Times & Guide (1909), 29 Aug 1963, p. 9

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JOHN RIDGE, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. Gerald Ridge, of 37 Patio. mino Crescent Willowdale, has a quiuical expression as he meets his school principal, Mr. R. S. Campbell. at Page Avenue Public School. Johnny is one of the estimated 5.970 children in the Town- ship of North York who are starting kindergarten this fall. Dr. Ridge, Johnny's dad, is Supervisor of Population Research for the North York Board of Education. He attended McMaster Univer- sity and took post graduate studies " Indiana University and McGill. A geographer. who came to North York from the Depart- ment of Northern Affairs and National Resources in 1955, Dr. Ridge makes recommendations to the Board on the suitability. location and size of school sites in terms of esimated future stu- dent population. As a result. school accommodation has been ready tor the phenomenal student increase. Commenting on the increase in the number of students. Dr. Ridge observed that in 1954. when the Board of Education was first organized on a town- ship-wide basis, there were 23,933 students in M schools. On the June M, 1963, there were 61,848 students enrolled in 99 schools. As of September. 1963. it is expected that there will be 67,348 students enrolled in the North York-schools, or a net increase of 5.500 students. In arriving " this figure, Dr. Ridge calculates that there will be a net increase of 1.621 pupils in the public schools. PY, Avenue A point 130-ft. west of Jane Street Ind Gibson Avenue 33337.00 $1168.00 80.658 .5.setrs, Avenue A pom! 205dt west of Jane Street and Gibson Avenue $7,789.00 $2,366.00 $0B37 ”will"! AVON"? A point 1tlt west of Jane Street and Gibson Avenue $6,IN.00 81,280.00 $0.46t Gihson Avenue A point 25 4t. south of Lawrence Avenue West and Wright Avenue tttS6t 00 $3,593,N $oms Apphvufinn will be made by the Corporation to the orotarir Municipal Board for its approval M the undertaking of the 'taid works, and any owner may. within 21 days after the first publit‘ation of this notice, file with the Clerk his objec- tion to the works being undertaken. The Board may uppmve of the said work: being undertaken. but before doing so it they Igpnint a tune and I place where any objections to the Works mly be commend. ATED " Weston and tint ”Med this 29th day of August, 1963. " .. - ”u.--“ ... . DONALD c, MacDONALD Ontario New Demoeratie Leader TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Weston intends to construe! ments Storm Sewers on the StrOEIs hereinafter listed. and to specially asses: . part of the cost, m t1 ments. upon the lands abutting directly on such mun. RE-ElECT 11m NOMINATION MEETING or YORK SOUTH PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Guest Speaker.- HON. ROBERT MACAUIAY, a t MACDONALD August 29th " 8 pm. YORK MEMORIAL (OllEGIATE Minister of Energy and Resources Minister of Economics and Development (Trethewey and Eglington) The Man For York South The Man For Ontario Don MacDonald has established a solid reputation of lighting for the needs of the people - medi- care, portable pension, greater education opport- unities u hirer sharing of municipal costs. Be is acknowledged as one of the attlest men in the gimme Legislature. Let's send him back to work or us. Between TOWN OF WESTON Campaign HeadquaAers 1200 Weston Road 762-7251 DONALD C. 1,158 in the junior high schools. and 2.723 in the secondary schools. Although it is usual in a suburban community to er pect a large increase in attendance in public schools, Dr, Ridge notes that the expected net increase in attendance in secondary schools almost equals the combined anticipated increases in the public schools and junior high schools. Refteeting this increase in the higher grades, five of the nine secondary schools, Bathurst, Don Mills, Downsview. Earl Hail and Northview. have been em. larged since last year. In addition. the Yorkdale Vocational School is receiving students for the first time. It is expected that two secondary schools will be opened in September. 1964. School facilities have been expanded also for the other levels. There are six new public schools, and additions built at seven others. St. Andrew's, a new junior high school. has been opened. and an addition made to Queensborough Junior High School. Asked about the variation in the sizes of schools. Dr. Ridge agreed that some schools are larger, and some school sites smaller than is recommended by the polio" of the Board of Education. Frequently this comes about where a change in zoning permits increased residential building, which results in a higher population density. Concerning the number of students who might be expected in the future. Dr. Ridge predicted that the school enrolment could double by 1976. Estimated Corportttimt's Total gout Share G. H. CLARKSON, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin of i Hearst Circle have Just returned ifrom their first damping vaca- ‘tion. Both agree that it was I ‘success, and l wonderful way 1:0 see what a beautiful country i we live in. Hardington District Ratepay- ers Association, General Meet. ing, on Wednesday, September 4, in Brookhaven Public School. The Association enjoys n mem- bership of 75, and any residents of the area who are not yet members would be more than welcome at this meeting. The meeting gets underway at 8 pm. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin wish to announce the engage- ment of their oldest son. Rob- ert, to Mary LaLonde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LaLonde. of Weston. Fred Kerrison is enjoying a long leave " home, Fred has re- enlisted, and will be posted to Camp Borden. Miss Diane Cathie, 38 Hearst Circle. flew to Vancouver with relatives. She enjoyed the trip and was blessed with good wea- ther for her holiday. Congratulations lo Lee Johan- Mm, 670 Trethewey Drive, who will be entering the University of Toronto this fall. Trelhewey Park United Church services return to the regular time of 11 am. on Sun- day, September 1. Rev, Clarke will be back, and the Nursery facilities will once more be at the Manse, 24 Parkchester Rd. Mr. Ed. Legeault, 25 Tedder Street, enjoyed a wonderfully successful fishing trip in the Shawanaga (Georgian Bay) area. Ed. landed a 26 pound pike, and has the pictures to prove it. Garden Quiz: Who planted cabbazes that turned out to be cattlinower? Birthday Greetings. Chris Cald- well, K e n Locketl. William Thompson, August 30; Judy Linn September 1; Marilyn Ord, John Cole. John Pow, September 2: Wendy Cottinham, Barry Noble September 4; John Gow, Septem- ber 5. $2,163.00 32.36500 $1,280 on $3,59390 HARDINGTON & DISTRICT ‘t as local improve- ten annual Insan- Clerk Estimated Annual mu A; we all know. there in an election on the way. In keeping with the election procedure u number of citizen: started now- eountina (enumeration) Rut Mom dayandtheresutuottheiref- {one will be meted in con-pie not» place: within the various ridings during the weekend. ll is the duty of EVERY eligible citizen to check these mt- and seethathuortteenameuon in me! style. Two former member: of North York council ere opposing each other for the new seat of York, view (riding tor this district). Pred Young, former member for the A','.'," section of the town- ship, as his signs up already, and his election room is located in the Crang plan. [LIC‘HON comm Your chapter gained much recognition at the 94th Convo. cation and we were proud to say we were from Gamma Iota, Weston. The convention began Thursday, August 22 with a night of competition in music and oratory. The choir under the direction of Mt. Brum came as a surprise to the group assem- bled and was received with a standing ovation; as a result Mr. Bruin was awarded the high dis- tinction of being received as an honorary member of the inner chapter and Gamma Iota was awarded the first 2 prizes in the music division to the tune of $35. On Saturday night the Grand Banquet took place dur. nig which the various awards were given. Both the chapter and its president became the people of the night. Last year after convocation Gamma Iota consisted of five brothers and was on the verge of folding, but they were inspired at "Ctmvo" and decided to improve their lowly state. A fellow named Gary Hunt became president and with Gary at the helm and the cooperation and work of all brothers, Gamma Iota rose at a fantastic rate. This is why Gam- ma Iota was awarded the cup for The Most Improved Chapt- er' and Gary Hunt received an Award of Merit. But this was not all, your chapter won the "Et- fieieney Trophy' which is the most coveted award in Gamma Sigma. This is what Stafford Chenery. Grand Secretary, had to say in his report: "I can say that there were more chapters of 'top notch' standard this year than in the past few years This year's winner is surely Gamma Sigma's best for many years past." Gary Hunt ran for the of. fice of Grand Treasurer on Grand Council, the governing body of the Fraternity, and won overwhelming support from all chapters. “Convocation is a fast paced. exciting, sometimes hectic , day adventure with old friendships renewed and new friendships made." This was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Broth- = Norman lander. definition on "Convo". AU of our chapter but one went and we found the con- clue all of this and much much more. Gamma Iota had the moat members, 19 out of 21 active bro. thers, " the Niagara Falls Com vention which was held at the Sheraton Brock. We had one motel room and seventeen bro. them slept in it. Actually there was little sleeping at night and in a few cases none. Most of the brothers attended the Grand Ball with the extremely friend. ly girla of Niagara. I can truth- fully lay none of the brothers wanted to leave on Sunday, tired Is we were. after shaking hands all weekend, No one can ima- gine the effect Convocation had on the brothers, each had a new outlook on fraternity, My great- eat thrill of the weekend waa The well-known "Bill' Lyons 'The Prestige Cleaner' Prompt Pick-Up & Denver, a 9-82" THE WESTON "MES "" VII!!! Ave, (Wllm Hill) Publllhcd n 235 Dixon Road, Wanton by Prlnclpnl Publuhlnx Ltd.. ovary Thur-day P. J. McKILLAN. Pr.sMeat and Puhlllhol' Guy Ralph. ulnaxlng Editor Authorized as Second Clu- Man. Pout ome. Dept. Ottawa Ont. um for Payment of post-(c In cub SUBSCRIPTION RATES ".00 not year SWIG-I Of PM“ IN liltltl0 lEAF Gamma Iota Reports c, In ldVlllC. lo uuy addreu In Clnldl. Other countrlel ".00 has opened his hem at the plan at Keele and Lam. At the an of going to you the me od the WV: Conservative bu not wand around the area, although it was mentioned can af the m teachers would be mad. Joint services of North Park Presbyterian and Eleventon Park United Churches came to In end lust Sunday. Next week the two congregation: will each worship in their own church. With the turning of the [all Rt son many od the group. of both denominations Will be swinging into high gear. It might be migrating to not. the incumbent party called the election before candidate! to any their banner had been named in metal riding. in th. new area. In the Churches the standing ovation received when the winner of the “Most Improved Chapter" was announ- ced. When we arrived home on Sunday we decided to have an informal meeting. Anyone could sense the atmosphere ot Ber. iousness mixed with enthusiasm among the very moved brothers. Magerman & Page Barristers - Solicitor- 1630A Wilson Ave. on 62191 Crane “In Estate Fund: Available For Mortgage Loans Banister: - Solicitor- Geo. W. Bull B. Comm. Howard G. Ashbourne, BA. " KING - CR 4454-14-9 Barristers & Solicitors ROYAL YORK PLAZA 1500 Royal York Rd. Weston Suite 20t Toronto " CR 6-6115 Wlllhm D. Lyon, BA., LLB. Barrister ' Solicitor 1415 Lima Are. W. Evenings by Appointment l. A. Braithwaite Mortgage Marcy ‘N [on Evening' By Atrpoittttrtertt Bull t Ashbourne Alfred ll. lief-u. 8.1. Barrister & Solicitor 1988 Weston Rom! ACCOUNTANTS Chartered Accountant: Marsh, Goulding Chartered Fraser & Simms 1944 Weston no“ Opposite John Street not. on. Cl 1.1m BARRISTERS 1969 Walton loud 1730 Weston Road c. W. LEASK CH 9-2288 CH. I . 9651 Professional . Business CH 1-1129 CE 4-606t 'it-Amt-et-Th-ia-e-h... Walter's Garage FULL GUARANTEE FREE Courtesy Car. Pick-up 1778 Inc St. Cl! 6-6590 of over 20,000 in Canada and the U.S. to win thia honor. It means she has demonstrated her ability as a leader and train- er for the company and that she can now be receiving checkl for her past work for the rest ot her lite, Among Louise Mali. inson’s awards are a beautiful gold and white banner readinx "Golden Life Estater" which she will wear to all Company Regional and National Conventions as a mark of honor. At a presentation ceremony she will receive a gold charm bracelet engraved with the names of her five most successful trainees. bruise Mallinson has been in the cosmetics business for 20 years and has had extensive training in the art of makeup and skin care. As local manager and Golden Life Banter. she will be singularly honoured at the Studio Girl National Con- ventions. She makes the announcement she is now aecetrtintt applications from local women to nil five vacancies she will shortly have in the area under her supervision. There are 20 local cosmeticians demonstrating makeup at the commie CNE booth this week. eculive for Studio Girl Cosmetic: of Canada. Ltd.. bu just won the highest title and honor her Company can bestow - Gol- den Life Esuter. She is one of less than 200 in an organization of over 20,000 in Canada and the U.S. to win um honor. It means she has demonstrated her ability as I leader and tmin. LOUISE MALLINSON, of Kipling Ave. N., Rexdale, local ex- W. J. WARD Mitor ' Automatic 351:1}: FUNERAL HOMES Phone 247-4081 Ask F or GINO 10 Rollth Drive, Toronto IS, Ont. DIRECTORY BARRISTERS 1923 Weston Road Funeral GARAGES “MID-lull! In! Hakim. Ono-mu. "dA-tttn-S-tq. MacDonald CB 1-2233 PLUMBING and HEATING H. R. THORN 8. SON RADIATOR SPECIALISTS Plumbing & Heating Repairs A Specialty Conversions & Alterations and CH ”314 " neatthw Drive CH #1252 D'ANGELA . 24 Hour Service . All Work Guaranteed . Emergency Drain Service 'trlgrrtrgIfil E. ml West- on Clary l4“. A-l Radiator & Glut LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY FREE ESTIMATES J. R. Currie, 0.0. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISI 1891 Weston Rd., Weston Plumbing & new" Repairs - Conversions . Alterations Guaranteed, Effieient 24 Hour Service For Appointment Call CH 141701 Piano Tuning OPTOMETRY Work Master Phillie? 1230 Jane SEE-n MUSIC Cl! 4-3870 DRAY Plumbing a Healing IN THE

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