.‘ CLASSIFIEDS I'm . POODLES. male, imported stock, 8 weeks, cream, white and Ip- ticot. Inoculated. 202 Mineola Road West, Port Credit. MriefdiiGalwar7mmt" homo" 7: Btrit 2 gentlemen, Twin beds, -, knobs. packed. CL mt beds or single. At culine. CL _tll7_tlr__, ROOM and board in good home, no shift workers. Reserved gamma preferred, BE 1- WKRM Griffin -h4e YOUNG man, good meals, packed lunch. No shift workers. 251- 9951. ROOM and board for Maritime gentleman. 256-8742. 213.7th Street. ROOM a n d board. Gentiernad Abstainer. New Toronto. cu 9- 7038. l N EW LA-kiihmj-rislorrxre, n i?, live in with down east family. CR. 8-1557. ROOM and board for man, Lunches packed. Warm and comfortable. 255-4737. ALL types of aluminum win- dows and doors repaired and re-glazed. 24 hour service. 255-6975. ROOM and board. Good rnesos,lirAiWFitiidiiiFEiiE EGG-ii No shift workers. Alderwood, Branch. Single room, CL. 9- CL. 5-2835. j 5506 after 5. _ TREES taken down. Expertly done. Painting repairs and al- terations. Firewood for sale. CL. 1-4680. ROOM and board for quiet gen- tlemnn. Close to Lakeshore. 259-2640. PLUMBING, repairs and alter-- mm: and new work. CL 1-0468. Service Call $2.50 and if}; ncn "ia-iii-ATS m “but (i. um. 76mm men, to ihaN Erie front room, own phone ' err, Mg ‘fncilmu. Good mall. CL PIANO tlinfnTT-Vit repairs. Jack Thresher, formerly of Heintzman. CL. 1-0342. CL. 5-0029 - CL. 5-2138 BOS’ION Terrier puppies, pure- bred, 7 weeks old. 239-0627. PIAN OS tuned and repaired. Heintzman recommended Ralph Blinkhom. cu t-8420. FOR SALE Bxék’and tan deer and fox hound. 5 years. Excel- lent Tongue. Has had rabies POLICE' gupbfei,'ss.oo. CLT 2147 after a. OOM and board. Ne" lake, Ihore Road. Lunches packed. Puking. Shift workers wel, come. CL, 1-7410. KnrrEtts, {mama nice, black & white. 822-0745. PUPPY, a we)“, tree to good home. Female. 251-2871 after 4. WANTED ; Small dog, prefer Ikye terrier. Call 2TT-8880. repairs, all makes. Guaran- teed. Rebuilt, for sale. WEST END RADIO & ELECTRIC 3319 Dundu W. BO. 2-303. good meals. bus service. 233- 4818. PAULg Painting. Expatienm Ind nlhbility at rat-unable mm. CL 5-2193. Ag Painting " law an nu}. PA_INT1NG. interior] exterior. and distemper Ibo“. R J. Cro- nin, 11 Bergamot Ave., Box 206, Renault. Phone evenings, 247-7594, VACUUM CLEANER Free "tiGatea. Pinon}; Billy: 255-7565. Wee utiinam. arsiriiG.' tttty, CL 13524. Towel unam- mum lystm cu 1-8205 - cu 1-8151 IM Brown'- “In Empire Television ltd. TELEVISION & RADIO CUSTOM HI-FI CAR RADIOS SERVICING TV - m-rl CAR RADIOS Trauma: a: Horne Radio. Antenna Installation and PETER DENMAN TELEVISION SERVICE (member E.E.T.A.) Radio - m Fidelity Phone CL. 9-0786 BOOM AND BOARD Service I 3 Meaford Ave Lakeshore Area PIANO TUNING KB5 In STUCK PAINTING Bl] and Tdir, srNotlrTrG, for much"; Parking. 3104 In M Blvd. W. 29-0180. FURNISHED roan Wanna mu. 27th sum. QUEENSWAY - Furnished bed- room. Clean, quiet home. Gen- tleman. Sixteen Maytag. CL 1-5629. QUEENSWAY - Royal York. Comfortable room Phom MN EUEEWSWAY - itGFariirFE Large room, modern furniture, Rufet home. Parking. CL 5- FURNISHED room - Single bedroom, warm, centrally lo- aned, parking, New Toronto. cu 9-3007. FURNISHED min. for rent, 44 Foch Ave. BRIGHT clean ArohCb%iGGii. 18 Albright Ave. at Brown's Line. ROOM'rBFrent, 158 Sheldon Ave., 255-479a LIGHT houseGdijirTe room with ROOMS tor’r’eng {Green Are. west off Brown'a Line, south of Jellicoe. FURNISHED'Ioan with FrTGigl . "mm"! 39“" washroom and entrance. Dix-f . Ania“ Sign --- ington Cres, Islington & Dixon COMPLETE __5rea. 241-6165. . CLEANING SERVICE DONG Branch, ca; furnialgd‘ Floors - Walls - Windows - one room, suit I or 2. gentle-; Carpets & Upholstery men preferred. CL 9-8850. . BE. 3-7851 tRyTiii5FrrrirCrrpi,t,,,T-rcaa Liability Insurance Carried COMFORTABLE r o o m. Lak’e FltoritPlvd, Mimico, Parking, HIGHWAY 27 & Burnhamthorpe, bedroom, ground floor, own entrance & washroom, new home. Bus service. 233-4818. MIMICO - Comfortable. well furnished bed-sitting room. Privacy. Close to transporta- tion. Responsible gentleman. $10. Call before 4 or week.. ends. CL 1-7254. FURNISHED room. suit office girl. Near 30th Street. CL 9- 2915. FURNISHED mam, suit gentle- man. Parking. 20 George St., Mimico. CL 9-2065. V TWIN bedsfor singie. At Carling, -earlring nearby. CL 5-0703. FURNISHED room, suit gentle- man. 15th Street. 255-9647. A'ITRACTIVELY large, may: furnished bedroom. Available Mineola-Centre Rd. area. CR MIMICO, nicely furnished living room. bedroom, kitchen ' pri- vate bath in'private home. ti6 weekly. Single person. CL 5- 1842 after 5. LARGE fui‘nished room with ISLINGTON - Norseman. Mod- ern bed-sitting, $8. Parking. Evenings BE 9-7951. ROOM and kitchen, furnished. " Burlington St., Mimico. CR 8- 8433. NEW Tommie, newly decorated large front housekeeping room, tPte, and fridge. Parking. CL CIDSE to corner of Queensway and Royal York Rd. Nice room in private house. Young office personnel preferred. Reason- ably priced. Phone CL 1-2678. BRIGHT bed-sitting room, Well furnished. View of lake. Park- ing. CL 1-6058 after six, 107 Lake Promenade. ,redrwu.m-'ttttte, FURNISHED 'r'oom, Long Branch, . gentleman. preferred. Cooking optional. CL 9-5654. Gentleman panned. Call cu 5-3965, after 5:80, r'URNTsHElaG; for renb-97 Symon St. CL 9-5193. BROWN'S Line area - Clean SINGLE room, housekeeping fa- cilities. Water. fridge, hot- plate. A clean home for refined working person. 110 Symon 10 LAKE Prdaaide-. Furnished BED-sitiinir room with kitchen- ette, sum-00m, private emmnce. Cl. 9-6138. LONG BRANCH - Clean, bright room in new home. Near trangportatuut. La d y or gentleman. Parking “chilies. CL. 5-1641. MIMIeo-r- Furnished front bed- room. Suit one. CL 9-7212. L A R G I turnished t,ediolG. Main floor. Private home. Suit busing“ lady. 259-8405. FURNISHED room. 132 Simpson Ave. CL 1-0641. 'UPN.rp"rl, g o a m near plaza. kitchen sink, 102 ianico Ave. cu 9-5305. AmCTIVILY furnished large room. Bum adult. Garage. 233-3444 peter ' pm. M0111. moms QM: TAr., phone, Leta}qu or cooking. Nu: 255-0931 300“ TO "r9tlnNgtgttagt light housekeeping. Parking. 79A Foch Ave." room. Gentleman preferred 251-4218. room. CL 9-5506. Street, Mimico. I-0896 evenings Parking. Suit trenttemait. 1i Rexdale. CH. 1-967t. Human Loop. '10 aaa durum cu 0-0513. DISC Jockey - M.C., - - TWO rooms and kitchen, unfur- nished. 79 Fourth Street. 4 ROOMS, separate' dr too/ther, bath floor, parking. 259-0032. QUEENSWAY - Royal York - Unfurnished 3 large rooms. second floor. One minute to shopping and transportation Suit business couple. 259-5927 after 6 pm. NEW TORONTO - 3 rooms, un- furnished, on Lakeshore Drive. CL. 1-4593. FURNISHED bed-sitting room. separate entrance, suit one or two persons. Phone after 4 p.m., 233-5439. Recovered, restyled. Beautiful Ieatherettea and fabric: a your choice. Call now for an estimate. Day or evening. Full guarantee. " A SMALL co" All nut Kitchcn Sun. in a ALDERWOOD - 2 turaatred rooms to let. CL. 9-8611. THREE furnished rooms. Brown's Line and Evans Ave., parking, bus stop. Private en- trance. CL. $1774. LONG BRANCH? Comfortable bedroom. Quiet gentleman, LONG BRANCH - Attractive bed-sitting room, kitchen equipped, TV outlet. parking, private home, business couple preferred. 251-9243. KAYE'S UPHOLSTERY CL. 5-2045 ROOM for En? for quiet gentle- man. 140 - 6th Street. For prompt efficient service. Men on duty 24 hours. Phone: lble for dances, wedding. We Call Albert Shall-, 355- 0591 BIDOR - SIX POINTS. Attrac- tively furnished large room. Business adult. Garage. 233- 3444 after 6 pan. FURNISHEB room for gentle- LARGE (mm. Light cooking. 1 ROOM. smile, no parking, as - 1th Street, New Toronto. WNGLE room Down-um. Kit- chen facilities. Parking, " Munch. St., Mimioo. cu 9. 1326. rgyNGuitiAVi. Furnished FRED BROWN BE. 1-137] ESTABLISHED 1946 . Carpentry . Factory Repairs . Recreation Rooms . Kitchens remodelled . Kitchen counter tops . Bathrooms Remodelled . Floor Tiling o watering Repairs . Asbestos Siding BASEMENT furnished mud hitch-n. private when. No children, near Campbell“ Soup, " Murrie Stud. BED-Slmuc mom for gentle- man. 59-1939. RooMarsdkite9tmstumiattrdm. "menu-5&8. Chrome Chairs C0MPtaNLg tgttydiiiif ‘ nan. Ii run-nu was. 'i,fdhl,ih.v". alum MIMMX2--Beigtttttmttt- ting roan Ind kitchen-an. ly?-upriimLtntt..tor.r.C. Chesterfields - Chairs 'N.ba006-.otu.oggt LAN EWAY' Plumbing & Heating Transport And Mover: 3591 but. shor- Blvd. W. 251 -9243, - Coll Day a Night - PM mm: roam, suit working girL 251- 8929. Eric. Near "C. 3113mm per-- son. Call cu 5-1885. Toronto. tommy turns-ma" bound-1i. suit gentleman. 1018 _ wire. homo. panama only, at“. no - 9th Strut. 'tooeB--t-.-ttr 35.).“ m, whim. 86- Home Improvements WILL YOU BE MOVING SOON? IAC'I'OII men SERVICES OFFERED ROOMS IO LET UNFUBNISBED CALL WIDEMAN 241-6188 CL. 1-48†nth Street. New PAINTING. piper-hum, plu- Mr, -irs. Clean, "HIM! WORK to be done? Let skilled tred-tten do your mm.- 1" {in _ additions, Me., or build your mom home. We “who homes, omen, and {m Past, ettteieett new SPORTSLAND SALES Ltd ALTERATIONS, additions, rec- reation rooms, complete re- modelling. General contracting. Call Percy Faulkner. CL 1-6652 after 5. WALLWASHING, floor cleaning etc. Expert and reasonable maintenance service. Free es- timates. CL 1-9487 after 6. NATURAL stone fireplaces in- stalled. $77 and up. RO 3-4017. Call today . . . CL. 1-067] Ertrtirutu. I‘m atimates. who. all work “unwed. Pinning and derrittnirte Call Ru- White CR. 0-9400. Electric Heating COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE Offices, showrooms, factories etc. Call NORTHWEST CARETAKERS HICK’S LUMBER nonmm AVE. a tOth ST. cu H941 Aluminum siding and natural stone. Windows, doors and awnings and patio enclosures. Specializing in "Hard-To-Heat" Rooms Gulran. Residential Repairs Electrical Contractor For roof repair or re-roofing call us for a free estimate. Deal with confidence with the Lakeshore's oldest established firm. All work guaranteed. Low monthly payments - up to three years to pay. G. A. PENHALE & CO. CL. 1-94] I The Lakcshore's only Factory 1 Approved Master Rooters } EXPERT REPAIRS LAWN MOWERS OUTBOARD MOTORS Factory Trained Mechanics FALL CLEANING of walls and noors at reasonable rates. We specialize in HOMES and OFFICES requiring prestige work. MONTHLY - 2 weekly or weekly maintenance may be obtained upon request. EtmMATEB--Free of charge. :s'rnusn’nn " YEARS Proprietor - C. A. Shortridge 3277 Bloor W. - 239-2101 - Free Estimates - All Work Guaranteed. Concrete work, driveways, parking areas, etc. me. cu 9-9450 ktter (p3; 'lt' .1992, “one flower box; mt drivcwa'yi. cur-N. GC Roof Troubles? d-tion ressairi, _ brick" "a, block _trorA l you] experi- Free Estimates ii. FORDYCE Atlas Asphalt Paving Co. Mornings and Evenings BUILDING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS Plywood and Arborite Cut to size. ASPHALT PAVING Kingsway Floor Service Bonded & Insured 741-5879 BE. 1-1884 MR. PETERSON JIME wlil " to than". indent, or u tar " 0mm. ALL orm won: 1mCOHDmoNALLY cum 5 an: THIS WEEK ONLY lit ml FOOT TERMS " DESIRED. 10% UP TO , YEARS TO BOOTH PAVING 2490493 CODGAN, James B. - On Wed- nem. Oct. 2, 1968. at the red- dence of his son, 39 Mm Dr., Ewbicoke, James B. Col.. gan (retired electrical minu- PAYNE: Garry and Mom; (nee McAllister) we pleased to an- nounce the birth of a daughter Rhond- Margaret, Oct 2, at Branson Hospital. Both wgll. Thanks to Dr. S. J. Sir-pin. KORZ - George and Barbara KINNAMON-O'Halloren - On Saturday, October 5, 1963, at V 11 o'clock in Our Lady of Peace. Church, Etobicoke, by The Reverend Father P. H. Johnson; Gayle Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Herb- ert O'Halloran of Etobiooke to Dale Palmatary Kinnamon. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Cros- ley Kinnamon of Greensboro, Maryland. MR. & Mrs. Grant A. Edwards of Alderwood announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughter, Judith Anne, to Mr. John Barry Wilson, son of Mr. & Mrs. G. Wilson of Alder- wood. Wedding to take place Saturday, October 12, 1963, in the Church of the Atonement, at 4:00 pm. MRS. BLANCHE GOODACRE of Mimico wishes to announce the engagement of her daugh- APARTMENTS dr-til-tk,' furnish- ed pr, unfurnished Urgently RELIABLE couple with 1 child require 2-bedromn bungalow in Mimieo near John English School. CL 9-2474. QUALIFIED teacher, experienced in all subjects, grades 1 to 12. 231-0358. TRANSPORTATION. Burnham- thorpe and Martin Grove ar- riving Harbour and Bay 8:30 .1111. leaving 4:30 pm. BE. 3- 3468. RIDE wanted from Lake Shore and Royal York to University and Queen, to arrive 8:15 ant. and leave 4:45 p.m. cu 1-1563 after 6. of the Toronto Hydro [hark System; Past Grind M of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lawn Lodge Mo, 272; Part Sum Mot-Rho. of the Ami." Myatie Ordc of Sun-titans). dearly beloved run-bald of May Ellen Colun and dear Min:- of Beck: B. Colnn. m " Bun- Pu- mru Chapel M, on Dun- du a w. (n Btu-rim ML). hm sumo. “a in the chapel truly a P.80 pan. 1m mum. M-ttteta' RIDE wanted from Evans Ave. and Brown's Line to Wharton Way-Highway 5. For day shift work, 8 a.m. to 4.30 Fm. Call 255-9579 after 6 pan. . APPROXIMATELY 1600 sq. ti, storage or light manutaetur- ing. Long Branch. CL. 1-6477. ROOM -. 20'x20' with private washroom. Suitable for hair- dressing, etc. 3043 Lake Shore Blvd. w., CL. 1-7421. S T o R E or ottiee. Kenneth; are happy to announce the birth of I Am, Oct. B, 1963, at the Queenxway General. A brother Mr Brian, Wendy and Robbie. Special thanks to Dr. Kapusta. STORE or office space for rem. Suitable for professional office or store. 3232 Lake Shore Blvd., New Toronto. 279-6524. LIL'AND MES. C. P. McCrim- man of New Toronto, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ina Helen, to Gerald F'.. son of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wright, Toronto. The marriage will take place in Kingsway - Lambton United' Church, October 19th at 4 p.'rn/ ter, Donna Marie, to Don Fre- drie Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson of The Queens- way. An early spring wedding 1s being planned. needed for waiting list a c111 eats. Call us today. Graham R. Kidlark Ltd, 233-3493 - M2- Lake Shore Blvd. West. LE. i 9432; 2554331. FOR RENT New Tor-lo Modern store. 1,200 sq. n plus basement. TO PAY WANTED TO RENT 766-768 I L. 30mm. lunar TRANSPORTATION "ORE POI "NT ENGAGEMENTS SPACE TO LET MARRIAGES DEATHS BIRTH 8 TUITION my - We wiatt ta think our relatives, friend, and neighbor: tor their may Beta ttt mama Ind emu-Iona at sympathy shown us during the Illness and (lath of Mr. VIII. Ihirky: also hr the bmotittu and mm- ud use at m.- MR.ANDMRSJ.Walah.68- BUSH - In loving memory of a dear brother. J ohn, who posed away October 6, 1962. cm and peaceful he is -Sadly missed and always re- membered by his wife_Evelyu. JACKSON - In loving memory of our dear son, Jack, who died suddenly October 9, 1949. It's not the words they are but BASARABA - In loving renun- S'I'RAI'NE - John Allen - Sud- denly at Mimico on Wednes- said J St. Boniface Church, Scuba-o and for the Won after; Mr. and Mrs Camp and friends for the reception at Anthony's Restaurant and for their lovely gifts; the man-ul- Ind supervisor: of Cumin-mu Can for their “new gun on econ-ion at m goth Woddln‘ Annivenury. O'GWY. William Henry (Bill) Myth Street, wash to thank Monseigneur Corrigan f?t mu- RIVERSIDE CEMETERY Lawrence Ava-Boyd York Rd. ke who loved him sadly mm But trust in God to meet again. - Lovingly remembered by brother Verdun and inter-in- kw Dorothy. WE, Mathew B. (Mac) wither - Each eveeting sun may set The hearts of those who love Are the ones who never forget. _'., Still loved and remembered by Mom, Dad and Brothers. Hwy. 27 & Albion Rd. BE. 9-4310; Eva. BE. 9-8374 few M's the golden memory of you Each flower and leaf may sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows branee of my dear husband, Charles W. Banning. who passed away October 11, 1962. The evening mm shine o'er the grave, could not save; The call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one I loved Of the-one Y loved, but “(an Eiusor-at the Mom. ey, newâ€: -l my, a- Glendale C Memorial Gardens try Park Cemetery, Weston. day, October 9th, 1963, John Allen Straine, late of 281 Mel- rose Ave., Mimico; dearly be loved son ot Betty and Jack Stable and loving brother of Bonnie-Marie at ho.me. Dear grandson of Georgian and John Shaine and Lorraine and Joe Walker. Resting at the Ridley Funeral Home Ltd., 3080 Lake Shore Blvd W. (at 14th St.), New Toronto. Ser- vice in the chapel on Friday " 11 tun. Interment Sanctu- - Suddenly at St, Joseph's Hospital on Wednesday, 0c» ber 9th, 1963, William Henry O'Grady, late of 49 - 15th St., New Toronto, dearly beloved husband of the late Margaret McKay, and loving ttther of Dorothy at home; dear brother of Maude (Mrs. M. Schiff) Ro- chester, Mervin and Leo of Buffalo. Mr. O’Grady is rest- ing at the Ridley Funeral Home Ltd, 3080 Lake Shore Blvd. W. (at 14th St.), New Toronto. Service in the chapel on Saturday at 10.30 am. In- terment Glendale Memorial; Gardens. l beloved husband of Annie Ha- milton. Rested at the Ridley Funeral Home Ltd., 3080 Lake Share Blvd. W. (at 14th Sr), New Toronto. Service was 1n the chapel on Monday at l pm. Interment Springcreek Cemetery. Clarkson.. - At the Andrea Villa Nurs- ing Home, Mimico, on Friday, Oct. 4, 1903, Mathew B. (Mac) MacIntyre, lane of 28 - 28th Stgeet, Long Branch; dearly Rated at the Butler Funeral Chapel Lat, 4983 Dundas St. W. (at Burthhamthorpe Rd.), mm. Service was in the chapel Tuesday " 2 pan. nu! Gm Hewitt} on Fri- day, Oct. A, ma. Elinor Ann Kickley, dearly beloved wile ot William Edgar lemma]: of 150 The West Mall, Minolta, and dou- mother of Barbara Jen) and Mary Lynn Lemon 'fP"'ePPie""P%"om.0M.; Grm(lul.lrvmlu.nn- vuu,aasdWiuiaotutMikiexx 'ta-att/trits-ern-eat Homo Ltd, 3000 may“... Elvd W. (at um It), N" Trteqtt"r,tarstilrrid-s. mwhswhml Ham, Woodviue tor service it! “an, 100 - on u, Hummus-1L Day, WmthMl-d PT.sn.i"teDrutou, CARD or THANKS CEMETERY LOTS IN MEMORIAL! CH. 1-0861 BtlCmtW-MtrrstrrrB-h- ",'fe'r'tru'gUWgt2't m co and. PW Ott-ttmA-tttrt-ite RUMMAGE Sale, minim Bach RUMMAGE Sale, may. Oet 18. t pm. It the Welland YWCA, Dundu Wot at St. John’: Rd. try St. Mural-M'- bmgtegt d St. W! Pariah Guild RtNet0auoes-rniattta. -tafitttCt-rtueitns RUMMAGE Bale-aranieo Beach House, Friday, October 11th at 1.30 pan. Sponsored by Pifth Lakeshore Boy Scout Auxili- RUMMAGE sud," Si Mug-M's Chum, October 18th, 9.80 un. Kumetus Club. "-___ LLC', ___- The woodcming display of ___-E 'iLt')jis.iie-iei,e.rL.-)rr,li'i Kempf and the art “limit KNIGHTS of Columbus Bingo of Eduard Dzenis, O.S.A., In. e will be held in St. Leo's Parish'V. Miller and Mrs. Jean M, Centre this Saturday night, 8lalong with the puppets of Mn. pm. sharp. (Regular early birleean Henderson were so atten- and special games.) tion catching during New Tor- ---------, onto's Golden Jubilee, all will b. PLAY BRIDGE held at the New Toronto Public PORT CREDIT ‘Library for another two weeks, DUPLICATE 33mg: CLUB lChief Librarian Miss Olive tknith Invites you to play - (reports. Canadian Cancer Society PLAY BRIDGE PORT CREDIT DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB Invites you to play - Monday Moon 1 pm. Ladies' Game - 75c Tum†For players who are new to duplicate bridge, 8 pm. - 75t Thursday - Open [Inc Master Point Awards, 8 pm. $1.00 Master Point Night 3rd Thursday in month $1.25 Bridge lessons starting Oct. 9 For further information MANY thanks for cards, flowers and favors received from friends, neighbors & the Tops Club. For the kind are of the nurses " Queensway Hospital and I special 'tThank you" ‘to House, Wedne'uny. October 16th, at 10 1.m. Sponaored by WA. Mimico Baptist Church. HAMBLIN - Mrs. Harry Ham- ban and family wish to thank each and everyone for their of play only two points separate the top and bottom teams. Andy Strachan and Laurie Doucett had Identical high scones of 140 and Ray Jones also had a good evening with I 137 total. laurel: with some fancy dart 3, Romanian 3, Mint"; 2, h throwing and after two waeks‘Caru 2, anln [Alt t, m Pine Point Community Centre - Rexdale Many of the newemnm to 11'ere Eastwood Dart league on mak- Hopes ing the veterans look to their‘Maple Laurels with some fancy darts. Hot u: . 4' Being played " homuncu- 'd1l'llt tttur M. me begins. the Benn homo grounds, the Bean - the - In ealUd at the 5»th Pete than, minute mark of the fourth qua-run, Ran Benin; Ind ttr_Her.thttruisinatteuinitsadiTie' scored can“. _ ripped the Bunny Bud: line to)Heenan the kid“ but G. shreds all during the contest. New and Hogan was um I After consulting both eoaeheer.Uatety touch. _ malaria-thy“ pays-mama..- Dart Action Well Under Way In Lakeshore Area Action THEADhqttrtsggt-. Boar: Edge BI Meet Leading '\ Drs. aim, Mackay i Hem during confinement of Mrs Fandjby. RANT - We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the many relatives, friends and neighbors for their kind ex- pressions of sympathy in the loss of a loving mother, Eiiza.. beth Grant. Especially thank- ing the Rev. Douglas J. Fox and the Ridley Funeral Home. -The family. kindness, sympathy and beau- titul floral offerings; a special thanks to you our pallbearers and honor guard from the Ana- conda and to Rev. H. G. Blake. Standings - The Ones THE ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING 1421 Mississauga Rand Oct. 17th, 1963 ETOBICOKE UNIT Phone CR. F40, COMING CARD or THANKS will be held " Port Credit PUBLIC NOTICE of the murmur-u 1_aet-i_dtntt_tyFt new alum tt-ttCttihd r'll'4l,j'll1l'.ltr';e'ln'hul'dt Lakeview Sr. citizens See Color: The cu! took "gien" rmaM. Ind met " the Tern-Conn In. where all indulged in a. M scone: before the trtp but. This wu the first M "gtettgq for the Club and a-“ ttet it In! the ittitiatitttt {no me I an type of community m in South Paul "tate-t In. been - In gnaw M d Forty Lakewiew Senior Cilia-n went for I colorful lutomoblh ride on Sunday, courtesy of the Kinsmen Club of South Peel. Under the direction of m Chairman Roger Adams. th- Kinsmen supplied " can an chauffeurs to transport the 11V ion to Caledon Hm] Ind all blaze of color whieh abounds there " thin time ot year. This will give than who did not see the displays In oppttrtmt. ity to do so during library ham-I, noon till 8:30 during weekdays and 10 am. till 6 pm. on Satur- days. leaning ' Art iDisplays, Held her 2 Weeks _ "B" League - Shaman“ Sand (and Gravel l Jets AN“. 3, §Merrymacks RC. 3, Branch 101 Legion 2, Eastwood, 2, Latin Aces PC. I. _ The league welcome. Lu w. tis as the new Arice-pmaidmt .Congxahnmioxu Len. ‘Thosewithlyentotriptho ‘shutter, but 'ittle knowledp labout how to go about it, can ‘take the first step in the rum direction tonight by attending the photographic coum for begin- ners at the madame YMCA building. - Under the direction of Trunk Pickford the lessons start at 7:†pm. and all beginners. murd- less of make of camera are in- vited to attend Included in “I course is film developing and printing, " well " proper use a! the eaiirera. Photo course yGlicks Tonight At l’Shore Y 1Pomers1Laate-tust TORONTO TOWNS-1P DART LEAGUE "A" League - Brunch 2W u. gion 5, Local 232 Rubberworhu 4, Newtowm 4, Dart Caaatme. tion 3, Unit 262 A.N.A.F. 2, u. gionaires RC. l, Sham I. Branch 3, New Toronto 0. The league has enlarged tram six to ten teams this In“. There an still a few openings tor couples. Any eoup1m ini- estedinplayingon-eumu‘ welcome to come out and 3d. Eastwood Mixed Dart Loam - Popeys l Moot 8, mr. son‘s Tires 3, The Stink-I 8, Th Echelon: 3, Jay-Been 8, WI Shooters 2, LAKESHOII Am l Flights s, Pin!-