“I†Swish-u ArtiEutbieqka YM-YWCA, Kyla ee ~. and North-n 'i?tiiirii'? bu spun much of the nun- Tar. & YI.C.A. M" “My!" and part of " vultio- in ubiwhtusdorw-‘iu a "It“, all had a Kipling Ann. I. "tersd “a u- I. an. a M: - In! an action and alarm-R! _ ----- an tit' a u itef'te'.'. nos-u. when - tth; was)» Although tho 1968-“ program totin- hu been promised for 'srti..i, ho -tmemd in mm detail who "a it. early 1:: Sophmhor, it is planned to Duh. the put week, the India hi7. my of th. an. "In pro.- d the m owiutiom have been run: u neighbourhood nobod- for W with “It for homo Mk- both girls and bor, mn'l gym and In, and In in the reopen-u have baaketbali, lwimmins for both hm to. vary hopeful, but if them no (imam and advmcod. hdiu' dnr, "r whorl of tho "Y" (or pur- out with millinery. "in and gym: at of junior members) who 1T2te1'"te, bridge a al, adult at ya been eontaetad and would‘mupo for bridge, um, lull!“ Bk. to do their bit tow-rd: makimreeintr, recorder lea-om. If anr- th (by n lumen. they should cull one [an . particular Mn to sun 141-1092. Hwy donuuom an be o hobby or interest group. or to in; collect“ for the uh, anon; join one of the above-noted ones, which are preserving jars, Ind pic-Jul! either 741-1630 or 741-7398 tun (runs. If myono should nudHor more information or comments that item before the ar, the)" ----- my be purchased in Idvunce from Saw Landmark: Dr. Cumin It her homo at " Ri-l Now that the roof is on, most â€will. Drive, where there will'Thistletown tandem: will hum no-i .110 be I meeting of all the con- tieed the new United Church build-; mu on Thursday, Septemberling on Albion Road, it really cut-l Ith. If any “Y" members are andches the eye, especially it you’ve muted, they In algo invited toibeen "rBr on vacation. Somatimel attend. lduring the next week another dilv --r-r-- Imetive, llndmu-k will be added to LATEST "I†NEWS. the Thistletown Akyline when the The old red-head from Calgary staph of the new Bnptin Church "Fred Bushman†bu ruined in Buumndo Heights is mired from the "Y" work and will be into polition. Approximately forty working at the Thistletown Hospi-‘two feet in height, the steeple is tal next yen. prefabricated and will be hoisted Mr. and Mrs. Les Ferguson of Sunni-y night, September 14th T.?. Carden SL, Gu lph, celebrated 8.00 pm. to 11.30 p.m. Admission; their 40th Wedding iversary “Moo per person. LITTLE CAES-) the home of their I r. and Mrs.tAR AND THE CONSULS will be Howard Fergu o celebrated the guest band, at Hutherbrae their 14th Wed . krimiirsaGlsseita Kipling Avenue North. " the sme party on Mercury; ---- ‘ Road, Rexdale. Mr. and Mrs. BusitioNGRATULATIoNs Ferrimnn of Toronto also celebrat‘ Greg, Allan, Wendy, Debbie, ed their 36th Wedding Anniver- Stevie asnd Charlie Ire happy to S"?- Guests included Mr. and ["110ch the arrival of Kenneth, Mrs. Wm. Rowhutd, Mr. and Mrs-:Barntt in Humber Memorial Ham: 3: ", fryel, Irs 'et ',',,rtt.itt! on Monday, August 26th.; GOID CAMPBELL 7414147} Wand-up of the Martingrove‘ Westwny United Church Marlow-y from it Ill" but don't know =EEEEiEEzaiEEeeEiEEiEEEEEaiSEEEEEEiEEEE-EEEeaiEEaEEEiGarriens Recreation Assn. sottbalrserurer Group will commence iuiwhere to heed, try Highway No.) SCHOOL DAYS LEGION OPENS RESTAURANT‘league takes pllce on Labor Day- fall programme on September 5th†- the 120 mile drive or In in The long two months holiday is The Royal Con-dim Lesion/Monday, September End. This is at 4 pan. This is I mid-week group‘well worth the itne countryside you over and a trying two months it Coronation Branch No. 286 It lllthe climax that boys and eosschetrfor girls and boys age 6, 7 and “will pun through. I we: for mother. This is the week Irwin Road, Rexdele. off Albion alike have worked towards throurhlmeetirur every Thursdoy ofter‘ School do" - September 3rd--l alt parents are trying to tie the‘Rond ia now open for business. out the summer months. Proceed- school in the Church. ‘Ind with them will go runny we. loose ends in getting the clothes Luncheons and Dinners will be/yy, get under way at 5 Fm, With the few remaining flirjmts atoning out on their own for and books for Junior that are re- served at nominal prices. EnioyiSHARP at Martingrove Gdns/weekendg ahead of us, particular the tlrgt time. Rememberto heaven quired, Dont forget Tuesday is your lunch or dinner, in this btm'-rP_arlc, with the "old boys" taking ly that of Thnnksgivlng, mlny of more alert hhind the wheel of the day. ‘tiful new building. Business men/ln this year's crop of young ath- us like to hop in the cor to view your out next week so all our --.-.- will ilnd this an ideal plnce toiletes. This has been an annual " the fine Northern Ontnrio scenery. uhools will be entitled to fly Elmer REGULAR SERVICES bring their clients and nominal. fair for the past tive years and For the first time thin manner, the iVtetr Blenheim pennant. i no not forget that . week this! The indies will be delighted withione which hos proven to be a 'ttee drove up OntaritN “Scenlc‘ In lumber Itho-n'al Hoopitd Sunday all churches will be Wd/the luxurious furnishings and _',1111'f fun for everyone. If you haven't) Route" into Holiburton County lut under obqrvetlan " thin writing ing their regular services oncelw'm' to make thin their "RenderlsatMn on one of these ball games,lweek 1nd diuovenod how much" John Shortt, who over the put again an d that Sunday SchoolalVPN" for Afternoon Tea and So, by all means do so as the kids 1el==icr=T=a=Taa- sewn lu- been a hard-working will be in full "tint leiau. 2' to beat their dads at the old; {member of the Martintrrove 1ucre-l ' _ ---- (American pastime. At the end of - "ion Assn. John, ohm] with lovely . . M TEENAGERS ‘the game, spproximuely 7 Fm., I - , wife Joan 0 d tamil reside. " 9] Mono and Andrew Doran ton-i The Rexdale Teenage mwvea/retreune'nts in the form' of hot HOW BM' (rill Powhurn Prue. will." hope it trrtrtalationa on the birth of .‘tionll Club Executive will hold dogs and pop will be given out to Mimi JIM; lim won't be too long before we we} caughter Brenda Eileen. The newltheir monthly meeting this coming all the boys who this year helped; , u I your unillng face around the) arrival made her appearance â€â€˜Wednesday evening at the homelmake the season so very succes- Weltwoy agsin'. llumbei' Memorial Hospital, weigh- of G. Campbell, 21 Henley Cres, ful. It is hoped that festivities will i " i - . -l_rrf='=tttle.,'c__.--.) 1mr in at 7lbs. 13 OM. it 8:00 pm. ibe over by 8 pm. to enlble the I _------- F------ youngsters to get ready for their ‘ - ' l coin ANNIVERSARY ESLACK DANCE first school day on Tuesday. ( " I . . l [FYDAI r Al I ll no not forget that a week this'; Sunday I" churches will be hold) iag their regular services once, again and that Sunday Schools will up): full swing. "'M. James. Mr. and Mrs. Ted handler and Fnther doing well. l, Nelson, Mise Audrey Smith and -------------------- Miss Kay Gibson. Mrs. H. N.) "Thou shalt not kill" in n luv of Smith of Main St., Saskatoon sis-lose, and I luv of Society. "But " tbr of Mrs. Les Fhrguson and Aurttvhad the right of way" can neverl of Howard wls tttrest of honour. [be u valid answer. emphasises the' ---. 1ontario Surety League. _ The old red-head from Luxury "Fred Hnrahrsuut" bu ruixned from the "Y" work And will he working at the Thistletown Hospi- tal next yen. Mario and Andrew Donn pt) grttulntiam on the birth of al daughter Brenda Eileen. The new arrival made her appearance at Humber Memorial Hospital, weigh- ing in at 7lbg. 13 ou.‘ 1 CANADIAN SWIM SCHOOLS a-t-,tt--nret_tte1te-r'ttt3. Thistletovn News 50 [SHED Ill, REXDALE, ONTARIO . "6515! NOW ar THE POOL iresent Secretary of thtup an bloc. Rexdale Ramblings TEACH your CHILD Now that the too? is on, most) Thistietomt midenu will haw no-f tied the new United Church build-l ing on Albion Rad. it really ab‘ cites the eye, especially if you’ve Saturday night, September Nth By the way, to all the boys who 8.00 pm. to 11.30 pm. Admission;were on the Fredrick Market team, 81.00 par person. LITTLE cAEs-lreprtsentine Martingrove Gardens AR AND THE CONSULS will kin the Northern Etobicoke Inter. the guest band, at Hutherbrae Community League, congratula- |$hiar preset-m Sir Ralph Purina, lord Major jof London, with a pair of cuff links on hobo†10f tho township. Lady Porring loolu on with L: _ 1W“; ‘ Crsit Na. 6 of I 'u.c.w, will hold AN [TOIICOKE WELCOME. Councillor lloyd tions on your fine sportsmanship which you displayed so well in your visits to other arena where you played. Although you were beaten out in the iintutt, remember the old Brooklyn Dodger! favorite phrue "Just wait ‘till next year.†The reopening of 'ehool brings with it the social activities for the Fall season. Youth groups all swing into action within the next couple of weeks and two of which, have come to my attention to date Ire the following: Uasit No. 6 of Westwag Unitedjot the Church of the Trensfigura, U.C.W. will hold their regulu‘tion will commenco meulrr moot: meeting on Thursday, September ings in the Parish Ball on Thur» 5th It 8 pm. All members In re-UG, September 12th. Since many] minded of this (lite and nre urgediot the girls went to camp during) to attend u n spec.iNpetker has the Bummer, the meeting will “ltd been engaged for the evening. ‘the form of a Cunp Night. _ The 507th Girl Guide Company A?b@bi_[ߣ my“ 'i"')""'}" 247-4644 C AROLE MCGUIRE Westwny United Church Mes. senget Group will commenco ita fall progmmme on September 5th at 4 pan. This in I mid-woek group for girls und boys Age 6, 7 and 8, meeting every Thundw um 'I',': forum? lam-Irina! flea. on v "mum mm my“. MBR hm 677-1500 In. can“ DIXON 'o" u amour" DIM approval. While an a visit to Mono Ohmcouplo wan gun's of the Constellation Hotel for u short “my. CM. 4-0011 improved this rather winding and Almoetntaumitte highway WM. Ot ‘ particular note its the new bridge; recently command at the Town of Ro-Ute, "pining the ninth lune. "trMkditthted" one of old. 'go, if you no in the mood to "get II.?., from it All" but don't know; ‘when to head, try Highway No. " - the 120 mile drive or no in well worth the itne countrylide you ‘will pun through. I Viol-thrown Collegian Parking loo 7:00 pm. to 3:00 pm. 9..M am. Sunday School, It.00 'r.m. l , pm. Services Sopo. 9-" - COMING - Sept. 9-13 PIONEEMNG WITH CHRIST CHILDREN’S MEETINGS 2989 ILOOR ST. W. Siluolod in the Heart of the Kingsway has-a hairstyle especially for you in his beautifully doeorat.d new salon. To celebrate his opening, Rico off." this opening special on an exquisi3e personalized hairstyle af a roving of "0.00 off the regular price. Hairstyling Salon REXDAlE ALLIANCE CHURCH (jtatir(f)pot,iyg _--'"""" - "V f oritLt..tt.f,?, "sfiLA...S.l. ' ‘a S I Ind v r "l'. Non"; . PERMS l i' no , m. n 'grl'Gri, 15.00 , Pain»: In. R. F. Ingram. IA "do: 63'5er Mo, to serve the Discriminating Women of Western Metro' 1363 ISLINGTON AVE. N. l R0 YAl Yt?,thlilyl,!lli?,ls NEE}: I Mr. and Mrs. Don Sanders of "lt Ronni“ have the Rev. Curu- iiLi2 Savlrimuthu from Sing-- 'pore whiting them for the Angli- can Congress The children are el- pociully enjoying their guest, who In. three children of approximate-) 1y the “me In u the Sanders) ‘IOYAL you GARDEN l SOFTBALL BANQUET Th 10!th lean. human! will lutuslly be two banquet: thin year loans. " number; The Atom luau. will luv. their banquet on My â€who: 20 " the Plan- tain Bowl " on. The boyl m] ‘lnviud to bring their puma. The POO-Wu lam and the Midgets‘ in] In" their banquet on Sutur- i, Sept. 21, " the Piatttation Bowl " 6.15. Due to limited u- (eomrttodation only one parent per‘ 'pllyor in being invited. Applii; tion tom" should be obtained from) 39):. individual conch". I have only two'birthuyl to It} port thin want but I'm nun they’ll it an. the III. enjoyod. They Ire PM mu. of 32 Mg. who um I. " an August 80 ad William Aurrow ot l Ludw- Iho will be " on Supt. 1. Mit. MO MS. r, t. WOIKMAN pan out- Iido Kingsway-bomber", United Church knowing "air "an! maniagu. The bride in the form" Dian. Kidd, dough!" of; Mrs. Karl Kidd and the Ian Mr. Kidd.' rho groom is the um of Mr. and Mn" W. I. Workman. RICO of ITALY of a new Pnoio: Anni? ord s...--'","' d, Mt" Catholic Women's League. ‘Houne in Washington, following ‘00er On Sunday, August 18th, Fatheriher letter expressing condolences (Moran celebrated his itrst Salemn‘on the death of President and Mrs. T‘High Mass at IL.30 AM. in St_Kennedr's infant son. The Jirst (all meeting of the Etelretrory'a. Following the Man a bicoke Horticultural Society will dinner was herd at the Old Mill be held at 8 p.m. Wed. Sept. month" the family and friends. At in the Islington Public School. 'fell.' Father Moran gave Solemn C. A. Cruickshank, well known Benediction of the Blessed Sacre- ‘bulb importer, will speak on “Bulbs ment. This was followed by I per- for Fall Planting". A fiower showliah reception in the church auditor, on the theme "A Lifetime withlium sponsored by the C.W.L. Mr. Flowers" will follow question per-Liam! Mrs. Cecil Moran received od. Visitors and newcomers to Eto-ebout 225 guests and Father Mo. bicoke are cordially invited to atrrto gave each one his special bles tend all meetings. There is no‘sing. charge for admission. [ Mrs. C. Wilson convened the re- Beginners Classes in Flower Ar, ception. assisted by Mrs. F. Smith, ranging will commence Sept. 12th. Mrs. Wm. Harrie, Mrs. John Mc- Telephone Mrs. Lawson Be. 3-132810regor, Mrs. F. Walsh. Miss Lots .or Mrs. Winter Be. 9-5651 for de-) mine Thornley. Mrs. w. Baie, Mrs. tails. 1V. Gilkinson, Mrs. M. innings, H. ‘Mrs. G. Delaat. Mrs. C DeGaspe- ORDINATION AT 51', ris, Mrs. J, O'Flsherty, Mrs. E. P. GREGORY'S ‘Butler, Mrs. E. Atkinson, Mrs. J. Archbishop P. F. Pocock con- Flunkett, Mrs. W. Glynn, Mrs. T. ',ferred the Sacrament of Holy Or- L. Bonnah, Mrs. B. Lee, Mrs. T. fan I. and u porrupondnm bu in England for 2 mouth “a; the '..tartmi ham than. Bev. 'l'lr'lt)'L;"(l'; " the inritqtion a! . Imam, which i. really his giveiparuh them. [my ha been tmunendously inn-l Than In smut d.legat" Vilil. _ with the hdnulluu "dire i. Inâ€! York Gull-a trom “dust at the neighbours, and Africa. Thy an Bev. D. _ M. the amnion-mu AM neillhouru-ulv‘uoll of "in“. Beqt Africa, no“ of an what). Me llu but! "gym. with Mr. and In. Pat twinning Mahmuvlth mom-II “may, a. " lav. G. B. l. of life in lulu. not only " it u Cogkin, lidwp a! Oval-i. Nigeria. u present but u it "8 durinxlvmnn“; with Mr. and In. Peter the most thrmstening yam of thO‘Juvi. of 1 Woodpark, Mr. v. D. Communist activity. He will be on Lung, I lay delegate (You Ann, the sta' of St. Andrews coetre/iGttann, staying with Dr. and In. Kinglum, Ont., tor 8 months snarl!“ Morgan, “a Mr. Maurie. Kato. his stay here. He hell the congresl‘wm Chief Input“ from Choma, ihu accomplished in aims quite N. Rhoden‘n who is visiting Mr. successfully. \and In. R. Houchton. Thu Chief, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Jacknon of . very colourful person-my, in a Ill Sunk-loan Dr., have the R‘V'llty deletptree. Archbishop P. F. Pocock con- Plunkett, Mrs. W. Glynn, Mrs. T. ferred the Sacrament of Holy Or- L. Bonnah, Mrs, B. Lee, Mrs. T. ders on Robert Thomas Moran "P Scott, Mrs. A. Leonard, Mrs. L. an Ordination M15: in St. OSVEKJF'W"lett and many others. Pteaid, ory's Church, Islington, on Sundayme at the E“ table were Mrs. August llth Following the Mass _.l!. Moran, Mrs. 1lr'Pry, Mrs. A. . . Crowe, Mrs. H. Richard and Mrs. Rev. H. M. Clukson, pastor of St.,Wm. Knott. Gregory’s was host to many visit-E ------ ing Dignitaries and Clergy at m Miss Catherine Dirkin, 7, of 434 'dinner in the Rectory, prepared Martinitrove Road, received an - lland served by members of the knowledgement from the White Catholic Women's League. ‘Hoube in Washington, following Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Jackson or). very colourful personality, is A ll Sunk-won Dr., uve the Rev.jay deletrtrte. Michael Lim of Sarawak visitimr) Next work Joyce Eastwood will them: Rev. Lim, of Chinese weer be back writing her column after try, " f"ttrd tiucfted. PM has 'V lovely summer holiday. I've en- lovely famxly of ux children. He‘joyed meeting " may of the has been invited to preach It num- G rd aid u b t te h d emu: churches, u have all the de-r _ ‘ens r en y .e p on In Ietratea, and on Sunday spoke ineritinir the locsl bits of new; Ayr, near Woodstock. He will hem-Va . good year- KINGSWAY m KPUNG r HAVE YOUR CARPETS , AND FURNITURE CLEANED IRENE BRADLEY - " 1-6006 NO um" locking-N0 m "_-ttet up“! _ hum-I. my to on an: Icy. PHONE: " 9-0440 winncr of many awards for his haimyling oochniquo, inwoducu Rica, formerly of Joseph': Royal York Road Salon plus on "pori- tnud strsR ot five.. Ceeeiit, - Christine - Gino -- Antoinette - Marianne. For FREE quotation, phone 757-0391 Duraciearf Absorption Process in England for 2 mum “at the cow " the invitqtion as . with them. Then If! smut “I“ win. "ltico of holy" by the