Recital Tonight ht imply your gunning clothes that: now otd "In all your vim" gov- mcnh, Ours, on. out " Lnngley's. Langlcy': will keep them ale and insured in "any. all ""00... th. dunno-n summer munch rudy when you run them in "in fall, Mocking to pay until "an mil them up "' "If "tl. So get your Vin." gunman in Longloy'l an and en- ’pr â€any 00 dam to.“ nll DHMMOI. “0s The Time To 'r':" Bring In Your Winter '// 1iitr'8fmN,WlWrl!l!!8,P!lrtt, 2nd SI. at Lake 3M" Blvd. VI. 3690 Bloor Sim! w, [M71515 NW TORONTO "" TH! "Nor AND TN! FASTEST SIIVICI it I tome um win or ISLINOTON Ave FLINTY qr PARKING "ACE ‘GOLDEN MF. Mr. and Mrs. Gear e W. Beech Senior, are seen ‘cutting their coke during their golden Wedding celebrations 1at the Mayfair Inn last Saturday, May 25, Born in London, (England, Mr, and Mrs. Beech have lived in the Metro area all itheir married life. They have four children; two sons, George .and Ray of Etobicoke, two daughters, Rose, Mrs. Tom Reid of Nordin Ave, The Queensway, and Clara, Mrs. Ross Munro of Toronto who will become a resident of Etobicoke this July. There are l4 grandchildren, one of whom, Gordon Beech, will be leaving for Britain as an exchange cadet with the Eto- bicoke 707 Squadron. Friends and relatives from the United States and England arrived here last week to attend the event and telegrams were received from the Prime Minister and Governor General congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Beech. Photo by cum “may "qllitlllr k The Time To Bring In Your Winter Garments For STORAGE! HARMONY MEATS Beef Fronts. ak BEEF HINDS Loin Pork CROPS. lb. 4th EEESE lb. 3b GRADE "A" RED or BLUE BRAND PLENTY OF PAIKINO "Act HARMONY MEATS TOP QUALITY MfATS AT CUT-RATE PRICES LOCATION lil Ihr'.' "Ire' APPROX. " LBS To butt I. lakeshon aU I Irwin: Who, " EH " " Spare Ribs LB. Lamb Legs III. 35c ii"iiia"iiiia, Ib59c Hamburg Emil; Fowl. III.1 th GRADE A & I MACHINE SLICED MEATY SIDE FRESH " Hwy Open Thurs. & Fri. Nights till 9 gun. I" Lakoshoro load B. PORT CIEDIT Scum sldc ttf - one»? I blocks west " Cawmn nnr Brewers' Wankelâ€. cud AAP Store. Phone 278-1700 LES. 3th 99c