Jule . “all; to get married next spring and getting this show on the reed is obviously going to be the equivalent ttt tax: in; In elephant for I ride in a canoe. Even " this distance. No. l girl's brow is constantly turrowed by a million problem. such u whether it should be new do wie or satin, whether on can afford a red cerpet from the on to the church. that colour the bridesmaids' gowns should be (something suitable for I C year old blonde nower girl, on ' year old brownette and a " year old brunette matron of honour. without detrnctin; trom the bride's spun-nee), and how she is going to let Ill the clothes she‘ll need tor A month': European honeymoon starting in the Isle ot Capri and ending in foggy old mind into the " lbs. allowed by the airlines. My husband, who is by no, means the conventional stuffy tether, is nevertheless renting in traditional fatherly fashion to the whore idea. "All this his: and bother and expense -- it's ridiculous," he [rowla privately, "Why can't they no on and get married in a registry office. like we did?" "Because," I say wearily Mr the fifteenth time, "Dante isl a Catholic and he has to be merried in church." "Well, it still doesn't have to he a three-ring circus," he says, with some reason, "She can be morried in a - a skirt and blouse and we can just have a few sandwiches and some beer at home afterwards, and that's that." I haven't told him yet about the champagne, the morning suit we have to hire for him and for Jeremy to wear, or that Jade is talking of at least fifty guests at the reception and a strolling musical trio to play Italian lovesongs during dinner. . . . But I must say in fair-), ness to Ken that he's not merely objecting to the expense - he Just doesn't understand why anyone could even want all this hooha. However, Jade has her heart set on wearing a long white gown ("How can I wear a short gown. Mother, with my legs?") and Dante will be wearing officers' dress uniform, so; this apparently makes it a formal wedding and everything else, has to be in keeping, I dare not even think about the outfit} tor the bride's mother which will be expensnve. unsuitable for any other occasion and which will include my old enemy, a hat - a hat which is sure to fall off or slide over my face at the most solemn moment, for which Jade will never forgive me. In fact, if we get through the next eight months or so with our affection and friendship intact, I Ihall be astounded. For one thing, I can see that I'm going to be Jay's chief ronhdante and wailing wall for wedding arrangements and she will expect me to devote my entire being to it regardless of what other family problems are tugging at my skirt. These wxll Include Jeremy who is taking girls, Grade 8 and the re- (order this year (“It's the rule in Grade 8, Mother, you have to learn the recorder, even it you are taking piano lessons."), Joni who is starting guitar and Grade 5, which will no doubt bring forth more of the penetrating and gruesome questions (or which she's noted I"Which would hurt most - to be bitten by an alligator or a bent") and Julie, who is going back to the terrors of nursery school, which include "Freezer" (Fraser) who is always being naughty and taking the girls' crayons, In addition. I have to improve my mind, lose more weight. organ- ize Christmas, sell " least four screamingly funny articles and be a loving wifey. Something will have to go. Couple Honeymoon In Cape Cod Following Alderwood Ceremony Red and whrte carnations de-loe wore with white accessones corsage They now reside on corned St. Ambrose Roman Ca-) _ _ _ ‘Kinsdale Blvd, New Toronto, tholie Church. Alderwood. re- and a pink and white carnation candy for the wedding of Lor-) __-__ --s--_- - - ' T" J ' tame prlzig, daughter of M11 and Mrs. A. E. Spitzig of Fins, bury Crescent, Alderwood, and), Joseph Carey Cobbett, son or . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cobbett of cf." Winslow Street. Queensway. [ " 7 I A Of course, the etnttrattt with my own raggie-tnggle war- time wedding IS inevitable; it took place in London in IMI, when I was 19 and Ken was 23. He'd just been invalided out of the RAF and was hoping to get back into the fighting via the Army, which was supposed to be less fussy about physical fitness. Meantime, he was working in a sheet metal factory. We met at I dance on May 27th, he proposed a week later and we were married in September. There was no question of any- The ceremony was conducted by Reverend A. J. Desaulnier: with Mr, Peter Murphy, organ- ist. daremzng the program of music, Mr. John Knapp was Boloist. a Given in marriage "by her fu- ther. the bride chose white hill! taffeta for her full length gown and detachable train detailed with lace appliques and seed pearls. Her bouffant veil of tulle illusion was attached to a pearl crown and she carried I bouquet of red ruse: and white carna- tions She was attended by Mrs Barbara Mela" the matron of honor and bridesmaids: Miss Joyce Cobbell. sister of the groom. and Miss Karen MeCutch- choon. They wore gowns of pale yellow brocade with bell-shaped skirts. short sleeves \nnd jewel necklines. Matching headbands adorned their hair with short wisps of veiling and they car- ried crescent shaped bouquets of yellow and white carnntions. The groom was attended by Mr. Ronald Miller, his brother Richard and the bride', brbther. Edwin. The reception was held at Cousin Don's Restaurant in Ir lington, where the bride's moth- " received in a two-piece en- semble of champagne colored silk linen which she wore with matching pullbox hat, white ac- cessories and corsage of talisman roseé. She was assisted by the groom's motrur wmrmg a pale blue florol drzvis wlth matching full length nylon mat adorned with I pink comm! of roses. Anwng thr gur'sts from out of town were Mr, and Mrs. Wm Malttry and family. Montreal. Mr. and Mrs W Cakes, Brant- ford: Mr and Mrs. D, McIntosh, Kitchener Mrs A. Butler, Res. peler. V For their honeymoon trip to Cape Cod, the bride changed into I shell-pink linen sun which "Early "tabulation" of women Mter childhirih and of patients after surgery wu literally forced by the shortage of Pte', beds during World War II. cause of the excellent results, .reporu Reader's Digest, the practice " now been "landed to 'tur, with poliomyelitis, r) c u m “I: (over, strokes, Ind PVPrt to mlny heart minim. Tallldrtgtmirtt " JOAN "M" cm (bsnammume(ius Juno in It!!! the man pow!†month tor taking ml '0 In mu running on them. On. of the prettiest VIII that of Jule. Karen hum. daughter of Mr. and In Ronald C. Labou- " Aldon-nu Rd., and William Al- hen noun. um ot Mr. and In. Albert E. Rogers of Rimmon Ave. i The reception was held at the ‘Maytair Inn where the bride'r mother received guests in I charming gown of blue chiffon with matching hat, and pink cor- sage of sweetheart roses. She was assisted by the groom's mo- ther. no less charming in dusty _ rose lace, matching hat and white ‘corsage of roses. _ For their honeymoon trip to iBanff. the bride changed into a igreen wool suit with matching lie: trim and accessories which ‘she wore with a corsage ot talis- man roses. They now reside on Bloorlel Crescent, New Toronto The ccrgmony took place June M, in Aiderwttod's Church ttf Monument with Reverend r. W. Pooley attieuting. Mr, B, Pail. organist, directed the program of wedding music. She wu attended by her ml- tron of honor, Mrs. Marilyn Mc- Kelg, bridesmaids, Miss Karen Rogers and Miss Jacqueline Buick and flower girl Brenda Labelie. They were gowned in jewel- toned peau de soie with match- ing accessories and hats adorn- ed with wisps of veiling and they ‘carried noseglys ot white chy- :santhemums and pink roses. Given in marriage by her mn- er, the bride chow white organza for her full length (own. The fitted bodice and tweethem melding were detailed with lice md sequins and her bouftant veil of tulle illusion was anach- ed to a rhinestone crown. Her Howe-rs of white roses and step- hanotis were arranged in 1 cas- cading bouquet. Banff Honeymoon Chosen By Couple United In Church of Atonement - Ronald Flanagan was best mm with David Graham, James Cros- by and Hugh McKeag as ushers. The Canadian Red Cross and the American Red Cross have a mutual agreement to supply free blood to tourists who may re- quire blood transfusions while visiting in their neighboring nations. I try to have no plans the fail- ure of which would greatly art- noy me. Half the unhappiness in the world is due to the failure of plans which were never rea- sonable, and often impossible. TORONYO ITRCI? . 7....7. . ICI»I.I. RENT IT FOR ONLY you need a GAS WATER HEATER Think of the times you've had to postpone a bath, delay dishwashlng and do the laundry in two shifts-simply because you didn't have enough hot water. No need to put up with this inconvenience any more. Simply callus and install a gas water heater. YOU CAN HAVE UP " 500 GALIONS OF HOT WATER A tur FOR EVERY PURPOSE HOT WATER WHEN YOU NEED IT! If you have "eeNe EVER RUN wr OF MT WATER... le, a month 'It- on your . gas blll ~.., hu‘hhthI-n‘ Ed Howe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Albert Roger: peso happily for their Pho-) tographer Christopher Smith following their marriage in Alder-1 wood's Church of Atonement. The bride is the former Janice) Koren Labelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald C. Labelle: of Aldercrest Rd, The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alberti f. Rogers of Rimilton Ave. i 3420 LAKESHORE BLVD. W. gtti)titt Clearance All. M" ll, COMPACT TIRES COMPLETELY INSTALLED ii' ca 35/?) ACE “are?!“ THIS OFFER EXPIRES SEPT. " T"'1TT msuLuo ma IALAMCID , . Used TIbes, $1.00 0 flats Retired $1.00 . Nu; Fivésfone Tins - all sin: Guam and ClrEifiiWiiEEE GUARANTEED Used Tirol Photo - Bridal R0 9-9783 .50 Osman The Conference pron-um will include study and discussion un- der the theme "The Christian and the Modern World", Bible Study, than: addresses and seminar noun will probe this theme. Adina the Coesterenee through theme “than: will be the Rev- erend John Bothwell. Radar ot ist. "mes Parish, Dundas, On- tario. The Bible Study lender, Mia Helen Milton, is a former newspaper reporter with the Kingston Whig Standard. GrAugustStthettrr.J.» MR7. BUir lchnch. and Bee. m. ot St. W’- Puma. ltobboh. We!“ to laden. Out. to a“ the Ruling! Youth Contact!» at Huron Col- lege from which mu till August " Attending the Conference will be youth delegates from all part! ot the world who have been at- tmiding the Anglican Congrats in Toronto. Among these will be you" people from Africa, Enr- land. Australia, the United Statu, and Japan. Approxima- tely 100 delegates from all part: of Canada will also attend. Particular topics under discus- sion in the seminar groups will include "Science and Belief", 3 Attend AYPA Conference '4' Held At London This Week?" SHORTS T-SHIRTS LADIES' OUTING SKIRTS GOATS SHORTS HOUSES Maternity TopsSI â€353353 SKIRTS CHILDREN’S COTTON PYJAMAS PULLOVERS T, LADIES' JAMAICA IOYS' BROADCLOTH GIRLS’ 7‘14 LADIES‘ 10-1. IOYS' 3-14 WOOL PYJAMAS iii'iiif JAGKETS ' LADIES’ 10-18 IOYS' POLO my Doll, cm! or_urq PYJAMAS i, LADIES' ONLY 6 LEFT? IOYS’ 3-1! LADIES' COTTON SILVEBTS n M." Reg. I. 4.99 I... to 3.09 leg. to 5." log. " r." LOX In 10-20 Sin 4-]: SILL Sin 29"?! *r.ri.Tid "triii", Fu Delta“- will mu It mod-l "can Wt the m including an m we at I perfomsartee of Blah- m’l "Comedy of Emuâ€. at an Bhutan! Faun] Theatre, Station]. Ontario. An evening workshop on Christi-n Drama will he presented by the Rever- end Gordon Parker ot the cm tina Drama Council of Canada and I workshop on Liturgical Music will be under the direc- tion of Mr. Elvin Davin. omn- ist and choir muster of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Ontario. Opening the Conference will be a special service " St. Paul's Cethednl at which the guest Escher will be the Reverend Inca H. G. G. Hermon, dele- gate " large to the Anglican Congress from the Church of England Ind presently in charge of the training prop-m tar cachet: in Church School; in England. Cathedral at which the guest It“. 'uee,hsdttitLret%rth anther will be the Reverend whose marriage to anon H. G. G. Herklots, dele- Wayne Barton will tttU gate " large to the Anglican mood . Ch!" Congre" from the Church of g; tegg 7 d'tt',.,5, Mk. England and presently in charge pte _ p. . ot the training program for Harris Is the daughter of Mr. teach", in Church Sehoolg inlOnd Mrs. Ewart Harris of Rob- England. "and Drive, Aldcrwood. Her It is expected that at this Con-) fiance IS the so" of Mr. a ference the delegates will havelMrs. Lester Barton of "tr an opportunity to dilcover andlhaven Dr,, Port Credit. discuss their plea as young now» let“ SUITS SLIMS SLIMS GIRLS' f"li'i'tiitii'rxs 2 foe " SPORT SHIRTS PULLOVERS CHILDREN'S 34X LADIES' LADIES’ R t... LADIES' 2-PCE. IOYS’ 3-14 iiiitiiittEMEttt l Sinus .35. s PANTS IOYS' I-M OILON V-NICK ONLY " ler IOYS’ 8.14 SOCKS LADIES' IOYS’ -atttes' COTTC tl 0 I I S IOYS' 4-6X SHORT cumming-gum! In“. CL. 9-4"! PORT CRIB" I... to 16.9! I... to 5.9. In.