<4 gt I" I“: full clam 1961 2sf, n. 1: an}. Oh ' by og 1961 TI I". tbo but " II thet, 1961 It", " I 'E';"'." tg) I I" A 2 "I! can A: I wedding guest, I'm a novice; the wedding we attended yesterday was only the second one I've been to, apart from my own. (From this you can deduce either that most of our friends live in sin, or that no one wants us at their wedding.) Remem, bering the other wedding brings n cold chill even now eight years later; two close friends of ours were being married in Ottawa and asked us if we would so and also act as unofficial photographers with their movie camera. We were delighted to help and spent the whole time dashing importantly from one spot to another, moving - into position, holding up events while we filmed furiously. Then come the heart-stopping moment when Ken discovered that he had mellow put the film in the wrong way; out of two 50' rolh ot film. we got about " of the wedding. We nearly cried. I out only any that our friendship was great enough to withstand the strain but it's one of the things we don't talk about if we can help it. At Jresterday's wedding we were just guests and it was much more milling, the bridegroom was 22 1nd tall and straight the bride was 20 and as lovely as all brides should be, and they Thi. film i to. Ian, I think, and could have been "reugttten- ed by an hour's cutting, but it is exciting and spectacular and Elinheth Taylor is beautiful to watch. in my opinion, however, her acting was let: satisfactory and I personally found her voice unconvincing - it's still rather a little girl type of Value and it muted incongruously from a genuine Cleopatra-ty pe bosom. Richard Burton's by now famous charm and sex-appeal completely eluded me, and the acting ability he displa) ed in this film certain- ty didn't Justify such descriptions as "one of the greats of our time", etc. Rex Harrison. on the other hand. "as excellent; his Caesar was completely believable and appealing, yet ruthless -- I complete real human being. There were several occastons iii the film when some word ot explanation would have been help- NI to the audience and made the action more credible. For ex- ample, until Cleopatra's High Priestess went into action in Rome Ind enabled her to "see" Caesar's assassination taking place in the Forum some miles away, there was hardly even a glimpse of this woman and certainly no foreshadowing of her powers. 1 un- dentand that the film had to be cut considerably to reduce it to four hours, so the connecting links between some of the episodes probably disappeared in this way. To sum up, I think that it's and entertainment but Ws not one of the great films of this or any other year. -" IINIIIIEIIS 0F DOLLARS IN SAVINGS " "III ON A GENUINE BElit0lt8Tltlmrlt " N E W 0 l II .'. NEW FIIIIDS " PRICES you WON’T BELIEVE UNTIL Toll Mr FIIIIM " “I pin; to “Cleopatra" we had dinner at the Town and M. that handle. at the wound, third and fourth helping. and I In" - that the Met is as dazzling as ever. the beet (Mr Whit!) " delicious as always, and the company ot - who “and Mind vigilant!†as miserable as it's possitue {a them to be without actu ly Insulting the customer; While , ed appreciate Ill. boredom of a job which consustr, at standing ‘Ilound It! hair: helping customers to make pigs of themselves. it in " least no leu entertaining than being a lavatory attendant It notably Lino worker. By comparison, the waitresses all seem- ed pin-ant - at least they smiled. Part of the fun of the Town and Country buttet is the opportunity to experiment with differ, "tt dishecand combinations without feeling that you're wasting Inney it you don't like it - my first helping consisted of warm wallow, warm medium rare beet, French fries, green salad and trim jelly. all helped down by an iced lemonade. Rather disgust- ing I realize, as I talk about it now in cold blood, but was quite onioyable " the time. even it the fruit jelly was a mistake with the scallops. I managed a smaller second helping of cold cuts and tinUhed off with strawberry cheesecake, which Ken predicted I wouldn’t be able to finish. He was quite right. Anyway, we arrived at the theatre, belching, bloated and feeling in the right time ot stomach for "Cleopatra". hm h dull. II the an! not vc'vc been to in "Cleopatra," m a “an. and cetitod Jan's omeial engagement and I. I“ My. And Ion-norm IN" 5tttC) Strlliotd to see '63-. In lawn" - wtsoopee.' As a tter at tact, the pat- k bqittaiq b build I mu be almost glad to return to work It ink to the comparative quiet ot big busmess. crElllllljiiEfRiIlTiTiii, Iâ€) T-IIIU I cyl, New Tan, “unit. No. "O-9S4 - Equipped with: Power Windows, Heater, ‘.Vindshue|d Washers, Power Snoring, Power Brakes, Turned Glass, Fonda Shield; (YS Mrrror T _ -CPr_r_ “035101.†.3. I Ugh-n“ be. an wanna this year. the holidays 1illllllllllllllllllllllllt :2; tu: h! I." it, going " . om $1188. 196t SUNIEAM Convert. 1961 TRIUMPH HERALD rd to CHOOSE FROM "KY The let' II I.†Conpm'. Don'o . Fl My 'llN'l; $1315. 1961 FALCON "6t SUNIEAM 6.66:? 1962 CONSUL â€cal "eood Mr, 1 '," "M" tlim. mu mvov 5.4.. DEMONSTRATOR "-'c1111'-""11"-'-7"-"-'-e' "73"â€8'Double Ring Ceremony United 'rttlugIttthtt... Denny Tye and Judy Brothers m. T. 1t11tumehmAueust2ttrs3-- TOP USED CAR BUYS 50 MORE USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM odgiml can't h JOAN Ml SIM 81450. top. ... on» Ili" 1959 THUNDERI " 'uly noippod. " m I" looking I" a .rme4ge - n o - cu _ in his hr anna- wi a a un- _ te-" - V 1959 FOIDS I to chaos. hon. 6-er$irtdera. o':,:',',',".".; cue: . I d u'nll ai, SING. " Mt CARS E FROM oit)i, The pride .0 our Pf he. le err All 1959 BUICK -__. _ ILICTIA CONVERT. Equipped WM 'ith inn. T. cit-7:, olt, ttTal. 1960 FALCON "so wrath nigh-l 1963 FORD 300 2Or. Sedan, I at “an“ No. 509-5“ - Equvpped wrth Trortsrrussioo. BSW Tires, Seat Belts 300 Package, Windshveld Washer t Wiper, 352" Engine F.r_rrttrr_ SI ‘7 Lilliâ€; I 2-000: flat. v 'Wh It." W. 'sa"." of Peace Church, Islington, September 21. Miss Gallacher is the daughter of Mr and Mrs J. M. Gollocher, 14 Lot- ton Rd., Islington, Mr Cronier us the son of Mr. and Mrs C J. Cromer, Rexdale drove away from the church In a black poushed 1931 T-model Ford, decorated "ith paper roser. It was a small town wedding, involving unimportant every day people (if there is such a erit- tur), - and yet it was more important than politics or high finance or science or any of the other resounding things that beat abou't our ears. This Joining together of two young lives is the basis of our civilization and its achievements. Every time two people marry in love and hopefulness, something wonderful happens. It may be that basically all of us marry because we cannot face life alone, it may be that our dreams never quite materialism, it may be that we grow bald and bad-tempered. fat and narrow-minded. and the journey that begins with glory and confetti down your neck, ends in defeat -- but at least we have shared the dream. This is why women cry at weddings - " isn't only because their feet hurt and their girdle‘s too tight. Bride Elect - Susan Ainslie Gallacher will exchange mar- nage vows Wlth Lawrence Charles Cronier m Our Lady Alderwood'n Chum-h of Atooe- the wedding of Judith (Judyr The mogul: w held at the meal was decorated mm white than Brothers, War ot Forum Mutant what an Chrysanthemums and mam tor Mr, aad Mrs, Hamid Blather: ot bride', mother new“ u: ur- JriiiEiriiiiiiiiai = -- ---i-e --- Evans Avenue, and Denny Fred "jun pink chum ova he: = _. 'j, ', , Tye, sun of Mr, and In. Fred with matching china. white . ‘ , ‘Tye of Bow Valley Dr,, westlaccessories and path and white r» I gum. garage at cum-lions. She Will . BALLET (eeechetti & R.A.D.) (Scottish Official Board) TAP . SLIM & TRIM . (Exercises for Teenagers O MODERN JAZZ and Mother!) Applicants Accepted For New Term, Feb. 2nd, 1963 Gladys Forrosl‘er School of Dancing 4953 DUNDAS ST. WEST AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL CLASSES CLASSES IN ALL TYPES OF DANCING GRADED FOR EXAMINATIONS "Your Local FORD Dooley" Photo by Man Winona“ m, I at Cor. White t963 FAIRLANE 50° 4-1190- Scdon. 6-crt. White I oped wrth: Dual Range Chum-I. Licence No. 509-70. _-- Equrpped mm ear Belts From, Ford Smgle Range Transmission WSW Tues, Safety her Package, Tinted Glass, Windshield Washer Wiper, $2551.20 Roeker Panel Moulding, Back-up Lrghts, Extra Cool, mg Radiator and Fan, Power Sreerrng, Power Brakes Full Wheel Covers, Oprronol _ _ Wheels, 200" Eng 52832-99 "" FAIILANE 2.dr. Seam. 6 crt. 1963 FAIILANE $00 2-dr. Sedan. Coo White. Licence Mr. 599407 - 6 eri. Pltgr' Oxford Blue. Lic- T (nee No. " " ___- Equlpoed mm Equupped mm 85W Tires, Nrruf, Srngle Range Transrrussioo, WSW ‘Thldd Way"; :29" S‘Wie Ranoe Ttres, Wmdshreld Washer Wiper, rt3rosmissiort, 0 ed Padded Dash, 0’5 Mrrror, Full What Dosh, 200" Engine $2363.95 9?ttrs, can): an B E. 3-6702 250 DUNDAS ST. WEST coiUsviiii" - ii'rui"hi' I963 FALCON 2-Door Sedans ._ equrppe'd with 4-speed shift ora-the-floor Fully syn- cro-meshed tronsrmssrorts Mr Gary Douglas was boat man and wee James Steffen tm Montgomery also ( Matron and mind were gown- ed m sapphire blue peau de soie with matching flowered held- piece adorned with veiling. The little flower girl was dressed in a paler shade of blue with flow. ered headband and she carried a basket or white feathered and blue carnations. The attendants earned cascades of the same flowers. . HIGHLAND She was attended by her sis- ter Mrs. JoAnne Graham " ma- tron of honor; bridesmaid, Elaine Smyth and flower girl, two- year-old Janene Graham. the bride's niece. l Gwen in marrlage by her fa- For their honeymoon trip tr/ensemble Ind will "her, the buds was charming at Lake Superior, the bride elyuteThe couple now r iher street-length gown of white ed mm a green and white llnenirose Avenue, New wean de sole and crutton, Her --- W M w __ ,_-, __ - "__ \shoulder length veil of tulle ' sion was attached to a crystal, and pearl 11am and she earned a cascade of wmte camauons and sweetheart roses , The double ring ceremony was 1'ete."t by Reverend r. W. Pool†on Sunday, July tt It ' pm. In I. Fleming chromed the program of music. 1963 GALAXI! a-dr. Sedan ' err. “chino-Io Tun. Licence No. SIG-J74 _ Equipped wnh Dual Range Trunsmvssuon‘ WSW Jugs, Wmdshield Washer Wip- ors,, Padded Dosh, 2 3" Engme, Radio, 015 Mirror $2105.10 1963 GALAXI! 500 4.dr. Hardtop. I cyl. Clad. lino" Mo. "Mo - Equipped with Dual Range Tvansm-ssnon WSW Tries, Sway Package, Rod-o, tP B L Power Brakes Tuned Gloss, Wmdshmld Wosher Wipers, Rocker Panel Moulding, Power Wm- dows O/S Mirror Power Steerroo Full Wheel Covers, 390" Enqme WI†AT NO EXTRA CHARGE SPECIAL " - ONLY) of Toronto the ushers and Quen- of Toronto. 1963 FAIILANE 500 2-41. Sedan 6 crt. White Ind Olfovd Blue. Lie. ence No. 89244 ___- Eqmpped vah Smgie Range Transrrussioo, WSW Tues Wmdshveld Washer Wiper, Padded Dash, ty'S Mtrrov, Full What Covers we" Eng $2585.40 [mun an aim our hot MimBdithAmsecoea,rua. with 'natc9tiiehape.u, mm muting. to In, TeiNed Smith “m and ttiat& and whxughku plan in St. Agnes Church. con-‘0 of urn-lion; Sh- walla" my. Avenm. Sopumberi aasistqd by the 'romn's “the!†11.5th " _ show- wearing a pal. yellow dutch of an given in her honor may: chit-ton over silk'vhjch the wort Most neon! was . tnucelian-': with . ytrliow And white [lover-}.ou my†("on by her u. ed hat and mm of carnation -----------------, For their honeymoon trio 001mm]. I“ an“. ...........:-.r 01561.!†" M) 2-dr. Sedan. f II . L - "/,','1,','tr m1: To .rmssmm “NEW Masher Wiper, "on Full Wher $1000 $2585.40 mink-dyed muskral 1mrksr..... Mack dyed persian lamb coats manual grey persian lamb coals brown dyed persian lamb coals natural beaver coats ....... MARTEN'S FURS brown persian lamb pm, m m black persian lamb DYED..........,., china mink DYED...,,.....,.....,....... grey persian lamb aw m. .._.._ brown persian lamb um mm F... russian kolinsky mu) _ F....... .bq. "SHEA" autumn haze MINK ... exquisitely fashioned STOLES T $395 luxurious quality JACKETS t.r.... 'SSS MAKERS OF FINE FURS FOR OVER FIF toe?rtrr,t "iv mltyemsu and white Ems. AUGUST SALE or “IRS EMBA autumn haze MINE quality fur jackets quality fur coats IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FAIR, HONEST DEAL, GUARANTEED IN WRITING . . . WHERE ALL THE WITH RESPECT . . . "THIS IS THE PLACE". 1963 GALAXI! SOOXL Ydr, Morin». ' cyl. Clad" Iluo. Linnea Nu. Nil-22‘. Eqmpoed 'with Dual Range Tmnsmvssvon, WSW Tues, Sofery Package, Timed Gloss, Wmdsh-eld Washer Wrper, Pwkev Panel Moulding, Power Windows, Power Brakes, Heavy Duty Sow, Heavy Duty 8rokes, Power Shauna, Purim, 0/5 Mrrror, 390" Eng-n9 $3613.10 1963 FALCON 2-dr. New, 6 cyl. Chestnut “can“ No. 5094397 -- Equipped with Standard Tronsmns- non, 4 speed Tronsmissiort, WSW Tires, Sofety Pock. oqe, Windshield Washer vaer's, DG Mutton 170" Engine ' $2432.91 1962 'AlCON 1-4'. 5.4.0. "It Una“ Mo. Nr"6- Equvpped mm Standard Trommvssmn, Block Heoter Wmdshveld Wosher vaers, BSW Trres, 144" [name $1lMUn Anenaams rem 'au1hte,',u".d L‘mm‘ï¬ï¬fmflï¬n‘ï¬â€˜mimit . Bailey Itlhchomollln‘ll.ibyr|ln.L:iubl.gt;§:$r-:: Edith Anne cmk '/'Tt"ou1eru',"a'"ahv: ' TJIU, Lake Prom . . Fr-a-i-' ._ - ---------- "ee--- "e-"--------------------. September bide I Mt-3Mt2 a... """rtuN,t'llg'"" I Metdinit Fete 1ii?itir)!icii? from mid: on Mel- . Tomato. .5295. 395. 455. 595. 595. ' 159. 295. 295. 395. 395. 395. 595. T FAIR, HONEST DEAL, WHERE YOUR CAR IS .. . . wHEn_E___ALL THE SALESMEN TREAT YOU 'W: In THE FINEST QUALITY “IRS AT THE [WEST PRICES! HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE! 2269 LAKE SHORE two. w; siuiiiiiirf Hromv, BSW Tirel, "c' Engine -', 'ir.-. -.....,.. “aura, Glass, Wmdshield Washer Wipers, Convcmmr l Patkuge, Mirror-Remote Control, Rocker Panel mg, Bock-up Lights, Padded Dash, Fun Wheel Covers I70" Eng 3241 1963 FALCON FUTUIA 2-dr. Salon. 6471. Ilia, “can“ No. 50,-5.7 -- Equipped with aonge Tronsrrissioe, 85W Tues, Windshield upers, Bock-up Lights, I70" Engme $Mtl 1961 FALCON bdr. 8.4.0, 647i. WM". Uni N7SIO fl" Equipped mob Standard Trans 2853 LAKE SHORE BLVD. W. NEW "I‘Oid'NfB Je2yttrt_0t f fr' m -FIVE YEARS " N I I N G G A lit D I I RESTAURANY HOURS h.- 4 p... Dom Speciciixing in TAKE OUT ORDERS at wwifuéa'n'iii Standard Tmnsmvsuon, -- . . - _Sodcn. 6-cy!. yuan. wooed with: Sing]; Windshield Washer FOOD $1 IMultl 32478130 H