Times & Guide (1909), 29 Aug 1963, p. 14

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_", “CLASSIFIEDS To work in large modern west nelgnnuurs mum; xvuVCuAcAu en d plant. Applicant should be hours as an Avon Represents» 2535 years of age with pre- Y,'?), Evans Ave., and Royal vious experience in stenogrk [tf,'..'., Rd.. Smith. Phone WA, phic and clerical dunes. Call _5rf-'iiittr_ytoP_Pt11- -_--_ Employment otnee ELDERLY lady to babysit few . ' ho V F 2 _ _ ' - Christie, Brown & Co. Ltd. 12:): ht)" 5x 4900; 10:00 so Inuit - villus I nu WANT"' "an: Apply in person. Westown Chi Idren’s Wear 23S Dixon at Islington Want. Tut WM “ham will be a prolictem W with ability to an dic- tation as well u transcribe trom a diet-phone. dune: will include related clencnl functions. full range of (Huge beetetits is available. um WI! Man to Wit an. Tue-day to Fri- duy. In our home. Two boys " and I) Qatar-way and Roy- al York has dun-kt. Phone We have I vacancy for a young lady who u qu1et & capable to operate the Ditto machine. A suitable person will be trained If necessary. Applicants should have own transportation. 5 day tseek. Cafeteria & fun range of bene- fits. imam“ - Thursday, August 29, 1963 - Page " Ware 18-35 year? good eyesnght. an; atria-y mt Celt. Mr. III” too-ml. ' PERSONNEL OFFICE LTI. CIRCUIT BREAKER (CANADA) LTD. 1401 Dixie ltd. Port Credit 277-0333 for interesting junior office position. Duties include hung. some typing. etc, Apply to Hones of Canada Ltd Young Indy for genes} "Hm! e""'-""" ,WK'ITN' V H V - Must be nun-nu With futures \ancemen . pp y Canny moving to wen-end Samuel Son t Co. Ltd - 0“le, Ind Kipling m oh” " I” ' Gamma. Ont. ' my: _ In“: an: ' In I 277-361 I with shorthand & dictaphono experience to work in Engl- noering Sales Dept Salary eoegtggtenaurate with ability. Six Points it". For ”pol-uncut Coll MR. STONE 239-8473 Interesting embroidery loom positions for industrious, 1n- tellieent girls wanting Ideal. steady work, day and evening inns. Good benefits. CL 5- For general office duties. Shorthand essential Well Manufacturing Canada Ltd. CL 9-269l Samuel Son & Co Ltd Experienced for children: wear. full or part time. Stenographer SENOGRAPHER 259-373 I I Ext. 26l W kiFGrs, S and ddhwL,mli. Secretary- Stenographer QUEENSWAY AREA 8 “denote Are., Bexdalc South an undue Blvd. between Martin Grove REQUIRED YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN union can: LTD., to: mac ”not. In, Clerk-Typist NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Young lady SALESLADY Duplicator Machine Operator A. new.“ CL. l~l147 2380 Dixie Rd COOKSVILLE 277-36 I I & Hwy. 27 241 -4449 CLERK ADPIV FRANK TILLEY & SON LTD CL. I-3491 '" In- Ave-u LADIES - Are you in need ot) more money? Serve your) neighbours during convenient. hours as an Avon Represent" tive. Evans Ave., and Royal York Rd, South. Phone WA. 5-4255 for appointment, ter a pm, FEMALE clerk required for 10- cal bank. 2514128. WOMAN to mind 4 children. 3 pre-schoolers, 8 am, - 6 pm. 5 days week. BE. T.1322, ACCORDION teacher wanted. “ __ - 1 nun-m- - v.-..-.___ part-tinte, Phone 255-2549 at- NEPTUNE METERS LTD. aziriN-d-airgTiraGrRer-iat,/e- and Storage. Reliable WOMAN wanted for light housekeeping and care tor school girl age 6. West Dean area. own transportation. BE, SCHOOL teacher m Queensway- Islington Avenue area requires housekeeper - babysitter. CL. 5-1991. RELIABLE woman to care for children in my home. Light housework: near transporta- tion. 255-0541, with dieta+ Experienced, Kmledtt d bookkeeping and ottieq who Ingmar)“ Penman-at Mm Queen!- way not. ALL LINES INSURANCE COMPANY Experienced. For full tune and part-time DOMESTIC HELP WAN TED --_, Lenoro's Family Services 3538 Weston Id. CH. 1-8272 Apply: m MANAGE: CLOVERLEAF HOTEL pan-time. Day work, no Sat- urdays or Sundays. Farmer's Snack Bar, Ontario Food Ter- Urinal. CL 1-9757 We requn'e a man between M and 40. married and Interes- ed m building his own insur- ance agency. The man selected will receive extensive training m all lines of insurance. Sal- ary and adequate financing provided. Training School starts September Mth. LIFE. ACCIDENT. HEALTH. AUTOMOBILE. FIRE & CASUALTY Smatt Electrical Appliances Young man with some expen- ence required for repair dept, Apply 2 BODY REPAIR MEN Day shift. flat rate pay usual benefits. To complete publishing staff 5200 per month salary. No ex- perience necessnry, We pro- mote from within Set-lire fu- lure, First raise in 6 week' Call Por milling muchine. power m on. Screw machine lei-up and "1than shop ex- perience dawn-bk. Close, lol- orlnce work Wanted. Must be 25 or over. full or part-time. We win as- sist in obtaining your licence. required tor Interesting 1mm position 'sith well trstahlishrd complny Junior muh’iruhul preferred Opportunity for ad- unctmem. Apply: “EARN PONTIAC _ Bl “I 3180 Lakeshore Blvd. W. 259-3211 177.1 Lake Shore Blvd. Wert Mr. d. Sync" STANDARD con, PRODUCTS Kin-Ia» LTD " [Dru-no“ M.. Min-0m CL. 9-1“! WAITRESSES HELP WaN'rED-MALE \Write BOX F Etogbbke Advertiser P.O. Box 156, [Shanon BOX " THE ADVERTISER 2980 Lakeshore Blvd. w, imp MAN Junior Clerk Taxi Drivers BOYS OVER 16 7053-1400 Lou! tt SELECT CAB PART-Tl ME SUPERINTINDINT Mr In"i apartment building. Mllfi¢d1 couple. reliable and expense:- ed, RU. 94301. Men experienced in aluminumwmalER of piano and theory, permanent moulding m Bramp- Martingrove and Burnham- ton Tog wages plus Incentive horpe area. 239-6397, bonus. Phone acbool sum you can work eveunu and Saturdays. Top v.1.“ No expel-ism meno- Age 16-!) No experle0ce necessary Good funny background and refer- ences required. VALHALLA INN 239-239] Work tull up. now. When Progressive Lakeshore manu- facturing company has \acan- cy for young man for ttme- keepmg and Incentive bonus work. Preferred age 17 - 22. Single, with matriculatwu. Ex- cellent opportunity tor ad- xancement. Apply: Are you a young man (22-25) of good character and with mechanical aptitude, seeking an opportunity to associate yourself with well established company? We are located in the Etchi- coke area, with cafeteria and parking facilities on pretruses. Company offers good fringe benefits. Age 18-24 with some clerical and accounting expencncc. Good starting salary wittutre- quent reviews. Call A. DeRegt STANDARD COIL vacuums (Cm) ma, 31 Drummond St. Mimico CL. 9-7651 DISHWASHER wanted. good working conditions and salary. BE, 9-2175 WINDOW cleaners wanted. Phone 277-4551 PART-TIME truck drn'er want- ed. Odd davs. “qu know MP- '10 Phone 25I-4314 EXPERIENCED arm en r l P114 GOOD pay for experienced floor KINGSWAY. Two offices for and window cleaner with rent. Suit any business. Doc- ehauffeur's licertce. for part- tors building, Private 3242 time or full Mme work. CW: Bloor W. CL. 1-6678. 8-3992. -- -- __ ---ete -_____e --- W __ EXPERIENCED short order MODERN OFFICES took. full time 2514340 Three wood panelled. all convvniem‘m Well located at BUTCHER , For fumrma‘k": 3803 Dundas. Just West of Large chain organrzatron Mun Hnmhor Bridge at Scarlett be fullv experiertcpd 'Swadv Rd, Call 763-1525. work, Fur dav week. WUI pav -------_ up to M0 week devvndinz on PERSONAL mmlihcatloni (all Mr Turner.'----.--------- ____ National Employment OHM SHRGICAI bolts and mum RO 3,35” Modern Ilium room can" __,-A -.e___ __A -.._-.- A“--- EXPERIENCED assistam mana- ger: also produce manager, 45 hour week. $75 to $85. accum- mg to experience, Apply Store Manager. Robinson Food Mkt. 76 Brown's Line. wanted. Must have ' hautteK, _'.iftnft: CR, 8-033i MAN wanted for window clean ing. 279-7246. Furniture and appliance sales- man: experienced. Apply remand Dept. --- ': L_Tf, = --- __-- IPAINTING, interior & IXMHOP workin man or woman Cl OFFICE CLEANER 1 Pventrttt Free estimates, Cull Bid Mur. "d',l'li'l" weekly Kipling nnd Evans phy, CL 1-0524. I __ __-_ -_--_ee-__ 7 --- -- Ave, urn. Responsible perm-m. _ _‘,AA___ e-_-_-------'-- _ BRIGHT, cheery bedroom, smgl CH, I-M20 l EXTERIOR plmtmg. tree eslI- and double. nttte..'t Burn onii5iasstilGtV prefer- mm! and "WNW "teg Pmthort'nd 25 _?39-7fim "tlv with n! lust . ”3", ex- Ive"f, V -- __ -- _ .7 M1M1CO, turmrhed front mun penenw Mun br all round PAINTING -- interior and extrr- _'" "I” 0"" cr. ft-Ter] operator. Lon. Brawn, ISIS mi. paperhan‘mg, Call Mnrlm. 2 FURNISHED rmum for non! m. I eventnga, M9Att03. "CI. '-1734. I") WANT.” MALI Requires experienced waitres- on for days IM evenings. 3536 Lakeshorc Blvd. W Saytelie Dept. Store 7 BOYS OVER It Stone Straw Corporation 3216 Lakeshore Blvd. W. New Toronto PRINTING PRESS TRAINEE "i,'eiei'd,iiiii" Restaurant l Tavern a um w " ml. at Vac-m. an. l 1125 Dundas Hwv BELL BOY YOUNG MAN Millwright ta. TIME J. SPRINGER COST CLERK MOULDERS Call 277-8711 WANTED Lon; Branch DIXIE PLAZA 677-1530 Please call BE. 3-1135 - [DST -- Gent's gold ring, ini- tials 'Uh" Very sentimental value. Please phone cu IV 1683. $15 I Age. LAKlVllW - 108 when Ave., one block north at Lake- SS! our attractive hm Mallow; with page: in lovely Erindaie Woodlands. Available now at $155 per LOST - Budgie: Turquoiu breast, striped back, not band- ed. Please telephone CL. 9- 1013. Reward. SURE -- in". Vicinity In- verleigh Dr. and Dalesford Rd. Reward. CL. 1-5795, BRAND new Omega lady's? watch lost in vicinity of New' Toronto Port Office and thel Royal Bank. Platinum with; black "up. Reward. CL s-i 6560 that l l HOUSE for run - 6 room. 1-1308. EUR rooms: to per month. ON 30th Street. Long Branch Budding Lot. CL 1-1315. PIANO Teacher accompanist. vocal coach. Royal Conserva- tory Honour Graduate. BE. I- 8685 TEACHER of Piano and Theory AtC.L., A.UC.M., also vocal accompanist. Islington I r e I. BE. 9-1585. PIANO lessons in preparation ittSo7, and Board - No shift for Royal Conservatory Exar workers. Close to transporta- minations. 2.39-2528. tion. CL. 5-2835, PIANO instructions for all ages $611103“ man. good meals -- contact Miss Reeve 30 - 27th packed lunches. S15 weekly. St. CL. 9-7584. CL. 9-0886, month. Phone 270-8970. DOROTHY YFATES- ATUMMROOM and board. 515 weekl teacher of piano and rudimen- Near transportation. CL. tary theory. CL. 9-1768. 12777 OLGA LAING BARKER. teach- ------_ er of piano and beginners tor' 300” ANO BOARD accordion. 46 - Third St., New WANTED Toronto -----" ---.-__ SPANISH guitar Instruction. prl- STUDENTS COMING vaye knson. brtgsnners accept- to Toronto for re-lralmng pur' ed Phorre J, Boyriell, CL, 1. poses require furnished room! 4468 and rooms with hoard, Mus" nun . an... a, .... w. ......... _-----'"'-- - - Hot water, oil. Give particu- GERMAN SHEPHERD - 2 mos. Inn b letter to same, " ch- uid, CL 1-2417. y . -----_ horn "m Mmuco. 'IANII rlmlNG Reliable, expenenced, insured. Experienced men will do It faster - try us! Ontario Ware- housmg. 255-3081, Evenings 259- 4506. Teacher of piano, will te-open hes studio on Sept. 3rd. 4 Dominion Road, Long Branch CL. 1-8397 NURSING HOMES the Lakeshore. ACCOMMODATION for mnvél- CALL MR HASLAN excems. chronic and elderly between ' and 4:30 people. 24 hour nursmg service, P, .2 - rales Sf) daily up. No OHS 2,51 M5 coverage - McMath's Nursing WANTED _- Beaming hows m Home, 3838 Bloor W BE l. New Toronto for two school Mill. boys. age Hi and 13. Call Mr - 7,, __ __- _”“ ___‘_ Shaw, CL. 9-1419 after 5 Frm SURGICAI belts and mun. Modern lump room Expo“ "and mm Ind women (men Rut-all) Drug Store New tor onto FATS Painting and decorum. Exterior, muriot. P.perttur mg, 255-0678. MUSICAL INSTBUUTIUN Three wood panelled. all mnvvniencps Weil located at 3803 Dundas. just West of Plumber Bridge at Scarlett Rd. Fall 763-4625. N swam on Dept. alu. "iRibieGaitloas%" , F h _ an for 2 rem: - ' Dominion Road, 1 men from New Brunswick. Long Branch 255-7889 CL. I-8397 “samba- Rosana " Te "7 .W board, gentlemen only, day ii d W ll shift. CL. 9-1022. or on a IS NEW TORONTO v for géntle- Mus. B. (Toronto) _Pfrt. _absta/ntr. clacflii038. TEACHER OF PIANO - ROOM and board, student teach- THEORY - VOCAL er: one block south of Teach- COACHING er's College; desk, etc, CL. 5- _- Studio __ 's 46%. 5 ROYAL YORK RD. ROOM and board availablegxétr MlMICO man only. Phone CL. 5-7432 Rapid, permanent removal of unwanted hair by electrolysis or short wave, MUVING l CAKTA0h OFFICE SPACE FUR RENT Mus. B. (Torontm TEACHER OF PIANO THEORY - VOCAL COACHING ADELAIDE BELL, A.R.C.T. MOVING and CARTAGE LOTS FOR SALE IOUII 10 I.” 259-5755 ANTOINETTE ELECTROLYSIS LUST PAINTING CH. 4-6896 a: FEifreitiEiiTsoGruuoies. Rea- soetabie. 1M Westmount. CR Trir 8-0653. c-ioms to LK'l-itNts'V A.t PAINTING " low in]! Pr, iriiiiiriR5ii-iGriaGT Buck, ttmale, i-year-old, $30. Mia Racism year on? female Spaniel. After si-PH'"-, mm would uh a good homo cu um. Fumes tuiefGruCrepaired, irEihiiifiRirrWaTrs and unen- tiens and new work. CL, 1-0463» ROOM and board for quiet gen- tleman. Close to Lakeshore. l 3 259-2640. I ”was. SERVICING 0 TV _ Ht-Fi CAR RADIOS o Trlmulm & Rune Rndloo o Antenna 1rtgtailntttto and Repair q Town antenna distribution ”Items CL. [-3205 - CL. 13131 In Brown’s the -__Cr-"CUyi"-1 -W______ Cr-, - -__- T1iiCrGrG" i-n-i/a-sement. Fur-) VACUUM CLEANER " nished. Side entrance, Park-l repairs, all m_akes._Guaratt- ing. CL, 1-2488. i teisd. Rebuilt, for sale WESE END mono nUUma w u... a ELECTRIC ‘_ - UNFUKNLSFED 3319 Dundas W. RO. '"P! NEW TORONTO. 1 or 2 unfur- Service Call $2.50 1 if: i n t E m a n recomrdended Ralph Blinkhorn. CL 14620. ROOM for wnl - sun gentle- E'5 mun Claw lo lxanspnrlhtmn " 30 - 2n:i til New Toronto CL. I-0584 ALI BRIGHT bedrnmu sun any Ruhr C woman 2554223 1: KITCHENETITE and fwd-mung p room to sun! one or trvo girls Ctuttrtsway, Handy Io trans- portation. CL. 5-3178, i NEAR Teacher's College. one by two gentlemen to share bed- room, CL. 1.lir4fr, 1 ONE room and small kiteher/ A equipped, partially furnished 255-0250 l ALDERWOOD _-_- Roomvlorl . ERIGHT. cheery bedroom, single and double. new home Burn) hymhnrpiand 27 _ 239-7908 M1M1CO, furnished front mum m "I” onr Cl, 9-7212 1 FURNISHED moan rm new _Cl.. 54734. to Toronto for re-traming pur- poses require furnished rooms and rooms with hoard. Must be within walking distance of the Lakeshore. Empire Television Lid. 1ELFV|SION SERVICE {member BlflA.) ladle - Mi Fidelity Phone CL. 9-0786 TELEVISION & RADIO CUSTOM HI-Fl CAR RADIOS PETER DENMAN BOOM AND BOARD Service ' I 3 Mea ford Ave. 'IANU TUNING Lakeshore Area on NI CL. 5-2138 PAINTING “PAIL. BOB'S bedroom ax weekly CL. 1 i room in private home. Meals ! optional, 251-3929. , [00" TO LIT-"VIMIIIID‘ In“ W CIDER to - at Qumny‘ and Roam] York. Nico WWI“ roan in private hunt. Young ottiee new] plain“. Reasonably wield cu 1-311. ii0EEiiiiw-AYrFyy _ York - iiErrri6o_ictsen, wnhroom. Sixty dollars. I Stephens Dr CL 5-6819. _ PAR'I'LY furnished tlat for rent, , bedrooms, large kitchen. Parking fenced. Apply 213 or Mt - 7th Street. NEW TORONTO __ cmstfortabie room: new lakeside home. Gentleman, abstain" prefer- red. CL 1-5582 evenings. ROYAL YORK Road - Queens- way. 2 large moms in base- ment. Nicely furnished. Pri- vate bath and shower. Suit sin- gle person. $10 weekly. CL. 1- 8412. ROOM, burnished. lady prefer- red. Abatainer. 88 weekly. CL. 5-8997. muwooo - Bedroolt, -iiEirrHaRyihxy Layne furnish- ed room. 39 Emerald Ores. CL. 9-5774. L o N (1inme __ Furnished FERNISHED room for gentle- man. CL. 9-3122. OEE mom for rentffrurrnished. 22 Gair Drive. CL. 9-9398. REDECORATED, large kitchen and 2 rooms. Main floor. Pri- vate home. Near transporta- hon and shopping. 255-7526. NEW TORONTO - Two large, clean rooms m private house: separate entrance: k i t c h e n, lots of cupboards: tiled floors; heavy wiring; stove. frig. heat. hydro, hot water. parking. All for $16 weekly. For good peo- ple, Phone CL. 9-9519, 248 - 6th St. Th3" bee.. “it? Farksne. Gentleman. $1.50. cu um. Nicely furnished bedroom In chin quiet home. Suit gentle- mm. CL 9-1430. ALTERATIONS. additions. rec- reation rooms. complete re- modelling. General contracting. Call Percy Faulkner, CL l-6652 after 5. ROOMS. Queenlwny distract. nished rooms. kitchen and bathroom, stove and fridge. Adults only. cu 1-0035 after Automatic Transmission SPECIALISTS For free estimates call: Ch. 9-9933 LANEWAY Plumbmg & Heating FRED BROWN BE. 1-1371 ESTABLISHED 1946 . Carpentry . Factory Repairs . Recreation Rooms . Kitchens remodelled . Kitchen counter tops . Bathrooms Remodeled . Floor Tiling . Plastering Repairs . Asbestos Siding ALI. TYPES of upholrtrrmttt Chum“, Furnnun; Can, JUNFURNISHED rooms, adults only. CL. 14733 be- fore 6. Sidewalks. floors, porches. flower boxes. etc: also Iva- terproohng and dram work asphalt driveways, ROM/Dun.” CONSTRUCTION Co. Ltd. SPORTSLAND SALES LTD 3877 Bloor w. BE. 2-2101 For prompt efficient service Men on duty 21 hours. Phone: Factory Trained Mechanics Chum“, Furniture, Lav, vu- Hr‘pamng m mun-m mu rx portly dum Call CL JIbir.'. Home I Improvements 1 Established 40 Years RO. 6-2071 - Any Time Frank Russell 8. s BE 3-l59l SERVICES OFFERED ' EXPERT REPAIRS LAWN MOWERS OUTBOARD MOTORS Industrial Partitions - (105015 Kitchen cupboards A washrooms Root Gutters and ltr, Floor Tllr Rrrvmumn & Sum-on PM Building Imrovements ROOMS TO LET UNFURNISIIED CONCRETE WORK Es‘nblwhed IM Lil-6188 m 'INTERIOR and Exterior paint- i ing, expert workmanship at l, reasonable rates, all work ( guaranteed. Norm Turnbull. PLUMBING EAVESTROUGHS PAINTING - CONCRETE West Toronto's First Public Stenogrophy and Duplicating Service RESUMES SPECIFICATIONS THESBS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CORRESPONDENCE ART WORK DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING MAILING SERVICE ENVELOPE TYPING and STUFFING Free Pick-Up and Delivery Reasonable Rates - Immediate Service DISC Jockey -- M.C. - avail- able for dances, weddings, me. Call Albert Shallcross, 255- C11 3.5053. Reepvered, restyled. Beautiful leatherettes and fabrics of your choice. Call now tor an estimate. Day or evening. Full guarantee. KAYE'S UPHOLSTERY PHONE 239- l 622 OPEN 9 All TO I) PM. DAILY, ALSO OPEN LABOR DAY Phone Nail Driveways and parking lots. Concrete. Free estimates. A. WESLEY PAVING co. EXPRESS I)0f1lihl0RS A] A SMALL COST All new KIM-hen Suite in I pattern and colour of your choice For roof repair or re-roofing call us for a free estimate Deal with confidence with the Lakeshore's oldest established firm All work guaranteed Low monihlv payments - up to three veal: to pay. Chesterfields - Chairs 0592 The Lahrshore's only Futon Approved Master Roofers Text Books t School Supplies Chrome Chairs REPOVERED - REBUIIII‘ All Property Repairs. Transport and Movers 3591 Lake Shore Blvd. W. CL. l-48l I G A. PENHALE & CO CL. L941] Roof Troubles? link PIG FURNITURE PKUDI'CTS CL. rm; - CL. 8-35" - Cell Day or Night -- ivrrhEn urgently - {ranfpor- WILL YOU BE MOVING SOON? CALL Atlas Asphalt Paving Co. Mornings antt Evemngs WEST END TYPEWRITER . HLDING REPAIRS EV!) ‘l.Tl-‘.R""0N§ "Hun-K1 and Arbour Cut m any All Work Guaranteed FACTORY PRICES CL 5-0612 ASPHALT _ Free Estlmltel - 2540 HI” WIDEMAN BE. 1-1384 e e u 'H, CL. 5-2045 SPECIAL TO ALL STUDENTS cu, o-n'au AND STATIONERS LTO W, DISCOUNT . til l2 DUNDAS ST, w, and mm In: a Kipling) drreen a 1M? tt 3' " qt f), WALLWASHING. noor cleaning etc. Expert and reasonable maintenance gervice. Free ea- timtel. CL 1-9“? after 0. CEMENT work. repairs. Fence, ttat shone. "one tlower boxes, sidewalks. steps, venndnhs, cement driveways, curbs, foun- dation repairs, brick and block work 6 years expert- ence. CL 9-9450 after ' pan. CROWE brothers complete chim- ney serlrie, _oil or P" lining, CONRAD'S tree service-Gard- ening, lawn cut, etc. Free esti- mates. Fully insured. 277-8270; WORKING PEOPLE! In me do your dishes, light Work while you work. No washing clothes. No Saturdays or Sun- days. Completely reliable and i honest. References given. Write WORK TO BE DONE? Let skill- ed tradesmen do your renova- tions, repairs, additions, etc, _ or build your custom home. _ We service homes. offices and I factories. Fast, efficient ser- SHINGLING flat root, insul brick siding, colour hem: sid- ing. avgmug-Eipg. Freq este STORE or office. Reasonable. Lake Shore Blvd. West. LE. 2- LONG BRANCH - SIOO month- ly. 251 - 5190, 3384 Lake Shore Blvd. W. COMPLETE . CLEANING SHIV“?! Floors - Wan; - Windows - Carpets & Upholstery BE. 3-135! Liability humane. Curl“ LEN-DAVE Lodge, Bali. Vaca- tion paradise. Home cooking. Dancing, water skiing, etc. Reasonable rates. Phone CL. 1-2569. HIPPO PARK 3rd line East, Caledon Township, 4 mules East of Orangeville. cottages, picnic grounds. boats, camping. fishing. "Go Kart" Speedway. (Also Go Karts for rent) For information contact Mr. and Mrs, A, J, Good, 1013 Data Rd, Port Credit. Call after 7 pm. CR. 8-4100, % tation from Mimlco lo Dune Rd.. south of Dundas leaving 8:05 to 8:15. 255-0962, TRANSPORTATION w a nted: from Islington and Bichview 3 Side Road to Bathurst and 1 Adelaide, about 8 a.m. 24l- [ 'm19. F ck 3-4040, free estimates. WANTED -- Transportation Monday - Friday, from Fourth St. New Toronto to vicinilr Queen and Yonge, Two girls. CL 1-4309. RIDE wanted from North Carson and Lanor, to Bay - Bloor, Ir- riving 9 am. CL 1-5188. 'iaruu,"ritre AdvG-tiser, 2980 Lake Shore Blvd. W., Tor. 14, STORE FOR RENT Good location. IT x 6ty. Full tiled basement, {134311 rwovrk guaranteed. Planning and designing. Call Russ White. = 3-9400. __ iniiies. CL. 5-6033. UN FURNISHED. 6-8 moms. close to tvttrritrortatron RO, 6-8947. F'AMILY ul' tou: rrqulre 5 or 6 room hungaltm h\ October Isl Long term leasc. CL. 5- 2774. WANTED _-t_ A small house. un- furnished Reasonable rent. Will do repairs une decorating. Middle and couple, steady "," w-,', " ,trout encum- h [ P 'hr, namngs HU. l- 9432; 255-4837. mm“ 0WD - l ”(HID to rant -- Immedi- M01): 7 or a room house, Adulvs ontv./l,akttsitort, area. “hone 2731954; New Toronto BTO BE FOB RENT SUMMER RESORTS TRANSPORTATION WANTED To RENT SUMMER CAMP unluIULd ott Page a, an

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